Perennial flowers for the garden. Flower country: choosing perennial flowers for the Urals and Siberia

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M annual flowers blooming in the warm season are the dream of many summer residents. Such plants are easily tolerated winter time... You can decorate your own plot with flowers without much hassle. After all, many crops do not require hard labor during planting and complex care. A catalog of perennial flowers for a summer residence will help to understand the variety of plant options: a photo with names, which will allow you to consider all the options well.

The beauty of perennial crops

Perennials are cheaper than conventional crops, since such a plant can be divided into several parts during planting. Planting is done in autumn. This uses bulbs, seeds or roots.

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Pansies: planting and care, photos of bright colors

Pansies are distinguished by heart-shaped leaves and grow to a height of no more than 20 cm. The plant has white, purple, blue or yellow flowers. Flowering occurs in spring and summer periods... Moreover, the seeds are planted in June. The plant thrives on shaded areas. Seedlings are periodically fertilized with water-soluble fertilizing. Ammonium nitrate and superphosphate are especially recommended. This culture can be used to decorate flower beds, borders and all kinds of alpine slides.

Useful information! Pansies are prized in folk medicine... The plant contains healing essential oils and trace elements. Moreover, this culture has antiseptic, expectorant and even diuretic effects. Preparations containing this plant reduce vascular permeability. The plant helps with chronic bronchitis, whooping cough and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Asters: planting and care in the open field, varieties

Perennial asters are grown in areas exposed to the sun. In this case, the earth must be moistened. This crop can grow in one place for 6 years. Perennial requires easy care... It requires loosening of the soil and treatment with a preparation for powdery mildew and rot. Reproduction and transplantation of the plant is carried out in the spring. Shrub plants are characterized by frost resistance.

Perennials are of the following types:

  • Alpine type of aster belongs to undersized plants.
  • Italian blooms from July to September. The plant has pink, lilac and dark blue flowers.
  • New Belgian aster can grow up to one and a half meters in height. Moreover, the diameter of the inflorescences is small, about 25 mm.
  • New English became popular in Russia. The bushes of this perennial can reach two meters.

Useful information! Asters are used in rose gardens and gravel gardens. They go well with geraniums and violets.

Periwinkle: planting and care, photos of unusual specimens

Periwinkle is not only a beautiful flower, but is also considered a beneficial plant that can bring wealth, love and protection to the home.

This perennial is divided into the following varieties:

  • Lesser periwinkle refers to frost-resistant and unpretentious plants.
  • Large periwinkle grows up to 30 cm in height.
  • The herbaceous species blooms in June with many blue flowers.
  • The pubescent periwinkle belongs to the wild species.

For landscape design varieties such as periwinkle alba, rubra, variegata, pink or variegated are often used. This perennial is best grown in places with medium light or even in shady areas. Feels good in the near-trunk environment of apple and cherry trees. The plant must be fertilized with organic and mineral fertilizers. It does not require special watering.

Useful information! Periwinkle has healing properties. It helps with migraines, hypertension and vascular spasms.

Colchicum: photos of successful compositions

Colchicum, which blooms in the autumn, has unique properties. It is unpretentious and can grow in any soil. Perennial is not afraid of frost and drought. The plant is planted with both seeds and corms in August. Colchicum does not require pruning and watering. From the abundant moisture, the bulbs begin to rot. When planting the bulbs, it is necessary to feed. This plant is recommended to be planted on alpine slides and flower beds.

Verbeinik: photo, planting and care, popular species

Verbeynik is distinguished by long flowering, unpretentiousness and shade tolerance. The plant is used to decorate the following objects:

  • Rokariev.
  • Rock gardens.
  • Artificial reservoirs and waterfalls.
  • Bordyurov.

Useful information! The verbeynik can grow strongly and clog the flowers planted nearby, so its growth must be taken under control.

The following types of perennials are popular among gardeners:

  • Common species with yellow flowers.
  • The coin loosestrife grows on vertical surfaces.
  • Lily of the valley loosestrife has erect stems.

  • Purple is distinguished by red leaves and yellowish inflorescences.
  • The black-purple variety has original dark red flowers.

Verbeynik is planted vegetatively or with the help of seeds. It is able to grow in one place for 10 years.

Hyacinths: outdoor planting and care in landscaping

Hyacinth blooms in springtime with bright flowers with a fragrant scent. The plant is distinguished by an abundance of variety of colors: white, pink, burgundy. Purple and even black.

Hyacinth is planted in soil with moderate moisture. The bulbs are planted from August to September at a depth of 15-20 cm. The plant thrives in partial shade and sunny places.

Hyacinth is successfully used in landscape design:

  • With its help, interesting patterns are made in symmetrical flower beds.
  • In natural gardens, the plant is planted in mono composition or in variegated groups nearby with trees and garden paths.
  • Suitable for growing in pots.
  • Hyacinths are planted next to annuals or perennials with lush greenery.

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Perennial gypsophila: planting and care, photo of a rare specimen

Gypsophila prefers limestone rocks. Planting is carried out in early spring in soil with a waterproof structure.

Perennial care has the following features:

  • Supports are mounted nearby to support the plant during flowering.
  • After flowering, pruning is performed, which promotes the emergence of new shoots.
  • Mulching is carried out in the autumn.
  • During wintering, the perennial is covered with bark.
Useful information! Gypsophila feels great in illuminated areas. In this case, the soil should be nutritious, drained and loamy.

Outdoor Gladioli: Planting and Caring for the Original Composition

Gladiolus is distinguished by its extraordinary grace and splendor. This plant includes about two hundred varieties. This perennial is grown using tubers. Experts recommend landing in an open area. In this case, the place must be protected from the wind. Do not plant perennials in areas with a large accumulation of water. The soil should be sandy loam and treated with organic fertilizers.

Interesting information! Gladioli in floristry are a symbol of nobility, friendship and loyalty as a sign ancient legend about two friends - gladiators who refused to fight each other and were executed.

Delphinium: photos, popular varieties and interesting colors

Delphinium contains over 400 plant species. For planting in the country, perennials with palmate-separate leaves, which are covered with small hairs, are recommended.

