Strategic analysis of the internal and external environment of the enterprise on the example of JSC "Uralkali". Strategic analysis of the external and internal environment

Analysis of the internal state of the company allows you to ensure a balance of market demands and the real capabilities of the company itself, to obtain the necessary information for making informed management decisions and developing market strategies and policies. In strategic analysis, the entire internal environment of the organization, its individual subsystems and components are considered as a strategic resource for development. The main condition for the success of such an analysis is its consistency, multifactorial character, completeness and ultimate effectiveness.

Stages and tasks of the analysis of the internal environment of the company and its position on the market

Analysis phase

Main goals

1. Studying the strategic performance of the firm in dynamics

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the current strategy based on the analysis of indicators for a number of years: market share, sales volume, production costs, net profit, stock returns, etc.

2. Identification and assessment of key success factors (KFU) using SNW-analysis.

Analysis of KFU related to production, technology, personnel, marketing, products, management, etc.

3. Cost and value chain analysis

Estimation of the company's costs for all stages of production and sales of products that create value; comparing these costs with those of competitors.

4. Analysis of strategic potential using the matrix of strategic resources

Qualitative assessment of the possibility of achieving the company's strategic goals, taking into account the available strategic resources (financial, personnel, material, spatial, informational).

5. Assessment of competitive strength

The use of expert assessments of the competitive position of the firm by the main parameters in comparison with competitors.

Thus, the analysis of the internal environment comes down to identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the company, assessing the current state of the business, and identifying strategic problems. When developing a firm's strategy, it is necessary to use internal variables that can form the basis of competitive advantages, and take into account the possible Negative influence identified shortcomings and limitations that impede success.

3.2.4. Strategic analysis of the external environment.

The main purpose of the analysis external environment- to find out and understand the opportunities and threats that may arise for the enterprise in the future in order to correctly determine the strategic directions of its development.

The external environment is characterized by a huge number of variables that create uncertainty and instability in the strategic plan.

Opportunities are defined as positive trends and environmental phenomena that can increase sales and profits. Such opportunities, for example, are: the weakening of the positions of competitors, the growth of incomes of the population, the expansion of sales markets, a favorable state policy, etc.

Threats are negative tendencies and events that, in the absence of a corresponding reaction of an enterprise, can significantly weaken its competitive position. Threats include: tougher customs regulations, the emergence of a substitute product, increased competition, reduced purchasing power, etc.

According to the degree of impact on the processes occurring within the enterprise, two groups of external factors are distinguished:

    factors of indirect impact (macroenvironment)

    factors of direct influence (environment of the immediate environment) (fig.)

Various research tools and methods can be used to analyze the dynamism and complexity of the external business environment.

Stages and tasks of strategic analysis of the external environment

Analysis stages

Main goals

1. REST - analysis of the macroenvironment

Identification and assessment of the influence of the most significant factors of the macroenvironment (political and legal, economic, socio-cultural, technological) on the results of the current and future activities of the enterprise.

2. Conducting industry analysis (assessment of the main economic indicators of the industry)

Determining the attractiveness of the industry and its individual product markets, studying the structure and dynamics of the industry to develop a strategy for the company's behavior in the market (market size, stage life cycle, scale of competition, growth rates, degree of product differentiation, etc.).

3. Analysis of the competitive environment (according to the model of the five forces of competition)

Assessment of the intensity of the competitive struggle between sellers, the threat of the emergence of new competitors, the degree of influence of suppliers, the degree of influence of substitute products.

4. Identification of the driving forces of the industry (trends in the external environment)

Forecasting changes in the situation in the industry based on the study of the dynamics of the development of the driving forces of the market (for example: changes in the composition of consumers, renewal of innovation, globalization of industries, etc.)

5. Assessment of the competitive positions of firms in the industry (according to the model of strategic groups)

Positioning of firms in market segments, assessment of positions and reasons.

6. Analysis of competitors' strategies and types of competitive behavior.

Studying the actions of competitors, their strengths and weaknesses in order to anticipate future behavior.

7. Assessment of the prospects for the development of the industry, its attractiveness.

Identifying and analyzing the factors that make an industry attractive or unattractive.

8. SWOT analysis

A comprehensive final assessment of the firm's internal strengths and weaknesses, external threats and opportunities.

SWOT analysis is one of the most common and available methods for the final assessment of a firm's environment.

The name of the SWOT method is an abbreviation of the English words: Strengts (strength), Weaknesses (weakness), Opportunities (opportunities), Threats (threats). Strong and weak sides characterize the internal situation in the company, and the opportunities and threats - the external environment.

There are various forms of presenting the results of a SWOT analysis. Most often, to establish connections between different environments, the classic version of the SWOT matrix is ​​used (Fig ...)



field: strength and possibilities

field: strength and threats

The act of using other parties to capitalize on opportunities

Strategic decisions to use company power to eliminate threats

Weak sides

field: weakness and opportunities

field: weakness and threats

Strategic actions to seize opportunities to overcome existing weaknesses

Developing strategic approaches that allow both to get rid of weakness and to prevent the threat looming over the company.

Rice. SWOT analysis matrix.

When developing strategies using the results of the SWOT matrix, it should be remembered that opportunities and threats can turn into their opposite. For example, an untapped opportunity can become a threat if a competitor exploits it. Or, conversely, a successfully prevented threat can open up additional opportunities for an organization if competitors have not been able to eliminate the same threat.

Introduction 3

1. Missions and goals of the organization 6

1.1 Objectives of the organization 6

1.2 Missions of the enterprise 6

1.3 Mission selection 7

1.4 Description of objectives 7

2. Analysis of the external and internal environment of the organization 9

2.1 Assessment and analysis of the external environment 9

2.2 Management survey of internal strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise 10

2.2.1 Marketing 10

2.2.2 Finance / Accounting 11

2.2.3 Operations 11

2.2.4 Human resources 12

3. Strategic planning 13

4. Analysis of alternatives and the choice of strategy for the development of the enterprise 20

4.1 Strategic segmentation of the external environment 22

4.2 Concept of the basic strategy 25

4.3 Methods for fine-tuning the strategy.

Determining the position of the organization in the market 27

Conclusion 40

List of used literature 41


The importance of a strategy to enable a firm to compete in the long term has grown dramatically in recent decades. Acceleration of changes in the environment, the emergence of new demands and changes in the position of the consumer, the emergence of new business opportunities, the development of information networks, wide availability modern technologies, the change in the role of human resources, and other reasons have led to an increase in the importance of formulating an organization's development strategy.

The word "strategy" is of Greek origin and means "the art of deploying troops in battle" or "the art of the general." This military term is widely used by specialists, management theory and practice. In management, strategy is viewed as a long-term, qualitatively defined direction of the organization's development, relating to the scope, means and forms of its activities, the system of relationships within the organization, as well as the organization's position to the environment, leading the organization to its goals. A strategy is a set of rules that guide an organization in making management decisions to ensure that the organization's mission and business goals are achieved.

Strategy is a detailed, comprehensive comprehensive plan designed to ensure that the organization's mission and objectives are achieved. First of all, the strategy is mostly formulated and developed by senior management, but its implementation involves the participation of all levels of management. The strategic plan must be supported by extensive research and evidence. To compete effectively in today's business world, an enterprise must constantly collect and analyze a huge amount of information about the industry, competition and other factors.

The strategic plan gives the enterprise certainty, individuality, which allows it to attract certain types of workers, and, at the same time, not to attract workers of other types. This plan opens up a perspective for the business that guides its employees, brings in new employees, and helps sell products or services.

