Research activities in the speech therapy group of the kindergarten. Consultation on speech therapy (senior group) on the topic: experimentation as a means of developing the cognitive activity of children of older preschool age in the work of a speech therapist

Cognitive and research activities of children

on the speech therapy classes

Karpukhina G. A., Ivanova A. I.,

Keywords: children's research activities, cognitive development, speech correction.

Annotation. The article discusses the conditions necessary for the cognitive and research development of speech pathologists in the light of modern requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

As you know, in speech therapy classes, the child is included in a variety of different types activities; he speaks, improves sound pronunciation, writes, reads, answers questions. But from his behavior and in relation to the lesson, it is clear that the child is emotionally passive: teaching such routine things as pronouncing individual sounds, analyzing words and sentences does not capture their emotions. Scientists have proven that the child most fully and clearly perceives and remembers what was obtained through his own searches, observations and research.

In this regard, we put forward a hypothesis that the increase in the effectiveness of correctional work can be achieved precisely through the constant inclusion of the child in independent research activities.

The basis for the hypothesis are:

Federal state educational standard preschool education(hereinafter - FSES DO), which singled out the cognitive and research activities of children as a new independent direction of activity of the preschool educational institution;

Our own research within the framework of the regional experimental site on the topic "Cognitive and research activities of preschoolers".

An analysis of the work of a speech therapist from this angle of view showed that specific speech therapy classes provide great scope for research activities children. You can always find something exciting and interesting that could be the subject of your own search activity and at the same time work for correction speech disorders. It is only necessary to present it to children in such a way as to encourage them to find and discover themselves.

Below are some areas of research activities that are used in our preschool educational institution in the classroom with speech pathologists, as well as with children who do not have speech disorders.

1. The first direction of children's research activity is the study of their own articulatory apparatus. It takes place in individual and group sessions, and can be useful not only for speech pathologists, but also for children with normally developed speech. Children, sitting in front of a mirror, carefully study their speech apparatus, examine their lips, tongue, upper and lower teeth. hard and soft palate.

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing new in the structure of these classes, which speech therapists and educators did all this before the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. Fundamental difference the old approach from the new is to formulate the purpose of the lesson. If earlier we wrote Explain children, how speech is formed, "now we write" Explore by the method of independent observations and experiments, how speech is formed.

In the first version, the teacher was the center of the educational process; he explained the role of all organs of the speech apparatus, asked to perform this or that action - and he perceived the children as extras who were obliged to complete his tasks and confirm what was said. The children did, but, as mentioned above, remained emotionally passive.

If the teacher chooses the method of independent research, he does not explain anything. He tells you what experiments you can make on your speech apparatus, but what will happen, what happens to this or that organ, what part the larynx, teeth, tongue, lips take in pronouncing sounds, children see for themselves and also draw the necessary conclusions on their own. .

Of course, in the first version, the work goes faster, but for understanding the mechanisms of speech production, the second way is more interesting for children and, as a result, more productive.

The work is carried out in 3 stages.

1. At first, the guys, looking in the mirror, simply find the organs involved in the formation of sounds, examine them. Special attention give the larynx, find it by feeling the fingers of the upper neck.

2. Next with articulatory gymnastics they study how all these structures function, how the mouth opens and closes, how the lips tighten or stretch, in what directions the tongue can move, what is the role of all organs in pronouncing certain sounds.

3. They complete the work with an experiment, which sounds can be pronounced and which cannot, if you squeeze your lips with your fingers and do not allow your mouth to open, if you pinch your nose, if you do not move your tongue, for which you successively press it to the lower teeth, then to the upper ones.

Here, one of the authors of the article (Ivanova A.I.) would like to note his personal observation regarding the methodology for conducting experiments in preschool institutions. 50 years of experience working with teachers shows that psychologically they endure such a situation with great difficulty when the initiative is given to children in class. When discussing activities based on children's experimentation, the question "What was the most difficult thing for you to do?" about 30% of teachers answer: "Be silent."

The above remark does not mean the teacher's self-elimination from educational activities. On the contrary, its role is becoming more complex. Only now it is not a strict regulation of the activities of all children, but a soft, almost imperceptible participation in the experiment. It is good if the children laugh, communicate with each other, trying to make sounds in a situation where this is impossible. Then we can consider that learning is in the form of a game. It is good if one child conducts some experiments with his speech apparatus, the other - others. You should not think that everyone should see the same thing. Let everyone work at their own pace and complete the amount of research they can do. The main thing is that everyone should see the role of the organs of the articulatory apparatus in pronouncing sounds.

So, between setting the task at the beginning of the lesson and getting an answer at the end, there is a difficult job - both for children and for the teacher.

In our classes, the study of one's own speech apparatus invariably turns into the study of each other's speech apparatus: what is going on in the mouth? Why can't I (or you) get some sounds? "Show me how you..."