The plant blooms with lilac, white and pink flowers. It does not require complex maintenance. It does not need to be covered for the winter. The soil can be fertilized in advance.

The following popular varieties are worth highlighting:

  • Piccolo has blue petals.
  • Merheim is distinguished by its white corollas.
  • Abgesgang has bright cornflower-blue inflorescences.
  • Nakhtvahe is characterized by purple and bluish petals.
  • Pink sunset has lilac-pinkish inflorescences.

An expert's point of view

Oksana Borisova

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“Only fresh seeds are used for planting, otherwise there will be no shoots. The soil is specially prepared, which should contain manure, peat and mineral fertilizers. "

Dicenter: photo, planting and care of the rock garden

The dicentra is a rhizome perennial with a height of about one meter. The inflorescences are pinkish. It tolerates winter well, but does not tolerate drought. In the summer, the bleeding center requires watering, as well as soil mulching. Perennials are propagated by dividing old bushes and cuttings.

Dicentra can be an important element when creating landscape design. It is suitable for planting on alpine slides, and is also used to decorate borders and flower beds.

Honeysuckle: photos, varieties, description of edible varieties

Honeysuckle is distinguished by winter hardiness and unpretentiousness. Some species have edible berries. Such species as honeysuckle or Tatar honeysuckle are highly resistant. The plant has inflorescences of raspberry, cream, white and yellow colors. Edible honeysuckle varieties have berries of blue color... The edible form of honeysuckle grows in the Far East, China and Eastern Siberia.

A similar shrub begins to bear fruit only in the fourth year after planting. Honeysuckle propagates by seeds and cuttings. TO popular varieties includes Turchaninov's honeysuckle, Altai and Kamchatka.

Useful information! Honeysuckle should be planted next to other plants. Experts do not recommend placing shrubs of the same variety, as this impairs fruiting.

Clematis: planting and care. Photo of luxurious flowers

Clematis appeared in Europe in the 16th century. It originated even earlier in Japan. Perennial refers to light-loving plants. It should be grown in sunny locations that are sheltered from the wind. The soil for the plant should be loose, loamy and slightly alkaline. Such crops do not grow on heavy and saline soils. You can not use manure and peat, which can only bring harm.

Clematis care consists of the following manipulations:

  • Watering at least once a week.
  • Loosening the soil and removing weeds.
  • Performing organic feeding.

Kupena: photos and nuances of composition care

Kupena belongs to the lily family. Her inflorescences white with a greenish tinge at the base. It is an unpretentious plant that grows well in shaded areas. It grows especially well on soil that is fertilized with manure or humus. The purchase does not require any special care. It is enough to water in dry times, fertilize every few years and remove weeds. This perennial is planted using seeds and rhizome pieces.

Useful information! Kupena is known for her medicinal properties... It has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body, and also makes the immune system stronger.

Lilies of the valley: photos of delicate inflorescences and the best varieties

Lily of the valley belongs to the asparagus family. It is unpretentious and grows well in clearings among shrubs with little shading.

There are three main types of plants:

  • Lily of the valley keiske.
  • May.
  • Mountain.

Useful information! Lily of the valley can get sick with gray mold, which can be removed with fungicides.

Lupins in the open field: planting and caring for flower plantations

Lupine not only has an excellent appearance, but is also very beneficial to the soil. In its root system, beneficial bacteria multiply, which saturate the soil with nitrogen. Plants can grow in one place for 3-4 years. They are grown from seedlings. Lupine is easy to care for. It should be watered and loosened periodically. Top dressing is performed in the second year of growth. Complex fertilizers are applied before flowering. At the same time, a handful of ash is poured out under each bush.

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Lungwort: photos of valuable varieties and secrets of care

The lungwort belongs to shade-loving and cold-resistant varieties. It blooms immediately after the snow melts. Decoctions from this herb have anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. They are used for wound healing and for coughing.

A perennial should be grown under bushes and trees where it does best. Moderate and regular watering is used. For better growth, dry leaves and flowers are harvested.

Useful information! Flowers can bloom on one inflorescence at the same time different shades.

Euphorbia: photos of beautiful flowers and conditions for planting

Perennial species of milkweed grown in the plots can be both large and miniature. The most famous species is the cypress spurge, which is covered with narrow and thin needles that are soft to the touch. Such a plant blooms from May to July. At the same time, the garden is decorated with inflorescences with a pink, yellowish or burgundy tint. Loam and alkaline soils are considered optimal soil for such a perennial.

An expert's point of view

Oksana Borisova

Leading landscape engineer "SpetsParkDesign"

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“Euphorbia is popular for landscaping. It is used in mixborders. Low varieties are suitable for rockeries and serve as an excellent decoration for the shore of an artificial reservoir. "

Narcissus: planting and care in the open field behind a flower bed

The daffodil is considered an ornamental plant. It blooms in May with yellowish or whitish inflorescences. Narcissus belongs to shade-tolerant crops. The best time for planting - September. This perennial loves moisture, so it needs to be watered frequently.

Narcissus is used for landscaping flower beds and flower beds. An interesting solution is the use of a flower in group plantings.

Forget-me-nots: a photo of a decorative composition and interesting views

Forget-me-nots have more than 50 varieties. This plant is popular in England, where an interesting holiday of the "May Queen" is associated with it. The perennial has blue flowers with yellowish eyes. There are also white and pinkish inflorescences. Forget-me-not grows excellently in the shade. It is planted in fertilized and moist soil. The plant reproduces well by seeds.

The following types are often used:

  • Alpine forget-me-not is an excellent solution for decorating flower beds.
  • Swamp can take root in moist soil and grow strongly.

Looks good in rockeries. Combines with tulips and daffodils.

Peonies in the open field: planting and caring for flower plantations

Peony is one of beautiful flowers in the country. Flowering lasts for 2-3 weeks. Experienced gardeners recommend planting this plant in sunny places. Peonies thrive a few meters away from shrubs and trees.

