How to mulch garden strawberries: with foil, agrotextile, sawdust, pine needles, straw. Mulching strawberries

Mulching strawberries when better in autumn or in spring - that is the question, when is it necessary and at what time is right. It baffles novice and experienced farmers alike. So, mulching strawberries with straw in spring or autumn - when is it better than the difference?

Plain straw can hold the first berry up to 2 weeks. Because of it, your bushes can freeze or remain healthy after a snowless winter. It will become the cause of the dominance of pests and rodents, increase productivity, or, on the contrary, reduce it to laughter through tears. It's all about her, about mulch.

Mulch strawberries with straw and organic matter on time

We are talking about organic and vegetable mulch. And organic matter - mullein, bird droppings, humus. Under the vegetable - straw, sunflower husks, rice, etc. The latter protects the soil from drying out, cracking, freezing in winter. The first one, among other things, introduces the necessary nutrients, both nitrogen and elements of the mineral complex. It is worth remembering about sawdust, needles - they are a separate topic.

Bushes wintering under a layer of straw, husks 10-12 cm thick have a healthier, stronger appearance, develop faster, according to some gardeners. But just like that, there are negative reviews: poorly overwintered plants, the presence of attacks due to damping out of the root system, icing and other problems.

Weigh it all against

From negative points mulching strawberries in autumn:

  • Paradoxically, when mulching strawberries with straw in early spring, it retards the development of ultra-early varieties: in cold soil, all phases of development begin with a delay of up to 2-3 weeks.
  • In early spring, a thick layer delays the heating of the soil both on ridges and on flat plantations that are not raised. Straw, husks, etc., laid out for the winter in the fall, must be raked into the aisles so that the earth warms up properly.
  • This is especially true of sawdust mulch: they are very moisture-absorbing, snow and the resulting ice crust melt extremely slowly on them. In addition, during the natural process of their decay, a lot of nitrogen leaves the soil, which serves as food for putrefactive bacteria. The introduction of additional doses of nitrogen, watering with nitramaphos, the introduction of urea does not really correct the situation: all these dressings give completely nitrogen after a while, from 1 to 3 months.
  • Keeping the soil moisture, with an excess of moisture, especially after a short-term warming, a thick layer of caked straw can cause the roots to dry out or icing. All this must be taken into account and weighed, understanding all the risks.
  • Organics provide nutrition for the plant and support the bio-balance of the soil. But the situation can be the opposite: by insulating, we give a chance to survive as a pest that hibernates in the soil: from crumbling, slugs to a bear. They will be comfortable enough under a layer of straw, they are reliably hidden from the frost, and in the spring they will be ready to tackle our strawberries!
  • A thick layer of manure in the fall can lead to the infestation of many pests. When applying in autumn, it is rational to introduce humus - a sprinkle. There is less likelihood of the introduction of pest larvae and pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, the density of the grain is lower; its thin layer of 4-6 cm should not greatly delay the heating of the soil.

In the photo, we mulch strawberries in the fall for the winter with straw - or corn

Safety regulations

If you buy plant residues, straw from farms, think about treatments. So, how many times is winter wheat treated with fungicides, insecticides and how many times is spring wheat. Rye is more often processed less, and even less - sunflower. And the processing? - you ask. Because the waiting time for each preparation is different, and you do not know the history of the bedding, alas.

But there are many more reasons to think about it:

  • Rodents are another favorite of straw shelter. And if you cover it with a film or agrofiber on top, it will winter quite freely. If there are crops near your plantation, field rodents are likely to find shelter in your strawberry beds.
  • Spruce spruce branches are a controversial issue: it increases the acidity of the soil, helps to reduce the level of nitrogen, is laborious - it is difficult to decompose and even more difficult to remove from the field. It is advisable to find an alternative.
  • Do not use litter from places located near highways, near the carriageway, from busy city parks. The whole load of heavy metals, lead and other delights contained in the exhaust gases will fall on the sweet berry, then on our table and into our body.

Strawberry mulch: total

So what to do: mulch strawberries in autumn with straw, husks or not? As expected, we are looking for a middle ground

If you are undecided when to mulch strawberries - in autumn or spring, remember: it all depends on the climate. In the southern regions of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus with early spring and an active spring sun, the slow warming up of the earth is not terrible. Much worse is the lack of snow in winter and, as a result, the death of roots in the frozen ground. In the south, it is possible and necessary to cover strawberries with straw.

In the northeastern and central regions, it is advisable to mulch strawberries with straw in the spring, until the time when spring fertilizers are applied and the flower stalks come out. The optimal time is mid-May or earlier, the appearance of the ovary: by this time, constant moisture is needed, no overheating. And the ripening berries will not get dirty, rot.

In dry regions or in years with low rainfall after winter watering, mulch the root zone of strawberries: in the absence of snow or a small amount of it, fallouts are possible.

  • If in regions with a cold climate you decide to protect yourself from deep freezing of the soil, in the spring, be sure to rake straw, husks in the aisles: let the soil warm up properly. So you will avoid developmental delay, the maturation period will not be shifted.
  • Remember: in early spring, during flowering, the ovary layer will interfere with the penetration of fertilizers that are applied during this period, preventing the penetration of nutrients to the roots of plants.
  • If possible, use straw not wheat, but rye: it cakes less, does not thicken from germinating seeds. Rye straw is not strongly compacted and loosens the soil.
  • Do not use hay: it quickly melts, decays, cakes.
  • It is better not to spread fresh, not rotted straw before the ovary appears, the beginning of ripening, or it is better to rake it in the aisles. Overripe, if not strongly compacted and does not interfere with heating, it is not advisable to touch it.
  • Hibernated sawdust should be raked off, if very rotted - put a new layer in early May.
  • It all depends on the thermal conductivity of the layer: for example, sunflower husk is denser, i.e. has a theoretically high thermal conductivity. It must be removed in the spring so that it does not delay the warming up.
  • If you are worried about nitrogen carryover, in the early spring, add humus, manure, chicken, or pour ammonium nitrate.

