Abstract of a lesson on the sound culture of speech for children with general underdevelopment of speech. The system of games and exercises in formation. The work of the educator on the development of the sound culture of children's speech

Preparation of the articulatory apparatus

Competent, clear, clean and rhythmic speech of a child is not a gift, it is acquired through the joint efforts of speech therapists, teachers and parents. First of all, such speech is characterized by the correct pronunciation of sounds.

The correct pronunciation of sounds is ensured by good mobility and differentiated work of the organs of articulation. It helps to develop clear and coordinated movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus articulation gymnastics.

Theorists and practitioners of speech therapy dealt with issues of articulation gymnastics: M.E. Khvattsev, O.V. Pravdina, M.V. Fomicheva, L.S. Volkova, T.B. Filicheva, N.A. Cheveleva and others.

But why train the language?

The tongue is the main muscle of the organs of speech. The tongue must be well developed enough to carry out the subtle purposeful movements called phonation.

Disadvantages of pronunciation aggravate the emotional and mental state of the child. Children suffering from various speech disorders are deeply worried about their problems. Many of them become withdrawn, irritable; fenced off from peers and adults with a wall of silence. Already at an early age, neuroses can appear in such children. The general development of children is also inhibited. Without special training, they begin to noticeably lag behind the norm. So that this problem does not arise in the child in the future, it is worth starting to engage in articulatory gymnastics as early as possible.

Children 3, 4 years old: articulatory gymnastics will help you quickly “set” the correct pronunciation.

Children 5, 6 years old: with the help of articulatory gymnastics, they will be able to overcome the already existing incorrect sound pronunciation.

Stages of work on the correction of sound pronunciation

BUT) Preparatory stage, the purpose of which is to prepare the articulatory apparatus for the production of sounds.

B) The stage of direct sound production.

(in syllables, in words, in phrases, in nursery rhymes, in coherent speech)

Articulation gymnastics- this is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the speech apparatus, developing strength, mobility and differentiated movements of the organs involved in speech.

In kindergarten, it is advisable to carry out articulation gymnastics daily so that the motor skills developed in children are consolidated and become stronger. 2 times a week classes are conducted by a speech therapist and 3 by educators.

Duration of activities in the lesson: 6 minutes - art. gymnastics.

The articulatory gymnast is performed while sitting, since in this position the child has a straight back, the body is not tense, the arms and legs are in a calm position. The child must clearly see the face of an adult, as well as his own face, in order to independently control the correctness of the exercises. Therefore, a child and an adult during articulation gymnastics should be in front of wall mirror. Also, the child can use a small hand mirror (approximately 9x12 cm), but then the adult should be opposite the child facing him. The work is organized as follows: An adult talks about the upcoming exercise using game techniques. Shows its execution. The child does the exercise, and the adult controls the execution. An adult conducting articulatory gymnastics should monitor the quality of the movements performed by the child: accuracy of movement, smoothness, pace of execution, stability, transition from one movement to another. It is also important to ensure that the movements of each organ of articulation are performed symmetrically with respect to the right and left sides of the face. Otherwise, articulatory gymnastics does not achieve its goal. At first, when children perform exercises, there is a tension in the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Gradually, the tension disappears, the movements become relaxed and at the same time coordinated. In the process of doing gymnastics, it is important to remember to create a positive emotional state in the child. You can not tell him that he is doing the exercise incorrectly - this can lead to a refusal to perform the movement. It’s better to show the child his achievements (“You see, the tongue has already learned to be wide”), cheer (“Nothing, your tongue must learn to rise up”). If a child does not develop accuracy, stability and smoothness of movements of the organs of articulation for a long time (about 1 month) when performing exercises, this may mean that you did not perform the exercises quite correctly or your child’s problem is more serious than you thought. In both cases, the child must be shown to a specialist - a speech therapist. Exercises for the development of the muscles of the speech apparatus. Frog. Holding lips in a smile, as if silently pronouncing the sound and.

A set of exercises was developed by speech therapists and has been repeatedly published. These exercises are designed for different muscle groups. There are exercises of general articulation gymnastics. There are special exercises for staging a certain group of sounds.

Articulation gymnastics exercises

"Doughnut" - the mouth is wide open (as when pronouncing the sound A).

“Pipe” - lips are extended forward (as when pronouncing the sound U).

"Smile" - an exaggerated smile with clenched teeth, upper and lower teeth are visible.

Alternation of the above three exercises (quick change of articulation modes).

"Scapula" - a wide, relaxed tongue lies on the lower lip.

"Needle" - we hold a narrow tense tongue in weight, the mouth is wide open.

"Swing" - the mouth is wide open, with the tip of the tongue we reach alternately to the upper and lower lip.

"Watch" - the mouth is wide open, the tip of the tongue "runs" from one corner of the mouth to another.

"Carousel" - the mouth is wide open, the tip of the tongue around the circumference licks the lips.

"Cup" - the mouth is open, the edges and tip of the tongue are bent upwards on weight, forming the shape of a cup.

“The kitty is angry” - lips in a smile, the tip of the tongue is hidden behind the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is raised.

“Painters” - the mouth is open, with the tip of the tongue, like a brush, we “paint” the upper palate back and forth.

"Fungus" - suck the tongue to the upper palate, stretching the hyoid frenulum.

"Horse" - clatter, mouth open.

"Drum" - the mouth is open, with the tip of the tongue hit the tubercles behind upper teeth, saying: d-d-d-d ... +

Articulatory gymnastics exercises are performed in front of a mirror 3-5 times, holding the tongue in a given position for up to 10 seconds.


Message at the seminar - workshop

Clarification of the pronunciation of an isolated sound

First, the sound must be fixed in isolation, i.e. separately from all other sounds (because in the flow of speech, sounds experience mutual influences - compare the pronunciation of the sound C in the words "cheese" and "bag").

Both during staging and at the initial stages of automation, additional analyzers are necessarily used - visual, tactile ... “For the formation of new speech connections, the most effective analyzers in this case are used. It is not uncommon for children with normal hearing to mispronounce certain sounds because they cannot distinguish them by ear. Then, at first, they mainly use the visual analyzer, i.e. show the child the articulation of the sound and at the same time pronounce the sound.

Those. we sit in front of the mirror so that the child sees the face of an adult and his own face, and we control the correctness of articulation. Of course, you need to automate the sound in isolation in a playful way: “How does the snake hiss? And whose snake hisses longer - yours or mine? SHSHSHSHSH. It is not enough just to pronounce the sound so that the baby repeats it correctly to us - in some cases it is necessary to explain in detail how to put the organs of articulation for a particular sound, in other cases it is better to use analogies (“make a fence out of teeth”), or we imitate movements hand (up or down, tongue wide or narrow). And for some time it is necessary to remind the child with the same gestures and words (which are called "irritants") how to pronounce this difficult sound.

So, if the sound Ш was evoked by such stimuli as the educator pronouncing this sound, showing articulation in front of a mirror, and imitating the movement of the tongue with his hand, then later only such a movement of the hand is enough for the child to utter this sound.

The teacher selects games for onomatopoeia and a picture-symbol, with which this sound will be correlated in the future, for example, for the sound Z - a picture with the image of a mosquito (it rings, resembling the sound z); to sound C - an image of a pump (the air leaving the pump whistles, resembling sound c), etc. To clarify the sound, repeated repetition is necessary, so the educator is not limited to correlating this sound with the symbol picture, he asks the children to remember what else reminiscent of this sound. For example, when clarifying the sound Sh - how a snake hisses, Zh remember how a beetle, bee, fly, saw, vacuum cleaner, etc. buzz. These comparisons develop children's auditory attention.
It is necessary to achieve a clear, correct pronunciation of an isolated sound by all children, using various auxiliary techniques to clarify and evoke a sound, for example: prolonged pronunciation of a sound (if it can be pulled) or repeated repetition of it (if it is explosive) by the teacher, drawing the attention of children to its sound; observation of the correct articulation of the sound in the child, etc. At the same time, the educator must know well the correct articulation of the sound being practiced and be able to see why the wrong sound is obtained, that is, in what position the child has the organs of the articulatory apparatus. To see what position the tongue is in, it is necessary to invite the child to repeatedly pronounce the sound being worked out between two sounds a (asa, asha, ara).
For example, in a class to refine the pronunciation of the -C sound, children imitate the whistle of air coming out of a pump when a tire is inflated. The teacher should know that with the correct pronunciation of the sound from the lips in a smile, the upper and lower front teeth are bare, the wide tongue is behind the lower incisors, in the middle of the tongue there is a thin, cold air stream. The teacher monitors the correct position of the lips, tongue and the presence of an air stream in children. He refines the sound not with the whole group at once, but with subgroups in order to be able to see the incorrect position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus in children and help them. The teacher says to one child that his tongue sticks out between his teeth, it is necessary to remove it by the lower teeth. The other has no wind. “Look how strong the breeze is,” says the teacher, brings the back of the child’s hand to his mouth and pronounces a sound with, making it possible to feel the air stream. Then he offers to do the same for him. In the third child, the lower teeth are not visible, the teacher asks him to smile and show the upper and lower teeth, etc. Children who have difficulty pronouncing the sound being practiced should be asked and monitored more often.
The educator must monitor the clarity of his diction, the clarity of the presentation of the material, and make the assignments exciting and accessible.
We must remember that in the second junior group and in the first half of the year middle group the educator, conducting this type of work, fixes the children's attention on the sound, and not on the articulation of the sound. Starting from the second half of the year in the middle group, the teacher draws the attention of children not only to the sound of the sound being practiced, but also to its main, easily visible or tangible articulatory signs. He can tell where the tongue is, what the lips are doing, what kind of air stream is coming, and ask the children the same.

Games and game exercises for isolated sound automation:

Children sit in a circle in the center playing field, the teacher lays out 5 pictures - symbols of sounds: S. - balloon, Z. - mosquito, Sh. - snake, J. - beetle, R. - tiger. A certain symbol is laid out on the playing field. The teacher gives a sample. The child must reach the center in a spiral, pronouncing the sound corresponding to the picture - symbol.