Finally, strategic plans must be designed to not only remain consistent over long periods of time, but also be flexible enough to be modified and reoriented as needed. The overall strategic plan should be seen as the program that guides the firm's activities over an extended period of time, realizing that a conflicting and constantly changing business and social environment makes constant adjustments inevitable.

There is no one strategy for all organizations. Each organization is unique in its own way, therefore, the process of developing a strategy for each organization is different, because depends on the position of the organization in the market, the dynamics of its development, its potential, the behavior of competitors, the characteristics of the goods it produces or services rendered, the state of the economy, the cultural environment, etc.

The essence strategic management lies in the fact that in the organization, there is a well-organized integrated strategic planning to ensure the development of a long-term strategy to achieve the company's goals and the creation of management mechanisms for the implementation of this strategy through a system of plans.

Structurally, the work can be represented in two parts. The first part contains theoretical aspects of the organization's development strategy. The following issues are considered: strategic management of the organization, strategic planning and the concept of multi-level development of the organization.

The second part examines the development strategy of the organization, its goals and objectives, the functions performed by it, the potential that this organization has to solve the tasks assigned to it.

1. Mission and goals of the organization

1.1 Objectives of the organization (enterprise)

The first and perhaps the most significant planning decision will be the choice of the goals of the enterprise. It should be emphasized here that those enterprises that, due to their size, feel the need for tiered systems also need several broadly stated goals, as well as more specific goals related to the overall goals of the organization.

2.2 Mission of the enterprise

The main overall goal of the enterprise - the clearly expressed reason for its existence - is designated as its mission. Objectives are developed to fulfill this mission.

The mission statement details the status of the enterprise and provides direction and guidance for setting goals and strategies at various organizational levels. The mission statement of the enterprise should contain the following:

1. The task of the enterprise in terms of its main services or products, its main markets and main technologies

2. The external environment in relation to the firm, which determines the working principles of the enterprise

3. The culture of the organization. What type of working climate exists within the enterprise?

2.3 Mission selection

“Some leaders never care about choosing and articulating a mission for their organization. Often this mission seems obvious to them. If you ask a typical small business representative what his mission is, the answer is likely to be: "Of course, to make a profit." But if you think carefully about this issue, then, the discrepancy between the choice of profit as a common mission becomes clear, although, undoubtedly, it is an essential goal. "

Profit is an entirely internal enterprise problem. Since the organization is open system, she can survive, in the final analysis, only if she satisfies some need that is outside of herself. To earn the profit it needs to survive, the firm must monitor the environment in which it operates. Therefore, it is in the environment that management seeks the overall purpose of the organization. The need for mission choices was recognized by eminent leaders long before systems theory was developed. Henry Ford, an executive with a deep understanding of the value of profit, defined Ford's mission as providing people with cheap transportation.

The choice of an organization's narrow mission, such as profit, limits management's ability to explore feasible alternatives when making a decision. As a result, key factors may not be considered and subsequent decisions could lead to a low level of organizational performance.

2.4 Target characteristics

Overall production goals are formulated and established based on the overall mission of the enterprise and specific values ​​and goals that top management is guided by. To truly contribute to the success of an enterprise, goals must have a number of characteristics:

Specific and measurable goals;

Time orientation of goals;

Achievable goals.

2. Analysis of the external and internal environment of the organization

1.1 Assessment and analysis of the external environment

Once their mission and goals have been established, management should begin the diagnostic phase of the process. strategic planning... The first step is to study the external environment. Leaders assess the external environment on three dimensions:

1. Assess changes that affect different aspects of the current strategy.

2. Determine what factors pose a threat to the current strategy of the firm.

3. Determine which factors represent more opportunities for achieving general corporate goals by adjusting the plan.

Environmental analysis is the process by which strategic planners monitor factors external to the enterprise in order to identify opportunities and threats to the firm. Analysis of the external environment helps to obtain important results. It gives an organization time to anticipate opportunities, time to plan for potential threats, and time to develop strategies that can turn old threats into any profitable opportunity.

In terms of assessing these threats and opportunities, the role of environmental analysis in the strategic planning process is essentially in answering three specific questions:

1. Where is the enterprise located now?

2. Where does senior management think the company should be in the future?

3. What should the management do to move the enterprise from the position in which it is now to the position where the management wants to see it?

2.2 Management survey of internal strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise

The next challenge faced by management will be determining whether the enterprise has internal strength. The process by which an internal problem is diagnosed is called a management survey.

Management survey is a methodical assessment of the functional areas of the enterprise, designed to identify its strengths and weaknesses.

2.2.1 Marketing.

When examining the function of marketing, seven general areas for analysis and research deserve attention:

1. Market share and competitiveness;

2. Variety and quality of the range of products;

3. Market demographic statistics;

4. Market research and development;

5. Pre-sales and after-sales customer service;

7. Profits.

2.2.2 Finance / Accounting

Analysis financial condition can benefit the organization and contribute to the effectiveness of the strategic planning process. A detailed analysis of the financial condition can reveal the existing and potential internal weaknesses in the organization, as well as the relative position of the organization in comparison with its competitors. Examining financial performance can open up areas of internal strengths and weaknesses for management in the long run.

2.2.3 Operations

Continuous review of operations management is essential to the long-term survival of an enterprise. Here are some of the key questions that need to be answered as you survey the strengths and weaknesses of Operations Management.

1. Can we produce our products or services at a lower price than our competitors? If not, why not?

2. What access do we have to new materials? Are we dependent on a single supplier or a limited number of suppliers?

2.2.4 Human resources

The roots of most problems in organizations can ultimately be found in people. If an organization has qualified employees and leaders with well-motivated goals, it is able to pursue various alternative strategies.

3. Strategic planning

In strategic management and planning, an important place is given to the analysis of the organization's prospects, the task of which is to clarify those trends, hazards, opportunities, as well as individual emergencies that can change the prevailing trends. This analysis is complemented by an analysis of competitive positions.

Planning is of increasing interest to developing firms that face difficulties in implementing fundamentally new strategies.

Strategic planning is a set of actions and decisions taken by management that lead to the development of specific strategies designed to help an organization achieve its goals. Strategic planning consists mainly in defining the main goals of the firm's activities and is focused on determining the intended end results, taking into account the means and ways to achieve the goals and provide the necessary resources. At the same time, new opportunities for the company are also developed, for example, the expansion of production capacity through the construction of new enterprises or the acquisition of equipment, a change in the profile of the enterprise or a radical change in technology. Strategic planning covers a period of 10-15 years, has long-term consequences, affects the functioning of the entire management system and is based on huge resources. For comparison, current planning consists in defining intermediate goals on the way to achieving strategic goals and objectives. At the same time, the means and methods of solving problems, the use of resources, the introduction of new technology are being developed in detail. Strategic planning aims to provide a comprehensive scientific rationale problems that the company may face in the coming period, and on this basis to develop indicators for the development of the company for the planning period. The development of a strategic plan is based on:

· Analysis of the prospects for the development of the company, the task of which is to clarify trends and factors affecting development;

· Relevant trends;

· Analysis of positions in the competition, the task of which is to determine how competitive the company's products are in different markets and what the company can do to improve performance in specific areas if it follows optimal strategies in all types of activities;

The choice of strategy based on the analysis of the prospects for the development of the company in different types activities and prioritization of specific activities in terms of their effectiveness and resource availability;

· Analysis of directions for diversification of types of activities and determination of expected results.

