Planting and growing celery: how and when to plant. Growing stalked celery seedling method

Growing stalked celery is a very complex process that requires constant attention from the gardener. The main thing is to very carefully observe the entire technology of growing seedlings and its further landing into open ground.

Celery stalk - grown from seeds

It is important to remember that you cannot be late with the dates of planting this culture. The later the planted seeds rise, the later the seedlings will be planted, because of which the celery cuttings will be very thin. Because of this, they will not be able to build up volume until the night frosts, since the ripening period of this plant varies from 3 to 5 months. As a result, the culture will die.

Seeds should be sown for seedlings at the end of February and up to a maximum of the middle of the first spring month. It all depends on the variety and region. For example, in warm areas, work can be carried out in February, in northern regions- in mid-March.

It is important to remember that seeds contain a large amount of essential oils, which is why they sprout rather slowly and unevenly. To speed up this process, the seeds must be soaked in warm water (temperature about +50 degrees) before planting. At the same time, the water, as soon as it cools down to room temperature, you need to change to a new one. After doing the procedure 2-4 times, place the seeds in cool water for a couple of hours.

You can also increase germination by germinating seeds - there are two options:

  1. Put a damp cloth on the bottom of a container (for example, a glass) and lay out the grains with a thin layer on top. We cover everything on top with foil to create a suitable microclimate. Choose a warm place for seed germination - at least +25 degrees, and often ventilate, remembering to moisten the cloth so that it does not dry out.
  2. Wet sawdust mixed with sand should be poured into a shallow container. Seeds are scattered on top. The plantings are covered with film or glass, the container is placed in a warm place and regularly ventilated.

The soil for planting seeds should be loose and nutritious - the soil mixture is poured into boxes, we make grooves about 50 mm deep in the soil, and there should be a distance of about 4 cm between the grooves.Getly lay out the germinated seeds at the bottom of the groove and stick to the soil a little.

It is not necessary to sprinkle it on top with earth. The main thing is to act as carefully as possible so as not to damage the young shoots.

Advice: to make it easier to lay out the seeds, use a match: moisten the end of it, so that the seeds will stick more conveniently to the "head". Due to this, the process will be greatly facilitated, in addition, it is possible to protect the sprouts from breaking off.

The soil with seeds must be constantly moist, so do not forget to keep an eye on this. Until the first seedlings appear, cover the planting boxes with film or glass. But as soon as you notice the first sprouts, you need to remove the shelter and transfer the container with the future celery to a cooler place (the temperature is around +15 degrees). Due to such conditions, the plants will be strong, they will not stretch.

When 4 true leaves appear, you need to pick the seedlings. It is advisable to plant the seedlings in separate containers, but if you do not have this opportunity, plant the seedlings in a large box, keeping a distance of about 4 cm between the seedlings.Do not forget to water the seedlings regularly, but at the same time, drainage holes must be made in the container so that the remaining water leaves.

10 days before planting stalked celery in open ground, you need to start hardening the seedlings, taking the containers with the seedlings outside.

Planting stalked celery in open ground

Plants are planted in the garden around mid-May. Moreover, the garden bed needs to be prepared in about two weeks: remove all weeds along with the root system, add rotted manure, carefully dig up and level.

On the day of disembarkation, it is worth preparing shallow grooves - about 15 cm deep, and a distance of 30 cm must be maintained between them. Before carrying out work, be sure to water the ground with water, which will make it much easier to carry out the transplant procedure. If it is difficult to get seedlings with a clod of earth, gently run a thin knife between the walls of the cup and the ground.

Planting should be carried out deeper than the seedlings were in containers, but remember that when planting, you must not deepen the "growth point". There should be a distance of about 15 cm between each bush in the furrow.

Some gardeners devote such dense plantings, however, they are planted in order to protect the plant stem from direct sunlight - due to this, the nutritional value and taste of celery increases. But the leaves should fall more sun, because the process of photosynthesis passes through them.

It is a good idea to plant plants near the cabbage, as this will prevent the appearance of pests such as cabbage whites.

Crop care rules for harvesting

Until the celery has grown normally, it is imperative to remove the weeds from the garden, because in the first month the culture grows very slowly, which is why the weeds will simply "drown out" the planting. After thickening of the stems, hilling is carried out, however, if the plantings are very thickened, then try not to take soil from these beds, because this can lead to damage to the plantings.

