I want to become a successful person. Basic rules of a successful person

There is no person on earth who does not want to become successful. We all dream of a good and prosperous life. We dream of having our own business, personal car, own apartment. We also dream of a job that pays well, of traveling to exotic countries. But what do you need to do to be successful? The article presents detailed instructions which will help you with this.

1. You need to put the right priorities, and clear plans in front of you. You should break this long path into several small stages, and mark the closest goal.

2. You need to be aware of your time. To succeed, you need to stop being afraid of your thoughts, and not run away from them. You don't have to dwell on the negative. You need to be able to realistically assess your capabilities, and your temporary potential. You should consciously limit your time in this life, and distribute it so that later you don’t have to regret that life was wasted.

3. You need to ignore the naysayers. There have always been many skeptics, that's a fact. There will always be someone who will talk you out of your idea. It is useless for such people to prove something, so you just need to ignore them, and not waste your precious time on them.

4. Never be afraid to take on responsibility. It should be borne in mind that only those who create absolutely nothing do not make mistakes. Success can only be achieved if a person is able to express initiative and learn the necessary lessons from the successes and mistakes that are made not only by him, but also by other people.

5. Need to do for your health. It should be remembered that health and time will never be restored. They need to be used wisely. If we cannot stop time, then we can preserve and improve health. All must be abandoned bad habits Start taking care of your body consciously. You need to eat so that you feel good and have a lot of strength. And also, you need to harden, to engage in the prevention of diseases. Sports will help keep your body in good condition.

6. You need to concentrate on one thing. If you try to succeed in all areas of activity, then nothing will work. Even if a person has experience in several areas of business, it would still be better to concentrate on one. Thanks to this, a person will be able to approach issues more professionally.

7. You should do what you love. AT modern world it is very difficult to achieve a big salary, or daily success in business. Only if you love your work with all your heart, you can improve your life in material terms. But if a person does a certain kind activities only because of the big profits, it will be very difficult to succeed. If you don’t like your job, but still want to achieve success in life, then you should change your job (business).

8. You need to constantly develop. You should always develop and open new horizons for yourself. You need to keep discovering new knowledge, gaining new experience. But you need to be reasonable in development, and move only in the direction that a person needs.

9. You need to start a family. The family is the rear of the individual. It is difficult to succeed without having such a “rear” in life. If a person has a family that is waiting for him at home, supporting him at any moment, then he is guaranteed to succeed.

10. You need to rest. The current generation are workaholics who have been taught from the cradle that you need to work hard to achieve success. There is a deal of truth in it. It is really necessary to work. But subject to proper rest. During rest, a person renews his energy. If you work hard and do not rest, you can lose a lot of energy. In this case, the person simply will not be able to work further.

Greetings to everyone who came to this site! Friends, here you will find simple tips how to become successful in life. “A successful person is a person who achieves his goals, feels it himself and has the recognition of others in this.”

How to become successful

Each person has their own idea of ​​success. Someone wants to have public success, someone in business or career. According to the Pareto law, out of 100 people, only 20 are successful, but everyone who wants to be prosperous had an equal chance for this. Why do some succeed and others fail?

Because the formula for success = 1% luck + 99% hard daily work! It’s not enough to wish to be successful while lying on the couch, you need to work very hard to fulfill your dream of becoming successful.

What constitutes success in life:

  • Health
  • industriousness
  • Happening
  • Abilities and skills of a person

Personal qualities that contribute to success in life:

  • Activity
  • purposefulness
  • Intelligence
  • A responsibility

Where to begin?

Now on the Internet you can easily find a suitable “recipe”, there are many good books, which have step by step instructions path to achievement. Sea of ​​information. The main thing is to decide what you want.

You need to set a goal. The path to victory will begin with understanding what exactly your success will be. A successful person has a clear idea of ​​the desired end goal. Losers do the work without imagining the end result.

The successful man is patient, ready to go to his goal for a long time, and the loser wants everything at once. Great happiness when a person does what he loves. Therefore, determine for yourself: what you like to do and what you are good at.

You can sew beautiful things or bake delicious bread. Happiness is to be a master of what you love.

Make a plan for a year, a month, a week, a day. Be sure to write it down! Not in the clouds, but on paper. Thanks to the plan, you will be able to separate the important from the unnecessary. Your time should be spent only on the important things. And move forward! Don't stop, don't go half way.