Such a study cannot be recommended as mandatory. It can be carried out only if the speech therapist has noticed on the part of the children independent attempts to “look into the mouth” of a friend, and he is happy to support this initiative. The pair work of children requires the highest tact and great care from the teacher. No orders or demands are allowed here. But the benefits of working in the "subject - researcher" type are enormous; a speech pathologist child understands better what he is doing wrong and what needs to be done in order to correctly reproduce certain sounds.

So, it is very important to give the child the opportunity to see, feel, and listen to everything, therefore, familiarization classes with a person are an effective addition to traditional speech therapy classes with speech pathologists.

The main advantage of this type of classes over traditional ones is that the child develops self: he myself does something myself looks, myself changes the conditions of observation, myself makes logical inferences myself comes to certain conclusions, and each child does it differently, while in the “pre-FGOS type” classes everyone had to work simultaneously and do the same thing at every moment. In classes of a new type, no one gives the children any instructions and does not tell them the conclusions in finished form. The task of the teacher is to create conditions for the formation of "self", not to interfere with this.

2. The second direction is the study of sounds as such.

2.1. The development of sound pronunciation is facilitated by the attempts of children to reproduce natural sounds with their vocal apparatus. To do this, the teacher brings a set of objects that produce sounds that are different in timbre, volume, and pitch. These can be sheets of paper that make rustling, rustling, crackling, bells, whistles, glass and plastic jars, pipes, drums, planks of wood and plywood, etc. The perception and analysis of these sounds contributes to the assimilation of phonemic differences, and an independent attempt to copy them and reproduce prepares the child's speech apparatus for the development of hissing, whistling, sonorous sounds, sounds P, T, etc.

In order not to tire children with the same type of tasks and constantly maintain the research environment, the form of presentation of sounds varies:

a) by the number of participating children:

The work is carried out with one child.

Work is carried out with several children at the same time;

b) according to the "leader" - the one who extracts the sounds:

The teacher himself

The child himself

Another child;

c) according to the conditions of the study:

The child sees an object that makes a sound,

The child does not see the object (the object is hidden behind a screen, under the table);

d) according to the form of organization of the game:

In class,

During regime moments,

In free activity.

The choice of objects used and the conditions for presenting sounds depends on the specifics of the child's speech disorders, the severity of these disorders, the level of cognitive activity and is often determined simply by the need to change the methods of work, to let the children play.

Such games are also played with pleasure by children who have normal developed speech. They improve the processes of sound perception, analysis of sounds and sound pronunciation, and also develop the ability for independent research, and the child becomes the object of research for himself: “Can I reproduce this sound?”.

So don't rush guys. It is necessary to encourage their communication with each other, create a situation where they show sounds to each other, repeat them many times in front of each other, trying to reproduce the sound as accurately as possible. In this situation, the teacher tries to stay in the shadows, not to interfere with the children.

In parallel, studies of this type can be used to reinforce the use of prepositions and improve orientation in space (the child indicates where the sounding object is located: under the table, above the table, above, left, right, etc.).

2.2. If the child has a violation of sound perception, you can give tasks of a different type. There are several objects in front of the child. The teacher asks the child to turn away, extracts a sound and then offers to determine which object he used. For children with significant disabilities, each item is taken in one version (one sheet of paper, one bell, one jar). As sound perception improves, each item can be presented in several versions. For example, 3 sheets of paper are placed in front of the child different sort; you need to determine which of them made this sound? Which of the three bells did the teacher ring? Which of the three jars did he tap? By conducting his own research - by checking the sounds emitted by each object - the child himself establishes the truth.

2.3. Children are constantly interested in experiments with sounding jars. To do this, the teacher brings several jars, which, when lightly hit on the wall, make different sounds.

In these games, children, lightly hitting the wall with a stick (i.e., by their own research), find jars that sound the same, sound louder, quieter, higher, lower. The guys always play this game with interest, rank the jars according to the pitch or the strength of the sound. It reminds them of an orchestra.

They love the game "Find the jar that I hit." If during the research the children forget the sound, the teacher plays it again, after asking the child to turn away. In the game, children can play in pairs, one of them is the test subject, the second is the researcher.

With great pleasure, the guys study how the character of the sound changes if they themselves pour into a jar different amount water.

If we talk about the cognitive development of children, then all of the above studies contribute to a more accurate perception of phonemic differences in the future. If we talk about general development child, then he develops an understanding of his capabilities: “If I don’t know something, I can find it out through my own research.”

3. The third direction is the study of speech breathing.

To study the features of speech breathing in different situations children inflate balloons, blow on ribbons, learn to regulate the strength of the air stream, blowing off a light cotton wool or a heavy cube. They try to blow into the tube so that the ball rises up and does not fall. Blow on the palm different ways, receiving either a cold or a warm stream of air. These are all serious physical experiments.

In group lessons, the guys like to play "Football". In this game, you need to score a goal into the opponent's goal with the help of an air jet. You can blow either simply with your mouth or through a tube. Each method has its own advantages. In this game, children train the ability to regulate the strength of the air stream depending on the situation on the football field: they blow hard if they aim at the goal from afar, or barely if the goal is close, at an angle if they need to go around the opponent. These actions are complicated due to the fact that the game is played by two teams, and the participants do not blow in turn, but, as in ordinary football, according to their own inner impulse, based on the situation on the field.

