How to feng shui decorate your desktop. The correct arrangement of tables in the office is the key to good work

In order for people to work productively, it is necessary to create suitable working conditions. This should begin at the planning stage of office space, if this is not possible, then attention should be paid to the design of workplaces.

Organization of the workplace: important rules

To properly organize workplace follow the advice:

    "Quality furniture is worth more than money". If it is not possible to completely update the furniture, do it at least for the departments that work with clients and, of course, for the manager. This will immediately raise the status of your enterprise in the eyes of people and increase your profits accordingly.

    "The table and chair create comfort". Correct selection this furniture will reduce staff fatigue. Considering that everything different height, it is better to choose chairs with rising seats.

    "Clean table". On the working surface there should not be objects that are not related to work.

    "Everything has its place". All documents, without exception, must have their own permanent place. At the end of the working day, be sure to put everything on the shelves.

    "Use Organizers". In order not to clog the workspace, store all small items in a special stand.

    "Clean where they don't litter". The administration should introduce some restrictions in the office, for example, to ban smoking and eating in the offices.

    "Lighting". Sufficient quantity light is a factor that positively affects the comfortable work and health of the employee.

    "Fresh air". Fresh air indoors increases productivity and reduces employee fatigue.

    "Volume". Need to choose best option external noise that will not cause discomfort to employees.

    "Ambient temperature". The environment affects the work of the entire team. Try to optimize it so that everyone is happy.

For most of the population, work is an integral part of life.

People get different emotions from labor activity, some brings pleasure and prosperity, but there are those for which hard work. In any case, most of the time a person spends at work, so you need to know how to make your stay as comfortable and successful as possible.

Organization of the workplace: the correct location of the desktop according to Feng Shui

Lately great meaning when organizing their living space, people give the rules of feng shui. It is this science that optimizes energy flows, which increases the chances of success and prosperity. There is nothing complicated in it, all that is needed is to determine the correct location of the desktop and the items that will be located on it.

Feng Shui Desktop Location: Tips

    Between table and wall the opposite should be enough free space- it denotes your plans for the future. The greater the distance, the higher you can move up the career ladder.

    The table should not stand under the ceiling beams.- they produce destructive energy. If this is not possible, put vases with fresh flowers, they will take away some of the negativity.

    It is forbidden organize workplace on the same line between the window and the door- You will simply be blown away by the flow of energy. Try to rotate the table as much as possible perpendicular to these objects.

    Give up table position to the door face or back the best option diagonally. You will see the door, and your back will be protected from an invisible threat.

    If in the room huge windows, better stay away from them. At the energy level, they cause unconscious danger. If there is no chance to change the place, close them with curtains or hang blinds. Additionally, you can decorate the window sills with flowers in pots.

    Don't sit under the air conditioner it can not only cause illness, but it will also blow all thoughts out of your head and interfere with work. If possible, move your desktop to a place that is safe in every way.

    For good and fruitful work there should be a lot of light above the table. An ideal option is a lamp with an ordinary light bulb in a honey or golden shade, it will become your symbol of good luck.

    The workplace should not be reflected in the mirror, it will absorb all your efforts. Even if you like to admire yourself while you work, try to give up this pleasure and sit back from the mirror.

    Chair near the desktop is also of great importance dimensions must be proportional to the table. It is better if there are armrests and a good back - this will give you a feeling of support and support. Do not skimp on a quality chair, it will even add self-confidence.

    For managers the best option will arrange your workplace how can further from the entrance to the office. A different location will negatively affect your career and even reduce your authority in the team. After all, according to the rules ancient world the leader always chooses the best place.

    Subordinates are better off sitting in front of superiors, this will provide him full protection and support.

When you get a job in a big office, then opportunity to choose a job, no. However, you can still help yourself setting up a personal workplace according to the recommendations of feng shui, which will help neutralize negative impact outside and stabilize the situation.

To have prosperity and success in your career, feng shui rules:

    the best location would be Northern part premises;

    in the southeastern part, put " Money Tree»;

    hang an image of a turtle behind your back;

    desk lamp should be red.

