The qualities in a person are necessary for organizing a business. The main qualities of an individual entrepreneur

Personal qualities entrepreneurs

The question of what set of personal qualities an individual must possess in order to become a successful entrepreneur cannot be answered unequivocally, but the historical experience of the development of civilized entrepreneurship allows us to make some generalizations. So, civilized and successful entrepreneurs should have the following traits: be honest, competent, purposeful, proactive, show leadership, respect the opinions of others, have a positive attitude towards people, constantly learn, be ready to take risks, be able to overcome resistance environment, show perseverance in achieving the goal, have a sense of responsibility, perseverance, great willpower, have creativity, be hardworking and have high efficiency, be able to attract the necessary partners, have a commercial and financial mindset, be able to legally obtain other qualities due to him.

It is characteristic that in developed countries even government bodies give their recommendations on this problem. Thus, the US Small Business Administration (small business) believes that an entrepreneur should have the following five most important characteristics that guarantee him success in the most risky enterprise: a) energy, the ability to make him work; b) the ability to think; c) the ability to build relationships with people; d) communication skills; e) knowledge of technology and technology.

Am I starting a business myself?

How good am I with people?

Do I have enough physical strength and emotional potential to be successful in doing business?

How well do I plan and organize my affairs?

Is my desire to stick to my goal strong enough?

How will doing business affect my family? Of practical interest are studies conducted by the American firm McBur and Company with the support of the American Agency for International Development and the US National Science Foundation, which allowed us to determine 21 personal qualities that successful entrepreneurs constantly demonstrate. "The following are the most important personal quality characteristics of entrepreneurs:

Seeking opportunities and being proactive (sees and uses new or unusual business opportunities; acts before events force him to do so);

Perseverance and perseverance (ready for repeated efforts to meet a challenge or overcome an obstacle; changes strategies to achieve a goal);

Risk willingness (prefers “challenge” or moderate risk situations; weighs risk; takes action to reduce risk or control outcomes);

Focus on efficiency and quality (finds ways to do things better, faster and cheaper; strives to achieve excellence, improve efficiency standards);

Involvement in work contacts (takes responsibility and makes personal sacrifices to get the job done; takes a start together with or instead of employees);

Purposefulness (clearly expresses goals; has a long-term vision; constantly sets and corrects short-term goals);

Striving to be informed (personally summarizes information about customers, suppliers, competitors, using personal and business contacts for this purpose to keep him informed);

Systematic planning and observation (planning, breaking major tasks on subtasks; monitors financial results and uses work tracking procedures);

Ability to persuade and connect (uses cautious strategies to fulfill and persuade people, and business contacts as a means of achieving their goals);

Independence and self-confidence (seeks independence from the rules and control of others; relies only on himself in the face of opposition or in the absence of success; believes in his ability to perform difficult tasks).

Of course, the above personal characteristics are not genetically acquired, they are developed by a person in the process entrepreneurial activity, are largely determined by the personality of the individual, his aspirations, and the entrepreneurial environment.

Most researchers of the problem of the personal qualities of entrepreneurs come to the conclusion that these are people with a tendency to search and implement new ideas, inventions, technologies, people of constant initiative and creativity, irrepressible energy. They are ready for a reasonable, strictly calculated risk, because there is no entrepreneurship without risk.

Entrepreneurs are people who are able to work constantly and hard, learn from the mistakes of others, and learn from their mistakes. These are people who are confident in their abilities, so they constantly study, study all the problems associated with their business. Successful entrepreneurs understand that constantly growing knowledge is the backbone of entrepreneurship. The instrument, the main lever for the development of entrepreneurship is innovation, innovation. These are brave people, but their courage is limited by the level of reasonable claims.

What personal qualities must an individual have in order to become an entrepreneur and be successful? This question cannot be answered unequivocally. Numerous researchers of this topical problem in Western countries highlight various character traits, skills and knowledge.