The dangers that lie in wait

  1. Rodents: beware of wintering field mice: they can burrow in warm, under cover.
  2. Slugs - most often they settle under a layer of mulch, after which they gladly eat up ripe berries. Look more often under the layer,
  3. Hulls buckwheat, sunflower, rice quickly cakes and thickens. Only laid out, still fresh and dry - it is easily carried by the wind, rises up until it settles down.
  4. Spent oyster mushroom blocks - spores can germinate, you can even harvest a small harvest of mushrooms! In addition, evil tongues talk about the use of herbicides in production to disinfect old mycelium - it is not known how much this is true, but ...
  5. By the way, overripe mushrooms become carriers of pathogenic microorganisms - in general, be careful with this raw material. However, this is a completely different story.

Let's hope that the question of when to mulch strawberries, when is it better - in spring or autumn, is fully disclosed. Or almost completely - the main points to which it is important to pay attention are slightly open - the choice of material, the advantages and disadvantages of straw, sawdust, pitfalls, organic (active). The best advice is your own experience. It is priceless. Differences in soil and climatic conditions sometimes play a cruel joke with gardeners and farmers: using someone else's experience in completely different conditions, you can make gross mistakes in the cultivation of any crop. May your experience be only good - good harvest!

Mulching strawberries is the most important procedure for harvesting. Mulch retains moisture in the soil. Thanks to her, the berries will "pick up juice" faster. In addition, mulched beds can be watered less frequently, so the plant roots will not rot.

Due to excess moisture during heavy precipitation in summer period berries can rot. Mulch prevents rotting garden strawberry and the development of fungal diseases. Any material can be used as a mulch layer. The most common mulching materials are:

  • black agrofiber;
  • sawdust with;
  • hay.

Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider each mulch in more detail.

Advantages and disadvantages of agrofibre

Mulching with agrofibre or black spunbond is the most common method for mulching strawberries. The advantage of such a mulching material is its dense structure.

Moisture condenses under such mulch, which favorably affects the seedlings during the period of active growth. In rainy weather, this mulching material keeps excess moisture out of the roots.

Mulching the beds with humus

Humus or rotted cow dung mixed with sawdust, is a good mulch and plant food. During watering, nutrients will be absorbed into the soil.

This material is well suited for summer mulching, but in rainy weather, the mulch is saturated with moisture. Therefore, the roots of garden strawberries rot. In rainy weather, in beds with such mulch, the risk of fungal diseases increases.

Mulching with hay and grass

Using hay as mulch is the “golden mean” between agrofibre and organic natural fertilizers... Hay does not allow excess moisture to pass to the roots of plants, and when rotting, gives the plants nutrients.

However, this material also has its drawbacks. The fruits of garden strawberries, with this mulching, can be affected by fungal diseases.

In addition, with such mulching, weeds will appear in the garden. Therefore, every two weeks it is necessary to weed the beds.

It is best to grow strawberries using mulch. The main mulching materials for strawberries are artificial (film, spunbond, agro-fabric) and organic (sawdust, needles, straw). Each of them has advantages and disadvantages, suitable for certain soils and environmental conditions. I will tell you what kind of mulch to choose, what are the pros and cons of this or that material, and which one is better.

Why mulch strawberries

1. Mulch retains moisture in the soil

A layer of mulch reduces the evaporation of moisture from the soil and allows you to reduce the number of irrigations. This is convenient for summer residents, and has a positive effect on plants and crops.

2. Mulch slows down the growth and development of weeds

A layer of mulch on strawberries significantly slows down the development of weeds, which allows you to halve the number of obligatory weeding. To achieve the maximum effect, I recommend using agrotextile or film as mulch.

3. Mulch promotes better soil heating

Thanks to mulch, the soil warms up better, which means that the root system of plants warms up faster. Both organic and artificial materials, inhibiting the processes of soil cooling. It is most appropriate to contain the heat in late spring, when recurrent frosts are possible.

4. Mulch fertilizes the soil

Mulch can be used as an additional fertilizer if organic matter is used as mulch. For example, sawdust, straw, pine needles. Rotting. They enrich with nutrients.

5. Mulch protects strawberries from water and dirt

During the period of watering or rains, the berry is rather heavily contaminated with soil particles. В период поливов или дождей ягода довольно сильно загрязняется частиками почвы. Often because of this, the fruits begin to rot. Нередко из-за этого плоды начинают гнить. When using mulch, the berry remains healthy and clean, because it does not come into contact with the soil.

При использовании мульчи ягода остается здоровой и чистой, потому как с почвой не контактирует.