Most people stop moving forward after a few mistakes. When faced with difficulties, learn instead of emotional experience, analyze the causes of failures and draw conclusions, find pluses in any situation.

Make many attempts until the desired result appears. Patience, diligence, perseverance. All this is difficult and not for the weak! But only in this way can the goal be achieved.
Don't forget your sense of humor and smile more. Remember how much easier it is to communicate with a person who has these qualities.

What's stopping you


  • lack of assembly,
  • inattention,
  • Failure to do things according to plan.

There are things that take precious time. This is TV and communication with negative people(their endless complaints about life, indifference, useless chatter).

Hang out with positive, happy people more.

The biggest obstacle to success can be self-doubt and premature disappointment. But having overcome these feelings, a person can become more prosperous in his work than anyone else.

To be successful:

  1. We set a goal;
  2. Making a plan: what to do? At what time?
  3. Strictly follow what you have planned.
  4. Verification and analysis: effective? Effective?
  5. Correct: how to do better next time?
  6. Action - action - action - result!
  7. Smile more, because you are already successful! Good luck!

What influences promotion? You are the most the best specialist in your area, but given a promotion to someone else? Stop biting your elbows and hope for fate!

How to become successful in life → advice from Radislav Gandapas ↓

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Many people dream of fame, wealth and happiness. However, not everyone succeeds in achieving something in life. In this article, you will learn how successful people become successful, how to find the main secrets and principles of luck.

Age-old mystery

Thousands of thinkers, scientists and ordinary people trying to create a universal path to victory. Some people believe that the only way to achieve your goals in life is through hard work. Others are sure that people receive a "ticket" from fortune from birth. Still others are convinced that a person becomes great only because of mystical coincidences. But people who have actually succeeded know that only all of the named points together will help to catch the "firebird".

Absolutely everyone is sure that everything depends on specific person and his ability to recognize and use the chances that fate offers. Of course, in one hour or several lessons on the topic "How to become successful person"It is impossible to reach heights from a famous lucky person. But if you strive for this and read the relevant literature, communicate with interesting people, that is, every chance to change your life for the better.

In any case, there are rules that unite all rich and beautiful men and women among themselves. The first secret is to set goals and priorities correctly. Immediately think about who you want to be, for example, in 10-20 years, what you need to do to achieve what you want. Start with small tasks. If they are successful, then continue to work in the same spirit.

The second secret: when you go to the goal, do not waste time on things that make you vulnerable and insecure. Try to avoid people who do not share your intentions. The ability to deal with difficulties, criticism and temptations are the main qualities of a successful person. Remember that no matter how hard you try, there will be people who will not appreciate your work.

The third secret: do not put things off until later. Enthusiasm and ideas often lose to laziness and lack of initiative, so try to cultivate punctuality and patience in yourself. After all, men and women with such traits are valued in the world.

Computer genius

The idol of many dreamers is Bill Gates. The story of this man is fascinating and instructive. He was born into a wealthy family. My father worked as a successful lawyer, and my mother was actively involved in charity work. The boy lived in good area and attended excellent school. From childhood, parents tried to instill in their son the spirit of competition. Relatives made sure that the boy aspired to science. Little Bill liked to play various games in which he was often the winner.

Already at the age of 10, the boy decided that he would enter the circle in which there are successful people. His father was a role model. Therefore, instead of sports games and fun with friends the boy read a lot and spent time studying.

Ironically, the school had one of the very first computers. Even then, he was interested in a unique machine. Intuitively, he felt that the world will change the program, not the devices on which they are installed. It was at this time that Bill created the first projects. The director encouraged the students with bonuses. For his work, the boy received the first 500 dollars at the age of 15. After graduating from school, the guy set himself the goal of making money on programming. It should be noted that not all the people around him believed in Bill's powers.

Target and means

Parents who knew nothing about computers were against such a desire. They believed that successful people could not do such a thing, and saw their son as a lawyer. The young man entered Harvard. On the machines of the university, he continued to write programs. The money that I got for my ideas I invested in the business. In 1975, Bill and his friend opened their own company, which they called Microsoft. Often a genius worked so hard and diligently that he fell asleep right in the office. The guy dropped out of Harvard. Parents did not share his choice, but the computer genius did not give up.

Bill Gates knew how to become a successful person. The secret of the man was hard work and fabulous ambitions.