It is best to cover the base of the stems using compost or turf soil. Due to hilling, it will be possible to save White color stem. Before carrying out work, be sure to remove the petioles that did not have time to get stronger. The remaining ones must be carefully tied so that they do not get damaged when filling the soil.

Also remember to water regularly. The main thing is that the soil is not dry, but it is also important to prevent the soil from getting wet at the base. In this case, problems cannot be avoided.

For example, with excessive dryness of the soil, the stem of the plant will undergo serious changes:

  • The stem will become less elastic and juicy.
  • The plant will become more bitter.
  • The stem will become wavy.
  • A peduncle arrow appears.

If the soil is too wet, the plant will begin to rot, and the risk of fungal diseases increases.

Top dressing is also important for celery:

  1. For the first time, work is carried out a couple of weeks after disembarkation. To do this, you need to use a solution of mullein (in a ratio of 1:10) or bird droppings (1:20).
  2. The second time feeding is carried out after another three weeks, using complex mineral feeding. Try not to use nitrogen fertilizers, as they will cause the stem to crack.

At the end of July, you need to protect the culture from greening, for which the stems are wrapped in thick paper, for example, wallpaper or craft paper. The main thing is that there are no inscriptions on the paper. You can also use high-density agrofibre so that the sun's rays do not penetrate, but air passes through.

The protection cannot be removed until the harvest itself, while during the season, leaves can be selectively cut off from each bush for use in food. Petioles can already be harvested at the end of summer, breaking off the largest ones, but no more than five pieces from each bush.

The main harvest begins in early autumn. First, you need to remove the largest bushes from the garden, leaving the smaller ones until ripening and harvesting in October.

The dug out bushes should be stored in the basement, carefully digging the root part into the sand. In this state, they can be stored without loss of quality for more than two months. But when growing stalk celery, its surplus can be frozen - after defrosting, simply stew it according to the selected recipe, and you can eat it!

Trench growing method and its features

If there is enough space on the site, you can choose the trench method of growing stalked celery from seeds. Everything is done here in stages.

First you need to make a trench about 30 cm deep and about 25 cm wide, keeping a free distance of about 70 cm between the trenches (for maximum convenience plant care). When digging trenches, stack the soil next to the north side - this will serve as protection for the plants from the wind.

We pour a mixture of soil and humus at the bottom. Planting plants is carried out in the center, keeping about 20 cm between the bushes. The first few weeks, the care will be the same as with the above plantings, however, after thickening of the stems, the trench must be filled up.

The soil must be taken from the already made mound and the bushes are covered to the leaves. Hilling is carried out 2-4 times until all the soil from the mound is consumed.

In autumn, you can start harvesting celery, the main thing is to act very carefully, trying not to harm the stems. Growing with this method, you will get a white, juicy stem without any signs of bitterness. In addition, the maintenance process is greatly simplified, since there is no need to waste time wrapping the stem with paper.

By the way, the stems of common varieties of stalked celery require bleaching, otherwise they cannot be used for food. But today, breeders have been able to develop varieties that do not require such work - they will be juicy and sweet without any time consuming. True, despite the beneficial advantages, such varieties also have disadvantages:

  • Celery is afraid of light frost.
  • Root crops are not stored for a long time.

Harvest your crops right away, no need to wait until the cold weather sets in. If the weather forecast promises a sharp drop in temperature in mid-October, you should collect all the celery at once, even if the plants have not yet collected all the volume.

If we talk about self-bleaching plant varieties, then they are not stored for a long time - no more than two weeks in the refrigerator.


To grow stalked celery, you should adhere to strict rules for the care of the crop, since it is a very capricious plant. If you do not have the opportunity to pay due attention to the culture, you should pay attention to self-bleaching varieties.

In contact with

Celery is a valuable food product that contains many useful substances. It is also a remedy. The plant slows down aging, soothes nervous system, helps digestion to work properly and has a good effect on the cardiovascular system.

Did you know? Celery is the best weight loss product.