6. Mulch allows berries to ripen faster 6. Мульча позволяет ягодам созревать быстрее This is especially achieved when using black film or agrotextile in central and more

В особенности это достигается при использовании черной пленки или агроткани в центральных и более

northern regions


северных регионах


  1. страны. how to mulch strawberries Чем мульчировать клубнику
  2. Usually on strawberry plantations organic materials are used for mulching: sawdust, straw, needles. Обычно на земляничных плантациях используют для мульчирования органические материалы: опилки, солома, хвоя. A more progressive option is to mulch the berries with a film or agro-cloth. Более прогрессивным вариантом является мульчирование ягоды пленкой или агротканью. They are more efficient. они более эффективны. How to mulch strawberries with plastic wrap Как мульчировать клубнику пленкой You can use plastic wrap as a mulching material for strawberries.
  3. В качестве мульчирующего материала для земляники можно использовать полиэтиленовую пленку.
  4. It is convenient to use the film with holes for
  5. Удобно использовать пленку с отверстиями под

optimal scheme

оптимальную схему planting berries.посадки ягоды.

On film without holes, you will need to do them after spreading them in the garden. На пленке без отверстий нужно будет их проделать после расстилания на грядке. Maximum


sharp knife

  • острым ножом
  • cut holes 25-30 cm apart. вырежьте отверстия на расстоянии 25-30 см друг от друга. The easiest way is to cut the film crosswise.
  • Проще всего разрезать пленку крест-накрест.
  • Optimal distance
  • Оптимальное расстояние

How to properly mulch strawberries with sawdust

  1. Stack the sawdust after the strawberries are planted.
  2. It is advisable to place the sawdust not directly on the soil, but on the pieces of newsprint that were previously laid out around the bushes.
  3. This two-component mulch will effectively control the growth of weeds.
  4. The optimal layer of sawdust under the garden strawberry should be 4-6 cm.
  5. The shelf life of such mulch is two seasons. Then it is advisable to replace the sawdust.

How to mulch strawberries with needles

For mulching garden strawberries, I advise you to use pine or spruce needles.

  • You can use needles on any soil, except acidic or acidic.
  • Under the needles, I recommend spreading rotted leaf litter or humus with a layer of 2 cm.
  • The mulch layer should be 3-4 cm.
  • You can lay the needles even when the strawberries are already growing on the site.

How to mulch strawberries with straw

Straw is a simple and affordable mulching material. Moreover, it does not acidify the soil at all. Rotting, the straw turns into organic substances available to plants.

  1. The straw can be spread under growing plants at any stage of their development.
  2. Use only dry straw for mulching.
  3. Place straw under the bushes in a layer of 4-6 cm.
  4. I recommend starting mulching with straw at the beginning of flowering (preferably not earlier and not later).
  5. For wintering, the straw must be removed, otherwise mice can settle in it.

It is advisable to enrich the soil with fertilizers and remove all weeds before laying the straw, so as not to scoop up the straw for top dressing.

What can act as fertilizer, mulch and covering material? Sawdust, they will be very useful for strawberries. In addition to the already mentioned, you can add the fact that the berries are not on the ground. Therefore, they do not rot.

Many people think that it is harmful. Others have long doubted whether it is possible to mulch strawberries with sawdust? And still others take it and do it. Because sawdust is like mulch for strawberries - perfect option.

They do not bring harm, because they lie on the surface of the earth. Where they are gradually enriched with useful substances and rotted. They are conditionally unhelpful directly in the ground. Then bacteria are attracted to them, which, when multiplying, use a lot of nitrogen from the soil. That is, they take it away from the strawberries. But then, when the process ends, this nitrogen returns to the soil. If so fresh sawdust mixed with the ground, you will have to apply additional nitrogen-containing fertilizers for a couple of years.

As long as the surface of the earth is sprinkled with them and they simply lie on it, then they cannot draw nitrogen from the soil. So, you can safely use them and sprinkle the beds with strawberries, that is, mulch the beds.

If we talk about the sawdust themselves, then the best option are those obtained from sawing deciduous trees. They overheat faster. But conifers, too, should not be discounted. They just serve to protect the garden from weeds for a little longer.

How to mulch strawberries with sawdust?

Mulching strawberries with sawdust

On well-weeded and loosened strawberry beds, you need to lay newspapers without colored inscriptions and drawings. It is desirable that they overlap each other, that is, so that the mulching material does not spill onto the soil. There can be several such layers. Most often 2 or 3.

Then sprinkle sawdust into the space between the strawberry bushes. Their layer should not be more than 5 cm. The optimal thickness will be 3-4 cm. You can not add sawdust under the strawberries. But it was noticed that over time they still slide to the bushes. Therefore, it is not scary if sawdust gets under the strawberries. Find out more in the article: → Errors and different ways mulching strawberries on the site.

They will overwhelm for several years. It all depends on their size and the type of wood from which they were obtained. Usually it is from one and a half to two years. Maybe a little longer. Then this layer of mulch can already be used as fertilizer by adding them to compost heap... And on the strawberry bed, carry out fresh mulching again.

Sawdust as fertilizer for strawberries

Once they have fulfilled their role as mulch, they can be processed into fertilizer. A dark bloom on them will indicate readiness to move into the compost heap. It is a signal that humus has begun to form. In the compost pit, sawdust is re-heated and enriched. In addition, sawdust accelerates the maturation of the compost. This is due to the fact that they are able to maintain a constant high temperature in the compost heap.

This fertilizer is better than just compost. Because it is looser, which means it allows moisture and air to pass through better.

Sawdust with compost will fertilize well the beds with strawberries or other crops. Moreover, it can be used on any type of soil. Everywhere from clay and sandy to black earth, such a mixture will only be beneficial.

