Self-cultivation of mushrooms in a summer cottage or garden. We grow mushrooms in the country - the mushroom season is under your window

When you have your own land plot, it is simply a sin not to start planting such delicious and beloved mushrooms on it. There is nothing complicated in the technology of growing mushrooms. You just need to follow certain recommendations and you will be able to feast on delicious self-grown products every year.

Planting mushrooms: choosing a good location

It is very important to choose a place where the mushrooms will be as comfortable as possible. Therefore, you need to choose places with deciduous or coniferous trees. Mushrooms especially like to grow near such plants. It is best to plant porcini mushrooms near trees such as oak, hornbeam, beech.

In no case should you plant mushrooms near agricultural crops, as this can negatively affect the growth of mushrooms. If there are no forest trees on the site, it is allowed to plant mushrooms from the shady side wooden building.

As for mushrooms or oyster mushrooms, there is much less hassle with them - these types of mushrooms need a humid and shaded place.

How to choose a growing method?

It is necessary to consider methods of growing mushrooms in order to know which method will be more time-consuming and costly:

1. Mushrooms are grown using spores. Planting material can be prepared independently without additional financial costs. To do this, you need mushrooms with overripe, slightly wormy caps, because it is in them that the spores (seeds) of the mushrooms develop.

It is imperative to prepare a container with rain or river water... To start the fermentation process, you need to add 50 g of sugar to the water, then knead the caps and add them to the sugar water. The homogeneity of the mass should be achieved, which should be infused for at least a day. In this case, the resulting composition must be stirred regularly.

For the preparation of sourdough, it is better to use the caps immediately, since they are not stored for long, and therefore may be simply unsuitable in the future. Strain the starter culture before planting. For 1 liter of leaven, there are 10 liters of water. Water the selected area ready-made solution... If you plant mushrooms in this way, be sure to mulch the area using fallen leaves. This should be done twice - after planting and before winter.

2. You can also use a more effective and simpler way - use mycelium, which is grain or compost. It is better to give preference to the grain type, since there is not so much trouble with it, and planting is much faster and without much difficulty. It will be necessary to prepare the area on which the mushrooms will be planted. Most often, the permissible area size is indicated on the package.

3. The third, no less easy method is the mycelium. If you have a summer cottage at your disposal, you can transplant the mycelium onto it. This growing method involves the presence of forest trees on the site. But at the same time, mushrooms should be planted exclusively under the same tree under which they grew in the forest. A place in the garden should be prepared in advance. To breed boletus in this way, you will need to plant them in soil with a high content of lime and pines located nearby. It will be possible to harvest the first crop no earlier than 3 years after transplanting, but then the mushrooms will bear fruit every three days, starting in May.

How to plant and grow porcini mushrooms, mushrooms and honey agarics?

You can plant porcini mushrooms in several ways: seedlings, planting ready-made material, transplanting. Planting should be done between May and October. It is especially important to practice planting works only after the sun goes down.
  1. Place the dug out mycelium in the area where conifers or deciduous trees and shrubs. It should be planted in the roots of the same tree from which the family was dug.
  2. For germination to be really successful, you must first prepare the soil. In front of the selected tree, half a meter away, dig up a layer of soil 30 cm deep. Place fallen leaves, dust and sawdust on the bottom of the trench. Sprinkle with soil on top, on which the brought layer with ready-made spores should be laid. After planting, water and sprinkle the fallen leaves on top. During the first 2-3 weeks in severe drought, the mushrooms should be watered abundantly.

Planting the finished material is carried out as follows:
  1. Before planting the mycelium, you should select a place under the tree where the environment is humid.
  2. Step back from the tree 70 cm, remove upper layer- about 50 cm.
  3. Place a mixture of earth, leaves and sawdust on the bottom of the hole at a depth of 20 cm. Sprinkle 10 cm of earth on top.
  4. Apply compost, place mycelium, sprinkle with soil and fallen leaves.
It is recommended to fertilize the mushrooms with regular coffee grounds as they are an excellent growth stimulant. In addition, it is able not only to accelerate growth, but also to protect fungi from the appearance of mold and various diseases, moths and midges. Recommended for sediment from aromatic drink add 15% natural ground coffee and enrich it with a mineral complex. On 1 square meter 50 g of such a top dressing should be applied.