We figured out the arrangement of furniture, now we will add everything the correct position of objects in the workplace. This will become a certain talisman for achieving more great success in work and harmony with colleagues.

If your desk looks like a mini junkyard, don't count on a successful career. Feng Shui means perfect order , because without it, positive energy will not be able to circulate freely. To do this, you need to put everything in its place, select a drawer or cabinet for this. The first thing to do is use "bagua" - energy card, which divides any space into 9 parts, each of which is responsible for a specific area of ​​​​life. Ask yourself what is the most important thing in life for you and, based on the answer, organize your workplace in accordance with your preferences.

Arrangement of objects on the table according to Feng Shui:

    In the far left corner, place lighting fixture . This place is responsible for financial well-being.

    Put a photo in the middle left your loved ones or a talisman that is associated with family happiness.

    Store books on the front left or other items to record. Add here some blue object to stimulate your cognition.

    The area at the back in the center is responsible for the reputation. Place a red lamp or your awards in this place.

    In the middle in the center - a place of health. Try to always keep it spotlessly clean, it is better if there are flowers here.

    Front in the center - a place of career. There must be a computer. A screensaver that shows the ocean or a waterfall symbolizes money.

    Rear right - relationship zone. Post a photo of your loved one here, if there is none, then a red flower to attract love.

    Middle right - creative zone. Place magazines or any metal objects made of iron in this place.

    Place front right customer phone lists.

    Crystal pyramid in the southern part will be your assistant in overcoming all difficulties on the way to promotion.

    Success in negotiations will provide four-armed Ganesha. Its best location for right hand from yourself, from time to time contact him and stroke.

    There are others talismans appropriate on the table that are responsible for material abundance are the three-legged toad, the money tree and Chinese coins. The main thing to remember is that the last item should be hidden from prying eyes, put them under the keyboard.

Making it right soon you notice positive changes at work.

Relationships with colleagues and superiors will change. The manager will begin to notice your merit and colleagues' knowledge.

Consider how a Feng Shui student's study corner should be equipped. We all know that some children manage to do their homework quickly and get good grades, while others are busy with homework until midnight and to no avail, the next day the child still comes with a deuce. Do you know why this is happening? As a rule, the point is not at all in the mental abilities of the child, but in his educational place. There are no stupid kids. But an improperly organized educational place is a fairly common phenomenon.

Requirements to study place come down to being attractive to the child. After all, for quick and high-quality homework, he needs to concentrate his attention on them. And all the subjects in the study corner should contribute to this. There are several Feng Shui tricks that allow you to create an attractive work area.

study corner feng shui student Where to put desk

The place for study should be organized as follows: the child sits with his back to the wall, and the table is in front of him. The wall is subconsciously perceived as a support, so in this position the child will feel confident and calm.

The whole room and the entrance to it are in his line of sight, and he does not worry that adults will take him by surprise. This will allow him to concentrate and do his homework most effectively.

The place of study will be even more comfortable if the child has support on the left - left-hand side energetically weaker, besides, the heart is located here. Also make sure that sharp corners are not directed at the child sitting at the table - furniture, wall ledges, window sills and other furnishings. Often the child does not sit at the desk precisely because of the presence of "poisonous arrows": he intuitively seeks to leave the zone of their influence.

Big mistake- put a desk right next to the window. The child will longingly watch how his peers play in the yard, and this will discourage him from doing any homework.

Once in my practice there was a case when parents complained about the poor academic performance of their son, while his desktop was located right by the window. I advised to transplant the child to another, more suitable place. A week later, his mom called me and said they were pleasantly surprised by the results. The boy literally stuck to the new school place and wrote an excellent essay on literature, which had never happened before.

It is undesirable to put a desk between a window and a door. This arrangement is called a "bullet through": the energy rushes through this span and de-energizes both the place itself and the person sitting there. The child will not sit long in such a place. The feeling of discomfort will cause him to jump up every five minutes. In addition to everything else, the child may have problems with the spine. If it is problematic to allocate another place for the table, hang a cut glass ball on the window, put it on the windowsill houseplants, and hang wind chimes in the doors: these items will become a protective barrier to the flow of energy.

