Speech therapist classes with children 5 6. Speech therapy classes with a child at home. Using sound games

The first sounds and words of babies are very funny and provoke uncontrollable smiles in adults. But everyone suddenly stops having fun when they hear incomprehensible phrases from schoolchildren or students. Communication is the most important component of every person’s life. Express your thoughts in a structured manner, correctly formulate answers to questions asked, as well as speaking beautifully and correctly are skills that you should begin to strive for in early childhood.

Unfortunately, most parents do not devote much time to the process of speech development in children. Adults naively believe that it is too early for a child of 5–6 years to go to a speech therapist, they say, all defects will go away on their own as they grow older. But there is a chance that speech problems will not disappear. Often, incorrect pronunciation of sounds in an adult begins precisely with early “dropouts.”

A child with crooked speech is doomed to constant ridicule from others. And if you don’t deal with the problem in time, then adult life he will become a terribly complex, withdrawn and uncommunicative person. Today speech therapists can correct the situation, offering system development speech with the help of special games and exercises. However, it is possible to organize educational classes for a child at home.

Types of speech defects

Before starting exercises and activities, we recommend that you understand the main types of disorders in the pronunciation of sounds. A child’s speech may be distorted due to:

  • Stuttering. The most common speech defect. It is possible to determine the presence of stuttering in a child closer to the age of 3 years, since during this period he begins to construct his first large sentences. In this case, sessions with an experienced speech therapist cannot be avoided. The specialist will offer games to eliminate the defect and develop speech, which are guaranteed to give positive result. Stuttering is an insidious problem. It is important not to give up working with your child even after achieving success, because there are often cases when the problem returns.
  • Dislalia. A similar defect often occurs in a child 3-5 years old. Without going into science, dyslalia is confusion in the pronunciation of certain consonant sounds (“l”, “r”, “sh” and others). It is worth contacting a speech therapist with this problem as soon as crooked speech becomes noticeable, preferably in the same year.
  • Nasality. This phenomenon is also classified as a defect, but the main root of the problem here is in the incorrect structure of the speech apparatus. If you discover such a problem, be sure to contact an otolaryngologist; a speech therapist will not be able to help the child in this situation.
  • ONR ( general underdevelopment speech). By the age of 6, a child’s speech should be coherent and interesting. If a preschooler experiences certain difficulties when speaking, then most likely the reason lies in the wrong approach to communicating with him. OHP often occurs in children whose parents lisped a lot, distorted endings and uttered only diminutive forms of words. All this created a huge “mess” in the child’s head, which is why the child now independently confuses endings and uses incorrect prepositions. The defect can be eliminated in a timely manner if you take your child to a speech therapist before the age of 6.
  • Neurological diseases. If you notice that working with your child at home is not bringing any results, consult a qualified neurologist. Special treatment may be required. It is important to note that a speech therapist will not be able to help your child with this problem.
  • ZRR (delay speech development). By the age of 3-5, every average child begins to chatter incessantly. If you notice that your baby has a small lexicon, you should definitely visit a speech therapist to have your speech checked.

Observe your child and his speech. By regularly communicating with your baby, you will definitely notice the presence of any problems with the pronunciation of sounds. If any are found, be sure to make an appointment with a speech therapist, no matter how old the child is.

When to contact a speech therapist?

Each child is unique, so language development may vary slightly. Usually by the age of 5 the child already knows how to:

  • Pronounce all existing sounds. An exception may be hissing ones, rarely “L”.
  • Make sentences of 5-7 words.
  • Understand the difference between singular and plural.
  • Describe things indicating their main qualities and characteristics.
  • Conduct a dialogue with peers and adults.
  • Quickly say your first, last and patronymic names and your age.

If a 5-year-old child does not know how to do something from the list, it will be useful for him to attend several speech therapist lessons.

Speech therapy classes for childrenaimed at increasing vocabulary, developing fine motor skills and correct breathing, correction of sound pronunciation defects.

It is worth saying that you should not immediately take your child to a speech therapist. Children develop better at home. Here they feel more comfortable.

Home games for speech development

Speech therapy classes for children - targeted communication with the baby in game form.