The forest is noisy

Sound automation sh.

There is a picture of the forest in front of the children, the teacher tells how good it is in the forest, what tall trees, they have green tops, many branches and leaves. A breeze will come and the tops of the trees will sway, and they will sway and rustle: sh-sh-sh. Children raise their hands up like twigs on trees and make noise, saying sound sh-sh-sh. The wind died down, and a snake crawled out from behind a bush and hissed shhhh. Children pronounce the sound and imitate the movement of the snake with their hands.

Flies in the web

Sound automation.

Some of the children depict a web. They form a circle and raise their hands. Other children imitate flies. They buzz: w-w-w, flying in and out of the circle. At the signal of the teacher, the children, depicting a web, join hands and do not release the flies. The game continues until all the flies have been caught.


Sound automation.

In the middle of a room or platform, a hive is fenced off with a line. All children are bees. One child is a bear. He hides from the bees. Bees sit in a hive and say in chorus:

The bees sit in the hive and look out the window. Everyone wanted to fly and they all flew away together: w-w-w. With a buzz, they scatter around the site, flapping their wings. Suddenly a bear appears, he seeks to get into the hive for honey. At the signal “Bear”, the bees buzz to the hive. They grab hands, surround the hive and try not to miss the bear. If the bear is caught, a new bear is assigned, and if it runs away, it chooses an assistant.

bees collect honey

Sound automation.

One group of children depicts flowers. The teacher puts on wreaths of flowers for them. Another group of bees that collect honey from flowers. Bees fly around the flowers and buzz. On a signal, they fly into the hive. Then the children change.


Sound automation p.

Children sit on chairs. The teacher says: “We are going to ride bicycles. You need to check if the tires are well inflated. While the bikes were standing, the tires were a little flat, they need to be pumped up. Children stand in turn, and then all together inflate the tires, making the sound with and imitating the action of the pump.

Dry laundry

Sound automation p.

Two children hold the rope, the rest hang handkerchiefs, securing with clothespins. On command, a breeze blew, the child blows cold air, pronouncing the sound s. On command, the wind died down, the child stops pronouncing. Repeated several times with different strength and volume.

cold breeze

Sound automation p.

The teacher shows the picture and says: “Winter is in the fields, a cold wind is blowing and blowing snowflakes away.” Children hold snowflakes in their palms, bringing them to their chin and pronouncing the sound ssss, the child should feel a cold stream of air and blow off the snowflake.

When automating the sound sh, children feel a warm stream of air and blow off the sheet.


Sound automation h.

Children depict a blizzard. On a signal, they begin to quietly pronounce the sound z, then amplify it, and then gradually weaken it. On the initial stages You can play in front of a mirror.


Sound automation h.

Children stand in front of each other, join their hands crosswise and reproduce the movement of the saw along the log, pronouncing the sound z for a long time. The one who does not pronounce the sound correctly is taken out of the game and asked to pronounce correctly, reminding how to hold the tongue when pronouncing this sound.

colored cars

Sound automation r.

Children sit on chairs along the wall. They are cars. Each player is given a hoop of any color. This is a steering wheel. There are several colored flags in front of the teacher. He picks up one of them. Children who have a steering wheel of the same color run around the room and say sound r-r-r. The teacher can raise a few flags, and then all the cars leave their garages.

Let's go by car

Isolated sound automation r.

In the notebook, the child and the teacher draw a car, from which a winding path stretches to the house. The child puts his finger at the beginning of the route, and pronounces the sound r for a long time. As a result, he must reach the object of interest. To automate the sound l, the image of a buzzing steamer or aircraft is selected. For h - mosquito, for w - beetle.

Let's check.

When completing the task, the child must mark each correctly pronounced sound or syllable in a notebook with some kind of sign. By the number of signs put in the notebook, the teacher checks and notes the diligence and diligence of the child.

Fingers greet.

The child alternately touches the index, middle, ring, and little fingers with the thumb. Simultaneously pronounces a given sound or syllable. The speech therapist monitors the correct pronunciation and the accuracy of the movements of the fingers.

Little feet ran along the path.

The child imagines that the index and middle fingers are legs, the thumb presses the ring and little fingers to the middle of the palm. With the index and middle fingers, the child steps across the table, pronouncing a given sound or syllable for each step.

A sound, like a syllable, does not evoke a specific image in the child, is not recognized by him as a structural component of a speech utterance. And if the sound can cause an auditory association, then the syllable for children is a very abstract concept. Sometimes a child fails to introduce a new correct sound into syllables for a long time. As soon as a vowel is added to a consonant, the pronunciation of the old defective sound is automatically switched on.


  1. L.V. Lopatina, N.V., Serebryakova “Speech therapy work in groups of preschoolers with erased dysarthria”, S.-P., 1994
  2. E.F. Arkhipova “Correctional and speech therapy work to overcome erased dysarthria”, M., 2008
  3. Collection "Preschool speech therapy service", OOO "TC Sphere", 2006

Message at the seminar - workshop

Consolidation of sound in words and phrasal speech

At the stage of automation the main objective- to achieve the correct pronunciation of the delivered sound in all forms of speech: in syllables, in words, in sentences and in free speech, and it is easier, most accessible, this happens in the game, game exercises - the leading form of activity for preschool children.
Game methods, as well as exercise and modeling, are necessarily included in speech therapy practice.

Work on the automation of sounds is carried out in stages from simple to complex: First, in syllables, words, sentences, in coherent speech and in spontaneous speech.
The most difficult in terms of variety of exercises is work on syllables. The fact is that a single syllable, like a sound, does not evoke a specific image in the child, is not recognized by him as a structural component of a speech statement. And if a sound can sometimes cause an auditory association (z-z-z - a mosquito rings, rr - a dog growls), then a syllable for a preschooler is a very abstract concept.

When the work on automation reaches the stage of fixing the correct pronunciation of sounds in words and phrases, you can significantly diversify the lessons using picture material. The use of game techniques will help to effectively carry out the stages of automating an isolated sound and fixing the correct pronunciation of this sound in syllables.
BUT speech therapy games help to make tasks for children interesting, emotionally colored, developing and cognitive.

When the sound is already good, it sounds right in the child in isolation, but you need to consolidate, automate this correct pronunciation in syllables, in words, sentences and coherent, independent speech. And this is at least 10-15 lessons. And I want this difficult and important stage of speech correction to be easy and interesting.

When automating sound in syllables, when it is not yet possible to use subject and plot pictures with a given sound, to attract the interest of children, I practice using:

  • "Magic Wand" which, with her light or knock, exercises the children in counting and asks to repeat the syllable several times.
  • Exercises "Piano playing", when, imitating playing the piano, the child pronounces the given syllable 5 times:



And then all 5 “songs” - syllables “play” together: RA-RO-RU-RE-RY.

  • The exercise is done in the same way. "Flower", when syllables and words are pronounced with extension and bending of the fingers (the petals open and close).
  • A game “Swipe a syllable along the audio track” one path is even and, walking along it, the syllables must be pronounced in a calm, quiet voice, the other path leads over bumps and the syllables are pronounced either loudly or quietly, but the third path leads uphill, and at the beginning of the path the syllable is pronounced very quietly, then everything Louder and louder, and on top of the mountain - very loud.

The education of the correct, clear pronunciation of sound in words (in independent pronunciation and reflected repetition after the teacher) is carried out as part of the lesson, in some cases as a whole lesson
The teacher selects toys, objects, pictures, in the name of which the practiced sound is used in combination with various sounds and in different parts of the word. When selecting material, it should be borne in mind that the fixed sound should occur as often as possible, and those sounds that children do not pronounce well should be as few as possible. This type of work requires a quick change in the positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, and therefore develops the ability to quickly and clearly switch from one movement to another. In order to avoid mistakes when choosing words, one must also remember the rules of orthoepy (a set of rules oral speech), which indicate how to pronounce sounds in certain phonetic conditions. You can not take those words, the sound design of which is at odds with the graphic.

When automating sound in words, children really like games:

  • "Fishing", there are fish in the aquarium, on which letters are attached, and with the help of a fishing rod with a magnet, we pull the fish out to a given sound. Having caught “fish” - words, children learn not only to pronounce the sound correctly, but also to divide words into syllables, determine the position of this sound in a word, learn to ask questions “Who is this? What is it?”, to form a plural, and much more can be done with these “fish”.
  • More interesting game “Happy Harvest”(put the name of a vegetable or fruit on a given sound) ,
  • “Decorate the Christmas Tree” dressing her up with toys (with sound C).

After a few lessons, it is easy for children to say the sound correctly if it is the very first in a word or at least the last one, but if it is in the middle of a word, it is difficult, because children with impaired phonemic perception do not always know exactly where the right sound is located. For the development of phonemic perception of sounds, playing with sound-eater, which “steals” the sound from the word, and the children must save the sound - return it to the word and say this word correctly: eye ... a - eyes, to ... from - mole, Alyona ... ka - Alyonushka ... This is very difficult, but gives children the pleasure of being in the role of rescuers and coping with the villain Sound Eater. Children look forward to new meetings with him.

Working on automating sound in sentences, you can use an effective and useful game "Live offer" when the children themselves become “words” and, holding hands, form a “sentence”. This game allows children to learn that sentences consist of words, the words in a sentence should be in order, separately, but be “friendly” (coordinated), at the end of the sentence you need to put some kind of sign:. ! ? Children remember the gestural display of signs: a dot - a clenched fist, an exclamation mark - a straight hand is placed on the fist, a question mark - a hand curved in the form of a question is placed on the fist. Thus, not only is the correct pronunciation of sound in sentences fixed, but work is also being done to prevent dysgraphia.

And finally, children pronounce sound quite well in words and sentences, and the last stage of automation comes - in coherent and independent speech. At this stage of the work, various retellings are used, making up stories based on a picture and a series of pictures. These types of work are tedious for children and therefore, in order to generate interest, I use retelling and stories using figurines on a flannelograph, retellings-dramatizations, poems-dramatizations.