In 1978, there were already 11 people in the Microsoft office. Today, the program that his company created has 90% of computer users.

There were ups and downs in the history of this genius, but he confidently walked towards his goal. Several times Bill Gates topped the list of the richest people in the world. Now the multibillionaire gives significant funds to charity. He donates millions to the poor and disadvantaged. His new goal in life is to save the world.

Grief as an incentive

The most successful people work in different directions. If Bill Gates got the fame of a computer genius, then in the world of the book, J.K. Rowling is the leader.

The future writer was born in a simple family. Her homeland was the county of Gloucestershire, which is located in England. She had a younger sister. It was to her that the author read her first stories. At the age of 5-6 Joan wrote a fairy tale. Childhood can not be called sweet. The family often lacked money. The girl was afraid of her father because of her difficult nature. And her mother, whom she loved very much, died when Joan was 25 years old. She took the tragedy very hard. But it was this death that pushed her to work. It should be noted that before cardinal changes, almost all successful people in the world experience something terrible, unusual.

A few months before the disaster, she, racing on a train, imagined a dark-haired boy who had just found out that he was a magician. At that moment, the novelist did not have a pen with her, so more and more new and vivid images surfaced in her head.

Creativity is a pill for depression

She wrote the book very slowly. Per a short time Rowling survived the death of her mother, a divorce from her abusive husband, and a move back to England. A woman with a small child, whom she gave birth to in 1993, lived very poorly. For some time she suffered from severe depression. Therefore, many dark and evil characters appeared in the draft of the Harry Potter book.

The life of successful people is not always easy. But this writer did not give up and continued to create. She was given strength by the dream that her novel would be published. The story that the world admires today was originally Joan's diary. In it, she solved her problems with the help of fantastic situations. The work saved her from pain and suffering. A woman wrote when the child was sleeping after walking.

In 1995, Rowling completed her first book. However, none of the publishers she applied to agreed to publish the story. Once "Harry Potter" fell into the hands of the daughter of one of the editors. It was the interest of this girl that contributed to the fact that the novel saw the light of day. Over 400 million copies have now been sold. The writer is on the list of the richest women in the UK.


For some time many friends and even strangers asked a famous author for money. Almost all successful people in the world face this situation. Many women helped. But Joan is of the opinion that big money spoils the personality. The writer herself lives quite modestly and very rarely, even despite her financial situation, allows herself expensive things.

Weekly on mailbox the writer receives thousands of letters. Some of them are from fans. Others are from various organizations asking for help. At first, Rowling gave funds to everyone. But then I realized that it would not be able to help anyone in particular. Later, she decided to create her own charitable foundation. Almost all successful people turn to this practice. Her organization is fighting multiple sclerosis from which her mother died.

No age limits

Everyone has long known that the realization of a dream into reality and a small triumph make a person not only happy, but also improve his health. There is a great example that success can be achieved regardless of age and background. This is a unique person named Grandma Moses.

This American was born in the distant 1860. Since childhood, she loved to draw. All her life she worked hard on the farm. She became an exemplary mother of five children and a good man. time for favorite hobby she didn't have.

The woman retired and started painting. Grandma was in her 70s when a collector from New York liked her work. Simple, soulful landscapes immediately conquered the world. Exhibitions of paintings by the artist were held around the world. The woman created about 1600 paintings and died at the age of 101.

It should be noted that in 2004 her work "The Old Colorful House, 1862" sold at auction for $60,000. The story of Grandma Moses proves that the activity of a successful person does not depend on age.

Characteristics of goals

Everyone's secret to success is unique. Someone needs a good chance and useful connections to fulfill their dream. Others - a lot of time and a lot of opportunities. But in any case, without colossal work, expenditure of energy and ambition, it is impossible to wake up and become famous in one day.

For many people, happiness and success are not measured in the amount of money in the bank account, not in the army of fans who are on duty at the door. There are people for whom luck is to fulfill their dream, no matter how strange it may seem to others. The first want simple family comfort, the second - career growth, the third - the opportunity to travel the world without hindrance. For each individual person, triumph has its own characteristics.

Stories about how successful people became successful are a step that can bring you closer to your goal. It doesn't matter what a person puts in front of him. If his aspirations are pure and bright, sincere work and circumstances will contribute to their realization.

