"Perspective". Another elementary school curriculum. Which elementary school program is considered the best

In December 2012, Russian legislation adopted the Federal Law. It is considered the main regulatory legal act in the field of education.

General education in Russia

Education in our country is aimed at personal development. And also in the learning process, the child must learn the basic knowledge, skills and abilities that will be useful to him in the future for adaptation among people and right choice professions.

steps general education:

  • preschool;
  • general primary (grades 1-4);
  • basic general (grades 5-9);
  • general secondary (grades 10-11).

Thus, it becomes clear that education in Russia is divided into 2 types:

  • preschool - children receive it in kindergartens and schools;
  • school - from grade 1 to grade 11, children study in educational institutions, schools, lyceums, gymnasiums.

Many children, coming to the 1st grade, begin to study according to the educational program "Perspective Primary School". Reviews about it are different, teachers and parents discuss the program in various forums.

The main provisions of the program include all the requirements of state standards for primary general education. The system-active approach to the development of the child's personality became the basis.

Promising Elementary School Program in Grade 1

Reviews of parents and teachers in elementary school about the program "Perspective" are diverse, but in order to understand its whole essence, you need to get to know it in more detail.

What the program is learning:

  • philology;
  • mathematics;
  • informatics;
  • Social Studies;
  • art;
  • music.

The child, studying the program, as a whole can form his own opinion about environment and get complete scientific picture peace.
The program "Perspective" has a number of textbooks. Among them:

  • Russian language - alphabet;
  • literary reading;
  • maths;
  • informatics and ICT;
  • the world;
  • foundations of religious cultures and secular ethics;
  • art;
  • music;
  • technology;
  • English language.

All textbooks included in the "Perspective Primary School" curriculum have been certified for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard. And they were recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science for use in teaching children in educational institutions.

The main objective of the entire program "Perspective Primary School" is the full development of the child based on the support of teachers individual features. At the same time, the program is designed to ensure that each student will be able to visit different roles. Thus, at one time he will be a student, at another - a teacher, and at certain moments - an organizer of the educational process.

Like any program, the "Promising elementary school"There are principles in teaching children. The main ones are:

  • the development of each individual child must be continuous;
  • in any situation, the child must formulate a holistic picture of the world;
  • the teacher must take into account the characteristics of each student;
  • the teacher protects and strengthens the physical and mental condition child;
  • a student for education should receive a good example.

Main properties of the program "Perspective"

  1. Completeness - at the time of learning, the child learns to find data from different sources. Such as a textbook, a reference book, the simplest equipment. Children develop skills business communication, since the program developed joint tasks, work in pairs, solving problems in small and large teams. The teacher, while explaining new material, uses several points of view on one task, this helps the child to consider the situation with different sides. The textbooks have the main characters that help children learn to perceive information while playing.
  2. Instrumentation - specially developed mechanisms for children that help to put into practice the acquired knowledge. It was made so that the child can outside help search necessary information not only in the textbook and dictionaries, but also beyond them, in various teaching aids.
  3. Interactivity - each textbook has its own Internet address, thanks to which the student can exchange letters with the heroes of the textbooks. This program is mainly used in schools where computers are widely used.
  4. Integration - the program is designed so that the student can get a general picture of the world. For example, in the classroom of the world around the child will be able to receive necessary knowledge from different areas. Such as natural science, social science, geography, astronomy, life safety. And also the child receives an integrated course at the lessons of literary reading, since there the teaching of language, literature and art is included in the basis of education.

The main features of the program "Perspective"

Designed for teachers teaching aids have become great helpers, as they have detailed lesson plans. Most parents and teachers are satisfied with the program.


  • in addition to textbooks for each subject, an anthology is attached, workbook, an additional teaching aid for the teacher;
  • The curriculum for students consists of two parts. In the first part, the teacher is offered theoretical classes, while the second part helps the teacher to build a lesson plan separately for each lesson. And also in the methodological manual there are answers to all the questions that are asked in the textbook.

It should be understood that education in primary school is a very important process in which the child builds the foundation for all subsequent education. The curriculum "Perspective elementary school", reviews confirm this, has a lot good points. The child is quite interested in getting new knowledge.

How do the authors see the future of their program?

When developing the program, the authors tried to bring into it all key points that will help the child later in life. After all, just in elementary school, children must learn to comprehend the correctness of their actions, to get a more complete picture of the world around them.

In our time, virtually all school programs are aimed at personal development. "Perspective" was no exception. Therefore, as teachers who have encountered work on this program say, there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is that the child is engaged not only at school, but also at home.

