Functions of the political system of society. Big encyclopedia of oil and gas

Thinking about the political realm public life, we usually imagine a set of certain phenomena, objects and actors associated with the concept of "politics". These are parties, the state, political norms, institutions (such as suffrage or monarchy), symbols (flag, coat of arms, anthem), values ​​of political culture, etc. All these structural elements politicians do not exist in isolation, independently of each other, but constitute system - a set, all parts of which are interconnected so that a change in at least one part leads to changes in the entire system. Elements political system ordered, interdependent and form a certain systemic integrity.

The political system can name an ordered set of norms, institutions, organizations, ideas, as well as relations and interactions between them, during which political power.

A complex of state and non-state institutions that carry out political functions, that is, activities related to the functioning of state power.

The concept of a political system is more capacious than the concept of " public administration”, since it covers all persons and all institutions participating in the political process, as well as informal and non-governmental factors and phenomena that affect the mechanism for identifying and posing problems, the development and implementation of solutions in the field of state-power relations. In the broadest interpretation, the concept of "political system" includes everything that is related to politics.

The political system is characterized:

  • , traditions and customs.

The political system carries out the following functions:

  • conversion, that is, the transformation of social demands into political decisions;
  • adaptation, that is, the adaptation of the political system to the changing conditions of social life;
  • mobilization of human and material resources (funds, voters, etc.) to achieve political goals.
  • protective function - protection of the socio-political system, its original basic values ​​and principles;
  • foreign policy - the establishment and development of mutually beneficial relations with other states;
  • consolidating - harmonization of collective interests and requirements of various social groups;
  • distribution - the creation and distribution of material and spiritual values;

Classification of political systems

There are various classifications of political systems.

Under political culture understand constituent part the spiritual culture of mankind, which includes a set of political knowledge, values ​​and behaviors, as well as the political language, symbols and traditions of statehood.

All elements of the political system, being in constant interaction, contribute to the performance of important social functions:

  • determination of perspective directions of social development;
  • optimization of society's movement towards its goals;
  • allocation of resources;
  • coordination of interests of various subjects; involvement of citizens in active participation in politics;
  • development of norms and rules of conduct for members of society;
  • control over the implementation of norms, laws and regulations;
  • ensuring stability and security in society.

The political system includes the following institutions:

  • and his ;
  • socio-political movements;
  • pressure groups, or .


In relation to the political system, parties are divided into systemic and non-systemic. Systemic form part of a given political system and act according to those rules, guided by its laws. The system party fights for power by legal methods, that is, accepted in this system, in elections. Non-system parties do not recognize this political system, fight for its change or elimination - as a rule, by force. They are usually illegal or semi-legal.

The role of the party in the political system determined by its authority and the trust of voters. It is the parties that formulate the one that the state implements when this party becomes the ruling one. In democratic systems, as a rule, there is a rotation of the party: they move from the ruling to the opposition, and from the opposition - back to the ruling. According to the number of parties, political systems are classified as follows: one-party - authoritarian or totalitarian; two-party; multi-party (the latter prevail). The Russian political system is multi-party.

Socio-political movements

Socio-political movements occupy an insignificant place in political systems. In terms of their goals, the movements are similar to political parties, but they do not have a charter and registered membership. In Russia socio-political movements are not allowed to participate in elections: they cannot nominate their own candidates for deputies; organization that aims political goals, but not numbering 50 thousand members, are transferred to public organizations.

Pressure groups or interest groups

Pressure groups, or interest groups - trade unions, industrial organizations, large monopolies(especially transnational), church, means mass media and other institutions - organizations that do not have the goal of coming to power. Their goal is to exert such pressure on the government that it satisfies their specific interest - for example, lower taxes.

All of the listed structural elements, state and non-state institutions act, as a rule, in accordance with certain political norms and traditions that have been developed as a result of extensive experience. , shall we say, should be an election, not a parody. For example, it is normal for each ballot to have at least two candidates. Among the political traditions, one can note the holding of rallies, demonstrations with political slogans, meetings of candidates and deputies with voters.