All existing speech development exercises can be divided into 4 groups:

Finger games for speech development

Some of the most effective activities for speech development are exercises that involve the use of fine motor skills, since there is a close connection between the human limbs and the brain center responsible for pronunciation. In addition, such games are suitable for children with just developing speech, for example, at the age of 1 year.

Your child will definitely enjoy the following exercises:

  • "Flower". In the initial position, form a bud from closed palms, fingers should be raised up, and wrists should be pressed tightly. After the plant blooms, the fingers spread in opposite directions. While doing the exercise, say: “The sun wakes up - the bud opens. The sun is tired - the flower is going to bed.”
  • "Kitty." Algorithm of actions for speech development exercises: clench your fists and place them on the surface directly in front of you. Afterwards, you need to simultaneously open your palms and press them firmly to the table. During the process you need to say: “Fist - palm. I stomp like a cat." Repeat 3-5 times, varying the pace.
  • "Hedgehog". The child will definitely enjoy this exercise. In the starting position, place your palms at a slight angle and interlace the fingers of both hands. In the process, move your fingers evenly and say: “Tiny cheerful hedgehog. How good are you?
  • "The Bird and the Water" Children 5 years old are crazy about this exercise. Initially, you need to place your elbow on the table, raise your forearm and fold your fingers in a “pinch” - this will be a “beak”. When completing the task, lower your “beak” (elbow motionless) and touch the table. In the process, imitate the movements of the bird: take water, straighten your neck, swallow. Accompany the exercise with a tongue twister: “Bent over, picked up, picked up and swallowed.”
  • "Chicks in the nest." Gather the fingers of your left hand into a “bunch” - these will be “chicks”. With your fingers right hand make a ring - it will be a “nest”. Send the birds to the nest, taking turns changing hand positions. Add text accompaniment: “Here are the chicks, and here is the nest. The chicks are warm inside.”

Finger gymnastics with learning texts at home is an excellent alternative regular visits to a speech therapist. Such games provoke the development of speech, teach the use of spatial imagination and develop reaction speed. Later a short time you will notice that the baby begins to remember texts better and speak more expressively.

Articulation gymnastics

Speech therapy classes for 5-6 year old children must include articulation gymnastics, which is a complex exercise for warming up the tongue and lips. The baby’s ability to perform some of the movements necessary for correct sound pronunciation depends on how trained and developed the tongue and lips are. To make classes with your child effective, be sure to use a mirror. suitable size. The baby must see how his speech organs work. You don’t need to be a speech therapist to show your child how to do the exercises correctly:

  • "Swing". Smile, showing all your teeth. First, lower the tip of your tongue to your lower teeth, then lift it and hide it behind your upper teeth. The result is a kind of swing. Ask your child to repeat the exercise after you 4-5 times while playing.
  • “Brushing our teeth.” By the age of 5, children can already maintain cleanliness on their own. oral cavity. In this exercise, you need to imitate brushing your teeth and rinsing them, but without using toothpaste and a brush. Starting position: smile with your mouth wide open. Next, you need to tense the tip of your tongue and clean the lower teeth from the inside with all your might, then lift the tip up and carefully work on the upper teeth. It is important that you cannot close your mouth. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times. Now ask your child to close his mouth and “rinse” it.
  • "Jam". You need to smile with your mouth slightly open. Now ask your baby to lick first the upper and then the lower lip with the tip of his tongue. After 10 repetitions, you need to change the direction of movement.

Regular repetitions of these simple speech therapy exercises will actively contribute to the development of speech in a 5-6 year old child.

Onomatopoeia and logorhythmics

Classes with a speech therapist in the clinic often include a block of exercises to develop correct hearing. At home, you can easily create similar conditions to develop your child’s speech and auditory perception with the help of simple exercises. All you need is time, a phone or computer with a speaker, and available tools.

Games aimed at developing hearing:

  • "Ears". Take some items made from various materials. Metal and wooden spoons, glass and crystal glasses are suitable. Invite your child to listen to what these objects sound like, then ask him to close his eyes and guess what this thing is just by ear.
  • "Meow". Find a recording online with the voices of animals known to your child. Turn it on and ask your child to guess which animal the voice belongs to.
  • "Street". Download a recording with the sounds of various vehicles. Invite your child to listen to it and say what kind of transport passed. For recognition, it is better to take familiar types of vehicles - a truck, car, motorcycle, tractor.
  • “Where is the noise?” An excellent game for developing spatial hearing. Place the child in the center of the room and blindfold him. Take the bell and walk around it silently, jingling it periodically. The baby needs to identify the source of the noise by ear and point his hand in its direction.