Is it worth it to study this system?

Whether or not to go to school with the Promising Primary School program is up to each parent to decide for themselves. In any case, the child must receive primary education.

Teachers try not to leave negative feedback about the Promising Elementary School program, as they will continue to work with it. But the opinions of parents are ambiguous, some like it, some do not.

What you need to know about the Perspective program:

  • the program is designed very close to traditional;
  • should help the child to become independent;
  • parents will not be able to relax, throughout the entire education the child will need their help.

A little about "Promising Primary School"

If a student is enrolled in an elementary school under the Perspective program, feedback for parents very often becomes a powerful argument to think about whether he will be able to understand all aspects of education.

The whole program is one big system related subroutines. At the same time, each discipline is a separate link and is responsible for a certain direction in activity. For many parents, reviews of the "Primary School Perspective" curriculum help to correctly assess their abilities and the abilities of their child.

  • the child must be ready to develop independently;
  • the child must comprehend and understand the basic values ​​in life;
  • It is necessary to motivate the child to learn and learn.

For many parents, these goals seem out of place and quite difficult for first graders. That is why reviews of the training program "Perspective" (elementary school) are far from unambiguous. Some people like textbooks and the material presented in them, some do not. But this is true for all tutorials. Each of them has its pros and cons, and the task of parents is to understand what is more.

If we consider the program1 "Perspective Primary School", Grade 1, the feedback from the authors will help to understand the principles on which the entire educational process is built. What are the creators hoping for?

  1. Personal development in this program is given the most attention. The child must understand which human values must be above all.
  2. Education of patriotism. From childhood, a child must be hardworking, respecting human rights and freedoms, showing love for others, nature, family, and the Motherland.
  3. Unification of cultural and educational process. Protection of national culture and understanding of the significance of all cultures, different nations for the entire state as a whole.
  4. Self-realization of personality. The child should be able to develop independently and participate in various creative tasks.
  5. Formation of the correct point of view and a general picture of the world.
  6. One of the main goals is to help the child learn to live in society with other people.

From the feedback on the "Primary School Perspective" program, you can understand how completely different children learn information and how adaptation takes place at school. It should be noted that this largely depends on the teacher (sometimes much more than on the program).

Achievements of schoolchildren

Primary school under the program "Perspective", reviews of employees of the Ministry of Education confirm this, contributes to the harmonious development of students.


  1. In meta-subject results - students quite easily cope with mastering
  2. In the subject results - children learn new knowledge and try to apply it based on the general picture of the world.
  3. Personal results - students easily study and find the necessary material on their own.

These are the main achievements aimed at by the elementary school with the "Perspective" program. Feedback on the project is more often positive, as parents notice changes in children in better side. Many become much more independent.

School program "Perspective elementary school": feedback from teachers

Despite the fact that the Perspektiva program appeared relatively recently, many teachers are already working on it.

It is very important for parents to have feedback on the program "Perspective Primary School" (Grade 1) from teachers. Since they work with her and know all the pitfalls that they will have to face.

With the advent of a large number of school programs for elementary school in the learning process, it is impossible to say unequivocally which one will be better. So in "Perspective" there are both minuses and pluses.

The pluses of the teacher include methodological aids for conducting lessons. They are divided into two parts, one of which contains theoretical material, the other - detailed plan conducting lessons according to the school program "Perspective elementary school".

Hello again! Tired of studying? Not confused in their names and authors? Can you take another one? I want to finally put an end to this issue, but not having completed the study in full, I am not ready to do so. So take heart: today we are discussing the training program Perspective.

Lesson plan:

Another traditional project

The "Perspective" set refers to traditional system education in elementary school, and it was developed in 2006 during the formation for the first stage of education.

The educational materials were prepared on the initiative of the author of the project, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Lyudmila Peterson, together with the Prosveshchenie publishing house. Scientists from academies of education and sciences, practicing teachers and methodologists took part in the "promising" project.

As it should be for any methodological kit used in the educational process at school, "Perspective" has everything you need in its composition:

  • alphabet for grade 1 L. Klemanova and the same author Russian;
  • mathematician G. Dorofeev;
  • literature by V. Goretsky;
  • computer science T. Rudnichenko;
  • "environment" by A. Pleshakov;
  • technology of N. Rogovtseva;
  • physical education at the choice of a teacher: either A. Matveeva, or I. Viner;
  • ART by T. Shpikalova;
  • music by E. Kritskaya;
  • fundamentals of religion and ethics in the areas of different cultures.