The only restriction for this game is the presence of chronic disorders of the respiratory system (for example, bronchial asthma) and infectious diseases from its members.

Games of this type allow you to solve three problems:

Explore physical properties items,

To study your own ability to regulate the strength of the air jet,

Train the respiratory muscles and the entire speech apparatus.

4. The fourth direction is the transformation of letters and words.

Great opportunities for the development of cognitive research activities of children are provided by the transformation of letters and words. This direction can be implemented in several ways.

4.1. Letter design. On the tables of each child are sticks of different lengths, twine mosaic, buttons, pencils and other items. The more active the guys, the richer the set of items. You don't have to use all of them; many are added simply to create a situation of choice. The speech therapist asks the children to lay out the given letters with their help.

Children themselves choose the material that is most convenient for laying out a particular letter. The speech therapist does not interfere in the process, does not give any recommendations and advice, does not evaluate the correctness of the child's actions. At this time, the mental activity of children is very high. At first, they work by trial and error, that is, they try everything in a row and check in practice which objects are suitable for creating a particular letter.

As experience is gained, the ability for mental modeling appears, when the guys, without touching objects yet, guess which ones they can bend the right way whether the stick is long enough to create the desired element, etc.

As a complication of the task, you can offer to lay out the same letter using other techniques and materials. So in the process of research activity, the speech therapy task is to remember appearance and the inscription of letters - is solved easily and imperceptibly, as if by itself.

4.2. Big interest calls the task letter transformations: how to get another from one letter? (move the wand, add or remove something, replace one item with another, etc.). Sometimes this work is carried out as a competition between the guys: who will come up with more options? Such research activity stimulates the imagination, develops the ability to mental modeling (ie, to conduct thought experiments).

We were repeatedly surprised by the imagination of children. Often they figured out how to use those items that we ourselves seemed useless and ended up in a set simply to create a situation of choice.

4.3. Cognitive research activities are being implemented when analyzing individual phrases and sentences. V simple version- this is a rearrangement of words in order to obtain the correct phrase (for example, “the cat is sitting on the window”) or the connection of parts of broken sentences (for example: “Our Tanya. Dropped her crying loudly. Quieter ball into the river. Tanechka, don’t cry. Don’t. Drown in the river . Ball."). As the fund of mental operations accumulates in children, complex texts such as:

Who is knocking at my door?

See no one is home?

Come to me yesterday

Let's eat pies.

After each line, the teacher stops and asks the children to give correct option text.

4.4. The richest opportunities for the development of research activities are Crosswords. They combine three important cognitive areas: literacy training, the formation of mathematical representations, and the specific area to which the crossword puzzle theme belongs (artistic and aesthetic, literature, the formation of natural science representations, etc.).

The technique of solving crossword puzzles for children is almost the same as for adults. After the teacher reads the first task, the children offer their own answers. The teacher, without evaluating the named words, without saying whether they are correct, asks each proposed word to count the number of letters and compare the resulting number with the number of cells in the crossword puzzle. Children themselves must come to the conclusion for which word these numbers match. For a child preschool age this work is a complex linguistic study.

For advanced children, crossword puzzles are deliberately compiled so that several different words having the same number of letters. Then the correct word will be the one for which the common letter from another word already stands at the intersection of the lines.

In classes of this type, the main goal is not to solve the crossword puzzle as such, but to teach children to analyze the sound and letter composition of the word (literacy) and counting (mathematics), as well as updating the cognitive content of the crossword puzzle topic. Therefore, it is not necessary to strive for a quick end result. Let the children slowly master these mental operations in a playful way.

With this approach, phonemic hearing is trained in children, the ability to sound analysis words, develop memory, ingenuity, logical thinking, the dictionary is activated.

In addition, solving crossword puzzles contributes to the development of such research skills as the ability to correlate one’s guesses with reality, put forward hypotheses, test their truth, and abandon them if one’s assumption does not correspond to objective criteria.

4.5. Similar functions are performed by solving puzzles.

Conclusion. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that the opportunities for the development of cognitive and research activity of children in preschool educational institutions are very large, and the task of a speech therapist is to strive to create as often as possible for this the necessary conditions. The document emphasizes the priority of developmental tasks over educational ones: "... the content of the educational program plays the role of a means of development, is selected as developmental tasks are set and solved, and cannot always be set in advance."


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  2. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2014 No. 08-249 "Comments to the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education".
  3. Povalyaeva M.P.. Handbook of a speech therapist. - Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2002. - 448 p.
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On his own, the child still cannot find answers to his questions -

teachers help him. This is where problem-based learning came from.

which consists of questions (logically developing thinking),

modeling of problem situations, experimentation, solution

crossword puzzles, charades, puzzles, etc.

A summary of the lesson is provided.



Apply these methods

Cognitive-search research activity in the classroom for the development of speech.

Teacher speech therapist MBDOU for children combined type garden No. 122, Molchanova A.G.,


From birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him.