To develop hearing and speech, speech therapists often ask children to imitate the voices of animals and birds, as well as household noises. Take turns saying “tick-tock”, “chick-chick”, “drip-drip”, “woof-woof”, “w-w-w” and the like with your child.

Logorhythmics is a set of exercises that includes the simultaneous use of movement, speech and music (optional). With the help of such games, developing a child’s speech is as easy as shelling pears. Remember about the bull that walks and staggers. Speak the text, show the movements. Let the child repeat after the adults. It will be fun for both the child and you.

Expansion of vocabulary and speech development

For a child, games for speech development, first of all, should be interesting. Tongue twisters are what you need for useful and productive communication in a playful way. Short rhyming phrases are easy to remember, which allows you to seriously expand your baby's vocabulary. A 5-year-old child uses passive and active dictionaries. The first consists of words that he understands, the second - those that he often uses. To improve both vocabularies, be sure to include tongue twister exercises in your speech development games.

So that the child speech therapy exercises were easy, and a positive result appeared as early as possible, follow these simple recommendations:

  • Even if you are not a speech therapist by profession, explain to your child the meaning of the classes. Tell him that all the games are aimed at developing his speech, and the ability to speak beautifully and clearly is an attribute of every adult.
  • Speech therapist games with children should take place in mild form. If a child gets carried away by what is happening, he will direct all his forces in the right direction.
  • Limit the time your child spends on speech development classes and other school preparation lessons. It is advisable that the exercises be done daily, but not more than 15 minutes each, since it is still difficult for a 5-year-old child to concentrate.
  • Praise kids for their successes. It will be much easier to instill a child’s interest in games for speech development if he is sure that he will not be punished, but will be supported.
  • Become a role model. The child develops speech from observations of your behavior. Therefore, always speak correctly, clearly and with expression.

No matter how old the child is, improve his speech and help with comprehensive development is one of the most important responsibilities of parents. The BrainApps service can be an additional assistant in this difficult task. The portal contains hundreds of highly effective simulators, classes on which will improve memory, attention, thinking and concentration of both adults and children. If you are tired of regular games to develop correct sound pronunciation, try working out with your baby on BrainApps simulators. The result may pleasantly surprise you and your child will probably not need a speech therapist.

Most preschoolers have some kind of speech problem. Fortunately, you can correct the situation yourself by regularly performing simple exercises with your child.

If the baby does not pronounce some sounds, “crumples” words, speaks as if he had put porridge in his mouth, do not despair! Most often, problems with speech are age-related, and by school most children begin to speak clearly and correctly. Of course, there are also complex cases when you can’t do without a speech therapist. But first, you should try to improve your child’s speech with home exercises.

Rules for working with your baby

Speech therapy classes for a preschooler should be carried out in a playful way, otherwise the child may not want to study. Conduct classes regularly, 2-3 times a day. Start with 3-5 minutes, gradually increasing the lesson time to 15-20. Best time for classes - after breakfast and after nap. Postpone exercises if your child is bad mood, sick or tired. Do the exercises with your child, show all the movements by example. Conduct the lesson in front of a mirror so that the baby can see how his lips and tongue move.

Speech therapy exercises

We are used to thinking that speech therapists are needed only for those children who do not pronounce all sounds. Most often, problems are caused by “r”, “l”, “ts”, hissing words. However, it also happens that the baby has mastered pronunciation, but still speaks unclearly, quietly, indistinctly, incomprehensibly, misses sounds or syllables, and confuses them. Therefore, speech therapy exercises are aimed not only at staging sound pronunciation, but also at general development speech.

Exercise No. 1. Articulation gymnastics

Start each lesson with gymnastics that stimulates the muscles of the speech apparatus. Offer your baby:

  • stick your tongue out as far as possible, touch the tip of your tongue to your nose and chin;
  • lick lips;
  • make the tongue wide and relaxed; roll into a tube; raise its edges (spatula shape);
  • “clean” your teeth by running your tongue along their inner surface;
  • move your tongue back and forth across the roof of your mouth (as if a painter is painting the ceiling).