M. Storey, author of the monograph “The Fastest Growing Companies in the USA. A look from the inside ”, reflecting on the qualities of entrepreneurs, tells what difficulties they have to face. This is a constant restructuring of your business, making changes and improvements, the ability to start all over again, the ability to overcome the inertia and routine of the environment and other difficulties. The ability to overcome the resistance of an aggressive external environment is especially characteristic of Russian civilized entrepreneurs, which is objectively related to the past (and the present) social mentality, underdevelopment market relations and the insecurity of Russian citizens from a host of officials, racketeers and robbers.

In order to test your entrepreneurial abilities, your entrepreneurial mentality, it is recommended to accurately and objectively answer the following questions:

1. What functions, duties (not positions) did you perform for last years?

2. Are you active? are active? proactive?

3. Are you able to cope, cope with adversity or misfortune? Are you able to lose, lose everything and still start your own new business at first?

4. What is your hobby, what are your passions? Can they be applied to your business?

5. Are you straightforward, are you frank?

6. Are you aggressive?

7. Can you be flexible if you are faced with insurmountable circumstances? Do you succumb to strength?

8. Do you have analytical warehouse mind? Are you able to get to the root of the problem and then solve it?

9. Are you a merchant by nature? Are you able to trade? Have you ever actually sold anything? Are you willing to go from door to door to try?

10. Are you ready to sacrifice anything personally, to make personal sacrifices for the sake of your new company?

11. Are you a creative person? Do you have imagination, are you capable of invention?

12. Can you recognize your market niche?

13. Are you able to use whatever is at hand to start your own business?

14. How do you deal with failure? Can you turn this failure into your future market success?

15. Do you know how to be persistent? Are you going back again to get your way?

16. Do you know how to work with people?

If you answered yes to the above questions, you can start your own business, become an entrepreneur. Of course, this process also requires certain conditions: initial capital, reliable partners, the presence of at least a minimum of experience in managing your own enterprise, the ability to plan, control your business, etc.

At the Stanford University Conference on Entrepreneurship in the 1990s, participants concluded that the pursuit of excellence, as well as the qualities of an entrepreneur such as impatience, reluctance to delegate anything to someone else, play a key role in successful entrepreneurial activity. energy, the desire to work hard and just as completely indulge in entertainment, the ability to highlight the essence of the problem. As you can see, these are not so much qualities as the motives of the behavior of entrepreneurs, which are largely related to personal characteristics.

M. Storey, assessing the traits of successful entrepreneurs who lead fast-growing firms, writes that entrepreneurs work when others are asleep, travel when others are sitting at dinner, planning when others are having fun. They find it hard to tell the difference between saturday night and Tuesday afternoon. Common characteristic features all fast-growing entrepreneurs are persistence and dedication. An entrepreneur is very rarely a timid and shy person. His inherent feature is the ability to take reasonable risks, but at the same time he must remember that money is not the main motivating factor for an entrepreneur. The person who sets as his goal to achieve only large incomes will definitely bring his company to financial collapse.

To the question "Who are successful entrepreneurs?" M. Storey gives lengthy answers, among which I would like to highlight the following:

They have a vision or dream that they pursue on a daily basis;

Unlimited belief in their products or services;

They constantly strive to do something;

They are inventors;

They are impatient and irritable, they never have enough time;

They are tenacious and persistent;

They are profit-driven;

They are focused on success, planning for several years ahead;

Better than anyone else, they know their strengths and weaknesses;

Are not afraid to start all over again;

Money is not the main or only motive for them;

They do everything themselves;

They understand the importance of subtle changes, their impact on business success;

They want to grow;

Understand the dominant role of the consumer;

Do not think they are taking great risks;

They are practical;

They ask for what they really want;

They are very market sensitive;

They are difficult to intimidate;

They are used to being alone;

They are contradictory, stubborn and capricious.

This is who successful entrepreneurs are. Of course, it is difficult to agree with all the characteristics, because some of them, for example, stubbornness, capriciousness, are contradictory and cannot, in our opinion, contribute to the success of an entrepreneur.