Champignons: planting and growing

Champignons prefer places where high humidity and many organic nutrients. For germination, mushrooms practically do not need sunlight... They are not capricious, and therefore may well grow in orchards. Growing requires soil saturated with organic additives. If this is not the case, then you can do it yourself:
  1. Mix 50 kg of cow or horse manure, 12 kg of gypsum and lime, 20 kg of straw.
  2. Combine everything in a bunch. You can add food waste to the composition.
  3. Tamp the entire mixture tightly and sprinkle with water.
  4. Cover with plastic wrap and leave for several weeks until the ammonia smell disappears.
After 3 weeks, you can start preparing a place to accommodate a young family. It is necessary to dig a trench wide by the size of the mycelium, and not more than 30 cm deep. The dug trench should be filled with a prepared substrate, and then watered abundantly. This is followed by the last stage - reseeding the mycelium. Planting material can be purchased at a specialty store or found in the forest.

If it was decided to bring a mushroom family from the forest, you should know some edible species. These include two-ring, trifle, white, garden.

Place the mushroom family in a trench, cover with straw on top. Mushrooms should be planted at a temperature of at least 20 degrees Celsius.

In addition to planting the finished mycelium, you can take ripe mushrooms, crush them and sow on the site. Water the place abundantly by irrigation. There is no need to tamp the area, as this can cause the death of the fungi. In a few months it will be possible to harvest.

Mushrooms, whose growth has already begun, practically do not need care, only watering during a period of severe drought. As for the vertically growing varieties, they need to be sprayed. In the spring, for some species, it is highly desirable to add a growth activator to the soil. Mushrooms do not need other feeding. Moreover, loosening of the soil is prohibited, since this can lead to damage to the mycelium.

Planting oyster mushrooms

It is recommended to grow oyster mushrooms in an easy way- in a seed substrate, sawdust... Prepared raw materials should be crushed, placed in a large container and filled with boiling water. After a couple of hours, drain the water, squeeze out the substrate material so that it is moist, not wet.

Shredded raw materials and mushroom mycelium should be laid in layers in a plastic bag, tamped strongly and tightly tied with a rope. You need to make several holes in the bag. Place the bags with the substrate in a well-moistened, dark and warm place until the first mushroom germs appear. After the ovary is visible, place the bags in a cool and well-lit place for daily irrigation. Within a week after the appearance of the embryos, the first mushrooms may appear.

How to plant aspen mushrooms?

Mushroom beds with aspen mushrooms are laid from May to September. First of all, you need to prepare the compost. To do this, spread it on the ground plastic wrap, lay the leaves in layers - the basis of the compost and wood dust with manure in a ratio of 9: 1. Spill a bunch of compost with warm water and leave for 7 days. After the heap warms up to a temperature of 35-40 degrees, it must be shoveled so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. Leave it on for another week.
  1. Dig a hole down to the roots of the tree. Be sure to stick to this size - 2 square meters in width and 30 cm in depth. When the roots are located on the soil surface, only the top layer should be removed.
  2. Fill a deep hole with compost to ground level, a shallow one - in layers: 12 cm of compost, 6 cm of soil. It is necessary to alternate compost and soil until the layers reach a height of half a meter.
  3. Prepare holes up to 20 cm deep in the compost. The distance between the holes is 25 cm. Put pieces of boletus mycelium on the bottom of the holes, cover with earth. After planting, water the plantation with water. There are 20 liters of water per 1 square meter. Then be sure to cover with a layer of fallen leaves.

IN summer period it is very important to slightly moisten the soil, therefore you need to periodically water the area, especially during hot weather. IN winter time the plantation should be covered with a layer of foliage, straw, spruce branches.

Planting boletus

When using ready-made mycelium, planting boletus can be greatly simplified. Therefore, initially you need to stock up on materials: mycelium, compost, soil for indoor plants... Mushrooms can perfectly adapt to multiply on peat-rich soil. Then it is imperative to highlight the area where many birches grow. Boletus mushrooms prefer to grow in such conditions.

