Where to call if there is no water in the house. Where to call if there is no cold or hot water. Where to call if there is no hot water in the apartment

The improvement of an apartment in Moscow, and not only, is due to the comfort of living in it. This includes the quality of water from the tap, the availability of heating, electricity, the organization of waste disposal (household and liquid). All in all, a full range of utilities provided without interruption. Of course, it is not very pleasant when opening the tap instead of hot water goes cold or slightly warm. And that dirty and rusty one. Or even the water was turned off without warning and no reason. What to do in such a situation, to whom to file a complaint about the disconnection of the hot and cold water? How to draw up such a statement correctly if housing and communal services employees do not want to fulfill their duties in accordance with the law? Where can I get a sample of a complaint addressed to the management of housing and communal services and other competent authorities?

The absence of hot and cold water in general, as well as if instead of hot water comes cold from the tap, and housing and communal services does not respond to your appeals, this is a reason for contacting the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, the housing committee, municipal authorities, and even a court. To achieve the exercise of your rights as soon as possible, you need to contact lawyers who have experience in solving such problems.

Describe your situation through the window feedback on our website, and in the near future from your tap will flow not dirty and rusty, but clean hot and cold water.

And possibly, the satisfaction of the claim for compensation for moral damage for illegal water cut-off, depending on the situation.

If instead of water the right temperaturecold rusty water comes out of the tap, no need to grab your head and worry about what to do. Your emotions won't help you. The head should be cold and clear. No, no one disputes the lack of hot water and, in general, the provision of water of inadequate quality is a very unpleasant event, but there is no need to do hasty actions. This can and should be fought. First you need to familiarize yourself with legislative framework, regulating the legal relationship between the owner of the apartment and the management company (or housing and communal services). Let's consider the main legal norms:

  • housing code; SanPiN norms;
  • rules for the provision of housing and communal services (decree 307);
  • other regulatory and legal acts ensuring the provision of public services of proper quality.

Before thinking about where to go, who to complain to about cold or lukewarm water running from a tap with a red cap, look at the contract with the management company. There should be stipulated planned work on the repair of water supply equipment and the time frame during which cold water will become hot again. Scheduled water shutdown should be carried out in accordance with the clauses of this agreement. Residents are notified of this in advance by housing and communal services (not less than ten days in advance). In addition, you have the right not to pay for hot water during the period of its absence. If you do not have the opportunity to independently familiarize yourself and understand the specified documents or you do not know where to go to protect your rights, contact specialists for help. On this resource, you can do it for free.

Where and how to complain correctly

In order, as they say, not to jump above your head, you first need to write a complaint about not going hot water, to the head of housing and communal services. You can, of course, personally go to an appointment with the head of this organization, but still practice shows that housing and communal services reacts more quickly to the written version of the presentation of requirements (especially after amendments to the law on citizens' appeal).

It must contain the following information without fail:

  • data about the organization - the respondent;
  • data of the official;
  • applicant's data;
  • a detailed description of the problem with an indication of the time during which you do not have water;
  • references to laws;
  • the requirement for housing and communal services employees to do everything possible to provide services to the population in an appropriate quality.

If no action was taken on your application, as they say, neither an answer nor a greeting, then you will have to go to higher authorities. We've arranged them in the order in which you'll need to refer to them:

  • housing inspection;
  • rospotrebnadzor;
  • district administration;
  • the prosecutor's office;
  • judicial authorities.

Although usually, of course, it rarely comes to court. As much as possible, all the torment ends at the level of the housing inspection and Rospotrebnadzor. If you find yourself in a non-standard situation and do not know what to do in the current situation and where to go with your problem, and there was no hot water, leave a request through the feedback form and experienced lawyers will provide you with qualified assistance.

About quality standards for providing hot water

If we turn to the norms of SanPiN from the tap, hot water should go no colder than 60 degrees Celsius and not hotter than 75 degrees Celsius. Representatives of the country's sanitary supply explain such installations by the fact that the water is of such a temperature:

  • prevents the multiplication of bacteria and viral bodies, which can exist at a lower temperature;
  • reduces to a minimum the content of bleach;
  • carries out the prevention of diseases of the skin and fiber located under the skin.

By law, you can live without hot water for no more than 8 hours in one month. Also, no more than 4 hours per shutdown. In emergency situations, it is allowed to turn off the hot water supply for one day.