Description of stalked celery

Stalked celery can be recognized by large leaves on high fleshy stalks. It is they who are eaten. Celery is a biennial vegetable. It belongs to the Celery family, in total there are about 20 types of celery in the world. It is grown in the first year for roots and greenery, and in the second year the plant forms a fruit with seeds and dies. Grows stalked celery up to 1 meter in height open ground.

Did you know? The plant was considered to bring happiness, and it was often hung in rooms along with onions and garlic.

Where is the best place to plant stalked celery, choosing a place in the garden

Dishes with fresh herbs, that is, with green onions, dill and other types spicy herbs are popular on the tables of any country in the world. The specific aroma and spicy taste of the greens shouldn't scare you, as they offer many health benefits.

If you want to plant stalked celery in your garden, you need to know how to properly plant and what care it needs to provide.

Features of the choice of lighting for stalked celery

The place for celery should be sunny, but shade. The optimum temperature for stalked celery is about 20 ° C... In temperate climates, the plant can tolerate light frosts.

Temperature and humidity for a good harvest

Root crops do not stand low temperatures, so it is better to remove them before frost. For plant growth, you need to adhere to soil moisture content at 80% HB. Air humidity should be up to 95%.

Did you know? Some researchers believe that the love drink prepared for Tristan and Isolde consisted of 100 grams of celery juice, with the addition of 50 grams apple juice and 50 grams of pear juice.

What soil to plant celery in

The soil for stalked celery must be fertile. It should be well loosened and drained, since the soil must retain moisture. The acidity should be neutral, but if the soil is acidic, lime should be added before planting. Humus is also introduced into the soil.

In autumn, pits 25 cm deep and 35 cm wide are prepared. They are filled with compost and covered with earth.

Planting stalked celery

Before planting young plants in open ground, you need to prepare the landing site. Celery needs deep plowing... This is done for root penetration.

Nitrogen fertilizers should also be applied, as they contribute to a bountiful harvest, about 80 kg / ha. Before planting in the ground, the seedlings are dried to harden before frost, and then they are watered abundantly.

Planting celery outdoors

The agrotechnology of growing celery in the open field is not difficult. Seedlings are transferred to permanent place... The depth of the pits should be about 10 cm. The apical bud is not covered with earth. After intensive growth, hilling is carried out.

To get juicy green petioles and get rid of bitterness, you should spend petiole whitening.Tie the petioles into one bundle and wrap with paper before harvest (12 days before).

Petiole celery, planted with seedlings, does not differ from other types of celery in cultivation and care, except for bleaching and hilling.

Important! Avoid planting celery near parsnips as there is an increased risk of your plants being harmed by the celery fly.

How to grow celery seedlings

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out at the end of February. For quick germination, soak the seeds in water at room temperature for several days. After drying, proceed to sowing.

Before planting the plant in the ground, it is necessary to prepare petiolate celery seedlings from seeds. You need to follow these steps:

  1. Prepare containers or wooden boxes... They need to be filled with substrate.
  2. The soil needs to be slightly moistened, and then the celery seeds should be evenly spread over the surface of the ground.
  3. The seedlings are pressed into the ground and the box is covered with glass or foil. This creates a greenhouse effect.
Seed germination takes place within three weeks. At this time, you need to take care of them: spray regularly, maintain optimal temperature indoors and ventilate the "greenhouse" during the day.

After the first leaves appear, continue to adhere to the same regimen. This must be done before transplanting petioled celery seedlings into open ground. We advise you to be patient, as it grows very slowly. Give your celery the care you need and get good harvest.

Did you know? Celery grows on all continents except Antarctica, of course. And even there it, in principle, can be grown in pots.

What you need to know about caring for stalked celery

Planting stalked celery is half the battle, then you need to provide the plant with full care to achieve maximum yield.

Thinning celery and soil care

When planting celery for seedlings, it happens that several seeds ripen in one hole. Since they interfere with each other, they should be thinned out. You can do this with your hands, removing side shoots and large or yellowed leaves.

Petiolate celery also needs to be cared for, as well as watering. Such care consists in weeding and loosening the soil under the celery. This allows the plant to get the oxygen it needs.

After transplanting celery, the soil is covered with peat, grass cuttings or sawdust. Weeds should be removed as should the crusts. Do it between the rows. Furrows are loosened several times during the growing season.