“American firms usually use two types of planning: long-term, or strategic, planning and annual financial planning". Strategic planning is carried out, as a rule, by a small group of specialists under the top management of the firm and focuses on the development of long-term decisions taken by the firm on the basis of economic analysis market situation. Due to the complexity of this process, it uses planning tools such as econometric forecasts or models developed by appropriate experts. The primary object of analysis for strategic planning is the strategic center of management, uniting several production departments of the company, acting on the market as an independent economic unit - the center of profit. Strategic planning aims to give a reasonable assessment of future profitability, and on this basis decisions are made about the termination of a particular type of business activity of the company (closure or sale of individual enterprises) or introduction into new areas of business activity.

In my opinion, many of the mistakes of Russian firms, many of their failures, and failures, lie precisely in the fact that the top management of these firms does not understand and does not want to understand the advantages of using planning and, in particular, strategic planning.

Let us turn to an examination of the organizational behavior of commercial and non-profit organizations. This is necessary because there is a close relationship between styles of organizational behavior and types of management.

For-profit and non-profit organizations exhibit a wide variety of behavioral styles, but they are all derived from two typical opposing styles - incremental (incremental) and entrepreneurial.

Incremental style behavior of the organization, as the name itself shows, is characterized by setting goals "from achieved", aimed at minimizing deviations from traditional behavior both within the organization and in its relationship with the environment. Organizations that adhere to this style of behavior seek to avoid change, limit it and minimize it. In incremental behavior, action is taken when the need for change has become urgent. The search for alternative solutions is carried out sequentially and the first satisfactory solution is made. This behavior is practiced by the majority of successfully working for a long time commercial organizations and virtually all non-profit organizations in the field of education, health care, religion, etc. Many commercial organizations adhering to the incremental style, at the same time strive for the efficiency of their activities, to ensure rational use resources, while non-profit organizations tend to bureaucratize, to maintain a certain status quo.

Entrepreneurial style behavior is characterized by the desire for change, to anticipate future dangers and new opportunities. A wide search for management solutions is underway, when numerous alternatives are developed and the optimal one is selected from them. An entrepreneurial organization strives for an unbroken chain of change as it sees its future performance and success in it.

Business and nonprofit organizations are far less likely to engage in entrepreneurial behaviors than incremental ones. Non-profit organizations use an entrepreneurial style only in the early stages of their development, when they define the scope of their tasks, form the organizational structure, i.e. during the period when they form their social significance. At the next stage, they usually move on to incremental behavior. Entrepreneurial behavior is more often followed by private commercial organizations, the performance of which is directly related to market tests. Private business organizations are constantly pursuing an entrepreneurial search for growth opportunities through change.

Organizations adhering to different styles behaviors differ significantly in their characteristics. For example, a firm adhering to an incremental style of behavior sees its goal in optimizing profitability, its organizational structure is relatively stable, work is carried out in accordance with the course of the technological process of processing resources, economies of scale are considered the main factor of effective activity, and its types themselves are weakly linked between themselves, management decisions represent the organization's reaction to the problems that have arisen with a lag in relation to the moment of their appearance. The same characteristics in an organization adhering to an entrepreneurial style of behavior look different: the goal is to optimize the potential for profitability, the organizational structure is flexible, changing adequately to the conditions of the environment, management decisions are made through an active search for opportunities by anticipating problems. Other organizational characteristics also differ significantly.

The experience of reorganizing the management systems of commercial organizations shows that the transition from one style of behavior to another is associated with profound changes, requires a lot of time and money, and is psychologically extremely difficult for people, since it requires a redistribution of power. In turn, the redistribution of power in an organization is associated with the need to restructure its organizational structure, change official functions, redistribute rights and responsibilities to make decisions between different levels of the management hierarchy. Attempts to combine both behaviors in one organization lead to tensions within it and to conflict situations... Obviously, in each specific case, it is necessary to solve the problem, which type of behavior should be preferred.

Strategic planning is a systematic approach to entrepreneurial behavior, and modern interpretation it presents incremental behavior as conservative and entrepreneurial as aggressive, growth-oriented. At the same time, incremental behavior is more organic and natural for large organizations. For example, if a large, multi-sectoral organization with incremental behavior has been successfully operating for a number of years, then it is highly likely that its leadership will prefer the same style of organizational behavior in the future. Leaders can change only if the organization is faced with insurmountable environmental challenges, and these challenges will force them to seek new ways to maintain the firm's effectiveness.

An organization's potential and strategic capabilities are determined by its architectonics and the quality of its staff.

For example, the architectonics of an organization can be:

· Technology, production equipment, facilities, their capacities and capabilities;

· Equipment, its capabilities and capacities for processing and transmission of information;

· Structure of power, distribution of official functions and powers to make decisions;

· Organizational tasks of individual groups and individuals;

· internal systems and procedures;

· Organizational culture, norms and values ​​that underlie organizational behavior.

The quality of personnel is determined by:

· Attitude to change;

· Professional qualifications and skills in design, market analysis, etc .;

The ability to solve problems related to strategic action:

The ability to resolve issues related to organizational changes:

· Motivation for participation in strategic activities.

Not having enough complete information about the quality of personnel, management cannot make the right choice of the firm's strategy.

Thus, strategic management activities are aimed at providing a strategic position that will ensure the long-term viability of the organization in a changing environment. In a commercial organization, the strategic leader provides ongoing profitability potential. Its tasks are to identify the need and carry out strategic changes in the organization; create an organizational structure conducive to strategic change.

The management system of a commercial organization includes two complementary types of management activities - strategic management, associated with the development of the organization's future potential, and operational management, realizing the existing potential for profit. Strategic management requires entrepreneurial organizational behavior, and operational management operates on the basis of incremental behavior. V recent times organizations to a greater extent feel the need to simultaneously use both types of behavior, for which they need to create such a structure of their architectonics that would allow them to successfully develop both entrepreneurial and incremental types of organizational behavior.

The strategic management system consists of two complementary subsystems: analysis and planning of the organization's strategy, as well as the management of strategic problems in real time. The management of the strategic capabilities of the organization, for all its relevance, should be considered as a transitional form of strategic management.

4. Analysis of alternatives and choice of strategy

After analyzing external threats and new opportunities, aligning the internal structure with them, the organization's management can begin to choose a strategy. The choice of strategy is central to strategic management.

“The process of choosing a strategy consists of the stages of development, refinement and analysis (evaluation). In practice, these steps are difficult to separate, as they represent different levels of a single analysis process. " However, different methods are used.

At the first stage, strategies are created to achieve the set goals. Here it is important to develop as many alternative strategies as possible, to involve not only top managers, but also middle managers in this work. This will significantly expand the choice and allow you not to miss out on the potentially best option.

At the second stage, the strategies are refined to the level of adequacy to the development goals of the organization in all their diversity and a general strategy is formed.

On the third, alternatives are analyzed within the framework of the overall selected overall strategy firm and are evaluated according to the degree of suitability to achieve its main objectives. At this stage, the general strategy is filled with specific content, private strategies are developed for individual functional areas of the organization.

The choice of strategy is influenced by numerous and varied factors:

1. The type of business and the specifics of the industry in which the organization operates.

First of all, it takes into account the level of competition from organizations that produce the same or replace it with the same markets.

2. The state of the external environment.

Is it stable or subject to frequent changes? How predictable are these changes?

3. The nature of the goals that the organization sets itself; the values ​​that guide top managers or owners of the organization when making decisions.

4. Level of risk.

Risk is a real factor in the life of an organization. Too high a level of risk can lead to the collapse of the organization. Therefore, management is always faced with the question - what level of risk for the organization is acceptable?

5. Internal structure organization, its strengths and weaknesses.

Strong functional areas of the organization facilitate the successful exploitation of emerging new opportunities. Weaknesses require constant attention from management when choosing a strategy, its implementation in order to avoid potential threats and successfully compete with other organizations.