Exercise No. 2. Development of phonemic hearing

For children 4-5 years old, exercises that develop the perception of sounds are useful. Play this game: let the child pretend to be asleep (lie in his arms, close his eyes), and you slowly pronounce the words. Hearing a certain sound (for example, “a”), the baby should “wake up.” Other variations of the same game: clap your hands, jump, stand up when you hear a sound.

Exercise No. 3. Onomatopoeia

This game, beloved by children, is very useful for speech development. Together with your baby, imagine the sound of a motor, a flying airplane, the gurgling of water, the mooing of a cow, the growling of a tiger, the cooing of a dove, etc.

Exercise No. 4. Working with the sound "r"

This is perhaps the most difficult sound for a baby to hear. To help your little one cope with it, play the following games:

  • Invite your child to open his mouth slightly, place a relaxed tongue on his lower lip and blow with the sound “f” hard enough so that a cotton ball or pencil rolls on the table;
  • teach your baby to click his tongue, imitating how a horse gallops;
  • imitate a drum roll by tapping the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth.

Exercise No. 5. Working with the sound "l"

The following exercises will help you find the missing “l” sound:

  • say “oo-oo-oo” with your tongue sticking out (as if a train is moving);
  • press your tongue between your teeth and move it back and forth, as if you are trying to brush it;
  • After biting your tongue a little, try to sing “lek-lek-lek.”

Exercise No. 6. Working with the sound "ts"

Bring your child’s hand to your lips and pronounce the sound “ts.” He should feel one touch of the air stream. Then bring his hand to his lips and ask him to repeat the sound. At the same time, you can pretend that you are telling someone to be quieter: “Tskstsk.”

Exercise No. 7. Working with hissing

The problem with the pronunciation of sibilants is so widespread that it occurs even in children's classics. For example, in “Deniska’s Stories” by Dragunsky: “... not a joke, not a detective, but a giggle!” To teach your preschooler to pronounce sibilants, try these exercises:

  • let the baby “punish” his tongue by sticking it out slightly and spanking it with his lips, saying “five-five-five”;
  • Place a small piece of candy (marmalade or toffee) on the tip of the child’s tongue and ask him to stick it on the roof of his mouth, right behind the upper incisors;
  • hiss together: play snake, deflating balloon, boiling kettle.

Do you want to find a good speech therapist for children 5 years old in Moscow or Moscow Region? It is not difficult. There are 11 of them in our database

Private speech therapists for a 5 year old child. Classes with speech therapists-defectologists for children 5 years old in Moscow

Speech therapists for a 5 year old child

Private speech therapist-defectologist for a 5-year-old child. Individual sessions with a speech therapist for children from five years old with home visits.
Preparing children from 4 years old for school.
Developmental activities, teaching reading, counting, preparing the hand for writing, developing logical and analytical thinking.
Classes with elementary school students are aimed at correcting material not learned at school and eliminating developmental gaps logical thinking, speeches, developing interest and understanding of the importance of the learning process.
I also organize and conduct work on speech correction for children with pronunciation disorders (dysarthria, dyslalia).
The program is compiled individually for each child.

  • Cost of classes: Speech therapy + preparation for school - 1500 rub./60 minutes. Correction of sound pronunciation at home by a speech therapist - 1000 rubles/30 minutes.
    Primary School+ speech therapy - 1500 rub./60 minutes.
  • Items: Primary school, Speech therapy, School preparation
  • Cities: Moscow, Reutov
  • Nearest metro stations: Novokosino, Vykhino
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. N.K. Krupskaya, 1996, Faculty of Methodology and Pedagogy primary education, additional specialization teacher - speech therapist.

Private speech therapist for children 5 years old. Private lessons with a speech therapist-defectologist for a 5-year-old child in Moscow.
Speech therapy: sound pronunciation disorders (dyslalia), general speech underdevelopment, correction of oral and writing students primary classes(dysgraphia, dyslexia).
Speech therapy classes for children from 5 years old and schoolchildren
Speech therapy classes for adults (speech restoration after acute stroke, head injury)
Preparing for school - reading, writing, mathematics
Primary school (1-4 grades) Russian language, reading, mathematics
Russian language and literature
Teacher - speech therapist in kindergarten and school.