According to the rules for the provision of services, planned work on the repair of the water main can deprive you of the opportunity to comfortably wash for no more than two weeks. Violation of these rules is the basis for complaining first to the management of the housing and communal services, and in the absence of a response from them to the higher control organizations.

When there is difficult situations there is no need to drag out time and aggravate the conflict, spoil the already unsettled relationship with the management company. Contacting experienced lawyers will help solve the problem in a civilized manner and without violating the law. Moreover, you have the opportunity to get advice from competent specialists without additional financial costs.

Turning off cold or hot water in an apartment building can be a serious problem. Residents of cities have to constantly face such a nuisance. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Every person who wants to be aware of when water will reappear in the house if it is turned off should know where to go in these situations.

If there is no cold or hot water in the house, then you should not immediately panic. This is a common situation. In this case, you must adhere to a clear plan of action:

  • You should contact the home service company. Its employees should definitely be notified of a possible lack of water supply. The same problem in cities is solved by the homeowners' association.
  • Upon contact, the chairman of the partnership or an employee of the home maintenance company must provide detailed information that pertains to an unforeseen or planned water outage.
  • If necessary, the applicant will be given a telephone number to call if there is no hot water in the house.

If the tenant does not want to disturb other people, trying to find out something about the interruption of the water supply, he can do another way. He needs to find a receipt for the payment of utility services. It must indicate the phone number of the company dealing with any issues with cold or warm water.

Finding out the reason for the lack of hot or cold water

When paying for utilities, you need to demand their compliance with quality and established order provision. If there is a prolonged absence of hot or cold water or violation of the timing of its shutdown, a complaint must be filed.

Living in an apartment and paying the due payments for consumed resources on time, a person expects the same attitude towards himself from utilities. This means that at home, hot water should be exactly hot, not icy or slightly warm, cold - clean and suitable for cooking. If public utilities do not comply with basic quality requirements or even shut down for a long period without warning, then a complaint about the lack of water will help protect the violated rights of the consumer. Moreover, it is necessary to complain as soon as possible, which will speed up the prompt resolution of the problem.

Table 1. Where and on what grounds can you complain about the lack of water

Instance Reasons for contacting
Managing organization The first instance where you should call or write in case of an unplanned (prolonged) water cut-off, its poor quality or weak pressure when supplied to the apartment
City or district administration The issue of a prolonged lack of water supply, not addressed by the managing organization
Housing inspection Monitoring the condition of the housing stock and life support systems
Rospotrebnadzor Violation of the quality of provided housing and communal services
Public services For users registered on the portal, it is possible to submit an electronic complaint about the quality of housing and communal services
Prosecutor's office Systematic unreasonable shutdowns of water, its poor quality
Court When all other measures have failed, especially if the actions management company caused any damage (property, health)

Legal and regulatory framework

The main documents regulating the issues of hot and cold water supply are Federal Law No. 416-FZ of December 7, 2011 "On Water Supply and Sanitation" and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011 "On the Provision of Utilities to Owners and Users of Premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings ”.

Hot water supply

According to the aforementioned decree, hot water must be supplied around the clock and uninterruptedly during the calendar year. Permissible cases of violation of this rule:

  • it is allowed to interrupt the supply for eight hours in total or four hours continuously for one month;
  • in case of an accident on the mains, the lack of hot water supply can be during the day (24 hours);
  • in the production of works on prevention and repair engineering networks the duration of the break is established by the norms of SanPiN and is no more than 14 days (clause 3.1.11).

If the specific situation is in no way connected with the listed cases, then this is a reason to complain about the lack of water, including to the regulatory authorities. The managing organization is responsible for the quality of the services. The material punishment consists in lowering the payment for each hour of exceeding the permissible interruption in the supply of the resource by 0.15 percent of the payment established for the same period.

The temperature of the hot water supplied must be between 60 and 75 degrees Celsius. Deviations from the established norm by three degrees during the day and five degrees at night.

Attention! If the hot water temperature is below 40 degrees Celsius, it is charged as cold water. However, the fact of the decline must be properly recorded.

Cold water supply

The rules for supplying cold water also provide for its uninterrupted flow into homes throughout the year. Cases when a violation of continuous water supply is allowed:

  • within eight hours during a calendar month (add up in total) or four hours in a row;
  • if an accident occurs, then according to the rules of SNiP 2.04.02-84, depending on the severity of the incident, the depth of the pipeline and other factors.