How to water and how to fertilize stalked celery

You need to water celery regularly, depending on the weather conditions.

Important! The soil should always be moist, but do not allow water to stagnate in the holes.

25 liters of water are consumed per 1 m² per week. Water the plant daily during hot summer. This should be done at the root.

Petiolate celery, when grown, needs constant feeding. The first fertilizer is applied 20 days after transplanting. Fertilizers must be mineral. For every square meter contribute 20 g ammonium nitrate and 15 g of superphosphate. You can also add potassium chloride.

Apply dry dressing before rain or watering. You can also make fertilizer in the form of composted grass, before diluting it with water (ratio 1: 3). 3 weeks after feeding, a second one is made, exactly the same as the first time.

For large root crops, eliminate nitrogen fertilizers and increase the amount of potash fertilizers.

Did you know? The celery wreath was awarded to the Greeks who won the Nemean Games.

Harvesting stalked celery

Stalked celery yields a good harvest if you cultivate and care for it correctly.

The collection of petioles begins in September or October. Petiole celery is dug out only when a large rosette has formed.


Breeding stalked celery for seedlings is a simple event. The grown crop is widely used in cooking - celery can be eaten boiled, stewed or fried. Let's learn about the intricacies of sowing, picking and crop care.

The climate of some regions of our country does not allow growing and harvesting a rich crop of celery. It is in this regard that our gardeners breed this culture for seedlings. The growing season of the plant requires approximately 80-140 days, therefore, when sowing seeds in open ground they will not have time to mature before the onset of frost, even in milder climates. In addition, by sowing and growing celery seedlings, you can safely count on the harvest in the same year that you began to breed the crop, which gives an additional incentive to multiply this vegetable.

Stalked celery after harvest

The most popular varieties culture is considered Golden feather, Golden path and Utu. Often, gardeners choose other types of stalked celery, but not all of them differ in the same way. high yield as the first three. Celery seed is distinguished by the fact that it grows rather poorly. This must be taken into account before planting a crop. Dry seeds can sprout no earlier than 20-30 days after sowing. In addition, the germination rate will be very modest. In this regard, the seeds will need to be processed before planting. To do this, pour the seeds into a container with hot water and leave for 3 days. Change the water regularly - at least three times a day.

The large amount of essential oils inside the seeds prevents their rapid germination. Hot water will help normalize the amount of oils. When the next dose of liquid cools down on its surface, you can see a large amount greasy stains... Before changing the water, the seeds must be removed from the container and rinsed under running water... After 3 days of soaking, remove the seeds and place them on a paper towel. Put the paper on a plate and, along with the seeds, place it in plastic bag... Such an impromptu greenhouse should be kept in a dark, warm place, regularly ventilating it.

You can germinate seed in another way. To do this, take a glass container and fill it with wet sawdust. Cover the sawdust with sand mixed with seeds. Place the container in a warm but well-lit place. For seeds to germinate, you need to constantly maintain a stable air humidity, from time to time spraying the room with water.

Working with soil - the "right" soil for active growth

Sowing celery seeds is carried out in the first decade of March. In order to successfully breed a culture for seedlings, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil before planting. You can buy ready-made potting mix. However, many gardeners prefer to do it themselves. To do this, you must use:

  • 3 parts of peat;
  • 1 part wood ash;
  • 1 part of humus;
  • 1 part fine sand.

Soil preparation for planting seedlings

All this is thoroughly mixed and poured into a planting container. Several wide boxes are suitable as containers. Fill them with soil and pour warm water over the soil. Then make shallow grooves and spread the seeds evenly in them. Do this very carefully, as the sprouted roots are rather weak and thin.

Celery seeds are very small, so after planting they only need to be lightly sprinkled with a small layer of soil. Often, gardeners use a different method of sprouting a vegetable. Instead of watering, a layer of snow is poured onto the ground, and seeds are laid on top of it. With the gradual melting of the snow, the seeds will sink into the ground to a shallow depth.

Caring for young shoots will not take much of your time and effort. In order for the seedlings to develop actively, you will need to regularly water the land. However, be careful not to over-moisturize. It is best to spray the soil with a spray bottle. Temperature is an important factor. It is not necessary to heat the air in a room with seedlings above 20-22 ° C. The seedlings must be constantly lit. Apply the first top dressing 3 weeks after planting the seeds. To do this, use nitrogen or phosphorus.