"Perspective" offers the study of as many as four foreign languages:

  • English in standard or advanced programs, as well as in the course "In Focus" or "Star";
  • Spanish and German according to the classical program;
  • French either at the rate "Your friend ..." or "In the future."

It should be noted that, like many other educational sets of school educational programs, in 2014 Perspektivny faced the problem of obtaining recommendations from the Ministry of Education. The textbooks on mathematics and religion were called into question.

As a result, the mathematical work of L. Peterson "Learning to learn" was replaced, and materials on the study of religions in grades 4-5 were finalized. UMC "Perspektiva" passed the necessary approvals in its entirety.

Long-term goals, or how and what the program teaches

As the basis of her educational project, Lyudmila Peterson took the system of the activity approach developed by her, for which she once received the award of the President of the Russian Federation. Wisely said.

In fact, everything is simple: this is another attempt to combine schooling the developing approach already familiar to us and the established classics through the universal skills to set goals, solve problems and be responsible for the results.

The task of such education at school is not to give ready-made information, but to teach the child to discover new knowledge on his own. “I hear - I forget, I see - I remember, I do - I assimilate” - this, I remember, we have already gone through.

As a result of this activity methodology, the Perspektiva educational kit has several directions around which the entire educational “perspective” process revolves:

All of the above areas of student development embodied the ideas of the authors in thematic educational materials: “My planet is the Earth”, “My country is my Fatherland”, “My family is my world”, “Nature and culture is the environment of our life”.

Pros and Cons of Perspective Learning

There are actually not so many reviews on "Perspective", but I noted for myself that there is not much categorical criticism, as in other educational programs, for example, in.

“... they didn’t like the copybooks: after writing from line to line, it is problematic for first-graders to subsequently decide in a notebook with the size of the letters: capital and capital letters are written the same way ...”,

"... mathematics first studies the multiplication table, without giving the concept of numbers up to 100 ...",

“... how to teach children to read and write if there are mistakes in the ABC?”,

“…exercises in textbooks do not correspond to the topics…”.

But the textbooks for the next grades 3 and 4 are quite suitable for teachers:

"... an interesting world around, but often the help of parents is required ...",

“... mathematics is designed for different children: it is interesting for weak and strong at the same time to work, problems are well presented, one topic involves solving them from 4 to 6 pieces per lesson, strong children can try their hand at solving Olympiad tasks ...”.

Parents' opinions are presented dryly and in a nutshell boil down to the fact that children in the 1st grade are given very little in writing, I would like more, and Dorofeev's mathematics is simple and boring for those who would like to master knowledge at a higher level.

Most of all, parents of schoolchildren are concerned about the continuity of the program during the transition to the secondary level, since it is designed only for primary school.

It was not so easy to express all the pros and cons. Those who want to be “promising” do it, it turns out, almost inaudibly. Such, let's say neutral program, not asking for compliments, but not subject to strong critical remarks.

Perhaps being a "gray cardinal" is not so bad as you think?

I hope that I have helped you a little to understand the complexity of the many educational programs for elementary education. I think this can be put to rest. I say goodbye to you, but not for long.

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

(The system of textbooks "Perspektiva" successfully passed the federal examination for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO 2009, received positive feedback from the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and the Russian Academy of Education (RAO).

All textbooks of the Perspektiva system are included in the Federal lists of textbooks recommended or approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the educational process in educational institutions for the 2013/2014 academic year.)

The EMC of the Perspektiva program was created on a conceptual basis that reflects modern achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy, while maintaining a close connection with the best traditions of classical school education in Russia. When creating the WMC, not only the modern requirements of society were taken into account, but also the cultural and historical perspective of its development. The Perspective program ensures the availability of knowledge and high-quality assimilation of the material, comprehensive development the personality of a younger student, taking into account his age characteristics, interests and needs. The educational and methodological complex of textbooks "Perspektiva" was created by a team of scientists and teachers of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Education, the Federal Institute for the Development of Education in close cooperation with the Prosveshchenie publishing house.