In order to correct speech defects in children, it is necessary to widely use didactic games. After all, it is known that in the game the development of the child goes much faster than when using only traditional methods of education and training. For children studying at speech therapy centers, this is all the more important, because, as speech therapists are well aware, our children often have low cognitive activity. But even with the use of a didactic game, a speech therapist does not always manage to achieve the activity and high performance of children throughout the entire lesson. The reason is that most pupils are somatically weakened, they have an incorrect posture, there are violations of the vegetative and central nervous system, there is a lack of flow mental processes, emotional instability.

As for children with speech disorders, along with the general course of play, it has a specific effect on the development of speech throughout the course of their mental development. Children should be constantly encouraged to communicate with each other and comment on their actions, which helps to consolidate the skills of using initiative speech, improve colloquial speech, vocabulary enrichment, the formation of the grammatical structure of the language, etc.

Didactic games- an effective means of automating sounds, because due to the dynamism, emotionality of the conduct and interest of children, they make it possible to exercise the child many times in repeating the necessary sounds. Didactic games can be played both with toys, objects and pictures, and without visual material - in the form word games built on the words and actions of the players.

Didactic games develop children's speech: the vocabulary is replenished and activated, correct pronunciation is formed, coherent speech and the ability to express one's thoughts develop. The didactic tasks of many games are designed in such a way as to teach children to independently compose stories about objects and phenomena. Some games require children to actively use generic and specific concepts. Finding synonyms, antonyms, words similar in sound is the task of many word games.

1. Games with objects very diverse in terms of game materials, content, and organization of the event. Toys and real objects (household items, tools, works of arts and crafts, etc.), natural objects (vegetables, fruits, cones, leaves, seeds) are used as didactic materials.

2. Board games varied in content, teaching tasks, design. They help clarify and expand children's ideas about the world around them, systematize knowledge, and develop thought processes. These games help develop logical thinking, concentration, attention and fixing the correct sound pronunciation.

One of the conditions for the development of correct speech is the correct figurative speech of parents, which should be a model for children. Every word of the parents should be meaningful, help the child to learn about the world around him and learn the language. Active participation the children themselves in the correctional process and the comprehensive support and assistance of parents is the key to success in this work.


  1. O.I. Krupenchuk, T.A. Vorobyov “Correct pronunciation”, S.-P., 2007

Message at the seminar - workshop

Formation of the sound culture of speech of preschoolers.

The full development of a child's personality is impossible without educating him in correct speech.

Speech is one of the central, most important functions, a "mirror" of the flow of mental operations, emotional states, a means of self-realization and entry into society. It has a huge impact on the formation of the mental processes of the child and on his overall development. The development of thinking largely depends on the development of speech; speech is the basis of literacy and all other disciplines; it is the main means of communication between people; speech plays an important role in regulating the behavior and activities of the child at all stages of his development.

The richer and more correct the child's speech is, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his possibilities, the more meaningful and full the relationship with peers and adults, the more actively his mental development is carried out.

The impossibility of full verbal communication, poor vocabulary and other disorders affect the formation of self-awareness and self-esteem of the child. Children may experience isolation, self-doubt, negativism. In turn, deviations in the development of the personality of a child with speech disorders aggravate the speech defect to a certain extent. Such children, as a rule, either try to talk less, or become completely isolated. As a result, one of the main functions of speech, communicative, is disrupted, which further inhibits speech development.

Pronunciation deficiencies in students primary school often make it difficult to master correct letter and reading.

Therefore, it is so important to take care of the timely formation of children's speech, its correctness and purity, preventing and correcting any deviations from the generally accepted norms of the native language.

Preschool years are a special period that is of lasting importance for the development of children's communicative and linguistic creativity, and the most productive way lies through the dialogue of an intelligent, understanding adult with a child and children with each other.

Analysis of the current situation in the system of upbringing and education of children preschool age showed that the number of children with deviations in speech development is steadily growing. Among them, a significant part are children of 5-6 years of age who have not mastered the sound side of the language in the normative terms. Having full-fledged hearing and intelligence, they are usually not ready to master the school curriculum due to insufficient development of phonemic perception.

As shown by studies of the speech activity of children with developmental disabilities (Levina R.V., Kashe G.A., etc.), as well as practical experience speech therapy work, timely and personality-oriented impact on the disturbed links of the speech function allows not only to completely eliminate speech disorders, but also to form an oral-speech base for mastering the elements of literacy even in the preschool period.

The formation of the sound side of speech is considered not as an end in itself, but as one of the necessary means of educating sound culture in general, developing coherent speech and preparing for the successful mastery of the written form of speech.

In the period from one to two years, the child goes through the process of initial development of speech skills and abilities. During this period, it is very important to educate in children the need for communication, attention to the speech of others, memory for words, the ability to reproduce sounds and words by imitation.

The period from 2 to 3 years is characterized by an active process of vocabulary accumulation and assimilation of grammatically correct speech. Along with the expansion of the vocabulary, the assimilation of speech sounds also occurs. With children, work is carried out to educate the pronunciation side of speech - didactic games for the development of auditory attention, speech breathing, the basic qualities of the voice, and the evoking of sounds.

From the second younger group, when the child has a sufficient active vocabulary and can navigate the sound composition of the word, they begin work aimed at mastering the phonetic system of the language, which is carried out sequentially, taking into account the age capabilities of children.

The skills of correct, clear pronunciation and use of sound in speech and the ability to distinguish it in a word are not developed immediately. The younger the age, the less skills the child has, the easier the material should be and the longer it should be worked out.

In the second younger group, the simplest sounds in terms of articulation are practiced (a, y, o, i, e, p, b, m, f, c). By the age of four, children already learn certain skills of pronunciation of individual sounds, acquire the ability to hear them in a word. Therefore, in the middle group, after the sounds t, d, n, k, g, x, s, sounds more complex in articulation s, s, z, z, c are worked out.

IN senior group the sounds that appear most late in the speech of children are worked out: w, w, w, l, l ′, p, p ′.

The child's assimilation of the pronunciation of all sounds serves only as a condition for leading him to a new stage: mastering the phonemic system of the language, mastering the various basic features that characterize the sounds of speech (hardness - softness, sonority - deafness, etc.). This work is carried out in a preparatory group for school.

Simultaneously with the solution of the tasks for the formation of the correct pronunciation, set in each age group, work is underway to improve all sections of the pronunciation side of speech.

The development of speech breathing is facilitated by prolonged pronunciation of an isolated sound (when clarifying or calling out a sound). Pronunciation of individual words and sentences on one exhalation (when clarifying a sound in words, in phrasal speech).

Work on the development of mobility and differentiation of movements of the organs of the articulation apparatus, which contributes to the development of intelligibility and distinctness of pronunciation, is carried out during the preparation of the articulation apparatus for the correct pronunciation of sound, while clarifying the pronunciation of sound in words, in phrasal speech.

The ability to change the intonation and tempo of speech develops when the sound is refined in phrasal speech (in nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, poems, stories).

The development of phonemic hearing is carried out during the sequential processing and differentiation of sounds: when an isolated sound is pronounced, when a sound is distinguished by a voice when it is refined in words, when isolated sounds are differentiated, in words, and in phrase speech.

Thus, in the process of working on sound culture speech in each age group has its own tasks.

First junior group.

1. To develop the child's motor speech and speech-auditory analyzers for the timely development of the pronunciation side of speech.

2. To educate auditory attention, speech breathing, the main qualities of the voice. 3. Call the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Whose dandelion will fly away first. Launching boats. Poultry farm.

Sun or rain. Come play with us. Guess who's screaming. Hurry - laugh. Who is screaming. Guess what to do Guess who's coming. The wind blows.

Second junior group.

1. Prepare the articulatory apparatus for the correct pronunciation of all the sounds of the native language, training its basic movements during articulatory gymnastics and in the process of working on sounds that are simple in pronunciation: a y o and ep b m f c.

2. Develop auditory attention, speech hearing, speech breathing, strength and pitch of the voice.

3. Develop a clear pronunciation of words, sentences, a calm pace and a measured rhythm of speech.

Breathing exercises: Roll call of animals. Trumpeter. Axe. Crow. Geese. Whose ship hums better.

Games on the sound culture of speech: Show and name. Guess. Echo. What is missing.

middle group .

1. Prepare the articulatory apparatus for the correct pronunciation of all the sounds of the native language, training its basic movements during articulatory gymnastics and in working on sounds:

2. Call and fix or clarify the pronunciation of whistling sounds: s s z ts.

3. Develop phonemic hearing, speech breathing, strength and pitch of voice.

4. Develop a clear pronunciation of words, sentences, a calm pace, a measured rhythm of speech.

Breathing games: Let's play with tummies. Know by smell. Let's teach the nose and mouth to breathe. Get the ball into the goal. Let's buzz. Big and small locomotive.

Games on the sound culture of speech: Guess whose voice. Take a toy. Be careful. Secret. Repeat correctly. Highlight the word. Name and guess. Our names. Pick up the items.

Senior group (5-6 years old)

1. To train the clarity of movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus in the process of articulatory gymnastics and in working on sounds: w w h w l l′ p p′.

2. Call and reinforce, and in some children only clarify the pronunciation of iotated vowels i e e yu, hissing sounds sh w h sh and sonorant l l′ r p′.

3. Continue work on the development of phonemic hearing, speech breathing, strength and pitch of voice.

4. Continue to work on a clear pronunciation of words with the release of individual sounds in the voice, on a calm pace and measured rhythm of speech.

Breathing games: D breathe differently. Candle. Extinguish 3, 4, 5...10 candles. Giant and dwarf. The frog got lost in the forest. Let's get warm.

Games on the sound culture of speech: Guess the word. Guess the sound. Ducks and groupers. The dolls are lost. Guess what sound is playing hide-and-seek with you. The fourth is redundant. Name the picture and find the first sound. Say the sound. Train. Put in place. My word. Distinguish and repeat.

