How to cope with depression and find the strength to move on? Where to find strength in a difficult situation

How to continue to live if there is no strength - many people are looking for the answer to this question. The problem is so urgent that it occurs in almost every tenth person. The depletion of the spiritual world brings even more discomfort than physical health problems. The modern world often drives a person into a vise. Problems in personal life, at work, with finances and the environment often lead to apathy and a number of mental illnesses.

A strong personality in most cases copes with such problems. A small series of falls is replaced by ups. A psychologically stable person quickly gets out of an unpleasant situation and finds the strength to move forward, which cannot be said about weak people who are used to shifting responsibility onto the shoulders of others.

Sometimes and strong personalities fail and fall into the trap of a temporary psychological crisis. This is where the question arises of how to find the strength to live on. Prolonged apathy can be triggered by a number of factors that cause a person to experience loss of strength and insecurity. tomorrow. You can recover with the help of special methods of modern psychotherapy and other equally effective approaches.

How to continue to live if there is no strength?

How to find strength to live on? First of all, you need to identify the cause of your condition. Often the precipitating factor is some kind of problem, injury or loss. For example, an unloved job that takes a lot of time often leads to weakness and a loss of zest for life. In this case, it is recommended, if possible, to change the type of activity or try to diversify your leisure time. These changes will help you get out of a difficult mental state.

If there is no strength left to live, then the problem may lie in a psychotrauma. Death can cause similar damage to the state of mind loved one, serious illness, etc. It is sometimes very difficult to get rid of psychotrauma on your own. In this case, you will need the help of a specialist. Additionally, you should focus on negative thoughts and memories as little as possible. Scrolling through obsessive states in your head, you can only worsen your mental well-being and exhaust yourself completely. When a traumatic memory or thought comes to mind, you should switch to any other fantasy. If this fails, then it is recommended to occupy yourself with some business.

Where to find the strength to live if a loved one has died is interesting to many, because it is very difficult to cope with such an injury. To begin, give yourself certain period to throw out all the surging emotions, sadness, tears, etc. In no case should you suppress your feelings. Otherwise, they can turn into a serious disease in the future. You have to deal with the loss. But for this you should give yourself a certain period of time, no matter how strange it may sound.

The subconscious will definitely fit into these time frames. After that, it is recommended to start an active life. At first, this will be difficult. But even if there is no desire at all, it is recommended to force yourself through force. You can get a dog, start running in the morning, draw, embroider, etc. During this period, it is desirable to communicate and meet with friends as much as possible.

Personal injuries that often devastate a person’s soul, leaving no strength to continue living, can also be worked out on their own or with the help of a psychotherapist.

Where and how to find strength?

If you no longer have the strength to live, then it is recommended to use techniques that allow you to find motivation. In the absence of a key goal, it is very difficult to find meaning. First of all, you should no longer shift the responsibility for your life and for the ups and downs to someone else. It is recommended to dream up on a topic that you would like to have or change. It is better to write down your desired goal on a piece of paper. There may be several. If there are no more options left, then just one goal is enough.

Next, you should mentally imagine yourself from the outside. At the same time, you need to see yourself goals achieved, happy and satisfied. You need to literally feel this state. If you do this periodically, then the motivation increases, and the question no longer arises of how to live on, where to find strength.

One woman lived in seclusion, and in order to find a meaning for her further existence, she only revised her attitudes. Such a simple way can radically change the usual course of things. It is necessary to write down on a sheet everything that burdens life and that fills with meaning. Negative aspects need to try to eradicate or correct. Positive - bring to life. This is how we get motivated.

It is very effective to post your target slides in a visible place and review them regularly. The more you do today, the better result will be tomorrow. The next thing to do is to reconsider your activities - you need to literally be inspired. Ineffective behavior should be replaced with more productive one.

Additional Information

To live on and find strength for this, you can use NLP methods. Neuro-Linguistic Programming allows you to gradually replace the negative attitude and change it with the help of positive attitudes. This is far from the only method of finding the meaning of life, but it is very effective.

Find a point on your body. It can be any area: knee, neck, wrist, etc. Then you need to put pressure on it. After that, one should recall the moment of some good event, experience and feel the feeling of happiness. At the moment of the peak of fantasy, you should press on the point more strongly. You need to do this 7 times in a row.