Means of political influence

State power is only the power of the state, but the power of the entire political system. Political power functions through a whole range of institutions and appears to be rather impersonal.

Means of political influence- is a set of political institutions, relationships and ideas that personifies a certain. The mechanism of such influence is the system of government, or the system of political authorities.

The functions of the system of political authorities are reactions to the influence of subjects entering this system: demands and support.

Requirements The most frequently encountered by representatives of the authorities are related to:

  • with the distribution of benefits (for example, demands regarding wages and working hours, improved transport);
  • ensuring public safety;
  • improvement of sanitary conditions, conditions of education, health care, etc.;
  • processes in the field of communication and information (information about policy goals and decisions made by rulers, demonstration of available resources, etc.).

Support community strengthens the position of officials and the system of government itself. It is grouped in the following areas:

  • material support (payment of taxes and other charges, provision of services to the system, such as volunteer work or military service);
  • compliance with laws and directives;
  • participation in political life (voting, demonstrations and other forms);
  • attention to official information, loyalty, respect for official symbols and ceremonies.

The response of the system of government to the impact of various actors is grouped into three main functions:

  • rule-making (development of laws that actually determine legal forms behavior individual groups and people in society)
  • enforcement of laws;
  • control over compliance with laws.

A more detailed list of the functions of a government system might look like this: distribution function it is expressed in the organization of the creation and distribution of material and spiritual values, honors, status positions in accordance with the "table of ranks" in a given political system. The foreign policy function implies the establishment and development of mutually beneficial relations with foreign organizations. The program-strategic function means the definition of goals, objectives, ways of development of society, the development of specific programs for its activities. The mobilization function implies the attraction and organization of human, material and other resources to perform various social tasks. The function of political socialization is the ideological integration of social groups and individuals into the political community, the formation of a collective political consciousness. The protective function is the protection of this form of political relations in the community, its original basic values ​​and principles, ensuring external and internal security.

Thus, in response to the influence of various political actors, the system of government brings about changes in the community and at the same time maintains stability in it. The ability to quickly and adequately respond to requirements, achieve goals, keep political relations within the recognized norms ensures the effectiveness of the government system.

Functions of the political system

In systems theory under function refers to any action aimed at maintaining the system in a stable state and ensuring its viability. Actions that contribute to the destruction of the organization and stability of the system are considered as dysfunction.

One of the generally accepted classifications of the functions of the political system was presented G. Almond and J. Powell. They singled out the importance of those functions, each of which satisfies a certain need of the system, and together they provide "preservation of the system through its change."

Preservation or maintenance existing model political system is carried out through functions political socialization.

Political socialization is the process of acquiring political knowledge, beliefs, feelings, values ​​inherent in the society in which a person lives. Familiarization of an individual with political values, adherence to the standards of political behavior accepted in society, loyalty to the institutions of power ensure the maintenance of the existing model of the political system. The stability of the political system is achieved if its functioning is based on principles that correspond to the political culture of the society.

The viability of the system is ensured by its ability to adapt to the environment, its capabilities. Function adaptation can be carried out with the help of political recruiting - training and selection of subjects of power (leaders, elites) capable of finding the most effective ways solutions to urgent problems and offer them to society.

Thanks to the function response the political system responds to impulses, signals coming from outside or from within it. Highly developed reactivity allows the system to quickly adapt to changing operating conditions. This is especially important when new demands of groups and parties appear, ignoring which can lead to the disintegration and disintegration of society.

The political system is able to respond effectively to emerging demands if it has the resources. It draws these resources from the internal or external economic, natural, etc. environment. This function is called extraction . The resources obtained must be distributed in such a way as to ensure the integration and agreement of the interests of various groups within society. Consequently, the distribution of goods, services and statuses by the political system is the content of its distributive (distributive) function.

The political system influences society through management, coordination of the behavior of individuals and groups. The managerial actions of the political system express the essence governing functions. It is implemented by introducing norms and rules on the basis of which individuals interact.

Types of political systems.

