Ginger cultivation. How to grow ginger in the country: a flowering plant with fragrant spicy root Is it possible to grow ginger in Belarus

Few people know how to grow ginger at the cottage in open soil. This is possible, the main thing is to understand that it is necessary for this plant and comply with the rules of cultivation.

It would seem - go yeah buy, and fresh and dried ground selling all year round. How do ginger grow in the garden, why?

  • for confidence that it is grown in environmentally friendly conditions, without chemistry and pesticides;
  • to save money;
  • fresh ginger will always be at hand;
  • ginger bush looks exotic and beautiful flowers;
  • you can hit the guests an unusual product from your own site;
  • it is interesting and curious to try.

Is it possible to grow ginger in the country? In ancient marine journals, it is information that the sailors grown ginger on board, and used it from Qingi. If the harsh sea wolves managed to cope with the task, causing the plants in the pots, the landing of ginger at the cottage should not be present at all.

Get acquainted closer with ginger, lat. Zingiber Officinale, find out how it is arranged, what is his leaves, roots, what they need. So it will be clearer, what conditions need to create this plant for the best growth.

Everyone who saw the ginger on the store shelf or in its own kitchen, is sure: the roots are used. From the point of view, Botany is not quite so. People use rhizome in food. It is escape, that is, a modified stem that grows underground. It is knotty, complex shape. A long straight dense roots growing deeply underground grow from it, but before selling them, of course, they are not suitable for food.

If you consider rhizome more closely, you can find sleeping kidneys, of which long straight shoots will grow with narrow dense leaves, and if you are lucky, then even beautiful bright flowers.

By the structure, the ginger reminds all familiar flower Iris - the rhizome is also growing every year more and more. But Iris is not ginger growing in the open soil in the winter frosty months he will not like it. It is suitable for a climate of tropical countries, from where he comes from India, China, warm and wet. Ginger vegetation period lasts 8-9 months, it is important. How to use this information for planning ginger landing in the country and care?

The most reasonable thing is to use verified. eat method. Planting time - February or March.

Planting material

Ginger seeds can not be bought in flower and garden stores, modern varieties simply do not form. Selective material will have to go to the supermarket vegetable department.

See also: What does the root of ginger and its varieties look like

When choosing, each instance needs to be carefully examined.

Signs that will lead to failure:

  • pesked flabwing root, which has already exhausted stock of its life forces, looks shrieking, to the touch soft;
  • footprints are visible during storage, it is damaged, the skin in stains;
  • footprints are visible - it swells at the ends, darkens, changes the smell and color;

High-quality ginger elastic, smooth and silky to the touch, dense, has a healthy matte gloss, is cleaned with a crunch. The rift of pale yellow color, with a pleasant strong ginger aroma. It is important that on the selected piece of rhizomes were growth points - convex eyes or bustle light color And smooth in appearance, the places of future shoots.

Plant landing

  • We take the root, which was so carefully chosen, and soaked for a few hours in warm water. This bath will allow the root of moisture and wake sleeping kidneys. And at the same time get rid of chemical substanceswhich are handled all storage products. Then it can be placed in plastic bagSo that the kidneys are easier to reveal.
  • Many sources recommend cutting the root into small pieces, leaving each by one kidney. This is a bad solution. Ginger is not ordinary potatoes, it is a southern plant to survive in difficult conditions for him. In order for the rhizome to go well, it is better to be more larger, with a large margin of nutrients and vitality. The larger the shoots and roots on it, the stronger the rhizome will grow, the better the harvest is.

  • It will grow in width, but the roots that are formed on the rhizome, are long and go to the depth, so we choose a pot with a margin in both measurements.
  • If there are cuts or faults on the planting material, it is necessary to be treated with a solution of manganese or poured coal. It will remove the danger of reproduction of microbes and posting.
  • Drainage is needed! I smell the sand layer, gravel, or clay, otherwise the plant simply rotates in water.

  • The soil for disembarking is the usual, for vegetables, in which you need to add some sand, as well as a humoring or other fertilizer suitable for root.
  • Ginger landed shallow, put horizontally and fall asleep with the ground with a layer in a couple of centimeters. It is very important to pay attention to the direction of future shoots, they should grow up, and not down.
  • After landing, you need to moisten the land.

Before the emergence of the first germs, it takes about two weeks, the pot is waiting for the summer in a warm bright place, the Earth needs to spray, so as not to sing. If the temperature falls below +18, the plant can stop growth, and it will not be easy to wake it up. Loose the soil is needed with caution so as not to damage the underground part.

See also: Methods of softening ginger gingerbread

Care for seedy

The shoots of ginger powerful, reaches a meter in height. Therefore, after the appearance of leaves, ginger will have to feed. Using potash fertilizers For a set of mass of roots and leaves. If you want your instance blooming, use phosphoric fertilizers. The plant speaks gratefully to spraying, 3-4 times a day moisturize the air with a spray gun.

Light day in winter short. It must be brought to 14 hours using phytolampus. Place it a little less meter From leaves, the light should be scattered.

It should be remembered that we planned to grow ginger from the root in the country, and not on the windowsill. It is necessary to consider where it is best to plant, and it is possible to prepare a place to land.

When landing in the ground will have to take into account that it is gentle exotic plant It is afraid of drafts, it will need to be protected from the wind. Excessive moistening of the Earth literally will turn the harvest to the root, the rhizomes will begin to rotate. The scorching sun is also dangerous for the future harvest. From direct sunlight leaves burn, yellow and dry out, suffer and violates the vital activity of the entire plant entirely.

We find a suitable place in the garden: illuminated by scattered sunlight, warm, inaccessible for pouring and hidden from the wind.

The land must be fertile and easy at the same time. Lucky, if there is a sublinous soil on your site, fertile and rich in humus. If not, it is best to mix the turf earth with humus and add sand. Instead of humus, fertilizers, mineral or organic are suitable. In order to grow ginger out of the root, it is impossible to use fresh manure, only overwhelmed. If you are interested, how to grow ginger in the country, the following paragraphs are about it.


With the onset of warm weather without frosts, the time to transplant ginger in open ground comes. It is impossible to say March this or May, you need to focus on the local climate and the concrete weather forecast.

The plant does not like a transplant. Act you have to be carefully and as little as possible to disturb the root system during the transfer to the prepared area. It makes sense at first to cover it with a film, protect the observer material. The improvised greenhouse around Kusta will give him the opportunity better and faster to a new place and go to growth.