If you grow mushrooms from mycelium, then it will be very simple, provided that everything is properly prepared. It is most optimal to plant mushrooms from May until the end of summer. You need to get rid of the debris on the site, and then dig three holes for the seeds. The size of the holes is 10x20 cm. It is best to dig holes around the tree.

After preparing the holes, they should be half filled with peat soil. Place a small piece of compost mycelium in each hole. After that, fill the holes with soil and tamp. Water each well with 1 liter of water. Be sure to moisten the surrounding soil using 1 bucket of water.

How to plant boletus in the garden?

Most in the best way planting oil is the transplantation of a small pine tree from the forest on the site. It is desirable that the age of the tree be from 10 to 15 years. Only under such a tree will mushrooms begin to grow. Oils like to have a light shade, but they can grow in sunny areas.

To create optimal conditions for the development of mycelium in the selected area, 20 cm of the topsoil should be removed. Soil, nutritious for oil, is formed in several layers. The first, lower layer should be made from plant materials - fallen leaves, mown grass, needles. The second layer should be made from soil that has been harvested from the mushroom site. The mycelium of the mushrooms should be sown on the prepared soil.

How to grow chanterelles?

The best partners of mushrooms are pine and spruce, and the mushroom can also cooperate with oak and beech. WITH garden trees mushrooms won't make friends.

So, mushrooms cannot be grown without a partner tree. If there is no such plant on the site, then you will have to plant it. Better to find in the woods young tree, immediately with mycelium. It is also necessary to grab several bags of forest soil and conifer bedding. It is recommended to plant a tree in an area where there is partial shade. When planting, the mycelium should be in forest soil, covered with needles on top. The mycelium does not like drying out, as well as humidity, so you will have to regularly water it moderately.

If there is already a pine or spruce on the site, then you can plant mushrooms on the tree. This can be done in two ways: by planting mycelium or by sowing spores.

When sowing, you should choose the caps of old, overripe mushrooms, just scatter them under a tree or soak them in water for a day, after which you just pour the planting site with a solution. It is very important to maintain a constant level of moisture in the future, since drying out or moisture can destroy the planting material.

The most reliable and fast way is the planting of mycelium dug out in the forest. Under the tree, you should dig holes, 20 centimeters deep, place the mycelium there along with the forest soil, cover it with coniferous litter and moss on top. Water in the same way as in the previous method. The mycelium should be planted no earlier than June and no later than September.

It is imperative to dig out the mycelium from under the tree, which in the future will be a symbiotic partner.

If you follow all of the above recommendations, especially maintaining humidity, by the beginning of June next year you can eat mushrooms grown on your own.

Plant mushrooms and grow them on your land plot easy enough if you follow all necessary rules, adhere to technology, choose high-quality planting material. Only if you approach landing with responsibility can you achieve good results and feast on useful products grown by their own hands.

Growing mushrooms in the country is a rather exotic activity that can improve your well-being by an order of magnitude.

Mushrooms can be called a unique product. However, we use them infrequently, as they grow seasonally and for a fairly short period of time.

Everyone can grow mushrooms in the country. This activity is quite fun and interesting. In addition to this, mushrooms will always be available and can appear on your table whenever you want.

Growing mushrooms in the country has many advantages.

Growing mushrooms nowadays has many benefits. Firstly, it becomes possible to provide yourself, your family, relatives and friends with this product throughout all year round... Secondly, such cultivation can improve your financial income quite well.

IN last years a large number of enterprises buy mushrooms from private traders on an ongoing basis. This fact is a guarantee that by starting such cultivation, you are guaranteed not to lose anything. Moreover, this case does not require significant financial investments. Therefore, if there is time and a sincere desire, then it is worth trying.

Some ways to grow mushrooms in the country

First of all, it is worthwhile to figure out what are the ways of growing mushrooms on own dacha... The most common way is to use a well-developed mycelium available.