The typology of political systems is carried out on the basis of taking into account various features (reasons). One of the first classifications (typologies) comes from their relationship with the external environment. According to this criterion, political systems are divided into closed and open. Closed political systems have limited connections with the external environment, are immune to the values ​​of other systems, and are self-sufficient, i.e., development resources are found within such systems. open systems actively exchange resources with the outside world, successfully assimilate the advanced values ​​of other systems, are mobile and dynamic. Examples closed systems can serve former countries socialism (USSR, Hungary, Bulgaria, etc.). developed democratic states The West is an example of open political systems.

Quite common is the classification of political systems by political regime that is, on the basis of the nature and methods of interaction between power, personality and society. According to this criterion, totalitarian political systems, authoritarian and democratic. The totalitarian political system is characterized by the complete subordination of the individual and society to power, regulation and control over all spheres of people's lives by the state. An authoritarian political system is based on the unlimited power of one person or group of people, while maintaining certain economic, civil, and spiritual freedoms for citizens. A democratic political system presupposes the priority of individual rights, society's control over power.

French political scientist J.Blondel distinguishes between political systems content and forms of management. He identifies five of their main varieties: 1) liberal democracies, in which political decision-making is focused on the values ​​of individualism, freedom, property; 2) communist systems, or authoritarian-radical, oriented towards the values ​​of equality, social justice; 3) traditional political systems based on oligarchic forms of government and focused on the uneven distribution of economic resources and social statuses; four) populist political systems, prevailing in developing countries; they use authoritarian methods of government and strive for greater equality in the distribution of wealth; 5) authoritarian-conservative political systems, pursuing the goals of maintaining social and economic inequality, restrictions political participation population.

The classification of political systems can be based on class principle, that is, the interests of which class the political system expresses. Such a typology is characteristic of Marxism, which considered the political system as an instrument in the hands of the economically dominant class. On this basis, they distinguished slave, feudal, capitalist and communist (socialist) political systems.

G. Almond differentiated political systems type of political culture and separation of political roles between the participants in the political process. He singled out four types of political systems: Anglo-American, European-continental, pre-industrial and partly industrial, totalitarian.

For Anglo-American political system(USA, UK) is typical high degree division of political roles and functions between participants in the political process. Power and influence are distributed among various parts of the political system. The political system functions within the framework of a homogeneous culture focused on the protection of liberal values ​​generally recognized in society: freedom, security, property, etc.

European-continental political system(countries Western Europe) is distinguished by a split political culture, the presence within national cultures of opposite orientations, ideals, values ​​inherent in some class, ethnic group, group, party. Therefore, the division of political roles and functions does not occur on the scale of society, but within a class, group, party, etc. However, the presence of heterogeneous subcultures does not interfere with finding agreement in society, since there is a common cultural basis - liberal values.

Functions of political science

The structure of political science

Given the dependence on how the subject of political science is defined, its structure is also seen. Since we have defined political science as an integral science, its structure is usually understood as a combination of various sciences.

AT first group includes the sciences that directly study politics, namely:

Political philosophy;

The doctrine of political institutions;

Theory of international politics;

Political history.

In second group includes sciences engaged in the study of the interaction of politics with other areas. These frontier sciences include:

political sociology;

political psychology;

political anthropology;

Political geography, etc.

In political science, there are also two levels - the level of theoretical and the level of empirical research.

The division into these levels should be distinguished from the division into fundamental and applied political science. If the former is busy satisfying purely cognitive needs and is aimed at the development of science, then the latter decides practical matters– management of specific political conflicts, ensuring the election process, advising political authorities, etc. At the same time, fundamental political science may include empirical research, for example, the study of the political orientations of the population, and any applied political science research should be expressed in theoretical study, for example, in a generalized analysis of the prospects for the process of democratization in Russia.