Young seedlings of stalked celery

After another week, the seedlings can be dived into separate pots. This is done only when the seedlings reach 2-3 true leaves. When replanting, the stems should be deepened into the soil half the height. We recommend re-fertilizing 15 days after the pick. Use organic food this time - peat, bird droppings, or mullein. A week after the second feeding, start preparing the seedlings for planting in open ground. To do this, take the celery pots outside and leave them there for 60–90 minutes. We do not recommend tempering the seedlings at temperatures below 15 ° C.

In order for the seedlings of cultivated stalked celery to enter the next stage of their development in time, they must be transplanted into open soil in a timely manner. Make a pick no earlier than mid-May. It is very important to follow the landing pattern correctly. The distance between the rows should not be less than 35 cm, and between the bushes there will be enough distance of 20 cm. Before and after planting, you need to water the soil abundantly. After the transplant, you will be required to arrange proper care behind the bed - remove weeds in a timely manner, water and loosen the soil. Otherwise, your garden is in danger of meeting with.

Seedlings ready for planting

Apply the first top dressing 15 days after transplanting into open soil. The second time, fertilizers are applied during the active growth of green shoots.

For the third time, top dressing is added 2 months after the pick. As a top dressing, you can use organic and mineral fertilizers alternating them with each other. In order to activate the growth of bushes, many gardeners do the procedure for pinching the lateral roots of seedlings. To do this, carefully fold the soil along the sides of the bush and cut off the side roots. This should be done at least 2-3 times before harvesting. In this case, the soil must be mulched. Water the plants abundantly, but not too often. If the weather forecast promises frost, then it is better to cover the bed with a film.

Insect control is the same important factor growing seedlings, as well as watering, and feeding. We do not advise you to rely on chance, take the real threat seriously. One of the most dangerous pests of this culture is considered to be the borsch or celery fly. The larvae that appear begin to eat the leaf tissue, making brown passages in them. From this, the petioles acquire a bitter taste, and their yield is significantly reduced. To combat the fly, we advise you to regularly mulch the soil around the bushes and spray the plants with fungicides. It is best to remove infected bushes from the garden right away.

Celery pest - carrot fly

Another dangerous pest Is a carrot fly. After appearing, she lays white eggs on inside leaves. The larvae can eat both the roots and other parts of the plant. You can fight this insect in different ways. To do this, regularly treat the bushes with an ash solution or weakly concentrated chemical solutions. To combat leguminous aphids, we recommend treating infected bushes with tinctures and decoctions from the tops of tomatoes, dandelions, potatoes or yarrow. The use of an aqueous tincture will become effective. orange peels... It is necessary to withstand the remedy for at least 4 days.

No less dangerous for the garden will be the attack of the carrot beetle. This pest prefers to winter on conifers and begins to feed from mid-spring to late autumn. The main delicacy for this is celery leaf juice.

As a result, the bushes become dry and lifeless. To combat the leaf beetle, we advise you to remove weeds in time, apply top dressing and loosen the soil. In the first decade of August, it is necessary to cultivate the soil special means... To prepare, take the same amount of sand, dry mustard and tobacco dust and mix the ingredients. Sprinkle the aisles with the mixture 3 times at intervals a week.

Petiole celery is a biennial crop of the Umbelliferae family, grown to produce bleached leaf stalks that are used in various dishes.

Petioles of different varieties painted white, pink or red. The most valuable are varieties with white petioles, varieties with red ones are the most cold-resistant, they can be harvested until late autumn.

Planting and leaving

Celery - cold-resistant plant, grows and develops best at moderate temperatures and sufficient humidity.

A trench 40 cm wide and 25-30 cm deep is made in March-April. The very width of the future bed will be 60 cm. Top dressing is applied to the bottom, earth is poured on top so that the level in the trench is 8 cm below the soil level. Then I mulch the soil.

I sow seeds in late February - early March. First, I fill them with hot water (about 60 degrees), wait for the water to cool, dry it in a napkin and sow it in a seedling box, without sprinkling it with earth. The box must be covered with a film, watering is done by spraying only... With proper observance of all the rules, seedlings will appear in 10-12 days.