Ginger care

  • loose the soil around the bush;
  • 1-2 times a month to feed mineral fertilizers, humic or weak cowhrinka solution;
  • glow weeds;
  • prevent soil drying;

  • twice a month you need to cut a quarter of the born leaves, in order to actively formed the underground part, and not a sheet weight;
  • we often examine plants. If dry plots appeared on the leaves in a thin cannon, it cobed tick. It lays eggs and larvae on the back of the leaves, the plant stops in development and dry out. Measures of struggle - distance between plants, loosening, spraying with special compositions to combat pest.

Ginger - the plant is quite common. Food is used in the root as seasonings to vegetables, meat dishes, in baking, make it useful drinks. Most often they buy in the markets or ginger stores, how to grow it in the country sites and houses on the windowsill, not everyone knows. Technology growing this plant is simple. Ginger shoots externally resemble a bamboo.

Grow ginger at home on the window is quite easy

To begin with, we go to the market and buy a fresh root of ginger. It should be well visible to eyes, of which they will later develop shoots. The root must be divided into delays, each should be 2-3 peeled, you can plant with one eye, but the bush will develop longer and looks weak on the window. Slices should be presided wood ash and drown. If there is no ash, you can do without it. Next, sit the roots into the nutrient mixture, will suit any soil, well, if it contains humus. In the pot there should be a drainage hole, it is desirable to pour a little sand to the bottom. After the ginger is planted, how to grow it, you can not worry. Now we have to wait for the roots to make the root system, only after that the shoots will go into growth. It is only necessary to periodically water the land so that it does not drive hard, keep it into a slightly wet state. You should not pour, otherwise the roots can bend. The first shoots will appear in about a month and will continue to grow very quickly. In winter, watering is needed moderate, in spring and summer - abundant. If shoots begin to bend under his own weight, for them should be supplied. If necessary, transfer the ginger to a pot of larger diameter (if the roots stick out from the drain hole). By the next spring, ginger will bloom, there is no special decorativeness in the flowers, but still nice when your pets feel good. The root of ginger after flowering matures after 1-2 months, and it will be possible to assemble the first harvest, if this is not done, the pot can crack. The plant shake out of the pot and from the rhizoma cut a piece with 2-3 shoots. His you can put in a new nutrient mixture, and the rest of the root is used in food. Wonderful ginger plant! How to grow it at home, we figured out. Now let's go further, we will land it on the garden.

Useful ginger - Growing in the country

We buy a fresh root of ginger and the same as in the first case, cut it into several deteen, sprinkled with ashes ashes and dried. Now we plant on cottage plot ginger. How to grow - consider further. The landing should be carried out as early as possible, it resembles planting potatoes. Ideally is the beginning of March, but this is possible only in the warm regions. In the rest at this time, the sites still lies snow, so the landing of ginger is transferred to the beginning or mid-April. Squeeze to a depth of about 15 cm into a well-fertilized grounding. Next you need to spit, loose, if necessary. Better if the area where the ginger grows is light and protected from the wind. After some time, shoots will appear, and by July he will bloom the "belt" of a reddish color. The harvest is digging in autumn, at the end of September - in October, in the southern regions you can leave the tubers in the ground until December.

How to plant ginger at home?

Ginger is a tropical plant resembling reed. For a good crop, warm and wet environmentto which he is habitual. The cultivation of ginger at the cottage creates a lot of problems, because the conditions of our climatic belt differ from the development environment of this culture. To the one who still wants to grow contrary to all the ginger at home, can come to the aid of greenhouses and residential premises.

The technologies of cultivation is not provided for the presence of difficulties, but the gardener should know how to plant the ginger so that he will give sprouts, developed in healthy plant And gave a rich harvest.

Choose and prepare material for landing

Growing ginger at home begins with the selection and preparation of material for planting. Some people even have no idea what it looks like. This culture is consumed by us in a dried form or a clean root in the market or in a grocery store. Gardeners include ginger to root, which multiply the division of rhizomes. Fresh root roofing material. Put the ginger and sowing seeds, but find them in retail It will not be easy.

In addition, only seeds of the culture that grew in a natural medium can give sprouts. If you are engaged in the issue of breeding this plant, then you are a direct road to the supermarket or to the market. It is necessary to choose only the fresh ginger root. You will be able to distinguish it along the smooth surface of the skin, the presence of kidneys, like a potato. If you bought a product with a smooth skin that is not smashed, and the structure itself is rowing almost without fibers, then everything is done correctly.

Before planting the root of ginger, you need to pour it on warm water for a while. You can leave it all night. This procedure should provoke the swelling of the incarnations. There is no need to fully plant ginger, it is enough to divide the root on the part so that each piece contains several kidneys. After dividing the root, you need to sprinkle ash or activated coal In places of sections to prevent rotting.

We prepare soil for the plant

It should be remembered that ginger is a culture of a tropical belt and grows mainly in the south-east of Asia. He is unpretentious in care, but for good Development And the rich harvest is recommended to properly prepare the soil for sowing. Ginger is poorly tolerates excess and stagnant water phenomena, so it is desirable to produce growing in the drainage soil. The optimal composition for seating the roots at home is the mixture of humus, sand and deciduous humus in proportion one to one.

How to plant Ginger: Growing Features

At home, ginger is grown as an annual culture. First of all, you need to decide on its location. Adult plant reaches a meter in height, and not all windowsill are suitable for this purpose.

How to plant ginger using rootpode? Prepared root pieces located in the tank or flower pot In a horizontal position. It is necessary to ensure that all the kidneys are from above. We water well. The soil should cover the root only for several centimeters. Do not put root too deep. If everything is done correctly, then in a few weeks you will see that the ginger sprouted.

When planting the plant it is very important that the soil is well cooked and sowing material was high Quality. Also, to grow ginger at home, you must correct the container for this purpose. Its dimensions are of paramount importance. For an extensive root system, wide, but low pots are ideal.

Such a container will provide you with the opportunity to get a good harvest of rhizomes.
For the cultivation of ginger for purely decorative purposes, a pot with small dimensions will be suitable. Such a container will increase the plant itself, and not its root system. Many experts agree that this culture does not represent decorative value. She has thin leaves resembling Esch. But the benefit from ginger is more than from any plant on your windowsill.