Everyone is well aware that five-year-old children are called "why".

The cognitive activity of children at this age is very high: each

the teacher's answer to the child's question gives rise to new questions.

On his own, the child still cannot find answers to his questions -

teachers help him. This is where problem-based learning came from.

which consists of questions (logically developing thinking),

modeling of problem situations, experimentation, solution

crossword puzzles, charades, puzzles, etc.

The main goal of this method is to develop creative personality child.

The tasks of the problem-based learning method are specific to each


At a younger age, this is an entry into a problematic game situation,

formation of initial prerequisites for search activity.

At an older age, this is:

  1. formation of prerequisites for search activity, intellectual initiative;
  2. formation of the ability to apply these methods, contributing to

Solving the tasks set, using various options;

  1. development of the desire to use special terminology, conversation in the process of joint research activities.

It has been proven that involving children in search activities increases the assimilation of various knowledge and skills, develops mental activity, independence, and intelligence.

The use of lexical and grammatical games in the work contributes to

the acquisition by children of the skills and abilities of grammatically correct speech.

These games include:

1. Touch games.

(What the word does - looks, listens, moves, etc.)

2. Symbol games.

(Modeling the content of the word)

3. Logic games.

(Search for the origins of word formation, establishing cause-and-effect

relationships, use of the causal chain)

4. Linking the content of the word with its initial form.

(perception of the phonetic-phonemic image and pronunciation of the word-

analysis, errors in word structure).

5. Spatial games.

6. Games with single-root words:

a) the formation of words of some part of speech

(whiteness - white,

whitening - whitens

white - whitening)

b) formation from all parts of forms

Genus (protein - proteins

White - white)

Numbers (protein - proteins

white - white

White - whiten)

c) the formation of forms from all parts of speech that clarify semantic shades


prefixes (whitewashing,


Suffixes (white,


Interfixov (white-barreled)

Postfixes (whiten - ka)

Case endings

(protein - protein,

white - white)

Conjugation endings

(whiten - whiten whiter)

7. Games with words - antonyms

(words backwards)

The upside down person can be the symbol of this game.

8. Games-contradictions.

“Fedot, but not the one”, “I don’t see ..., but vice versa”, “The third (4-5) is superfluous

9. Bridge games.

Selection of intermediate words for a gradual transition from one

antipode to another (heat-warm-cold)

10. Grammar games:

- "True False"

- "Stubborn words" - indeclinable nouns (coffee, ...)

11. Games with cards, pictograms, diagrams, models ...

12.Games of analogy.

Continuation of the synonymic series started by the teacher

(big-huge-huge, etc.).

13. Games for the classification of objects.

14. Games with figurative expressions.

Definition figurative meaning words (hands are tree branches)

Inventing comparisons (hands, paws, pitchforks, wings, ...)

15. Games with riddles, proverbs, sayings.


A selection of different statements about the same thing.

Interpretation of phrases, proverbs, sayings in your own words.

16. Games with rhyming words.

(I am a poet, I am a writer)

17. Games for sound connections of words.

(smoke - house, entered - left)

18. Games with words and sentences.

- "Additional" - selection of epithets, signs, actions

(bread - lush, fragrant, soft, ruddy, ...)

Riddles for comparison

(with a tail, not a mouse - a turnip)

- "Chains of words"

(Inventing phrases following one after another:

(The cat laps milk. The cow gives milk. The cow grazes in the meadow.


- "Gatherings - bandages"

Promotion of the plot in one word (winter ...)

- "Writing"

Coming up with a common plot based on words from adjacent

(tram - bus), distant (tram - forest), opposite

(day Night).

The method of problematic search (project) learning is relevant and

very efficient. It allows the child to experiment

synthesize acquired knowledge, develop creative abilities

and communication skills, which allows him to adapt to the changing situation of schooling.


Topic: " Cognitive-search speech activity»

Olga Sonina
Integrated lesson on cognitive research activities with children of the preparatory speech therapy group

Topic: "What is air?"

Educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Educational tasks:

- introduce children with the properties of air and methods of its detection;

To give elementary ideas about the importance of clean air;

Describe air as a gaseous substance.

Development tasks:

Develop a connected speech:

Develop skills for conducting experiments;

Develop the ability to establish causal relationships based on experiences,

compare and draw conclusions;

Develop logical thinking

Develop cognitive interest.

Speech tasks:

Activate the subject dictionary and the dictionary of adjectives (experience, atmosphere, shell, oxygen, solid, liquid body, gas, filter, chest, lungs; transparent, tasteless, colorless)

Educational tasks:

Cultivate skill see amazing in the world around;

Cultivate respect for your health and the environment.

preliminary work: games with, windmills”, observing the smoke from the chimneys of the boiler house during a walk, creative workshop: creating a story application (on paper),Our City”, production of silhouettes of trees, iridescent clouds.