You can find and use any points. The subconscious mind remembers the sensations, and the next time you press on the point, a feeling of high spirits and happiness will literally envelop you.

If you live in a large locality, then you can enroll in some section or go to a fitness club. It is necessary to analyze what works best and constantly move forward in this matter. If you set a clear goal for yourself and increase motivation with the help of slides, then the meaning of life will appear by itself.

It is also necessary to increase daily supplies of positive energy. In people who are apathetic, this is often practically at zero. To increase energy, you should engage in special practices. Meditations with sound accompaniment will help to partially solve the problem. While diving into a pleasant nap or just before going to bed, you need to imagine yourself in some good location. You can just fantasize abstractly. Represent the streams of vital energy that flow into the body.

It is very important to avoid negative emotions: despondency, anger, envy, etc. You need to fill yourself with kindness and love. After a while it will be possible to catch the first changes. The slides will become reality, and state of mind will improve, meaning will appear, and motivation will increase. Live your own life and your mental health will be fine.

There are different situations in life: the loss of a loved one, failures at work and in personal life, alcoholism in the family ... All this negatively affects our well-being and emotional state. In such a situation, each person can give up. However, here we need to understand, no matter how hard it is for us, no matter what difficulties and life obstacles we face, we can never, ever put up with the situation and follow its lead.

But what do you do if something goes wrong? to live and move on?

Firstly you need to understand what happened. Is it really bad, or can something else be changed?

Secondly, you need to understand yourself. If there was a trouble - no need to commit hasty rash acts. You need to understand what happened, how it affected you and your environment.
Understanding yourself can be very difficult. Help can be recommended psychological reception"a day on my own" This day is best spent away from the usual places - for example, in nature. All alone. You can’t read books, watch TV, spend time on the Internet or chat with friends - only peace and communication with yourself. On this day, it is recommended not to say a single word out loud.

After you spend the day alone with yourself, you will notice how your consciousness will clear up. You will feel better. And at this moment best solution there will be a consultation with professional psychologist. Make an appointment, speak up and get expert advice. The most important thing here is to speak out, to expose in words everything that gnaws at you from the inside.

V modern world a person is subjected to daily psychological and emotional stress. Problems at work, traffic jams, poor ecology, unfavorable family environment make a person's life sometimes simply unbearable. The result is chronic fatigue and a complete lack of interest in life. The question of how to find the strength to live on is sooner or later asked by many members of society, and, unfortunately, they do not always find an answer to it.

What to do

The lack of desire to live on occurs in many people. Usually such thoughts arise after a tragedy or accident. Even the most focused optimists sometimes have a pessimistic mood. But, often people misinterpret their condition: they want to live, but not in the way they are at the moment. The person is not satisfied with the current life situation, he wants to change something, but he does not have the strength to do so. Troubles and troubles make us stronger and more experienced. There are frequent cases when a strong shake-up makes you throw all depressive thoughts away and makes you move only forward. You should not wait for help from others, you need to find the strength in yourself to get out of this state. The advice of psychologists will help you understand yourself, separate the important from the secondary and gain peace of mind.

Analyze the current situation

First of all, you need to prioritize, to separate real difficulties from fictional ones, and then the circle of real problems will narrow significantly. There is no need to exaggerate the significance of the current situation - this is just another life stage which will end sooner or later.

Can't be inactive

Find the strength in yourself to look for a way out. By suggesting to yourself that there is no strength to live on, you are building an insurmountable wall of negativity, which will be too difficult to break through. Can't find a straight path, go roundabout, but don't stand still.

Gaining Life Experience

As paradoxical as it may sound, but man of sense able to draw conclusions from any situation, and the more difficult it is, the more valuable the experience gained.

Think Positive

Depression is afraid of energetic and active people. Find the strength to do something interesting, inspiring. A new occupation will give meaning to life, and there will be a desire to move on.

Appreciate life

Our life path is too short, and we don't know at what point it will break. It is not worth wasting even a few precious minutes on despondency, sadness and despair. It is foolish to waste precious time on depression, when it can be spent on new acquaintances, travel, communication with loved ones.