The uniqueness of the set for elementary school "Perspektiva" is that it was created in parallel with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education. The first textbooks study guides kit "Perspective" began to be produced in 2006. Scientists from the Russian Academy of Education, the Russian Academy of Sciences, methodologists and teachers take part in the work on the Perspektiva set together with the Prosveshchenie publishing house. The fundamental principles of the set are: humanistic, the principle of historicism, communicative and the principle of creative activity. Such a fundamental approach allows organizing the learning process, on the one hand, for the purpose of obtaining knowledge in accordance with the requirements of the new standard, on the other hand, as a means of forming universal learning skills and personal qualities, i.e. development and upbringing of the child.

ideological basis system of textbooks "Perspective" is"The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia", aimed at forming in the younger generation a system of values ​​of humanism, creation, self-development, morality as the basis for successful self-realization of a student in life and work and as a condition for the security and prosperity of the country.

The didactic basis of the system of textbooks "Perspective" is didactic system of the activity method (L.G. Peterson), synthesizing, on the basis of the methodological system-activity approach, non-conflicting ideas from modern concepts of developmental education from the standpoint of the continuity of scientific views with the traditional school (Conclusion of the Russian Academy of Education of July 14, 2006, Prize of the President of the Russian Federation area of ​​education for 2002).

The methodological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard is system-activity approach. It is the system-activity approach, which is the basis of the "Perspektiva" set, that makes it possible to orient the teacher towards the achievement of personal and meta-subject learning outcomes for younger students.

The achievement of these results is facilitated by the thematic unity of all the subject lines of the set, expressed in the following theses:

- "I am in the world and the world is in me": it is important that training contributes to the construction of the image of "I", which includes self-knowledge, self-development and self-esteem, the formation of a civic identity of the individual, the acceptance and understanding of moral and cultural values, the rules of interaction with the outside world.

- "I want to learn!": the child often asks the question “why?”, he is interested in knowing everything and about everything. Our task is to maintain this interest and at the same time teach the child to independently find answers, plan their activities and bring them to the end, evaluate the result, correct mistakes and set new goals.

- “I communicate, therefore I study”: The learning process is impossible without communication. It seems to us extremely important to build the learning process as an improvement of subject-subject and subject-object communication, that is, firstly, to teach the child to freely conduct a constructive dialogue, listen and hear the interlocutor, and secondly, to form an information culture - to find the necessary sources of knowledge learn to receive information from various sources, analyze it, and, of course, work with a book.

- "In a healthy body healthy mind!": here it is important to preserve the health of students in the learning process, and to teach children to take care of their own health, understanding that health is not only a physical, but also a spiritual value. In this regard, the concept of health includes not only the rules of hygiene and the rules of safe behavior, but also certain values: the ability to empathize, sympathize, take care of oneself, nature, people around, protect and honor what they have created.

The authors of the "Perspective" set reveal the stated theses through thematic areas: "My family - my world", "My country - my Fatherland", "Nature and culture - the environment of our life", "My planet - Earth", which integrate the educational material of different objects and allow the child to more effectively form a holistic picture of the world.

Another advantage of teaching according to the Perspektiva UMC is that the system for constructing educational material allows each student to maintain and develop interest in discovering and learning new things. In textbooks, tasks are offered in such a way that the cognitive activity, cognitive interest and curiosity of the child develop into a need to learn new things, to learn independently. The student at each lesson, as it were, reveals the content of future topics. Education is based on the dialectical principle, when the introduction of new concepts and ideas, initially presented in a visual-figurative form or in the form of a problem situation, precedes their subsequent detailed study. Each textbook is equipped with a system of tasks aimed at developing both the logical and figurative thinking of the child, his imagination, intuition. The textbooks systematically build theoretical material, to which practical, research and creative tasks are proposed, allowing to intensify the child's activity, apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities, and create conditions for the realization of the student's creative potential.

The next feature of EMC "Perspektiva" in the context of its compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard is a great opportunity for solving educational problems. Implementation of the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Education of the Personality of a Russian Citizen in the EMC is aimed at forming a valuable worldview, educating and establishing the moral position of the personality of a junior schoolchild. The teacher solves these tasks in the process of discussing a system of questions, problematic and practical situations, texts aimed at nurturing the kindest feelings, love and interest in his family, small and large Motherland, traditions and customs of the peoples living in Russia, their cultural and historical heritage.

The basis of the information and educational environment for elementary school are the completed subject lines of the system of textbooks "Perspektiva". Textbooks effectively complement workbooks and creative notebooks, dictionaries, books for reading, methodological recommendations for teachers, didactic materials, multimedia applications (DVD-video; DVDs with lesson scripts that implement the activity method of teaching; CD-ROMs; presentation materials for multimedia projectors; interactive whiteboard software, etc.), Internet support and other resources in all subject areas of the GEF curriculum (FSES, section III, p. 19.3.). All this allows organizing various types of students' activities, effectively using modern methods and technologies for organizing educational work.