To prevent the stagnation of moisture in the ground, any form of containers should have drain holes in stock. The container is placed in a warm place. Light should be enough. With the arrival of heat will have to ensure that there are no straight sun rays. Watering the plant needs often to ensure sufficient humidity.

Ginger: Growing in the country

You do not know how to cultivate ginger in the country? It does not constitute any difficulty. It will be just wonderful if you find yourself the owner of the greenhouse. Then your task will be to deliver the roots and placing them in a greenhouse. Here the ginger will be protected from the Sun and is provided with moisture. Such conditions for it are ideal. On the open plot Earth plant will not be able to exist.

If the greenhouse is absent, you will have to build a selection of shelter in the country. Young stems and leaves can be used to prepare salads. But it is not necessary to get involved, if you want to collect a good harvest of rhizomes in your country. To ripe the ginger, it is necessary from 8 to 10 months.

how to grow ginger in the country

Landing and growing ginger do not constitute difficulties. Root sprout, what to do you? For successful gardening, it is necessary to adhere to the rules for the care of the plant. They are reduced to timely watering and feeding culture. If you decide to grow ginger at home, you need to pay attention to the following tips.

  1. When landing, the root of ginger is divided according to the jumpers of processes. Watch that each part contain one or two kidneys.
  2. It is possible to plant the ginger at home at any time of the year, but it is desirable to do it in the winter.
  3. For the prevention of the root from fungal infection, it should be sprayed with a weak mortar of manganese before boarding.
  4. For normal growth, the plant should be fed. When ginger blooms, it is recommended to use potash fertilizers. For a good harvest, the rhizomes should use organic feeding.
  5. For tropical culture, you need an appropriate watering. It should not be too abundant, but you need to follow that the soil does not drive. With the advent of the first sprouts, watering increases.

Compliance with all rules for disembodies and care will help ensure the normal growth of ginger and good yield of the useful root.

We collect a crop

By the middle of autumn, the ginger begins the rest period. It is accompanied by fading the ground part of the plant. It is time harvesting. On the increasing rhizome, you can see the processes with the kidneys. Gently separate them from the main root and plant in fresh ground. The rest can be used for its intended purpose.

It is unlikely that you can immediately use the entire harvest. The remaining roots are enormous in the warm room, which is well ventilated. You can store in a locker or in a refrigerator, where there are containers for vegetables. For several months you will have a fresh ginger.

Ginger in the country. How to plant ginger at home. | Garden

Increasingly meeting people who use ginger as not only fragrant spices, but I am for treating and getting rid of excess weight. Its benefit for our health is indisputable! If you, like me, are going to plant ginger at home or on dacha , let's figure it out how to do it at home to see finally in living his beautiful yellow, and not only flower.

Ginger of ginger at home:

The best time to land the root of ginger - winter. You can buy it now almost in any store. Choose the root of fresh, it should have smooth and shiny skin, and can be sprouted eyes, like potatoes. So that the kidneys began their awakening, ginger are placed in warm water for a couple of hours. If you want to grow ginger is not one-piece root, but from a small part of it with shoots, how they are advised to avoid fungal diseases of the plant, the location of the cut should be treated with a weak solution of manganese.

Pot for landing you need to pick up correctly - with a wide bottom. 3-6 centimeter layer of drainage laid on the bottom (blend of sand, earth and grounding).

To put the root to the ground follows 3 centimeters deep, up the eyes (like potatoes), not forgetting to pour off. At home for growing ginger need temperatures up to 15c0 at low air humidity. On average, the first ginger sprouts are somewhat 13-15 days.

Ginger care after germination:

Now the plant needs the conditions of humidity and heat that we will have to support. The drought is very terrible and destructive in the cultivation of ginger. He needs frequent watering in small portions, spraying and loosening the Earth. Keep the pot with sprouts is needed in half, in gave from direct exposure to the sun.

Finger the ginger so that he rose on our dacha and even in the apartment, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bmineral fertilizers , organic (phosphoric, potash is better alternate) and occasionally, a cowber with water (1:10).

During active growth (early spring), ginger can be transferred to the ground to your bed, observing all the above rules.

Before, actually, the harvest of the long-awaited ginger watering must be finished. The roots are time to dig up if the tops are yellow and leaked to the ground (mainly it happens at the beginning of autumn). Do not hurry to throw out the leaves and ginger stems, as they are also used as very useful and vitamined food.

How to keep the roots of ginger.

After digging the roots, they are cleaned of dirt, cut the appling roots. Also follow 3 days to dry them in the sun. You can then store ginger several months: in a dry place, where the air temperature is not more than 4 degrees. More fragrant and sharp ginger, grown at home or in the country, becoming, if you store it in cutting, like chips - thin and dry pieces.

Ginger - Growing at home and in open soil | Ls.

How to plant ginger?

In order to get a rich harvest, it is necessary, first of all, choose the right planting material. Today in most major supermarkets you can buy a fresh ginger root. To the selection of the root that you put in the ground should be taken particularly carefully. When buying a planting material, choose copies with smooth and shiny skin on which shooting kidneys were formed. Watch that the root is not too dry or frozen.

After the acquisition, the ginger must be placed in warm water for 2-3 hours to speed up the growth of shoots. If the horned root is too big and you are going to put into the ground only his piece with escape kidneys, should be carefully cutting it with a clean knife and lubricate the place of the cut by a fastening solution of manganese. This is necessary for the prevention of fungal lesions.

Next, take a wide pot and 3-5 cm fill it in the bottom of a pre-cooked mixture of sand, turf and humus. All components must be mixed in equal parts. The required part of the root should be burned into the ground for approximately 2 cm and rush to pure water.

How to grow ginger at home?

If you have chosen the appropriate planting material and put it in the ground correctly, you can expect the first shoots in 10-14 days. Up to this point, the pot with a planted plant must be kept in a cool and dry place, at ambient temperature about +15.

In the future, ginger must be placed in a wet and warm room. At the same time, it is impossible to move onto its shoots of direct sunlight. It is best to put a pot in the half. Most of the crusts for ginger growing prefer the kitchen.

Watering the plant is needed quite often, because the ginger is very harmonious. Meanwhile, closely follow the state of the soil and try not to overdo it with watering, otherwise your pet rotates.