Peony care consists of the following steps:

  • If the soil is well fertilized before planting, then the first year of feeding will not be needed.
  • Loosening is done regularly and very carefully.
  • Watering is done once a week. About 30-40 liters of water is poured under an adult bush.
  • Weeds must be removed in time.
Useful information! It is believed that at proper care such plants can grow in one place for more than 20 years.

Perennial primrose: photo, care and planting in unexpected places

Primrose blooms in springtime. Moreover, the flowers have yellow and the shape of miniature keys. Have Slavic peoples a flower like this was considered the key to summer. In landscape design, this plant is used as a warm flower that can dilute colder shades in flower beds.

Perennial rudbeckia: planting and caring for flowers

Rudbeckia has feathery leaves, which reproduces generatively or by dividing rhizomes. Also, seeds can be sown directly into open ground. The plant is planted in May. In this case, you can select a shaded area. This perennial does not require complex care. It needs to be watered regularly, loosened up the soil and removed weeds.

Tall plant varieties must be tied to special supports.

Yarrow: photos of traditional plants

The color of the flowers of the yarrow is interesting. There are shades of pink, yellow, orange and white. Flowering occurs from August to October. You can propagate the culture using rhizomes. It is characterized by resistance to dry periods.

Useful information! Yarrow has unique healing properties. Decoctions from dry plant raw materials are used to treat the biliary and urinary tract. Also prized for their haemostatic properties.

Perennial phlox: photo, planting and care of a moisture-loving plant

Phloxes are distinguished by long flowering, cold resistance and endurance. This is extraordinary beautiful flower, which is used by gardeners when creating flower beds. Perennials are very fond of watering. Phlox can be propagated by cuttings. Rooting occurs in a month. After that, the bush for more density, you need to pinch it.

Periodically, this plant needs to be pruned. In this case, to remove aboveground parts secateurs are applied.

Perennial garden chrysanthemums: planting and care, photos of chic inflorescences

Chrysanthemums are famous for their bright and rich colors... They can bloom from July to late October. Garden plants vary in bush shape, height, and flowering periods. Perennial has a very rich color palette. The flower beds are decorated with burgundy, yellow, red and greenish flowers.

This plant is light-requiring and needs regular watering. Reproduction is carried out using seeds, cuttings or by dividing the bush. It is recommended to fertilize with organic and mineral fertilizers.

Useful information! Chrysanthemums have been known since ancient times. More than three thousand years ago, they were already planted in pots by the Chinese. The plant has been used in medicine, cosmetology, and even in cooking.

Having studied the properties and features of growing plants in the catalog, you can create magnificent flower arrangements on summer cottage... Many perennial crops have similar care requirements. Useful Tips help plan the placement of flower beds and rock gardens.

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Flowers and plants are those beautiful creatures that fill any garden with juicy joyful colors, indescribable harmony and comfort. And their diversity surprises the imagination: more than 300 thousand annuals and perennials!

Yes, inveterate gardeners have a lot to choose from. And now we offer you a look at just a few of the perennial undemanding species.

Varieties of perennials that do not require maintenance

We call undemanding flowers and plants that have been growing in one place for years, frost-resistant and hardly needing maintenance. All the conditions for them are in the right place, good "neighbors" and periodic watering.

Unpretentious perennial flowers blooming all summer, you can grow from seeds and get your own seedlings, or you can buy the rhizome of an already adult plant in a container and plant it in the ground.

Important! If you prefer the first option, then by no means sow perennial seeds directly into the ground. Only the seedling method is suitable for them. In the open ground, there is a high probability that they will not rise.

Let's get acquainted with these versatile creatures, which we hope will help you transform your garden into a piece of paradise!

Perennial flowers

Name Description
Lupine Due to its adaptability to life in all conditions, it is often called a weed. Lupine seeds germinate even in the cracks between. However, it has many colors (the variegated lupins are especially magnificent) and very decorative carved leaves.

Lupine can be planted as separate sections"Solo" and in combination with other plants. The shape of its inflorescences will perfectly complement the structure of any flower bed. To grow seedlings, you need to plant the seeds early.

Well, if you plant a perennial rhizome right away, then flowering will be in the same year. Any soil is suitable for lupine. True, the instruction prescribes planting it in sunny places.

Phlox These unpretentious perennial garden flowers are indispensable when decorating a site! A sea of ​​varieties of phlox with flowers of different shades. There are even "chameleons" that change their color depending on the lighting from bright crimson to lilac. Phlox behave similarly to weeds - they take root without problems and grow abundantly, sometimes displacing their "neighbors". They grow well both in the sun and in partial shade (partial shade is preferable).

For information! Phloxes can delight with their beauty up to 8 years without any care. But over time, their flowers become smaller, so feeding in the form of any fertilizers or organic matter will periodically come in handy. It is also recommended to sometimes water them abundantly - then the inflorescences will be large, and the stem will not be exposed.

To extend the life of phlox, once every 6 years, the rhizomes must be dug out with their own hands, chopped up and transferred to new places. It is better to plant these perennials in early spring.

Rudbeckia and Echinacea Rudbeckia and Echinacea will give any flower garden a structure and successfully decorate the background, in harmony with the rest of the "inhabitants" of your flower bed.

It is most advisable to grow your seedlings by sowing seeds in pots at the end of February. There are no problems with germination of these flowers, so you will certainly get quality seedlings, which will successfully take root in one place.

The type of soil does not matter. You can plant rudbeckia and echinacea in spring or summer. Water them abundantly at first and weed thoroughly.

Periodic feeding with organic matter and mineral fertilizers will not be superfluous. These are such simple manipulations, and next early spring the flowers will already delight you with their positivity!

Perhaps the most unpretentious garden flowers are familiar to everyone! They are just one of those about which one can say “grow by themselves.” The real name is dissected rudbeckia, which is popularly considered a weed. Rudbeckia may well become a decoration of the garden, only one needs an eye and an eye behind it, so that it does not fill the entire plot with itself.

Sedum These unpretentious perennial garden flowers begin to bloom at the end of August and bloom until the first winter frost. Loves sandy soil and sun rays.

Sage Sage blooms from June to late summer. Undemanding to the ground. Due to its low growth (30-50 cm), it can be planted even in miniature flower beds.