However, most of the above qualities and motives of behavior are inherent in many Russian entrepreneurs.

In conclusion of this chapter, we present the principles that developed in Russian entrepreneurship by the beginning of the 20th century: 1. Respect the authorities. Power - necessary condition for effective management Affairs. There must be order in everything. In this regard, show respect for the guardians of order in the legalized echelons of power.

2. Be honest and truthful. Honesty and truthfulness are the foundation of entrepreneurship, a prerequisite for healthy profits and harmonious business relationships. A Russian entrepreneur must be an impeccable bearer of virtue, honesty and truthfulness.

3. Respect ownership. Free enterprise is the basis for the well-being of the state. A Russian entrepreneur is obliged to work hard for the good of his homeland. Such zeal can only be shown when relying on private property.

4. Love and respect the person. Love and respect for a working person on the part of an entrepreneur generates reciprocal love and respect. In such conditions, a harmony of interests arises, which creates the basis for the development of a wide variety of abilities in people, encourages them to manifest themselves in all their splendor.

5. Be true to your word. A business person must be true to his word. "Once you have lied, who will believe you." Success in business largely depends on the extent to which others trust you.

6. Live within your means. Don't bury yourself. Choose a job within your reach. Always evaluate your capabilities. Act according to your means.

7. Be single-minded. Always have a clear goal in front of you. An entrepreneur needs such a goal like air. Don't be distracted by other goals. Serving two "masters" is unnatural. In an effort to achieve the cherished goal not to cross the boundaries of what is permitted. No value can replace moral values.

Of course, modern Russian entrepreneurs do not adhere to the above-mentioned principles in their business activities, however, a significant part of them are civilized and law-abiding subjects of economic relations.

Control questions

1. Which individuals are not allowed to engage in entrepreneurship?

2. What types legal entities are entrepreneurs?

3. What are the basic rights of entrepreneurs.

4. What are the responsibilities of entrepreneurs?

5. What are the main personal qualities inherent in civilized entrepreneurs?

6. On what principles was Russian entrepreneurship based at the beginning of the XX century?

7. Characteristic personality traits of successful entrepreneurs.

8. What are the rights of taxpayer entrepreneurs.

9. What do you know the duties of taxpayer entrepreneurs?

10. What qualities characterize the ideal type of entrepreneur?

11. Basic principles of activity natural person, which are the basis for engaging in entrepreneurial activity.

12. Name distinctive features commercial and non-profit organizations.

Today in many countries the business sector is successfully developing, both small firms and large organizations are being created that offer their goods and services to the consumer. The range of these goods and services is so diverse that every person who wants to start his own business can occupy exactly the niche that he likes. But it happens that due to an illiterate approach to doing business, many enterprises are defeated and cannot withstand the competition. Sometimes business is ruined by external factors such as economic or political situation within the state, the instability of the sphere of activity, or due to outside monopolistic influences. But it happens that an organization may be defeated due to the fact that the entrepreneur's personal qualities were not adapted to the implementation of certain ideas.

For the competent conduct of entrepreneurship, it is worth figuring out what personal qualities and character traits an individual entrepreneur should have in order to achieve success in the sale of goods and services in modern world... Further in this article, we will talk about what qualities an entrepreneur should have in order to achieve personal goals and objectives of the enterprise.

To begin with, it should be noted that the head of any enterprise is a person who must quickly find solutions to problems, implement the functions and tasks of his own business, and also by means of entrepreneurial activity satisfy the interests of consumers of goods and services, while simultaneously solving social problems and deriving their own material benefit. Antonio Meneghetti identifies three groups of definitions that characterize which qualities individual entrepreneur must constantly evolve for a successful business:

  1. Intellectual abilities.
  2. Personal inner traits.
  3. Skills acquired and experience gained.

For a complete understanding, you should disassemble each group in detail and list all the necessary positive traits an entrepreneur who will help a person develop successfully internally.