If your goal is to get a fresh ginger root, which can be eaten or used as an effective drug, approximately in the middle of the autumn should begin to gradually cut watering to its complete termination. Thus, you can dry the soil, which, in turn, stimulates the development of the root. If you expect to achieve the flowering of this plant, watering should be reduced to a minimum, constantly maintaining the soil in a slightly moistened state.

In addition, ginger must be regularly picked up with mineral fertilizers. In order to raise a rich harvest of the roots, choose those that are rich in potassium, and for flowering - phosphorus. Protectly produce 1 time in 2-3 weeks.

How to grow ginger in the country, in the open soil?

For the cultivation of ginger on the summer site, it is best to germinate a few roots at home. It follows them in the pots in the end of February - early March, and in the spring, when the plants will start actively grow, they must be put in the garden in the country.

The best fertilizer for ginger lined in open ground is cow manure, diluted with water in the ratio of 1:10. The frequency of watering plants depends on the weather. In the roast and arid summer, ginger will have to water quite often. If your garden plot regularly irrigate the rains, most likely, the bed will not need to be watering at all. Closer to harvesting roots watering should be stopped at all.

How to collect a harvest?

After you stop watering the ginger (both at home and in the garden plot), its foliage will begin to turn quickly, falling down and fell. When the stems and leaves fade finally, you can neatly dig up the roots from the ground. After that, they must be carefully flushed and dry very well.

Keep the assembled crop can be in a dry and dark room or in the refrigerator in polyethylene film. Under these conditions, fresh ginger roots can remain suitable for eating for several months. In addition, the roots can be freezed to save them even longer. Some crops prefer to put fresh roots, but in this case they can be used not in each situation.

Sometimes food is also used fresh leaves and ginger stems. They are not so rich in vitamins and minerals, like roots, but can also be very useful for a person.

We often see and buy in stores the root of ginger. Many people like his acute taste, well, about his benefits can be told for a very long time. But few know how the plant itself looks like a ginger. It is curiosity, as well as the desire to get your own, environmentally friendly crop, gives rise to a desire to learn how to grow ginger at home.

How to grow ginger on the windowsill

Selecting planting material. It is worth buying a fresh root of this plant with noticeable kidneys, it should be smooth and dense to the touch, do not contain a large number of fibers on its surface. You can also hold the root of ginger in water for 2-3 hours before planting.


Put ginger follows in early springSince the time of his full ripening is about 8 months, that is, putting the root in March, the harvest will be removed in November. For landing you need to find a wide and shallow pot with good drainageSo that the ginger does not rotten from excess moisture. The earth will suit the most ordinary, for growing vegetables. The root is placing the kidneys up, slightly sprinkle the earth for several centimeters. Do not put it too deep.

Watering and care

Ginger requires a good watering and enough light, as its homeland is tropical forests, but it is worth avoiding open rays and drafts. It is also necessary to spray the plant daily, especially if it stands on the windowsill next to the central heating battery.

How to grow ginger in the country

In the summer you can and even need to take it out into the street, yet on fresh air Plants grow better than on the windowsill. But it is worth being careful for the weather, do not forget that ginger is a tropical plant, and therefore the temperature on the street should be in a summer warm. So, if you wanted to grow ginger on the dacha somewhere closer to Siberia, then you should not do this.

Do not despair if the sprouts do not appear for a long time, they need for about two months for this. The plant itself will resemble the reed, it can both bloom, but the flowers appear only in two years. Ginger will grow to a meter in height. You can also feed the plant, making fertilizers.


In the fall, the ginger is tugged, stems and leaves dry out. The rest period begins for the plant. At this time, the root can dug or leave on next yearBy removing the pot into the dark place (in the storage room, for example), it is not necessary to water it, and in the spring you can again put it in the sun. In this case, your exotic flower will give even more fruit, that is, roots.

I dug and trying my own ginger handedly, you will get a lot of pleasure and as much benefit. And the ginger, as you know, is extremely useful: improves appetite, activates digestion, eliminates dizziness and nausea. It can be added as seasonings for meat and to a bird, brew tea from it, and eastern cuisine Generally unthinkable without ginger. So grow and eat ginger on kind health.


How to grow ginger in the country: landing, care and harvest

How to grow ginger in the country: a flowering plant with fragrant spicy root

A small elegant plant, externally resembling bamboo shoots and known to us called Ginger, not so long ago appeared on store shelves, but it has already become well-deserved as a wonderful oriental spice, a universal medicine and just beautiful decorative plantwhich can be unusual decoration cottage plot. And although Ginger is a native of tropical latitudes, today it is quite successfully grown in the zone of moderate climate. As a rule, ginger cultivation in the country does not require any specific skills or labor-intensive actions, but in this case you need to know several small tricks. So, consider how to grow ginger in the country.

Selection of ginger root for cultivation in the country

Ginger is an aromatic tropical plant, which is multiplied by the division of the root. For landing in the ground, the usual fresh ginger root with several vegetative kidneys, purchased in the supermarket or on the market. The main condition - the ginger root should not be too dry, in appearance it should be young, dense and juicy, have smooth and shiny skin.

Unlike many other root plants, ginger first plant not in the ground, but in a pot. So that the plant sprout is enough to plant a small, up to 5 cm long, a piece of ginger with 1-2 vegetative kidneys into a low, but very wide pot. The optimal time for the landing of ginger in the pots is February-March.

Soil preparation and ginger landing in the ground

Only a good germinated ginger root is suitable for landing at the cottage in the open ground. Usually, the germinated ginger root plant in the soil in the spring or early summer. For its landing, they choose a well-lit plot of land, protected from the midday sun and a strong wind.

How to plant ginger to the ground on your dacha? To do this, it is necessary to dug a shallow trench (5-10cm) and planted there sprouted the roots of ginger. The interval between plants should be at least 10 cm, since the ginger has a bulk overhead part and a developed rozness system. The landing of ginger in the country is made in well-humidized soil. The most favorable ginger is a loose soil with a large content of humus, mixed with sand and deciduous humus.

Ginger care

Growing ginger in the country can become an exquisite handsome, because this plant is different not only with their spicy taste and integer useful propertiesBut also known with its tropical beauty. An adult ginger plant has rounded bright green leaves and flowers bright red or orange bump-shaped inflorescences. However, that Ginger become a real decoration of the country area and gave a good harvest, it is necessary to provide him with the right departure, which, as a rule, is reduced to such traditional events, as timely watering, regular soil looser and weed removal.