Iris A very elegant flower, suitable not only for flower beds, but also for decorating recreation areas, small ponds, monoclumbus. Iris is quite varied in size and color. For example, there are small bulbous flowers that are indispensable for alpine slides. Some iris varieties prefer moisture and partial shade, while others prefer open, sunny areas. Well, in general, they are undemanding, they only need sufficient watering and periodic sprinkling of rhizomes with earth. This flower multiplies simple division root, which is desirable in early spring.

Astilba Garden unpretentious flowers blooming magnificently even in large shade. That's why different varieties astilbes are used as decorations in the most secluded spots of the garden. The only thing they need is wet soil. Flowering begins around July and lasts 10 weeks.

Helenium Replete for a very long time and abundantly! If you choose the right varieties, then you can contemplate the flowering of helenium from the beginning of June to the end of October.

Not only flowers will help to ennoble the site, but also such green unpretentious plants for the garden, like fern, budra, tenacious, pachisandra, cuff, maiden grapes, kirkazon or clematis, shade-loving vines and others. They grow quickly and hassle-free.

Create a flower paradise or design ideas

To get a truly paradise, it is not enough just to plant perennials. An important nuance- this is their correct landing and well-composed composition.

Here are some interesting ideas:

  1. "Blooming carpet"- a rainbow lawn strewn with small wildflowers! It is only necessary to plant low varieties of perennials and annuals in the designated place. These can be chamomile, clover, cornflowers, poppies, helenium, sage, daisies, etc.

  1. "Living" arches and gazebos. If you have similar designs on your site, why not make them more colorful? Gracefully climbing and unpretentious garden plants will do the trick!

These include:

  • Clematis or clematis. A charming handsome man and a seducer of eyes! In beauty, he can safely compete with overseas wonders. His large flowers of various colors fall from a two-meter height with a waterfall. Luxurious bloom for several weeks - this is a must see!

  • Maiden grapes... Looks very impressive vertical gardening this climbing plant. In autumn, its leaves turn into a charming raspberry-blackberry color. The decorative fruits of grapes are also pleasing to the eye. Plus, it has a special "creep" and can cling to any surface.

Attention! Maiden grapes give a large annual growth (somewhere up to 3.5 meters). This nuance should be taken into account when choosing a place for planting it.

  • Treelike kampsis is a liana, incomparable in terms of vitality, endurance and unpretentiousness! She does not care about heat, showers, pests and diseases. It blooms incessantly from June to September. Campsis will decorate a gazebo, fence, arch, entrance group or shed. The intricate shape of its flowers is an oriental mood.

The only negative is that the vine grows by leaps and bounds. But this is not a reason to refuse such a miracle! You can just plant it in a narrow, clamped place, where there will be nowhere to grow further.

  • Climbing roses. Luxurious flowering and captivating aroma make them the real “queens” of the garden! What could be more pleasant than a cup of tea in the early morning in a pink scent? Perhaps the best start to a new day.

  • From annuals - ornamental beans, peas and morning glory. Having planted them once, you will definitely want to see these mischievous vines in your garden next year. With their vigorous weaving up, they diversify a boring post, tree trunk, gate or fence.

  1. Flowerbeds, mixborders, rabatki, alpine slides... In order for these flower beds to dazzle as long as possible, gardeners recommend combining perennials with annuals. The first ones will become the basis, the background. And the latter will help to bring fresh notes to flower beds from year to year.


In conclusion, let us say that for a stable full flowering of undemanding garden plants you need to give them maximum attention right away, so that later you can rest and contemplate the beauty. It would be nice to pre-fertilize the soil and prepare the seedlings for planting, taking into account the characteristics of each species.

The result of the work will not be long in coming. If you decide to refine your garden, be sure to watch the video in this article. We wish you awesome blooming creations!

The climate of Siberia and the Urals cannot be called suitable for the cultivation of most perennial varietal plants. Severe winters with temperatures of -40 ° C, when the ground freezes to 2.2 m, can only withstand hardy Spartan perennials. Others, even those considered cold-resistant somewhere in the Moscow region, freeze out in Siberian areas. In extreme cases, they stop blooming due to cold damage flower buds... Therefore, when choosing perennial flowers for Siberia and the Urals, you need to focus not on hybrid "novelties", but on local, successfully cultivated plants. And there are not so few of them, and in terms of decorativeness, they sometimes are not inferior to newfangled varieties.

One of the first in harsh conditions, practically from under the snow, Siberian snowdrops sprout - lumbago Purple, blue, white or yellow pubescent bells are unpretentious, form very decorative curtains. They can develop on any soil, in company with other perennials. For example, with crocuses - perennial bulbous flowers, suitable for the conditions of Siberia and the Urals. They hibernate without shelter, look great in a group with other flowers, and by themselves, but only in mass plantings.

Many varieties of lumbago (sleep-grass) are listed in the Red Book, so it is undesirable to dig them up in the forest for resettlement to your site. Grow them with seeds!

And here is another local inhabitant - Siberian kandyk. This is a real weightlifter - with his bud he breaks through the layer of snow that has not yet melted in order to dissolve delicate lilac-colored bell flowers in the sun.

Siberian Kandyk grows best with little shade, in open sunny areas it quickly fades

A close relative of hyacinth, muscari also has a Nordic character. White, purple, blue inflorescences with many small bells are incredibly good in borders, massive "islets" on the lawn or alpine hills in the company with other perennials for the Urals and Siberia.

Scented muscari are maintenance-free. In the first year of the growing season, even fertilizers are not needed, there are enough nutrients contained in the bulbs

Shining stars the white flowers are painted by the anemone (anemone) - an indigenous inhabitant of the Siberian steppes. Her flowers do not last long, but they manage to please at the very moment when the summer riot has not yet come into its own.

Anemones grow rapidly, creating dense curtains. When they start crowding each other, they need to be seated.