Position the table so that the child sits facing one of his favorable directions, preferably in the best: it will be easy for him to concentrate, assimilation of new information will go faster, and the energies of a good direction will program him for success. When a child reaches the age of 10, it is required condition.

Feng Shui School School Corner. What should be a desk and chair

We decided on a place for a desk. Now about how he and the chair should be.

Naturally, when choosing furniture, typical recommendations should be taken into account. Let me remind you of some of them. The table should fit: an unfolded album, a stand for pencils and pens, a table lamp. Although you can save on a lamp by placing lighting above the table. Useful bedside table with three or four drawers.

Optimal Height the table is selected like this. Seat the child on a chair and ask him to bend his elbows at a right angle: they should be at the level of the tabletop. The legs of a child sitting at a table, bent at a right angle, must rest against the floor or against a special stand, otherwise he will spin, taking complex and harmful poses for the spine. Make sure that there is enough space under the table so that the child can safely stretch his legs.

You will need a chair with a comfortable back. The height is selected as follows: when landing, the back should fit snugly against the back of the chair, and the legs should be bent at a right angle. It is better to immediately buy a chair with a height-adjustable seat, armrests and a high back. It is desirable that the angle between the seat and the back of the chair is slightly more than 90 °.

You can buy a table and chair of an office plan, but with a children's design - bright colors, with the image of cartoon characters.

Both the table and the chair should not have sharp corners. Angles have an aggressive effect on any person, and on a child in the first place. Try to find furniture with rounded outlines. Actually, the same requirements apply to all nursery furniture. And it is not useful for adults to live surrounded by angular objects.

Desk drawer handles should be round or oval, preferably wood, but not metal or trimmed with metal! Try to choose such furniture for the nursery that there are no metal linings on it. It is better if the heads of the screws and bolts connecting the furniture joints are covered with plastic overlays. Above the table, you must certainly hang at different heights three pictures with the image flowering plant, a smiling man and one of money symbols(horns of plenty, the god Hottei, etc.).

Work lighting should be neutral in color and directed towards the desk, not scattered. When choosing a lamp, remember about "poison arrows": do not buy lamps with sharp design elements. Fluorescent lamps in the nursery are highly undesirable. The ideal solution is a lamp with a round white shade: such a shade helps a lot to concentrate.

The factor of the correct location of the desk determines the flow of light to it and the ability to accommodate without embarrassment. This is what allows you to determine the ideal place for such furniture. And even if it does not fit into the created interior, following the recommendations of a specialist is extremely important both from the standpoint of maintaining healthy vision and posture, and excellent general well-being.

Basics of the correct location

Start choosing a place in the room for correct placement a desk is necessary taking into account the mode of operation. After all, there are some requirements for the home, but completely different for the office. The main difference is that in a work environment, you may need more than one table. They can be placed one after the other so as not to disturb the trajectory of the fall of daylight. Although in some office space due to the heavy workload, it is more ergonomic to place tables in a circle or opposite each other.

It is a mistake to believe that the table opposite the window is perfect option. This is inconvenient because there is always a temptation to contemplate what is happening on the street. And it's distracting. Also, the sun's rays are reflected from the surface of the table, creating glare. And this is an additional load on the eye. Highly important factor when choosing a place for a table - a stream of light. Daylight should fall from the side. Golden Rule: for right-handers on the left, and for left-handers on the right. Similarly, the light emitted by artificial light sources. This will allow:

  • Do not close the light to yourself when writing;
  • Illuminate a large surface;
  • Ensure that there is no strain on the eyes.

After all, eye fatigue is the cause of rapid fatigue and irritability. It is undesirable to put a table at the door. This creates psychological discomfort and more distraction.

A smart approach is everything

It is important when choosing a place for a desk to determine its functionality. After all, for someone, the workplace is a computer or laptop. For others, it is a full-fledged desk with the ability to place books and office equipment. For the third - and at all a part of the built-in furniture, supplemented with:

  • Loft bed;
  • Shelves for books;
  • Bedside tables and chests of drawers;
  • Pencil cases and cabinets.

