Each ad is in a separate Yandex direct group. How to create Yandex Direct ad groups

For each of your offers in Yandex.Direct, you can compose several promotional materials and automatically show the audience the most clickable of them. This will help you understand what materials work best to attract your target audience and thereby improve placement results.

Where to start and what to test

    Organize key phrases into thematic categories of your products or services. For example, if you sell bicycles, you can group your keyword sets into groups for offers such as: Mountain bikes, road bikes, kids bikes and bmx.

    For each phrase group, prepare a few ads that you would like to test.

You can test a variety of hypotheses. For example, talk about a discount and emphasize the temporary nature of the offer

or add an indication of specific models.

It is worth experimenting not only with texts, but also with illustrations.

Thus, you can conduct A/B testing in Yandex.Direct for almost any element of a contextual ad.

How is the experiment

At the beginning of the experiment, all ads in the group will be shown in rotation. As soon as sufficient statistics are accumulated on them, the system will automatically select the most clickable ad for each key phrase and start showing it more often. Ads that are ineffective, you can disable or edit at any time.

Here is an example of how CTR and impression share changed for two ads in a group that received premium impressions during a calendar month. The graphs show how a more clickable ad gradually starts showing more often, and at the same time, the overall CTR of the group grows.

This example is a good illustration of how ad groups work, but is not the only way to develop the experiment. Each case is different, and many factors affect the results of any test.\n

Note. When determining the ad with the best CTR, many various factors(user behavior, seasonality, time of day, etc.). Therefore, the number of impressions for each ad in a group cannot be the same.

Good day!

The subject of this article is a way to remove (disable) ads or key phrases and / from ad groups in Yandex Direct advertising campaigns.

In this article, we will focus on failed ads or groups of failed ads. Let's see what can be done with them, whether they can be improved or just get rid of them and turn off (stop) impressions to prevent high costs for contextual advertising:

First of all, I advise you to revise the key phrase, re-determine for yourself if this phrase has its place in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Maybe you have not processed it to the end and therefore you spend too much money on this phrase. After that, you should pay attention to the title and text of the ad, try to comply. Review also on which you show your ad, maybe you need to raise it a little, maybe you don’t have the right choice for this phrase. There can be many reasons, do not be lazy and check everything again.

But, if you still decide to delete (stop) an ad or a group in Yandex Direct, let's look at an example of how this can be done:

We find the button in front of the group number, I have this " 1 announcement” and press. A window appears where there is a direct button to disable (stop) this ad or group. Click and turn off impressions. Don't forget to save your changes. Great, the display of this ad or group has been completely stopped, rest assured it will no longer appear before our eyes in any network (On search, YAN, YAN Poster, etc.) and it will disappear from the menu item « Active».

We select the ad (group) that you don’t need, find the parameter “ Archive a group” and press. The ad will move to the menu item " Archive where it won't bother you.

This is most of all about deleting an entire ad group. Let's take a look at the question removing one or more keywords from a group . This is done very simply, we find the desired group, in the group we find the phrase you need, move the mouse cursor over it and click.

In the window that appears, we are given the opportunity to " Specify» key phrase or « Delete phrase". When refined, you will be able to see the forecast of impressions, as well as select negative keywords for which the ad will not be shown. Select the desired negative keywords while paying attention to changes in the forecast and click " OK". After that, for the changes to take effect, click on the yellow button at the bottom of the screen " Save ».

If you just need to remove the keyword from the ad group in Yandex Direct, repeat the steps -> move the cursor -> click and select " Delete phrase". Attention, the phrase can be restored if for some reason you did it by mistake, for this you just need to click on " Reestablish».

If you do not need to restore anything, again at the bottom of the screen -> yellow button -> " Save ».

And finally, if you need to delete several ad groups at once in the direct, check the boxes you need, at the bottom of the screen you will find a strip where you can set the action for the selected ads. As you guessed, click on " Stop”, and then you can send it to the archive.

In order to delete or archive an entire advertising campaign in Yandex Direct for reasons of its completion or other reasons, follow the appropriate links under the name of the campaign.