Unlike many other southern plants, ginger requires abundant irrigation, but it does not tolerate water stagnation. By tempering him and wet air, therefore, as soon as the ginger germinates, it is necessary to regularly spray air around it. Regular spraying has a beneficial effect on the formation of a green crown of the plant and is one of the main conditions of abundant blossom of ginger in the summer.

An integral condition for the development of rhizomes and the above-ground part of the plant is regular soil looser, which is usually produced at least 1 time per week throughout the entire plant growth period.

From time to time, the ginger is fed by organic fertilizers, such as a cowber, divorced with water in a ratio of 1:10. And with the onset of August, organic fertilizers alternate with potash fertilizers, which have a positive effect on the formation of tuber plants.

Groaving harvest in the country

The harvest of ginger can be started immediately after the yellowing of the plant foliage. However, ginger roots are ready for consumption three or four months after its landing. And although by this time they are still quite small, their flavor and taste do not cause doubts. The full fragrant ginger root is formed only 6-8 months after landing. But after this time, it is not necessary to count on a generous harvest, since ginger, as a native of Southeast Asia, gives good yields only in warm and humid climate conditions.

Ginger root collection technology is not much different from harvesting other root plants. A few days before harvesting, watering plants stop, then with the help of shovels, ripen ginger tubers dig. The assembled ginger root is cleaned from dirt, soil residues and other garbage, remove the apparent roots and dry it in the sun for several days.

If the ginger in the country area was planted in decorative purposes, then its root does not dig and leave for the winter. Next season he will sprout and please his owners abundant blossom.

As you can see, the answer to the question how to grow ginger in the country is quite simple. Despite the seeming complexity, ginger cultivation in the country will not take much time and will not require special efforts. And for proper care This tropical plant will delight with its beauty and spicy aromaAnd also will give an amazingly delicious and useful fruit - ginger root.

Is it possible how to grow ginger in the country? Seeds, roots? Where to get? Sold roots for food, can you plant them?


there is your own experience.
At home I planted in November purchased root in the supermarket, after three months I gave three processes three more, grew up on the eastern window watered daily, by the end of the summer, drying, the root did not take it, I do not water the pot, it stands on the balcony. The plant itself is an unpleasant similar to the Ess.
Sits at the cottage in the beginning of May in the greenhouse in a bucket, apparently, it was closely gave just one sprout, yesterday I pulled out, the root pulled almost the same ka kapadil, but the turgor is good

✿elena M✿.



Ginger root can be grown at home. But the cultivation of ginger is a laborious process, since this plant grows mainly in the rainforest of southeastern Asian countries.
The useful properties of ginger, humanity knew ancient times. But now getting fresh ginger on your table is not so simple, because in our strip it does not grow.
The main supplier of ginger root today is Jamaica.
This tropical plant resembles an ordinary grass of an emergency, which also forms pseudo stems from tightly rolled into the tube of narrow leaves.
When growing ginger houses, such a grass can reach a height meter. So, if you decide to use the ginger of your own harvest in cooking, you need to get a shallow wide capacity for the root falling. As well as soil or organic mixture for planting vegetables. Actually the root of ginger, or rather his fragment consisting of a pair of "Falang" with several living kidneys, which, with a horizontal landing, need to be directed up. If the root is a bit, then you can put it for a few hours in warm water.
Ginger cultivation should be started in spring. Sat deep in the ground root is not worth it. And keep a pot with ginger in place, protected from direct sunlight and a strong wind.
Ginger root is very sensitive to watering. In dry zones (next to the battery), it is necessary to paint. In more wet zones, the apartment is not worth overflowing the plant, as the root quickly boosts. Therefore, when landing, be sure to lay out on the bottom of the drainage, for example, from medium-sized cerazy.
If you observe everything the necessary conditions When growing, ginger can both bloom, but in the first year it is unlikely to happen. For guaranteed flowering, you need at least 2-3 years. It is said that ginger flowers are very beautiful, grow up on a thin princess stem similar to a thin boom and have a gentle yellow-green color with purple edges.
The leaves and ginger stems can be used as ingredients of salad, but it is not worth cutting them if you want to grow large rhizomes. In order for the ginger root to be large enough, it is necessary to give him at least 8 months. So putting the root in March-April, you will get own yield Just at the beginning of the winter - the beginning of the wintering (hibernation) of ginger. At this time, stalks and leaves dry out, watering can be canceled, and put the pot into the cool dark wet place

Growing ginger at home or in the country

Ginger is a plant with a rich history and mass of useful properties. Growing ginger is a good one, as seasonings and other products made from ginger, are widely popular all over the world. Today we will try, with all the correctness and responsibility, describe the process of growing this plant on own plot or even on the windowsill.


Ginger - grassy, perennialbelonging to the family of ginger. Ginger has a horizontally branched, large root and fairly strong stem, the length of which, under certain conditions, can reach one and a half meters. Also in the plant large leaveswhich tightly embrace each escape, their length is up to 20 cm. However, if the ginger is grown in the apartment, then the flowering does not expect from itBut it is also not worth worrying about this, as the bloom of ginger himself is very unwashed (a completely different situation with many other ginger, in which bloom can be lush and bright).

Growing ginger

In fact, ginger cultivation is not so difficult, especially for those people who spend a lot of time at work with the ground and know something about plants. Newcomers, of course, will be a little more difficult, for it is necessary to know the acidity of soil, some fertilizers, planting methods of plants, special care rules. Well, as for ginger, he, like other plants, loves special conditions And grows perfectly, if they are fully observed.

Ginger needs nutritious, exhausted soilin which, in small quantities, added sand. The soil must consist of a delicate land, leaf slowing and already mentioned sand, proportions 1: 2: 1. The rhizome of ginger is located close to the surface of the soil, which means landing the ginger is necessary in shallow cuvettes (in the open area) or wider and flat dishes (if the ginger is grown at home). Do not forget about drainage for landing ginger: In the prepared landing site (the depth of no more than 20 cm) is poured fine gravel, whose layer is about 1st cm. Gravel is covered with a layer of sand in 2 cm and a substrate. If the ginger landed in a pot, then it must contain holes for removing water covered with shards. Before the landing, the rhizome of ginger should be kept in a specially prepared solution of potassium permanganate in a specially prepared solution. Further, the rhizer is planted into the prepared ground and the layer of land is not more than 2nd see. Before the appearance of the first shoots, which will seem on the surface after 10-14 days, the soil at the site of the ginger landing should be abundantly watering. And after the appearance of shoots about watering is not necessary, because top part Plants are distinguished by abundant greens and at the time of its development, in no case, it is impossible to allow the cutting of the Earth.