Throw out the negativity

Don't shut yourself up and hold back your emotions. I want to cry - cry, after that there will be a noticeable relief. Just do not bring yourself to hysteria, it will not lead to anything good. Can't be permanent nervous tension, you need to periodically give vent to feelings.

What is not done is for the best

How to find the strength to move on if you were fired from your job? Or maybe it's a sign? A signal of fate that you deserve better, and a job change will bring only positive changes to your life. Did a loved one leave you? Perhaps he was only a transitional period on the path of life, and real feelings are just ahead? What we accept as the strongest tragedy is actually an impetus to a new happy stage in life.

Energy vampires exist not only in books on psychology. There are many people in our life who are not satisfied with their being, and feed on the energy of positive and happy people. Drive away envious people, whiners, hypocrites from your environment, they have no place there. Communicating with them, you will gradually begin to live with their problems, which you do not need. Make friends with the self-sufficient and positive personalities, after them you will also improve yourself.

Be realistic about reality

Beautiful knights and magnificent ladies live only in fairy tales. Real relationships are much more complicated than in novels, and the sooner you take off your rose-colored glasses, the less disappointment you will experience.

Don't sacrifice yourself

In any relationship, self-giving is important, but it is not worth constantly sacrificing yourself in a relationship devoid of reciprocity. If the object of adoration is not worthy of you, find the strength in yourself to admit it and retreat. Perhaps a great and bright feeling awaits you ahead.

Get rid of inner oppression - resentment towards others

Strong resentment does not allow us to live in peace, it drives us into depression with heavy oppression. Learn to mentally forgive your offender, and then you will clearly feel relieved.

Experience gratitude

Thank people for doing good things for you. Perhaps, in this way, you make new friends who can help in difficult times.

Apperciate things which you have

Look at yourself from the side. Maybe you have something that others don't? It is not necessarily about material wealth, you need to appreciate good friends, excellent health, living loved ones, family well-being. Not everyone has this, but they do not complain about their fate, but move on.

Let go of the past

Each new day is a blank slate on which you can start writing your life path anew. All grievances and tragedies are in the past, you need to be able to let go of unpleasant memories, while drawing useful experience from them.

Methods of dealing with apathy for life

In psychology, there is a clear definition of the lack of vital energy - apathy. If you have no strength to live on, try to take the advice of experts.

Write on paper everything that makes you apathetic towards life and burn the sheet. If this idea seems a bit silly to you, you can use the old proven method - tell us about your problems to a stranger. He will listen to you and possibly give you objective advice on how to live and what to do. After such actions, you will feel real spiritual relief.

Separate yourself from those around you. It is best to do this in the forest, where you can take a break from the bustle of the city. Clean air, birdsong will help to recover emotionally.

Doctors say that the more emotions you keep in yourself, the more difficult it is to get out of a depressive state. If you want to scream - scream, cry, after that it will be easier for you to notice.

If you understand that you cannot cope with the problem on your own, consult a doctor. An experienced psychologist will help you find true reason poor mental health and will help find a way out of this situation.

Lack of interest in life can torment a person at any time of the day, you can wake up in the morning and feel terribly tired. Where to find strength for a new day? Doctors recommend the following ways to "charge" your body:

  • Review your diet. Perhaps it contains an excessive amount of sweet, fatty and salty, which has a significant burden on the body. The more you use useful products the more energy you get.
  • Invigorating aromas. It has long been proven that citrus increases efficiency. Eat oranges, tangerines more often, and they will definitely energize you for the whole day.
  • Fitness. It's not about exhausting physical activity, but about light exercise or a jog in the morning. Easy exercises will allow you to wake up faster in the morning and feel good spirits.

If you perform these simple actions, the blues will gradually recede. Try to look for something good, positive in every day, set new goals for yourself.