In case of violation of the established requirements, liability arises, including material liability in the form of a reduction in the amount of payment for a poor-quality service.

Complaint about the lack of hot or cold water and its weak pressure

When the quality of the water flowing from the tap leaves much to be desired, or there is none at all, and receipts for utilities come regularly, it is necessary to defend the rights of the consumer.

By general rule about the upcoming planned outage water supply to residents must be warned at least 10 days in advance. The announcement indicates the periods of the beginning and end of work. Correctly and promptly filed a complaint will help in resolving the problem promptly.

Who can make a complaint about lack of water

A complaint can be made by:

  • owner living quarters (houses, apartments, rooms);
  • tenant of housing (for example, municipal).

The subject of writing an official appeal is a person whose consumer rights regarding the supply of quality water are violated.

Grounds for filing a complaint

The reasons for writing an appeal are:

  • lack of hot and (or) cold water long time (in excess of what is allowed by law);
  • disconnection of water supply without prior warning (except emergency situations) or periodically for a short or long period of time, which leads to a lack of water more than acceptable regulations;
  • low pressure of the supplied water;
  • poor quality of the water supply (regarding temperature, impurities, color, pollution, etc.).

Attention! The first instance for the appeal is the management organization serving the house - the company, the HOA, the housing office. If there is no reaction from her side, then the appeal must be addressed above, up to the defense of rights in court.

Sample complaint about lack of cold water

The following information should be reflected in the complaint:

  • name and address to which it is addressed;
  • information about the applicant (surname, name, patronymic, address and contact phone number);
  • the essence of the complaint (briefly describe the situation, indicating specific dates, for example, those indicated in the announcement of the management company about the disconnection of water and the real resumption of water supply or its absence on the day of application);
  • the applicant's request (as a rule, to eliminate the violation and resume the water supply or oblige to restore the water supply);
  • attachment of available additional materials (for example, a photo of the announcement of planned measures to turn off the water, responses of the authorities to the claim for lack of water supply, etc.);
  • date and signature of the complainant (or complainants, if the complaint is written by several residents).

Attention! It is possible to issue and submit an appeal for the lack of cold water supply both to one person and to several. In the latter case, the complaint will be called collective.

Complaint about lack of hot water supply

Below is a sample hot water complaint that you can edit and use to address your specific water problem.

Application form

A complaint about lack of water is usually filed at writing... The finished appeal can be brought to the office of the body where it is addressed, in person, or sent by registered mail. The writing style is business. The essence of the appeal is stated briefly, if possible, attached additional materials: photos, copies of answers and more.

If such a violation of water supply occurs for the first time, then sometimes it is enough to call and complain to the managing organization to solve the problem. You can easily find your phone number on your utility bill or on the Internet.

Where to complain about the lack of water

The complaint must be addressed to:

  • to the managing organization (this is the first instance for considering the appeal about the lack of water supply);
  • to the housing inspectorate, the housing and communal services department, the city or district administration (if the response from the management organization is not received within the time frame established by law, or nothing is done and the problem is not resolved);
  • to Rospotrebnadzor (you can complain about the quality of the water, its weak pressure);
  • to the prosecutor's office (the appeal is addressed if in other instances it remains unanswered or the problem is solved; the complaint form can be filled out on the spot).

They turn to the court as the last instance for the protection of violated rights. The lawsuit is filed if no appeal to other instances was given positive result... Or in the case when the actions of the utilities caused real damage to the citizen.

Apply online

In addition to the traditional writing form, you can use the help of the Internet and file a complaint online. One of the popular options is the State Services portal (https://www.gosuslugi.ru/). This method available to registered users. To send an appeal, you need to open home page site, go down and find the section "Our projects". In it, you must select "Pre-trial appeal" and then follow the instructions.

You can also submit an electronic appeal on the website of the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor, through the Internet reception of the Housing Inspectorate of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Residents of Moscow can online complain about the lack of hot water on the Our City portal.

Higher education... Orenburg state University (specialization: economics and management at heavy engineering enterprises).
June 19, 2018.

Water is one of natural resources, which is extremely necessary for a person to survive. Today civilization has everything necessary for a comfortable and cozy life. But what if the water was turned off, where to call? Unfortunately, these questions are increasingly posed by the residents of Russia. Let us consider the problem in as much detail as possible and define the utilities that are responsible for solving the problem of providing the population with water.

