Analysis of the results of experimental speech therapy work (control experiment). Experiences and experiments on the development of speech on the topic: experimental research activities in speech therapy classes

3.3 Analysis of the results of experimental speech therapy work (control experiment)

At the stage of the control experiment, which was conducted in April 2009 on the basis of the MDOU "Children's Sal No. 133", the results of experimental speech therapy work on the development of word-building skills in children of older preschool age with erased dysarthria were analyzed.

For the survey, the method of E.F. Arkhipova (1) (Appendix 2) was used, which we used at the stage of the ascertaining experiment.

Individual, general and mean group values ​​were analyzed. The performance of tasks by the children of the experimental group is presented in table No. 3.

Qualitative-quantitative analysis of the performance of tasks is presented as follows.

From the above data, it can be seen that almost all children scored the same points. The highest total score in two children (20%) - (Andrey I., Ksyusha T.). They scored 23 points. Children coped well with word formation tasks of qualitative, relative and diminutive adjectives and nouns, and with the word formation task for baby animals, where they showed a level above the average (3 points). However, word formation task possessive adjectives Andrey I. performed at a level below the average, which corresponds to 1 point. He made mistakes in such words as (a hill of ice - an ice hill; the sun is a pine day; this one erases - this one has already washed - instead of already erased, etc.).

Only one child (10%) - (Sasha D.) received 22 points for completing tasks. He showed a high result in the task of word formation of diminutive nouns (4 points).

Katya K. - (10%) scored 19 points during the survey, however, she had difficulties in performing tasks on the differentiation of verbs formed in the prefixal way (mother sewed a button - mother embroidered a button), word formation of feminine professions and differentiation of owl verbs. and nesov. type (this one is taking off, and this one is already “taking off”; this one is eating, and this one is still eating). This is probably due to the insufficient development of vocabulary.

20% of children (Masha K. and Olya P.) during the survey scored the same total scores (18 points). In many respects, their answers coincide, but there are also significant differences. Olya P. and Masha K. with assignments for the differentiation of the verbs of owls. and nesov. appearance, word formation of feminine professions and the differentiation of verbs formed in the prefixal way coped at a level below the average (cuts hair - socks; plays football - ball). They received a mark of 3 points for the task of forming diminutive nouns.

20% of children (Kostya P. and Olya P.) scored 16 points. The highest indicator (3 points) in Kostya P. is observed when completing the task for the formation of relative adjectives. However, he showed a level below the average (1 point) when completing the task on word formation of qualitative, possessive, diminutive adjectives, word formation of feminine professions and differentiation of owl verbs. and nesov. kind. Therefore, further correctional and speech therapy work must be carried out with him.

20% of children (Vanya M. and Sveta L.) scored the same total marks - 17 points. Vanya M. has a level above the average (3 points) when performing tasks on the formation of possessive adjectives and the formation of diminutive nouns. Sveta L. scored 1 point for all indicators: the exceptions are the tasks for word formation of diminutive nouns, the formation of the names of young animals and the word formation of feminine professions. For their implementation, Sveta L. received 3 points.

The lowest indicator of the development of word-building skills is still recorded in one child (10%) - (Nikita S.). He received a score of 12 points. Most of Nikita S.'s answers are below average. During the work, Nikita S. observed behavioral peculiarities. He laughed, jumped up from his chair and ran.

The group average is 11.1.

Individual results by levels are shown in Figures #11-#20.

An analysis of the individual graphs shows that high level performance (100% - 75%) is observed when performing task No. 1 in one child (10%).

The level above the average (75% - 50%) can be traced when performing task No. 1 - 7 people (70%); task number 2 - 1 person (10%); task number 3 - 2 people (20%); task number 4 - 2 people (20%); task number 5 - 4 people (40%); task number 6 - 4 people (40%); task number 8 - 1 person (10%); tasks No. 7, 9, 10 were completed at the average and below average levels.

At the average level (50% - 25%) completed task No. 1 - 2 people (20%); task number 2 - 4 people (40%); task number 3 - 3 people (30%); task number 4 - 2 people (20%); task number 5 - 2 people (20%); task No. 6 - 6 people (60%); task number 7 - 1 person (10%); task number 8 - 2 people (20%); task number 9 - 7 people (70%); task number 10 - 5 people (50%).

At a level below the average (25% - 10%) completed task No. 2 - 5 people (50%); task number 3 - 5 people (50%); task No. 4 - 6 people (60%); task number 5 - 4 people (40%); task number 7 - 9 people (90%); task number 8 - 7 people (70%); task number 9 - 3 people (30%); task number 10 - 5 people (50%); Tasks 1, 6 were completed at the average and above average levels.

At a low level (up to 10%), none of the tasks were completed.

Thus, there was a positive dynamics in the formation and development of word-building skills.

· Completed one task at a high level (No. 1);

· At the level above the average, 7 tasks were completed (№1,2,3,4,5,6,8);

· Completed all 10 tasks at the intermediate level;

· 8 tasks were completed at the level below the average (No. 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10);

· None of the low-level tasks were completed.