After some work on oneself, a person will be able to apply these qualities in business, which will contribute to success in business. To begin with, you need to disassemble an intellectual group that contributes to the development of personal qualities of an individual entrepreneur.

Logical and analytical thinking

Using logical thinking a person, based on data analysis, takes a series certain decisions... It is necessary to analyze in detail how analytical thinking should work:

  1. Parsing general information into separate parts, factors and components.
  2. A general look at each part and factor.
  3. A logical complement to the missing information.
  4. Preliminary options for solving problems and problems.
  5. Analysis preliminary options and consideration of their consequences.
  6. Structurality of the intended solution to the problem.

Insight and curiosity

The qualities necessary for an entrepreneur help to predict the possible final outcome of a given situation. Thanks to discernment, an individual entrepreneur sees and understands the background hidden behind the visible presented phenomena and behavior of other people. The ability to identify ulterior motives helps to truly identify the motives of human words, feelings and concrete actions.

Curiosity, in turn, enables the entrepreneur to develop comprehensively, which helps him to use the accumulated knowledge at the right time.

This also includes intuition - the ability to anticipate a particular situation. But, unfortunately, the intuitive quality is an innate ability that is given by nature, and not all people are able to predict the development or outcome of situations in advance.

Ability to quickly assimilate new knowledge, original thinking

These qualities of an entrepreneur allow you to quickly navigate in the modern unstable world, adapt and improve your knowledge in necessary situations... Fast information processing is possible only with regular brain training. In this case, constant reading of books will come to the rescue. And in the presence of such a quality as original thinking, a person can violate the conservative rules for solving certain problems, which in some situations leads to significant savings in material and intangible benefits.

Personal internal features include the following listed qualities of an entrepreneur.

Honesty and straightforwardness of actions

Straightforwardness and loyalty to obligations help the entrepreneur to achieve their goals, adjusting their tasks as necessary on the way to achieving the final results that were laid down when the organization was created.

Initiative and independence

Only independent active actions and enterprise can help in achieving the goal, and independence in decision-making and the search for rational ways to accomplish tasks will strengthen the position of the entrepreneur's personality.

Perseverance and composure

These qualities of an entrepreneur are faithful companions in solving any problems, since only with perseverance and willpower can you bring the business you started to its logical end. The ability to control behavior and remain calm will serve to balance the decisions made, because only with a "cold mind" can you determine the significance of a particular situation.

Communication skills

Sociable people are able to make the right contacts, which will help in running their own business. Openness to communication with other people helps not only to receive benefits from communication, but also to learn a lot of information necessary for work.

Observation and the ability to quickly assimilate information

In passing, the details of something noticeable serve to generate your own ideas that can be realized as part of an independent business, and the rapid assimilation of information helps to remember important details of a certain phenomenon or subject for a long period of time.

Each person, deciding to start his own business, is guided by different reasons. Some are attracted by financial independence, because the income of a businessman is much higher than the earnings of an employee. Other people are more attracted by independence, the absence of a boss who would have to report on hired work. Still others are forced to start their own business by the environment - if many friends have already acquired their own company, then they do not want to lag behind them. You have to find your niche and start working in the field of entrepreneurship.

Of course, in fact, there are even more reasons, because so many people want to go. But it is worth noting that not everyone succeeds in achieving success in this field. It is especially difficult in the first year of operation, when the company is still young. There are almost no clients, as well as popularity in the market. Success depends both on external circumstances and on the mood of the entrepreneur himself. His character, ability to withstand stress and quickly adapt to constantly changing conditions become the most important factors success.

Companies, even having successfully worked on the market for a couple of years, may close down due to the fact that the business owner was unable to assemble a team of professionals under his supervision, could not agree with a partner, could not distribute finances, did not define priorities in the activities of the company, etc. Here it turns out that the personal qualities of an entrepreneur have a great influence on the business. A businessman can avoid almost all problems if he possesses the following character traits.