Political science plays an important role in society. Its main functions are:

a) descriptive. Political science provides a ʼʼsetʼʼ of concepts with which you can describe the phenomena of political life;

b) explanatory. Political science shows what certain political phenomena are connected with, reveals their causes;

in) epistemological. Political science reveals the general and essential in political reality, reveals its patterns, creates theoretical models of politics in general and its components;

G) informational. Within the framework of political science, there is an accumulation of material about certain events of a political nature, for example, about the activities of certain political parties, statesmen. These data can be used in solving various theoretical and practical problems;

e) educational. Political science as an academic discipline provides knowledge about one of the important aspects of public life - about politics;

e) ideological and educational. Political science participates in the process of shaping the worldview of people, contributes to the formation of their value orientations, motives as internal motive forces of their activity;

and) critical. Political science contributes to the identification of shortcomings in the organization of political life, helps to eliminate the old, obsolete, interfering with the functioning and development of society;

h) protective. Political science, showing the pattern, the objective extreme importance of the existence of political institutions, the importance of observing the norms governing political life, the boundaries between the possible and the impossible, protects society from ill-conceived extremist actions that undermine the foundations of social order;

and) ideological. This function consists in substantiating and promoting political ideals, values ​​and goals, the implementation of which is in the interests of certain social communities;

to) predictive. One of the tasks of political science is to predict the future. This also applies to global processes in world politics, and to such particular issues as the probability of winning the elections to the authorities of one or another candidate;

l) projective. Political science is engaged in drawing up projects, plans for the creation, modernization of political institutions, organization of political life in general. All modern political systems existed in the beginning in the minds of political thinkers and only then were gradually translated into reality. The specialization of a number of political scientists is to be an ʼʼarchitect of politicsʼʼ;

m) instrumental and practical. Political science helps in solving practical problems: political scientists develop recommendations for holding elections to government bodies, offer possible options problem solving, advising politicians;

m) humanistic. Political science in general contributes to the solution social problems peaceful means, contributes to the orientation of politics to the service of the good of man.

Functions of political science - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Functions of political science" 2017, 2018.

  • - Functions of political science

    The purpose and role of political science are manifested primarily in the functions it performs. One of the most important functions of political science, like any other science, is cognitive. Political science at all levels of research provides, first of all, an increase ... .

  • - Functions of political science

    social role and the significance of political science is determined by the functions that it performs in relation to the needs of society. The most important functions of political science include, as a rule, methodological, cognitive, instrumental, prognostic and ... .

  • - The subject and functions of political science

    The term "political science" is formed from two Greek words: "politics" (state and public affairs) and "logos" (knowledge), on the basis of which the following definition can be given: political science is the science of politics, the political life of society. The object of research ... .

  • - Methods and functions of political science

    In the process scientific knowledge various methods are used. The method in translation from Greek means “the path of research, knowledge”, i.e. a form of practical and theoretical exploration of reality, a specific way of acquiring knowledge about politics. Methods... .

    The functions of political science (from lat. Function - I perform) of any science, including political science, are the solution of tasks and problems that are naturally characteristic of it. One of the most important functions of political science is cognitive (epistemological). In all their structural divisions political scientist gives ... .

  • - Functions of political science

    1. Theoretical-cognitive - an adequate reflection of political reality, the study of the world of real politics, the description and identification of its patterns, the analysis of the nature of power relations, the state, the formation of a complex of knowledge about political events and ....

  • - The subject and functions of political science

    Revisiting the definition of political science allows us to say that political science is the science of political interest; political subjects; political activity; political organizations; political culture and consciousness; political relations (i.e. science, about ... .

  • The concept of "political system" is voluminous in content. The political system can be defined as a set of political institutions, social structures, norms and values, their interactions, in which political power is exercised and political influence is exercised.

    The political system is a set of state, political and public organizations, forms and interaction between them, through which the implementation of generally significant interests is carried out using political power.

    Theory of the political system.

    Topic 5. The political system of society and the problem of power.

    1. Theory of the political system.

    2. Structure and functions of the political system.

    3. Types of political system.

    4. Political system of the Soviet type.

    The need for creation a holistic view of the processes in the political sphere, its relationship with the outside world, led to development of a systematic approach in political science.