The greatest difficulties arose in children when performing tasks on word formation according to the definitional type, differentiation of verbs formed in the prefixal way, and differentiation of perfect and imperfect verbs. We believe this is due to the fact that in children with erased dysarthria, the vocabulary is very limited, in some cases the adequate choice of language material is violated, there is an imperfection in the search for nominative units, often words are replaced by those close to the situation and purpose.

The easiest task seemed to the children to complete the task of word formation of diminutive nouns and adjectives, the formation of the names of baby animals. It should be considered that this is due to the fact that this material is frequently encountered in the speech practice of children. When playing with each other in a group, children use diminutive nouns in relation to animals (elephant-elephant, dog-dog), to inanimate objects(table-table, chair-chair), and in relation to another person (good - pretty, beautiful - pretty).

Thus, after carrying out correctional speech therapy work aimed at developing word-building skills, we can conclude that correctional speech therapy work at the stage of the formative experiment was successful. The purpose of the study was achieved, and his hypothesis was confirmed.


Common speech disorder among children of preschool age is erased dysarthria, which tends to increase significantly. It is often combined with other speech disorders (stuttering, general underdevelopment speech, etc.). This is a speech pathology, which manifests itself in disorders of the phonetic and prosodic components of the speech functional system, and occurs as a result of an unexpressed microorganic lesion of the brain (6).

Severe violations of sound pronunciation with erased dysarthria are difficult to correct and negatively affect the formation of the phonemic and lexico-grammatical aspects of speech, complicate the process schooling children. Timely correction of speech development disorders is necessary condition psychological readiness of children to study at school, creates the prerequisites for the earliest social adaptation preschool children with speech disorders (7). This is extremely important, since the choice of adequate directions of corrective and speech therapy influence on a child with erased dysarthria and the effectiveness of this influence depend on the correct diagnosis.

The problems of erased dysarthria were studied by such authors as G.G. Gutsman, O.V. Pravdina (60), L.V. Melekhova (50), O.A. Tokarev (72), I.I. Panchenko, R.I. Martynova (48), L.V. Lopatina (45), A.V. Serebryakova (64), M.V. Ippolitova, E.M. Mastyukova, E.F. Arkhipova (1), M.B. Eidinova.

An analysis of theoretical sources shows that erased dysarthria is a speech disorder characterized by a combination of multiple disturbances in the process of motor implementation. speech activity. The main symptom of a speech defect in erased dysarthria is phonetic disorders, which are often accompanied by underdevelopment of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech. Violations of the phonetic side of speech are difficult to correct, negatively affect the formation of the phonemic, lexical and grammatical components of the speech functional system, causing secondary deviations in their development. Researchers note the lack of word-building skills in these children, which complicate the process of schooling children. Timely correction of violations and further development of word-formation skills is a necessary condition for the readiness of children to master the school curriculum in various subjects.

We have carried out pilot study the state of word-formation skills in preschool children with erased dysarthria. The study involved two groups of preschool children with erased dysarthria on the basis of the MDOU "Kindergarten No. 133".

Two groups of children of senior preschool age (6-7 years old) took part in the experimental examination: with erased dysarthria and with normal speech development. For the examination, the method of E.F. Arkhipova (1) was used, which is intended for preschool children with erased dysarthria. According to the results of the survey, we came to the conclusion that the tasks were performed mainly at the average and below average levels, i.e. word-building skills in children with erased dysarthria are not sufficiently formed, which requires special correctional and speech therapy assistance.

The purpose of the formative experiment was to test tasks and exercises aimed at the formation of word-building skills in children of senior preschool age with erased dysarthria. On the basis of methodological literature, we selected tasks and exercises aimed at developing word-building skills in children with erased dysarthria. After the formative experiment, we organized a control experiment to assess the effectiveness of correctional and speech therapy work on the formation and development of word-building skills in older preschool children with erased dysarthria. Based on the results of completing the tasks, each child received individual, general and average group values.

Comparing the results of the ascertaining and control experiments, we can conclude that in the experimental group there is a positive dynamics in the formation and development of word-building skills.

As a result of the formative experiment, the average group indicator in the children of the experimental group increased by 25% and began to correspond to the 3rd level. Thus, the formative experiment is successful. The purpose of the study was achieved, and his hypothesis was confirmed.


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Chair-chair), and in relation to another person (good - pretty, beautiful - pretty). To improve the efficiency of the work of a speech therapist in teaching word formation to preschool children with erased dysarthria, we have developed methodological recommendations. The incorrect use of the lexical and grammatical means of the language by a child with a mild degree of dysarthria is due to articulatory ...

So erased dysarthria 2.1 Purpose and objectives of the study In the course of the study, the following goal was set: to identify the level of formation of the grammatical structure of speech (functions of inflection and word formation) in older preschool children with erased dysarthria and to determine the main directions of the necessary correctional work. To achieve this goal, the study decided...