  • Lesson cost: 1300 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Speech therapy, Primary school, School preparation, Russian language
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro station: Sokolniki
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: SFGA, Faculty of Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology, specialty teacher - speech therapist (2011). Advanced training: 2016 - 2017 CERTIFICATE (postgraduate training of speech therapists working in...

Speech therapist services for a 5 year old child. Individual lessons with a speech therapist for children from 5 years old.
I offer the services of a speech therapist-defectologist: individual lessons with children starting from 3 years of age. I work with these speech disorders How:
Delayed speech development (tempo speech delay)
Motor alalia (alalic components)
General speech underdevelopment of levels I, II, III
Phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment (FFSD)
Dysarthria; Dyslalia (violation of sound pronunciation);
Stuttering; Dyslexia, dysgraphia (impaired written speech).
I will prepare the child for school. In the lesson program:
Literacy training. Speech development (vocabulary, grammar, coherent speech). Development of grapho-motor skills and optical-spatial concepts as the basis for prevention possible violations reading and writing...

  • Lesson cost: 2000 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Speech therapy, School preparation
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Sokol, Polezhaevskaya
  • Home visit: No
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Moscow Pedagogical State University(MPGU), faculty of defectology, specialty: teacher - speech therapist

Private speech therapist-defectologist for children 5 years old. Individual lessons with a speech therapist for a 5-year-old child.
Preparation for school, correction of various speech disorders: dyslalia, dysarthria, erased dysarthria, OHP, mental retardation, dysgraphia, dyslexia, dysorthography, I know the method of probe massage by Novikova E.V., primary school program in all subjects, program for grades 1 - 11 in Russian language, preparation for the State Examination and the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. I work with preschoolers and schoolchildren.
primary school, preparation for school, Russian language 1200-1500 rubles for 60 minutes depending on the problem, speech therapy, correction of writing disorders, preparation for the State Examination and Unified State Exam 1300-1500 rubles for 60 minutes depending on the problem.
Teaching experience - 10 years, of which tutoring experience - 8 years...

  • Lesson cost: 1000 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Primary school, Speech therapy, School preparation, Russian language
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Sokol, River Station
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Moscow State Educational Institution (formerly N. K. Krupskaya Moscow Pedagogical Institute), Faculty of Psychology and Defectology, 2005.
  • Lesson cost: 1000 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Speech therapy
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Otradnoe, Bibirevo
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: MPGU, defectology faculty, 2006

  I give the first lesson for free (free lessons are only possible in my territory).
Services of a speech therapist-defectologist for children 5 years old. Individual lessons with a speech therapist for a 5-year-old child.
Speech therapy - production of sounds, correction of speech defects (children from 5 years old). Primary school - correction of writing disorders (omissions, replacement of letters in words, difficulties in following grammar rules) from 7 to 12 years. Preparing for school - learning to read, basic mathematics, preparing hands for writing: children from 5 years old.

  • Lesson cost: 1200 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Speech therapy, School preparation, Primary school
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro station: Shchelkovskaya
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: School teacher
  • Education: Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. N.K. Krupskaya, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, teacher - defectologist (2002 - 2007).

Private speech therapist for a 5 year old child. Individual lessons with a speech pathologist-speech pathologist for children from five years old.
Preparing for school (4 -7 years old). Help younger schoolchildren. Speech therapy support (speech therapist).
Work experience: teacher, university lecturer, teacher of commercial courses in preparation for school, business correspondence, office work; teacher - speech therapist in kindergarten (to date). Private tutor.

  • Lesson cost: 1200 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Preparing for school, Speech therapy
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Kolomenskaya, Nagatinskaya
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: PSU named after Lomonosov, 1995, teacher of Russian language and literature; PSU named after Lomonosov, 2003, postgraduate study in social philosophy; MPGU, 2011, teacher - speech therapist.

Speech therapy classes are very important for the development of a child. After all, correct speech speaks about the culture of raising a child, which is very important in modern world.