Sawdust and strawberries at different times of the year

Autumn. An additional layer of mulch left over from the summer is required to be applied. And here the question "Is it possible to pour sawdust under the strawberries?" not worth it. Yes. Can. Mulching is carried out in a layer of about 5 cm. This will protect the strawberries from winter frost.

Another question is whether it is possible to sprinkle strawberries with sawdust. If the region has snowy winters, then yes. When the snow falls, then melts, they become wet. Which will only freeze the soil even more. In such situations, it is better to put something for the frame on the strawberry bushes, for example, raspberry branches, and cover it with plastic on top and sprinkle sawdust on top.

In general, if frosts are established immediately, the sawdust will not get wet. So, to doubt whether it is possible to cover strawberries with sawdust, you can close your eyes and boldly sprinkle them on the plants.

Spring. At this time of year, you need to tackle the layer that formed the mulching all last year. It is recommended to remove it. Especially if the appearance raises doubts about its usefulness.

Then the soil needs to be loosened and fertilized, it is better if in complex composition there will be nitrogen. And mulch strawberries with sawdust in the spring. Repeating everything that was described above. It is possible to remove the newspaper if it does not inspire confidence, as a layer for the border of mulch and soil. You can lay brushwood from raspberry twigs. And sprinkle fresh sawdust on it.

Summer. It would seem that now there is nothing to do with sawdust. It turns out that you can. If the mulching layer is dirty. The berries that fall on him will also get dirty and rot. Therefore, it would be good to add clean sawdust around the strawberries to renew the layer and prevent the crop from spoiling.

Mulching strawberries with sawdust

Everyone knows about the rules of cultivation and care, but how to properly mulch strawberries with sawdust and why this is done is the secret of experienced gardeners, which we will try to reveal. Strawberries are the undisputed leader among berry crops in our orchards and vegetable gardens. None of the most small plot does not do without it.

Why mulch strawberries

Mulch is a layer of natural or artificial material that protects the surface of the garden bed. Sawdust as strawberry mulch is one of the most common and convenient options... Mulch can be artificial (various films, covering materials, fabrics) and organic (sawdust, pine needles, bark, humus, hay, cut grass). In either case, mulching performs following functions:

  1. Eliminates the need to constantly weed weeds, as they hardly grow under a dense layer of mulch. Artificial materials fight weeds especially well;
  2. Protects upper layer beds of excessive moisture evaporation. The mulch garden has to be watered much less often;
  3. In the early stages of plant development, mulch protects the superficial root system and the ground part of the plant from recurrent frosts, and in summer it protects from overheating;
  4. Helps to protect the crop from contamination in contact with the ground, which is especially important for strawberries;
  5. In wet weather, it prevents the development of gray rot and other diseases on berries;
  6. Organic mulch serves as an excellent fertilizer, is able to gradually saturate the soil with useful substances and loosen it, making it breathable.

To choose a material for mulch, decide what tasks are paramount for you. If protection from weeds is in the foreground, buy agrofilm or cloth. They will allow air to pass through, giving the plants the opportunity to breathe, and the weeds will die, deprived of sunlight.

If you need a long-term effect, in the form of fertilizing, improving the structure and enriching the soil, choose organic mulching.

Sawdust as fertilizer for strawberries

Can I put sawdust under the strawberries? This is one of the most optimal options for the mulching procedure, they will create a light, breathable, clean layer on the surface of the earth, in contact with which the berries will not get dirty and rot. In addition, the benefit of sawdust for strawberries is that they will gradually rot under the influence of moisture from irrigation, rain and saturate the soil with organic matter, as well as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. And you do not have to constantly loosen the ground around the bushes, breaking the crust of dried earth.

Here are a few things to consider if you want the sawdust to be beneficial, not harmful:

  1. It is not recommended to use too fresh sawdust, for this they need to be soaked in water for several days and then dried. The best ones are those that have already begun to overheat - they look noticeably darker than fresh ones;
  2. Sawdust is not suitable for strawberries made of composite materials, such as chipboard, they contain epoxy adhesives that are not at all useful for plants;
  3. Soil with an acid reaction should not be mulched with sawdust, they can increase the acidity of the soil. However, if before the procedure, add wood ash, dolomite flour or limestone to the soil, then acidification can be neutralized;
  4. Do not put them directly into the soil, otherwise they will become the basis for the active reproduction of bacteria that utilize nitrogen from the soil. Thus, it may turn out that instead of feeding, you cause nitrogen starvation in plants.

In this case, you need to know that sawdust conifers protect plants from diseases, thanks to the natural content of resins and phytoncides, and from deciduous trees they quickly rot and fertilize the soil.

How to properly handle fresh sawdust

Such material is easy to bring to the desired condition and use as mulch, if there are no others:

  1. To do this, you need to take a large trough or other container.
  2. Spread a layer of sawdust approximately 10 centimeters thick.
  3. Spread 200 grams of urea evenly over the layer.
  4. Pour a bucket of water.
  5. If necessary, the sawdust layer is repeated.
  6. Cover the top layer to minimize water evaporation.
  7. After 2 weeks the sawdust is dried and ready to use.

How to mulch strawberries with sawdust

Spring mulching is carried out from mid-April to mid-May, it all depends on weather conditions... The main thing is to have time before the strawberries bloom.

