Methodical development on the world around (junior group) on the topic: Didactic game "Know the taste". Didactic game "Who controls what." Didactic game "Mailbox"

Description of some didactic games in kindergarten. Methodology of organization and management of didactic games, their pedagogical value. Planning didactic games in the educational process. The role of play in the development of a child's cognition.

1. Didactic game "Find the object"

Purpose: to teach how to compare the shapes of objects with geometric patterns.
Material. Geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval).
Children stand in a semicircle. In the center there are two tables: on one - geometric shapes, on the second - objects. The teacher tells the rules of the game: “We will play like this: to whom the hoop rolls up, he will come to the table and find an object with a mongrel of the same shape that I will show. The child, to whom the hoop rolled up, comes out, the teacher shows a circle and offers to find an object of the same shape. The found object rises high, if it is chosen correctly, children. Clap their hands. Then the teacher rolls the hoop to the next child and suggests a different shape. The game continues until all items match, matched to samples.

2. Didactic game "Funny nesting dolls"

Purpose: to teach to distinguish and compare objects for different qualities of magnitude.

Material. 2 sets of five-seat nesting dolls, 2 sets of circles of different sizes, a turret of hollow cubes.

Content. At the invitation of the teacher, the children sit down at common table, on which there is a matryoshka. The teacher turns to the children: “I want to play funny nesting dolls with you, but I see that there is only one matryoshka, but where are the rest? (looks around, and then picks up the matryoshka and shakes it). Something is thundering in the middle! Let's see what is there? (Takes off the top half of the matryoshka). Here, it turns out, where they hid! (All nesting dolls are displayed in a row). Let's get to know them! The teacher calls the name of each matryoshka, tilting it at the same time: "I am Matryoshka, I am Natasha, I am Dasha, I am Masha," etc. Each child chooses one of the nesting dolls (one matryoshka is taken by the teacher). The game begins. First, the nesting dolls walk (walk around the table). Then they are called to measure their height. They line up one after another and take turns, starting with the smallest, rise in height, and the teacher specifies which matryoshka is the smallest (tallest)? Then the nesting dolls go to dinner. The teacher puts on the table a set of circles (plates) of five sizes, calls the children in turn, who select plates of the appropriate size for their matryoshkas. After dinner, the nesting dolls are going for a walk. The teacher puts a second set of matryoshka dolls on the table, and the children select girlfriends of the same height for their matryoshka dolls. Pairs of nesting dolls move around the table. Then they scatter and mix. ("Matryoshka wanted to run"). Unbeknownst to the children, the teacher removes a pair of matryoshkas of the same height from the table. "Time to go home! - says the teacher. Get in pairs. " The nesting dolls are lined up in pairs, and suddenly it is discovered that a pair of nesting dolls is missing. The teacher invites the children to call the nesting dolls by name (if they remember). All in unison ask her to return. The nesting dolls appear, the kids put them in their place and the toys go home. The teacher puts on the table a turret of hollow cubes (they have one side missing) - these are houses for nesting dolls. At the request of the teacher, each child finds a home for his nesting dolls. The nesting dolls bow, say goodbye and go home.

3. Didactic game "Long - short"

Purpose: development in children of a clear differentiated perception of new qualities of magnitude.

Material. Satin and nylon ribbons different colors and sizes, cardboard strips, plot toys: a fat bear and a thin doll.

Before the start of the game, the teacher places sets of game didactic material (multi-colored ribbons, stripes) on two tables in advance. The teacher takes out two toys - a teddy bear and a doll Katya. He tells the children that Misha and Katya want to be smart today, and for this they need belts. Calls up two children and gives them ribbons rolled into a tube: one short - a belt for Katya, the other long - a belt for a bear. Children, with the help of a teacher, try on and tie belts to toys. Toys express joy and bow. But then the toys want to swap belts. The teacher suggests removing the belts and changing their toys. Suddenly he discovers that the belt does not converge on the Kuklin bear, and the belt is too large for the doll. The teacher offers to consider the belts and spreads them side by side on the table, and then puts a short ribbon on a long one. He explains which ribbon is long and which is short, that is, he gives the name of the quality of the quantity - length.

After that, the teacher shows the children two cardboard strips - a long one and a short one. Shows children how to compare strips to ribbons by overlapping and tell which one is short and which is long.

4. Game "Right as Left"

Purpose: mastering the skills to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Content. The nesting dolls were in a hurry and forgot to finish their drawings. You need to finish them so that one half is similar to the other. Children draw, and an adult says: “Point, point, two hooks, minus a comma - a funny face came out. And if a bow and a little skirt-man is that girl. And if there is a forelock and pants, that little man is a boy. " The children are looking at the drawings. "

5. Didactic game "Pick a figure"

Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about geometric shapes, exercise in naming them.

Material. Demonstration: circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle cut from cardboard.

Handout: cards with 5 geometric lotos outlines.

The teacher shows the figures to the children, traces each one with a finger Gives the task to the children: “You have cards on your tables with figures drawn different shapes, and the same figures on the trays. Lay out all the figures on the cards so that they are hidden. " Asks the children to trace each shape on the tray, and then superimposes (“hide”) it on the sketched shape.

6. Didactic game "Three squares"

Purpose: to teach children to correlate three objects in size and to designate their relationship with the words: "large", small "," medium ", largest", "smallest".

Material. Three squares of different sizes, flannelegraph; children have 3 squares, flannelograph.

Educator: Children, I have 3 squares, these are (shows). This is the largest, this is the smallest, and this is the smallest (each of them shows). And now you show the largest squares (children raise and show), put it down. Now raise the averages. Now - the smallest.

Further, the teacher offers the children to build towers from the squares. Shows how to do it - places on the flannelgraph from the bottom up, first a large, then a medium, then a small square. “Make such a tower on your flannelegraphs,” says the educator.

7. Geometric lotto

Purpose: to teach children to compare the shape of the depicted object with a geometric figure, to select objects according to a geometric pattern.

Material. 5 cards depicting geometric shapes: 1 circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval. 5 cards each with the image of objects of different shapes: round (tennis ball, apple, ball, soccer ball, balloon), square rug, handkerchief, cube, etc .; oval (melon, plum, leaf, beetle, egg); rectangular (envelope, briefcase, book, dominoes, picture).

5 children are taking part. The teacher examines the material with the children. Children name figures and objects. Then, at the instruction of the educator, cards with the image of objects of the desired shape are selected for their geometric samples. The teacher helps children to correctly name the shape of objects (round, oval, square, rectangular).

8. Didactic game "What are the figures?"

Purpose: to acquaint children with new shapes: an oval, a rectangle, a triangle, giving them a pair of already familiar ones: a square-triangle, a square-rectangle, a circle-oval.

Material. Doll. Demonstration: large cardboard figures: square, triangle, rectangle, oval, circle. Handout: 2 smaller shapes of each shape.