    The term "political system" was introduced into political science in the 1950s and 1960s. 20th century American political scientist D. Easton, who created the theory of the political system. Then this theory was developed in the works of G. Almond, W. Mitchell, K. Deutsch. and others. This was due to the need to consider politics as a system. This concept was intended to reflect 2 points: 1) the integrity of politics as an independent sphere of society, representing a set of interacting elements (state parties, leaders, law ...); 2) the nature of the connection between politics and the external environment (economy, ..). The concept of a political system can help identify factors that ensure the stability and development of society, reveal the mechanism for coordinating the interests of various groups.

    Therefore, the political system includes not only political institutions involved in politics (state, parties, leaders, etc.), but also economic social, cultural institutions, traditions and values, norms that have political significance and influence the political process. The purpose of all these political and social institutions is to distribute resources (economy, currency, material, technological, etc.) and encourage the population to accept this distribution as mandatory for everyone.

    Previously, politics was limited to activities state structures, highlighting them as the main subjects of power relations. Up to a certain point, this explanation reflected reality. However, the development of civil society, the emergence of a free individual with his rights and freedoms led to the fact that the citizen began not only to obey, but also to influence the state through political organizations. Power has ceased to be a monopoly (prerogative) of the state, and power relations have become complex, because. non-governmental organizations began to participate in them. The complexity of power relations led to a revision of the institutional and behavioral approaches that prevailed at the time to explain politics. Politics had to decide more difficult task: the search for universal patterns and mechanisms that would provide society with stability and survival in an unfavorable external environment .

    Systems theory originated in biology in the 1920s.

    The concept of "system" was introduced into scientific circulation by a German biologist L. von Bertalanffy(1901-1972). He studied the cell as "a set of interdependent elements", i.e. as a system connected with the external environment. These elements are so interconnected that if you change even one element of the system, then all the others, the whole set, will also change. The system develops due to the fact that it responds to signals from the outside and to the requirements of its internal elements.

    The concept of "system" was transferred to the consideration of society T. Parsons. He political system considered as specific element of the social system. That. Talcott, Parsons sees society as social system, consisting of four subsystems that are in interaction - it is economic, political, social and spiritual. Each of the subsystems performs its functions, responds to the requirements that come from inside or outside, and together they ensure the vital activity of society as a whole. Determination of collective goals, mobilization of resources to achieve them, decision-making, constitute the functions political subsystem. Social subsystem ensures the maintenance of an established way of life, transfers to new members of society the norms, traditions, customs, values ​​(which constitute the motivational structure of the individual.) And, finally, the integration of society, the establishment and preservation of solidarity links between its elements is carried out spiritual subsystem.

    However, the model of T. Parsons is too abstract to explain all the processes in the political sphere; it does not include cases of conflicts and tensions. Nonetheless, theoretical model Parsons had a notable influence on research in sociology and political science.

    The theory of the political system of D. Easton. (systemic analysis)

    systems theory introduced to political science by an American political scientist D. Easton, who defined politics as "volitional distribution of values." ( Easton's main contribution to political science is the application of methods system analysis to the study of political systems, as well as with the study of the problems of political socialization). Consequently, politic system, by D. Easton set of political interactions in this society . Its main purpose consists in the distribution of resources and values. The systematic approach made it possible to more clearly define the place of politics in the life of society and to identify the mechanism of social changes in it.

    So with one side,politics favors as an independent sphere, the main purpose of which resource allocation , on the other hand, politics there is part of society, it must respond to impulses entering the system, prevent conflicts that arise over the distribution of values ​​between individuals and groups. That. a political system can exist, having the ability to respond to impulses coming from the external environment and adapt to external conditions of functioning.

    The mechanism of functioning of the political system.

    The exchange of resources and the interaction of the political system with the external environment is carried out according to the principle "input" and 'out».

    "Entrance" are ways

    the influence of the external environment on the political system.

    "Exit"- this is a response, (reverse effect) of the system on the external environment, acting in the form of decisions developed by the political system, its institutions.

    D. Easton distinguishes 2 input types: requirement and support . Requirement can be defined as an appeal to the authorities about the distribution of values ​​and resources in society. For example, workers' demands for an increase in the minimum wage. or teachers' demands for more funding for education. Demands tend to weaken the political system. They are the result of the authorities' inattention to the changing interests and needs of social groups.