Senior group (6-7 years old)

1. Continue work on the development of speech breathing, the formation of the correct voice and fluency of speech, on a clear, clear pronunciation of all sounds in various combinations.

2. Develop sound analysis words.

3. Develop the ability to differentiate sounds similar in sound or articulation.

Breathing games: Fragrant rose. Singing sounds. Funny steps. Bird. Trumpeter. Pump.

Games on the sound culture of speech: Identify the first sound in the word. Chain of words. Who will collect things faster. Pick up a bouquet. Find a couple. Pyramid. What are their names? How many words with the sound Sh. Check the pattern. Who quickly. Make up a word. Superfluous word.

You can use the following literature.


  1. Anischenkova E. Articulation gymnastics for the development of speech in preschoolers. Publisher: AST.
  2. Bardysheva T., Kostygina V. "Tra-la-la for the tongue. Articulation gymnastics for children 2-4 years old." Publisher: Karapuz, 2007.
  3. Budyonna T.V. Logopedic gymnastics: Methodological guide. - SPb., CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2004.
  4. Golubeva GG Correction of violations of the phonetic side of speech in preschoolers. A. I. Herzen, 2000.
  5. Efimenkova LN Correction of errors caused by unformed phonemic perception. Issue 1. Series: Didactic material for correction writing. Publisher: Booklover, 2008.
  6. Kozyreva L. M. Development of speech. Children 5-7 years old. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy Holding, 2002.
  7. Kolesnikova E. V. The development of phonemic hearing in children 4-5 years old. Publisher: Yuventa, 2005.
  8. Komissarova L. Yu. The development of phonemic hearing in children 4-5 years old. Publisher: Yuventa, 2002.
  9. Kostygina V. "Boo-boo-boo. Articulation gymnastics. For children 2-4 years old. Ed.: Karapuz.
  10. Krupenchuk O., Vorobieva T. Lessons of a Speech Therapist. Speech therapy exercises. Articulation gymnastics. Publisher: LITERA.
  11. Lapteva E. V. 600 exercises for the development of diction. Publisher: AST, Astrel, Profizdat, 2007.
  12. Maksakov A. Education of the sound culture of speech in preschoolers. Publisher: Mosaic-Synthesis.
  13. Nishcheva N.V. "Funny articulation gymnastics". Publisher: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, Publisher: AST.
  14. Fomicheva M.F. Education in children of the correct pronunciation.- M .: Education, 1989.
  15. Fomicheva M. F. Teach children to speak correctly. - M., 1968.
  16. Chernyakova V. N. Development of sound culture of speech in children 4-7 years old: Collection of exercises.- M .: TC Sphere, 2005.
  17. Shvaiko G.S. Games and game exercises for the development of speech: Book. for the teacher of children garden. - M .: Education, 1988.
  18. Janushko E. Help the baby to speak! The development of speech of children 1.5-3 years old. Publisher:

Correction of shortcomings in sound pronunciation and the formation of the correct and clear pronunciation of sounds in preschoolers should acquire the character of a certain system. It includes, first of all, assistance exercises on the development of speech hearing and auditory attention, speech breathing, language gymnastics, exercises and games for the development of speech hearing and auditory attention.

Such games and exercises can be used both during the work of a kindergarten teacher or speech therapist, and by parents, playing games at home.

The game "Recognize the sound."

Pick up words with similar sounds (sh, s, z, c, g) and offer the child: “I will name the words, and when you hear the sound “sh” in the word, clap your hands.” An adult calls the words: “bag”, “noise”, “soup”), or words with the sound “g” (“beetle”, “tooth”, “woman”, “castle”), the child claps his hands, only hearing desired sound.

The game "Broken phone".

In a family environment, all family members, adults and children, should take part in this game. For the game, words with hissing (w, w, h, w) and sonorous sounds (p, l, m, n) are selected. The leader (maybe a child) whispers a word in his ear, which is transmitted further, the latter calls the word he heard aloud. If the word is distorted, it turns out who misheard the word.

Game "Assignment".

At a distance of 5-6 meters, the child is given an instruction in a whisper to bring the right thing. For example: “Bring me a bowl”, “Bring Misha”, or “Show your teeth ..., lips ...”.

Similarly, the game exercise “Find out what word I said” is carried out. An adult at a certain distance (6-7 m) pronounces a word in an undertone, the child repeats it.

Useful for the development of auditory attention are exercises such as “Listen to what the room is talking about” (someone knocked, the door creaked, the strike or the clock, the noise of the refrigerator motor, the gurgling of water in the tap ...), “Listen to what the street is talking about , park, forest" (birdsong, wind noise, people's voices ...).

language gameshelp to effectively develop the phonemic hearing of preschoolers, to consolidate the correct pronunciation, to cultivate fluency of speech, to train speech breathing and the muscles of the organs of speech. During games, the concepts and ideas of children are clarified and consolidated, their creative imagination, thinking, and speech develop. The child later on perceives faster and easier new material acquiring new knowledge and skills.

Game "Birthday"

Children choose a birthday. Everyone shows with gestures, movements and facial expressions what he gives to the birthday man, and the birthday man tries to guess.

The game begins with the words: "I give ..."

Game "Show-off"

Children are divided into teams. Each team plans a word and, using non-verbal means, presents the word to the other team, which must guess it.

Game "Window"

The players stand opposite each other. The teacher says: “Imagine that you are separated by a window with very thick glass. Attempts to scream are in vain - the partner will not hear you. But he needs to tell a very important news. Try to communicate the content of the conversation to your partner without saying a word. After that, he tells the children the task in his ear - the news that needs to be conveyed.

The game "Chain"

The first child names the object, the second child names its properties, the third child names a new object with the same properties, the fourth child names another property of the new object, and so on. For example: carrots - sweet carrots - sugar is sweet - sugar - snow is white-white.

Game "Picture"

Everyone sits in a circle. One holds a blank sheet of paper in his hands and tries to present a painted picture. He begins to describe it in detail. Then he passes the sheet with the imaginary picture to another, who continues the imaginary description.

The culture of speech is the ability to correctly, i.e., in accordance with the content of what is being stated, taking into account the conditions of speech communication and the purpose of the statement, use all language means (sound means, including intonation, vocabulary, grammatical forms).

The sound culture of speech is an integral part speech culture. Preschool children master it in the process of communicating with the people around them. The educator has a great influence on the formation of a high culture of speech in children.

O.I. Solovieva, defining the main directions of work on the development of a sound culture of speech, notes that "the teacher faces the following tasks: educating children in a clean, clear pronunciation of sounds in words, correct pronunciation of words in accordance with the norms of orthoepy of the Russian language, educating a distinct pronunciation (good diction), educating expressiveness children's speech"

Sometimes the work of an educator in the formation of correct speech in children, in the prevention of speech deficiencies, is identified with the work of a speech therapist in correcting deficiencies in the pronunciation of sounds. However, the education of the sound culture of speech should not be reduced only to the formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds. The formation of the correct sound pronunciation is only part of the work on the sound culture of speech. The teacher helps children to master the correct speech breathing, the correct pronunciation of all the sounds of their native language, the clear pronunciation of words, the ability to use the voice, teaches children to speak slowly, intonation expressively. At the same time, in the work on the formation of the sound side of speech, educators can use some speech therapy techniques, just like a speech therapist, in addition to correcting speech, is engaged in propaedeutic work aimed at preventing speech shortcomings.

The development of the sound culture of speech is carried out simultaneously with the development of other aspects of speech: a dictionary, coherent, grammatically correct speech.

The development of a sound culture of speech includes the formation of a clear articulation of the sounds of the native language, their correct pronunciation, clear and pure pronunciation of words and phrases, correct speech breathing, as well as the ability to use sufficient voice volume, normal speech tempo and various intonation means of expression (melody, logical pauses, stress, tempo, rhythm and timbre of speech). The sound culture of speech is formed and develops on the basis of well-developed speech hearing.

Work on the sound culture of speech outside of class can be organized during morning speech exercises, on a walk, during game hours, during the morning arrival of children and before they leave home.

For the development and improvement of the articulatory apparatus, voice and speech breathing, it is desirable to include speech exercises in the daily routine. It should be done with all children and can be combined with morning exercises or carried out on their own before breakfast. On speech exercises, children are given exercises in a playful way aimed at developing accurate, differentiated movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, at developing speech breathing and voice.

With children who have not mastered the program material on the sound culture of speech or do not master it well in the classroom, it is necessary to conduct extra work. Classes are organized both individual and group (for example, children who have not mastered any sound are combined into one group). Such individual and group activities can be carried out on a walk, during play hours, during the morning reception of children and before they go home.

Developing correct, well-sounding speech in children, the teacher must solve the following tasks:

  • 1. To educate children's speech hearing, gradually developing its main components: auditory attention (the ability to determine a particular sound and its direction by ear), phonemic hearing, the ability to perceive a given tempo and rhythm.
  • 2. Develop the articulatory apparatus.
  • 3. Work on speech breathing, that is, cultivate the ability to produce a short breath and a long smooth exhalation in order to be able to speak freely in phrases.
  • 4. Cultivate the ability to adjust the volume of the voice in accordance with the conditions of communication.
  • 5. Form the correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language.
  • 6. Develop a clear and precise pronunciation of each sound, as well as again and the phrase as a whole, that is, good diction.
  • 7. Develop the pronunciation of words according to the norms of orthoepy of the Russian literary language.
  • 8. To form a normal pace of speech, i.e. the ability to pronounce words, phrases at a moderate pace, without speeding up or slowing down speech, thereby creating an opportunity for the listener to clearly perceive it.
  • 9. Develop intonational expressiveness of speech, i.e., the ability to accurately express thoughts, feelings and mood with the help of logical pauses, stress, melody, tempo, rhythm and timbre.