Visually practical material: a color illustration of the characters of the cartoon Fixiki, a diagram, the meanings of the atmosphere for our planet”, schemes-cards for determining taste, smell, touch, schemes for cards of substances - solid, liquid, gaseous, Balloon hic, candle, saucer, basin, glass, with a piece of paper glued to the bottom, by quantity children: pebbles, cups of water, fans, rubber toys, small items (buttons, beads, plastic bags, tubes, pieces of sponge, pencils - glue, napkins.

Motivational-orienting stage.

Today is an unusual day, cartoon characters - Fixies - came to visit us. They are very inquisitive and want to know about everything in the world. One day, they thought, what is air? What is it and how can it be found? We decided to ask you. Shall we tell them?

Search stage.

What can you say about the air?

Invite the children to take a long breath, and then hold their breath; inhale and then hold your breath again.

How long could you hold your breath?)

Why?) There was not enough air. That's right, we can't breathe without air, but we're not the only people.

And who else needs air?) Animals, fish.

And why fish, they live in water) Air is everywhere, but we don’t notice it, we don’t see it.

Why do you think we can't see the air) It's transparent.

How else can you say what it is?) Has no color, which means what) Colorless.

Now close your eyes and breathe in through your mouth.

What does the air taste like?

Close your eyes again and inhale through your nose.

What is the smell of the air?

We learned about some properties of air. Tell me, and hint cards will help you with this.)

Air is an amazing shell of the Earth. Air, like a transparent veil, is shrouded in our entire planet. The air protects her. Imagine if the air disappeared, what would happen? Children look at the diagram, give answers.)

The water on Earth immediately boiled, all living things would die from the scorching sun during the day, and at night from the cold. Without air, Earth would be a dead desert.

But what is air? Let's do some experiments. And for this, go to the research laboratory that the Fixies have prepared for you.

Practical stage

Pick up a stone and squeeze it.

What is he?) Solid. So a rock is a solid body.

Is it possible to pick up the air and compress it?) So let's do it conclusion: (I will start and you will continue) air is not a solid body. Children choose a pattern.

Take a glass of water and look at the water. (pouring it from glass to glass) .

What can you say about water, what is it like?) Liquid.

So what is water?) Liquid.

What other liquids do you know?)

So, we have found out that air cannot be compressed, which means it is not a solid body. The air does not flow, does not pour, they do not drink it, so this (continue)) is not a liquid. Children choose a pattern.

Air, guys, is a gas. It is invisible, transparent, colorless, odorless. Children choose a pattern.

This is our first discovery. Let's continue our research.

1. Take the package and start twisting it from the open edge.

What happens to the package?) Inflates.

Why is this happening?) The bag fills with air.

Touch what the package has become?) Do you see the air?)

Now take your fans and wave to your face; blow on your palm.

What do you feel?)

This is air movement. Doing conclusion: Although we do not see the air, we feel it.

2. Air is everywhere and takes up space. Let's check it out. You have different objects on the tables, throw them into the water and watch.

What do you see?)

When an object sinks, small bubbles come out of it - this is air. Objects are heavy, they sink, but air is light, it rises.

Take a rubber toy and squeeze it.-

What do you hear?) whistle.

Air comes out of the toy. Now close the hole with your finger and try squeezing the toy again

What's going on?) It doesn't shrink.

What's stopping her?)

Conclusion: the air in the toy does not allow it to be compressed.

Let's see what happens when we lower the glass into a bowl of water. (a piece of paper is attached to the bottom of the glass)

What do you observe?) Water does not pour into the glass.

Why doesn't water fill the glass?) There is air in the glass, it doesn't let water in.

Now let's tilt the glass. What happened?) Water poured into the glass.

She gave way to water. Conclusion: Air takes up space.

Physical education, Inflatable toys”

Children are divided into pairs. One child is a toy, the other is a pump. The toy sits listlessly on the floor, the pump sound s-s-s pumps it up. Then the pump presses the button - a toy with shh shh sound deflates and returns to its original position. Children change roles.

3. Guys, let's remember again, why do we need air?) For breathing.

We conducted experiments and made sure that we do not see the air, it can be felt, it takes up space.

Now let's check and make sure that we breathe air.

Take a straw and dip it into a glass of water, gently blow into it.

What do you observe) bubbles.

This proves that we exhale air and it comes out in the form of bubbles. Put your hand on your chest, inhale.

What's going on?) The chest rises.

Our lungs fill with air. Now breathe out.

What happened to the chest?) She sank.

The air has left our lungs.

What should be the air for a person to breathe easily?)

What about dirty air?

What does a person do to keep the air in the room clean?)

What are plants grown for?

Tell me, what is the difference between the air we breathe in the city and the air we breathe in the forest?) Why?

Trees work like vacuum cleaners. Green leaves Plants absorb dust and dirt from the air. How more plants, how cleaner air, the more useful for a person and his health.

Think about what causes dirty air in cities?)

Let's see what happens to the air when smoke comes out of their pipes, a fire burns.

Candle experience. A candle is lit and a saucer is held over it. Look how dirty the saucer has become. Soot formed on it.

What should be done to save the air from pollution?)

4. Now, guys, I want to invite you to a creative workshop. Let's plant a lot of trees in our city and decorate it with rainbow clouds. (children glue trees and clouds prepared during preliminary work) Let our city be clean, and the people living in it healthy and happy.