One more hallmark The system of textbooks "Perspektiva", which provides him with the status of the core of the information and educational environment for elementary school, is a developed special navigation system that allows the student to navigate both within the TMC and go beyond it in search of other sources of information. Thus, the system of textbooks "Perspektiva" is integrated into a single ideological, didactic and methodological system that helps the teacher to meet the requirements of the modern educational process, determined by the Federal State Educational Standard.

For UMK "Perspektiva" a new methodological support has been developed - " Technological cards”, helping the teacher to implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in the educational process. "Technological maps" is a new methodological toolkit that provides the teacher with high-quality teaching of a new curriculum by moving from lesson planning to designing the study of a topic. The "Technological maps" define tasks, planned results (personal and meta-subject), indicate possible interdisciplinary connections, propose an algorithm for passing the topic and diagnostic work (intermediate and final) to determine the level of mastering the topic by students. The maps are posted on the website of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie" in the "Perspective" for teachers section. In addition, additional Internet resources have been developed for teachers and parents, including lesson development, articles and comments, advisory support for teachers and parents (psychologists, teachers, and authors answer questions from parents and teachers).

In order to ensure the effectiveness of the use of the system of textbooks "Perspektiva" in practical activities teachers, a multi-level system of advanced training for teachers of various categories (teachers of primary and secondary schools, educators of preschool educational institutions, directors, directors, methodologists, teachers of pedagogical colleges and pedagogical universities, psychologists, etc.) at the federal level (in the Center for Systemic-Activity Pedagogy "School 2000 ..." of the AIC and PPRO), and in the regions based on the principle of network interaction.

The created mechanisms for improving the quality of the work of teachers in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard on a unified ideological, didactic and methodological basis open up the prospect for a real transition of the school to the implementation of the new goals and values ​​of education and the construction of a single educational space for teaching, educating and protecting schoolchildren.

This issue is especially acute for parents of future first-graders. Everyone wants not to harm either the child or themselves. A survey of acquaintances and the study of sites begins in the hope of finding an answer to the question of interest.

Parents face a choice educational program.

But whatever the program, a lot depends on the teacher. primary school: teaching style, interest, responsibility, attitude towards children and work. It would probably be fair to say that in elementary school "you need to go to the teacher." So it’s worth learning more about the teachers who will recruit future first graders and.

Let's start by listing the existing programs for the 2017-2018 academic year in Russian schools:

It should also be noted that all curricula are developed in accordance with the CEO, which allows you to master necessary minimum knowledge (invariant part of textbooks) or admissible for inquisitive (variable part).

Let's analyze the pros and cons of each curriculum in elementary school:

OS "School 2100"

This program is continuous from kindergarten to 11th grade. Covers a large amount of material. The teacher directs and controls the search activity of students. The most difficult subjects are mathematics Kozlova S. A. and the world around Vakhrusheva A. A.
At the moment, the program is limited in the use of schools, since the textbooks were not included in the Federal List, that is, they did not pass the examination of the Ministry of Education.

Pros: students are trained to learn and acquire knowledge. They can easily find the information they need. They write a lot of essays and presentations, essays, have a broad outlook of knowledge.

Minuses: tasks are feasible for the development of students of secondary and high level, requires supervision and assistance from parents. Another disadvantage is that not all middle and high school teachers are ready to continue their education in the 5th grade.

The traditional program, according to which many studied in the Soviet period, and today it remains relevant, involves the cultivation of patriots who want to learn, study the country in which you live, love nature, respect other people.

Pros: tasks are feasible for the development of students of even a very weak level.

Minuses: few developing tasks for logic, thinking, expanding the horizons of children. Here everything will depend on the teacher who is ready to go beyond the program, select developing, logical tasks. The horizon of knowledge of students will be insufficient for successful education in the middle link.

The system of D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydov

Elkonin D. B. and Davydov V. V. are well-known psychologists, founders of the developmental education system. The program is complex, but “brilliant”, fundamentally different from other systems as a whole.

Students should be in constant search of information, develop theoretical thinking and imagination. It is assumed that students go to school not for grades, but for knowledge. For evaluation, an evaluation ruler or scale is used for students and the teacher. As a result, the child develops self-esteem, self-control and self-education. The methodology is also characterized by a minimum of homework.