The teacher should have an idea about the main speech disorders (for example, the nasal tone of the pronunciation of a word, stuttering), in order to identify them in a timely manner, refer the child to a speech therapist.

The development of speech hearing. In the initial period of speech formation, the development of the main components of speech hearing is uneven. So, at the first stages of speech development, a special role is assigned to auditory attention, although the main semantic load is carried by pitch hearing. Children can recognize voice changes in pitch in accordance with emotional coloring speech (they cry in response to an angry tone and smile at a friendly and affectionate one) and timbre (they distinguish the mother and other relatives by voice), and also correctly perceive the rhythmic pattern of the word, i.e. its accent-syllabic structure (features of the sound structure of the word, depending on the number of syllables and the place of the stressed syllable) in unity with the rate of speech. In the future, in the development of speech, the formation of phonemic hearing plays an important role, that is, the ability to clearly distinguish one sound from another, due to which individual words are recognized and understood. A well-developed speech hearing provides a clear, clear and correct pronunciation of all the sounds of the native language, makes it possible to correctly adjust the volume of the pronunciation of words, speak moderately, darkly, intonation expressively. The development of speech hearing is closely related to the development of sensations arising from the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

Thus, the education of speech hearing is aimed at developing in children the ability to perceive in speech various subtleties of its sound: the correct pronunciation of sounds, clarity, clarity of pronunciation of words, increase and decrease, voices, increase or decrease in volume, rhythm, smoothness, acceleration and deceleration of speech, timbre coloring (request, command, etc.).

The development of the articulatory apparatus. Speech sounds are formed in the oral cavity, the shape and volume of which depend on the positions of the moving organs: lips, tongue, lower jaw, soft palate, small uvula. The correct position and movement of the speech organs necessary to pronounce a given sound is called articulation. Disturbances in the structure of the articulatory apparatus, such as a short hyoid ligament, malocclusion, too high or narrow palate, and some other shortcomings, are predisposing factors for the incorrect formation of sound pronunciation. But if a child has good mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, good speech hearing, then in most cases he himself is able to compensate for the shortcomings of sound pronunciation. If the child has imperfections in the movement of the articulatory apparatus (for example, a sedentary tongue), then this can cause incorrect pronunciation of sounds, sluggish, fuzzy, blurry speech.

Therefore, the tasks of the educator are: 1) the development of tongue mobility (the ability to make the tongue wide and narrow, hold the wide tongue behind the lower incisors, lift it by the upper teeth, push it back deep into the mouth, etc.); 2) the development of sufficient mobility of the lips (the ability to stretch them forward, round, stretch into a smile, form a gap with the lower lip with the front upper teeth); 3) development of the ability to hold the lower jaw in a certain position, which is important for the pronunciation of sounds.

Work on the development of speech breathing. The source of the formation of speech sounds is an air stream leaving the lungs through the larynx, pharynx, oral cavity or nose. Speech breathing is voluntary, in contrast to non-speech breathing, which is carried out automatically. With non-verbal breathing, inhalation and exhalation are made through the nose, the inhalation is almost equal in duration to the exhalation. Speech breathing is carried out through the mouth, inhalation is done quickly, exhalation is slow. In nonverbal breathing, the inhalation is immediately followed by an exhalation, then a pause. In speech breathing, the inhalation is followed by a pause, and then a smooth exhalation. Proper speech breathing ensures normal sound formation, creates conditions for maintaining the appropriate volume of speech, strict observance of pauses, maintaining smoothness of speech and intonation expressiveness. Speech breathing disorders can be the result of general weakness, adenoid growths, various cardiovascular diseases, etc. Such imperfections in speech breathing as the inability to rationally use exhalation, inhalation speech, incomplete renewal of the air supply, etc., negatively affecting the development of speech children of preschool age, may be due to improper upbringing, insufficient attention to the speech of children by adults. Preschool children who have weakened inhalation and exhalation, as a rule, have quiet speech, find it difficult to pronounce long phrases. With the irrational use of air during exhalation, the smoothness of speech is disturbed, since children in the middle of a phrase are forced to take in air. Often such children do not finish the words and often pronounce them in a whisper at the end of the phrase. Sometimes, in order to finish a long phrase, they are forced to speak on the breath, from which the speech becomes fuzzy, choking. A shortened exhalation forces you to speak phrases at an accelerated pace without observing logical pauses.

Therefore, the tasks of the educator are: 1) using special game exercises, to develop a free, smooth, elongated exhalation; 2) by imitating the speech of the teacher, to cultivate the ability to correctly, rationally use it (pronounce small phrases on one exhalation).

Voice is produced by the vibration of the vocal cords. Its quality depends on the joint work of the respiratory, vocal and articulatory apparatus. Various diseases upper respiratory tract, chronic rhinitis, adenoid growths, etc. contribute to the occurrence of voice disorders. Often in preschool children, voice disorders occur due to its incorrect use: overstrain of the vocal cords caused by constantly loud, tense speech, especially in the cold season on the street, incorrect use of a tone of voice that does not correspond to the child's voice range (for example, children imitate squeaky words for a long time). speeches small child or say low voice for "dad"). Voice disorders can also occur in children who have had diseases of the nasopharynx or upper respiratory tract and who did not observe a sparing regimen for the voice during the illness or immediately after it. Incorrect use of vocal abilities can be associated with the characteristics of the child's personality (too shy child often speaks quietly; children who are quickly excited speak in raised tones); with improper upbringing, when others themselves speak in raised tones, which children are also accustomed to; with the forced use of a loud, tense voice by children, if there is constant noise in the room (radio, TV, constant noise in the group kindergarten etc.).

The tasks of the educator are: 1) to develop in games, game exercises the main qualities of the voice - strength and height; 2) to teach children to speak without tension, to develop their ability to use their voice in accordance with different situations(quietly - loudly).

Formation of the correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language. Preschool age is the most favorable for the formation of the correct pronunciation of all the sounds of the native language. In kindergarten, this work should be completed. The correct pronunciation of sounds can be formed if the children have sufficiently developed mobility and switchability of the "deans of the articulatory apparatus, speech breathing," if they know how to control their voice. It is very important for the formation of the correct sound pronunciation to have a well-developed speech ear, as it provides self-control, and self-examination always encourages improvement. Sound pronunciation disorders can be caused by defects in the speech apparatus (splitting of the hard and soft palate, deviations in the structure of the dental system, short hyoid ligament, etc.), insufficient mobility of the organs of articulation, underdevelopment of phonemic hearing (inability to distinguish one sound from another) .. Decreased physical hearing, careless attitude to one’s speech (inability to listen to oneself and others), assimilation of the wrong speech of others can also lead to pronunciation deficiencies. Incorrect pronunciation of sounds by children is expressed in skipping sounds, replacing one sound with another, distorted pronunciation of sound, it is especially important to start working on time with children who have identified substitutions and distortions of sounds, since sound substitutions can later appear in written speech (replacing one letter with another ), and distortedly pronounced and not corrected sounds in the future will require more effort (on the part of the speech therapist and the child himself) and a longer time to eliminate them. In addition, it must be remembered that deficiencies in sound pronunciation are often not an independent speech disorder, but only a symptom, a sign of another, more complex speech disorder that requires special treatment and training (such as alalia, dysarthria, etc.).

The teacher should: teach children to correctly pronounce all sounds in any position (at the beginning, middle and end of a word) and with different word structures (in combination with any consonants and for any number of syllables in a word), identify children with speech impairments in time and, if necessary, timely send them to special children's institutions.

Work on diction. Good diction, that is, a clear, clear pronunciation of each sound separately, as well as words and phrases as a whole, is formed in the child gradually, simultaneously with the development and improvement of the work of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Work on diction is closely related to the formation of the correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language. At the age of 2 to 6 years, when there is an intensive development of all aspects of speech, it is necessary to pay attention to the clarity and clarity of the child's pronunciation of words and phrases; to educate children in speech by imitation at a slow pace, with a clear pronunciation of all sounds in words, a clear pronunciation of all words in phrases. But it is not always possible to achieve good diction only by imitation. This can be prevented by insufficiently developed speech hearing, insufficient mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, inability to control one's voice, etc. Often, odd diction is formed in children with unstable attention, easily excitable, who cannot concentrate on the speech of speakers and who have insufficiently developed self-control. In such children, speech is not even enough, blurry; they do not always clearly pronounce the endings of syllables, phrases. Gradually, with the cultivation of the ability to carefully listen to the speech of others and one's own with the development of speech breathing; articulation, with mastery of the voice, the child's diction improves.

The teacher should give preschoolers a sample of grammatically correct speech, with good diction, teach them to listen carefully to the speech of others and monitor the clarity of your pronunciation:

Work on orthoepy. In order for people to understand each other, the sound design of their oral speech must be unified. Therefore, educators need not only to observe the rules of oral speech themselves; but also to teach children to do it. Repeatedly we meet with the fact that children use the local dialect in their speech; colloquial errors, incorrect stress, "literal" pronunciation of words (what, what instead of what and what, etc.).

The teacher constantly monitors the children's compliance with the norms of the literary pronunciation of words, corrects their mistakes in a timely manner; giving a sample of correct pronunciation, the task of educators is to increase the pronunciation culture of their speech by mastering orthoepic norms native language, the systematic use of various manuals, dictionaries in preparation for classes.

Work on the pace of speech. Speech rate refers to the speed at which speech flows over time. Preschool children are more likely to speak at an accelerated pace than at a slow pace. This negatively affects the intelligibility, clarity of speech, the articulation of sounds worsens, sometimes individual sounds, syllables and even words fall out. Especially often these deviations occur when pronouncing long words or phrases.

The work of the educator should be aimed at developing a moderate rate of speech in children, at which words sound especially distinct.