The exercises described below will help your baby speak correctly, eliminate speech defects, and teach him to write and read correctly.

A common problem in children is the confusion of sounds and their unclear pronunciation. To do this, you need to work with him and do articulation speech therapy exercises.

You should not think that the child will grow up and learn to speak correctly on his own. Many will not be able to cope without your help.

There are also physiological characteristics that will not allow them to do this. These include:

  • heredity;
  • absence or decreased hearing;
  • parental lisp;
  • imitation;
  • short bridle;
  • weak tongue muscles;
  • improper jaw development.

All these factors do not allow the child to form the correct sounds, so do not be lazy and pay attention to your child.

How to properly conduct speech therapy exercises

There are several important points:

  • conduct classes when the child is fed and calm;
  • motivate your child to take speech therapy exercises, explaining how important this is for his future;
  • allocate a place in the room specifically for studying;
  • purchase large mirror so that the child can control himself;
  • You shouldn’t do everything for the child, you can only suggest;
  • take breaks;
  • praise and give confidence.

The duration of speech therapy sessions should be no more than 30 minutes. The exercises should be repeated up to three times a week.

Speech therapy articulation exercise"Fence"

The child should smile widely, showing his teeth.

Let him hold this position for the maximum amount of time.

Speech therapy exercises “Little Chick”

The child should open his mouth as wide as possible, making a smile. You don't need to move your tongue, just stay in this position for a minute.

Exercise “Naughty Tongue”

It is necessary to open your mouth slightly and stick out your tongue, placing it on your lower lip. Next, say “Five-five-five”, slapping your tongue with your lips.

Speech therapy articulation lesson “Tube”

Exercise “Sweet jam”

Open your mouth and begin to slowly lick your upper and lower lips. Do this several times in a circle.

Lesson “Clean teeth”

It is necessary to apply the tongue to the teeth from the inside and make circular movements, starting from the upper jaw.

The lower jaw should remain motionless.

Speech therapy classes “Tick-tock”

Make a smile so that your teeth are half visible.

Stick out your tongue and start touching the corners of your mouth. When the child does these exercises, tell the child tick-tock, tick-tock.

Exercise "Snake"

Let the child open his mouth and stick out his tongue. The main thing here is to do this in such a way that the tongue does not touch the teeth and lips.

You need to move your tongue back and forth several times.

Articulation lesson “Nuts”

It is necessary that the child’s mouth is closed, and he rests his tongue first on the right cheek, then on the left.

Exercise "Goal"

Very suitable for those who love sports and football.

The idea is to place your tongue on your lower lip and blow out the cotton ball while making an “F” sound.

You can build a gate from markers or cubes. The main thing is not to puff out your cheeks.

Class " Angry kitty»

The child should open his mouth and place his tongue in such a position that it rests on the lower teeth.

You should try to lift your tongue up, arching the back of your tongue. This is how cats arch their back.

Speech therapy classes with tongue twisters

If you want your baby to learn to speak competently and clearly, use repetition of tongue twisters for this.

With their help you can:

  • increase vocabulary;
  • improve diction;
  • develop speech hearing.

In addition, your child will stop eating endings, learn to catch intonation and understand what he is saying. And most importantly, he will be able to listen.

Tongue twisters for clear letters "L":

  • Polkan pushed the stick with his paw, Polkan pushed the stick with his paw;
  • there are pinning needles at the Christmas tree, pinning needles at the Christmas tree;
  • The woodpecker was chiseling an oak tree, but didn’t finish it;
  • Klava put the onion on the shelf and called Nikolka over;
  • the cat rolled the ball of thread into the corner;
  • The cat lapped up the milk, and Vitya dipped the bun in the milk.

Speech therapy classes and tongue twisters for clear letters "R":

  • There are fish in the hole;
  • Peter Petrou baked pies;
  • Kondrat's jacket is a bit short;
  • In the meadow under the hill lies a cheese with a red rind, forty forty in short term ate cheese;
  • The road to the city is uphill, from the city - down the mountain;
  • Three trumpeters blow their trumpets.