An interesting video story was filmed specifically for the Ural and Siberian gardeners who are striving to make their site blooming in the spring:

Summer bloom of Siberian-Ural flowers

In cold areas, in summer flower beds, they find their place of honor bearded irises... For their beauty, some similarity with tropical epiphytes and frost resistance, these perennials for Siberia received a capacious popular name- "northern orchids". Most varieties bloom in early to mid-summer, there are also re-flowering ones among them. Thanks to different terms flowering, a flower bed of irises can remain decorative until frost.

Irises are one of the most beautiful and unpretentious perennial flowers.

Many lilies have excellent frost resistance. For example, a curly lily (saranka, martagon) with bizarre flowers, the petals of which are bent in the shape of an oriental turban. This is the so-called wild form of lilies, common in the taiga, meadows and forests of Siberia. Here she grows in her usual environment, so feel free to settle her on your site. There will be no problems with frost resistance, diseases and difficulties in care - guaranteed! In addition to the species of locusts, the bred varieties, the martagon-hybrids, are also popular.

For the unusual shape of flowers, the locust is popularly nicknamed "royal curls"

Due to its unpretentiousness, only the species lily of Pennsylvania (Daurian) can argue with the locust. This is another species of wild lilies found in meadows, fields, forest edges of Siberia and Of the Far East... The flowers are large, orange or red in color, appear on the plant from June to August.

Lily pennsylvanian is a plant of wet forest edges and meadows, so it must be watered regularly

Frost resistance and endurance are the main features of Asian hybrids and LA hybrids of lilies. Even after harsh snowless winters, their bulbs start to grow in spring and bloom remarkably. Moreover, thanks to bright flowers, these lilies are more decorative than most other garden flowers.

The owner of the flower nursery tells about the most resistant species and varieties of lilies that are suitable for growing in harsh conditions:

Hydrangeas cannot be called unpretentious, but some of them, with good shelter, can be cultivated even in Siberian areas. We are talking about panicle and treelike hydrangeas with luxurious caps of inflorescences. It is better to forget about large-flowered, petiolate, oakleaf varieties of hydrangeas right away - they will not withstand wintering in open ground and will freeze clean, not waiting for spring.

Panicle hydrangea creates a fluffy flower cloud in the garden

There are also frost-resistant varieties among roses. The most unpretentious varieties are considered to be park groups and floribunda. Climbing rose winters well in cold areas, of course, subject to the rules for autumn pruning and winter shelter. For more details about the features of drawing up a rose garden in parts of Siberia, see the video:

Large bushes with an armful of flowers on long stems form decorative bows. Flower balls of white, purple, lilac, lilac shades create bright accents in the garden. These plants are unpretentious, winter-hardy and, moreover, edible.

V last years gardeners fell in love with the decorative clematis vine. Its long and colorful bloom leaves no one indifferent! Small-flowered types of clematis are more suitable for the conditions of Siberia - they are more frost-resistant. For example, the princes showed themselves well - Alpine and Siberian clematis, especially varieties with blue flowers... Clematis Tangut (tangutika) is another contender for the role of liana for landscaping pergolas, fences, arbors.

Knyazhik - northern liana with abundant flowering

Frost-resistant flowers for short autumn

In Siberia and the Urals, snow may already fall in September. Therefore, the list of autumn perennials cultivated here is very short. The perennial aster is quite popular - a winter-hardy culture that can go blooming under the snow and not suffer at the same time. It blooms from July to frost.

Aster is a winter-hardy perennial suitable for northern regions. In the wild perennial aster often found in the forests of Siberia

For autumn flower garden some varieties are suitable for northern regions korean chrysanthemums blooming from July to September. Only small-flowered varieties have frost resistance, but they also do not have this property in order to winter in open ground. Chrysanthemum, even the most unpretentious, needs winter shelter.

There are no absolutely frost-resistant chrysanthemums. Therefore, in Siberia, even the most unpretentious of them need winter shelter.

How to shelter perennials in Siberia and the Urals?

Among the flowers of perennials used for areas of the Urals and Siberia, there are many relatively frost-resistant. That is, those that hibernate in the open field only with shelter. For example, these are roses, clematis, hydrangeas, chrysanthemums, etc.

Shelter works are usually carried out in 2 stages:

1. Preparing for shelter. Roses of park and floribund varieties, chrysanthemums and some other flowers are cut in front of the shelter. Roses - up to a hemp of 30-35 cm, chrysanthemums - up to 15-20 cm. This removes the leaves and all damaged shoots. Climbing roses, clematis are not cut off, but removed from the supports and lashes are laid on the ground. Hydrangea bushes are tied with twine. Faded inflorescences, old and diseased branches are removed from any plant prepared for winter.

2. Protection by covering material. To begin with, the root collar of the plant is covered with peat, dry foliage, sawdust, dry compost. Then the plant is covered. You can do this in the following ways:

  • The bush is covered with spunbond (lutrasil, agrofibre), then a wire arched frame is installed over it. The wire is positioned so that 20-25 cm remain on the side and on top of the plant. Cover the frame with the same spanbond. The empty space inside the frame is filled with dry leaves, best of all with oak leaves - they are not subject to decay and have antiseptic properties.
  • The plant is covered with spruce branches, then covered with dry foliage and covered with a cardboard box. Instead of a box, you can use plastic buckets, lutrasil, spunbond.

Winter frame shelter made of dry leaves and spunbond

If you are not sure about the frost resistance of the plant you have purchased, or weather forecasters predict a snowless and harsh winter, use a shelter. In the northern regions, it will help preserve the most valuable varieties and expand their habitat.

If you have a private house within the city, or own dacha, there it is imperative to equip a garden, small flower beds near the gates, equip a cozy courtyard on the site or even a gorgeous flower garden. Agree, a beautiful organization will delight not only your eyes, just imagine the enthusiastic glances of people passing by, or your guests!

And you probably managed to flip through our photos of unpretentious flower beds, making sure of their charm and attractive appearance. Perhaps someone has already guessed that for arranging such splendor, just variants of flowering plants should be used. And here both one - and many years are suitable. Bright flowers will be a wonderful decoration of any site, while you will feel their subtle aromas throughout the summer! But in this case, it does not mean at all that you need a gardener. So, there is a large number of directly unpretentious type of plants that everyone can grow, if the gardener is even an inexperienced gardener. The main task is to adhere to the basic rules when growing flowers.