If you have been collecting mushrooms in the forest at least once, you may have noticed that mushrooms mainly grow near trees, where they penetrate the soil with their mycelium. This means that it is enough to take this mycelium and transfer it to your dacha. This method is the easiest and therefore the most popular.

Mycelium can be moved with a piece of wood

How to properly transfer mycelium? First of all, you should take part of the mycelium and very carefully transport it to your dacha. Do not try to dig the mycelium into in full... Indeed, in this case, mushrooms will stop growing in this place.

In order for the mycelium transported by you to your summer cottage to bear fruit, it is necessary to create certain conditions. Such preparation implies the choice of the territory that should be prepared for the cultivation of certain varieties of mushrooms.

When the territory is selected, then a special moisturizing layer must be laid on it, a substrate on which mushrooms will grow in the near future. Straw, sawdust can be used as a substrate.

Thanks to them, it is possible to create conditions for the development of mycelium, similar to those of the family. The mycelium should be placed at the planting site and covered with straw. In two to three weeks after these actions, you will be able to get the first harvest.

An equally common method of growing mushrooms in the country is the transfer of an old tree infected with mycelium or lumps from the forest. This method also does not require special efforts, however, it is worth paying attention to it.

A possible problem is that when using this method, you can transfer to your summer cottage not only the mycelium of edible mushrooms, but also conditionally edible, as well as poisonous. After transporting a tree containing mycelium from the forest, you need to place it in a place prepared for this purpose.

The mycelium can be moved along with the old tree stump

In addition, it is worth monitoring the growth conditions of the mushrooms. It is necessary to make them as favorable as possible.

If your site already has a chock or a tree in a rotten state, then they can also be used for growing mushrooms. First, you need to make holes in the tree with a drill, into which you can later insert the mycelium. Further, it remains only to regularly and thoroughly water the tree and harvest the mushroom harvest in time.

A similar action can be carried out with old stumps (subject to their presence). However, this option is more complicated. It must be ensured that the tree from which the mycelium will be taken and the tree in which it will be laid have the same species. If this condition is not observed, mushrooms will not grow in most cases.

Mushrooms can be grown from spores

There is also a spore-based method for growing mushrooms. There are a lot of options in this scenario. For example, you can use dried caps of old mushrooms. For this purpose, you need to prepare the site, crumble the caps and scatter them evenly.

Next, you should moisten the soil and wait for the harvest. It also happens that mushrooms begin to grow from spores. fresh mushrooms... In this case, the soil should be prepared and moistened, and then the pieces of mushroom caps should be spread over its entire area. After a few days, these caps must be removed.

Growing porcini mushrooms in the country

White mushroom is rightfully considered the king of mushrooms and is appreciated by many mushroom pickers. However, it is not very profitable to grow this type of mushrooms, and therefore only amateurs are engaged in such cultivation.

The main problem in growing porcini mushrooms is that their symbiosis with forest trees is quite complex. Their mycelium literally grows together with the roots. Due to this, mycorrhiza is formed. Despite the fact that the mycelium of porcini mushrooms may well grow in the absence of trees, such conditions are not acceptable for mushrooms. They cannot grow in them.

Before you start growing porcini mushrooms on summer cottage, it is necessary to create conditions optimal for their growth. Such conditions that will allow the formation of mycorrhiza. For such purposes, plots where deciduous or coniferous trees. The best option will be the use of young groves, plantings or natural forest areas. However, other conditions will work as well.

White mushroom - the king of mushrooms

The cultivation method is not too complicated. First, overripe porcini mushrooms need to be poured with rainwater (just such) and kept for 24 hours. After that, it is necessary to strain this composition, as a result of which you get water, which you need to water the areas you have chosen for growing mushrooms.

Now the pieces of mycelium, which were dug out in advance, will need to be transferred to the chosen place. The myceliums will need to be laid in small depressions, then moistened and covered with a grass bedding. Under the condition of damp weather, the mycelium will need to be moistened only at the time of planting it in the ground. If rains are rare, then the landing site will periodically have to be sprayed with water. In this case, watering is not needed. It is very important.