That's all for me, I hope my advice helped you solve your difficult tasks. Don't forget to share the article. Health to everyone!

Due to the increasing number of questions coming to my e-mail: [email protected] about the “correct” A / B testing, I decided to publish my opinion on this issue in the form of a separate post.

I must say right away that each directologist tests ads in different ways and it can take a very long time to argue about which method is the most “correct”.

If in Google Adwords the question of “correct” testing of ads is not raised at all - the system allows you to effectively test ads within ad groups without any problems, but in the case of Yandex.Direct, everything is not so simple.

Yes, Yandex.Direct also has ad groups. The trouble is that they work quite "crookedly". There is no even distribution of ad impressions, often an ad with a good CTR at the beginning simply “forces out” an ad for which there were no clicks at the start.

Unfortunately, Yandex does not understand that testing ads is a rather long process that takes days, weeks and sometimes even months. It is impossible to determine the leading ad after several hours of unrolling, because “at a distance” everything can change in the opposite way!

How to test ads on search in Yandex.Direct?

In order to exclude possible errors to a minimum, and ensure uniform unrolling ads participating in the A / B test, I will give a method that is the most convenient and effective for me.

It is called "chess" and its essence is as follows.

First, you need to create 2 identical campaigns with different testable elements.

That is, if you are testing text, create 2 identical campaigns, but make sure that ads in campaigns have different texts. At the same time, all other elements: headings, negative words, sitelinks and other “little things” should be absolutely identical.

Secondly, in the time targeting settings, distribute the impression time between campaigns by 2 hours for each.

That is, let's say, Campaign A is open from 8 to 10 am, Campaign B is from 10 to 12, Campaign A is from 12 to 14, Campaign B is from 14 to 16...

Thus, break up the impression intervals between campaigns for the whole week.

After 7 or 14 days (optimal), see the results. "Campaign leader", leave. Replace the “failed campaign” with another campaign with a different ad text, or start testing another element (quick links, headlines, some even test the favicon 🙂

Why not groups?

I repeat: groups in Yandex.Direct work extremely crookedly. Impressions are unevenly distributed, but what's worse is the ad that gets clicked first more, simply displaces an ad with a low CTR, although at a distance everything can change in the opposite way (and more than once).

Therefore, test ads on Yandex search I recommend the above method.

As already said, there are no problems with this. In Adwords, everything works smoothly - you can test any elements (including sitelinks and refiners) within ad groups, i.e. one campaign. Which is very convenient and pleasant.

How to test ads in YAN?

As for YAN, campaigns need to be tested here weekly.

That is, we create 2 identical campaigns with a different test element (ad text) and for 7-14 days we launch one campaign, then another.

At the end of 2 weeks (or a month), we look at the results.

Why is it not worth dividing YAN by hours?

Because frequent restarts of campaigns in YAN (every 2 hours) negatively affect the frequency of impressions (speed of unrolling) ads. And in order to avoid a possible decrease in audience coverage, I prefer to test my YAN campaigns in this way.

Case study: 2x (!) increase in reach due to ad text testing

By the way, I am currently working with a client who teaches trading and investing. After testing the texts of advertisements in YAN according to the described method, conversion has almost doubled. Coverage has more than doubled. Lead fell by 25%.

Result before testing (first half of September): conversion 11,11% , number of conversions 184 , lead price 123 rub.

Result after testing (second half of September): conversion 18,40% , number of conversions 403 , lead price 97 rub.


Yes, I myself, to be honest, was a little surprised 🙂

So the method is working - use it.

This part is a continuation of the previous article. Therefore, I recommend that you study the material from the first part and only then proceed to this post.

First, you need to assign the name of our future Yandex Direct ad group. In one such group, you can create and place 50 different advertisements.

For example, you can make one ad for search ads on regular computers, and another only for mobile devices. In general, now assign a name to the new group.

However, we do not use them, since one ad must be sharpened for one request. I recommend everyone to follow this rule. Especially for those who do not know how to use Yandex Direct.

This is a high frequency key that we can quote. We insert it into the main field. Please note how to add keywords.