Pros: children strive for knowledge, not marks, they are highly motivated, have deep knowledge, a desire for non-standard thinking. Lessons are interesting, games are often used. And again, it all depends on the teacher, who knows exactly what to do.

Minuses: difficult level subjects taught, it is difficult to adapt to a different teaching system in the changed conditions.

Zankov L.V. - psychologist, developer of a developmental training program. Education under this program takes place in a creative form, unconventionally, at a fast pace, information from the middle classes is offered for review. Much attention is paid to the development of logic, thinking, independent extraction of knowledge.

Pros: children consciously learn, have to argue and prove their point of view, work in groups is used. Training takes place by virtue of its capabilities, since the program does not intend to reach the maximum.

Minuses: required for admission to school good preparation, and upon admission to the middle link, continuation is necessary, otherwise everything is in vain.

And again the problem is the lack of “smart” teachers who are sick of Zank ideas.

EMC "Planet of Knowledge"

Development program creativity and thinking of primary school students. The teacher controls and helps to open the "planet of knowledge".

Pros: bright attractive textbooks, creative development of the child.

Minuses: when entering school, good preparation in counting and writing is necessary. Large amount of execution homework, as well as text errors in textbooks.

EMC "Perspective Primary School" or PNSh

Roza Churakova - head of the team of authors, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor at the Academy for Advanced Studies of Educators. "PNS" or Promising Primary School is a humanitarian program based on student-centered principles of the educational process.

Pros: textbooks grades 1-4 are based on life experience the child is taught to speak, read and observe.
At the end of elementary school, students move to the secondary level with a large store of knowledge prepared for further education. They independently search for information in different sources and use it, work with big amount dictionaries.

Minuses: program requires direct assistance parents and active participation. The course requires an experienced and trained teacher, with whom everything will be accessible and understandable.

EMC "Primary school of the XXI century"

One of the most widespread programs in Russia, awarded the Presidential Prize. Project Manager - Vinogradova N.F.

Pros: fully complies with the FGOS. Children show good result. Students learn self-control and self-esteem. Very strong textbook literary reading, well presented classics, text analysis.

Minuses: many parents, and even teachers, are strained by other spellings of letters in the 1st grade, the listing of words with a small letter; a kind of presentation of material in mathematics, different from other programs. The program is developing, like many others, requires the direct participation of parents and a skilled teacher.

UMK "Perspective"

The name of the program promises a lot. The main thing is to educate a spiritually developed personality, a citizen. The author of the project is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Peterson L.

Pros: teaches kids to keep up modern world, be prepared, defend your position.

Minuses: a large amount of information, requires the constant participation of parents.

Pros: a variety of educational material teaches students to independently search for correct solution, think logically, argue and discuss.

Minuses: requires good preparation for school, since in the future it implies close cooperation with parents, many topics are submitted for self-education.

  • first of all, parents of future first-graders need to focus on the level of development of their child;
  • take seriously the choice of a primary school teacher, because a competent, experienced teacher will make any program interesting and useful, and the child will definitely learn it;
  • it is also necessary to remember that the success of education depends not only on the teacher, but also on the desire of parents to participate in the life of the student himself, to spend their time and energy.


The main feature of the complex is that work on its creation was carried out in parallel with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES), the requirements of which have found their theoretical and practical implementation in the textbooks of the Perspektiva UMC.

The educational and methodological complex "Perspektiva" (series "Academic school textbook") was created on a conceptual basis that reflects modern achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy, while maintaining a close connection with the best traditions of classical school Russian education. UMK was developed within the walls of the Federal Institute for the Development of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The Institute is headed by the head of the Department of Personality Psychology of Moscow State University, Academician A.G. Asmolov, under whose leadership theoretical and methodological materials were developed, which are the backbone components of the Federal State Educational Standards and focused on the development of the personality of the student based on the assimilation of universal educational activities.

methodological basis new complex is system-activity approach. In this regard, in the textbooks of the Perspektiva EMC, tasks aimed at including children in activities are built into a system that allows you to build the learning process as a two-way one:

§ learning as a means formation of universal educational activities and personal qualities of younger students;

§ learning as a goal - obtaining knowledge in accordance with the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard.

EMC ensures the availability of knowledge and high-quality assimilation of program material, the comprehensive development of the individual elementary school student subject to age features, interests and needs. A special place in the UMC "Perspektiva" is given to the formation of spiritual and moral values , acquaintance with the cultural and historical heritage of the world and Russia, with the traditions and customs of the peoples inhabiting our homeland. The textbooks include tasks for independent, pair and group work, project activities, as well as materials that can be used in extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

The UMC uses one system navigation for teachers, students and parents, which helps to work with information, organize and structure educational material, plan the student's activities in the lesson, organize the implementation homework, forms the skill of independent work.