On the litter, loosened under the trees, it is necessary to lay out the caps of the recently ripe mushrooms. After three to four days, the litter should be moistened, after removing the mushroom caps. It is worth noting that you can plant pieces of hats in a dried form, but in this situation you will need to place them already under the litter.

If you wish, you can plant only that part of the mushroom that is located under the cap. In this case, the tubular part should be initially separated and crushed. The resulting pieces should be about two centimeters in size.

A plot with coniferous land is perfect for growing porcini mushrooms

Provided that you perform all the operations well and the weather is favorable for the growth of mushrooms in next year you will have an insignificant harvest of porcini mushrooms. At the same time, it is even possible that the harvest will be expressed in one or two porcini mushrooms. However, this is an acceptable result. The harvest will be more significant next year.

If the above method seems too complicated for you, then you can go another way of growing porcini mushrooms. To begin with, you will need caps from old mushrooms that are already decaying and have a greenish tint at the bend. In this case, wormholes are not a hindrance. The main thing is that the species of trees on your site and the trees under which you will collect the mushrooms necessary for growing are the same.

When the caps are assembled, you need to put them in a bucket and fill them with ordinary river water. If there is none nearby, then tap water will do, however, it is necessary that it settle before pouring the contents of the bucket into it.

In addition, it is recommended to add a small amount of potassium permanganate and sugar to the bucket (one cube is enough). Next, knead the caps. You need to do this by hand until you get a homogeneous mass, which in its consistency resembles sour cream.

Mushrooms can be grown from old caps

Before planting, it will be required that this mass is infused for at least an hour. Sowing is best done in late summer - early autumn. If the weather is favorable, the sowing period can be extended.

There is one more important point... Before starting to grow mushrooms, you will need to remove the topsoil around the selected tree. Moreover, the removal process must be carried out carefully. Cannot be destroyed root system trees.

After the topsoil has been removed, you will need to pour half a bucket of the mixture onto the roots of the tree and return the removed layer to its original location. The next step is to water. Each tree requires five buckets of water for itself. It is the trunk of the tree that should be watered, evenly on each side.

Such a planting will give results no earlier than in a year. If it doesn't rain next summer, then mushroom place will require additional watering. The volume is the same - five buckets of water per tree.

In practice, one such mycelium allows you to harvest one bucket of porcini mushrooms per season, which, of course, is an excellent result.

Growing champignons in the country

Champignon is a fairly popular mushroom. As practice shows, it can be grown in the country without any problems. In addition, there are many ways to grow it, for every taste.

Growing mushrooms in a container is quite costly

You can use the container method. Its essence lies in the fact that special wooden containers are used for cultivation, pre-processed special means that inhibit the growth of mold fungi.

The main disadvantage of such a system is the sufficient high price components. This item is especially relevant when assessing the cost of equipment used for loading and unloading compost into containers and for covering with special soil. The containers themselves are also expensive.

The method of growing mushrooms in the country, called the regimental (or Dutch) system of growing these mushrooms, stands apart. The main disadvantage this method is an excellent opportunity for pests to carry out their distribution on the shelves. Water flows through the tiers, taking pests and diseases with it.

Champignons can also be grown in beds that can be placed underground. The optimal places for this type of cultivation are mines, poultry houses, unused vegetable stores. With this method, pre-prepared compost should be laid on the floor or on a polyethylene film.

This method is not popular due to a number of disadvantages in its use. These include the following factors: manual formation of beds, a significant likelihood of subsequent contamination of the compost, inconvenience of growing rooms.

Growing champignons in the garden has its own difficulties.

When growing champignons directly in the country (in the selected area, or in basement) it is optimal to use a bag system. This option allows you to expand the options for the premises and conditions for growing mushrooms.

In addition, in terms of financial costs, this method is much less demanding than the previously indicated methods. The bag system has the advantage of convenient pest control. In case of contamination, it is sufficient to discard the contaminated bag.

The rest of the bags will not be affected by this problem. The main negative point this method is an abundance of manual labor. It will be necessary to fill the bags with compost, transfer them, and apply a casing layer.


Growing mushrooms in the country is an occupation that requires a high-quality approach and investment of effort and financial resources. However, because of this, it does not become less exciting and profitable.