Ginger really needs various feeding. Experts advise during the entire growing season (at home - from March and until October) to fertilize it with a cowboat and water solution, 1:10, once every 10 days. From August, it is required to alternate potash fertilizers and the organic. Due to these fertilizers, there is a quick and proper formation of ginger tubers. Also, ginger need spraying, otherwise because of the room, dried air or the scorching sun, his leaves can be filled. Spraying should be spent in the eveningSo as not to provoke burns on the leaves, due to the water droplets heated in the sun.

Posseably acts on the growth of stems, leaves and rhizomes of soil loosening. Therefore, a day after each watering, throughout the season of vegetation of the plant, it is necessary to explode the soil at a depth of 1 cm. In the end of September, when overhead Ginger will slightly dreamed, it will begin to fall apart and sweat, watering should be made more rare, and the spraying is completely stopped. The harvest can be assembled at the moment when the leaves will yellow and fall.

Rhizomes get out of the ground, carefully cleaned from the soil residues, remove the apparent roots and dried in the sun for several days. Part of the roots can immediately go to the kitchen, another wait for the next season and be planted again. Store planting material stands in the basement or cellar, temperature interior environment which keeps in the range of 2-4 degrees Celsius. You can also store the root of ginger in the refrigerator, on the shelf with vegetables, pre-laying it into a package of paper.

Properties of ginger

From a long time, mankind is known that to preserve beauty, youth and health, as well as to strengthen immune system And improving well-being, a person should use a variety of products that contribute to this, namely vitamins and trace elements. Ginger root is quite useful for human organism And meets many requirements described above. The ginger contains vitamins C, F, B1 and B2, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium salts, as well as sodium, potassium and zinc. In addition, the ginger contains a whole set of amino acids - threonine, tryptophan, methionine, leasein, valine, phenylanine and others.

People have a long time known ginger, as a wonderful seasoning and medicinal plant With it, you can not only brighten the taste of many dishes, but also:

  • remove pain during arthritis;
  • use as an antispasmodic and wind turbine agent;
  • improve digestion;
  • remove toxins and slags from the body;
  • remove the symptoms of nausea;
  • enhance immunity and strengthen the body;
  • stimulate the normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract, so on.

Use and preparation of ginger

Best use fresh gingerSince it retains more active substances and aroma. Before use, the fresh root of ginger is cleaned from the peel, it should not be mold or any stains. Keep such a ginger in refrigerators or in freezerwhere it can remain suitable to six months.

In preparation of dishes, the most important is at what kind of stage the ginger is added, the aroma and taste and taste dependent on this. If adding ginger at the very beginning of cooking, then the effect it will be weaker, at the end, before the feed is the strongest effect. With the use of ginger, you can cook rice, sweet dishes, delicious lemonade. Powder ginger will give an unsurpassed taste and smell of hot dishes - ear, lamb soup, chicken and meat broth. Also, ginger in powder is widely used in the preparation of meat dishes - beef, pork, young veal, lamb, goose, turkey and chicken. The incomparable component is the ginger and confectionery business, which is used for baking, candy fillings, manufacture of syrups and jam. We recommend reading an article about edible roots and roots.

Ginger has a beautiful mint-lemon fragrance and burning sour taste, and besides his taste quality It has gorgeous healing properties. His decoction will strengthen the immune system, relieves from the cold, stimulates the metabolism. Why buy so useful root, if you can grow it in the country!

Although once for the purchase, you need to go - in order to buy several roots, of which we get the material for the landing. Make it needed in the last winter days, because at first ginger still should be planted in pots. Roots suitable for landing should be dense, solid and shiny. Roots to treat with a solution of manganese in order to disinfect them, and place it near the warm battery, and after a week you will see thick and juicy kidneys that are asked to the ground.

From the moment of landing the roots in the pots, until the most valuable part of this plant, should pass from five to ten months, everything depends on the climate.

The hotter the summer, the faster the roots ripe. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the deadlines for landing of ginger in pots. Immerse the roots into the ground for a few days so that the kidneys go to growth even more active and put root. When this stage is passed, divide the roots into several parts with the kidneys, sprinkle the place of the cut or activated carbon, and dissolve on separate pots. Pots should be wide enough because root system Ginger smashes precisely.

Ginger - Growing in a garden with health benefits!

Ginger in February-March will actively go into growth, growing in the open ground will begin very soon. Externally, the plant resembles reed or reed. However, do not rush to be disappointed in its landed form - this "reed" blooms very beautifully, and many gardeners plant it on sites as a decorative plant. Potassium and phosphoric fertilizers very well stimulate growth and flowering. If you grow this culture purely for eating food, fertilize the soil- Wood ash, compost.

When on the street and during the day, and at night there will be quite warm weather, the threat of return freezers will be minimized, it is necessary to start the summer stage of growing ginger. The contents of the pots gently remove and land into the wells prepared in advance. Choose a landing place in a half. Remember that this is a plant from the tropics, which means the shadow and moisture for it are the most convenient conditions. Do not plunge the plant more than it was in a pot - ginger grows closer to the surface. The foliage regularly spray at least every day, and ideally - several times a day.

If you planted the roots of purely decorative purposes, then in the fall, after the leaves are rejected, do not dig them. Capped with foliage or cover the agriculture. In the spring, the plant will go into growth with a double strength and will delight you with abundant bloom.

Ginger - Growing in Open Ground for Salads and Slough

Young leaves and ginger stems are quite suitable for the preparation of salads, but if you want to get a decent harvest of rhizomes, trimming do not get drunk. When the leaves are completely rejected, you can proceed to harvest. You can store the extracted roots both in a dry dark place and in the refrigerator. In addition, you can grind and dry ginger roots. To do this, wash it and grind it on thin strips (it's not necessary to remove the skin), which send to the dryer for fruits or oven, included on the drying mode.