How to be successful? There are a lot of posts and books on this very painful topic. But people do not stop writing more and more, and every time they have something to add. Everyone contributes based on their own experience. The same rule different people works differently, everyone has their own point of view and the angle from which he looks at the rule. Stephen King is one of the greatest writers, who expresses his thoughts so clearly that the picture comes to life by itself and, while reading his book, you seem to be watching a movie. I think his interpretation is really worth looking at.

In his book "On Writing" (How to write books), Stephen King talks about his work, about how you can become a professional in your field. And these tips apply to more than just writing books. Many of them are universal.

Lesson 1

I would rephrase this as “love your job”, because during a crisis, any job is already good. But the writer put something more into this phrase than just a positive attitude to his work:

For me, rather, work is when I do nothing. When I write - I relax, for me it's a game ...

This rule is found everywhere, but it is also the most difficult to follow. That is, until your work becomes a rest for you, you need to move on. If you realize it, of course. Let me remind you that most of us work 5-6, and sometimes 7 days a week, and if work turns into hard labor, then your life will not be easy, hard labor.

Lesson 2

In order to achieve success, you need to practice a lot in what you do. I think that our standard “study, study, study”, which was hammered into our heads, does not always come in handy. Theory is good, but practice is key! And if you like the process of work itself, then a lot of practice will only give you more pleasure and bring more fruitful results.

Lesson 3. Be serious

Only if you are serious about work and results can you be successful. Some people who enjoy their work treat it like a hobby. As a result, it remains a hobby, without bringing serious results. But success is achieved only by those who approach the issue of work seriously.

Lesson 4: Ignore the Skeptics

If you write, someone is bound to try to make you feel like a failure, that's all.

Skeptics have always been an integral part of life, that's a fact. There will always be a person who will blow your idea to smithereens. It is useless to prove to such people. So instead of wasting your precious energy on them, just ignore them.

Lesson 5

Everyone needs someone who will believe in the success of the cause and will support. When there is someone around who believes in you more than yourself, you will definitely succeed.

Lesson 6

Do you want to become an ace in your work? Fill your life with what you do.

Lesson 7

I like to write 10 pages a day, about 2,000 words each. Only under extreme circumstances can I afford to turn off the computer before I write 2,000 words.

A good rule that applies to any job. Set yourself a rule to perform at least a certain amount every day.

Lesson 8

By studying how your colleagues and especially people who have succeeded in your industry work, you learn from their positive experience. It can also be attributed to "learn from the mistakes of others."

Lesson 9

In addition to learning about the work of your peers, you also need to keep abreast of developments and innovations that occur in your field of work. Buy magazines, subscribe to RSS thematic publications. Keep your finger on the pulse.

Lesson 10

Your job is not the search itself. It is rather important to recognize them in time when they appear right in front of your nose. Keep your eyes wide open and your mind open to new things.

Lesson 11

Once I started working on a project. I didn't stop or slow down as long as I could.

To paraphrase a little, if you "caught the wave" - ​​do not stop until you finish the job! It will be done in one breath. It is important to remember here that if you stop, you risk losing the topic and it will be difficult to enter that state again.

Lesson 12

… I download directly on paper what is in my head. I write as fast as I can...

Don't try to be perfect in your job right away. Just sketch at least a rough outline of your work and only then refine it.

Lesson 13

And this item exactly follows after 12. That is, the draft version is ready, supplemented and turned into a final one. But here it is necessary to review everything again and get rid of unnecessary details that only overload the project (book, presentation, building).

Lesson 14 Become your own first customer

I'm not only the creator of short stories, but I'm also the first reader.

When you are the author of any completed work, it is very difficult to look at it from a different angle, the angle of the buyer. But this is very important, because then you will be able to notice errors and correct them even before they get to the real customer. Self-criticism is pretty good, the main thing is to know the limits.

Lesson 15

Honey, do you work for money? The answer is no. Not now, and never worked... I never wrote a single word on paper with the thought of the money I would get for it.

Money is a bad motivator. They make you ignore the voice of your heart and you can live someone else's life instead of your own.

Lesson 16

If you do your job with pleasure, it will not only help you go through the difficult path to success, but also fill life itself.

Lesson 17

Writing is not a way to make a lot of money or become famous... It's about enriching the lives of those who read your work, as well as enriching your own life.

If you are living a life that enriches (spiritually, of course) the lives of those around you, then you are living a great life.

And now a question for the readers!?