: salted milk mushrooms, fried chanterelles, soup with dried white ... Mushroom "quiet hunt" is a special pleasure, but even more pleasant when mushrooms grow right on your site. In this article, we will tell you about proven methods of growing any kind of mushroom at home - from unpretentious oyster mushrooms to whimsical white and boletus mushrooms.

How to grow oyster mushrooms

FORUMHOUSE user _ JG_ infested poplar, aspen, birch and maple near the house with oyster mushroom grain mycelium. In the first year best harvest received from maple and aspen, the worst - from birch. Home cultivation oyster mushrooms, in his experience, has the following feature:


The yield will be proportionally larger due to the high density of wood ( more lignin that mycelium feeds on). The peak harvest is in the 2nd year, so I'll look at the results.

Before infecting the stump with oyster mushroom mycelium, experts advise preparing: steaming the wood to kill all pathogenic flora and fauna. To a greater extent, this applies to old stumps and dry logs. If you infect the stumps and stumps of freshly sawn trees (literally: cut down a tree and immediately infected), then, according to the experience of FORUMYOUSE users, in nine cases out of ten, the result of this process will be successful. This is how it does _JG_:

  • chocks are taken no longer than a meter, diameter - from 20 centimeters;
  • a dozen hollows are drilled in a chock;
  • the holes are clogged with mycelium and covered with plasticine on top;
  • after the chock is evenly covered with airy mycelium over the entire surface of the slices (a white film, it looks like mold), it is ready for planting;
  • the chock is planted in the garden in the most shaded and humid place, in the heat the hemp is watered, that's all the care. In the first year, a bucket of mushrooms gives 4-5 stumps, in the second year, a bucket can be collected from one or two stumps.

If we are talking about very small proportions, like “I want to try to grow oyster mushrooms at home, in a bag on the balcony,” you don’t need to be smart with hemp. the optimal substrate will be straw of any cereals or a bag with hulls from sunflower seeds. Experts say that there may be fewer mushrooms on a homogeneous substrate than on a multicomponent one, but it is easier to adapt to the technology this way.

Everyone who grew oyster mushrooms notes that homemade mushrooms are tastier than store ones - the taste depends on the quality of the substrate. More about how to grow oyster mushrooms: they are tastier on hemp than on straw or husk from sunflower seeds. Some people don't like the mustard flavor that these mushrooms have: you can get rid of it if you fry them before cooking until the moisture evaporates.

Garry he grew oyster mushrooms on short poplar blocks and soaked them in a barrel of water for three days before infection with mycelium. After such water treatment, hemp was put one on top of the other, it turned out three meter pyramids, three chocks in each. To prevent the pyramids from falling apart, sticks were hammered along the edges.

The pyramids were installed in the dampest part of the site, under the blackberries behind the barn. Garry I came to the dacha only on weekends, therefore, in order to avoid drying out, each pyramid was wrapped in a film, and near it, at the foot of the pyramid, I put a jar of water. In wet weather, the film was removed. In the fall, the film was removed completely. These pyramids bore fruit for five years, of which three years were abundant.

Forest mushrooms on the site

Everyone, probably, had to grind their hands dried mushrooms and scatter over the site, in the hope that the fungi multiply by spores. Sometimes the result really was, and several mushrooms grew. But in general, correctly porcini and other "noble" mushrooms on home plot bred in three ways. The main thing is to create conditions on the site that are as close to natural as possible, and for planting material you can use mycelium, and caps, and legs of overripe cut mushrooms, and chopped dried mushrooms. Plant mushrooms better in autumn- this greatly increases the likelihood of a good harvest.

Method one: mushrooms under the leaves

For this method, it is ideal if there is a small grove on the site (5-7 trees together) of birches, aspens, oak, hazel, pine or Christmas trees. In autumn, in this grove, you need to rake leaves and twigs in a heap and plant pieces of mushroom caps under them.