Annual unpretentious flowers for a flower bed

There are many such plants. Nevertheless, among them there are those that are simply ideal for landscaping street areas, as well as courtyards. They are not whimsical at all, you can buy seedlings at any time, while you do not have to spend a lot of money, effort and time. As a result, grow the seedlings on your own.

Such plants exist in numerous variations, there are not only a dozen of them, but a few dozen! Everyone can buy them at the flower market or in a special store. They are strong enough to bloom early enough. It happens that you can find and buy immediately seedlings, the height of which is ten centimeters, and it even has the first flower on it!

  • If we even compare different varieties of this plant, then they can have a height of 10 cm and can reach as much as one and a half meters! It all depends directly on the variety.
  • Also, their sizes, shapes, shades are very diverse. The flowers can be very small, the whole bush will be dotted with them, or there can be huge ones, on which the inflorescences seem to be from terry.
  • In marigolds you will find absolutely any color. There is both yellow and red here. Their height may be the same, but at the same time, some flowers will be dark red, while others will be lemon yellow. In fact, there is a very wide variety of flower beds. Much in this already depends directly on your fantasies.

This type of plant is very fond of landscape designers. And all this is due to the fact that the species blooms for a long time, it is unpretentious in care, you can choose a wide variety of shapes and colors. For self-cultivation of such flowers, you need to take long, needle-like seeds and sow them at a shallow depth, directly in pots / under a film. The main thing is to wait until April comes. After a couple of weeks, marigolds will begin to sprout amicably, and accordingly, you can transplant them into a prepared flower garden / flower bed.

Water them in moderation, it is also important to remember that they love the sun. They will bloom in a flowerbed, arranged in the shade, only if the plant is already grown up, with two or more inflorescences. In this case, growth will be stopped, but this will not affect flowering at all.


Once you've planted this flower, you'll want to do it again! They have an amazing delicate aroma, shades are very diverse. It is simply impossible not to fall in love with them. But they still have one drawback. They do not like shadows at all, and even with a slight shade, the inflorescences will decrease very sharply and many times. Their petals are very delicate, have the shape of small gramophones, perfectly transferring the rays of the sun, they are multi-colored. This species grows well in open areas, delighting human eyes.

The plant can be found in various varieties, for example, bush or ampelous, flowers are also ordinary or double, and indeed any color of the rainbow. The flower beds look very impressive, which are decorated with petunias in the same colors, for example, sky blue, pale pink, violet, scarlet. Also varieties are two-colored. At the base, the petals are white or in contrast. If you choose an ampelous variety, it is important to know that they will make loops long enough, they will be covered with buds everywhere. You can see them in our photo of unpretentious flowers.

  • To grow such a plant on your own, sow microscopic seeds under a glass, but you do not need to sprinkle them with earth.
  • When you notice seedlings, they need to be transplanted even thinner, right with a lump, while it is very important that the root is not damaged.
  • When the second leaf appears, you can transplant the petunia into a flower bed, where, under excellent conditions, it blooms and blooms quickly enough.


It has fleshy whips, its leaves are round, wide enough, and the flowers are delicate and fragrant. But, among the advantages of this plant, this is not the only one! They are considered edible, their seeds are similar to capers, and they are eaten pickled. As for flowers, they decorate cooked dishes. Such unpretentious blooming flowers in a flower bed delight throughout the warm summer. Moreover, even partial shade will not affect them in any way. Your main task in caring for them is to water and feed the plants in a timely manner.

They are very varied in varieties. There are even those in which the loops are almost three meters tall, while the shoots are completely covered with flowers. You can also choose such plants in which the shoots are shorter, they will look very beautiful. And their varieties have bright colors, flowers are covered with terry, shades can be found both red and yellow. This plant has rather large seeds, resembling peas. They must be planted directly into the ground, since they begin to sprout quickly enough. The same goes for flowering.


For a long time already, everyone knows these flowers, resembling an orange sun. They are not only decorative, since they are also considered medicinal. Calendula grows in small bushes, which are literally sprinkled with orange flowers, and in its most diverse shades. It is advisable to pluck the upper parts in a timely manner so that the growth of the plant is suspended. This type of plant belongs to asters, the flowers are very reminiscent of chamomile, well, aster, of course. It is very beautiful, the views, covered with terry, are simply incredible.

Growing calendula is not difficult at all. You can grow seedlings by your own efforts, or plant seedlings purchased at the market / store in flower beds.

This plant needs the light of the sun, watered in moderation, and the soil should be loose. Under such conditions, the plant will bloom quite early. Flowers that will fade must be carefully trimmed so that the overall look of the flower garden is not spoiled. You can also collect calendula seeds if you wish. In this case, you will need to leave literally a few bushes, where there are three or more inflorescences.

Perennial unpretentious flowers for a flower bed

If we compare perennials with one-year-olds, then the former do not have such a wide variety in comparison with the latter. And besides, they simply do not bloom throughout the summer. Nevertheless, some of the perennials are still unpretentious, pleasing the eyes with their flowering throughout the summer period.


The flower, which is a folk, has already received a huge reputation among people for a long time. Many songs with verses were composed about him. A plant like this is actually great for people who don't have the time or energy to care for their beds. It grows with minimal maintenance. The petals of the plant are sky blue, as well as yellow and white, pink. Flowers with a terry coating are very popular.

Cornflowers are grown by absolutely any means, from seeds, pieces of rhizomes, and they also divide the bushes. If you plant such a plant once, your flower bed will be ennobled just fine, because cornflowers begin to sprout even in spring, and any special care or care for them is not required.

Garden Tradescantia

Perennial plant. It blooms with small blue flowers, independently spreading through the flower garden or flower bed, while completely covering their surfaces. The stems have a bright green color, they have small flowers, as well as long leaves of a longitudinal shape, which looks incredibly beautiful, like one huge lush carpet! Plants do not need mowing or pruning, the stems reach a length of 20 cm if the area is exposed to sunlight. The stems of Tradescantia are quite strong, they stand perfectly in an upright position, while rather solid thickets are formed.