The doll brings figures. The teacher shows the children a square and a triangle, asks what the first figure is called. Having received the answer, he says that he has a triangle in his other hand. An examination is carried out by tracing the contour with a finger. Fixes attention to the fact that a triangle has only three corners. Asks the children to pick up triangles and put them together. Likewise: a square with a rectangle, an oval with a circle.

9. Didactic game "Collect the beads"

Purpose: to form the ability to group geometric figures by two properties (color and shape, size and color, shape and size), to see the simplest patterns in the alternation of figures.

Equipment. There is a long ribbon on the floor, on it from left to right in a certain alternation the figures are laid out: a red triangle, a green circle, a red triangle, etc.

Children stand in a circle, in front of them are boxes with multi-colored geometric shapes.

The course of the game. The teacher offers to make beads for the New Year tree. She points to the ribbon with laid out geometric shapes and says: “Look, the Snow Maiden has already started making them. From what shapes did she decide to make the beads? Guess which bead is next. " Children take two of the same figures, name them and begin to make beads. Explain why this particular figure is laid out. Errors are corrected under the guidance of a teacher.

Then the teacher says that the beads have crumbled and must be reassembled. He puts the beginning of the beads on the tape, and offers the children to continue. Asks which figure should be next, why. Children choose geometric shapes and lay them out in accordance with a given pattern.

10. Didactic game "Wide - narrow"

Purpose: to form a wide-narrow view.

The lesson is held the same way, but now children are learning to distinguish between the width of objects, that is, wide and narrow ribbons of the same length. When creating a game situation, you can use the following game technique. Two cardboard strips are laid out on the table - wide and narrow (of the same length). A doll and a bear can walk along a wide strip (path), and only one of them can walk along a narrow strip. Or you can play a plot with two cars

11. Didactic game "To whom what form"

Option. No. 1.

Purpose: to teach children to group geometric shapes (ovals, circles) in shape, distracting from color, size.

Material. Big bear and matryoshka. Handout: three circles and an oval of different colors and sizes, 2 large trays for each child.

The teacher demonstrates a circle and an oval, asks the children to remember the names of these figures, to show how they differ from each other, to find contours with their fingers. "And now put all the circles on one tray - the matryoshka, all the ovals and the other - for the bear." The teacher observes how the children perform the task, in case of difficulty, invites the child to circle the figure with his finger and say what it is called.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher sums up: “Today we have learned to distinguish circles from ovals. The bear will take all the ovals to the forest, and the matryoshka will take the circles home.

12. Didactic game "Our Day"

Purpose: to consolidate the idea of ​​the parts of the day, to teach the correct use of the words "morning", "day", "evening", "night".

Equipment. Bibabo doll, toy bed, tableware, scallop, etc; pictures showing the actions of children in different time days.

The course of the game. Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher uses a doll to produce various actions, by which children should determine the part of the day: the doll gets out of bed, dresses, combes its hair (morning), dines (day), etc. Then the teacher calls the action, for example: "The doll is washing", invites the child to perform it and name the part of the day corresponding to this action (morning or evening). The teacher reads an excerpt from poems by Petrushina:

The doll Valya wants to sleep.

I'll put her to bed.

I'll bring her a blanket

To fall asleep faster

Children put the doll to bed and say when it happens. The teacher shows pictures in a time sequence and asks what part of the day these actions take place. Then he shuffles the pictures and, together with the children, arranges them in the order of the day's actions. Children lay out their pictures in accordance with the pictures of the teacher.

13. Didactic game "Compose an object"

Purpose: to exercise in drawing up the silhouette of an object from separate parts (geometric shapes).

Equipment. On the teacher's table there are large toys: a house, a tumbler, a snowman, a Christmas tree, a truck. There are sets of different geometric shapes on the floor.

The course of the game. The teacher proposes to name the toys on his table and compose any of them using a set of geometric shapes. Encourages and stimulates children's action. Asks: “What did you compose? What geometric shapes? " Children examine the resulting silhouettes of toys, remember the corresponding poems, riddles.

It is possible to combine the composed silhouettes into a single plot: "House in the Forest", "Winter Walk", "Street"

14. Didactic game "Learn and remember"

Purpose: to teach children to remember the perceived, to make a choice according to representation.

Equipment. Cards with the image of three one-color geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle; circle, oval, square, etc.), a set of small cards with the image of one shape to be found on large cards.

The course of the game. In front of the child is a card with 3 shapes. The teacher asks you to look at it and remember what shapes are drawn there. Then he distributes sheets of paper to the children and asks them to close their cards with them. Then he shows a small card. puts it face down on the table, mentally counts to 15, asks the children to remove the paper and show on their cards the same form that he showed. To check, the teacher again shows the sample card.

As they master the game, the children are given two cards (6 forms), then three (9 forms).

15. Didactic game "Three Bears"

Purpose: to exercise in comparing and ordering objects in size.

Equipment. The teacher has the silhouettes of three bears, the children have sets of toys in three sizes: tables, chairs, beds, cups, spoons.

The course of the game. The teacher distributes to the children a set of objects of the same type: three spoons different sizes, three chairs and Mr. D. tells ":" Once upon a time, there were three bears. What were their names? (The children call them). Who is this? (He puts the silhouette of Mikhail Ivanovich). What size is it? And who is this? (Nastasya Petrovna) Is she bigger or smaller than Mikhail Ivanovich? And what Mishutka? (Small.) Let's arrange a room for each bear. The biggest bear will live here, Mikhail Ivanovich. Which of you has a bed, a chair, etc. for Mikhail Ivanovich? (Children put objects near the bear in case of a mistake, Mikhail Ivanovich says: “No, this is not my bed.”) Do you have a bed, chair, etc. for Mishutka? (Children arrange a room for him). ? (For Nastasya Petrovna.) What size are they? (Less than for Mikhail Ivanovich, but more than for Mishutka.) Let's take them to Nastasya Petrovna. Who is the last? (The teacher helps the children remember the corresponding fragments of the tale).

16. Didactic game "Decorate a scarf"

Purpose: to teach how to compare two equal and unequal groups of objects in terms of number, to exercise in orientation on a plane.

Equipment, "scarves" (large - for the teacher, small - for children), a set of leaves of two colors (for each child).

The course of the game. The teacher offers to decorate the scarves with leaves. Asks how you can do this (each child completes the task independently). Then he says: “Now let's decorate the handkerchiefs in a different way, everything is the same. I will decorate my scarf, and you will be small. Decorate the top edge with yellow leaves, like this. (Shows). Put as many leaves as I have. Right hand arrange them in a row from left to right. And we will decorate the lower edge of the scarf with green leaves. Take as many green leaves as yellow ones. Add another yellow leaf and place it on the top edge of the shawl. What leaves are there more? How to make them equal? ​​"

After checking the work and evaluating them, the teacher proposes to decorate the left and right sides of the scarf with leaves different color... That is, put on right side the scarf has the same number of leaves as on the left. (Shows).

Finally, the children decorate all sides of the scarf in their own way and talk about it.

18. Didactic game "Crawl to the toy"

Purpose: to teach to perceive distance, to show that the result of actions not only in the near, but also in the far space depends on it; pay attention to the direction of movement in space and independently choose this direction.