Method two: mushrooms in pockets

  • take mature mushrooms of one week old;
  • separate the tubular part with spores;
  • grind it into pieces up to two centimeters in size;
  • dry for a couple of hours in the sun under a gauze awning - do not skip this step;
  • at this time, make pockets in the turf;
  • put two or three pieces of mushroom in each pocket.

You can go to pick mushrooms in this place in the second or third year.

Method three: mushrooms in a nutrient mixture

  • We prepare a nutrient mixture: we collect fallen oak leaves, rotten oak wood, horse manure (clean, without bedding). The proportions are as follows: 90% leaves, 5% wood, 5% manure.
  • We lay out all the components in layers on a flat area: sprinkle a layer of leaves with a height of 20 cm with wood and manure, water with a 1% solution ammonium nitrate... We also make the second, third and subsequent layers.
  • We leave the mixture for a week or 10 days. During this period of time, it should warm up to 25-40 degrees. Then we shovel it until smooth.
  • Preparing a recess for laying the mixture. On a shaded area, remove a layer of earth up to 2 m wide and up to 30 cm deep.
  • We put the finished nutrient mixture into the recess with a layer of 10-12 cm, on top of 6-8 cm of soil from the garden, we also make the subsequent layers. The total height of all layers should not be higher than half a meter. In the center, the mushroom bed should be slightly higher than at the edges: this will provide water flow and help avoid waterlogging.

The seedlings will be pieces of mycelium that we will bring from the forest. For this we:

  • we go to the forest, we find White mushroom;
  • shovel or sharp knife cut out a rectangle of earth around the mushroom: side length - 20-30 cm, height - 10-15 cm;
  • cut the rectangle into 5-10 identical pieces and plant them in the holes prepared in the mushroom bed; at the bottom of the hole above the piece of wood there should be a layer of earth 5-7 cm high;
  • pits should be staggered, at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other;
  • the beds with mushroom seedlings are moderately moistened and covered with leaves to maintain a constant level of humidity.

Nadezhda Afan grows boletus mushrooms in a nutrient mixture of starch and gelatin on his site.

Mix recipe: 10 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of starch, a bag of gelatin, 5 old boletus boletus. Chop the boletus, combine with the rest of the ingredients, leave for three days. Pour 3 liters of the mixture on an ageless (this is an important point) birch tree.

Champignons from the box

Most types of mushroom cultivation technologies are designed for large volumes, which are not suitable even for an amateur mini-farm. It is necessary to properly prepare and pasteurize the compost, grow mycelium, a room with the appropriate temperature, lighting, more suitable air humidity and other conditions. Many online stores sell mini mushroom gardens. You can buy, grow up quickly, enjoy yourself and please your children. This is nothing more than a toy, it will not work to collect kilograms of the crop, but it is very interesting. Such a mini-vegetable garden has grown at Katya2013.


Since I spend most of my time at work, mushrooms grew in my office. The main thing is humidity and temperature regime withstand and follow the instructions, then the result will be as in the photo.

How to grow a porcini mushroom in the country? This question is increasingly being asked by gardeners who are tired of constantly going to the forest for mushrooms. After all, it is so convenient to have a mycelium on your site, which constantly brings crops. useful mushrooms!

Growing porcini mushrooms in the country is a completely simple process, if you approach it wisely.

Before you start growing these valuable mushrooms in your country house, you should familiarize yourself with some of the features. As a rule, porcini mushrooms in wildlife grow in coniferous and mixed forests. Myceliums interact well with the roots of these trees. Therefore, it is almost impossible to find porcini mushrooms in a clean meadow.

This must be taken into account before placing the mycelium in your area. It is best to do this in a place where at least one small Christmas tree or pine tree grows. Under such trees, not only mushrooms will constantly appear, but all other plants around will feel comfortable. After all, pine resin and substances released into the air by this tree kill all pathogenic bacteria.

All porcini mushrooms are very poorly tolerated fruit trees Next door. And often myceliums simply do not take root and die in places near such trees.

Be sure to take this into account and place the mycelium at least near wooden pine buildings or under bushes, if not nearby the necessary trees.

How to grow porcini mushrooms

Cultivation of porcini mushrooms in summer cottages can be done in several ways. And you need to choose the most acceptable option for yourself. Now we will consider a few of the simplest and at the same time easy ways growing porcini mushrooms at home.