6. Experience with past strategies.

This factor is associated with the "human factor", with the psychology of people. It can be both positive and negative. Often, leaders are consciously or intuitively influenced by the experience of implementing the strategies chosen by the organization in the past. Experience allows, on the one hand, to avoid repeating past mistakes, and on the other, it limits the choice.

7. The time factor.

This factor plays an important role in making management decisions. It can contribute to the success or failure of an organization. Even the best strategy, new technology, or new product will not succeed if it is put on the market at the wrong time. And this can lead the organization to large losses or even bankruptcy.

The multifactorial nature of the choice of strategy largely predetermines the need to develop several strategic alternatives, from which the final choice is made.

Strategic alternatives - a set of various private strategies that allow you to achieve strategic goals organizations, in all their diversity, within the framework of the chosen basic strategy and restrictions on the use of available resources. Each strategic alternative provides the organization with different opportunities and is characterized by different costs and benefits.

4.1 Strategic segmentation of the external environment

The first step in developing strategic alternatives and analyzing them is strategic segmentation.

SZH (strategic business unit - SBU) is a grouping of business zones based on the allocation of some strategically important elements common to all zones. Such elements may include an overlapping range of competitors, relatively close strategic goals, the ability to share strategic planning, common key success factors, and technological capabilities. The pioneer in the application of the concepts of SZH in business is the General Electric Company.

“The management value of the SZH concept is that it enables diversified companies to rationalize the organization of diverse business areas. SZHs also help reduce the complexity of preparing a corporate strategy and the interaction of a firm's areas of business in various industries. ”

SZH can be considered as a separate segment of the market environment, to which the company has or wants to have access.

The initial analysis of the strategy consists in the selection of zones, their study out of connection with the existing structure and set of products. Such an analysis allows one to assess the prospects that open up in a given zone to any competitor in terms of development, profit margins, stability and technology, and this allows us to decide how the organization is going to compete in a given zone with other firms. After selecting a SZH, the organization must develop an appropriate product range with which it intends to enter the market in this area.

Segmentation of the external environment of the organization in determining the SZH is difficult task... Many managers and professionals have to change their views on the prospects for the development of the organization, as they are accustomed to viewing the external environment from the standpoint of a traditional set of products produced over the years. The market forces us to consider the external environment as a sphere of the birth of new needs, as a sphere of tough competition. Another reason for the complexity of segmentation is that SZH is described by many variables, including such parameters as: prospects for growth and profitability, the expected level of volatility, the main factors of successful competition, etc. All of them are difficult to predict. To accept rational decision on the choice of SZH and the allocation of resources between them, managers must enumerate a large number of combinations of parameters in the segmentation process.

The analysis of the parameters themselves is also a difficult task. So, for example, growth prospects should be assessed not only by the growth rate of the industry, but also by the characteristics of the demand life cycle. If a study of the life cycle of demand for a firm's products reveals that it is at a saturation stage or a stage of slow growth, then the organization's management should think about developing new products, upgrading manufactured products or changing the SZH in order to maintain the desired growth rates.

The expected level of volatility can reach the point where the outlook can change. Thus, economic instability, high inflation rates and an unfavorable taxation system make the prospects for capital investment in industrial production vague and uncertain.

Strategic segmentation of the external environment is not limited to the selection of only the relevant market segments. In the past 20 years, the struggle for sources of resources, primarily raw materials, has intensified in the world. The successful development of an organization in the future depends not only on the availability of sales markets, but also on the ability to provide itself with the necessary resources in enough and of proper quality.

Another element of the strategic segmentation of the external environment of organizations is the allocation of groups of strategic influence. This includes various government institutions, societies, trade unions, customer associations, etc. This also includes the owners of large blocks of shares, former directors of the company. Groups of strategic influence have a strong influence on managerial decision-making, and the nature of this influence is relatively stable and cannot be taken into account when choosing the goals and development strategy of the organization.

4.2 Basic strategy concept

The choice of strategy is central to strategic planning. Often, an organization chooses a strategy from several options. So, if an organization wants to increase its market share, it must achieve its goal in several ways: lower prices for products, sell goods through more stores, introduce a new model to the market, create a more attractive image of the product through advertising, etc. Each path opens up different possibilities. For example, price policy easy to implement and flexible, but also easily copied by competitors, and a strategy based on a new technology is difficult to copy, but is more costly and less flexible, etc. Thus, the organization may be faced with a large number of possible alternative strategies.

All the variety of strategies that commercial and non-profit organizations demonstrate in real life are various modifications of several basic strategies, each of them is effective under certain conditions and the state of the internal and external environment, so it is important to analyze the reasons, so the organization chooses one and not another strategy.

There are four basic strategies:

Limited growth. This strategy is used by most organizations in established industries with stable technology. With a limited growth strategy, development goals are set “from what has been achieved” and are adjusted for changing conditions (for example, inflation). If the management is mostly satisfied with the position of the firm, then, obviously, in the long term it will adhere to the same strategy, since this is the easiest and least risky course of action.

Height... This strategy is most often applied in fast growing industries with rapidly changing technology. It is characterized by the establishment of a significant annual excess of the level of development over the level of the previous year. This strategy is pursued by organizations seeking to diversify in order to get out of dying markets.

Downsizing, or a last resort strategy. This is the least frequently chosen strategy by organizations. It is characterized by setting goals below the level achieved in the past. A reduction strategy is used when the organization's performance indicators acquire a steady downward trend and no measures change this trend.

Combined strategy. This strategy is any combination of the considered alternatives - limited growth, growth and contraction. The combined strategy is usually followed by large organizations that are active in several industries. So, an organization can sell or liquidate one of its industries and in return acquire one or several others. In this case, there will be a combination of two basic alternative strategies - reduction and growth.

For example, the management of JSC "Moscow Metallurgical Plant" in the process of modernization and restructuring of the organizational structure of management decided to liquidate the open-hearth steel-making shop and a number of other obsolete production facilities. At the same time, significant funds are attracted for the construction of a large modern electric steel-making production and the expansion of the section rolling shop.

Each of the above strategies is a basic strategy, which in turn has many alternatives. Thus, a growth strategy can be implemented by acquiring another firm (external growth) or by significantly expanding the range of products (internal growth). The reduction strategy has alternatives: liquidation is the most radical option when the organization ceases to exist;

clipping, in which the firm liquidates or re-profits its ineffective divisions.

Basic strategies serve as options for the overall strategy of the organization, filled with specific content in the process of fine-tuning. The strategy is checked for compliance with the goals of the organization, compared with the corresponding stages of the life cycle of a product, demand or technology, strategic tasks are formulated that will have to be solved in the process of achieving goals, deadlines for solving problems are set (in stages), and the required resources are determined.

4.3 Methods for fine-tuning the strategy. Position determination

organizations in the market

The next stage of strategy development is to fine-tune the overall strategy to the level of its adequacy to the organization's development goals. “Methods of debugging can be very diverse. To do this, use the goals and objectives of development, all types of strategic information; portfolio matrices that allow you to clarify the position of the organization in the market. Often strategy refinement is carried out using the concept of the life cycle of the product (demand), which allows you to link the development strategy with the structure of the product's life cycle. " If an organization wants to choose a growth strategy, and its product is at the stage of saturation of its life cycle, followed by a stage of recession, then it is obvious that the company should not associate its growth prospects with this product, but should take care of developing a new product or modernizing an old one. ...

The culmination of the choice of strategy is the analysis and assessment alternative options. The objective of the assessment is to select a strategy that will maximize the organization's performance in the future.