These plants need to be watered regularly, they grow very well in the shade, while blooming, but not too much, although the stems increase in length. Also, if desired, propagate the plants, for this, break off the petiole, stick it into damp ground. In the autumn, small seeds fall from it, and they start to sprout perfectly in the spring. At the same time, there is absolutely no need to dig, plow the land in the flower bed. From just one stem for the whole summer, you can get a whole square meter of green carpet.


It is also called a dog. The plant blooms throughout the summer. Such flowers are unpretentious for the garden, they have very interesting shapes with bright, charming shades. They can be both tall and short. Inflorescences can also be of various colors. Dogs come in all colors except blue and blue. Bushes small size perfectly tolerate the shade, at the same time, it is better to provide for their cultivation the sunny part of the flower bed. Yes, and be sure to water the plant regularly. Observing such conditions, flower beds with snapdragon on your personal plot will be just great.

And it is not at all necessary to have extensive experience in the field of gardening in order to grow on your site beautiful flowers... As you can see from the article, both perennials and perennials are completely unpretentious in terms of care, which means that such plants are perfect for a "beginner" in this business. After all, to care for them, you do not need to apply any special efforts, or wasting a lot of time.

But to create beautiful flower bed, and subsequently caring for her is always pleasant, but not always easy work. It is the flower beds in which perennial and even unpretentious flowers are planted that will help the gardener to reduce the conditions. Perennial flowers that bloom throughout the summer are the most ideal option in this case. Of course, you can also choose roses that will need to be looked after in a special way. At the same time, you can choose completely unpretentious plants, for example, which were discussed in this article. In any case, perennials will sprout in the same place every year. At the same time, they easily tolerate wintering, and also x does not need to be planted every year.

I would very much like to hope that choosing beautiful views flowers, you will not be afraid of difficulties in caring for them. As a result, you will enjoy gorgeous perennial flowers that bloom throughout the summer. But this is, the most that neither is - the best reward for any gardener. We wish you success in this business and good results!

50 photos of unpretentious flowers for a flower bed

Perennial ornamental plants in the garden facilitate the work of the gardener. In the south and in middle lane there are no problems with the choice of species and varieties. Perennials for Siberia are more difficult to pick up. Not every plant can withstand the harsh Siberian winters, when the temperature stays below 30 ° C for weeks, and the ground freezes for more than a meter. If you wish, you can easily pick up unpretentious perennials for Siberia for the design of a three-tiered classic flower garden.

Secrets of a beautiful flower bed

A flower bed will be a wonderful decoration for a garden if, when creating it, plants that harmoniously exist with each other are selected. When choosing perennials for Siberia, you need to consider:

  • flowering period;
  • color and shape of flowers;
  • plant requirements for soil composition;
  • attitude to shade, partial shade, bright sun;
  • frequency of watering.

A gardener, choosing perennial flowers for Siberia, must estimate how much time he can spend on caring for a flower bed. For example, in the next photo, a selection of perennials for Siberia, the care of which is minimal, they can grow in one place for many years, they tolerate drought and severe winters well.

Other flowering perennials for Siberia require more attention. Delphinium, carnation, bells, sage need replanting every 2-3 years, and in the summer they need regular watering, disease prevention, and pest control measures.

There are ornamental plants that take a long time to care for. These are, first of all, bulbous (tulips, gladioli), perennial dahlias, chrysanthemums, phloxes. All of them need specific care and feeding. For acquaintance, a selection of perennial flowers for Siberia with photos and names.

Bulbous plants for Siberia

A selection of bulbous perennials for Siberia with photos and names will help you choose plants for the second tier of a flower bed, their height does not exceed 50 cm.


Narcissus, despite the external fragility, is unpretentious, it is successfully grown in Siberia. The flower is propagated by seeds and bulbs. Daffodils are one of the first to decorate the garden with blossoming flowers.

Rich flowering is achieved by planting daffodils in sunny areas. A flower can do without transplanting for 5 years. In this case, the largest bulbs must be planted annually.

Any soil will do. To restore fertility, add humus or matured compost to the flower bed. Daffodils respond well to ash application. She needs to powder the soil around the flower before watering.

Be sure to feed the flower twice a season. First time with superphosphate, potassium nitrate and urea during bud formation. The second time, already faded plants are fertilized with nitroammophos.

Narcissus varieties wintering well in Siberia:

  • N. tubular ("Brushine", "Golden Harvest", "Sentinel").
  • N. large-crowned ("Agakhon", "Ice Folis", "Curly").
  • N. terry ("White Lion", "Texas", "Eudora").


Up to 100 species of wild-growing lilies grow in the Northern Hemisphere. The following cultural varieties have taken root in Siberia:

  • L. Asian.
  • L. Tubular.
  • L. Martagon.

From spring to autumn, you can plant and transplant lilies. Overgrown nests are divided every 3-4 years. Only Martagon hybrids tolerate shade, other varieties prefer sunny places and light partial shade.

Lilies overwinter only in the presence of a thick layer of snow. In areas where snow is blowing away, it is pointless to plant them. Each species has its own preferences for the soil:

  • Asians need neutral or slightly acidic soil;
  • to tubular lilies - slightly alkaline earth;
  • to Martagon hybrids - sour.

Care consists of watering, several dressings. They are carried out before flowering. The last feeding is necessary for the plant during the formation of buds. Faded lilies are not watered, the stems are cut for the winter. The plant is susceptible to aphid attack. It is easy to get rid of it. Usually florists use from the aphids "Inta-Vir" or "Actellik".

Iris net

Mesh iris is a flower for a spring flower bed with a large margin of frost resistance, which is very important for Siberia. They bloom in early spring with small, fragrant flowers. A well-fertilized, light, drained soil is suitable for a perennial. Stagnation of moisture for irises is fatal.

The bulbs are planted in a flower bed in early autumn, a month before the first frost. You can plant irises in spring, but then flowering will come only after a year. Abundant watering is needed only during budding, in the summer they are reduced to once a month. Iris are combined in planting with others bulbous plants(scilla, crocuses) and with most perennials.