There are people who have many qualities that are useful for an entrepreneur from birth. Nature has not awarded others with such outstanding data, but there is no need to be upset or give up on your desire to open a business. The most important thing is to correctly determine which qualities are worth developing.

Determination and responsibility of a businessman

Any entrepreneur must be determined. You can have far-reaching plans, be quick-witted and smart. But what is the use of this if the plans remain on paper or in the head due to the indecision of a person? Any businessman should be able to make decisions quickly and accurately. This quality of character can be called the basic characteristic of any successful entrepreneur. Changes in the world are happening very quickly, and it is decisiveness that allows you to quickly respond to events and make an adequate decision.

Responsibility is another very important quality for a businessman. It is the complete acceptance of responsibility for their actions that helps budding entrepreneurs become successful businessmen. The fear of responsibility ruins the most promising projects. It is necessary to understand that from the moment of opening the company, only the owner of the enterprise is responsible for his employees and the business itself. Everyone should choose for himself what is closer to him - to work for an employer or to become a business owner.

Purposefulness of a businessman

This quality can be safely attributed to the basic. All the richest people became successful because they followed their dreams, despite the fact that on their way they often met obstacles and heard rejections. Purposeful people see their goals, falls and losses do not stop them on their way. By developing a sense of purpose, you can make doing business fun and profitable.

The entrepreneurial caution and foresight

Since business is a risky business, reasonable care is encouraged. Everyone knows that it is necessary to carefully read documents before signing them. Decisions must be taken with a cold head. Caution and a balanced approach to solving emerging problems will make the life of a businessman more predictable and comfortable.

Foresight is also a necessary quality. It allows you to predict the development of the situation, plan further actions several steps ahead. A careful analysis of the situation and a correct understanding of the events taking place on the market help a businessman to emerge victorious from any situation.

Sociability, leadership skills and the ability to manage a team

Sociability is an important quality that every businessman should develop. Having connections makes life more comfortable, makes it possible to establish strong relationships with partners. It is much easier to do this if the owner of the enterprise is able to win over people, can establish good relationship with others.

Leadership qualities and the ability to lead a team are very important. The leader always acts effectively, his subordinates are organized, they know exactly what actions the leadership expects from them. Competent organization labor of the company's employees is a guarantee of high results in the work of the company.

Success doesn't have a specific recipe or formula. But we can learn from successful entrepreneurs by adopting their experiences, copying habits and character traits. In other words, to climb onto the shoulders of giants.

In this article, we have listed six qualities inherent in successful people... The list is not final, but it contains those habits that you can benefit from as quickly as possible.

1. Perseverance

Arianna Huffington received rejection after rejection while trying to publish her second book, After Reason. However, she did not give up. It was deployed to 36 publishing houses before the book was finally printed. By that time she was 23 years old. Later, in 2003, Arianna ran for gubernatorial elections in California. Having received only 2% of the votes in the preliminary vote, she dropped out of the race. Despite everything, realizing the possibilities of the Internet during her election campaign, after 2 years she launches, which later in 2011 will be sold to for $ 315 million.

“My mom used to say that failure is a stepping stone to success,” she writes.

It is important to insist on your own, despite all the setbacks and obstacles on the way. A successful entrepreneur knows that rejection is a sign not to stop, but to continue to move on and achieve what you want with a vengeance.

Start looking at setbacks and obstacles as experiences and stepping stones to victory. Remember, if it was easy, everyone would be successful. The problem is normal. The ability to insist on one's own, despite the circumstances, is one of the most valuable qualities for an entrepreneur.

2. Self-improvement and continuous learning

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla Motors, is known to be an incredibly fast learner. Before starting the SpaceX project, he tells Esquire, Elon read and studied so much literature on rocketry and propulsion systems that he could have built a rocket.

When he participated in "Ask Me Anything" on Reddit, one user asked how he manages to process such volumes of information in such a tight time frame. Elon replied: “I imagine knowledge as a huge tree - you need to make sure that the basic principles, trunk and thick branches, and only after that go deeper into the details-leaves, otherwise they will have nothing to hold on to”.