...); § reproduction of the initial form of the word (for a horse - a horse, for a cow - a cow) Summing up the above, we can conclude that the development of word formation of animal names in children is delayed mental development at a low level. The formation of nouns with the meaning of femininity When completing the task for the formation of nouns with the meaning of femininity, were obtained ...

On his own, the child still cannot find answers to his questions -

teachers help him. This is where problem-based learning came from.

which consists of questions (logically developing thinking),

modeling of problem situations, experimentation, solution

crossword puzzles, charades, puzzles, etc.

A summary of the lesson is provided.



Apply these methods

Cognitive-search research activity in the classroom for the development of speech.

Speech therapist teacher MBDOU kindergarten of combined type No. 122, Molchanova A.G.,


From birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him.

Everyone is well aware that five-year-old children are called "why".

The cognitive activity of children at this age is very high: each

the teacher's answer to the child's question gives rise to new questions.

On his own, the child still cannot find answers to his questions -

teachers help him. This is where problem-based learning came from.

which consists of questions (logically developing thinking),

modeling of problem situations, experimentation, solution

crossword puzzles, charades, puzzles, etc.

The main goal of this method is to develop creative personality child.

The tasks of the problem-based learning method are specific to each


At a younger age, this is an entry into a problematic game situation,

formation of initial prerequisites for search activity.

At an older age, this is:

  1. formation of prerequisites for search activity, intellectual initiative;
  2. formation of the ability to apply these methods, contributing to

Solving the tasks set, using various options;

  1. development of the desire to use special terminology, conversation in the process of joint research activities.

It has been proven that involving children in search activities increases the assimilation of various knowledge and skills, develops mental activity, independence, and intelligence.

The use of lexical and grammatical games in the work contributes to

the acquisition by children of the skills and abilities of grammatically correct speech.

These games include:

1. Touch games.

(What the word does - looks, listens, moves, etc.)

2. Symbol games.

(Modeling the content of the word)

3. Logic games.

(Search for the origins of word formation, establishing cause-and-effect

relationships, use of the causal chain)

4. Linking the content of the word with its initial form.

(perception of the phonetic-phonemic image and pronunciation of the word-

analysis, errors in word structure).

5. Spatial games.

6. Games with single-root words:

a) the formation of words of some part of speech

(whiteness - white,

whitening - whitens

white - whitening)

b) formation from all parts of forms

Genus (protein - proteins

White - white)

Numbers (protein - proteins

white - white

White - whiten)

c) the formation of forms from all parts of speech that clarify semantic shades

by using:

prefixes (whitewashing,


Suffixes (white,


Interfixov (white-barreled)

Postfixes (whiten - ka)

Case endings

(protein - protein,

white - white)

Conjugation endings

(whiten - whiten whiter)

7. Games with words - antonyms

(words backwards)

The upside down person can be the symbol of this game.

8. Games-contradictions.

“Fedot, but not the one”, “I don’t see ..., but vice versa”, “The third (4-5) is superfluous

9. Bridge games.

Selection of intermediate words for a gradual transition from one

antipode to another (heat-warm-cold)

10. Grammar Games:

- "True False"

- "Stubborn words" - indeclinable nouns (coffee, ...)

11. Games with cards, pictograms, diagrams, models ...

12.Games of analogy.

Continuation of the synonymic series started by the teacher

(big-huge-huge, etc.).

13. Games for the classification of objects.

14. Games with figurative expressions.

Definition figurative meaning words (hands are tree branches)

Inventing comparisons (hands, paws, pitchforks, wings, ...)

15. Games with riddles, proverbs, sayings.


A selection of different statements about the same thing.

Interpretation of phrases, proverbs, sayings in your own words.

16. Games with rhyming words.

(I am a poet, I am a writer)

17. Games for sound connections of words.

(smoke - house, entered - left)

18. Games with words and sentences.

- "Additional" - selection of epithets, signs, actions

(bread - lush, fragrant, soft, ruddy, ...)

Riddles for comparison

(with a tail, not a mouse - a turnip)

- "Chains of words"

(Inventing phrases following one after another:

(The cat laps milk. The cow gives milk. The cow grazes in the meadow.


- "Gatherings - bandages"

Promotion of the plot in one word (winter ...)

- "The writing"

Coming up with a common plot based on words from adjacent

(tram - bus), distant (tram - forest), opposite

(day Night).

The method of problematic search (project) learning is relevant and

very efficient. It allows the child to experiment

synthesize acquired knowledge, develop creative abilities

and communication skills, which allows him to adapt to the changing situation of schooling.


Topic: " Cognitive-search speech activity "

To increase the effectiveness of corrective work in a speech therapy class in kindergarten, along with other types of work, it is recommended to use the experimental activities of children. The proposed material can be used on group and individual lessons.




Speech is a great gift of nature, thanks to which people receive wide opportunities to communicate with each other. Speech connects people in their activities, helps to understand, forms views and beliefs, and renders a great service in understanding the world. A future first-grader should be able to coherently, logically, consistently and expressively express his thoughts, create different types texts on topics accessible to his understanding.