How to grow a porcini mushroom directly under a tree? Please note that the mycelium should be placed under the same type of tree from under which it was previously dug out in the forest. Otherwise, nothing will work.

First you need to remove the top layer of soil around the tree. This must be done within a radius of no more than 0.7 m from the trunk. It is recommended to remove the soil to a depth of about 25-30 cm.Now, in the resulting hole, it is necessary to pour and evenly distribute the previously prepared organic material from excavated soil, leaves or needles and pieces of bark of a tree under which it is planned to grow mushrooms.

Now you can lay the mycelium in a thin layer and sprinkle it on top with a mixture of loose earth with sand and leaves or needles. Do not sprinkle and trample heavily. It remains only to water everything from above from a watering can and wait for the first crop to appear.

The second option for how to grow porcini mushrooms is breeding from fresh caps. This is a simpler method, but in most cases the harvest takes a little longer. For breeding, you do not need to dig out completely the mycelium or part of it in the forest. It will be enough to collect at least 10 mushrooms, the diameter of the caps of which is 10-15 cm.

It is best to check the fruiting bodies right away so that they are not too wormy. IN ideal option when breaking off a piece of the cap, you will see a juicy green pulp. If there are several worms or insects on the mushroom, this is not scary.

The main thing is that the entire hat is not wormy. Under the same trees where the mushrooms will be collected, some twigs, leaves, needles and soil should be collected. All this will come in handy for the subsequent cultivation of mushrooms on the site.

This growing method is also called sowing. First you need to prepare the material for sowing. To do this, all collected fruit bodies should be lightly rinsed in water, and then placed in a bucket of rain or spring water to soak. The next day, you need to knead everything thoroughly with your hands to get a homogeneous gruel. But practice shows that it is never possible to do everything perfectly. Therefore, it is additionally recommended to pass the mashed pulp through a fine sieve or cheesecloth again.

Separate the pulp from the water using the same sieve (gauze). The seed and spore fluid are now ready. It remains only to prepare the place. To do this, slightly loosen the top layer of soil around the tree, and then pour it with the resulting mushroom water. When the liquid is absorbed into the soil, sprinkle the pulp of the mushrooms evenly on top. All this should be sprinkled on top with earth from under the same tree and again watered with a small amount of water so as not to clog the soil.

To keep the mushrooms growing as quickly as possible, try to constantly moisturize the soil. But you can't overdo it with water either.

The optimal amount of liquid per tree is about 4 buckets. It is advisable to water the mycelium with water at the same temperature as the surrounding air.

Cultivation of porcini mushrooms (video)

What else to keep in mind

What do you need to grow porcini mushrooms in a greenhouse? The answer to this question is quite simple. Nothing special! Growing in a greenhouse implies the same actions, only in this case, the mycelium should additionally be covered with a special material that allows light and air to pass through.

Growing in a greenhouse should be done during the cold season and summer when the nights are cold(it is recommended to cover the ground garden film, after sprinkling the mycelium with needles or small twigs and leaves). In the warm season, you do not need to do a greenhouse, since the mushrooms themselves must take root and begin to grow and multiply rapidly on the site.

It must be remembered that usually after planting the mycelium in the ground, the first crop appears only the next year. Therefore, one should not expect the mushrooms to start growing in the same season. After all, the mycelium must take root in a new place, adapt to the conditions. If we are talking about sowing porcini mushrooms with the help of fruiting bodies, which was already mentioned a little above, then the harvest can be expected here for 2 years, since the spores must develop enough to sprout and turn into appetizing mushrooms.

Growing a porcini mushroom in the country is not so difficult if you follow all the above tips. You just need a little attention and patience, then on the site it will be possible to constantly collect porcini mushrooms, which are very useful and fragrant. Just be extremely careful. Do not confuse porcini mushrooms with others, so as not to place mycelium or fruiting bodies with spores of poisonous or inedible mushrooms on your site.

How to grow mushrooms in the country (video)

Gallery: porcini mushrooms (15 photos)