What causes a loss of interest in life

Before you begin to treat apathy, you need to identify the causes of its occurrence. Most often, interest in life disappears for the following reasons:

  • Constantly experienced stressful situations. A person is in chronic depression, and he can no longer get out of it on his own. In this case, you need to seek specialized help.
  • Avitaminosis. Usually in the off-season, a person begins to experience an acute shortage of vitamins and minerals, folic acid the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases. As a result, anemia sets in, and the body works only at half its strength.
  • Diets. Exhausting diets make the body weakened, lethargic. A losing weight person limits himself in sugar, as a result of which glucose ceases to nourish the cells in the required amount.
  • Physical overload. Exhausting training or hard work exhausts the body, resulting in apathy and weakness often.
  • Mental stress. A striking example are students who experience great mental stress during the session. After passing exams, they often become depressed.
  • Reception of some medicines It can also negatively affect mental well-being.

Lack of desire to live on, depression - all these concepts are only a temporary state of the body, which can and should be fought. If you do not pay due attention to a depressive state, over time it can develop into a real tragedy. About 3% of the total number of patients with depressive disorder attempt to commit suicide. These are very scary numbers, because our friends and relatives may be in this seemingly small percentage. Do not close yourself in your shell, look for a way out of this situation, do not give up. If you are wondering how to continue to live, if you have no strength and do not find an answer to it, do not hesitate to seek help from a psychologist. He will recommend medications which, in combination with psychological exercises, will quickly restore peace of mind and the meaning of life.

The door is opened by a short young woman in a long beautiful dress. They say about such people "soulful". The word “happy” flashes through my head, and it doesn’t fit at all with the topic of the upcoming conversation. A little blond girl peeks mischievously from behind her skirt. Lada. She and I will quickly become friends, and she will gladly jump on my knees to the rhythmic "choo-choo".

The mistress of the house brews green tea, we are decorously seated for kitchen table. Getting ready to start the conversation. My first question to Veronica is about how and when the loss happened.

- It happened in 2013, although the story began much earlier - before that I had 6 years of infertility. There were several reasons: hormonal, physiological and, of course, psychological. My path to pregnancy was difficult, I experienced the whole range of emotions and attitudes to the situation: from denial to acceptance. The children were welcome. My husband and I decided to do IVF, and in March 2013 I became pregnant with triplets: two babies were put on me, and one "came" by itself - we did not use protection.

Veronika brings a small photo album and a framed ultrasound. There are three names in the album. It takes my breath away: the loss of one child is a bottomless abyss of grief, and then triplets ... I internally collect all my mental strength for a conversation, and Veronica continues to calmly talk.

- The pregnancy was excellent, and for that I am very grateful: she left me a great resource for a subsequent pregnancy. I was observed both in the antenatal clinic and in the maternity hospital where I was going to give birth. Everything went well. At the beginning of September, on the 28th week, I officially went on maternity leave. And in the 29th week, my husband returned home slightly ill, and I caught the virus. Chills, temperature 40-41, ambulance, maternity hospital, infection of unknown origin, threat of premature birth. They did not want to put me in the maternity hospital, they intended to send me to the infectious diseases department of a regular hospital. Only my firm decision to go home by taxi influenced the decision of the specialists.

I sobbed all night, but in the morning I got ready. I understood that I needed to live: I had two sons

- At first I was placed in observation, but very soon I was transferred to a regular department. Immediately after that, my water broke. Then the doctors said that the waters were green, although I do not remember this. I had an emergency c-section. The babies were born, squealed, all matched their gestational age, and the Apgar (rapid assessment system for the condition of a newborn. - Approx. ed.) was not bad: 7/7 for the first two and 7/6 for the third.

The day of birth, in general, was joyful for me: there was a belief that everything would be fine, especially after I was told that the weight of the boys was 1330 g, the girls - 1190 grams. The doctor smiled and said that the children are good. Of course, this is an “accident”, but there are chances.

And at night I suddenly woke up from what I felt: someone was coming towards me. Two nurses brought me big jar valerian (how grateful I am for it!) and said that their daughter Marfa had died.

This event changed my life. I sobbed all night, but in the morning I got ready. I understood that I needed to live: I had two sons. As a result, I reliably “sealed” the experience of this grief in myself.

Little Lada plays molds on the floor and walks merrily. Tears run down Veronica's cheeks. I take her hand to support, but I understand that I rather hold on to her myself in order to withstand the wave of this terrible event.

- I'm fine. It’s just that this process is not for one month, not for one year, and even, probably, not for several years ...