Stages of mulching strawberry beds:

  1. Old mulch will have to be removed and can be the source of numerous pest larvae, slugs or bacterial rot. The soil must be weeded and loosened;
  2. Strawberries are watered with a liquid solution of nitrogen fertilizer at the rate of 1 matchbox per 10 liters of water. You can add dry nitrogen fertilizer to the soil, after which the bed is well moistened;
  3. The bed is evenly covered with a layer up to 5 centimeters thick, forming a "nest" for the bush;
  4. The material should be inspected for the presence of pest larvae and mold. It is advisable not to use such sawdust as mulch;
  5. As the layer subsides, the soil can be exposed in some places. Close the gaps by adding sawdust.

Additional measures

As necessary, during the entire fruiting season, the layer is filled up.

In August, before the rains begin, the layer of sawdust must be reduced by cleaning the bushes as much as possible, otherwise water stagnation in the soil can provoke root rot.

Some gardeners practice the use of strawberry sawdust as a covering material that helps plants overwinter without freezing. This mulching is done in the fall:

  1. Autumn mulching protects the soil from freezing, protecting the root system of plants;
  2. Coniferous sawdust will protect strawberries from the development of bacterial rot, thanks to their own phytoncides;
  3. Sawdust is an excellent insulating material, if you spread them on a bed in a layer of up to 10 cm, creating a small "nest" around the bush;
  4. Autumn mulching is carried out in October, before the frost begins, covering the strawberry beds with a dry and clean layer of sawdust.

By mulching strawberries throughout the season, you can achieve effective vegetation of the plant, protect the crop from bacterial diseases and pests, as well as improve the structure of the soil and fertilize it.

8 ways to mulch strawberries correctly

Mulching strawberries is an agricultural technique that makes it easier for the gardener and prevents crop diseases. A good knowledge of the technology and timing of laying mulch, the characteristics of materials will help to solve many problems of plant care and increase yields. In this article we will talk about how to mulch strawberries, how you can sprinkle the beds and why you need it.

Proper development and fruiting of plants is impossible without regular soil formation. The surface layer of the soil plays a decisive role in this. It is he who is most exposed to adverse factors. Rains wash away minerals, wind and temperature drops lead to desiccation and freezing.

These conditions are unfavorable for the activity of living organisms in the soil, which are an important link in the formation of humus. They move into deeper layers, and the soil loses its fertility.

Mulching - covering the soil surface under the plants with organic and inorganic materials. This protects her from all adverse factors. Increases the reproduction of living organisms, earthworms and beneficial insects, which together with organic acids form a fertile layer.

Mulching strawberries

Mulch does not pass sunlight, which makes it difficult for weeds to grow. The denser the material and the higher the mulch layer, the more effective the protection against weeds. The thermoregulatory property of mulch protects plant roots from freezing, overheating and frost.

A layer of mulch reduces the evaporation of moisture from the soil, which reduces the need for watering. It complicates the entry of viruses and fungal spores to the roots of strawberries, reducing the incidence of late blight of roots, rhizoctonia, verticillosis. Ripe berries do not come into contact with the soil, the percentage of rotting is practically excluded.

In the process of decomposition in organic mulch all the nutrients necessary for strawberries are formed. They slowly enter the soil throughout the growing season, maintaining mineral exchange between the roots and the aboveground part of the strawberry.

Before choosing a material for mulch, you need to decide on the purpose of the event. Depending on the material chosen, mulch can be a source of nutrition for strawberries, protect against diseases, or simply create a favorable environment in the soil.

The soil under the plants should not all year round be under a high layer of mulch. In the spring, she needs to warm up. Otherwise, the growing season of the crop will be greatly delayed. Strawberries are mulched only after the appearance of flower ovaries.

Mulching can also be done during the summer. Regardless of the term, the soil and plants must be prepared before laying the material:

  • loosen the soil;
  • remove weeds, diseased leaves, excess mustache;
  • water abundantly;
  • make seasonal feeding.

The term for winter mulching of strawberries is the end of September, when the plant is preparing for dormancy. During this period, mulch is used as a thermostat. This is protection against severe freezing of the soil in a snowless winter, damage to roots during thaws.

Mulched bed with strawberries

It is not enough to lay mulch; in the summer you need to monitor its condition. Organic materials need to be regularly agitated and rotting areas replaced. The material should not fit snugly against the stems of the bushes, there must be a gap of 1-2 cm for aeration of the roots.

This review presents materials that have all necessary qualities for mulching strawberries. After evaluating their advantages and disadvantages, you can choose the optimal mulch for individual conditions and goals.


Straw - recognized leader from all materials suitable for strawberries. Only dry material is used for mulching.

Straw contains fiber that is difficult to decompose, which protects it from rapid decay. For the same reason, it is a poor source of nutrition, in addition, it draws nitrogen from the soil. To compensate for the loss of mineral and provide the bushes with food, straw is combined with compost or rotted manure.

The straw attracts rodents as a refuge and is scattered by the autumn wind. Therefore, during autumn works it is collected and disposed of, and in the winter, mulching is carried out suitable material.

The optimal straw layer for loose soils is 15-20 cm. After a few days it will settle down to 5-7 cm. On heavy clay soils, cut straw is used, laid in a layer of no more than 3-5 cm, renewing the surface every 15 days.

Straw mulching

How to mulch strawberries with needles?

The advantage of needles is a high content of phytoncides and bactericidal substances. it powerful protection from diseases and pests. The substances contained in coniferous materials improve the taste of strawberries.

The tannins of the needles gradually acidify the soil. Therefore, it is used in slightly acidic soils or slaked lime (50 g / 1 m2) is applied before mulch is laid.