The strategic choice should be based on a clear concept of the organization's development, and the formulation itself should be unambiguous and clear, since the chosen strategy for a long time limits the freedom of action of the management and has a deep influence on all decisions it makes. Therefore, the chosen alternative is carefully researched and evaluated. Numerous factors must be taken into account: risk, experience of past strategies, influence of stockholders, time factor, etc.

The timing aspect of the strategy

The time factor in strategic management is taken into account: when determining the planning horizon; the time required to develop a strategy; adaptation of the organization to the new strategy and its reaction to changes in the external environment; the period when it is advisable for an organization to show (publish) its strategy, etc. But the time factor has a particularly strong influence on the choice of strategy through the life cycles of demand, product, technology or the organization as a whole.

The life cycle (LC) concept is described by a growth curve called the “life cycle curve” of demand, product and technology.

The product life cycle is a concept that describes the sale of a product, profits, customers, competitors and development strategy from the moment a product enters the market until it is removed from the market.

At the inception stage, the main task of the organization is to create a clientele, and this depends on the novelty, originality of the product and on the willingness of the buyer to purchase it. At this stage, one or two organizations enter the market and competition will be weak. The organization incurs increased costs associated with product development, production organization and marketing. The share of profit per unit of production is low.

At the stage of rapid growth, the goal is to strengthen the firm's position and expand sales.

As a rule, it is easier to increase the number of sales by releasing modifications to popular products than by creating a new product. Therefore, the number of offered product modifications with a certain range of prices is growing rapidly. Advertising is persuasive. Several more firms enter the market and competition intensifies. Despite the fact that revenues are growing, the organization incurs increased costs associated with the increase in production volume.

During the stage of slow growth, the goal of an organization is to maintain a leading position or strengthen its position. New firms enter the market, which still has significant potential, and the competition reaches its highest intensity. The first signs of saturation appear and supply begins to outstrip demand.

At the saturation stage, the goal of an organization with a leading market position (a large market share compared to its leading competitors) is to maintain that position as long as possible. The firm is making significant profits, although unit revenue is somewhat reduced due to periodic incentive discounts, sales, etc. Manufacturing and marketing costs are stabilized, and the firm is using reminiscent advertising. It strives to maintain its sales volume by releasing new product modifications, improving packaging and service, maintaining its distinctive advantages. At this stage, firms begin to leave the stabilized market.

During the recession stage, the organization has three alternatives, each of which has its own strategy of behavior:

1. Discontinue the product and leave the market.

2. Limit marketing efforts by gradually decreasing sales and production volumes, and reducing the number of sales personnel. At the same time, in the long term - leaving the market.

3. Try to revitalize the product by changing its packaging and position on the market, marketing it in a new way, finding a functional area of ​​application or special markets.

It is generally accepted that it is impossible to form the life cycle of a product in a planned manner, since it is formed under the influence of factors uncontrolled by the organization. Actually, the concept of the life cycle was originally based on this. But this is not entirely true, the organization has some opportunities to form the life cycle of the product in a planned manner.

In order to maintain the position of this product in the saturated market, the organization undertook modifications, thereby maintaining the volume of sales for some time. This, of course, significantly increased the flow of funds from its implementation. A company can do this several times if this brand of product is popular with customers.

Boston Advisory Group Matrix

The matrix proposed by the Boston Advisory Group (BCG), shown in Fig. 1 is a convenient way to compare the various SZHs in which a firm operates.

BCG suggested using a single indicator to determine the prospects - the growth in demand. It sets the vertical size of the matrix. Horizontal size is the ratio of the firm's market share to its leading competitor's market share. According to BCG, this ratio determines the relative competitive position of the firm in the future.

For each SZH, an assessment of future growth rates is made, market shares are calculated and the data obtained is entered into the corresponding cells. For convenience, each SZH can be depicted as a circle, the diameter of which will be proportional to the expected demand. The shaded segment inside the circle denotes the market share that the firm intends to capture. Alongside, you can write additional information: the expected share of this SZH in the sales volume and the sum of the company's profits. You will get a scatter chart that will allow you to get a fairly complete picture of the business of the company.

The BCG diagram offers the following set of decisions about the future activities of the firm in the appropriate economic zones:

· To protect and strengthen "stars";

• if possible, get rid of "dogs" if there is no compelling reason to keep them;

· For "cash cows" it is necessary to tightly control capital investments and transfer surplus cash proceeds under the control of the top management of the company;

· "Wild cats" are subject to special study in order to establish whether they will not be able to turn into "stars" with a certain investment.

The dotted line shows that "wild cats" can become "stars", and "stars" in the future, with the advent of inevitable maturity, will turn into "dogs". The solid line shows the reallocation of funds from cash cows.

Thus, the matrix helps to perform two functions: making decisions about the intended market positions and the distribution of strategic funds between SZH in the future. The practice of using the BCG matrix has shown that it is very useful when choosing between different economic zones, determining strategic positions, as well as for allocating strategic resources. for the near future... But experience has also shown that the BCG matrix is ​​applicable only under very specific conditions.

1. Further perspectives of all SZHs, developed by the firm, should be commensurate using the indicator of growth rates. This is true for those cases when it can be expected that a given SZH will remain in the same phase of the life cycle for the foreseeable future, and the expected level of instability is low, in other words, the growth process will not be distorted due to some unforeseen processes. But in the case when a change in the phases of the life cycle and (or) significant destabilization of conditions is expected in the foreseeable future, measuring the prospects using only the growth indicator gives results that are not only inaccurate, but also dangerous.

2. Within a given SZH, the development of competition should proceed in such a way that to determine the strength of the firm's position as a competitor, one indicator is sufficient - the relative market share. This is true if the technology is stable, demand grows faster than supply, and competition is not too fierce. But when these conditions are absent, successful competition should be conducted based not on market share, but mainly on other factors. A practical example is the loss of market dominance by General Motors as a result of the switch to small car technology.

The conclusion drawn from the above remarks is that before looking at the BCG matrix, it is important to ensure that business growth can be a reliable measure of prospects and that a firm's relative position in competition can be determined by its market share. If these conditions are met, then the Boston Matrix is ​​good for its simplicity and is convenient as a tool for analyzing the set of activities that a firm has at its disposal.

If the prospects and conditions of competition are more complex, then the two-dimensional matrix must be complemented by more sophisticated assessment tools. Growth rates should be replaced by the concept of attractiveness of SZH, and instead of relative market share, the concept of future competitive positions of the firm will have to be used.

Assessment of the attractiveness of SZH

1) The assessment begins with a global forecast of economic, social, political, technological conditions for those SZHs that are of interest to the company.

2) The second step is to analyze the impact of critical trends and random events on the respective SBA. The result is an assessment of the measure of instability in this zone.

3) When developing an assessment, it is important to take into account that instability manifests itself in two ways: through favorable tendencies (O) and unfavorable (T).

4) Step three: extrapolate past growth and profitability trends.

6) With the help of intensity points, an estimate of general shifts in the growth trend in the near and long term is derived.

7) The resulting estimate is used to adjust the extrapolation, which allows you to obtain a quantitative characterization of the future trend.

8) In the same way, by analyzing competitive pressures and extrapolating profitability data, an assessment of possible changes in profitability trends is made.

9) The combination of growth prospects (G), profitability (P) and a possible level of instability (T / O) makes it possible to obtain an overall assessment of the attractiveness of a given SZH in the future.

The attractiveness of SZH is determined by the following formula:

P = aG + bR - gT, where G - growth prospects in SZH; R - prospects for profitability in SZH; T is an assessment of business instability;

a, b, g - weight coefficients reflecting the individual approach of the firm (a + b + g = 1).