The next day, when the doctors discovered this same infection of unknown origin, the sons got worse. On the evening of the 30th, another child died - Peresvet.

My infection didn't go away either. A blood test showed inflammation, but apart from E. coli, nothing was found in me. I remained in the observation unit under observation for two weeks after giving birth.

On the fifth day, the last son was transferred to the intensive care unit of maternity hospital No. 8. It could only be accessed at certain hours. While I could not walk, my husband visited him, and then I did. Dobrynya was on the mend. I kept lactation so that after discharge I would feed my son with my own milk.

What is the horror of this whole story? After every loss, I gathered and filled myself with faith and hope. I thought it couldn't get any worse. And then I realized that it could always be worse.

It was the 28th day. We were at the registry office, we were going to register our son. My husband received a call from the hospital and was asked to come. All the way to the hospital, I bargained with God so that he would be merciful to my son. But as it turned out, it was already useless. Everything happened instantly: an oval window opened in the heart and an irreversible hemorrhage occurred in the brain. The baby's heart worked only on adrenaline, which was injected into him. It was October 26 four years ago...

Today I can say for sure: I know how to live on after the loss, and live in joy.

Tears appear in Veronica's eyes again, her voice trembles. I hug her, and again the thought that I need it more now. How did the transformation of this fragile woman happen? She went through triple hell, survived and was happy. She has loving husband, with whom they experienced so much together, and a little smiling Lada.

“I went through all the stages of grief. At first there was a protracted stage of shock and denial - it was because of this that I did not say goodbye to Martha, did not begin to look at her after death, we did not bury any of the triplets.

At the bargaining stage, I developed a huge interest in the border between life and death, I even took a course of thanatotherapy. My unconscious longing for death drove my body into a state of depression and pre-stroke. It’s good that dad noticed in time what the line I had reached and helped me restore my health.

The first question that worried me when everything happened: is it possible to live with this at all?

Second question: is it possible for me? I answered positively to both and began to look for ways.

Today I can say for sure: I know how to live on after the loss, and live in joy. I have created my own coordinate system, which allows me to live on, and live happily. It was this coordinate system that gave me Lada. An example is always inspiring, and I see my purpose in sharing my knowledge with others.

The question that still remains unresolved for me: is it possible to sincerely thank the Universe for this loss? Now I am 99% grateful. The echo of bargaining still lives in me: “Yes, I can understand when one, well, two, but three ?!” I have not reached the level of complete transformation yet. And my intention is to get to such a level of consciousness that I can process all the pain into experience and move on to 100% gratitude.

Veronica tells a parable about a guardian angel, which for her is one of the keys to transforming grief into experience.

The man met with the guardian angel. The angel asked him if he wanted to see his whole life. The man agreed. The angel picked it up, and the man saw the seashore and two pairs of footprints in the sand.

Who is this next to me?

- It's me. I accompany you all my life.

“Why sometimes only one pair of footprints remains?”

These are the most difficult times in your life.

- And you left me in the most difficult moments? How could you! - the man was indignant.

“No,” the angel answered quietly, “I carried you in my arms.

If one of my relatives or friends told me: “I will be there”, I would be able to bury the children

Veronica's transformation range is impressive. This requires a resource, a lot of resources. In response to my request, Veronika lists everything that can be a support for a woman who finds herself in such a situation. Not all of the above was with Veronica herself.

- The strongest resource is the support of a loved one. If then one of my relatives or friends had told me: “I will be there”, I would have been able to bury the children. But at that moment, neither the husband nor the parents had the strength to do so. We managed to baptize the third son, Dobrynya, and his godmother organized absentee funeral service where we were together with her, with her husband and my sister. I am very grateful to her, it helped me to partially heal the pain of losing my third son.

Another important resource is the support and caring attitude of doctors. I'm still very grateful for that jar of valerian. But, of course, there should be psychologists in maternity hospitals who can work with loss.

Another resource is recognizing the value of experiencing grief. It is important to let the child be held in her arms, say goodbye to him, take a picture of him. I didn't do any of that, which I regret now. It’s good that the Light in Hands Foundation has appeared, which works with medical staff in this vein, teaching not to devalue experiences and not to burn out at the same time.