In regions with hot summers, one should take into account: needles weakly protect the soil from overheating. The needles lie on the ground in a loose layer, through which weeds easily germinate. In practice, it has been proven: to protect against weeds, you need to lay a layer of 30 cm. It is difficult and impractical.

Weathered and slightly yellowed pine needles are used for mulch. They are laid in a layer of 3-5 cm. In the spring, the old mulch is renewed or embedded in the ground during weeding.

Mulching with coniferous needles

Hay, fresh grass and green manure

Is it possible or not to cover the berry with hay or fresh grass? These botanicals contain readily biodegradable fiber and provide a rich diet of strawberries. But only for a short time.

Rapid decomposition leads to depletion of the thin layer of mulch and rotting of the lower layers of the high one. When decaying vegetable waste cause poisoning of strawberries with rotting products.

Hay is suitable for temporary feeding of strawberries. To create a favorable environment in the soil, they will have to be laid out with a layer of 7-10 cm and replaced with fresh mulch every 15 days. It is very labor intensive. Before laying, the cut grass is dried, the plants with abundant ripe seeds are removed. The optimal layer is 3-5 cm.

Hay mulching

Tree bark

For mulching strawberries, use the bark of pine or larch of a small or medium fraction. They contain little tannins, so there will be no acidification of the soil. It is the most durable mulch material and is also suitable for winter mulching. It will last up to 5 years.

The bark protects the soil well from overheating and freezing, gives aesthetic appearance garden bed, but retains moisture relatively worse. More frequent watering will be needed. The required layer of mulch is 5-7 cm.

Mulching with tree bark


Sawdust decomposes slowly, so you should not consider them as a source of food. For the same reason, sawdust can last up to 3 years. The rough surface of such mulch complicates the movement of slugs and snails, there are fewer of them.

Sawdust strongly absorbs moisture, until this happens, there will be no water flow to the roots of the plant. Therefore, the amount of watering should be increased, but the need for this rarely arises.

For mulching, overlapping newsprint is spread on the surface of the soil, sawdust is laid on top with a layer of 5 cm. The sawdust is suitable for use in summer and winter.

Sawdust mulching

How to use cardboard correctly?

Cardboard can be used to regulate the optimum surface environment. To do this, in the spring, large pieces of cardboard are overlapped between the bushes, leaving holes only around the bushes. The edges and joints of the cardboard are fixed with heavy objects.

Watering and feeding is carried out through the holes. To feed the strawberries during the summer, a 3-5 cm layer of compost can be spread under the cardboard.

Mulching with cardboard

Spandbond as mulch

it geosynthetic material produced using special technology. It does not transmit light, maintains temperature and moisture in the soil. Irrigation and fertilization can be carried out through the spandbond.

Notable firms:

  • Agrin (Ukraine);
  • Agrotex (Russia);
  • Lutrasil (Germany);
  • Agil (France);
  • Plant-Protex (Poland).

For mulching strawberries, choose a black material with a density of 60 g / m2.

Before planting strawberry seedlings, it is spread on the surface of the garden bed and cuts are made in the places of future holes. The edges of the spandbond are secured with hairpins or heavy objects. For mulching already planted plants, agrotextile is spread between the rows, covering the soil surface around the bushes as much as possible.

Spandbond can be used all year round. It is resistant to putrefactive bacteria, mechanical stress and low temperatures... Service life 3 years.

Spunbond mulching

How to mulch a berry with foil?

For mulching strawberries, a black film with a thickness of 30 microns or more is used. The service life of the film is up to 3 years. Thinner material can be used for one season. For hot regions, manufacturers offer films with a white surface and a black backing. It simultaneously reflects the sun's rays and retains moisture.

The technology for laying mulch from a film is similar to that of spunbond. Only watering in this case is organized microdroplet under the film or watered locally through the holes.

A mixture of different mulch materials can be of great benefit to strawberries. To do this, you can combine dry plant residues, bark and sawdust with green parts of herbs, compost or rotted manure. This mulch both creates a good environment and nourishes the plants.

Black film mulching on an industrial scale

Mulching strawberries causes heated debates among gardeners, during which diametrically opposed opinions can be heard. There are claims of unusually high yields after mulch application and also of its negative impact for strawberries. Assessing the advantages and disadvantages will help you better understand mulching.


Depending on the material used, mulching can help solve many of the gardener's tasks. It:

  • prevention of overheating of the soil in summer and hypothermia in winter;
  • preservation of moisture in the soil;
  • reducing the amount of weeds;
  • protection against the ingress of pathogens on the soil;
  • prevention of soil erosion;
  • protection against decay of ripe berries in a rainy summer;
  • preservation of the looseness of the soil;
  • the formation of a larger number of adventitious roots;
  • reduction in ripening times.

This impressive list involves a lot of labor and money when done separately.

Mulched strawberry


One of the disadvantages of mulching gardeners call the reproduction of slugs and snails. For them, the moist inner layer of mulch becomes a refuge in dry summer days, and decomposing organic matter as food. The pest conditions are really attractive.

This is not a reason to give up mulching.

In areas with an increased population of pests, sawdust or needles can be used. Create a natural biocenosis that will keep molluscs at bay to a harmless threshold.

Another disadvantage of mulch is rotting of the lower layers in a rainy summer or when laying on heavy clay soil. This task is easy to solve. You need to focus on the regional climate, do not lay a high layer on clay soils, monitor mulch regularly throughout the season.