Educational and methodical set "Teaching literacy". 1 class. BUT second: L.F. Klimanov, S.G. Makeev. The literacy course is distinguished by a communicative-cognitive and spiritual-moral orientation. The main goal of the course is the active formation of all types speech activity: the ability to write, read, listen and speak, the development of speech thinking in first graders, the ability to communicate and understand themselves and others. The effectiveness of the new system is ensured by educational material selected in accordance with the level of development of the child's cognitive interests, game and entertaining exercises, structural-figurative models of words that are inscribed in various communicative speech situations. In this regard, the word is presented in a different way, namely, not only as a sound-letter complex, but as a unity of meaning, meaning and its sound-letter form. All the conditions for a differentiated approach to students with different levels of preparation for school have been created on the pages of the TMC "Teaching Literacy".

Educational and methodical set "Russian language". BUT second: L.F. Klimanov, S.G. Makeeva (Grade 1), L.F. Klimanov, T.V. Babushkina (grades 2-4). In EMC "Perspektiva" the system of teaching the Russian language is organically linked with literacy and has a common communicative-speech, cognitive and spiritual-moral orientation. Course features - holistic view of the language , which provides the study of the language system (its phonetic, lexical and grammatical aspects), speech activity and text as a speech work.

In this regard, language is seen as essential tool communication, cognition and influence, as a special sign system, where the sign is not a sound or a letter, but a word in the unity of its meaning and sound. The study of the word and the sentence as two-sided units of the language is carried out on structural-figurative models, in communicative speech situations and texts of various stylistic orientations, which significantly increases interest in language and speech, contributes to the conscious study of grammar and spelling. New A complex approach to language learning develops the functional literacy of students, increases the level of their general culture and creative activity, teaches children to communicate and better understand each other.

UMK "Literary reading". BUT second: L.F. Klimanov, L.A. Vinogradskaya, V.G. Goretsky. The main task of the EMC "Literary Reading" is formation of the personality of a younger student , acquaintance with the cultural and historical heritage and the formation of reading competence. For this, the textbook uses highly artistic texts, folklore works different peoples. The system of questions and tasks contributes to the formation of a culture of speech communication, the development of students' creative abilities, introduces them to spiritual and moral values, introduces them to ethical and aesthetic norms, develops figurative and logical thinking of students and forms an interest in art in younger students.

the work as the art of the word. Categories « Independent reading”, “Family Reading”, “Going to the Library”, “Our Theater”, “Reader - Educational”, “Little and Big Secrets of the Land of Literature”, “My Favorite Writers” offer various forms work with literary work systematize knowledge and enrich practical experience child, they present a system of working with a book both in the lesson and during extracurricular activities. Education of children is built on a communicative and activity basis.

UMK "Mathematics". BUT second: G.V. Dorofeev, T.N. Mirakova. "Teaching not only mathematics, but also mathematics" is the leading idea of ​​the TMC line in mathematics, aimed at strengthening the general cultural sound of mathematical education and increasing its significance for the formation of a child's personality. In this regard, the content of the material is focused on the formation in younger students of the ability to observe, compare, generalize, find the simplest patterns, which allows them to master heuristic methods of reasoning, their logic, develops divergence of thinking, as an essential component of mental activity, speech culture and allows you to expand your understanding of the world by means of mathematics. Importance is given to the development of numerical literacy of students, the formation of computational skills based on rational ways actions. The textbooks have the same structure and consist of 3 sections: numbers and actions with them, geometric figures and their properties, quantities and their measurement. Each textbook is equipped with a system of tasks aimed at developing figurative and logical thinking, spatial perception, imagination, intuition. The practical tasks proposed by the authors contribute to the formation of mathematical knowledge and skills, allowing them to be applied by students in various life situations and form a holistic picture of the world. Textbooks contain tasks of different levels of complexity, which allows the teacher to differentiate the learning process.

UMK "World around". BUT second: A.A. Pleshakov, M.Yu. Novitskaya.