Speech development and experimentation are closely related.
To increase the effectiveness of corrective work in a speech therapy class in kindergarten, along with other types of work, it is recommended to use the experimental activities of children. The child most fully and clearly perceives and remembers what was interesting to him. You can always find something interesting and exciting in the study of the Russian language. You just need to find it and present it to the children in such a way as to encourage them to similar finds and discoveries.

The algorithm for organizing children's experimentation is formed as follows - a child together with an adult:

1-identifies and poses the problem that he wants to solve (i.e., learns to ask the right question, set himself cognitive tasks);

2- offers various options her decisions; checks these possible solutions (i.e., argues, gives various arguments, and the sentences must be built correctly, understandable for other children);

3-summarizes (i.e., analyzes the information received, systematizes it).

Thus, at each stage of his work, the pupil actively develops his speech. In the course of children's experimentation, preschoolers learn to actively engage in an argument with their peers, to prove their point of view, operating in their speech with complex sentences (evidence-based speech develops). In speech therapy classes, children can not only learn something, but try, experiment on their own, gaining knowledge. I want to offer those tasks and exercises that I use in my work.

Letter design.On the tables - sticks, ropes, buttons, clothespins. Children are invited to lay out the given letters. They must choose the material most convenient for laying out these letters.

Reconstruction of letters.How to get others from one letter? (Move or add detail).

“Draw the letter” (finish the broken letter: we work on the assignment in the notebook)
The game "The word crumbled". On the board is a word with a changed order of letters (option: this may result in not one word, but several).

Selection of words for a given sound model.On the board is a diagram of uncolored chips or colored chips denoting sounds. Children should pick up as many words as possible (mentally “fit” the words to the scheme).

"The letters are hidden." Using ready-made letters, lay out those that the child sees in the diagram (or circle with a finger). Find the given letter and decorate it.

The formation of new words from the letters of the given word.(game "Mysterious letters")

Replacing one sound (letter) in a word to get a new word(metagram). For example: bunny - T-shirt - nut - seagull. The game "Replace the sound" in differentiation Sh-S sounds, R-L.
Choice of words for this rhyme.

Solving puzzles. Solving crosswords.
Composing a wordusing the initial sounds or by the final sound of other words.
Drawing up proposals for graphic schemes(game "Telegraph").
Rearranging words to get the desired phrase.For example: "Misha has a new car."
Connecting parts of broken sentences.(For example: “It is drizzling. The rain meows plaintively. Murka”).
Composing a story from two textsread mixed.
Compilation of a coherent story from fragmentary phrases, phrases.
In the course of diagnosing children for speech development, teachers often face a number of problems: children cannot clearly formulate their question, express their thoughts, and correctly construct a sentence.

The use of experimental experimental activities in working with children helps to solve a number of problems in this direction. It is necessary to note the bilateral nature of these relations. The ability to clearly express one's thoughts facilitates the experiment, while the replenishment of knowledge about the world around contributes to the development of speech. In the process of experimentation, preschoolers learn to set a goal, solve problems and test them empirically, draw conclusions, simple conclusions. They experience joy, surprise and even delight from their small and big “discoveries”, which cause children to feel satisfaction from the work done. The introduction each time of a new object for study contributes to the expansion of the children's vocabulary. In the process of experimentation, the preschooler gets the opportunity to satisfy his inherent curiosity, to answer himself a hundred thousand “why? why? as? what if…?".

At the beginning of the school year, when considering the question “What helps us to speak?” the experiment "The work of the vocal cords" is carried out. The purpose of which is: to understand the origin of sound in the vocal cords. If you inflate the balloon, then squeeze the hole of the balloon with your fingers, leaving a small hole, and press on the balloon, the air, escaping from the balloon into the hole, makes a whistle. If we stretch the hole in different ways, we get a different whistle. In the same way, we get sound. As a result of the experiment, the children conclude: air from the lungs enters the larynx and passes through the vocal cords.

Experimental work is aimed at improving the theoretical basis for the education, upbringing and development of preschoolers, achieving positive results practical activities.

In the process of experimental activity, the emotional sphere of the child develops, creative abilities are developed, labor skills are formed. In the course of the experiment, the child's memory is enriched, his thought processes are activated, since the need constantly arises to perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification. Experimental activities also have a huge impact on the development of children's speech.

For example, the long-term project "Our Flowers", which lasted 6 months, just showed that the knowledge gained through experiments was deep and strong. Even a year later this project, children remember him and talk about what they did, why and what they learned.

To improve the efficiency of corrective work at a speech therapy lesson in kindergarten, along with other types of work,experiment games.These games accomplish the following tasks:

  • to expand and deepen information about the world around, to form systems of representations on this basis;
  • develop mental operations in children - analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization;
  • develop the speech of children, teach them the interrogative form of speech interaction;
  • to form the need for organizing cognitive communication with adults;
  • develop abstract and logical thinking children;
  • to teach to raise a question, analyze, find the correct answer and draw a conclusion.

I will give examples of experimental games used in speech therapy classes in a group with OHP, which are related to the lexical topic being studied.

Ball experiments.