“It is necessary to develop two independent assessments: short-term and long-term. The first is needed for use in the BCG matrix instead of the volume growth indicator. The second is used for long-term management of a set of activities. "

Assessing the attractiveness of SZH, while being significantly more complex than a simple comparison of growth rates using the Boston Matrix, nevertheless provides a much more realistic basis for comparing the complex and intertwining factors that determine the relative attractiveness of SZH for the firm.

Assessment of the future competitive status of the firm

The competitive status of a firm is determined by the factors of success in competition in the following main areas:

Strategic investments (in production capacity, in strategy, in potential),

The effectiveness of the firm's strategy,

The effectiveness of its current potential (by the main areas of its activity).

Key success factors are those points in a firm's operations that it should focus on. The identification of such factors is one of the main priorities of the firm's strategy. The manager must know what is most important to competitive success and what is less important.

Assessment of the level of strategic investments

Let us now turn to another size of the matrix, one that would give an idea of ​​what the competitive status of a firm in SZH would look like. It will be the result of the interaction of three factors:

1) relative level of strategic investment firms in a particular economic zone, providing a competitive status based on the effect of the scale of production of certain types of products, as well as the effect of the scale of the firm as a whole;

2)competitive strategy. It allows you to distinguish between the positions of the firm and its competitors;

3) mobilization capabilities of the firm. They consist in the fact that the strategy is provided with effective support at the levels of planning and implementation of plans, as well as support in the form of well-established operational work after the strategy is adopted.

An example is the automotive industry, where most of the competing firms are smaller in scale than will be necessary in the next 5-10 years in order to successfully compete in the global market.

Table 1

Factors influencing the firm's potential (examples)

General management Efficiency growth + innovation + maturity + creativity + diversification + high risk + technology + project management + multinational corporation + social functions
Financial management Control functions + distribution of funds + obtaining a loan + paying taxes + handling cash + capital investments + impact on inflationary processes + sales analysis + product promotion to the market
Marketing Sales + advertising + trial sales of new products + market research + mass production + custom production + market expansion + international marketing
Production Inventory management + product distribution + procurement + labor Relations+ automation + change of product models + technology adaptation
R&D Research + creativity + innovation + adaptation + gradual development + imitation + modernization + design industrial buildings and facilities + production technology

General and financial management, Marketing and R&D can be performed by the most different ways... Considering the characteristics of the potential capabilities of a firm, we must proceed from the completely obvious position that the success of a strategy depends on the extent to which the firm itself has the necessary capabilities to implement the strategy.

General Electric Matrix

In the matrix shown in Table 2, instead of the volume growth indicator (see the Boston matrix), the SZH attractiveness parameter is used, and instead of the relative market share - the future competitive status. The method for recording the relevant data used in the BCG matrix also applies to this new matrix, which is named after the McKinsey company that developed it. As you can see from the new matrix, it is suitable for making decisions of the same type as the previous one.

table 2

Such matrices are usually complemented by information on appropriate investment flows: For example, the GE matrix identifies three priority areas for investment:

Weak priority



Comprehensive assessment of a set of SZH

So, when choosing and managing a set of SZH, the following factors should be considered:

Short-term growth prospects,

Long term growth prospects,

Short term profitability prospects,

Long term profitability prospects,

Strategic flexibility of the set of SZH ("Flexibility is characterized by the stability of the firm in relation to all possible external influences").

Its synergy (“In management, it means the interaction of various business areas. For example, different SZHs can use common production facilities, general services, research and development departments, distribution networks, etc. Thus, synergy is an effect of interaction that ensures efficiency business, more than the simple arithmetic sum of the activities of individual SZH ").


Once the firm has chosen a strategy, it must begin the next process - the implementation of the strategy.

Planning and implementing a strategy is a type of management activity that requires significant effort and time. Since the function of implementing the strategy is carried out by people, then, as noted, this process must be formalized and it must be controlled. The management of the implementation of the strategy should be carried out through the stimulation of the proper attitude towards it from managers and employees of all levels. It should be especially noted here the need to create and constantly maintain a good organizational and psychological climate, it is important to instill in employees the idea that constant changes are the natural state of the organization's development and one must be constantly prepared for these changes.

The main condition for the effective functioning of the strategic planning system is constant attention to it from top managers, their ability to prove the need for planning, to involve a wide range of employees in the development and implementation of the strategy. This attention is especially important in the first stage of implementing a planning system in an organization. After the implementation of strategic planning and its dissemination to all departments, after it confirms its effectiveness and the number of employees who have realized its need, will increase, the management process can be largely structured, and it will play a significant role in it to reward employees for valuable suggestions for improvement of manufactured products, development of new markets, planning systems, development of a new strategy.

Strategic management is a constantly moving process. Change both inside and outside the organization, or all together, requires appropriate adjustments to the strategy, therefore the strategic management process is a closed cycle. The task of assessing performance and making adjustments is both the end and the beginning of the strategic management cycle. The course of external and internal events sooner or later forces us to reconsider the purpose of the company, the goals of the activity, the strategy and the process of its implementation. The challenge for management is to find ways to improve the existing strategy and monitor how it is being implemented.

There are many models of the strategic management process, which to one degree or another detail the sequence of steps in this process, but three key stages are common to all models:

  • ? strategic analysis;
  • ? strategic choice;
  • ? implementation of the strategy.

Strategic analysis is usually considered the initial process of strategic management, since it provides both the basis for defining the mission and goals of the company, and acts as the most important stage of management in developing an effective strategy and provides a real assessment of one's own resources and capabilities and a deep understanding of the external competitive environment.

Each organization is involved in three processes:

  • ? obtaining resources from the external environment (input);
  • ? transformation of resources into a product (transformation);
  • ? transfer of the product to the external environment (output).

The control is designed to provide a balance of input and output. As soon as this balance is disturbed in an organization, it embarks on the path of dying. Modern market dramatically increased the importance of the exit process in maintaining this balance. This is precisely reflected in the fact that the first stage in the structure of strategic management is the stage of strategic analysis.

The stage of strategic analysis interprets the strategic position of the organization by, firstly, identifying changes that have occurred in the economic environment of the organization, and identifying their impact on the organization and its activities, and secondly, determining the benefits and resources of the organization depending on their changes. The main purpose of strategic analysis is to assess the key impacts on the current and future position of the organization and to determine their specific impact on strategic choices.

One of the results of strategic analysis is the formulation of the general goals of the organization, which determine the scope of its activities. Tasks are defined based on the goals. They are used to represent indicators of strategic planning. Indicators presented in writing may be of a financial or non-financial nature. Financial indicators are numerous, expressed in numbers, convenient for comparing strengths and weaknesses different options strategic development, with their help it is easy to exercise control.

Conducting strategic analysis involves examining the dynamics of the environment and the potential of the organization. The potential of the organization is studied with the aim of using it in building a competitive advantage. An important role in strategic analysis is played by identifying basic skills and abilities - those skills that companies provide competitive advantages and determine the main directions of its activities.

The need for strategic analysis is determined by several factors:

  • ? firstly, it is necessary when developing a strategy for the development of an enterprise and, in general, for the implementation of effective management;
  • ? secondly, it is necessary to assess the attractiveness of an enterprise from the point of view of an external investor, to determine the position of an enterprise in national and other ratings;
  • ? thirdly, strategic analysis makes it possible to identify the reserves and capabilities of the enterprise, to determine the directions of adaptation of the internal capabilities of the enterprise to changes in environmental conditions.

Strategic analysis involves the study of:

  • - external environment (macroenvironment and immediate environment);
  • - the internal environment of the organization.