Mulching strawberries with long-lasting materials can play a bad role in recurrent frost. In this case, all the heat will remain in the soil, increasing negative impact freeze on aerial part strawberries. Keeping track of the weather forecast will help cover the plants in time.

The disadvantage of mulching is also called the attraction of rodents, insects and birds. However, this is difficult to consider as a specific drawback. garden plot with an abundance of vegetables and fruit crops itself is attractive to their potential pests.

Experts are sure: to bad experience lead to poor knowledge of the characteristics of materials, soil at the site and regional climate. It is important to consider that mulching does not at all exclude other types of strawberry care, so you cannot treat it as a solution to all problems.

Features of mulching strawberries with sawdust

The natural covering, formed by needles, bark, leaves, with which the trees parted for the winter, does not allow the ground to freeze, wash off with water, undergo erosion, and protects against many types of insects. Mulching strawberries with sawdust is carried out not only in the open field, this option is acceptable for greenhouses. This material can be used regardless of the type of soil. It also serves as a fertilizer for the poor land.

Purpose of mulching strawberries with sawdust

The functions that such a cover can perform is difficult to overestimate:

  1. In early spring, the roots and the ground part of the bush are protected from frost.
  2. In summer, the plant protects itself from the heat.
  3. Strawberries are not susceptible to diseases caused by dampness.
  4. Less moisture evaporates.

When choosing a material for mulching, proceed from the purpose for which it will serve. A polyethylene film or special fiber prevents weeds from growing. Air passes through this shelter without obstruction. The culture develops well because it is easy to breathe.

In order to improve the structure of the soil, the soil becomes richer, they prefer mulch from organic matter and natural material... In addition, this shelter is a good fertilizer and inexpensive tool.

Use as fertilizer

Often, novice gardeners are interested in whether sawdust will harm strawberries. Maybe they will litter the soil? You should not be afraid of this. Since this material is able to create a layer that allows the leaves to breathe, air can easily reach the roots. Berries, lying on natural mulch, will not get dirty, but will be completely clean. The sawdust gets rain, water during irrigation. Gradually, they will saturate the earth with nutrients, because they rot under the influence of moisture, phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium enter the soil as a result of a natural process.

If the sawdust is used incorrectly, it is not difficult to harm the culture. This does not happen for those land owners who follow certain rules. Before mulching, the sawdust is placed in water, where they must lie for several days. Then they dry well. A material of a darker shade is better suited for shelter, which is already subject to decay.

Do not use sawdust obtained from chipboard processing. Present in them epoxy resins and the glue will harm the strawberries.

Watch a video on preparing for mulching strawberries with sawdust.

Acidic soils before mulching, sprinkle with ash, lime or dolomite flour, which will neutralize the content. The material is not applied directly to the ground, but is placed on the surface, otherwise the multiplied bacteria will destroy the nitrogen, which is extremely undesirable for the culture.

Mulching strawberries with sawdust, which is obtained during processing conifers, serves as an obstacle to the development of diseases. Resin and phytoncides deal with microorganisms. For fertilizing the soil, material from deciduous trees is more suitable.

Read about organic fertilizers for the garden. And also about fertilizers for strawberries and currants.

Processing fresh sawdust

If the time has come for mulching, and the rotted material is not available, it is easy to prepare it yourself. Fresh sawdust is placed in a large container, which is not less than 10 liters of liquid, with a layer of 20 centimeters. A glass of urea is evenly poured on top of it.

Water is poured into the resulting composition in the amount of one bucket. To prevent evaporation, the dishes are covered with something. After 14 days, the finished material is taken out, dried in the sun and used as mulch, which is perfect for strawberries.

Period for mulching strawberry sawdust in spring

They start mulching strawberries with sawdust in the spring, starting somewhere in mid-April. It is advisable to complete the work before May 15, because after this time the plant can bloom.

The process should include:

  • cleaning the old layer of material;
  • fertilizing the soil with nitrogen;
  • checking for the presence of pests and diseases.

The sawdust that lay before can attract insect larvae, become a refuge for slugs, a breeding ground for putrefactive microorganisms. After the material is raked, they resort to weeding and loosening. Additional soil is poured onto an uneven area.

A liquid solution is prepared to nourish the plant. To do this, put in a 10-liter container of water matchbox fertilizer containing nitrogen. The agent can be applied dry to the ground, then watered well.

After such preparatory work the top layer of the garden bed is covered with sawdust to a thickness of about 5 centimeters, leaving space near the bush itself. The material in which the larvae are found, mold is found, it is not worth using for mulching.

Mulching in autumn

Sawdust can also be added during the period when the berries ripen. By the end of summer, some of them should be removed. A thick layer of mulch begins to rot due to the arrival of prolonged rains, which often accompany August. This phenomenon has a detrimental effect on the condition of the roots.

Quite often, the owners of vegetable gardens and summer cottages use sawdust to cover the beds where strawberries are grown for the winter. Mulching the culture in the fall, they fight against soil freezing. Natural natural material hides the roots of bushes from the cold.

Sawdust from coniferous trees also contains phytoncides, which prevent the development of rot, which is caused by bacteria.

Dense mulch, and put it in a layer of 10 centimeters, will serve excellent materials for insulation. Engaged in such a process throughout the entire period:

  • protect plants;
  • accelerate their vegetation:
  • enrich the land;
  • change the structure of the soil.