Equipment. Various toys.

The course of the game.

1st option. The teacher sits the children on chairs in a row. On the contrary, two toys lie on the floor at different distances from the chairs. Two children crawl to the toys at the signal of the teacher: one - to the nearest, the other - to the farthest. The others are watching. The first child finishes the movement faster, takes the toy and lifts it up. The other does the same later. The teacher discusses with the children why one child took the toy earlier and leads them to the conclusion that one toy was far away and the other close. The game is repeated with another couple

2nd option. The game is played according to the same rules, but the toys are laid out in different directions: one is right in front of the chair, the other is opposite - diagonally, the third is to the left or right. The teacher, calling the children, draws their attention to where the toys are. The task of each child is to determine the direction in which to crawl.

19. Didactic game "Mailbox"

Purpose: to teach to see the shape in the object, to correlate the shape of the slot and the tab, to compose a whole from different geometric shapes and their parts, choosing the right ones using tests and fitting.

Equipment. Boards with slots for laying out shapes that are the same color, but different in configuration, with the image of a ball, a balloon (of two semi-ovals), two-story house(from two rectangles); figurines (two semicircles of different colors, two half-ovals of the same color, two rectangles) (Fig. 7).

The course of the game. Planks and figures are mixed in front of the child. The teacher invites the child to compose all the pictures, and then say which image turned out.

20. Didactic game "Hide and Find"

Purpose: to teach to navigate in the space of the room, to inspect it consistently; develop attention and memorization; to learn to distinguish objects in the field of view from the environment.

Equipment. Various toys.

The course of the game.

1st option. The teacher shows children a bright, colorful toy. She says that they will hide her now, and then they will look for her. Together with the children, he walks around the room, examining and discussing everything that stands there: “Here is the table at which you are looking at books. And here is a rack with toys. Let's go further. Here is the closet. Here you can conjugate our toy on the shelf with books. We put it on the shelf (the shelf must be open). Now let's go play. " The teacher conducts a simple outdoor game, for example, "Do as I do". After a while, he offers to find a toy. Records the result: "The toy was on the shelf."

Next time they hide a dull toy, and examine the room from the other side. When children learn to find a toy located at their eye level, they hide it first above and then below the level of the child's eyes.

2nd option. Children hide the toy, but the teacher finds it, who slowly, consistently examines the room and the objects in it. Children should master the search sequence as a way to orientate in space. Walking around the room, the teacher names the direction in which he moves and the objects he meets on the way. For example: “Here is a window. I’ll go from window to door. Here is the closet. If I look up, it’s not at the top; if I look down, it’s not at the bottom. I will go further "and so on.

3rd option. Children hide the toy under the guidance of a teacher, and one of the children is looking for it. He goes out the door in advance and does not see how they hide the toy. The teacher invites him to search, consistently examining the room.

21. Didactic game "Guess who is behind whom"

Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​the occlusion of some objects by others. Clarify the idea that large objects obscure smaller ones, and smaller ones do not obscure large ones; to consolidate the words "more", "less", "for," before; introduce the word "obscure".

Equipment. Various toys.

The course of the game.

1st option. Toys are on the teacher's table. He asks to see what is on the table and close your eyes. He takes two toys, puts them aside a little and stands up so that he covers them with himself. Children open their eyes and find that two toys are missing. “I didn’t leave the table. Where did the toys go? " - says the teacher. If one of the guys guesses, the teacher says in surprise: "Oh, I got up and blocked them." If the children do not find, then he looks for himself and, having found the missing toys, explains the reason for their disappearance.

After that, the teacher removes the toys and invites two children to the table: one tall, large, the other small. Children are again convinced of the principle of obstruction when the little one stands behind the back of the big one. The teacher discusses the results of the game with the children, why Tanya is not visible behind Kolya, and Kolya can be seen behind Tanya: "The larger one obscures the less, and the smaller cannot obscure the greater."

2nd option. A game of hide and seek is being played. One child is hiding, and the rest of the children, under the guidance of a teacher, are looking for him, sequentially examining the furniture in the room.

23. Didactic game "Hedgehog"

Purpose: to teach to correlate objects in size, to highlight the value as a significant feature that determines the action; to consolidate the meaning of the words "big", "small", "more", "less", to enter them into the active vocabulary of children.

Equipment. Cardboard stencils with the image of hedgehogs, umbrellas of four sizes.

The course of the game. The teacher says that now he will tell a fairy tale about hedgehogs: “A family of hedgehogs lived in the forest: dad, mom and two hedgehogs. Once the hedgehogs went for a walk and went out into the field. There was neither a house nor a tree (Invites the children to find figurines of hedgehogs on trays and put them in front of them. He approaches each one and arranges the figurines in a row in size). Suddenly daddy the hedgehog said: “Look what a big cloud. It's going to rain now. " “We ran into the forest,” suggested the mother of the hedgehog. - Let's hide under the tree. But then it started raining, and the hedgehogs did not have time to hide. You guys have umbrellas. Help the hedgehogs, give them umbrellas. Just look carefully to whom, which umbrella suits. (Looks to see if children use the principle of matching objects by size). “Well done, now all the hedgehogs are hiding under umbrellas. And they thank you. " The teacher asks someone why he gave one umbrella to the hedgehog dad and the other to the hedgehog mom; next child- why he gave the little hedgehogs other umbrellas. Children answer, and the teacher helps them to formulate the answer correctly.

24. Didactic game "Seek and Find"

Purpose: to teach how to find objects of different shapes in the room by the word-name; develop attention and memorization.

The course of the game. The teacher lays out in advance different places group room toys of different shapes and says: “We will look for objects round shape... Find everything that is round in our room and bring it to my table. " Children disperse, the teacher provides assistance to those who find it difficult. Children bring objects, put them on the teacher's table, sit down. The teacher examines the objects brought with them, evaluates the result of the assignment. The game is repeated, children are looking for objects of a different shape.

25. Didactic game "Painting"

Purpose: to teach how to place objects on a sheet of paper (top, bottom, sides); develop attention, imitation; consolidate the perception of holistic objects and distinguish between them.

Equipment. A large sheet of paper for the panel, large details of the applique (sun, strip of land, house, figurine of a boy or girl, tree, bird), sheets of paper, the same elements of the applique small size, trays, glue, brushes, oilcloths, rags according to the number of children.

The course of the game. The teacher tells the children that they will make a beautiful picture: he is on a large sheet, fixed on the board, and they are small on their sheets of paper. You just need to look carefully and do everything the way the teacher does. Then the teacher distributes the material for the application to the children. First, he pastes a strip of earth at the bottom, the sun above, etc. The teacher does everything slowly, fixing his actions at every moment and giving the children the opportunity to select each element and arrange it correctly on paper. If necessary, helps the child to determine the place on the sheet of paper (top, bottom).