Despite the success of PayPal and Tesla and the vast accumulated experience, Elon understood that he would have to gain new knowledge if he wanted to become a competent leader in the space industry.

Successful entrepreneurs always try to learn more. It's also important to understand that it doesn't matter how successful you are now or how much you already know - there is always the opportunity to learn more and grow above yourself.

Read more, listen to more podcasts, and watch more YouTube videos on topics that will help you grow your business. Set aside an hour each day to work on yourself and become a more competent entrepreneur.

3. He who does not take risks does not drink champagne

Bill Gates risked his future by leaving Harvard at 20 to co-found Microsoft.

In his book Business @ the Speed ​​of Thought: Using a Digital Nervous System, Bill describes the implications of his risky behavior like this: “To hit the big jackpot, you have to take big risks. Big bets mean big losses and big wins. Today, in hindsight, it's easy to believe that Microsoft's current success was inevitable. But when we started the first software company, most people were convinced that we would fail. "

The only way to overcome fear is to open yourself up to risk. To get out of your comfort zone and start betting big, spend more time with people who inspire you rather than convince you of failure.

4. Leadership

Howard Schultz was able to lift Starbucks when it was on the verge of ruin in 2008 in the wake of a prolonged recession. In an interview with the London Business Forum, he talked a lot about leadership and how he managed to breathe life into Starbucks. Howard believes that leaders need to be decisive and ready to make tough decisions in the face of a lack of information.

“I think that the essential quality of a leader is openness. You must be credible. You don't need to be vulnerable, but at some moments it is worth sharing with people confidence and part of your soul, showing them who you really are, without being afraid of it, ”he said.

In other words, being a successful entrepreneur means being a decisive and responsible leader, confidently driving your business towards growth and improvement. If you have employees or partners, then leadership is also added to the ability to explain how and why this particular decision was made.

5. Work, work and work again

Even when Oprah Winfrey was already hosting her own show (The Oprah Winfrey Show), she did not give up other projects. She has starred in 12 films and has appeared as a guest or producer on dozens of TV shows, feature films and documentaries. Oprah was engaged various projects even when her show was at the top of TV charts and won awards including 9 Emmy for Best Daytime Talk Show.

Today, Oprah continues to be a media mogul, with her own television network, Oxygen, OWN, a magazine, website and satellite radio channel.

“The biggest secret of life is that there is no secret. Whatever your goal, you can achieve it if you are ready to work, ”she shares with her readers.

Success requires firmness and perseverance - it comes as a result of competently building a personal brand.

How many ways are there to promote your business? Be proactive and use all available channels to add brand awareness.
Move and work in this direction, do not be passive and do not wait for traffic and customers to come to you on their own. You have to do it all yourself - actively promote your product and name. You alone are responsible for your success.

6. Focus

When Steve Jobs returned to the crumbling Apple in 1996, he saw the company move away from what made it successful and famous in the first place. By 1997, he had cut his product line from 350 to 10.
At a developer conference that same year, Jobs said, “When you think about focusing on something, you think, 'This is what you settle for.' No! Focus is something to give up. "

Jobs had to make many tough decisions to rid Apple of the unnecessary products and projects that the company was involved in. Poor management resulted in the team being atomized over the smallest detail. Steve noticed that he focused on a few products, which helped Apple become the powerful brand it is today.

Take time to look at your business from the outside and catch the moment when you start to lose focus. The key advice here is to keep it simple.

Focus on making one great product instead of 10 good ones. Set yourself the goal of developing an innovative e-commerce project in one area, instead of trying to work tolerably across multiple niches.

Stand on the shoulders of giants

There is no need to develop all these qualities in yourself at once and right now - stop at those that are most in tune with you.

Is your business lacking concentration? Work on it.
Is your product not perfect enough? Grind it to take your company to the next level.