Turning off hot water

If something doesn't work in the house, it always causes stress and sometimes even anger. More often than not, people blame the water supply companies. However, there are valid reasons for disabling it. For example, hot dispensing can be stopped in such cases:

  • reconstruction of the heating network;
  • repair or prevention;
  • replacement of equipment.

Before looking for where to call, if the hot water is turned off, remember: this is often caused by the need to carry out planned maintenance work before starting.It is very important that with the onset of cold weather the equipment works stably, without causing anxiety for the general condition. It is important for those responsible for supplying hot water to check everything thoroughly and in time to repair existing damage or replace non-working parts.

It should be noted that these works are planned. They are held regularly in the summer, since it is somewhat easier to do without hot water in the warm period. The time limit set by the authorities usually does not exceed three weeks. If there is no water for much longer, it should be clarified for what reason and when the supply will be restored.

Action plan

Before running around in a panic and sending angry complaints, let's figure out where to call if the hot water is turned off.

First of all, it is enough to contact or with the company that manages the maintenance of your home.

In the first case, the telephone number can be obtained from the head of the partnership (chairman). He will provide detailed information. Otherwise, you can find contacts on receipts that you pay regularly.

Another option is to call the emergency dispatch service. Their data is sometimes in a conspicuous place at the entrance or in it.

Sometimes we don't know where to call if the water is turned off. To do this, you can visit the management company and get the necessary information.

There is a certain form of contact with the company. The dispatcher must record your call, write down your full name, reason, time and assign a unique number. In turn, he should also introduce himself and provide information. If she is unknown to him, he will say that the reasons are being established. In this case, you can make another call to Gorvodokanal.

Cutting off cold water

If the previous case is understandable and easy enough to survive, here everything is somewhat more complicated. Cutting off cold water leads to its complete absence. Then there are more problems.

It is especially sad when everything happens suddenly, without prior warning. And this may well happen to anyone. Therefore, you should know where to call if cold water is turned off. You need to keep the phone number of the management company at hand, which is responsible for providing this service.

According to the rules, tenants must be notified in writing of the upcoming operation and explain the reasons. Basically there are two of them: non-payment or renovation work... The latter include prevention, elimination of breakdowns in the central network or inside the house itself.

A sudden water cut-off leads to masses of complaints to the management company. However, it should be noted that there are times when work can be carried out without warning. For example, unexpected breakdown, natural disaster, any threat full work networks.

What do we do?

So, if the water is turned off, where should you call first? As in the previous case, it is necessary to find out in advance the phone numbers of the management company and It is they who record the fact of the appeal and can provide the information they know.

Many are faced with the daily blackout of cold water at night. If you are concerned about this problem, be sure to clarify why this is happening. In the documentary acts on the provision of services, it is written that cold water must be supplied continuously throughout the year.

However, there are conditions for how long it can be interrupted:

  • border - eight hours a month (in total);
  • maximum four hours continuously, in case of emergencies.

It is worth noting that there are certain penalties. Each hour of disconnection exceeding the limit is charged below. For detailed information, it is worth checking this with the management company.

Tula and Voronezh

Now you know where to call if the water is turned off. Tula today has general numbers of the emergency dispatch service in the city: 47-20-34, 47-20-37.

In addition, you can contact an organization such as Tulateploset, which is located on Karl Marx Street, 28. Phone number: 42-53-23.

Another option is Gorvodokanal. The address of the organization: Demidovskaya Dam street, 8. The telephone number of the dispatching office: 79-35-57.

Do you live in another city? Then let's find out where to call if the water is turned off. Voronezh, like the previous representative, has its own emergency service. It is located at 108 Peshestreletskaya Street. You can call 258-25-63 or write to them at: [email protected]

Voronezh Vodokanal is located at the following address: Studencheskaya Street, 15. Their number is 252-06-44.

Kazan and Krasnoyarsk

The emergency dispatch service is the first answer to the question of where to call if the water is turned off. Krasnoyarsk offers several options. The first one is the regional services: central - 005 (you should wait for the dispatcher's answer); Oktyabrsky and Zheleznodorozhny - 244-44-44; Soviet - 224-13-65; Leninsky, Kirovsky and Sverdlovsky - 276-12-12; Sunny - 225-49-03. For calls from a mobile, you need to add the code 391 before the number. If the question concerns hot water, you can contact the heating network by calling 264-18-62.