Experiment options:

a) take two balls of the same size, only one is made of rubber, the second is made of plastic.

Question: which of the balls will bounce when it hits the floor?

Children alternately hit the ball on the floor and draw conclusions.

b) Two balls, the same size and both rubber. Let's make a hole in one of the balls, what will happen?

Can such a ball jump, jump? Children are invited to knock on the floor first with a deflated ball, then with a regular one. Is there a difference, what is the reason? We draw a conclusion.

C) Drown a deflated ball in water, ordinary, metal: which of the balls will float, sink?

With the help of the demonstration, we confirm the correct answer. We draw conclusions.

“In what ways can a person move?” (theme "Man. Parts of the body")

Exercise. Come up with different ways to move and get to the table. We identify who came up with more ways to move, conclusions are drawn that a person can use a huge amount of different ways movement.

Approximate options: jump on one (two) legs, walk, crawl on the stomach, back, on all fours, squat, dance, roll, etc.

Particular attention in organizing the experimental activities of children should be given to work on individual cards with tasks of increasing complexity, aimed at preventing reading and writing errors at the level of letters, syllables, words and sentences.
Completing tasks on individual cards is of great importance both for children and for the teacher.
For kids:
- provide a minimum level of phonemic, sound-letter, graphic, cognitive means that make it possible to move on to the next stage of learning - reading;
- create a condition for the orientation and research activities of children;
- develop various aspects mental activity- attention, thinking, memory, speech;
- fix the stock of existing ideas about the sound-letter side of the word, the degree of readiness of the hand to perform graphic skills;
- form the ability to understand the learning task and solve it independently;
- develop skills of self-control and self-assessment.
For the teacher:
- remove the difficulties of selecting didactic material for individual work with children;
- allow you to control the level of assimilation of program material;
- build relationships with children, especially those with little contact.
Work on cards can be carried out in individual lessons - as one of the types of control of frontal classes, in the afternoon - in corrective work with a teacher and at home.
All tasks on the cards are accompanied by bright illustrations and are protected by a film, which allows children to use felt-tip pens when completing tasks and reuse them repeatedly.

Sample assignments.

1. Make sound models of words, compare them.

2. Make a sound model of the word, mark vowel sounds with letters.

3. How many sounds are there in a word? Write the number in the square.

4. Match the picture with the sound model.

5. Connect pictures and sound models.

6. Correct errors in the sound model of the word.

7. Pick one word for each sound model.

8. Match three words to the sound model.

9. Make up a word according to the first sounds of the names of the pictures.

10. Make a word according to the second sounds of the names of the pictures.

11. Compose a word according to the last sounds of the names of the pictures.

12. Determine the place of sound in words (at the beginning, middle, end).

13. Highlight the first sounds in the names of the pictures. Name the paired sounds according to hardness-softness.

14. Highlight the first sounds in the names of the pictures. Name the paired sounds for them in deafness - sonority.

15. Write the word in letters. What other words can be formed from these letters?

16. How many syllables are there in a word? Write the number in the square.

17. Connect the picture with the syllabic scheme.

18. Connect pictures and syllabic patterns.

19. Pick one word for each syllabic pattern.

20. Make a word according to the first syllables of the names of the pictures.

21. Make a sound model of the word. How many sounds are there in a word? Give a description of each sound. Write the word in letters. How many letters are in a word? Divide the word into syllables, put the stress.

22. Make a proposal according to the picture and graphic scheme.

23. Make one sentence for each graphic scheme.

Thus, in the process of correctional and developmental work, including new techniques and methods, favorable conditions to correct deficiencies in speech development, in personal, cognitive, emotional-volitional spheres. Experimentation is a means of development cognitive activity older preschool children. Thanks to the experimental type of activity, children's speech becomes more meaningful, more expressive, and correctly constructed. The wide use of experimental activities in our work will help us prepare children for school, capable of creative problem solving, capable of bold statements, assumptions, and finding ways to solve a situation.

  1. Zueva L. N., Kostyleva N. Yu., Soloshenko O. P. Entertaining exercises for the development of speech. M., Astrel-AST, 2001.
  2. Kolesnikova E.V. Fun grammar for kids 5-7 years old. M., 2003.
  3. Kolesnikova E.V. The development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old. M., 2000.
  4. Milostivenko L.G. Guidelines to prevent reading and writing errors in children. SPb., 1995.
  5. Nechaeva N. V., Belorusets K. S. Azbuka. Samara, 1997
  6. Pozhilenko E.A. The magical world of sounds and words. M., 1999.
  7. Uzorova O.V., Nefedova E.A. 1000 words for phonetic (sound-letter) analysis. Development of phonemic hearing. M., 2003.

All children are curious. They discover everything interesting and unknown with great surprise and joy. The child's need for new experiences pushes him to search, to learn about the world around him. It is very important to direct this need for knowledge of the world in the right direction and support the child's desire for experimentation. The more varied and intense the search activity, the more new and useful information children receive, the faster and more fully they develop. By the older preschool age, the possibilities of children increase markedly. This period is most important for the development of cognitive, research and search activities, since it is at this age that children can independently draw conclusions and find a solution. The development of the child's personality occurs not only in the process of mastering skills, knowledge and skills, but also in the independent search for knowledge and the acquisition of skills.