    Support, on the contrary, means the strengthening of half the system, and is an expression of a devoted, benevolent attitude towards the regime. Proper payment of taxes, performance of military duty, respect for government institutions, devotion to the ruling leadership can be considered forms of showing support.

    As a result, the impact on "input" cause a reaction to 'out". On the 'out» appear political decisions and political action. They come in the form of new laws, political statements, court decisions, subsidies, and so on.

    (Consequently, the political system and the external environment are deeply interconnected).

    In turn, decisions and actions have an impact on the environment, as a result of which new requirements arise. " Entrance and exit"systems constantly influence each other. This continuous cycle is called "feedback loop" . In political life Feedback is of fundamental importance to check the correctness of the decisions made, their correction, elimination of errors, organization of support. Feedback is also important for possible reorientation, moving away from a given direction and choosing new goals and ways to achieve them.

    Politic system, ignoring feedback , is ineffective because it fails to assess the level of support, mobilize resources and organize collective action in accordance with societal goals. Eventually it turns around political crisis and loss of political stability.

    That. the political process shows how social demands arise, how they turn into universally significant problems, and then into the subject of political institutions aimed at shaping public policy, at the desired solution to problems. A systematic approach helps to understand the mechanism of formation of new political strategies, the role and interaction of various elements of the system in the political process.

    However, D. Easton focused on interacting with the environment and ignored internal structure half system to maintain balance in society.

    The theory of the political system G. Almond. (functional P.S. analysis)

    A different approach to the analysis of political interactions was proposed by an American political scientist G. Almond.(specialist in the field of general theoretical and comparative political science). He proceeded from the fact that the ability of the political system to carry out transformations and maintain stability depends on the functions and roles of political institutions. Almond spent comparative analysis various political systems, in order to identify the main functions that contributed to effective social development. Comparative analysis P.S. suggested a transition from studying formal institutions to the consideration of specific manifestations of political behavior. Based on this, G. Almond and G. Powell identified political system how set of roles and their interactions carried out not only by government institutions, but by all structures of society. The political system should perform three groups of functions: Functions of interaction with the external environment ;

    · Relationship functions within the political sphere;

    · Functions that ensure the preservation and adaptation of the system.

    Communicative theory of the political system by K. Deutsch.

    The transition of developed countries to information technology, introduction of computer technology, allowed to consider the political system how mechanical model. He was the first to liken the political system cybernetic machine American political scientist C. Deutsch(b. 1912). He considered the political system in the context of a "communication approach", in which politics was understood as a process of managing and coordinating the efforts of people to achieve their goals. Of particular importance in political communication is the exchange of information between the rulers and the ruled in order to achieve agreement. Therefore, the formulation of goals is carried out by the political system on the basis of information about the state of society and its relationship to these goals. The functioning of the political system depends on the quality and volume of information coming from the external environment, and information about its own movement. Political decisions are made on the basis of two streams of information.

    Model K. Deutsch draws attention to importance information in life half-oh and

    social system , but omits the value of other variables: half-I will, ideology, which can also influence the selection of information.

    The political system consists of subsystems that are interconnected with each other and ensure the functioning of public authority. Changing one leads to a change in the functioning of the entire system.

    institutional subsystem includes the state political parties, public organizations and movements, pressure groups, media, church, etc. The central place is given to the state, which represents the whole society. It has sovereignty within state borders and independence beyond them. (By concentrating the majority of resources in its own hands, by having a monopoly on legitimate violence, the state has great opportunities impact on various aspects of social life). The maturity of this subsystem determines the degree of specialization of the roles and functions of its structures. Thanks to specialization, this subsystem can quickly and efficiently respond to new needs and requirements of the population..

    Regulatory includes legal, political, moral standards, values, traditions, customs. Through them, the political system has a regulatory impact on the activities of institutions, citizens.

    functional - these are methods of political activity, means and ways of exercising power (consent, coercion, violence, authority, etc.). The predominance of certain methods (coercion or coordination) determines the nature of the relationship between power and civil society, ways of integrating and achieving integrity ..