Ginger root is a fragrant spice that possesses medicinal properties And used in cooking and medicine. The plant itself is sometimes used as a decorative culture that is grown in pots and decorates the interior of the house. If you wish to grow ginger, you can independently, because nothing is difficult in this. About how to grow ginger, we will tell in this article.

Brief description of the plant

Ginger is a long-term culture from the family of ginger and is a rhizable plant living in a tropical climate. In his own way, ginger resembles a low bush, although it is considered a herbal culture. The birthplace of this spice is South AsiaBut currently the plant is widespread in Australia, India, China, Indonesia, on Jamaica and Barbados, as well as in West African countries.

The ginger plant has long oblong leaves, some of them are rolled into thin tubes and mimic stems. All parts of culture, both overhead and underground, have a pleasant aroma, something resembling the smell of lemon. The root of ginger also has a sharp taste and has a warming effect on the body.

Preparation of ginger to landing

For planting culture most often use rhizome. It is believed to multiply the ginger and seed fashionBut in our country, this method is practically impossible. In addition, vegetative reproduction gives a greater guarantee that a new plant is taken for in the soil.

To put the ginger in myself on a plot or house in a flower pot, you should purchase a fresh root in the store or on the market. Please note that young roots are suitable for breeding culture. It is easy to identify them on the species: they have a flat smooth surface and a pleasant light golden shade. Watch that the planting material was not damaged and did not look shyly and sluggish.

Before growing ginger from the root, we should prepare the planting material. The root must be immersed in a little warm water and leave it there at least 24 hours. During this time, the kidney, from which new sprouts will subsequently crumble, will have to swell. It is worth noting that it does not make sense to plant the root, it is possible to divide it into several parts and grow 3-4 plants or even more. The most important thing is that the root fragment, which you will plant, had a few kidneys. If you can cut the ginger into several parts, all sections of cuts must be processed wood coal or ash to avoid the development of diseases and rot on damaged areas.

Features of Ginger Growing in Open Ground

Choosing a place and time planting culture

In southern countries, where the ginger is grown for industrial purposes, its development time from the moment of planting until the roots of the roots is about 6-12 months. In Russia, the period of cultural culture ranges from 8 to 9 months.

The roots of the plant are sitting for the extension of seedlings in about January or in February, and in the spring, from April to May, the culture is transplanted to the garden. It is desirable that outdoor soil Was protected by film shelter.

As for the place of landing, the ginger prefers solar sections, because it is a southern thermo-loving plant. However, under the scorching sun, it is also not recommended to plant it, it is desirable that a certain part The day in the garden with ginger was a light shadension.

Ginger also does not like strong wind, so take care, so that the site is not very blurred and, if necessary, provide an additional windproof. Since the climate of our country is rather severe for southern plants, ginger is recommended not to grow in open beds, but in greenhouses or in greenhouses. In addition, such structures make it possible to create the most suitable conditions for culture.

In the event that the ginger is divorced as indoor plant and grows in flower pots, capacitance can be taken for summer on open air Or put it in a greenhouse.

Soil preparation for ginger

When growing ginger in the country, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil for culture. The plant loves fertile, nutrient and light soil, into which air and moisture penetrates well. It is important not to forget about drainage that will withdraw excess water And do not gave root. To prepare the appropriate composition of the soil for growing ginger, mix 1 part of the turf with 2 parts of the leaf humus and 1 part of the fine river sand.

The depth of the ginger pit should be approximately 20 cm. Dropping it, do not forget to immediately make drainage. To do this, at the bottom of the deepening, pour 2 cm of fine gravel, cover it 2 cm of sand, and then plant a plant, falling asleep to the hole in advance by the soil.

Ginger landing for bed

At about April, the prepared parts of ginger roots can be planted on the site. As we said earlier, the soil can be protected from wind and cold, as well as from scoring sunlight. Blowing the roots of the plant is needed by about 2 cm, in addition, the soil before planting should be sufficiently humid.

Approximately 1-1.5 months, the culture will give the first shoots. It is worth noting that the ginger grow pretty quickly and actively increasing the green mass, so it is important to provide a timely and abundant watering plant. Constantly check the soil in the place where culture grows, the land there should not be over. In addition to watering, the soil also needs loosening, which must be carried out the next day after irrigation. Loosening will make the soil porous, resulting in the roots of the plant will fall sufficient number oxygen.

You can grow ginger in light conditions Shadension, but you can not forget about regular irrigation. By the way, it is advisable to produce moisture not only under the root of the plant, but also spray the leaves from the spray gun. If culture grows in a greenhouse, you need to monitor the maintenance of air humidity at the proper level. Ginger harvest is preferably in evening hoursEspecially in the event that it grows in a sunny place. Water, falling on the leaves, actually causes the lenses, and the sun rays in this case can leave burns on the foliage.

Ginger fertilizer

Important condition for growing ginger are timely feeding. This culture reacts very well to fertilizers, which are taken into the soil once every 10 days, starting from the time the ginger will germinate. In the first months of development, the culture is fed by a cowboy, which is dissolved in the water in the proportion of 1:10. Instead of a cowboy, you can use chicken litter and nettle tincture, which should be alternating with each other. Approximately in August, ginger begin to fertilize the potassium compositions, which contributes to the intensive development of the root system.

If the ginger is divorced in order to receive rhizomes, it is not necessary to wait for his blooms at all. On the contrary, with the advent of buds, the development of tubers slows down. But if culture is divorced only with a decorative goal, phosphoric fertilizers can also be used as feeding.

Ginger: harvesting and storage

Ginger rhizomes begin to dig out from the ground in about the last days of September. That culture is ready for harvest, we will indicate the drooping and drying leaves. At this time, it is desirable to reduce the amount of irrigation, and the spraying of foliage should be discontinued at all.

As soon as the leaves become yellow and fall, the blisters of ginger are removed from the soil, they paint the ground with them, thin apparent roots are cut off, and then lay the tubers in the sun, so that they lightly dried. Some part of the crop save the next year, to grow a culture from them again. The rest is used in medicinal or culinary purposes.

Keeping ginger tubers preferably in a dry and cool place, for example, in the basement or in the cellar. The storage temperature should not exceed 2-4 ° C. Those who live in the apartment and has no basement, can wrap the roots in paper and put on the refrigerator.