After graduation, the teacher compares the children's work with his own, discussing the spatial arrangement of objects, praises them, causing a positive attitude towards the result of the work. Then he briefly describes the content of the resulting image, fixing the spatial arrangement of objects: “The boy went out into the street. I looked - below the earth, above - the sky. The sun is in the sky. Below, on the ground, a house and a tree. The boy is standing near the house on one side, and the tree is on the other side. A bird is sitting on a tree. "

26. Didactic game "Build houses"

Purpose: to teach to visually correlate the size of objects and check your choice by superimposing; develop attention; fix the words that determine the relativity of the values ​​"more", "less", "the same".


1st option. Three cardboard houses of different sizes with openings for doors and windows, no roofs; cardboard windows, doors, roofs of three sizes, corresponding to the size of houses.

2nd option. Small cardboard houses without roofs with slots for windows and doors, elements for them (roofs, doors, windows) for each child.

The course of the game. The teacher inserts large images of three houses into the typesetting canvas, arranging them in random order, and not in a row. On the table he places the elements of houses (roofs, windows, doors) in a mixture. Then he tells the children that they will be builders, they will finish building houses, which should be neat and even; all parts should be selected so that they fit the desired parts. Children walk around and take turns "completing" houses. Those seated at the table take part in the assessment of each stage of the work. At the end, the teacher sums up: “ big house we put smaller doors, smaller roof, smaller windows. And in the very small house the smallest windows, the smallest door, the smallest roof. "

27. Didactic game "Beautiful pattern"

Purpose: to teach to carry out the choice of quantities according to the word-name of objects, to develop attention; to form a positive attitude to the result obtained - the rhythmic alternation of values.

Equipment. Strips of clean thick paper according to the number of children, geometric shapes of various sizes for laying out the pattern (circles, squares, rhombuses, hexagons, etc.); trays, typesetting cloth.

The course of the game. The teacher distributes sheets of paper to the children and places trays with geometric shapes... He says that now they will lay out a beautiful pattern, shows an example of the action: “A large square. (He takes the form and inserts it into the typesetting canvas). Small square, still small square. " (Re-inserts it into the canvas, etc.) Then the teacher proposes to lay out the forms under dictation. At first, he monitors not only the correct alternation of values, but also so that the children act from left to right and observe the same distance between the elements. When repeated tasks are given other forms, and their alternation changes. In conclusion, the teacher examines the resulting patterns, gives all the works a positive assessment.

28. The game "Build a pyramid"

Purpose: Development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements, dexterity. Development of an emotional mood.

Course of the game: The teacher offers the child containers from the filler (peas, beans)

Make a slide, a pyramid.

Equipment: Container with filler, fillers.

29. Didactic game "Lotto"

Purpose: to teach to isolate the contour of an object, to correlate the volumetric form with a plane one, to recognize objects in a drawing, to know their names.

Equipment. Cards with the image of three monochrome shapes (for example, on one - a circle, square, triangle; on the other - a circle, oval, square; on the third - a square, rectangle, triangle, etc.), a set of cards with an image of one shape for imposition on large cards.

The course of the game. The teacher gives each child a large card, and he takes small cards for himself, having previously laid them out in forms. Raises one card, for example, a circle, and asks: "Who has this?" (the form is not named). Those who have a circle on the cards raise their hands and the teacher gives them small cards with circles, at the same time checking the correctness of the choice: "Well done, I have a circle and you have a circle." Children put small cards over the corresponding image. Then, he moves on to the next shape and lifts, for example, a trapezoid. However, when assessing the children's answer, he does not name this form, since the children are not introduced to its name, but simply notes that the children did the right thing.

As they master the game, the children are given two and then three cards. The choice is made not from 3, but from 6-9 forms.

In the future, a child may play the role of a leader, the teacher sits down among the children and takes a large map for himself.

30. Game "Helper"

Purpose: Development of fine and general motor skills, coordination of movements, dexterity. Instill hard work.

The course of the game: The teacher invites the child to transfer the contents from one container

to another.

Equipment: Containers with fillers, scoops, fillers.

31. The game "Cinderella"

Purpose: Development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements, dexterity. Know the fillers of the container. Development of an emotional mood.

The course of the game: The teacher offers the child from one container, where there are different fillers, to shift them by type into different containers.

Equipment: Container with filler, different fillers.

32. Game "Find the treasure" ("Find the ball")

Goal: Development of fine motor skills. Acquaintance with the quality of objects, size, shape.

The course of the game: The educator buries an object in a container with a filler and asks to find it. Further, the teacher bury several objects and offers to find them.

Equipment: Container with filler (peas, beans, millet); balls, cubes and toys.

33 . Game "Plant a tree"

Purpose: Development of coordination of movements, fine motor skills and eyes. To instill love in the nature around us.

Course of the game: The teacher invites the child to fill the container with filler and "plant trees".

Equipment: Container with filler, tree models.

34. Game "Where are our hands?"

Purpose: Development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements. Development of dexterity, emotional mood.

Game progress: The teacher invites one child to hide their hands in a container with filler. Another child must find his hand. Equipment: Containers with various fillings.

35. Game "Let's cook porridge"

Purpose: Development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements, dexterity, eye. Repeat the name of the croup.

Course of the game: The teacher invites the children to go to the store, buy the necessary cereal and cook porridge.

Equipment: Various fillers from cereals. Various containers.

36. Game "Finish"

Course of the game: For the child, the teacher offers to draw a needle to the hedgehog, nuts to the squirrel, and berries to the bear.

37. The game "Blow the blot"

Purpose: to train the small muscles of the fingers, the development of visual and spatial representations, to form the correct grip of the hand. Develop creative imagination, speech.

The course of the game: The teacher, together with the children, inflates a blot of gouache, determine what it looks like.

38. The game "Draw on the contour"

Purpose: to train the small muscles of the fingers, the development of visual and spatial representations, to form the correct grip of the hand.

Develop creative imagination, speech.

Course of the game: The teacher invites the child to circle the drawing along the contour, guess the contour image.

39. GAME "Bag of toys"

Target. The development of tactile perception, the formation of the ability to recognize an object by touch.

Game material. A pouch, small toys of a contrasting shape: cubes, balls, toy dishes, bunnies, cars, etc.

The course of the game. The game is played with a subgroup (4-6 people). The teacher invites the children to sit on the chairs and see what is in his hands (a bright bag). The teacher informs that there are many, many toys in this bag for everyone. Then he asks the children: "Do you want to know what is in the bag?" To do this, you need to take turns approaching the bag, but do not look there, but only choose a gift for yourself with your hands, then say what you have chosen, and only after that take it out of the bag and show it to everyone. The teacher calls the children in turn and offers to look for a toy. Thus, all the children receive gifts and return to their places with them. Then the teacher allows you to play with toys, carefully examine them, touch them. Then the toys are put back in the bag and the game is repeated again. Children are again looking for gifts for themselves, but now every child already knows what kind of toy he wants to find.

40. Exercise "Know by touch"

Target. Formation of the ability to distinguish form using tactile sensations.

Game material. Pouch, geometric shapes made of plywood: circle, oval, triangle, rectangle.