Work on intonation expressiveness. Intonation is a complex set of all expressive means of sounding speech, including:

melody - raising and lowering the voice when pronouncing a phrase, which gives speech various shades (melodiousness, softness, tenderness, etc.) and avoids monotony. Melody is present in every word of sounding speech, and its vowels form, changing in height and strength;

pace - acceleration and deceleration of speech depending on the content of the utterance, taking into account pauses between speech segments;

rhythm - uniform alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables (i.e., their following qualities: longitude and brevity, raising and lowering the voice);

phrasal and logical stress - highlighting with pauses, raising the voice, greater tension and length of pronunciation of a group of words (phrasal stress) or individual words ( logical stress) depending on the meaning of the statement;

timbre of speech (not to be confused with the timbre of sound and the timbre of the voice) - sound coloring, reflecting expressive and emotional shades ("sad, cheerful, gloomy" timbre, etc.).

With the help of these means of expressiveness, in the process of communication, the clarification of thoughts and expressions, as well as emotional-volitional relations, is carried out. Thanks to intonation, the thought acquires a complete character, an additional meaning can be attached to the statement without changing its main meaning, and the meaning of the statement can also change. Intonationally inexpressive speech may be the result of reduced hearing, underdevelopment of speech hearing, incorrect speech education, various speech disorders (for example, dysarthria, rhinolalia, etc.).

The child must be able to correctly use intonational means of expression in order to convey various feelings and experiences in his own speech. The speech of the educator should be emotional, serve as a model of intonational expressiveness. Work on the development of intonational expressiveness of speech is carried out mainly by imitation. When memorizing poems, when retelling, the teacher himself uses emotionally expressive speech and draws attention to the expressiveness of the child's speech. Gradually, children, hearing the correct, expressive speech of the educator, begin to use the necessary intonations in independent speech.

All sections of the work on the sound culture of speech are interconnected. For the systematic and consistent conduct of games and classes on the development of the sound culture of speech, work on the "live" sound of the word should be taken as the basis. At each age stage, one should gradually complicate the material, necessarily including in it all sections of the development of the sound culture of speech.

Considering age features development of children's speech, the formation of a sound culture of speech can be divided into three main stages:

I stage - from 1 year 6 months to 3 years. This stage (especially its beginning) is characterized by the rapid development of an active vocabulary. The previously formed articulatory movements, functioning during the pronunciation of the whole word, undergo some changes: they are refined, become more stable. The child's ability to consciously imitate the pronunciation of a whole word develops, thanks to which the teacher gets the opportunity to significantly influence the development of the sound side of the child's speech. The basis of work on the sound culture of speech is the use of various onomatopoeia. The efficiency of work increases significantly, since classes with children aged from 1 year 6 months to 3 years are carried out not with a small number of children (5-6), as before, but with subgroups.

II stage - from 3 to 5 years. At this age, the phonetic and morphological composition of the word is being formed. Improvement of the most difficult articulatory movements continues. This gives the child the ability to reproduce fricative, affricative and sonorous sounds. Work at this stage is based on a markedly pronounced conscious attitude of children to the sound side of the word and is based on the consistent development of all the sounds of the native language.

Stage III - from 5 to 6 years. This stage is, as it were, the final period in the formation of the sound side of the speech of preschoolers in kindergarten. By the beginning of the stage, the most difficult isolated articulatory movements had already formed, however, it is important that sounds be clearly distinguished (both in pronunciation and in auditory perception of speech) that are close in articulatory or acoustic features (s - sh, z - zh, etc. ; s - s, s - hey etc.). Special work to improve the distinction, differentiation of such sounds contributes to the further development of phonemic hearing in children, the assimilation of phonemes as sound-meaning-distinguishers (saika - hare, ueal - coal, etc.).

At each stage of development of the sound culture of speech, the educator must take into account individual characteristics children's speech development.

The main task of working with children of senior preschool age is to master phonetic side of speech and the correct pronunciation of all the sounds of the native language is the further improvement of speech hearing, the consolidation of the skills of clear, correct, expressive speech.

Children can already clearly differentiate what a sound, word, sentence is. To work out diction, voice power, tempo of speech, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles, nursery rhymes, poems are used.

"What is a sound, a word, a sentence?"

Target:clarify children's ideas about the sound and semantic side of the word.

The adult asks: “What sounds do you know? (Vowels - consonants, hard - soft, voiced - deaf.) What is the name of the part of the word? (Syllable.) What does the word ... table mean? (A piece of furniture.)".

Everything that surrounds us has its own name and means something. That's why we say: "What does (or means) the word mean?" The word sounds and names all objects around, names, animals, plants.

What is a name? How do we distinguish each other? By names. Name your parents, relatives and friends. We have a cat and a dog in our house. What are their names? People have names, and animals have ... (nicknames).

Each thing has its own name, name. Let's look around and say: what can move? what can sound? what can you sit on? sleep? ride?

Think about why they call it that: “vacuum cleaner”, “jump rope”, “airplane”, “scooter”, “meat grinder”? From these words it is clear what they are for. Each letter also has its own name. What letters do you know? How is a letter different from a sound? (The letter is written and read, the sound is pronounced.) From letters we add syllables and words.

What are the names of children that begin with the vowel sound "a" (Anya, Andrey, Anton, Alyosha). And with what sound do the names Ira, Igor, Inna begin? Pick up the names that start with a hard consonant (Roma, Natasha, Raya, Stas, Volodya), with a soft consonant (Liza, Kirill, Lenya, Lena, Mitya, Lyuba).

We will play with words and find out what they mean, how they sound, what sound they begin with.

"Find the Sound"

Target:find words with one and two syllables.

Find words with one and two syllables. How many syllables are in the word chicken?(The word "beetle" consists of one syllable, "fur coat", "hat", "toad", "fence", "heron" - from two, "chicken" - from three.)

Which words start with the same sound? Name these sounds.(The words "hat" and "fur coat" begin with the sound [w], the words "beetle" and "toad" - with the sound [g], the words "fence", "castle" - with the sound [z], the words "chicken" , "heron" from the sound [c]).

Name vegetables, fruits and berries with sounds[p] (carrot, grape, pear, peach, pomegranate, currant), [p] (pepper, turnip, radish, tangerine, cherry, apricot), [l] (eggplant, apple, dogwood), [l] (raspberry , lemon, orange, plum).


Target: find words with three syllables, select words that sound similar.

Together with the child, an adult examines the drawing, which depicts: a picture, a rocket, a frog.

How many syllables are in the words "picture", "frog", "rocket"? (Three.)

Pick up words similar in sound to these words: “picture” (basket, car), “frog” (pillow, tub), “rocket” (candy, cutlet), “helicopter” (airplane), “birch” (mimosa) .

What does a frog do (jumps, swims), a rocket (flies, rushes), a picture (hangs)?

The child pronounces all the words and says that each of these words has three syllables.

"Let's go, fly, swim"

Target: teach children to find a given sound at the beginning, middle and end of a word.

There are six pictures in the figure depicting transport: a helicopter, an airplane, a bus, a trolleybus, a motor ship, a tram.

Name all objects in one word. (Transport.)

How many syllables are in these words? (All words, except for the word "tram", have three syllables.) What sound is found in all these words (at the beginning, middle, end of the word)? (The sound [t] is found at the beginning of the words "trolleybus", "motor ship", "tram", in the middle of the words "helicopter", "bus", at the end of the words "helicopter", "airplane".)

Make up a sentence with any word ("The plane flies fast").

Tell me what's flying (Airplane, helicopter.) What is going? (Bus, trolleybus, tram.) What floats? (motor ship).

Guess by the first and last sound what type of transport I have in mind: [t-s] (trolleybus), [a-s] (bus), [s-t] (airplane), [v-t] (helicopter), [ m-o] (metro), [t-i] (taxi).

Section 3. Examination of the state of development of speech of children of senior preschool age based on materials

A.I. Maksakova

In modern preschool pedagogy the issue of examining the speech of children is insufficiently elucidated. In the methodological literature, as a rule, only separate methods are presented, with the help of which the educator determines which aspects of speech are not mastered by children, for example, the presence of shortcomings in sound pronunciation, identifying different types grammatical errors, etc. There is no clear data on what parameters to analyze the speech development of preschoolers, what to consider at a particular age stage as the norm of speech development.

Fundamental research and special observations on the assimilation of speech by individual children (for example, the work of A. N. Gvozdev) cannot be taken as a basis, since individual differences in its mastery are often very large.

Numerous observations show that among children, even of the same age, there is often a wide range in the assimilation of speech. This complicates the selection of criteria by which one could single out the level of speech development. Another difficulty lies in the fact that the level of mastery of speech by children is usually determined by the level of assimilation of its various sections: phonetics, vocabulary, grammatical structure, etc. However, as practice shows, the same child may have a rich vocabulary, but at the same time have shortcomings in phonetic design (for example, it is incorrect to pronounce certain sounds) or allow grammatical errors but be able to consistently and accurately describe the events he witnessed.

Properly and clearly organized work on the development of speech in kindergarten is possible only if the teacher is well aware of the state of speech development of all children in the group. This helps him to plan his activities correctly, and, depending on the strength of the children's mastery of the material, to correct classes in the group. A selective examination of children's speech gives the teacher the opportunity to control their assimilation of the material, to clarify in the classroom the effectiveness of individual methodological techniques, didactic games, and exercises.

Systematic control over how children learn speech material is important for establishing continuity between kindergarten and school. By the time they enter school, children should have approximately the same level of speech development.

Knowledge of the criteria and methods for identifying the state of speech development of children will help the leaders of preschool institutions (senior teacher, head of the kindergarten, methodologist of the district department of public education) to control the activities of educators, determine the quality of their work. So, when conducting a thematic check, using tasks of various types, a runo methodologist can get a fairly clear idea of ​​​​the level of speech development of children in the surveyed groups and, on the basis of the check, establish how program tasks are solved in this section in kindergarten.