Successful businessmen are not born. The necessary traits are developed in themselves with the help of books, authoritative people and their own experience. Start following their example to become a better entrepreneur and individual.

Only a few remain on the market, and in many respects success depends on the character and personal qualities of the head of the company. Below we have collected the most important qualities and told how to develop them in yourself.

We often hear the phrase that a modern entrepreneur should be a leader. This is obvious, but the concept of leadership includes several qualities inherent in real conquerors at once:

  • Energy;
  • Willpower, perseverance, constancy;
  • The gift of persuasion.

To develop these qualities in yourself, you need to start small. Just sit down and write down your goals with a clear strategy for achieving them. Be an enthusiast - participate in interesting events and learn something new. Keep your finger on the pulse of the times and follow the news. This will make you an interesting and competent conversationalist to be reckoned with.

To develop the gift of persuasion and oratory, you can regularly conduct "performances" in front of the mirror on different topics or even sign up for a debate.


A businessman knows how to select employees and motivate them. The organizer knows how to quickly and correctly assess people and coordinate their work, and complete all assigned tasks on time. How to develop this quality in yourself? To get started, learn how to effectively manage your time.

The so-called "to do list", where all matters are written in order of importance and urgency, will help a lot with this. If you can organize your own time and motivate yourself to work, then you can already move on to the next level.


You need to be able to sell your products, services, yourself (your company, business) to partners and investors, etc. This includes the ability to inspire confidence in consumers and employees, arouse interest in your products, and captivate people without coercion.

The first step towards achieving this quality is communication. And not only with friends, but rather with strangers... Make new acquaintances, start conversations in stores, in transport, bargain while shopping.

There is whole line interesting trainings to develop selling skills... For example, ask your friend to choose any, even the most absurd, item of the environment that you have to sell him in 5 minutes. This will teach you to select arguments, quickly navigate the situation, and at the same time work on the development of imagination and logical thinking.


To, you need to learn to calculate everything in advance. Is it worth taking on a project, what will be the demand for the product, etc. own business, in all its processes, in the market environment and human psychology.

An analytical mindset can be formed, for this it is necessary to read the relevant literature, monitor the environment, draw conclusions from certain situations, look for prerequisites, anticipate the consequences.

Eternal disciple and innovator

Self-study - important condition development of entrepreneurial qualities. Master new computer programs, understand economics, learn effective sales just don't stop! At the very least, you develop your brain, and also acquire new useful knowledge and skills.

Innovation allows an entrepreneur to be one step ahead of competitors, to look for something new in the usual, getting competitive advantage... Although business requires caution, a share of healthy adventurism and willingness to take risks can bring amazing results, moving your business forward an order of magnitude.

Regular reading, the experience of other people and companies, and special exercises will help develop lateral thinking. For example, remember any event in the form of a picture-image, imagine how it smells blue color, come up with visual accompaniment to your favorite music, etc.


Possessing the above business qualities is much easier for people with certain character traits:

  1. and poise... They help to deal with failures, attract people and investments to their side, navigate difficult situations, resolve conflicts within the team.
  2. Purposefulness... A good leader knows how to focus on the most important details discarding less significant cases. This helps the company not to be sprayed and to move forward quickly. Write down what you need to do first and what tasks are secondary.
  3. Observation... This trait allows an entrepreneur to look for new ways of development, to quickly notice and prevent emerging problems.
  4. Determination... It is necessary not to be afraid to act quickly, sometimes harshly, quickly reacting to changes in the environment. You can develop this trait in Everyday life quickly and efficiently solving simple everyday problems.
  5. Sociability... It is important to be able to communicate in person, by correspondence, by phone (for example, making "cold calls").
  6. Stress tolerance... In addition to organizing the work of the company, its promotion, the entrepreneur has to solve a lot of other problems: from pressure from competitors and inspections by regulatory authorities to eliminating the consequences of an industrial accident. From leader resilience to stressful situations the future of the enterprise may depend.

A person with such qualities will be able to open successful business and deal with any difficulties.