Description of the exercise. The exercise is carried out individually in two versions.

1. The child sits down at the table, and the teacher is nearby. He shows the kid a bright, beautiful bag containing geometric shapes made of plywood. Then he takes out all the figures from the bag in turn and asks the question: "What figure is this?" When all the figures from the bag have been considered, the teacher puts them back. Then he asks the child to look for some shape in the bag, identify and name it by touch, and then draw it on a piece of paper. The child recognizes the figure by touch, names it and draws. If the preschooler correctly named and drew a figure, the teacher praises him.

2. The teacher lays out geometric figures in front of the child, the same as those in the bag. The teacher shows any figure and asks to get the same from the bag. The child first names the figure shown by the teacher, and then takes out the same one from the bag.

The exercise can be performed several times at the request of the child.

Nomination: didactic game as a means of developing cognitive activity of older preschoolers.

Position: teacher-psychologist

Didactic game "Look and remember"
(intended for older preschool children)

Target: development of cognitive mental processes, using eidetic methods as stimulating means.



  • Clarify and consolidate children's ideas about the color, shape of objects in the surrounding world.
  • To improve the ability to understand the meaning of the spatial relationships of objects, to reflect their spatial arrangement in speech (on, next to, under).
  • Exercise in the agreement of words in a sentence.


  • Develop visual perception, visual attention, visual memory, imaginative thinking.
  • Develop observation, attentiveness.
  • Develop coherent speech.


  • To cultivate endurance, patience, a benevolent attitude towards peers.

Material for the game: demo cards with images of various plots, questions with three options for each card, chips.

Game progress

For 30 seconds, the teacher shows a demo card with a picture of a plot, after the expiration of the time he turns the card over and asks questions about its content. The first person to answer the question correctly gets the token. First, flashcards with a simpler storyline and fewer questions are shown. The game continues as long as the children remain interested. The winner is the one with more chips at the end of the game.

Rules of the game

  • you cannot shout an answer, you need to raise your hand;
  • the one who first raised his hand answers;
  • you can not interrupt a friend;
  • the chip is not given if an incorrect answer is given;
  • a full detailed answer is given to the question asked(for example: "A girl holding a doll in her hands").

Description of the experience of using the game "Look and Remember"

in activities with preschool children

6 pupils of the preparatory speech therapy group took part in the game. This game was offered to children as a surprise moment during a correctional and developmental lesson on the development of the psychological base of speech. Together with the children, an unfamiliar envelope with the inscription was found on the table "To future first graders". We found out that the envelope came to the address, tk. they go to school soon. After a short conversation about who the first graders are, what qualities they should have (they should be attentive, diligent, should memorize a lot of new information, etc.), she offered to open the envelope and look at its contents. There was a new unknown game in the envelope. She invited the children to play it. After reading the rules of the game, the guys willingly got involved in the game action. We looked at the demo card with enthusiasm. After the time allotted for reviewing the picture expired, she turned it over and began to ask questions about its content. Since everyone really wanted to answer as soon as possible, the children broke the rules of the game, shouting an answer and forgetting to raise their hand.

In the course of the game, all the tasks were solved in in full... The ideas of children about the shape and color of objects in the surrounding world were consolidated. The skills to understand the meaning of spatial relationships of objects were improved. Children used prepositions in their speech denoting the spatial arrangement of objects (on, next to, under). Exercised in the agreement of words in a sentence. Cognitive mental processes children. This game contributes to the formation of endurance, patience, a benevolent attitude towards peers, because you need to listen to the answers of other children without interrupting, raise your hand before answering, wait for your turn to answer.

The game lasted until all the cards were played, which testifies to the children's interest in the proposed game. At the end of the game, the children counted the chips, determined the winner and expressed a wish to play the game in the next lesson.

New demo cards can be added to this game periodically to keep the kids interested.

Sveta Pochtareva
Didactic game "Know the taste and smell"


Didactic task:

Exercise children in determining taste and smell of vegetables and fruits;

To activate the speech of children;

Develop memory, concentration, endurance.

Game rules. Without looking at the vegetable (to blindfold), define it taste, on smell; correctly name taste by word, guess by smell what kind of fruit and vegetable is patiently waiting for the fruit and vegetable to be sampled. The rest of the children are patiently silent, do not prompt.

Game actions. Blindfold, do not pry, do not rush to answer, carefully determine on smell then taste and then give the answer. Those who make a mistake are given the opportunity to try another vegetable or fruit. Find a whole vegetable or fruit on the table.

The course of the game. On the table on a tray are fruits and vegetables, familiar children: tomato, cucumber (fresh and salted, carrots, cabbage, turnips, radishes; apple, pear, plum, bananas, grapes. On another tray, these vegetables and fruits are cut into small pieces for each child. There are also paper napkins (or toothpicks for each child)... The teacher with a tray bypasses everyone playing... To whom he approaches, he blindfolds, puts one piece of vegetable or fruit on a napkin and asks the child to first determine smell and then put this piece in your mouth. He, without peeping, guesses by taste and smell the name of the vegetable or fruit. Then he finds a vegetable or fruit on the table. And so the teacher walks until all the children are involved in the game.

The game ends with a listing of the brought vegetables or fruits, the definition the taste of each of them.

When organizing games, you should remember about hygienic requirements: it is impossible to give vegetables or fruits to all children for testing with one fork, used napkins must be put on a separate tray (or use toothpicks for each child, for each fruit and vegetable). All children participate in the game, but you can play and with small subgroups of guys.


Goals: Teach the knowledge of oneself, one's individuality. Teach children to compose a person's face (using various objects). Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Reinforce children's concepts of color (blue, green, gray, brown eyes). To consolidate the idea of ​​parts of the face; activate vocabulary: eyes, mouth, lips, nose, eyebrows. Develop tactile sensations.

Material: multi-colored braid, buttons, sticks, plasticine, sandpaper, velvet paper, foam rubber.


Goals: To teach the sequence of actions of the washing process. Activate the dictionary: soap, washcloth, brush, towel. Form the needs for compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. To teach the practical development of healthy lifestyle skills.

Material: pictures with rules, toilet items, small toys, volumetric figures animals, objects of labor.

1st option - the educator invites the children to choose pictures that correspond to the rule when it is necessary to wash their hands, and, according to the picture, find voluminous objects.

2nd option - the educator invites children to imitate the movements of the washing process (creativity and imagination develops).


Goals: To intensify the attention of children to their skills and the physical capabilities of their body. Develop research activities, cultivate self-esteem.

Content. Any number of children (from 1 to 10) can participate in the game. The presenter throws a ball to the child and says: "I can" or "I can not." The child, having caught the ball, must continue the phrase, explaining why he can (what helps him) or does not know how (can he learn) to do it, and return the ball to the presenter. For example: "I can run because I have legs", "I cannot fly because I have no wings."


Goals: Exercise children in the selection of identical plates, comparing their surfaces using tactile sensations (blindfold).

Note. The child should explain what helped him correctly identify the different materials.