How to be successful? There are a lot of posts and books on this very painful topic. But people do not stop writing more and more, and every time they have something to add. Everyone contributes based on their own experience. The same rule works differently for different people, everyone has their own point of view and the angle from which they look at the rule. Stephen King is one of the greatest writers who expresses his thoughts so clearly that the picture comes to life by itself and, while reading his book, you seem to be watching a movie. I think his interpretation is really worth looking at.

In his book "On Writing" (How to write books), Stephen King talks about his work, about how you can become a professional in your field. And these tips apply to more than just writing books. Many of them are universal.

Lesson 1

I would rephrase this as “love your job”, because during a crisis, any job is already good. But the writer put something more into this phrase than just a positive attitude to his work:

For me, rather, work is when I do nothing. When I write - I relax, for me it's a game ...

This rule is found everywhere, but it is also the most difficult to follow. That is, until your work becomes a rest for you, you need to move on. If you realize it, of course. Let me remind you that most of us work 5-6, and sometimes 7 days a week, and if work turns into hard labor, then your life will not be easy, hard labor.

Lesson 2

In order to achieve success, you need to practice a lot in what you do. I think that our standard “study, study, study”, which was hammered into our heads, does not always come in handy. Theory is good, but practice is key! And if you like the process of work itself, then a lot of practice will only give you more pleasure and bring more fruitful results.

Lesson 3. Be serious

Only if you are serious about work and results can you be successful. Some people who enjoy their work treat it like a hobby. As a result, it remains a hobby, without bringing serious results. But success is achieved only by those who approach the issue of work seriously.

Lesson 4: Ignore the Skeptics

If you write, someone is bound to try to make you feel like a failure, that's all.

Skeptics have always been an integral part of life, that's a fact. There will always be a person who will blow your idea to smithereens. It is useless to prove to such people. So instead of wasting your precious energy on them, just ignore them.

Lesson 5

Everyone needs someone who will believe in the success of the cause and will support. When there is someone around who believes in you more than yourself, you will definitely succeed.

Lesson 6

Do you want to become an ace in your work? Fill your life with what you do.

Lesson 7

I like to write 10 pages a day, about 2,000 words each. Only under extreme circumstances can I afford to turn off the computer before I write 2,000 words.

A good rule that applies to any job. Set yourself a rule to perform at least a certain amount every day.

Lesson 8

By studying how your colleagues and especially people who have succeeded in your industry work, you learn from their positive experience. It can also be attributed to "learn from the mistakes of others."

Lesson 9

In addition to learning about the work of your peers, you also need to keep abreast of developments and innovations that occur in your field of work. Buy magazines, subscribe to RSS thematic publications. Keep your finger on the pulse.

Lesson 10

Your job is not the search itself. It is rather important to recognize them in time when they appear right in front of your nose. Keep your eyes wide open and your mind open to new things.

Lesson 11

Once I started working on a project. I didn't stop or slow down as long as I could.

To paraphrase a little, if you "caught the wave" - ​​do not stop until you finish the job! It will be done in one breath. It is important to remember here that if you stop, you risk losing the topic and it will be difficult to enter that state again.

Lesson 12

… I download directly on paper what is in my head. I write as fast as I can...

Don't try to be perfect in your job right away. Just sketch at least a rough outline of your work and only then refine it.

Lesson 13

And this item exactly follows after 12. That is, the draft version is ready, supplemented and turned into a final one. But here it is necessary to review everything again and get rid of unnecessary details that only overload the project (book, presentation, building).

Lesson 14 Become your own first customer

I'm not only the creator of short stories, but I'm also the first reader.

When you are the author of any completed work, it is very difficult to look at it from a different angle, the angle of the buyer. But this is very important, because then you will be able to notice errors and correct them even before they get to the real customer. Self-criticism is pretty good, the main thing is to know the limits.

Lesson 15

Honey, do you work for money? The answer is no. Not now, and never worked... I never wrote a single word on paper with the thought of the money I would get for it.

Money is a bad motivator. They make you ignore the voice of your heart and you can live someone else's life instead of your own.

Lesson 16

If you do your job with pleasure, it will not only help you go through the difficult path to success, but also fill life itself.

Lesson 17

Writing is not a way to make a lot of money or become famous... It's about enriching the lives of those who read your work, as well as enriching your own life.

If you are living a life that enriches (spiritually, of course) the lives of those around you, then you are living a great life.

And now a question for the readers!?