Reflective-evaluative stage.

I think our guests are Fixies and you have learned a lot interesting things about the air. in my hands balloon. Pass it on to each other and tell what new things you learned about the air, what you liked to do.

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Short-term project on research activities with children of the preparatory group "Old Cup" Form; motivation for cognitive activity, primary ideas about the objects of the surrounding world, their properties and relationships,.

Open integrated lesson with children of the senior speech therapy group "Journey to the country of musical instruments" Open integrated lesson with children of the senior speech therapy group "Journey to the country musical instruments» Purpose: introduction.

Lesson on cognitive research activities in the preparatory group "Excursion to the Far North" Lesson on cognitive - research activities in preparatory group Excursion to the Far North Purpose: to create conditions for.

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Oksana Proskurina
Elements of experimental research activity in the work of a speech therapist teacher

1.(slide 1) Target work of a speech therapist: beautiful, correct speech all our children kindergarten and not just children with speech disorders.

experimental– research activity is not the main goal in the work of a teacher - a speech therapist but acts as a tool.

Consider the methods and techniques of organization experimentally– research activities, which I use on frontal, subgroup and individual classes:

2. As a surprise moment in individual lessons, I suggest looking into a kaleidoscope. Multi-colored patterns, of course, are very attractive to children. How surprised they are when I show them how the kaleidoscope works. (demonstration of a kaleidoscope). Put a mirrored cardboard folded into a triangle in a can of Lay's chips. Between the two covers from these chips I place various items: beads, sequins, beads. Several such interchangeable blocks can be made. Kaleidoscope is a surprise and educational moment.

3. One of the causes of sound pronunciation disorders is an underdeveloped auditory attention. Maria Montessori noise boxes are non-separable wooden cylinders. The child listens to the sound and picks up a cylinder from another noise box with the same sound. The disadvantage of them is that children always want to know what's inside. Therefore, I suggest that the guys fill boxes from kinder surprises and jars from plasticine "play to" beads, beans, rice, peas, buckwheat.

4.(slide 2) Famous speech therapist Tatyana Aleksandrovna Tkachenko developed a manual"Pictures with a problematic plot for the development of thinking and speech in preschoolers 5-7 years old." The guys not only make up interesting stories on plot picture, but also together with me solve this or that problematic situation. For example, a picture "Surprise Candy".

(slide 3) At one of the stages work over compiling a story, we assume that it is tied to a ball, answers children: "big candy, medicine, homework, little doll". Then we take a balloon filled with helium, and tie various objects, see if the balloon rises. I could not lift anything but a sheet of paper. The guys decided that homework was tied to the ball.

4. (slide 4) in the story "Fire" two boys are putting out fires in the attic with a swing and a bucket of water. We also made a swing from a ruler and a pencil and launched a paper clip. The paper clips flew higher, lower, farther, closer, depending on the strength, but it was not possible to launch it at the desired target. The children concluded that the boys would not put out the fire, they had to call the firemen.

5. (slide 5) Another manual by this author is called « Logic exercises for the development of speech ". One of the tasks experimentally– research character:

- “If you put a fur coat on the snow in severe frost. Will the snow melt?"

I ask this question to the guys while studying the topic. "Cloth". At the beginning of the walk, the teacher with the children puts a fur fabric on the snow, at the end of the walk they check the result and conclude that the fur coat does not warm, but retains heat.

6. (slide 6) Preparing to retell the famous story of Leo Tolstoy "Smart Jackdaw" the guys and I throw pebbles into a transparent container with water. Mark the water level on the walls with a red marker. After each child carefully lowers the pebble, we consider the water level and proceed to the retelling.

7.(slide 7) Developing the duration of the exhalation necessary for proper speech breathing, we experimenting with pipes and water. We conclude that the bubbles depend not only on the force of exhalation, but also on the width of the tube.

7. (slide 8) Research Work carried out both in kindergarten and at home. Project "Houseplants" long term. The boys are growing houseplants in group and at home. progress reports work houses are made out in the form of presentations, newspapers, they prepare a story and perform in front of all the children of the group. Yasmina with her mother and younger sisters grew a tangerine tree.

9. There are many in our kindergarten various projects, one of them was not planned by the teachers in advance, but it turned out like this. During project implementation "My hobbies" one of the pupils brought experience with baking powder to kindergarten. (slide 9) The children liked it so much that they also wanted to bring other experiences and experiments. Pupils at home with their parents chose any interesting and safe experience, spent it at home. Parents prepare the child to show this experience to all the children in the group. Teachers help both parents and children. Dasha prepared an experiment with milk and dyes, drawing on milk. And Gena showed and told me that not all liquids mix.

10. (Slide 10). Kira really wanted to perform in front of her friends and she came up with the experience herself at home. Mom offered several experiments, but Kira was persistent. In the group, she proudly poured water into a balloon, and asked questions: “Do you think the water will pour out? How much water can fit in a balloon? Other.

So in the senior group a scientific laboratory was opened.