To develop in children sociability, the ability to navigate in the environment, to solve problems that arise, to be independent, creative individuals is the task that preschool education. Child development goes through:

  • development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation;
  • formation of cognitive actions;
  • formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world;
  • about the properties and relationships of objects in the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, time, space, etc.);
  • about small homeland and Fatherland, traditions and holidays;
  • about the planet Earth as a common home of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

In their work, the teacher needs to take into account both the psychological and age characteristics of preschoolers. A child learns everything firmly and for a long time when he hears, sees and does everything himself. Observing everyone, the educator can and should create conditions for independent experimentation and search activity in the group.

Implementing the program “Childhood” and the program “Preparing for school children with OHP in conditions kindergarten” edited by N. F. Chirkina and T. B. Filicheva, and new federal state educational standards, studying the latest methodological literature, identifying the interests of children, we created a promising plan for experimentation and equipped a center where children can engage in search activities.

The plan reflects the specifics of the compensatory group for children with severe speech disorders. For example, in the fall, we introduced the children to the properties of air, conducted educational games with fruits and vegetables: “Fruits: how can you eat them?”, “Recognize the taste and smell”, “Fruits and vegetables as cosmetics”, “Coloring properties of vegetables and fruits”, “Leaf prints”, etc.

In the winter months, you can offer children and their parents games and experiments with water: “Three states of water”, “Colorful icicles”, “Does the mitten warm”, “Different snowflakes”, “Feed the birds”, “snow depth”, “Imprints on snow”, etc.

For spring, we have selected the following: “The sun is an artist”, “Sowing seedlings”, “Dependence of plant life on the sun”, “Where does the snow melt faster”, “Where is the icicle longer?”, “How do plants wake up”, “Where does the water disappear” so that children themselves can draw conclusions about how important sunlight and heat, water are for all living things. Without light, water and heat there is no life on earth.

In the summer months, they offered children and parents to go outside the city, by the river, on the beach, play with sand and water, watch sunbeams, insects, shadows, so that the children would better know the surrounding world of living and non-living nature, draw some conclusions, find answers to self-posed questions. And then make drawings, photographs, albums for viewing with other pupils in kindergarten.

In the pre-school group, we have complicated and expanded the search activity using a microscope, magnifiers, mirrors and other equipment. They expanded and deepened their knowledge about vegetables and fruits (useful properties and vitamins), prepared vinaigrette and fruit salad on their own and treated their parents. Conducted research: “What is in the soil”, “Moldy bread”, “Large and small” (determining the size of the pupil depending on the lighting), “Properties of paper and cardboard”, “Filtration of water”, “Light beam”, “How not get burned”, “Candle in a jar”, ​​“Rainbow on the wall”, “Magnet draws” and many more different experiments that will help children make small discoveries and find the cause of some facts, find out cause and effect relationships.

As practice shows, the results of experiments should be sketched in an album or notebook so that the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities are even more firmly deposited in the memory of children.

Here is an example practical experience: in the older group, we conducted experiments with water - we froze it, dyed it, asked children questions why does water freeze in the freezer and on the street and where is it faster? Why does steam rise from the water outside in the cold? Why can water be dyed any color and frozen into any shape? Children experimented and answered questions: it is warm in the group and therefore the water is warm, and on the street steam comes from it. The water became as cold as the air and froze. And then we checked the rate of ice melting - on the windowsill and the battery. The children made an independent conclusion that the ice melts faster on the battery, because. she is hot.

In the school preparatory group, similar experiments are being carried out on freezing ice from juice, yogurt, butter and vegetable oil. Which hardens faster: water or vegetable oil, and why? What came out of frozen juice? Can a knife cut frozen butter? Children make small discoveries. Frozen juice makes a delicious frozen lollipop. Vegetable oil freezes only in the most severe frost, and in the freezer it is not cold enough. Vegetable oil changes its color and becomes white. The frozen butter is not cut, but crumbles and is not spread on bread. And the melted yogurt became not tasty and grainy.

Pledges successful work for experimentation should be:

  • an appropriate developmental environment, including the presence necessary materials for conducting experiments;
  • the presence of a long-term plan that takes into account the age-related psychological and physiological data of the child;
  • the presence of a calm and friendly atmosphere in the group and at home;
  • personal interest in the final result of all adults - teachers and parents, because they are a model, and children imitate them.

It is important that experiments, experiments, and observations arouse curiosity in children, develop interest in living and non-living nature, form good feelings, and help them apply and use the acquired knowledge in their lives.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of combined type No. 37 of the municipality Timashevsky district Author of the experiment: Namm Inna Viktorovna, speech therapist MBDOU d / s No. 37

A modern child needs not so much to know a lot as to think consistently and conclusively, to show mental tension. That is why, as an integral part of readiness for school, researchers single out intellectual readiness, which includes a fairly high level of development. cognitive activity and mental operations. It is no coincidence that in "Concepts of the content of continuing education (preschool and elementary)» great attention is paid to the development of children's thinking, encouragement of the cognitive initiative of the child, children's questions, reasoning, independent conclusions, respectful attitude towards them.