Target. Exercise children in guessing familiar objects by touch, naming the signs of this object.

Content. The child must feel the object in the "wonderful bag" and describe it, highlighting as many signs as possible. The teacher offers to name the color of the object and finds out why it is impossible to do this. In order to complicate the game, it is worth putting only one object in the bag for guessing, having previously shown it to the rest of the children. A token is awarded for each correct answer.



Goals. To activate children's knowledge about the dominant development of one or another sense organ for people of a certain profession. Activate dictionary:cook, scout conductor, perfumer, magician.

Content. Each player receives a large card with the image of a person of a certain profession. On the table are small cards depicting one or another sense organ. The players take turns taking out one small card and either keep it if it fits the image on the large card (that is, if this sense organ is important for people of this profession), or return it back.(For example: the child picks up a small card with a nose on the large card with the perfume.) The game ends when each player has one small card corresponding to the large one. The players then take turns to justify their choice. The rest of the players listen carefully and evaluate the correctness. The winner is the one who did not make any mistakes or made the minimum number of inaccuracies.

Note. The number of cards cut must be larger than necessary. You can offer a version of the game in which each of the children has the right to choose several large cards. This becomes possible as preschoolers master the appropriate knowledge about the developmental features of a certain sense organ in people of different professions.


Target. To activate the attention of children on the fact that a large number of analyzers involved in the work facilitate the performance of any work.

Note. Talk to the children about when it turns out to be faster and why.


Target. Exercise children in understanding the meaning of some gestures, postures, facial expressions.

Content. The teacher invites children to guess the meaning of his gestures(greeting, goodbye, threat etc.), facial expressions (surprise, joy, anger etc.), poses (confusion, fatigue, well-beingetc.). Then the children are given the task to give examples of the use of various gestures, changes in posture and facial expressions in order to understand each other without words.


Target. To acquaint children with basic relaxation techniques, which has a positive effect on well-being and self-awareness.


Target. Exercise the organs of hearing in identifying and distinguishing between different sounds.

Content. To conduct the game, children are divided into two teams and sit with their backs to the teacher. The teacher imitates various sounds with the help of various objects and instruments. To do this, you can use musical instruments, paper, foil, inflatable balloon, glass and metal utensils, a pump for inflating balls, a rubber squeaky toy, etc. Players of each team take turns guessing the sound. The winner is the team that gave more correct answers and allowed less mistakes... For each correct answer, the team receives a token.



Target. Train the hearing organs and activate the attention and auditory memory of children.

To complicate the game, children can be given a rattle. The teacher points to the next player, who must rattle his rattle. The driver determines which of the participants in the game rattled the rattle. In this case, the driver can stand in a circle, his eyes must be closed.


Target. With the help of tape recordings, train children in the perception of various sounds.


Goals. To develop the phonemic hearing of children.

Content. The teacher invites each child to be a house of some kind of sound (the children themselves choose and name whose house they will be). To do this, they choose a badge with the image of any sound of the Russian language ([p], [o], [y], etc.). In the process of listening to a poem (story), children determine the first sound of each word. Having heard the word from "his" sound, the child needs to quickly get up and sit down. The teacher monitors the correctness of the assignment.


Goals. Develop children's hearing. To activate their attention to the strength of their voice, at which their speech will be clearly heard. Form a culture of speech.

Content. The driver stands at a distance of 3-4 meters from other children and gives commands to the players, periodically changing the strength of his voice. Children follow commands. Then the adult finds out why some of the commands the children performed incorrectly. The guys come to the conclusion that the commands should be pronounced loudly and clearly. And ears helped them to hear commands.


Target. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the peculiarities of vision of living organisms.


Goals. Develop the eyes of children, teach them to correlate the size of objects, the length of the segments, etc.

  • Mark the center of the circle with a pencil.
  • Divide the rectangle in half.
  • Draw a line the same length.
  • Cut a strip to the same size.
  • Cut out the same shape.

Then the teacher helps to check how correctly and accurately the tasks are completed, and, if necessary, makes recommendations.


Target. To develop the ability of children to establish the positive and negative effects on the teeth of foods eaten

To prepare for the development of tactile sensations, a number of game tasks.

Target - familiarization with samples of various types of surface (stone - hard surface; fluff - soft; silk - smooth; thorn - prickly; knife, razor - sharp; fire - hot; snow, ice - cold surface).

1 . Take a stone in your hands. Squeeze it with your fingers. Do you feel how hard it is? Look for objects on the table about which you can say "Hard as a stone" (pencil, pen, etc.).

2 . Take a fluff in your hands... Do you feel how soft it is? Look for items on the table that are soft as down. How can you say about the fur of a cat, a puppy? (A cat's coat is soft as fluff. A puppy's coat is also soft as fluff.)

3. Separate soft and hard objects.

4. The game "Hard - soft». Two people are involved. At the command of the presenter, the children alternately name hard and soft objects. To help each player, a bag with a set of samples of materials (pieces of stone, iron, flax, wool, cotton) and products from them is given, the one who named the last one wins.

5. Touch the seeds of different plants. Determine which ones are harder (not amenable to peeling with nails) and which ones are softer. Set aside seeds that can only be broken with a hammer (very hard): walnut, cherry, plum, apricot, peach, etc. Tell me whose child has soft clothes? (The oak child has soft clothes for the stomach. The chestnut child has soft clothes, etc.)

6. Feel a hedgehog thorn. Look for objects on the table that are prickly, like a hedgehog, like a thorn (metal brush, rose hips, roses, etc.).

7. Touch a piece of silk, stroke it. Feel other items on the table. Which of them can you say "smooth as silk"? (Christmas ball, polished cabinet, puppy wool, etc.)

8. The game "Thorny - smooth".Two people take part in the game. At the command of the presenter, the children name alternately stabbing and smooth objects (first prickly, and then or mixed). As in the game "Hard - soft", children are given a set of suitable objects or images (if they were previously familiar with these objects in nature). The winner is the one who is the last to name a thorny or smooth object. The game can be played in another version, replacing prickly objects with rough ones (with a rough, convex surface).

9. Carefully touch the knife, razor, awl. Why are they called spicy? Find on the table sharp objects like a knife, sharp objects like an awl. Name them by comparing with an object having the same tip or surface edge ( broken glass sharp as a knife; ski pole is sharp at the end, like a spear, etc.).

10. Look for objects on the table that do not have sharp edges.(ball, ball, bump, doll, etc.). Why are toys made not sharp for small children?

11. Game "Sharp - dumb".It is carried out in the same way as the games described above.

12. Remember if you have ever sat by the fireplace, fire, or raised your hand to hot coals. What objects can be said to be hot, like fire, like heat?

13. Feel the snow and ice.They are cold. Think about what subjects are said to be "cold as ice."

14. The game "Cold - hot"(carried out by the same method).


(expanding children's knowledge of the objects around them)

Younger group.

1. "Wonderful package."

2. "Name the subject according to the description."

3. "Who, who lives in the little house."

4. "Radio".

5. "Funny pencils".