“The support of all family and friends is very important. My loved ones have not yet fully lived through this loss. This year we have made great progress: for the first time we all celebrated the triplets birthday together, sat at the table. Although they were able to talk about it so much ... But I thanked my husband and parents for being by my side.

For me, the most powerful resource was awareness of myself in two forms: spiritual and physical. I have learned to see myself as a precious soul. Forgiving myself went through the spiritual part: I was able to look at myself from the side of my soul, I realized that here, on Earth, I have bodily boundaries, limitations. My bodily, physical part then did everything it could.

And I encourage others to do the same - to perceive themselves as a precious soul. Otherwise, the loss cannot be experienced. If you are a soul, then your essence is love, including for yourself.

I know how important it is to live the pain, to go through it - only then will the transformation of pain into experience take place.

The big problem is finding someone to talk to. Most of us think of ourselves only as a body, and talking about the loss of children immediately turns off a person on a physical level. One of the reasons why I went to a psychologist was that I really needed someone to listen to me. And the logic was simple: I pay money - the psychologist listens to me. But in fact, talking about death is talking about life.

Often I was helped by entering the female state of “I am a river”. A small river flows in our country house: every day, no matter what happens, it quietly murmurs, runs somewhere.

I also realized that not all “why” questions can be answered – here, in this life. I accepted as a fact that I would learn some answers later, beyond, and then everything would immediately become clear to me. And in this life I will not try to look for answers to these endless "why" and "what for". The big is seen at a distance - maybe in time life will give answers. But I know exactly how important it is to live the pain, to go through it - only then will the transformation of pain into experience take place. And when it does, instead of feeling empty hands joy will come, light will appear in the hands.

Of course, each case is individual: each of us decides for himself whether his cup of suffering has been filled or not. We were taught this: in order to become happy, you have to suffer. "Happiness must be earned." Now I know for sure that we humans are evolving into such a beautiful world in which one can develop not through pain, suffering, deficiency, lack, not through a stick, but through a carrot. Now we have the opportunity to become happy through love.

In parting, Veronica tells another parable about suffering and happiness, which explains the very coordinate system in which it is possible to stay happy man even after such shocks.

The man died, fell on God's judgment and asks God:

Lord, what about my share? Do I deserve the kingdom of heaven? I've suffered!

And since when, - God was surprised, - suffering began to be considered a merit?

I wore a sackcloth and rope, - the man frowned. - He ate bran and dry peas, did not drink anything but water, did not touch women. I exhausted my body with fasting and prayer...

So what? God asked. - I understand that you suffered - but what exactly did you suffer for?

For your glory! - without hesitation, the man answered.

Pretty, I get fame! The Lord smiled sadly. - So I starve people, make them wear rags and deprive them of the joys of love?

Silence hung... God still gazed thoughtfully at the man.

So what about my share? - the man reminded himself.

Suffered, you say, ”God said quietly. - How can I explain to you so that you understand ... For example, the carpenter that was in front of you. All his life he built houses for people, in heat and cold, and sometimes he went hungry, and often hit his fingers, and suffered through this. But he still built houses. And then he received his honestly earned wages. And you, it turns out, all your life you just did what you hammered on your fingers with a hammer.

God was silent for a moment...

Where is the house? Where is the house, I ask?!


The Light in Hands Charitable Foundation helps everyone who needs informational, psychological, legal or any other support related to the death of a child during pregnancy, childbirth or in the neonatal period. The Foundation is ready to provide free help not only to mothers and fathers, but also to other people affected by the death of a child: family members, friends, colleagues and healthcare workers.

Modern man has to live in constant voltage. Hard working weeks, conflicts at home, household chores - all this causes chronic fatigue. It is expressed by a psychological illness, a person loses the desire to perform his usual actions. How to start fighting the disease correctly and how to live on if there is no strength?

How to find strength to live on?

Absence vitality called apathy. It is manifested by a lack of interest in life and a desire to exist further. Psychologists recommend several treatments for this symptom:

  • You need to take paper, write on it everything that happens in your soul. Next, you need to hide your note or burn it. If such an idea seems stupid, then you can speak out about everything to a stranger. After such an action, a slight relief should come;
  • Retire with nature, take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city. Go to the forest, take a breath fresh air listen to the birds singing. Such relaxation will restore vitality;
  • Psychologists say: to get rid of negativity, you can not keep emotions in yourself. If you want to cry, you need to cry, if you want to scream, you need to shout out, and so on.