11. (slide 11) Alice surprised both children and adults. Brought hydrophobic sand to kindergarten. Why the sand remains dry in the water, the guys could not explain. The experiment was done many times, and each time dry sand from the water was surprising.

12. (slide 12) Polina showed experiment with crayons which turned out to be not only interesting, but also useful. Dry crayons do not draw well on paper, but if they are held in sweet water, they draw brightly and beautifully. If a child has a general underdevelopment of speech, then first, in individual lessons, we speak with me and work out comments on various stages experience.

13. These experiments are so interesting are fascinating. They motivate children to speak. After this experiment, a boy with motor alalia talks about it. (slide 13

14. These are some examples of use elements of experimental research activities in the joint work of the teacher-speech therapist and educators of combined groups.

Theme of the issue

"Prospects for teaching children with disabilities"


  • Institutions and authors mentioned in the issue


    • 2nd preschool department of the State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 1909 named after Hero Soviet Union A.K. Novikov, Moscow
    • GBOU "School No. 498", Moscow
    • GBOU "School No. 1566", Moscow
    • GBU VO "TsPPiSP", Vladimir
    • GBU TsSSV "Academy of the Family", Moscow
    • GBU TsSSV "Scarlet Sails", Moscow
    • GBU TsSSV "Our House", Moscow
    • GKU TsSSV "Yunona", Moscow
    • MADOU d / s "Alyonushka", pos. Sosnovka Beloyarsky district Tyumen region., KhMAO-YUGRA
    • MADOU CRR - d / s "Fairy Tale", work. settlement Krasnye Baki, Nizhny Novgorod region
    • MBDOU d / s No. 1, Apsheronsk, Krasnodar Territory
    • MBDOU d / s No. 7, pos. Precepts of Ilyich Khabarovsk Territory
    • MBDOU d / s No. 14, Krymsk, Krasnodar Territory
    • MBDOU d / s No. 18, Krymsk, Krasnodar Territory
    • MBDOU d / s No. 35, Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region
    • MBDOU d / s No. 105 "Antoshka", Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo Region
    • MBDOU d / s No. 124, Cherepovets, Vologda region
    • MBDOU CRR - d / s No. 156, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic
    • MDOU d / s No. 10, Bogoroditsk, Tula region
    • School for children with disabilities "Blago" GBPOU "Technological College No. 21", Moscow
    • Akhmetshina Anastasia Alekseevna
    • Bobyleva Elena Vladimirovna
    • Wedding Valentina Nikolaevna
    • Volkonskaya Tatyana Viktorovna
    • Germanovichene Elena Nikolaevna
    • Dzhengurova Larisa Nikolaevna
    • Zhuzma Alina Nikolaevna
    • Zapyantseva Vera Ivanovna
    • Ivanenko Olga Valerievna
    • Kirillova Rosa Alexandrovna
    • Kleimenova Daria Alexandrovna
    • Kuznetsova Svetlana Adolfovna
    • Kukushkina Evgeniya Borisovna
    • Martynenko Svetlana Mikhailovna
    • Sevostyanova Anna Nikolaevna
    • Strygina Elena Nikolaevna
    • Tikhonova Elena Alexandrovna
    • Trunova Iya Vasilievna
    • Fetisova Maya Valentinovna
    • Shishkina Svetlana Anatolievna
    • Shmakova Marina Vyacheslavovna
    • Shmakova Maria Igorevna
    • Shuba Svetlana Vasilievna
    • Shchelkunova Elena Pavlovna

Editor-in-chief column

  • Tantsyura S.Yu. Prospects for teaching children with disabilities

Room guest

  • Martynenko S.M. Learn to see the present and predict the future

Master Class


  • Sevostyanova A.N. Study of the sound-producing side of speech in orphans of preschool age with intellectual disability

    The article describes the sound pronunciation of orphans with intellectual disabilities. Provided comparative analysis sound pronunciation of children with normal development and children with disabilities.

New forms of work

  • Kuznetsova S.A., Venchalnaya V.N. Visiting Hen Ryaba. Lesson on the development of speech with elements of non-traditional drawing techniques with young children with disabilities

    The article presents the experience in the development of children's speech early age with HIA means of Russian folk tale and non-traditional drawing techniques.

We propose to discuss

  • Zhuzhma A.N. Walk through the winter forest. Lesson on the differentiation of prepositions on and under for children 4-6 years old with OHP

    The article presents different types of exercises for understanding and differentiating prepositions for children with general underdevelopment speech, work with spatial concepts.

methodical living room

  • Ivanenko O.V. Cognitive and research activities in speech therapy classes with children with OHP

    The article presents tasks on search and research activities for pupils of the senior group with OHP in accordance with the lexical and thematic plan, examples of conversations are given. The introduction of such tasks into speech classes will help increase attention, interest, and motivate children to speech activity.

Working with preschoolers

We invite you to practice

  • Bobyleva E.V. An incredible journey into a fairy tale. Lesson on the differentiation of sounds (s) - (s ') for children 4-5 years old

    This article presents a lesson on the differentiation of sounds [s] - [s'] using the Russian folk tale "Geese-Swans", practical exercises for their automation and differentiation.