The analysis of the external environment (macro- and immediate environment) is aimed at finding out what the company can count on if it successfully conducts work, and what complications can await it if it fails to timely prevent negative attacks that can present her with the environment.

Analysis of the internal environment reveals those opportunities, the potential that a firm can count on in the competitive struggle in the process of achieving its goals. Analysis of the internal environment also allows you to better understand the goals of the organization, more correctly formulate the mission, i.e. determine the meaning and direction of the firm. It is extremely important to always remember that an organization not only produces products for the environment, but also provides an opportunity for its members to exist, giving them work, providing an opportunity to participate in profits, providing them with social guarantees, etc.

On this stage analysis senior management selects the most important factors for the future of the enterprise - strategic factors. Strategic factors are factors in the development of the external environment, which, firstly, have the likelihood of implementation and, secondly, a high probability of impact on the functioning of the enterprise. The purpose of the analysis of strategic factors is to identify threats and opportunities in the external environment, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. A well-conducted management analysis, which gives a real assessment of its resources and capabilities, is the starting point for developing an enterprise strategy. At the same time, strategic management is impossible without a deep understanding of the competitive environment in which the company operates, which implies the implementation of marketing research. It is the emphasis on monitoring and assessing external threats and opportunities in the light of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise that is hallmark strategic management.

The result of strategic analysis is the formation of an effective enterprise strategy, which should be based on the following components: correctly selected long-term goals; deep understanding of the competitive environment; real assessment of the company's own resources and capabilities.

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In today's rapidly changing socio-political and economic conditions, an organization operating in the market of goods and services is faced with the task of ensuring not only survival, but also continuous development, increasing its potential.

The extremely rapid changes in the business environment accompanying the development of modern Russian business give rise to increasing attention to the issues of strategic enterprise management.

Strategic analysis is usually the starting point in the strategic management process. This analysis, as part of the concept of company management, allows us to look at the organization as a whole, based on the analysis, draw conclusions about why some firms develop and prosper, while others are experiencing stagnation or they are facing bankruptcy, that is, why there is a constant redistribution of the roles of the main market participants.

In the economic practice of Russia, the use of strategic analysis is in its infancy. At the same time, domestic and international analysts believe that the Russian market has entered the stage when the absence of a developed strategy hinders enterprises at every step.

1. Strategic analysis of the internal environment of the organization

Strategic management is a constantly moving process. Change both inside and outside the organization, or all together, requires appropriate adjustments to the strategy, therefore the strategic management process is a closed cycle. The task of assessing performance and making adjustments is both the end and the beginning of the strategic management cycle. The course of external and internal events sooner or later forces us to reconsider the purpose of the company, the goals of the activity, the strategy and the process of its implementation. The challenge for management is to find ways to improve the existing strategy and monitor how it is being implemented.

There are many models of the strategic management process, which to one degree or another detail the sequence of steps in this process, but three key stages are common to all models:

Strategic analysis;

Strategic choice;

Strategy implementation;

Strategic analysis is usually considered the initial process of strategic management, since it provides both the basis for defining the mission and goals of the company, and acts as the most important stage of management in developing an effective strategy and provides a real assessment of one's own resources and capabilities and a deep understanding of the external competitive environment.

Each organization is involved in three processes:

1. Obtaining resources from the external environment (input);

2. transformation of resources into a product (transformation);

3. transfer of the product to the external environment (exit).

The control is designed to provide a balance of input and output. As soon as this balance is disturbed in an organization, it embarks on the path of dying. The modern marketplace has dramatically increased the importance of the exit process in maintaining this balance. This is precisely reflected in the fact that the first stage in the structure of strategic management is the stage of strategic analysis.

The stage of strategic analysis interprets the strategic position of the organization by, firstly, identifying changes that have occurred in the economic environment of the organization, and identifying their impact on the organization and its activities, and secondly, determining the benefits and resources of the organization depending on their changes. The main purpose of strategic analysis is to assess the key impacts on the current and future position of the organization and to determine their specific impact on strategic choices.

One of the results of strategic analysis is the formulation of the general goals of the organization, which determine the scope of its activities. Tasks are defined based on the goals. They are used to represent indicators of strategic planning. Indicators presented in writing may be of a financial or non-financial nature. Financial indicators are numerous, expressed in numbers, convenient for comparing the strengths and weaknesses of various options for strategic development, with their help it is easy to exercise control.

Conducting strategic analysis involves examining the dynamics of the environment and the potential of the organization. The potential of the organization is studied with the aim of using it in building a competitive advantage. An important role in strategic analysis is played by the identification of the basic skills and abilities of those skills that give the company a competitive advantage and determine the main directions of its activities.

The need for strategic analysis is determined by several factors:

Firstly, it is necessary when developing a strategy for the development of an enterprise and, in general, for the implementation of effective management;

Secondly, it is necessary to assess the attractiveness of an enterprise from the point of view of an external investor, to determine the position of an enterprise in national and other ratings;

Thirdly, strategic analysis makes it possible to identify the reserves and capabilities of the enterprise, to determine the directions of adaptation of the internal capabilities of the enterprise to changes in environmental conditions.

Strategic analysis involves the study of:

External environment (macroenvironment and immediate environment);

The internal environment of the organization.

The analysis of the external environment (macro and immediate environment) is aimed at finding out what the company can count on if it successfully conducts work, and what complications can await it if it fails to prevent in time the negative attacks that it can present her environment.

Analysis of the internal environment reveals those opportunities, the potential that a firm can count on in the competitive struggle in the process of achieving its goals. Analysis of the internal environment also allows you to better understand the goals of the organization, more correctly formulate the mission, i.e. determine the meaning and direction of the firm. It is extremely important to always remember that an organization not only produces products for the environment, but also provides an opportunity for its members to exist, giving them work, providing an opportunity to participate in profits, providing them with social guarantees, etc.

At this stage of the analysis, top management selects the most important strategic factors for the future of the enterprise. Strategic factors are factors in the development of the external environment, which, firstly, have the likelihood of implementation and, secondly, a high probability of impact on the functioning of the enterprise. The purpose of the analysis of strategic factors is to identify threats and opportunities in the external environment, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. A well-conducted management analysis, which gives a real assessment of its resources and capabilities, is the starting point for developing an enterprise strategy. At the same time, strategic management is impossible without a deep understanding of the competitive environment in which the company operates, which implies the implementation of marketing research. It is the emphasis on monitoring and assessing external threats and opportunities in light of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise that is the hallmark of strategic management.

The result of strategic analysis is the formation of an effective enterprise strategy, which should be based on the following components:

correctly selected long-term goals;

deep understanding of the competitive environment;

real assessment of the company's own resources and capabilities.

strategy management personnel

2. Methods for analyzing the internal environment of the organization

The internal environment of an organization is a set of internal situational factors within an organization. They are closely interrelated and in most cases are monitored and regulated. The internal environment of an organization is part of the overall environment that is within the organization. It has a direct impact on the functioning of the organization.

Using an analysis of the internal environment of the organization, we can assess whether the firm has the internal strengths (strengths) to take advantage of its opportunities, and which internal weaknesses (weaknesses) may complicate future problems associated with external hazards. The analysis is based on a management survey of the following functional areas: marketing, finance, production, personnel, organizational culture and the image of the organization.

A comprehensive procedure for analyzing both the internal and external environment of an organization is a SWOT analysis (Strengths - strengths, Weaknesses - weaknesses, Opportunities - opportunities, Threats - threats). The SWOT analysis technology involves the compilation of a consolidated analytical matrix, where the chains of connections between the strengths and weaknesses of the organization and the opportunities and threats of the external environment are established. This matrix will serve as an information base for the formation of the organization's strategy in the future.