If the snow falls late in the region, it melts more than once throughout the winter before mulching, it is worth making a frame. For this, plastic slats or thin branches will do. Strawberry bushes are covered with polyethylene film, and dry sawdust is already placed on it. The constructed hut will perfectly cope with the whims prepared by nature.

Strawberries are not whimsical crops. But if you do not take care of her, she is reborn. The berries become small and lose quality. Mulching for a plant is just as necessary as watering, weeding, fertilizing or loosening.

Share your experience of mulching strawberries with sawdust in the comments. And also watch a video about mulching strawberries with sawdust in the garden.

It is necessary to mulch strawberries so that the berries lying on the ground do not rot or become moldy. For this are used different materials: straw, pine needles, shreds of newspapers, special fabric. Along with the rest of the options, sawdust is also suitable. They have a number of undeniable advantages.

Strawberry sawdust

Many people doubt whether it is possible to mulch strawberries with sawdust. Even necessary. Thanks to sawdust, the soil becomes lighter, looser, breathable. Even in extreme heat, there will be no hard crust on the surface of the bed, therefore, frequent loosening of the soil is not required.

Sawdust is not only protection of berries from spoilage, but also food for the soil. Since the sawdust lies on the surface, it gradually rot, enriching the soil with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. But you should not bury them in the ground: this is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, which also need nitrogen. It turns out that they will take it away from the berries.

Which ones to prefer? If you want to get effective natural fertilizer, use the sawdust that comes from sawing hardwood trees. They will rot faster. On the other hand, sawdust from coniferous trees - best protection for berries, they can be added less often.

It is optimal to use already partially rotted sawdust for strawberries. They can be distinguished from fresh ones by their color: they are slightly darker. If you just leave them on outdoors, the process of overheating will drag on for 10 or more years. To speed it up, add them to your compost heap or greenhouse and greenhouse beds.

The only limitation when using sawdust as mulch for strawberries is moderately acidic and acidic soil.

They will acidify the soil even more, and strawberries prefer neutral or slightly alkaline soil. The introduction of dolomite flour into the soil before mulching will help neutralize a slight excess acidity, wood ash or ground eggshell.

How to mulch strawberries with sawdust?

If you only have fresh sawdust at your disposal, and you need mulch right now, use the following method of preparing it.

  1. On a flat piece of ground, spread plastic wrap, pressing it along the edges. Pour three buckets of sawdust on top (flatten to a thickness of about 10 cm) and a glass of urea.
  2. Pour all of this (8-10 liters of water).
  3. Repeat in the same order.
  4. Cover up plastic wrap so that there are as few air gaps as possible, and wait 12-14 days.

The resulting mulch is of the same quality as rotted in the compost heap.

The beds must be prepared in advance:

If you are removing old sawdust, do not rush to throw it away. It is a great addition to your compost pit. They will significantly speed up the maturation process of the compost due to the fact that a higher temperature is formed in the pit. In addition, the product will turn out to be of better quality, friable and is great for any type of soil.

The fact that the sawdust has begun to rot is evidenced by the dark brown color and characteristic bloom.

Spring mulching

Why do you need to mulch in the spring:

The optimal time for mulching is mid-April or early May (depending on the climate of a particular region). Wait until a stable above-zero temperature is established at night. But it is also not worth delaying too much, since the procedure is carried out only before the beginning of flowering of strawberries.


The first thing to do in spring is to remove last year's mulch from under the strawberry bushes. It not only looks unpresentable, but is also a suitable place for the wintering of pathogenic bacteria, fungal spores and garden pest larvae.


The second time, mulching in the spring is carried out during the period when the strawberries fade, and the berries begin to set en masse. The technology is the same.

Summer mulching

Many people think that it is not necessary to touch sawdust in summer, but this is not entirely true. For example, if it rains heavily at the beginning of summer, the mulch layer will inevitably become dirty. It will no longer be an effective protection against rot and mold. Therefore, in order to preserve the harvest, it is advisable to add fresh sawdust in a timely manner.

If this is not done, almost nothing will remain of the mulch by mid-July or early August. Due to the regular loosening of the beds and the presence of earthworms in the soil, the sawdust will mix with the soil.

Tooly cover strawberries with sawdust in August, when the main fruiting phase is already behind, on the contrary, it is not recommended. A thick layer of mulch will prevent excess moisture from evaporating from the soil in a timely manner. In winter, this moisture will turn into ice, which may well lead to freezing of the roots and the death of the plant. Also, such a violation of the microclimate adversely affects the formation and development of new shoots (the so-called whiskers).

If you noticeably went too far with mulch in the spring and by August it did not mix with the soil, be sure to intensively loosen the beds. Processing with a flat cutter will also help.

The sawdust that remains on the surface by winter will freeze and in spring will not allow the soil to thaw in time. It is especially important to monitor this in the southern regions, where the climate allows for early planting.

Autumn mulching

This procedure is designed to protect strawberries from frost. The thickness of the newly created layer should not be less than 4–5 cm. But the goal will be achieved only if the sawdust does not freeze. Otherwise, you will get the opposite effect than expected due to the sawdust getting wet.

If the snow cover in your area is not established immediately, but melts repeatedly during late autumn and early winter, in addition to mulching, strawberry bushes need additional protection:

  1. First, build some kind of frame with twigs or thin plastic slats. The resulting design should resemble a hut.
  2. Then cover the bushes with plastic or other waterproof material, taking care of the tightness of the shelter.
  3. Only then can sawdust be poured.

If you are sure that the cold was established immediately and the snow that has fallen once will not melt, add sawdust directly to the ground.