    Communicative includes all forms of political interaction between the authorities, society, and the individual (press conferences, meetings with the population, television appearances, etc.). Communication system characterizes the openness of power, its ability to engage in dialogue, seek agreement, respond to the needs of various groups, exchange information with society.

    cultural includes a system of values, religion, mentality (a set of ideas about society, image, character and way of thinking). The higher the degree of cultural homogeneity, the higher the efficiency of half of the institutions.

    Functions of the political system.

    Interacting with each other, the subsystems ensure the vital activity of PS, contribute to the effective implementation of its functions in society. One of the most complete classifications P.S. functions given by G. Almond and D. Powell.

    . Function of political socialization.

    1. Regulating function. It is expressed in the regulation of the behavior of groups, individuals, communities on the basis of the introduction of political and legal norms, the observance of which is ensured by the executive and judicial authorities.

    2. Extraction function. Its essence lies in the ability of the system to draw from external and internal environment resources for its operation. Any system needs mothers, financial resources, political support.

    3. Distribution (distribution)function. P.S. distributes the received resources, statuses, privileges social institutions, individuals and groups to ensure integration within society. Thus, education, management, and the army require centralized financing. These funds are drawn from the external environment, for example, from the economic sphere, through taxes.

    4. Responsive function. It is expressed in the ability of the political system to be receptive to (impulses), the demands of various groups of the population. The quick response of the system determines its effectiveness.

    5. The function of political socialization. It means the process of assimilation by a person of half of the values, ideals, knowledge, feelings, experience, allowing him to fulfill various political roles.

    Distribution policy- this is a set of actions of an enterprise that ensures the physical delivery of goods to consumers, their sale and organization of sales. The objectives of the distribution policy are: Planning sales volumes in the markets; Formation of a sales network; Choice of channels, methods of distribution and intermediaries; Organization of warehousing and distribution; Service organization.

    The distributive policy instruments are: Distribution channels; Methods and forms of sale of goods; Intermediaries; corporate sales; Service; Sales logistics (warehousing and transportation). Efficient Management distribution network. The criteria for the effectiveness of the distribution policy are the speed of distribution, the level of distribution costs, sales volumes and profits, and the quality of customer service. Distribution channels - a set of intermediaries that are involved in bringing goods from the manufacturer to consumers. Channel characteristics are length and width. Length - the number of intermediate links between the enterprise and the consumer; width - the number of intermediaries at each level. Channel width - the number of intermediaries located at the same level of the distribution channel. Distribution - the process of serving target markets, ensuring delivery target consumers at the right time and in the right place.

    Organization of movement in a certain sequence of goods in the process of their sale.

    Distribution Marketing Solutions:

    1) Formation of distribution channels; 2) Selection of resellers and establishment of long-term and mutually beneficial partnerships with them; 3) Organization of new forms of product sales (direct marketing, franchising, leasing, e-commerce);

    The two main distribution functions are:

    Ensuring the availability of goods through the formation of distribution channels; - physical movement of goods (marketing logistics).

    Distribution channel - a set of intermediate links involved in the process of promoting goods in order to ensure their availability to the end consumer.

    Intermediate links: - simple intermediaries; - wholesalers; - retailers.

    Offer of goods to the final consumer: - in retail this is merchandising; - in licensed trade it is franchising; - in direct contacts with the consumer, this is direct marketing.

    You can also find information of interest in the scientific search engine Otvety.Online. Use the search form:

    More on the topic 25. Distribution policy of the enterprise.:

    1. 20. System of distribution relations. Social policy of the state
    2. Pricing policy of the enterprise: concept, tools, risks, types. The value of pricing policy for the enterprise.
    3. 28. Essence, tasks and functions of distribution (sales) logistics. Distribution logistics and marketing.
    4. 24. Concept and tasks of distribution logistics. Distribution logistics rules.
    5. The goals of the pricing policy of the enterprise and their reflection in the pricing policy.
    6. 13. Pricing policy of the enterprise. Stages of development and implementation of pricing policy.
    7. 24. The ratio of the accounting policy of the enterprise for the purposes of accounting and accounting policy for calculating income tax.