Celery likes bright lighting, do not forget about it. In the phase of two true leaves, seedlings can be dived into pots. Petiole celery should be planted less often than root, keeping the distance between plants 50 cm, and between the rows - 40 cm. Then 1 sq. m you will need only 5 pieces of seedlings. These conditions must be observed precisely, otherwise a good harvest, namely, juicy petioles, will not be obtained. It is necessary to ensure that the "heart", i.e. the apical kidney was not buried.

Stalked celery - very moisture-loving plant , in dry weather the irrigation rate is 20-25 liters per 1 sq. m.

As you grow, you need remove side shoots, they will immediately attract your attention with their untidy appearance, small thickness, so remove them.

Feeding stalked celery with infusion and vermicompost, I use the biological product "Shining". Here everyone decides for himself what top dressing should be prepared. The main thing is that feeding should be weekly.

Long, thick, not hollow, but juicy petioles grow only if the plant grew throughout the entire growing season continuously... Meanwhile, they sometimes have growth retardation even due to seals the top layer of the soil, when, during irrigation, the roots begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen. That's when you need soil loosen.

Petiole whitening

The next important step is petiole bleaching. To do this, it is necessary to tie the leaf stalks lightly with twine, then wrap them with thick paper (such as packaging paper), and tie them again. You can also wrap it in straw, only so that there are no gaps. The leaf blades should remain free. Several times I tried to sprinkle with earth, but after such a test, the petioles acquired an unpleasant earthy taste.

After bleaching, the petioles become tender and tasty. This year I didn’t pay much attention to celery, therefore, compared to last year, the petioles are not so thick, but there were no hollow ones, and they were full of juicy.

But at the time of my first summer cottage experiments, this happened. This year's mistake - I removed a few lateral shoots, regretted it and left tough ones. Another mistake is to cover it late with paper from the light, the petioles are not sufficiently bleached. But it tastes good. Now several roots of stalked celery are stored in my basement just in buckets, the paper has not been removed, the leaves are cut off, the stalks continue to bleach perfectly.

It is enough to lightly spray a clod of earth. Peeled and washed petioles can be stored for a long time in the lower drawer of the refrigerator, and taken as needed.

Do not deny yourself so useful and rich in vitamins vegetable plant... Its petioles contain a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates, rare vitamins, salts, trace elements, aromatic compounds. The use of celery has a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the body, strengthens the nervous system. Petioles can be used fresh, boiled, stewed as an independent dish. They are also served as a kind of garnish for meat, poultry, potatoes and vegetables. In China, there are petiole celery dessert dishes.

A variety of salads using petioles will enrich your table, because celery goes well with any food - meat, chicken, fish, vegetables. Even a simple salad of grated carrots with petioled celery or ordinary potato soup with petioles will not leave a gourmet indifferent. Grow stalked celery in your beds, it will pay you back with health!

The entry is posted in sections:

Celery is also a kind of seasoning for dishes, rich in various vitamins. Many people like to see fresh herbs on their table, be it dill, parsley or even celery. So, you need to learn how to properly grow this plant. Celery has a very specific aroma and spicy flavor. People eat celery both as a condiment and as a side dish.

By its nature, stalked or leafy celery is unpretentious in care and can grow in many climatic zones. So, it means you can safely start it in your garden and add it to your daily diet. You should not deny yourself this pleasure, because a whole complex of various useful substances is collected there. In addition, there is a mass delicious dishes, where you simply cannot do without it.

Even though there is nothing too difficult about growing celery, special approach and care he needs it as much as any other plant. Its quality will depend on how you take care of it. The quality of a plant can be identified by the following features:

  1. Intense aroma.
  2. The splendor of the leaves.
  3. Strong and resilient stems.
  4. Taste properties.

In any case, all plants have their own subtleties that need to be studied and understood.

The plant can be safely placed both in a shaded area and in areas open to the sun's rays. Moreover, in areas slightly shaded, celery will grow more fragrant. But at the same time, according to the recommendations, it turns out that it is better to put on open to the sun territory.