Middle group.

1. "Tell Dunno about your favorite subjects."

2. "What is superfluous?"

3. "Music box".

4. "What comes first, what then."

5. "Collect the item."

6. "Repair workshop".

Senior group.

1. "Pick up items with the same value."

2. "Come up with a word."

3. "From grain to bun."

4. "Come up with a word."

5. "Find the similarities and differences."

6. "My friends".

Preparatory group.

1. "Magic glasses".

2. “Guess the instrument”.

3. "What looks like what."

4. "Connoisseurs".

5. "What is from which store."

6. "Tell me about the material."



(educational and developmental game)

Materials: playing field, which depicts roads, streets, squares, parks. On the red fields there are silhouettes of well-known buildings, monuments and other structures in the city; cards with questions and tasks; cube; chips by the number of players.

The course of the game. 2 teams (or 2 players) play. Roll the dice moving forward in order to hit the red square; Once on the red field, players will have to determine the outline of which structure is depicted here and where this structure is located.

Choose questions for which you can get 2 or 3 points, respectively. Answering the questions, the players move forward, also getting to the red field, on which they guess the memorable places along the contours.

Players can instantly find themselves on the red field, but for this they will need to answer questions under the "blitz" sign.


(the game)

Target: to consolidate the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe coat of arms of children hometown; be able to distinguish the coat of arms of the hometown from other signs.

Materials: sample template with the image of the coat of arms of the city; outline template of the same coat of arms; "Mosaic" of the city coat of arms in a disassembled version.

The course of the game. Children are invited to consider the coat of arms of the city and mark distinctive features from the coats of arms of other cities in our country.

1. Children, using a contour template, use a sample template to assemble the city's emblem from the mosaic.

  1. Children collect the coat of arms without the help of a sample template, drawing
    for memory.
  2. Children are invited to collect the coat of arms of the city from individual parts
    lei using templates-overlays.
  3. Children are offered coats of arms of other cities for a similar
    game task.

(board game)

Target: to generalize the knowledge of children about the area of ​​the city in which they live, with its features and attractions.

Materials: a playing field superimposed on the plan of the district, with the route of travel and the sights of the district and street names depicted on it; a cube with numbers from 1 to 6; chips in the form of a car and little men; "Grandmother's encyclopedia" with brief information on the topic of the game.

The course of the game. Any number of children can play. They choose on their own which mode of transport they go on a trip, or go on foot. Depending on this, a game piece is selected. Children take turns throwing a dice: how many numerical figures fall out, as many divisions move forward. Participants need to complete the entire route and return back to Kindergarten(or house). If a chip lands on a red field, in order to advance further, you must answer the question indicated by the number of this field; if the chip hits the green field, then the child can use the hint of the "grandmother's encyclopedia".

Note. If the child does not know the answer to the question of the "red field", he can use the hint of the "grandmother's encyclopedia", but skips; The “grandmother's encyclopedia” must be shown and read to the children in advance.


(lotto game)

Chain: to reinforce in children the idea of ​​the history of their hometown.

Materials: playing fields (9 pieces) with images of views of the city from its inception to the present day; cards with images of individual buildings and places related to different time periods of the city's history.

The course of the game. 3-9 children can play. The presenter distributes the playing fields and shows the cards to the participants. Players must completely cover their playing field with cards suitable for the time period.

Note. Each card has an inscription with the name of the object and the time period.

If the child is mistaken, then a “presenter's certificate” is given, which can be both the teacher and the child.

  1. Enchanted city

(the game)

Tasks: consolidate children's ideas about the architecture of modern buildings and structures; to acquaint with the architectural features of the city.

Materials: an album with outline images of buildings and other structures of a modern city; photographs depicting the same buildings and structures.

Target: "Disenchant" the city.

The course of the game.

Before the start of the game, the teacher conducts a mini-conversation with the children:

What is the name of our country?

What is the name of the city in which you live?

How long ago was our city founded?

What streets of the city do you know?

What is the name of the street you live on?

What monuments of our city do you know?

What ancient monuments are there in our city?

What great people who glorified our city do you know?

How do you know? Who told you about this?

What else would you like to know about our city?
The teacher invites the children to look at the album with the outlines of buildings, then photographs of the same structures and compare the outlines with photographs. For example: the outline of the Planetarium building - a photograph of the planetarium building.

Note. In the course of the game actions of "restoring the enchanted city", the teacher conducts an extramural mini-excursion to these places (possibly relying on the personal knowledge and experience of children).


Material: hometown photography album

The teacher shows the children photographs of the sights of the city, invites them to name them.


Purpose: to acquaint with the hometown

The teacher tells children riddles from the life of their hometown.


Purpose: to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge about the coat of arms of the city

Material: The image of the coat of arms of the city, consisting of 4-8 fragments.

The teacher mixes the fragments, the children assemble a picture from them.


Purpose: to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge about the cities of the region

Material: a map of the Kemerovo region with marked cities, plates with the names of cities

The teacher acquaints children with a map of the region, suggests finding cities on it and placing plates with the appropriate names on them.


Purpose: to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge of the flag of their country

Material: stripes of red, blue and white

The teacher shows the children the flag of Russia, removes and offers to lay out the colored stripes in the order in which they are on the flag of Russia.


Purpose: to acquaint children with monuments, to teach how to navigate in their hometown

Material: images of monuments

The teacher shows the children images of monuments, asks to tell where this monument is erected.


Purpose: to acquaint children with famous people hometown

Material: portraits of famous compatriots

The teacher shows portraits, invites children to name the one who is depicted in the portrait and tell what he is famous for.


Purpose: to acquaint with oral folk art

The teacher begins the proverb, the children continue it.


Material: handicraft domino chips

Children take turns laying out the chips in such a way that the same images are side by side. The last participant who put the chip loses.


Purpose: to acquaint children with folk crafts, instill interest in Russian traditions, teach to recognize and distinguish various crafts.

The game can be played by 1 to 5 people.

Lay out the cards on the table or floor.

Shuffle the cut cards and place them face down in the center.

Each participant in the game takes one card and one pile and determines how large

put her card.

The winner is the one whose card (or cards) will be filled first.


Purpose: to acquaint children with the birds of their hometown

Material: bird cards

The teacher shows the children cards with images of birds, asks to name and determine whether the bird lives in our city or not.

  1. "GUESS"

PURPOSE OF THE GAME: Learn to distinguish road signs.

MATERIAL: Sets of plates with road signs (pictures upside down). The host has the same set of signs. He opens any sign from his set. The winner is the one who quickly finds the same sign in himself. And then he will correctly name its meaning.

What children even know

Let's confirm for clarity:

The traffic light is on guard

Our safety.


PURPOSE OF THE GAME: Consolidate children's ideas about traffic lights, about its signals. To consolidate the idea of ​​light.

MATERIAL: Colored cardboard mugs (yellow, green, red) for each child, traffic light layout.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: The presenter distributes mugs of yellow, green, red colors to children. Sequentially switches the lights on the traffic light layout. And the children show the corresponding circles and explain what each signal means. The winner is the one who shows all the circles correctly and tells about the purpose of the colors.