The internal environment of an enterprise can have several sections, each of which includes a set of key processes and elements of the organization, the state of which together determines the potential and those capabilities that the organization has.

A snapshot of the internal environment covers processes such as:

interaction between managers and workers;

recruitment, training and promotion of personnel;

assessment of work results and incentives;

creating and maintaining relationships between employees.

The organizational cut includes:

communication processes;

organizational structures;

distribution of rights and responsibilities;

hierarchy of subordination.

The production cut includes:

product manufacturing, supply and warehouse management;

maintenance of the technological park;

research and development;

The marketing cut of the internal environment of the organization covers all those processes that are associated with the sale of products.

It is widely known that the analysis of an organization's environment involves the study of its three parts: the macroenvironment, the microenvironment, and the internal environment. The macro and microenvironment for an organization has essential, nevertheless, the analysis of the internal environment of the firm should be especially noted. It is he who reveals those internal opportunities and the potential that a firm can count on in the competitive struggle in the process of achieving its goals, and also allows you to more correctly form the mission and understand the goals of the organization.

Obviously, the results of the analysis of the internal environment significantly affect the development of an appropriate strategy for the behavior of the company. That's why this analysis deserves increased attention from the management of the company.

Ansoff introduces the concept of a firm's competitive status, which is largely determined by the firm's potential (that is, the capabilities of the internal environment). Considering the characteristics of the potential capabilities of a firm, one must proceed from the obvious position that the success of a strategy depends on the degree to which the firm has the necessary capabilities to implement this strategy. Thus, for the success of the firm, according to Ansoff, five conditions are essential, from which the possibilities of managing the firm are composed. These are the following conditions:

general management, which pays attention to the growth and efficiency of production, and also detects and eliminates everything that interferes with the minimization of costs per unit of production;

a financial department that handles cash and strictly fulfills the functions of a controller;

marketing, which deals with sales and its analysis;

organization of the production process, which is one of the main functions in the company's strategy. It receives maximum support from general management and focuses on mass production and automation for the best cost-effectiveness;

R&D, this function boils down to improving the technology of the production process and the gradual improvement of products.

Thus, the considered functional services of the firm form a range of potential opportunities that significantly affects the strategic success of the firm. This potential has systemic properties (ways of subdividing tasks, ways of their interconnection; organization culture; structure of powers within and between functions), which play an important role for the quality of functional potential.

Analyzing the approach of I. Ansoff to the study of the internal environment, we can conclude that the scientist, of course, pays special attention to the internal environment of the organization as one of the main factors influencing the development of an effective strategy. At the same time, a feature of the approach is not so much a consideration of the functional potential of the firm, but a special emphasis on the general management of the organization, its close and comprehensive study. This is due, according to I. Ansoff, the special importance of general management for the development of an effective strategy for the behavior of the company.

According to Bowman, a firm’s strategy is influenced by such components of its internal environment as structure, culture, values ​​and resources.

1. Structure and systems.

The organizational structure must be efficient enough to avoid bankruptcy of the firm. It has a significant impact on strategy, especially when the interests of one of the functional units are dominated by management. The structure also largely determines the firm's ability to respond flexibly to changes in the external environment.

Systems can also facilitate or hinder strategy implementation. For example, the lack of documentation systems leads to duplication of work already done or loss of information. And control systems are designed to prioritize a particular problem in the successful implementation of a strategy.

2. Culture, style and values.

Corporate values ​​can be a significant driving force. They arise as a result of traditions that have a long history and cannot be changed overnight. It is the force by which the firm continues to function. Problems arise when they come into conflict with the new strategy of the firm.

Different firms are characterized by their own management style, which, just as in the case of the firm's values, can fit well into the strategy, or even come into conflict with it.

Thus, the internal culture, leadership style and values ​​can both contribute to the implementation of the strategy of behavior and be a barrier to its path. Therefore, it is very important to establish their compliance with the essence of the chosen strategy of the company.

3. Skills and resources.

The skills and resources of an organization largely affect the degree of its competence, and, accordingly, the success of the strategy being implemented. Therefore, before starting to develop a strategy, many firms seek to establish a system of testing the qualifications of employees and available resources on a functional basis. An organization's assessment can be presented in the form of a functional approach to the entire organization or to its individual components. Bearing in mind a certain amount of skills and resources, the directions are determined where the company could show the greatest competence:

economies of scale;

knowledge and experience. A high level of professional training of employees can help a company become unique. The question is whether she will take this opportunity;

cooperation as a factor of success. It can only be created if there is an effective in-house information exchange system;

reaction time (reaction). Questions are considered concerning how long it takes to complete an order, release a new product, to adapt to the new conditions of a particular buyer, etc. These questions are vital in solving problems of reducing costs and developing competitive advantages.

Thus, K. Bowman's approach to the study of the internal environment of a firm is based mostly on the "soft" variables of the organization, although the role of its "hard" variables (structure and systems) is not diminished.

But of the greatest practical interest is the method of studying the internal environment of the organization, based on the study of its functional areas.

In Russian practice, it is most widespread due to its availability. The authors of this approach are O.S. Vikhansky and A.I. Naumov.

They propose to consider the internal environment as a set of several functional sections:

personnel of the company, their potential, qualifications, interests;

organization of management (communications, organizational structures, norms, rules, procedures, hierarchy, distribution and responsibility, etc.);

production (organizational, operational, technical and technological characteristics, R&D, that is, product manufacturing, supply and warehouse management, maintenance of the technological park, research and development);

company finances (processes related to ensuring the efficient use and flow of funds in the organization: maintaining liquidity, ensuring profitability, creating investment opportunities, etc.);

marketing (processes related to product sales: product strategy: product strategy, pricing strategy, product promotion on the market, selection of sales markets and distribution systems);

organizational culture.

When analyzing the internal environment, strategic management is interested in how the strengths and weaknesses of the individual components of the organization and the organization itself as a whole. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the functional analysis of the internal environment to develop the most effective strategy for the behavior of the company in the future.


Strategic analysis of the internal environment of the organization is the most important stage of strategic management, which provides a real assessment of their own resources and capabilities. The main factors of the internal environment of the organization are: structure, goals, objectives, technology, personnel, resources, culture. The structure of an organization is a logical relationship between levels of management and functional areas, which allows you to most effectively achieve the goals of the organization. Objectives are specific end states or desired outcomes that an organization strives to achieve. A task is a prescribed work, a series of works or a part of it, which must be completed in a prescribed manner within a predetermined time frame. Technology - has a broad meaning and is defined as a means of transforming resources - whether people, information or physical materials transform into end products and services. Personnel is the main element of the organization: managers and subordinates. Resources - all kinds of resources come from the external environment. Organizational culture is a system of values, norms and rules shared by all employees of an organization.

List of sources used

1.Fatkhutdinov, R.A. Strategic management: textbook. - 8th ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Delo, 2007 .-- 448s.

2.Ansoff I. Strategic management: Per. from English - M .: Economics, 1989.S. 519

3.Ansoff, I. Strategic management: classic edition / translation from English. ed. Petrova A.N. - SPb .: Peter, 2009 .-- 344s.

4. Zaitsev, L. G. Strategic management / L.G. Zaitsev, M.I. Sokolov. - M .: Infra - M, 2000 .-- 415 p.

5. Kuznetsov B.T. Strategic management: Textbook for university students studying in economics and management 080100 / B.T. Kuznetsov. -M .: UNITY-DANA, 2007. - 623p.

6.Lapin, A.N. Strategic management of a modern organization / A.N. Lapin. - M .: Intel-synthesis BSh, 2004 .-- 288 p.

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