Ginger cultivation in a pot

Ginger can be grown not only in bed, but also at home, in a flower pot. It is worth noting that such a plant is not always used in food, sometimes it is grown in decorative purposes. Ginger releases rather attractive large flowers Right pink shade. For those who want to grow ginger in a pot, we give several recommendations:

  1. For planting culture in a pot only young fresh root roots are suitable. Choosing the root, make sure that it has enough kidneys.
  2. As in the case of cultivation of culture on the garden, the planting material should be pre-dunk in water room temperature. Hold the ginger in a water container approximately 1-2 days, then his sleeping kidneys awaken much faster.
  3. Sometimes, laying on the light and warm, the root produces green sprouts. Such a root is ready for landing and does not need soaking.
  4. As the rhizomes of ginger greatly grow up, one should pick up a wide pot for the plant.
  5. Planting cultures are carried out in the first weeks of spring. The root is plunged into the ground so that the sprouts or kidneys are directed upwards. The landing depth is no more than 2 cm.
  6. Sour for landing should be prepared in advance, mixing fertile land with phosphoric fertilizers for root. Before filling the pot of the ground, pebbles should be put on the bottom of the container and pour the sand layer, which will provide a drainage plant. In the absence of drainage, the root plant can simply be contrary.
  7. As long as the ginger does not release shoots, it is often not necessary to water it. But as soon as green sprouts appear above the surface of the Earth, it is necessary to irrigate the culture regularly and in sufficient quantities.
  8. Throughout the summer every 2 weeks, the plant in the pot needs to be fertilized by complex feeding. In hot and sunny weather, the container with ginger can be placed on a balcony or loggia, transfer to the garden or to a greenhouse. Only under the scaffolding rays should not leave the plant, it needs to provide a small shadension, as well as protection against draft.
  9. At the beginning of the fall, the culture should come home again. If the ginger is grown as a flower, it is necessary to comply with all the conditions and support the plant in comfort. You do not need to dig root from the ground in the fall, let the plant live in a pot of several years. In winter, watering cultures need to be minimized, following, so that the land in the pot did not drive and moisturizing it as needed. With the onset of spring, the plant begins to water intensively, adding potash fertilizers to the water for flowering crops.

Useful properties of ginger

The ginger has long been considered a plant that promotes the extension of youth and beauty, as well as maintaining good health. The thing is that the rhizome of ginger is rich in various vitamins and other useful substances. For example, in this plant there are vitamins F, B2, C, B1. In addition to vitamins, in the root can be found magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, as well as many amino acids.

As a medicinal product, the ginger is used to treat a variety of diseases. It is used for such purposes:

  • to eliminate pain accompanying arthritis;
  • to remove toxins and slags from the body;
  • as a spasmolytic, as well as means for the treatment of meteorism;
  • ginger helps to fight nausea;
  • it is actively used to treat pains arising during menstruation;
  • the plant helps to improve the work of the digestive system, and also activates the metabolism;
  • the root of ginger is considered an immunostimulating agent that enhances the protective functions of the body.

The advantage of such a product is that it does not have allergenic properties, so it is possible to apply it without fear.

To get from ginger maximum benefit, it should be used in fresh formSince after thermal treatment, the plant loses part of its properties. The method of use of ginger does not represent anything complicated. Initially, you need to cut off the right piece of the root, clean it from the skin, and then finely cut or grate on the grater.

From ginger it turns out excellent tea or lemonade. To brew tea, peeled and grated root should be pouring boiling water and leaving about 30 minutes. For additional taste in tea, you can add lemon or mint.

Ginger is a popular component of various marinades for meat and fish. In the dried form, this root is added to the hot first and second dishes. The plant found its use in confectionery, with the addition of this product baked cookies, make sweets, sweet syrups and jams.

By the way, taste finished dish It will largely depend on what stage the ginger was added. If the root put at the very end of cooking, it will be thin, it is barely catchy. If you add a component at first preparation, the taste and smell of ginger will be more saturated. By defining, at what stage of cooking, put in dish of ginger, pay attention to the characteristics of the products from which you cook. If the fragrance and taste of the main ingredients are not too expressive, add the root at the very end so that it does not interrupt the smell of the dish.

Ginger cultivation. Video

Ginger cookies, tea, el - all this is not only very useful, but also tasty. Ginger is a tropical perennial plant with a high stem, beautiful inflorescence and branched roots. The latter are used in cooking, like spicy seasoning for different dishes, drinks and baking. The birthplace of spices is South Asia. But if you know how to grow ginger on the garden, you can enjoy a tropical island at home.

Under favorable conditions and proper leave, ginger can be grown in the garden. Seeds this plant is not covered, because during breeding it does not give seeds. But the ginger is easily multiplied by fissioning rhizomes.

You can buy it almost in any large store. For landing, the spine with a glossy and smooth surface is best suited.

He should not be:

  • very dry;
  • without shooting kidneys ("peephole");
  • frozen.

Before disperse, it is necessary to put the root in warm water for 1-2 hours. It stimulates the kidney to growth. With incomplete injection of the root, the cut part that will be "on the street", dry and sprinkle with chopped activated carbon or ash.

When living in a temperate climate, grow ginger is better in greenhouses, because this Asian plant requires abundant moistening and high air temperature. The soil should be a fertilized and loose, with a small addition of sand. The drainage layer (gravel, sand, crushed stone) must be necessarily, otherwise the root rotes!

And now Spring has come. From March to April, the ideal time for landing ginger.

Phased description:

  1. Take the prepared root and divide it into three-penimet meters with the kidneys;
  2. Sign the root for 2-3 cm into the ground by the kidney up;
  3. Pour the Grocery.

If everything is correct, then the first shoots will appear somewhere in a couple of weeks.

Tips or how to raise ginger on the garden to get a good harvest

  • Under the landing of the root use the sunny place, but without hitting direct "burning" rays;
  • Protect ginger from wind;
  • Gradually and often spray and water the plant;
  • Constantly break the soil for 1 cm deep into the depth;
  • Feat the ginger to a cow, and after July alternate organic fertilizers and potash;
  • At the end of September, watering should be practically stopped;
  • Create a crop immediately after dried and started leaves. Dipped roots cleanse from the ground and dried several days in the sun;
  • Keep the roots in the refrigerator or basement.

Since the climate is colder than necessary, the roots can be a little smaller shop. But it is not worth upset because of this. The main plant has grown on your garden!