An individual comprehensive examination contributes to the most accurate determination of the level of development of the child's speech, but it takes a lot of time. In order to reduce the time of verification, in addition to a sample survey, it is possible to combine a number of tasks, simultaneously revealing the state of formation of different sections of speech. So, establishing knowledge by a child fiction and inviting him to tell a fairy tale (or read a poem), the tester simultaneously fixes sound pronunciation, diction, the ability to use the vocal apparatus, etc .; when a child compiles stories based on a picture (identifying the development of coherent speech), the inspector notes which sentences are used (identifying the formation of the syntactic side of speech), which lexical means (identifying vocabulary) etc.

Some methodological techniques and tasks can be used to test the assimilation of material simultaneously by a whole group or subgroup of children, for example, knowledge of a genre.

When identifying the state of speech development of children, a special place should be given to special observations that are carried out in the process of educational work and Everyday life: the teacher or inspector for a certain time not only observes, but also fixes the speech of children, noting both its shortcomings and positive changes (the appearance of grammatical forms that did not exist before), as well as the difficulties that children experience when mastering program material.

Speech examination can also be carried out at control and testing sessions, when the educator or inspector sets the task of finding out how the children have mastered this or that speech material: for example, whether they use indeclinable nouns, conjugated verbs, etc.

In the presence of serious deviations in the speech development of children, conversations are held with parents, during which possible reasons lagging child.

The materials proposed below for examining the speech of children of the sixth year of life provide different types tasks aimed at establishing the formation of speech communication skills (culture of communication) among preschoolers, identifying the state of development of the pronunciation side of speech and its perception, determining the vocabulary of children, the ability to compose stories, etc.

I. Formation of verbal communication skills (culture of communication) with peers and adults

1. Verbal Communication Skills:

- willingly or not, the child enters into verbal communication with adults, peers;

- whether or not the child can support a conversation with adults and peers on a familiar topic;

- as a child with children says: many, few, silent.

2. Communication culture:

- whether the child knows how to politely address an adult and peers;

- how he calls adults: by name and patronymic, by "you" or otherwise;

Is he the first to greet adults and strangers or needs to be reminded whether he remembers to say goodbye;

- whether he knows how to thank for the assistance provided, does he use the words: "thank you", "sorry", "please", etc.;

- whether non-literary vocabulary is found in the child's speech;

- whether the child is able, depending on the circumstances or situation of communication, to use different strength votes ( while eating, going to bed, speak in a whisper, quietly; in class - loud enough);

- whether he knows how to listen to his interlocutor to the end or is often distracted, whether he has a tendency to interrupt the speaker;

- does the child know how to calmly negotiate with other children: distribute roles in the game, duties in work, coordinate their actions;

What is the tone of the child's communication? benevolent, condescending, demanding;

- whether he listens to the comments of elders about the culture of his communication, whether he seeks to get rid of his shortcomings;

- whether he knows how to speak freely in front of children, strangers or is shy, afraid.

Methods of examination: observations (in the classroom, during the game and everyday life); conversations with teachers and children.

II. Sound culture of speech

1. The pronunciation side of speech. Invite the child to read a poem, retell a well-known fairy tale (story). Write down the words he mispronounced.

Note the following:

- reading volume: a poem is read quite loudly, moderately or quietly (a fairy tale is told);

- speed (tempo) of speech: fast, moderate, slow;

- intonation expressiveness: expressive, inexpressive, inexpressive.

In the process of reading a poem, retelling a fairy tale or story, in the process of talking with a child, set:

- clarity (diction) of the child's speech: clear, not clear enough;

- ability to follow literary norms(orthoepy): there are no deviations, there are deviations;

- sound pronunciation - indicate which sounds the children pronounce incorrectly and how many such children (in%).

For a detailed examination of the state of sound pronunciation, select pictures depicting objects whose names would contain the sounds being checked, located in different positions, Special attention pay attention to the correct pronunciation of the following sounds: [s], [s], [s], [s], [ts]; [w], [w], [w]; [l], [l], [p], [p].

We suggest using the following set of pictures: plane, cabbage, bus, donkey, goose; castle, goat, zebra, basket; heron, sun, cucumber; ball, cannon, shower; beetle, scissors, hedgehog; kettle, glasses, key; brush, box, raincoat; saw, chair, shovel, fox, cage; fish, drum, axe, turnip, chicken, primer.

When establishing violations on the part of sound pronunciation, try to find out the cause: deviations in the structure of the articulatory apparatus, insufficient mobility of its individual organs (lips, tongue, lower jaw, etc.), imperfection of phonemic perception (the child does not hear his lack, does not differentiate individual sounds), weak speech exhalation.

Speech perception.

but) Phonemic perception: well-formed, under-formed. Check:

- the ability to determine the presence of a given sound in a word. For example, ask your child to check if the word contains fur coat sound [w] or not (then in words cat, fox, table, pencil, mouse, wheel, glasses, scissors, brush, hat, beetle etc.) ;

- the ability to hear and distinguish words with a given sound from a number of other words. Invite the child to clap or raise his hand only when he hears a word that has a given sound. For example, the teacher says: “I will now name the words, and when you hear a word that contains [s], you will raise your hand (clap your hands). Specify again when the child should raise his hand. After making sure that he understood the task, slowly name the words, covering your mouth with a piece of paper.It is advisable to use such a set of words in which, along with the sound being tested, there are words that include other sounds mixed by children with the one being tested; for example, [s] - dog, car, fox, castle, hat, sled, brush, basket, well, house, bus, tape, airplane, fur coat, flower, umbrella; [w] - school, shovel, beetle, owl, hat, cow, hedgehog, fox, car, book, horse, dishes, giraffe, mouse, lamp; [p] - fish, cube, shovel, wagon, hand, kettle, paper, pencil, cup, shelf, tram, table, ball, cheese. The sound being checked must be in different positions ( at the beginning, middle and end of a word).

It should be noted how many words with a given (tested) sound the child identified and how many words he identified correctly out of the five proposed;

- the ability to hear and highlight words with a given sound from a phrase. Say a phrase and invite the child to name only those words that have a given sound. For example, to test the ability to hear the sound [s], give the phrase "Lena has a new sled. There are a lot of mushrooms in the forest"; to check the sound [w]: "Misha loves ice cream. Vova draws with a pencil"; sound [r]: "Roses are blooming in the garden. Misha is fishing";

- the ability to identify a frequently checked sound in words. The teacher pronounces groups of words and invites the child to name what sound he hears most often:

[s] - sled, catfish, fox, mustache, nose;

[sh] - fur coat, porridge, shower, hat, mouse;

[r] - hand, mouth, circle, cable, fish.

The last two assignments are given at the end of the academic year.

b) Speech Hearing: well developed, underdeveloped. Check:

- the ability to notice semantic inaccuracies in speech. Invite the child to listen to a poem, for example, an excerpt from "Confusion" by K. I. Chukovsky, and determine what is said in it incorrectly:

The fish are walking across the field,

Toads fly across the sky

The mice caught the cat

Put in a mousetrap

The sea is on fire

A whale ran out of the sea...

- the ability to determine by ear the loudness of the sound of a voice in speech. In the lesson, when retelling the poem, invite the children to evaluate the speech of the speaker: "How did Svetlana read the poem: loudly, very loudly, quietly?";

- the ability to determine the speed of sounding speech, intonation expressiveness by ear. The same technique is used as in the previous task. The teacher asks: "How did Svetlana read the poem: quickly, slowly, moderately (normally); expressively, inexpressively?";

- the ability to determine the timbre of the voice by ear. For verification, the game "Guess who spoke" is used. The child stands with his back to the group and closes his eyes. The teacher instructs two or three children to take turns reading a short poem or tongue twister, a riddle, a nursery rhyme and suggests that they determine which of the children spoke by voice. You can also use games: "Who called?", "Guess my name", etc.;

- the ability to correctly determine by ear the stress in the word, its rhythmic structure. Pick up two pictures depicting circles and circles and invite the child to show where the circles are and where the circles are; explain the difference between the words "castle" and "castle" (make sure the children know these words beforehand).

Check the ability to correctly preserve the syllabic pattern: invite the child to repeat: sa-za-sa, sa-za-sa, sa-za-sa;

- the ability to hear the accented word in the phrase. Say the same phrase several times, highlighting individual words in it with your voice, and ask the child to identify and name the word that you highlighted: " Masha bought a new bike (Masha, not another girl). Masha bought a new bike (bought, not presented). Masha bought new bicycle (bought, not presented). Masha bought a new one bike(bicycle, not car)":

- the ability to hear inaccuracies in the text and correctly select the right words that would correspond to the content:

Bear cries and roars:

He asks the bees to give him "ice" (honey).

Tears flow from Oksanka:

Her "banks" (sledges) broke.

Invite the child to find the discrepancy in the text and choose the right word according to the meaning.

Analyze the material received and compile a summary table in which indicate which sections of the sound culture of speech the children have not mastered, which have not been fully mastered, which have been clearly mastered.

III. Dictionary



- understanding and use of everyday vocabulary.

The doll is a toy. What toys do you know? A cat is an animal. What other animals do you know? A plate is a dish. What cookware do you know? Onion is a vegetable. What vegetables do you know?

Note how many words were named by the child for each question;

- understanding and use of general concepts.

Birch, spruce, pine, oak... What is it? Call it in one word. (Trees).

Table, chair, wardrobe, sofa... What is it? Call it in one word. (Furniture).

Shoes, boots, slippers... What is it? Call it in one word. (Shoes).

Shirt, suit, dress... What is it? Call it in one word. (Cloth).

Note what mistakes the child made;

- knowledge of words denoting tools of labor, materials used by a person in the process of labor activity. Have your child list as many items as possible. necessary for specialists different professions, for example, a builder, a tailor, a janitor, etc.;

- knowledge and use of words indicating parts, details of objects.

The car has a motor. What else does the car have?

The coat has a collar. What else is on the coat?

The house has a roof. What else is there at home?

If the child finds it difficult to answer, visualization is used.

Note the number of named parts and details of objects;

- selection of antonyms. Play the game "On the contrary", inviting the child to pick up words with the opposite meaning: entry - exit, day - night, winter - summer.

Make sure you choose the right words.