Perennials blooming all summer

For novice florists, the best choice would be perennials blooming all summer for Siberia, a photo and a brief description of their main characteristics will help to draw up a planting plan.


Phlox are perennials for Siberia, blooming all summer. Landscaping uses different types phlox:

  • F. Subulate.
  • F. Panicled.
  • F. Stolonosny.

In the harsh Siberian climate, it is necessary to plant a perennial in those places where snow lingers in winter. The site should be well lit by the sun, be behind the wind. In autumn, a flowerbed with phloxes must be covered with fallen leaves, peat or several layers of covering material.

For Siberia, varieties of phlox paniculata are suitable:

  • Success.
  • Sherbet cocktail.
  • Alina.
  • Tequila Sunrise.

Any garden soil with a humus layer of at least 25 cm thick is suitable for growing phlox. Perennial grows and blooms better in neutral soil. Before planting, the flowerbed must be filled with mineral fertilizers without chlorine and ash.

A warning! Phlox bushes are divided every 4 years, otherwise they degenerate.

Phlox severely deplete the soil, so every year compost or humus must be added to the flower bed along with mineral fertilizers. Early and mid-flowering varieties are planted at the end of August, late-flowering perennials are best planted in spring or September.

Florists have a large selection of perennial phloxes in terms of color and growth characteristics. To decorate the garden, you can use the following varieties:

  • curbs (15-25 cm);
  • medium-sized (70-90 cm);
  • tall (100-150 cm).

In mixed plantings, phloxes are combined with slightly aggressive perennials: cornflower, bells, aquilegia, carnations.

Phlox is propagated by cuttings (stem, leaf), dividing the bush. In the care, the main element is watering. A perennial spends a large amount of water during flowering. With insufficient soil moisture, the flowers become smaller, the stems become thinner, the plant loses its decorative effect.

Carnation herb

A low-growing flowering perennial is used for rock gardens and bordering flower beds. Bright flowers are a wonderful decoration for any flower bed. In one place, a herb carnation grows without special care for up to 7 years without a transplant.

The height of the stems is 20 cm. The color of the inflorescences corresponds to the variety, you can pick up both pale white and bright red specimens. Carnation herb is extremely unpretentious, quickly takes root on any soil, reproduces well by self-seeding.

Flowering lasts almost 1.5 months. Flowerbeds lined with carnations and garden glades covered with flowering perennials look elegant and well-groomed. Carnation herb is propagated by seeds, cuttings, dividing bushes.

Comment! The plant is not resistant to viruses and fungi. They are not planted next to tulips due to their susceptibility to the same infections.

Perennial plantings can be attacked by thrips and aphids. To protect against pests, the soil is loosened in the fall, weeds are removed, and flowers are treated with insecticides in the summer. To prevent the fungus from infecting the flower, expanded clay is added to the holes during planting.

Tall perennials

Tall perennials are indispensable in the garden. These are the most expressive elements of landscape design. With their help, various compositions are created:

  • zoning areas of the garden;
  • create a background for low-growing plants;
  • decorate ponds, creating the necessary accents;
  • planted as tapeworms at the entrance to the house or next to the hedge.


This is a gigantic and very spectacular perennial plant up to 2 m high. A beautifully flowering perennial is used as a tapeworm to decorate the lawn, include it in group compositions, and let it in the background in rock gardens.

Good companions for eremurus:

  • bulbous perennials;
  • bearded iris;
  • flowering annuals;
  • cereals.

The perennial is propagated by seeds and cuttings. Young plants easily tolerate transplanting, in old perennials the rhizome is huge, it is difficult to transplant. Reproduction by dividing the root and transplanting young flowers are carried out from August 15 to September 15-20.

Perennial prefers sunny areas. The soil needs moderately fertile, well-drained. V clay soil you need to add:

  • sand;
  • ash;
  • lime.

Important! Peat and organic matter are not added to the soil: humus, compost.

Eremurus blooms in June. The inflorescences are huge, up to 50 cm long, openwork, like a huge candle tongue. Long, triangular leaves are collected in beautiful rosettes. After flowering, there is a complete or partial withering away of the aerial part.

Care consists in weeding, watering and two dressings. In the absence of rain, watering should be done at least 2 times a week. Upper layer Soil 20 cm thick must be constantly moist.

Perennial Eremurus varieties suitable for growing in Siberia:

  • E. Ruyter Cleopatra;
  • E. Ruyter OASE;
  • E. Representative.

Delphinium perennial

The beautiful pyramidal inflorescences of the delphinium are striking in their beauty. Some species of flowering perennials easily tolerate Siberian frosts. Frost-resistant varieties are found in the wild in Siberia, Mongolia and in the mountainous regions of Northern Europe.

Flowering begins in July, lasts a little less than a month. Peduncles reach a height of 0.5 to 1.5 m. Growth depends on the variety and type of perennial. Due to the great popularity of rock gardens, undersized varieties delphinium, they are used to decorate rocky gardens.

Delphiniums are well combined in group plantings with other perennials:

  • phlox;
  • roses;
  • lilies;
  • dahlias.

A spectacular flowering of a delphinium is achieved when planting in a sunny corner of the garden, sheltered from the wind. The soil needs fertile, neutral. Before planting, all the necessary set of organic and mineral fertilizers are introduced into it.

Important! Brown spots on the leaves are a symptom of a fungal infection. The bush must be treated with a fungicide.

For adequate nutrition, the bushes need a sufficient area, they are located at a distance of 70 cm from each other. Thanks to the powerful root system, adult bushes extract moisture on their own, only young 1-2 year old delphiniums need watering.

A perennial is fed in spring, the percentage of phosphorus and potassium in the fertilizer should be higher than nitrogen. With a thin layer of snow, perennials endure frosts of 20 ° C, if the snow cover is large up to minus 45 ° C.

Frost-resistant varieties for Siberia:

  • Butterfly;
  • Lavender obelisk;
  • Morpheus.


Despite the harsh climate, you can easily pick up such perennials for a garden in Siberia:

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