For stalked and leaf celery, the ideal air temperature is no more than + 20 degrees. The temperate climate is "paradise" for him. In this strip, he will feel the best possible way and even small frosts will not harm him. Celery varieties are considered frost-resistant, the roots of which have a reddish tint.

Prefers celery soil fertile, slightly loose and with the addition of drainage. But in this case, it is necessary that such soil retains water well. Soil with high acidity or neutral will work well. It is better to add a little lime before planting.

In no case should you choose parsnips as a neighbor for celery. Both plants can be spoiled by insect pests such as the celery fly.

Seed selection

Choosing celery seeds is very important procedure... Often it is the choice of certain varieties of seeds that will affect what the plant will be like.

When buying seeds, you should pay attention to the following points:

Especially variety selection plays an important role in exclusively home cultivation... Which variety was chosen will completely depend on it. appearance and a pleasant taste and aroma in combination with the rest of the products.

Leafy and petioled variety. Seedling growing and care

Before planting seedlings, you need seeds. rinse and soak for 3 days. Is it possible to grow celery without seedlings outdoors? It is possible, but only in this case you will have to bother and germination may be incomplete.

In the open field, the plant grows very slowly. That is why celery is often grown seedling method ... That is, first you need to plant the seeds in a small container and place it on closed balcony or a windowsill.

Either we make the soil ourselves, or we also purchase ready-made soil in the store. For self-preparation soil is better to mix leafy soil, sand, humus and peat. In no case, it cannot be solid earth, it is absolutely necessary puff and loosen.

Sowing petiole and leaf celery seeds

Seeds evenly distribute over the entire surface of the box and sprinkle with a small layer of peat. Since the seeds are very close to the surface, watering with a direct stream of water is unsafe. It is better to stock up on a small watering can in advance or use the improvised items that everyone has - a sieve or a small colander. The room temperature should be around 20 degrees.

Soaked seeds should sprout on the fifth day after sowing. After germination, it is better to lower the temperature to 15 degrees. It is done so that the seedlings do not begin to grow and stretch quickly.

Petiolate and stalk celery for good cultivation care needed:

  • light;
  • moderate watering (do not allow the soil to dry out);
  • ventilation and temperature.

After the appearance of 2-3 true leaves seedlings dive... Each seedling needs its own "house" with good soil. For this, as always, you can use cups. At the same time, it is not recommended to deeply deepen the seedlings. The main condition for transplanting is the rosette of the seedling, from which new leaves appear, must remain open. In no case should you fall asleep. We place the cups in a well-lit place. Window sills are perfect.

Seedlings are planted in open ground after the frost has passed. This is usually the end of April-May. In order for the plant to take root well in the open field, it is still a seedling start to harden, taking it outside for several hours on warm sunny days. Celery is planted in the beds according to the scheme 20 by 30 centimeters.

Plant breeders advise prepare in advance beds for celery. It is necessary to take care of the location of the future celery in the fall. Therefore, you need to mark and dig out the furrows. Their width should be at least 40 cm, and their depth should be about 30 cm. We fill the furrows with manure or compost and fill them back with earth, carefully leveling them.

Every stem plant, whether celery or not, needs loosening and hilling... This is necessary so that the roots take on a white hue and have a richer and more pleasant taste without hints of bitterness. Alternatively, you can buy self-bleaching celery varieties.

Their plus is that they do not need to be hilled and planted in trenches. But their taste is far from the same, there will be no characteristic crunch. And besides, they are not hardy.

Planting petiole and leaf celery seedlings in open ground

Concerning self-bleaching varieties, then everything is very simple here. They do not need trenches; they can be planted in ordinary beds. It is also not necessary to huddle and loosen. To slightly add a sweet taste to the petioles of this variety, it is advised to cover the soil with straw about 20 cm.

Leafy celery is also much easier to grow, unlike its petiole counterpart, it is much easier to care for it. The leaf is enough for ordinary weeding, loosening and moderate watering. One condition is until the seedling grows. keep an eye on the soil... It must not harden or the celery will not break through. In this case, mulching helps.

The petiole crop is cut at the end of autumn. The self-bleaching cultivar matures 12-15 weeks after planting in the ground. Leafy on their tables is the earliest to be seen. Already in July, they began to pinch him on the sly.