The urgency of the problem lies in the importance of the timely development of the research activities of older preschool children. The development of speech is one of the main components, without speech it is impossible to build it, analyze and discuss how reliable it is, and at the same time, the research process itself helps the development of demonstrative, reasoning and generalizing speech. This problem is especially significant for children with FFN.

The practical work of a speech therapist teacher made it possible to see gaps in educational work with children who have certain deviations in the development of speech. Based on the results of monitoring the development of speech and mental processes us (me and the teacher of the group) a system for the development of speech in the process of cognitive research activities of older preschoolers was developed, which will improve the results qualitatively and quantitatively.

By combining the efforts of a speech therapist teacher, a group educator, we were able to achieve significant results.

Curiosity, the desire to experiment, to independently find solutions to problems are the most important features of children's behavior that we managed to form in the process of in-depth work on the above problem.

The problem we are solving:

To help children-logopaths in the implementation of their cognitive activity, including children in meaningful activities, during which they themselves could discover more and more new properties of objects and be able to talk about it.

We have built the conditions for the development of speech in the process of search and research activities in blocks:

Research activities training.

The purpose of the first block: teaching the skills and abilities of conducting educational research, forming a culture of thinking and developing the skills and abilities of research behavior.

Formation of a holistic perception of the environment, categorical concepts.

The purpose of the second block: expanding ideas about the world, the formation of categorical concepts. First of all, this work is based on the expansion, deepening of ideas about words, which combine in their content the degree of generalization of objects, phenomena, actions, etc.

The development of speech is carried out in conjunction with thinking, since these cognitive processes are the most important in search and research activities.

At the first stage, we highlighted the problem and outlined a method for solving it. The decision itself, its search, the children carry out independently.

At the second stage, we only posed a problem to the children, but the child is looking for a method of solving it on his own. (group, collective search is possible here).

At the third stage, the formulation of the problem, as well as the search for a method and the development of the solution itself, are carried out by the children independently.

Different objects of knowledge imply a different attitude towards them and various ways their research. The following objects have been identified:

Living objects, nature:

  • distinction between living and non-living;
  • careful and respectful attitude to the living;
  • readiness to take care of someone or something;
  • understanding of the rules of safe behavior.

Inanimate objects, objects:

  • tools, tools - adults show the child how to use them;
  • technical means, including vehicles, - acquaintance with their device, rules of operation and use;
  • toys - the child uses at his own discretion;
  • materials (designers, isomaterials, etc.)- the child explores and uses on his own, an adult can show some of their properties and capabilities;
  • aesthetic objects - viewing objects, careful attitude towards them.

Ways and methods of action (technology).

Relationships, feelings. (They call the greatest interest in preschool children.)

Impressions, perception: color, sounds, texture of material, taste, smell.

This work assumes the following structure of the research action:

  • the child identifies and poses a problem that needs to be resolved;
  • puts forward a hypothesis, i.e. offers possible solutions;
  • checks these possible solutions based on the data;
  • draws conclusions in accordance with the results of the audit;
  • applies findings to new data;
  • makes generalizations.

The main form of work is didactic games developed on the topics proposed by the Education and Training Program edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova.

Expected result of the work: dynamic mastery of speech by children.

I block "Learning for Exploratory Actions"

A problematic situation is any theoretical or practical situation in which there is no solution corresponding to the circumstances and which therefore makes one stop and think. A problem is a difficulty, an uncertainty. To eliminate it, actions are required, first of all, the study of everything related to this problem situation.

Finding problems is hard work.

From the point of view of the development of research skills, the question of whether it is necessary to require that the child, starting his own research, clearly articulates the problem, i.e. he determined what he would investigate, and then he began to act. Speaking formally, this is necessary. But besides formal reasoning, there is also a reality that should not be forgotten.

The proposition that the formulation of the problem must necessarily precede the study is only partially true. Formally, this is so, but the real process of creativity is always a step into the unknown. Therefore, the very formulation of the problem often arises only when the problem has already been solved. No matter how seditious it sounds, but a real researcher, starting a search, is far from always clearly aware of why he is doing this, and even more so he does not know what he will find in the end. In carrying out this part of the research work with the child, we tried to be flexible, it is not worth demanding a clear understanding and formulation of the problem. Its general, approximate characteristics are quite enough.

We believe that the act of creativity will be significantly impoverished if the researcher pursues a predetermined goal. The product of creativity is largely unpredictable; it cannot simply be deduced from initial conditions. Often the child does not know what he wants to say before he says something. Usually in research, the realization of the goal occurs in parallel with its achievement, as the problem is solved. Creativity is the creation of a new one, the transformation, the transformation of what existed at the beginning. Forming, discovering, clarifying, integrating the newly opened possibilities, the child at the same time concretizes and modifies the problem that confronted him at the beginning.