The main idea of ​​the course is the idea of ​​the unity of the world of nature and the world of culture . The surrounding world is considered as a natural and cultural whole, man as a part of nature, the creator of culture and its product. The course reveals the structure of the concept of "world around" in the unity of its three components: nature, culture, man. These three components are consistently considered at different socio-cultural levels of society (family, school, small homeland, native country, etc.), due to which the main pedagogical approaches to the development of the subject are determined: communicative-activity, cultural-historical, spiritually-oriented. The content of the course "The World Around" contributes to effective construction extracurricular activities younger schoolchildren, including project work, work with families. In this regard, at the end of each topic in the program, a “Block of extra-curricular, out-of-school work” is proposed with an approximate topic that any teacher can transform, taking into account regional and local conditions in which the particular school is located.

UMK "Technology". BUT second: N.I. Rogovtseva, N.V. Bogdanova, N.V. Dobromyslova. The main objective of the subject "Technology" is to create conditions for students to gain experience in project activities from conception to product presentation. Younger students master the techniques of working with paper, plasticine and natural materials, constructor, learn properties various materials and rules for dealing with them. This approach creates conditions for the formation of regulative universal educational actions in junior schoolchildren, allows the formation of specific personal qualities(accuracy, attentiveness, willingness to help, etc.), communication skills (work in pairs, groups), the ability to work with information and learn basic computer skills. The material in the textbooks is built in the form of a journey that introduces students to human activities in different areas: Man and Earth, Man and water, Man and air, Man and information space. The textbook "Technology" introduced a sign system for assessing the quality and complexity of the product, which allows you to form the motivation for success and self-esteem of the student.

The teaching aids of the set are developed in accordance with the requirements of the standard of general education of the second generation and are focused on creating a holistic picture of the world for the child, the harmonious development of the personality of the younger student, taking into account his age characteristics, interests and needs.
The textbooks of the kit contain tasks of varying degrees of complexity, which gives the teacher a tool for implementing a differentiated approach to each student. All editions of Perspektiva use an intuitive navigation system that helps the child navigate educational material and creates conditions for the inclusion of parents in the learning process.
All textbooks of the set have passed the examination of the Russian Academy of Education and are included in federal list textbooks approved for use in educational institutions.

The teachers working on this EMC made the following conclusions:

1. For UMK "Perspektiva" methodological support "Technological maps" was developed, which are published on the website of the publisher. They clearly show how interdisciplinary connections are realized and metasubject skills are formed.

2. Textbooks of teaching materials form the interest of children in the history of their family, small and large Motherland, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia, cultural heritage, labor activity, etc. The textbooks include theoretical material, to which practical, research and creative tasks are proposed, which allow to activate the child's activity, allow applying the acquired knowledge in practical activities, and create conditions for the realization of the student's creative potential.

3. Each textbook is equipped with a system of tasks aimed at developing both logical and figurative thinking, imagination, intuition of the child, the formation of a value worldview and moral position of the individual.

4. Training in the "Perspective" package will allow each student to maintain self-respect and interest in learning and discovering something new. Cognitive activity and student initiative are welcome. In textbooks, assignments are presented in such a way as to enliven cognitive activity, curiosity and cognitive interest of the child. New system directs the activity of the child in the sphere of culture and free creativity.

Another advantage of EMC "Perspektiva" is that, studying according to this program, the student at each lesson discovers future learning topics for himself. Education is based on the dialectical principle, when the introduction of new concepts and ideas, initially presented in a visual-figurative form or in the form of a problem situation, precedes their detailed study.

5. An important condition The success of the implementation of the program "Perspective" is an individual approach to each student. Textbooks contain tasks of varying degrees of complexity, providing the opportunity to vary the tasks, taking into account the level of preparedness of the student. The choice of tasks that lie in the zone of proximal development of the child (i.e. tasks, the implementation of which involves joint work with the teacher and at the same time requires the mobilization of their own efforts, allowing the student to experience a sense of success and pride in their achievements), makes learning truly developing. Training in the zone of proximal development forms such personal qualities as purposefulness, perseverance, self-confidence, readiness to overcome difficulties.

6. The federal educational standard for elementary education does not imply an assessment of the personal results of a child's development. Under personal development refers to the creation of conditions for self-knowledge, moral and ethical development, self-esteem. In the textbooks of UMK "Perspektiva" much attention is paid to the moral and ethical formation of the personality. The textbooks on literary reading include works that allow one to comprehend spiritual and moral values, the content of the textbooks "The World Around" includes materials of a cultural nature, this approach makes it possible to acquaint students with the concepts of tradition, values, national characteristics. tolerance. As part of the subject "Technology", which is built on the basis of project activities, students get acquainted with folk crafts, professions and crafts, production cycles, which forms a positive attitude towards work and "working people".