- knowledge and use of words denoting color, qualities, properties of objects, size, etc. Invite the child to choose as many definitions as possible for the given nouns.

What can be a table?written, round, wooden, etc.

What could be a house?large, brick, two-story, etc.

What can the sky be like? - blue, clear, cloudy, etc..

First of all, pay attention to the number of selected definitions, and then to their quality ( the child indicates only the color and size or names the shape, qualities, properties of objects etc.). At the same time, note the correct agreement of words;

- knowledge and use, indicating the material from which the object is made. Have your child answer the following questions:

The cabinet is made of wood. What is another name for this closet?Wooden.

Brick house. What is this house? Call it otherwise.Brick.

Plastic handle. What kind of pen is this?Plastic.

Glass vase. What vase is this?Glass.

Porcelain cup. What is this cup?Porcelain.

Pecking metal. What is the key?Metal.

Analyze the children's answers in terms of the correct use of words and the ability to form adjectives from nouns, the accuracy of word agreement (mark the ability to form words and agree on them correctly in the "Grammatical structure of speech" section);

- knowledge and use of words denoting primary colors and
their shades. Note which words indicating the names of colors (in accordance with the program), the child has learned, which are not;

- selection of words (adjectives) with the opposite meaning. The game "On the contrary": strong - weak, courageous - cowardly, dirty - clean, cheerful - sad, light - dark, etc.

Mark the correctness of the choice of words (if, for example, the word "cheerful" is called the word "cheerful", then the answer is considered inaccurate). Indicate how many of the five words you named the child correctly.



- the use of words denoting actions performed by humans and animals, or actions that can be performed by an object. Conduct a verbal exercise "Who is doing what?". Invite the child to choose as many words as possible for the questions asked:

What does a doctor do? – He treats, prescribes medicines, listens, etc. What does the cook do? What can a kitten do? What can a puppy do? What can be done with a knife (scissors and other items)?

Note the number of words chosen for each question, the accuracy of their use;

- selection of words (verbs) with the opposite meaning. Invite the child to pick up words with the opposite meaning: running - standing, laughing - crying, talking - being silent, etc.

Analyze the obtained data in quantitative and qualitative terms. The use of words with the particle "not" should be considered inaccurate: runs (does not run), laughs (does not laugh), speak (do not speak).



- knowledge of words (adverbs) denoting a sign of action. Have your child answer the following questions:

How can a boy run?quickly, slowly, skipping, etc.

How can a boy talk?good, fast, expressive, bad, etc.

If the child names one or two words, ask him: "How else can it be?".

Analyze the answer in terms of the number and accuracy of word selection;

- understanding and use of words denoting spatial relationships (the assignment is given at the end of the school year). Invite the child to identify and name the location of the toy, object. If he does not name the right word or gives the wrong answer, then the understanding of these words is checked.

In the closet where the toys are located, cars or dolls are placed in such a way that they are in relation to the child to the left, right, above, below, in front or behind any similar toy. The teacher invites the child to answer (and not show!), Where is the doll with a blue bow (left), the doll with a red bow (above, below), the doll with a yellow bow (below).

Understanding of these words is checked by calling the educator the words denoting the spatial arrangement: "Where is the doll with the blue bow, left or right? Up or down? In front of the car or behind?"

Note which words are learned by children, which are not;

- understanding and use of words denoting temporary relationships. Have the child answer:

When does he come to kindergarten?" (Morning.) "When does he leave kindergarten?" (Evening.) "When do they go out for a walk?" (Daytime.) "When do people sleep?" (At night.)

Check the knowledge and correctness of the use of the words "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow". Note what inaccuracies (mistakes) are made by the child;

- selection of words (adverbs) with the opposite meaning. Using the game "On the contrary", invite the child to choose words with the opposite meaning: fast - slow, good - bad, light - dark, clean - dirty, far - close, etc.

Note to which of the five proposed words the child chose the correct answer.

Analyze the data obtained, draw up a diagram in which indicate the number of children who have fully mastered the program material and not fully enough, note which sections have not been mastered.

Senior group

Exercises to consolidate the correct pronunciation and differentiation of sounds

Objectives: to develop phonemic hearing, speech attention, speech breathing, to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds, words, to exercise in distinguishing between hard and soft consonants, voiced and deaf consonants.

Game "Tell me how I am" (in a circle with a ball)

The teacher throws the ball in a circle, calls words with the selection of any hard and soft consonant sounds. The child must repeat the word in the same way and throw the ball to the teacher. All children take part in the game. If the child needs help, you need to repeat the word 2-3 times with the release of sound.

Exercise "Find a brother"

The teacher gives the children one picture at a time, in the name of which there is a sound “l” or “l”. Puts blue and green circles on the flannelgraph.

Educator. Look at your pictures. In the name of objects there is a sound "l" - a big brother or a sound "l" - a little brother. Raise the pictures in the name of which there is a sound "l" (checks); now with the sound "l"

Children take turns going out, calling a word with the emphasis on these sounds and putting pictures after the corresponding circles. One child calls all the words with the sound "l", the other - with the sound "l".

Game "Name the words"

The teacher invites the children to name words with the sound “r”, then with the sound “r”. For each correct word, the child is given a chip-toy. At the end of the game, the winner is determined.

Game "Catch the bug" (in a circle with a ball)

The teacher throws the ball to the child and pronounces the word with the sound “g”. The child, having caught the ball, repeats the word.

All children must take part in the game.

Educator. Now you will be beetles and buzz loudly; Serezha and Lena will try to catch the beetles. But if the beetle sits on a leaf (sits down, you can’t catch it.

The game continues until there are 2-3 winners left.

The game "Name the words" The teacher invites the children to name words with the sound "g" (a chip is given for each word). At the end of the game, the winner is determined.

Three children come up to the counter, at the signal of the teacher: “Butterflies, fly”, they blow on the butterfly: “Fu-u-u”. Whose butterfly flies further, he won. All children must take part in the game.

Game "Name the sound" (in a circle with a ball)

Educator. I will name the words and highlight one sound in them: pronounce it louder or longer. And you have to name only this sound. For example, “matrreshka”, and you should say: “r”; "molloko" - "l"; "aircraft" - "t". All children take part in the game. For emphasis, hard and soft consonants are used. If the child finds it difficult to answer, the teacher calls the sound himself, and the child repeats.

Reading patter

The tongue twister is read in two exhalations - two lines per exhalation.

"Rain, rain, don't rain! Let the gray-haired Grandfather go to the house. The tongue twister is read in chorus 2 times, then only girls, then only boys and 2-3 children individually.

Educator. I have different pictures, let's call them (points to the pictures, the children take turns calling them). I'll tell you a secret: the word has the first sound with which it begins. Listen to how I will name the object and highlight the first sound in the word: “Drum” - “b”; "Doll" - "to"; "Guitar" - "g".

Children take turns being called to the board, calling the object with the first sound, and then the sound in isolation.

Exercise "Whoever comes up with the end will do well"

Not an alarm clock, but it will wake you up, Sing, people will wake up.

There is a scallop on the head, This is Petya. (cockerel).

I washed my face early this morning. (faucet).

The sun shines very brightly, Behemoth became. (hot) .

Suddenly the sky was overcast with a cloud, lightning came out of the cloud. (flashed).

Exercise "Name the first sound of a word"

Pictures on flannelgraph. Children name the object, highlighting the first sound, and the sound in isolation.

Game "Name the first sound of your name" (in a circle with a ball)

The teacher invites the child to whom he throws the ball to say his name with the first sound highlighted and pronounce the same sound in isolation.

All children take part in the game.

Exercise "Smell the flower"

The teacher invites the children to "smell" the flower - inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth; as you exhale, without straining your voice, say: “Ah-h-h-h.”

Repeat the exercise 5-6 times. Then at first quietly, then louder and louder, the children, together with the teacher, say: “How good the flower smells - ah! »

Reading a tongue twister

The tongue twister is learned and then read for two exhalations, then two lines for exhalation).

Chok, choke, heel, stepped on a knot,

Tore off, broke, choke, choke, heel.

The chitogovorka is read in chorus 2 times, then 4-5 children individually.

Game "Find a brother"

The teacher gives the children pictures whose names begin with a solid consonant sound; on a carpet or table, lays out pictures whose names begin with a paired - soft consonant.

Educator. See what you have drawn. Think about what sound your word begins with. Your little brothers are walking in the clearing (points to the carpet). Find them. The game continues until all the children on their own or with the help of the teacher find the right picture. The child who picks up a pair first wins.

Game "Name the first sound of the word"

(in a circle with the ball) The teacher throws the ball to the child and pronounces the word, highlighting the first sound, the child throws the ball to the teacher and calls the first sound of the word. All children must take part in the game.

The game "The song has changed" (sounds-comrades "Zh" and "Sh")

Educator. Remember how the beetle buzzes (“w~w-w”). This is what once happened to a beetle: it flew and buzzed so loudly that it lost its voice and began to sing unvoicedly. He got a song: “Zhzh-zh-zh-zh-shsh-sh-sh” (children repeat). Whose song did the beetle sing? (Winds.) When I point to the boys, they will sing the beetle's ringing song: “Whhhhh”; when I point to the girls, they will sing the unvoiced song of the beetle: "Shhhhh." (Children are divided into two groups - boys and girls. The exercises are repeated 2 times, then the children change roles, and the game is repeated.) When the beetle sang loudly, with a voice, its song was similar to the sound "g"; when he sang without a voice, the song was like the sound "sh". The sounds "zh" and "sh" are comrades. "J" is pronounced with a voice. And "sh" - without a voice (children repeat).

I will teach you to check whether a sound is pronounced with or without a voice. Put your palm to your throat and say “F-zh-zh-zh” for a long time - the neck “plays” (who does not feel, it is advisable to offer to put your hand to the throat of the educator). This means that the sound “zh” is sonorous and pronounced with a voice. Now say: "Sh-sh-sh-sh" - the neck "does not play", this sound is pronounced without a voice, it is not sonorous.