For parents, the last option would be ideal solution for the nursery in terms of saving free space. In the interpretation of the office, these can be shelves for books and racks for folders with documents. It’s good when the table, in addition to free legroom, also has other functional benefits like drawers, lockers for various accessories. And provided that an ergonomic model is chosen, such additional accessories should not make the table bulky, because limited space is a problem for 99% of buyers.

Competent opinion

The desk must be functional. It must be used for its intended purpose plus:

  • Become a place to place a number of equipment, books and documents;
  • Harmoniously fit into the interior;
  • Differ in safety and durability of a design.

And only in this state of affairs from the correct placement of furniture in the room is there any sense.

Most people spend a third of their lives at work. And some devote even more of their time to it! Therefore, the workplace in general and the table in particular have importance not only for career growth, but also for general well-being. Read on for a few tips on how to set up your work space in terms of Feng Shui so that the favorable Chi energy helps you in your work.

How to Choose a Good Feng Shui Location for Your Workplace

Obviously, work is an active, yang activity. This means that the environment around should also be Yang. This includes good sunlight and bright bright hues in the interior. If you work at home, then allocate for your office the room that is closer to the main entrance.

The place will not be too calm if you sit on the direct flow of Qi energy, that is, in a straight line from front door to a window or other door (if any). This will add healthy stress, as well as possibly conflict with colleagues. However, this is not always bad for work, and you can try to work hard in this way. But if you do not like stress, but prefer your place to be calm, where no one would disturb, then put your table a little diagonally from the entrance.

Position yourself so that you can see the front door to the office or your Personal Area. If the door is behind your back, then it will be difficult for you to focus on business, as your attention will partially move back. It can also mean that many important things and events will happen behind your back.

Do not sit with your back to the window either, try to sit in such a way that the window can be kept in sight - sideways, or facing. But what should be behind your back is a wall or something that gives support, confidence and stability. You can also hang a picture of a majestic mountain at the back to enhance the effect.

Proper feng shui for your desktop

Having dealt with the location workplace, now create a good feng shui directly on the desktop. The table should be placed so that when sitting at work, you would look in front of you in the best direction for a personal Gua number or in an auspicious flying star.

If you work in a cramped office and you don't have the opportunity to rearrange your desktop, then at least turn it at an angle so that your favorable side is in front of your eyes.

By the way, it is better to have a chair with a high solid back and armrests - this will give support, stability, confidence.

When you are sitting at your desk, you should not be looked at menacingly by the sharp corners of the furniture, and you absolutely should not choose your workplace under overhanging beams and similar structures. If you have to sit this way, drape them with cloth or plants. Or at least stretch a thick woolen fuzzy thread along sharp corners. These measures will slightly improve the position of the desktop if it is not possible to change seats.

There should be a free approach from several sides around your table, this symbolizes perspective and wide selection business opportunities. Sitting facing a blank wall is not recommended both from the point of view of feng shui and from the standpoint of psychology - this is not the best place that leads to isolation.

If this cannot be avoided, then hang a picture on this wall depicting large flowering fields or scenes of harvesting. Then your luck will also blossom and "ripen", and you will soon reap the rewards!

To bring more beneficial energies to your personal workplace, you can still use the computer - set beautiful wallpaper on the "desktop" of the monitor screen. They will additionally attract favorable Qi energy.

If you like various Chinese souvenirs and symbols, you can also use them and adapt them to your workplace. . For example, hang nearby Chinese coinsbringing good luck. Another suitable memento is a mythical creature with the body of a turtle and the head of a dragon. You can keep it on the table, but not directly in front of you, but somewhat to the side, and then you will have prospects for rapid career growth.

However, do not get too carried away and do not turn your workplace into a souvenir shop!

By following these simple rules and arranging a good Feng Shui workplace, you will ensure that favorable Qi will fill you with its energy while you are working. Isn't it wonderful when work does not exhaust, but on the contrary gives strength for new achievements? When the workplace environment is favorable and in line with the basic principles of Feng Shui, it will undoubtedly lead to better work performance and will help you achieve much more success in your career!