Further, we will proceed from this basic phrase to create contextual advertising. That is, we have the main key query and now we need, guided by the rules for compiling an effective ad, add this query to the field “ header" and " ”.

Also note that it shows how many characters we can still use. Maximum length the Yandex Direct header is 33 characters long. And the number of characters in the ad should be no more than 75.

Name " Perforator buy“We can leave it like that. However, agree that it will look so ugly. So let's try to do it differently. For example, you can insert " Buy a perforator”.

In this case, both variants of the key phrase are present in the title. Let's look at good example ads. The phrases are in bold. In addition, the headings are well-formed.

Now let's try to complete our title. Again, look at the examples above. In the first case, we can specify a favorable price, which will give a high click-through rate on advertising.

In the second example, you can specify the region, which also fuels the interest of the user. For my example, I will orient a person to a share by value. In the end, my name will be like this “ Buy a perforator with a 15% discount!

So, we made the title. Now let's move on to the text of the ad. It is better to include in the description the same and additional incentives that were mentioned in the title. This is necessary so that advertising is not ambiguous.

If you mentioned some key in the title, then it should be in the description as well. If you have information about the discount in the title, then it should also be in the description.

As a result, the ad text will look like this: Hurry up to buy a puncher with a 15% discount until the end of June. 237 models. click”.

If, when compiling, you do not have enough characters, then you can replace some words with shorter synonyms. You can also remove spaces and punctuation in some places.

Now pay attention to the demo of our contextual advertising example. After I inserted the page address, a link in the form of a domain appeared in the ad generator.

This is useful when you have a long and ugly link. This url spoils all online advertising. Therefore, it must be shortened to the main domain. If you have a beautiful landing page, then paste it into the field " Display link«.

However, your URL must be no more than 20 characters long. Also, if the site domain has an SSL certificate, then do not forget to set it to https.

Now I will show you how to make quick links in Yandex.Direct. So, we press the button Add". Above is a demo view of the future announcement. We go down a little lower and fill in the anchor (link text) and the address itself on the page.

I want to warn you that three parameters are more significant here, without which the image will not appear in the ad:

  • The minimum CPC has been exceeded. Now she is 3 rubles.
  • Provided that the webmaster allows the display of images in the ad on the site.

For example, let's upload one image. However, first pay attention to the following requirements for Yandex Direct images:

  • Three main file formats are accepted: jpg, png, and gif;
  • With a standard aspect ratio (from 1:1 to 4:3), the image size should be within 450 - 5000 px on all sides;
  • For widescreen images (16:9), the size will be from 1080 x 607 to 5000 x 2812 px;
  • The file size must be less than 10 Mb.

So, after uploading a photo, we can adjust the display of the image and at the same time focus on demonstrating an example of a future ad. When everything is adjusted, do not forget to save the settings.

In principle, pictures have a good effect on clickability. Therefore, when compiling your ad, be sure to select only thematic images. It is desirable that they be brighter, juicier and alluring. This will greatly increase your click through rate.

Also pay attention to the image format. If you want to use standard and wide format photos, then you must have a separate ad for each option.

All this is done in the same group. Just create the same ad below (button "+Announcement"), but with a different image format. If you are doing contextual advertising for the mobile segment, then do not forget to check the box " Mobile ad«.

And we move on. The next item we will have is “ ". I will not repeat myself. I talked about this in the first step of setting up Direct. (link at the beginning of the post). Therefore, I will skip this moment and go further through the settings.

We have already filled in new key phrases. We have one main key. We do not add anything else to this field. So we keep Golden Rule – “One request - one ad.

Now let's move on to negative keywords. In principle, here in yandex ru direct you can also not add anything, since we added negative keywords in the first setup step. Therefore, this point is also skipped.

Don't set any retargeting conditions yet. I will talk about this in more detail in a separate article about the effectiveness of an advertising campaign using web analytics.

When talking about conversion, I will mention this point. Therefore, if anything, then subscribe to site updates so that you don’t miss anything later.

We also specified display regions in the first step. For me, this is Moscow and the region. Of course, you can check here. But I recommend setting this parameter right away at the first step in creating Yandex ads.