Speech therapy exercises for letter clarity "Z, W, S, F":

  • 16 mice walked and 6 found pennies;
  • Buba the bunny has a toothache;
  • Sasha was given porridge, and Klasha was given yogurt;
  • Zoya's bunny's name is arrogant;
  • The snake was stung by a wasp, the hedgehog feels terribly sorry for him;
  • Stas walked down the street to Sasha’s place to play checkers;
  • Checkers on the table, cones on the pine tree;
  • Zoya was carrying a kid, a goat and a goat on a cart;
  • You can't run through a puddle on skis;
  • One day it rained twice;
  • 6 little mice are rustling in the reeds.

Do speech therapy exercises with your children and when they grow up, they will thank you very much!

Their future life depends on you, future profession and communication with people around you.

Every adult, and even a child, knows the benefits of morning exercises. Exercises help you wake up, stretch your muscles, increase their tone and tune in to the upcoming tasks. Muscles that are not given loads become sluggish, weak and can no longer work at full strength.

The above is true not only for the muscles of the body, but also for the muscles of the articulation or speech apparatus - any speech therapist in kindergarten will confirm this. The lips and tongue are controlled by many muscles, which ensure the normal pronunciation of sounds. Imperfect operation of any of them can lead to incorrect sound pronunciation. The mobility of the speech apparatus improves (develops) gradually. A 3-year-old child may not have access to some subtle and precise movements, but over time, the muscles begin to work better and better, and allow the organs of articulation to pronounce the most complex sounds.

In order to clarify, develop and improve the basic movements of the speech organs, it is recommended to carry out special speech gymnastics. It is also called “speech therapy exercise.” A children's speech therapist can begin to conduct it with the youngest children.

Speech therapy exercises are carried out under the following rules:

  • It is ideal to do gymnastics every day so that the motor skills developed in children are consolidated and become stronger.
  • Speech therapy exercises must take place in front of a mirror. The child must see his organs of articulation and be able to compare movements with those shown by an adult. Moreover, you don’t have to tell the baby that this is an activity. You can do exercises after washing and brushing your teeth - there is a mirror in the bathroom, and you can always find a few minutes for 3-4 exercises.
  • While you are learning exercises with your child, do not offer him too many tasks. It is better to pay attention to the quality of what is being performed - you need to linger in each position for a few seconds (so that the muscles remember), you need to make sure that the exercise is performed completely (for example, when licking your lips, so that your tongue passes from one corner of your mouth to the other in a circle, without missing anything) .
  • Start with more simple exercises, gradually moving on to complex ones.
  • Gymnastics should be done in good mood, emotionally, in a playful way.

Work on the exercises proceeds in a certain sequence:

  1. talk about the upcoming exercise, look at the pictures;
  2. showing the exercise;
  3. performing the exercise by an adult and a child;
  4. checking for correct execution and pointing out errors.

A pediatric speech therapist or the parents themselves may see that at the beginning of work, some muscles will be too tense, as if made of stone, while others will be too weak. In some children, these two features may be present simultaneously. Very often, children from great diligence strain their hands, shoulders, and neck, which interferes with the correct execution of exercises. In this case, you need to lightly shake your hands and squash your shoulders to relieve excess tension.

There are quite a lot of exercises for developing the muscles of the speech apparatus; their names may differ slightly in different publications. Sometimes parents are asked to tell their child a short poem for each exercise, this makes the exercise more fun and memorable. As a rule, articulatory gymnastics includes exercises for the development of all muscle groups of the speech apparatus.

Such regular classes in kindergarten or performing such exercises at home very often allows you not to contact a children's speech therapist in the future to correct sound pronunciation, since exercise prepares the articulatory apparatus for normal pronunciation of sounds.

All exercises can be divided into:

  • static - lips or tongue take a certain position and “freeze” for a few seconds;
  • dynamic - lips or tongue perform any movements (back and forth, side to side, up and down, etc.)

Speech therapy exercises for lips:


You need to stretch your closed lips into a smile. The teeth are not visible. Tension should be felt in the corners of the mouth.

Our lips smiled
Very, very stretched.

  • TUBE

We pull our lips together into a tube forward. The lips are not rounded, but closed.

Lips stretched into a tube,
It was like we were blowing trumpets.