  • Shmakova M.V., Shmakova M.I. stress. Lesson in the preparatory group for school

    The article presents a lesson with various types games and exercises that can be used in individual, subgroup and frontal classes with preschoolers and younger students.

Leisure and entertainment

  • Trunova I.V. Our guest brownie Kuzya. Lesson on the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech

    The article presents a lesson for children of the senior group of a compensatory focus on the development of lexical and grammatical categories on the topic "Food".

  • Kirillova R.A. Cheerful country Read-playing. Speech therapy leisure in the preparatory group for school

    Speech therapy leisure can be used both in speech therapy and general education groups. In progress practical activities children learn the elements of literacy.

Games and equipment

  • Germanovichene E.N. Sound lock. Author's manual for children 4-6 years old

    The article describes Toolkit"Sound Castle", presented practical material to create a developing educational environment that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, to consolidate the pronunciation of sounds in children.

  • Volkonskaya T.V. Vocabulary development games for children with OHP

    The article presents the experience of developing and enriching the vocabulary using games aimed at activating speech, the formation of logical thinking.

  • Strygina E.N. Grammar magic. Lesson using games to teach literacy for children 5-7 years old

    The article presents a lesson on teaching literacy using games that combine motor gymnastics and exercises for the development of spatial perception.

  • Shishkina S.A. Toy-talker Logo-game complex for children aged 3-5 years with disabilities

    The article presents the author's development - a speech therapy toy used in individual and subgroup speech therapy classes. With its help, a speech therapist teacher creates a game situation, while solving correctional and developmental tasks.

Interaction with family

  • Dzhengurova L.N. Mini-crosswords as one of the forms of interaction between parents and children

    The article presents practical experience use of mini-crossword puzzles as one of the forms of interaction with parents. mini-crosswords can be used as part of a lesson or part of a leisure activity.

  • Kukushkina E.B. Parent conference on the development of children's speech

    The article presents the cooperation of a speech therapist with parents within the framework of the conference, sets of exercises for the development of speech are given.

  • Fetisova M.V. Why are we silent? Let's start talking! From the experience of organizing work with parents of non-speaking children

    The article is devoted to the formation of speech in non-speaking children with STD. Two aspects of work are revealed: medical and rehabilitation and correctional and pedagogical.

We work with schoolchildren

Corrective work methodology

  • Akhmetshina A.A. Individual adapted program of speech therapy work with schoolchildren with ASD

    The article reflects the specifics of the organization of psychological and pedagogical support for the family of a student with autism spectrum disorders. Particular attention is paid to the development of individual adapted program as part of the activities of a speech therapist.


For a young speech therapist

  • Zapyantseva V.I. Retelling of the story by L.N. Tolstoy "Smart Jackdaw". Lesson in the senior group

    The article presents a lesson on retelling the work using reference pictures. The development of the grammatical structure of speech with the help of various exercises is given.

Secrets of the profession

  • Kleimenova D.A., Tikhonova E.A. Cryotherapy in the classroom with preschoolers with intellectual disabilities

    The article describes cryotherapy − effective method development of tactile sensations, classes with elements of cryotherapy are given.

Good Pages

  • Shuba S.V. Individual lesson with a non-speaking child with cerebral palsy

    The article presents the experience of working with children with severe speech disorders and cerebral palsy. The described playing techniques allow you to activate the innervation of muscle movements, develop expression.

  • Shchelkunova E.P. One two three four five. Author's game for older preschoolers

    The proposed game for the differentiation of sounds helps older preschoolers in the correction of sound pronunciation, forms a grammatical structure.

funny pages

  • Children say...

    I love going to kindergarten. There are a lot of interesting things there: friends, toys, and they also teach us to draw and make books for junior group. Dima, 6 years old

    I have many friends in kindergarten. But my favorite friend is a speech therapist. I learned how to say R. Sergey, 5 years old

    I'm already an adult. I am 4 years old. I work in the garden. I can dance and play cars. And I go to work with a speech therapist. We are learning a fairy tale about the tongue. Vitaly, 4 years old

    I am 5 years old. I know letters. I go to the garden. It's interesting in the garden, it's fun there, because the speech therapist gives us homework. Both me and dad draw vegetables and fruits in the album. Dad does it better because he speaks well. Roma, 5 years old

Did you know

  • The right to education. State guarantees for the realization of the right to education in the Russian Federation

    In order to realize the right of every person to education, federal government bodies, organs state power the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments create the necessary conditions for the receipt of high-quality education without discrimination by persons with handicapped health, to correct developmental disorders and social adaptation, providing early corrective assistance based on special pedagogical approaches.

    Federal state standards and federal state requirements. Educational standards

    Federal state educational standards and federal state requirements provide:

    • continuity of the main educational programs;
    • variability of the content of educational programs of the corresponding level of education, the possibility of forming educational programs of various levels of complexity and focus, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of students.

    Organization of education for students with disabilities