Therefore, we did not demand a clear verbal formulation of the research problem from the child either.

In the course of performing such tasks, we tried to refrain from criticism and, without stinting on praise, noted the most interesting, original versions. The method of observation only looks simple on the surface, but in practice it is not. We taught observation, and this is by no means an easy task.

An effective task for developing the ability to observe was our proposal to consider some interesting and at the same time well-known objects for children, for example autumn leaves (trees, apples, etc.).

I or the teacher offered to pick up the leaves, carefully consider, determine the shape, name the colors. They also talked about where they grow and why every autumn they change color and fall off.

As an exercise to develop the ability to observe, the task is used "Observing the Obvious" .

One of the basic skills of a researcher is the ability to put forward hypotheses, to make assumptions. This requires originality and flexibility of thinking, productivity, as well as such personal qualities like determination and courage. Hypotheses are born as a result of logical (verbal) and intuitive thinking.

A hypothesis is a hypothetical, probabilistic knowledge that has not yet been proven logically and has not yet been confirmed by experience. Initially, the hypothesis is neither true nor false - it is simply not defined. As soon as it is confirmed, it becomes a theory; if it is refuted, it ceases to exist, turning into a false assumption. For children's developmental studies creativity, it is important to be able to develop hypotheses according to the principle "the bigger, the better" . Even the most fantastic hypotheses and provocative ideas are suitable for us.

Putting forward hypotheses, assumptions and non-traditional (provocative) ideas are important thinking skills that provide research search and, ultimately, progress in any creative activity.

How hypotheses are born. In professional research work usually happens like this: a scientist thinks, reads, talks with colleagues, conducts preliminary experiments (they are usually called aerobatics), as a result finds some kind of contradiction or something new, unusual. And most often this "unusual" , "unexpected" is found where everything seems clear and understandable to others. Cognition begins with surprise at what is ordinary, the ancient Greeks said.

Methods for testing hypotheses are usually divided into two groups: theoretical and empirical. The former involve relying on logic and analysis of other theories in which this hypothesis was put forward. Empirical methods for testing hypotheses involve observations and experiments.

So the hypotheses are possible options problem solving and are tested during the study. The construction of hypotheses is the basis of research, creative thinking. Hypotheses allow you to find new solutions to problems and then - in the course of theoretical analysis, thought or real experiments - evaluate their probability.

Thus, hypotheses provide an opportunity to see the problem in a different light, look at the situation from the other side.

The value of assumptions, even the most absurd, provocative ones, is that they make us go beyond ordinary ideas, plunge into the element of a mental game, risk, do something without which movement into the unknown is impossible.

There are also completely different, special, implausible hypotheses - they are usually called provocative ideas. It could be, for example, this idea: "Birds find their way south because they pick up special signals from space" .

Hypotheses, assumptions, as well as various provocative ideas allow you to set up real and thought experiments. To learn how to develop hypotheses, one must learn to think, to ask questions.

The genesis of questions is essential for understanding the process of development of a child's cognitive interests, because questions are a specific and clear indicator of the presence of such interests.

It has been established that a speech pathologist child, like an ordinary child, exhibits curiosity towards a wider range of phenomena than before; questions arise not only in connection with the perception of specific objects and phenomena, as it was before, but also in connection with the emerging ability to compare previous experience with a new one, find similarities or differences, and reveal connections and dependencies between objects and phenomena. Questions are determined by the desire for independence in solving the problems that have arisen, the desire to penetrate beyond the limits of the directly perceived, the ability to more indirect ways of knowing. All this is expressed in increasingly complex questions. The stability of cognitive interest is also evidenced by the fact that the child again and again turns to the object or phenomenon of interest.

We also singled out the creation of a friendly, relaxed atmosphere, encouragement not only for those actively participating in activities, but also for those who do not show the necessary initiative at the moment, and the absence of any criticism of children as indispensable conditions for holding all games and activities. This allows each child to feel confident that his questions will not be laughed at and that he will definitely be able to prove himself, even if next time.

The form of the games can be different - frontal or subgroup, but the latter, of course, gives the best effect.

One of the main components of human information culture can be considered the following activities:

  • search for information;
  • perception;
  • classification;
  • moral judgment (filtering information);
  • treatment (analysis, synthesis);
  • use of information.

Mastering the native language, the development of speech, is one of the important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood, especially a child-logopath. preschool age- this is the period of active assimilation by the child spoken language, formation and development of all aspects of speech: phonemic, lexical, grammatical. With the integrated efforts of a speech therapist and educator, he is able to master the rules of sound design of words, pronounce them clearly and clearly, have a certain vocabulary, coordinate words in gender, number, case, accurately conjugate frequently used verbs. In addition, the child is able to talk about the events experienced, retell the content of the text, reveal the content of the picture, some phenomena of the surrounding reality.

The development of speech as a means of transmitting information and activating thinking can be successfully developed in the cognitive and research activities of children. Planning, decision, execution and analysis of any activity is impossible without a speech act, and how the child uses it, the attention of the teacher is necessary.