OBJECTIVES OF THE GAME: Learn to distinguish road signs. Strengthen children's knowledge of the Rules road traffic... To cultivate the ability to independently use the knowledge gained in everyday life.

MATERIAL: A cube with road signs pasted on it: warning, prohibiting, directional and service signs, a set of road

signs corresponding to the glued signs on the cube.


First option. The teacher invites the children in turn to the table where the cube is. The child takes a cube, names a sign (children are holding road signs in their hands), and those children who have the sign of this group in their hands come out.

Second option. The teacher mixes the road signs. Children disassemble cards with road signs, carefully study them, then each child talks about his sign without naming it, and everyone else guesses from the description what kind of sign it is.

The third option. The presenter names the sign. Children find this sign in their pictures, show it and tell what it means.

  1. "TEREMOK"

PURPOSE OF THE GAME: Learn to distinguish road signs. To educate attention, skills of conscious use of knowledge of the Rules of the road in everyday life.

MATERIAL: A cardboard circle with the image of road signs, a cardboard circle with a window cut out in it.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: The presenter turns the circle so that they appear in the window different signs... Children name the signs and explain their meaning.


PURPOSE OF THE GAME: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of the road.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: Children answer the teacher's questions "YES" or "NO".

Fast driving in the city. Do you know the rules of the movement?

There is a red light at the traffic light. Can I walk across the street?

Well, the green light is on - then you can walk across the street?

I got on the tram, but did not take the ticket. Is that supposed to be done?

Will you give up your place on the tram to an old woman in her very old years?


GOALS: Continue to educate children about the rules safe behavior outside.

Consolidate knowledge of road signs necessary for pedestrians.

MATERIAL: Large cards, with different situations on the roads (according to the rules of conduct on the road, on the street and in transport). Six situations on each card.

Small cards with road signs.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: The game is attended by no more than six children. The teacher distributes large cards to the children (one card to one child). Shows a card with road sign and reads the rule of conduct on the road or in transport. The child examines his card, finds the appropriate situation and places a small card with a road sign on it. The one who first closes the situation on his card wins.


  1. "FIND A PAIR"

Program content: To teach children to distinguish between transport by destination, types of transport; develop attention, visual perception; cultivate perseverance, interest in the game.

Game rules: The teacher lays out cards in front of the children with the image of various vehicles. He offers to find 2 identical cars and answer: what kind and type of transport it belongs to.


Program content: To acquaint children with basic rules of behavior on the road; develop attention, thinking, promote the development of speech; cultivate curiosity, interest in the game.

Rules of the game: The teacher invites the children to consider a picture with a problem situation, name the ways to solve this situation: you can do this or not. Why?


Software content: Teach children to correlate pictures by common feature; develop logical thinking, speech, memory; foster interest in different types transport.

Game rules: The teacher distributes fields to the children with images of several types of transport and shows a card.

Health Day Games

Didactic game "Name the objects"

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the subjects necessary for the work of a doctor. Enter words from medical terminology into the active dictionary.

Guys, look at these items and tell me what they are called. (Thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, bandage, phonendoscope, pills, heating pad, brilliant green, tweezers, massager).
Do you know which profession needs these items? To the doctor. What does a doctor do? Heals, monitors our health, vaccinates, massage, weighs, etc.)

Didactic game "Say what they do with these objects"

Purpose: To activate verbs in the speech of children and the use of nouns with them.

How does the doctor use these items?
What does a doctor do with a syringe? Gives injections.
What does a doctor use a thermometer? Measures temperature.
What does a doctor do with cotton? Lubricates the skin before the injection.
What does the doctor do with brilliant green? Lubricates the scratch.
What does a doctor do with a bandage? Bandages the wound.
What makes a doctor a massager? Does massage.
What makes a doctor a phonendoscope? Hears breathing and heartbeat.
What does a doctor use a heating pad? Warms up the sore spot.
What does a doctor do with tweezers? Gets out splinters.
What does a doctor do with a patch? Seals up the corns.

Didactic game "Find the Differences"

Purpose: to develop voluntary attention, observation, to consolidate the ability to distinguish and name colors.

Take a look at this picture. Who is depicted on it? Doctor. Why do you think doctors have white gowns? If the robe gets dirty, it will be immediately noticeable on white, and the robe will be washed. And who is depicted in this picture? Also a doctor. Are these pictures the same? These pictures are very similar, but still not the same. Your task is to find the differences.

Didactic game "Which doctor are we going to see?"

Objective: To train children in understanding pictograms, distinguishing facial expressions and comparing them with feelings and emotions. Learn to speak in complex sentences.

Guys, look at these faces. (Show pictograms). Which of these doctors would you go to? Why? (To the kind, affectionate, cheerful, attentive, caring). How do you say hello and introduce yourself to the doctor? Hello, my name is ... and it worries me ...

Didactic game "Vitamins are pills that grow on a branch"

Purpose: To expand the knowledge of children about vitamins, to consolidate the knowledge about vegetables, fruits and berries.

Guys, you can help maintain health and get sick with the help of vitamins. Have any of you taken vitamins? Vitamins make our body strong and healthy, resistant to disease. But vitamins are not only in tablets, they also grow on branches. A lot of vitamins are found in berries, fruits and vegetables.
What fruits do you know? Vegetables? Berries?

Didactic game "Know the taste"

Purpose: to develop a taste analyzer, to consolidate knowledge about fruits, vegetables, berries.
(Children are encouraged to close their eyes, taste and name what they have eaten).

Didactic game "Recognize by smell"

Purpose: to develop the sense of smell in children. Introduce aromatherapy.

Some plants help a person not only when he swallows them. There are some plants that even help with their smell. We made garlic pendants (chopped garlic in a plastic egg from Kinder Surprise with holes, on a ribbon). The smell of garlic protects against flu and colds.
Here is the mint. Its smell restores strength, helps to cope with coughs.
And this is lavender. Its scent helps you fall asleep.
This is the rind of your favorite fruit. Which one? Orange. Its smell lifts the mood, improves appetite.
What plant needles are these? Pines. Its scent is soothing and helps to relieve coughs.
it indoor plant is familiar to you. What is it called? The smell of geranium eliminates anxiety, increases efficiency, attention.
(Children are encouraged to identify some plants by smell).

Didactic game "Fill a jar with vitamins"

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of the hands, to learn to place the image evenly over the entire surface.

Children are invited to draw "vitamins" - circles using a stencil ruler. You can stick plasticine on cardboard cut out in the form of a jar, and press it on top with peas - "vitamins".

Didactic game "Doing exercises"

Purpose: to teach children to use a drawing-scheme.

We will all say no to colds.
We are friendly with charging.
We will do the exercises
We are not afraid of diseases.
Guys, we will do exercises according to these diagrams.
(According to the diagram shown, the children do the exercise.)

About everything in the world:

In 1930, The Rogue Song, a film about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the heroes ...

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