Let magnificent feng shui surround you! Useful spending time on the site

Each component of our living space has an impact on us and on the events in our lives. The workspace where we spend most of our time is no exception. A harmonious atmosphere, which will be provided by the correct flow of favorable Qi energy, will energize and help in work, bring good health and satisfaction, dispel irritability and squabbles, promote fruitful interpersonal communications, recognition and promotion.

In order for the work to be productive, bring the desired results and opportunities for growth, it is very important to properly equip your workplace and, in particular, correctly position your desktop, which we will talk about in this article.

As you know, in Feng Shui, the principle of the dominant arrangement of priority furnishings in rooms is very common. It also exists in the office and is the most favorable for success in the service. The most favorable place for the desktop should meet the following principles:

  • the location of the desktop relative to the front door to the office is considered more important than the location in space in accordance with the cardinal points;
  • if possible, the table should be as far away from the door as possible;
  • a person sitting at a table should be able to view the entire room;
  • the door to the office should be clearly visible in order to control the entrance to the room;
  • the desktop should not stand opposite the entrance, but a little oblique from the door, then you will not be attacked by the energy going in a straight line, and you will be able to see everyone who enters the room.

Staying in a dominant position assumes an excellent view of the entire room and especially the front door to the office. This arrangement symbolizes the ability to control ongoing processes and, ultimately, success. The one who is with his back to the door is in a vulnerable position, which in Feng Shui symbolizes the location of the victim. It can also mean that many important things and events will happen behind your back. Positioning sideways to the door is also considered unfortunate, although less vulnerable.

If it is impossible to place the desktop so as to see the door - that is, without changing the position of the body, or this position does not suit you, distracting from work, you should put a small mirror on it or, even better, hang it on opposite wall large mirror, which will allow you to clearly see the door and everyone entering the room. This tool is very effective and affordable.

Also it is important to be as far away from the door as possible- this symbolizes control over the situation in the working room and the presence of sufficient time to react to incoming people. Compliance with this condition leads to calmness, confidence, ingenuity, and as a result - the best quality work being performed.

Another recommendation regarding the desktop is maintaining freedom of access to it- this will have a positive effect on the work process, expand your perspectives and opportunities, and on a subconscious level give a sense of security. Sitting at a table facing a blank wall can lead to isolation. Do not move the desktop and one side to the wall. If there is not enough space in the room to provide free space on both sides of the table, it is desirable that the aisle be at least 50 cm wide on one side. Furniture or books should not be placed in this place, as this deprives its owner of the opportunity to use the aisle, weakening it energetically.

Also not recommended to sit too close back to the wall and put something behind the desktop. This is only acceptable if you work in an office. large sizes. It is desirable that there is a distance of at least 90-100 cm between you and the wall. If the chair touches the wall from time to time, this can cause frustration and causeless anger.

Desktop location back to a window or door creates a certain vulnerability according to feng shui, although this is not a negative factor. The positive effect of such an arrangement is good lighting. If a feeling of anxiety arises in this situation, it is recommended to hang a faceted crystal sphere or bells on the ceiling at a distance of about one third of the height of the window. if the window is too large, it is recommended to hang curtains or blinds to visually reduce it.

Much more dangerous considered a situation where behind the seated person is a door. The use here of the recommended bells and spheres as protection is clearly not enough. In this situation, it is better to hang one of these funds above the chair at the desktop. In addition, to hide the door, you can hang a curtain, tapestry or put up a screen (the most dangerous is the outer door located behind the back).

Do not litter the office heavy and large furniture- it takes up a lot of space, and this prevents the free movement of both people and energy flows in it. This can be expressed as depression or fear. Remove any unused bulky items or replace them with smaller ones. This will solve the problem.

Success in business and business is a delicate thing, but as in any area of ​​life, we can provide ourselves with some support and attract favorable Qi energy to help, which will make the process more comfortable and open the doors to new opportunities and prospects.

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