This exercise is an alternation of exercises. You need to hold your lips in each position for a few seconds.

A smile and a pipe.
They stretched out into a pipe.


The teeth are closed, the lips are stretched in a smile so as to expose the teeth.

The tongue decided to run away -
We need to clench our teeth tightly.

Speech therapy exercises for the tongue:


The mouth is open, relaxed, the wide tongue lies on the lower lip. There is no need to stick out your tongue too much. Place the very tip on the lip. If the tongue “does not want” to relax and lie still, you can spank it with your upper lip, saying “five-five-five.” Or lightly tap with a teaspoon (ice cream stick) - the tongue will relax.

Our tongue lies wide, like a spatula.
He dozes sweetly, lies down - and there is silence.


The mouth is open, the tongue is narrow, tense, sharp, like a needle, extended forward. It's like he wants to stab someone.

Our tongue is sharp,
It's like a needle.


This speech therapy exercise consists of alternating exercises. The tongue changes position without hiding in the mouth. The mouth is open.

Wide and sharp, like a needle.
I slept and tensed up - well, just like an arrow.


The mouth is slightly open, the lips are slightly stretched in a smile. The tip of the narrow tongue alternately touches one or the other corner of the mouth. The exercise is carried out under the words “tick” - to one corner, “tak” - to the other. Do not allow the child to perform this exercise quickly, without a command - in each corner you need to hold your tongue for a few moments. There is no need to run your tongue over your lips. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move - only the tongue works. To do this, ask the child to open his mouth more.

The clock goes tick-tock
The tongue can do this.


The mouth is wide open. With a tense tongue, we reach for the upper lip (nose), then to the chin, sticking out the tongue as much as possible. If the exercise does not work, you can first reach for the upper teeth, then the lower ones. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move - only the tongue works. To do this, ask the child to open his mouth more.

We sat on the swing
Up and down we flew.

  • JAM

Ask your child what kind of jam (or anything else tasty) he “will eat”? After this, the child imitates chewing movements. The adult says that the baby’s lips are stained with jam and need to be licked. The mouth is open, movements along the lips, starting from one corner - lick the lower lip to the other corner and return to the beginning of the exercises on the upper lip. We make sure that the lips do not connect and the movements are not too fast.

We ate jam - now our lips are sweet,
We'll lick our lips and everything will be fine.


The mouth is open, we make movements from side to side inside lower teeth between the fangs, as if brushing teeth. Then we repeat the same exercises with upper teeth. We make sure that the jaw does not move.

We always need to brush our teeth
So that food doesn't hide there.


The mouth is closed, we move the tongue in a circle between the lips and teeth, as if we are “rolling” candy in the mouth.

We'll roll some candy
And she will completely melt.


The mouth is closed, the tongue rests on one cheek (the tongue looks like a round ball), then on the other. You can try as an adult to “catch” the ball and touch it with your finger - the child quickly presses his tongue against the other cheek.

The tongue plays football,
It presses hard on the cheek.


The mouth is open, we count the teeth, touching the teeth one by one, starting from the farthest tooth on one side of the lower jaw to the other. Then we repeat the same steps on the upper jaw. We make sure that the mouth does not close.

We count teeth
We step on each one.

  • CUP

Use your wide tongue to “hide” your upper lip. Then, opening your mouth and without lowering your tongue, we put it into your mouth. The tip and side edges are raised without touching the palate. Hold it, then lower it.

We raise our tongue
Pour compote into a cup.


Explain to your child what a painter is. Ask your child what color he will “paint the ceiling.” After this, we open our mouth wide, lift our tongue by the upper incisors (it turns into a brush) and begin to “paint” - move the tongue from the incisors deep into the mouth (the jaw does not move). Then we make the same movements from the soft palate to the incisors. We make sure that the ceiling is “painted” well.

We paint the ceiling in color,
There is no barrier to the tongue.


We suck the wide, outstretched tongue to the hard palate (ceiling) and tear it off with a sound similar to the clatter of a horse’s hooves. Repeat several times without stopping.

The tongue jumps briskly,
Like a horse - hop-hop.

Dear parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles! Don’t be lazy to do these simple exercises, and your baby will very soon delight you with clear and correct speech. Have fun. Good luck!