If the problem cannot be overcome at home, then you need to contact a specialist.

How to find the strength to live?

Apathy is a feeling that does not notice time. She can begin to torment a person in the morning. He will wake up and he will be too lazy to go to work, do household chores, despite the early hour, he will feel a little tired. How to find the strength to continue to exist? Required recharge your body and you can do it in three ways:

  • Proper nutrition- excellent "batteries" for the body. Studies have shown that a person who consumes only healthy foods feels more energetic and is less stressed. People who use conservatives, fatty and junk food always feel tired associated with a significant load on the body;
  • Citrus gives vivacity, improves well-being and energizes for a day. It is much better and healthier than drinking a glass of coffee. If you are allergic to citrus, then you can enjoy its aroma: add essential oil orange in your shower gel or perfume;
  • Another source of inspiration is sport. Light morning work-out Allows you to wake up faster and gain strength for the whole day. If it does not bring pleasure, then just turn on your favorite songs and dance, even if you do not know how to do it.

Observe these simple rules every day, in addition to this, work on yourself: try to suppress depression, look for positive sides in each situation, create new goals for yourself in life.

Some of the main causes of fatigue and depression

Before you fight the disease, you need to find out its main cause. Fatigue may appear due to:

  1. WITH constant stress and depression. First, brain cells suffer from this, then the whole organism as a whole. A person completely loses the feeling of joy, he can be immobile for several hours and not leave the room for several days. Only a psychologist with extensive experience or medication can help in such a situation;
  2. With beriberi. Fatigue can also appear due to the lack of B vitamins, folic acid and hemoglobin. First, a feeling of fatigue appears, then anemia develops, as a result, the body begins to work at half strength;
  3. With diets. A losing weight person limits himself in the intake of glucose, which is why the cells are in a state of weakness. To a greater extent, fatigue appears after mono-diets and fasting days;
  4. With heavy physical activity. Intensive sports lead to fatigue;
  5. With a heavy mental load. Often students after a session for a long time are under stress and depression.

In addition to the five main reasons, fatigue may also be related to the intake medicines , some of them put a lot of stress on the body.

What can happen if depression is not treated?

As already mentioned: stress, depression, lack of vitality - these are not temporary problems, this is a violation of the body. This disease must be cured as soon as possible otherwise it may escalate.

There are several negative things that depression can lead to:

  • Cells will no longer be filled with oxygen, as a result, anemia appears;
  • A person will close in on himself, stop communicating with friends, relatives, go to work;
  • The meaningfulness of life, purpose and strength for further existence disappears;

Depression affects both the psychological and physical aspects of a person. In 3% of cases, prolonged stress leads to suicide.

Is it possible to get rid of fatigue with drugs?

Exists several ways to cure chronic fatigue medicines:

  • Medicines containing Ginkgo Biloba leaf extract. They improve brain function, soothe and normalize sleep. It is recommended to take them to improve the state of neural connections;
  • General recuperation provides unsaturated acid "Omega-3". It affects the whole organism;
  • If you have a feeling of irritation and anxiety, then Tenoten or motherwort tincture will help to get rid of it.

Each of the above drugs must be taken three times a day. It is not recommended to drink the medicine at night.

What to do to prevent depression?

Depression and fatigue are an unpleasant condition. No one would want to face him. You can prevent its occurrence if you lead a healthy lifestyle:

  • Do not overload your body: alternate rest and work;
  • Get enough sleep, sleep at least seven hours a day, this is enough to restore vitality;
  • Give up bad habits: from the use of coffee, alcohol and nicotine. They contain harmful substances, which reduce the energy reserves of the body;
  • Do only things that bring you pleasure. Don't force yourself to do what you don't like;
  • Communicate only with pleasant and positive people.

Are you indefinitely tormented by the question of how to live on if you have no strength? Don't know how to deal with this problem on your own? Do not hesitate to ask a specialist for help, this is a fairly common ailment, if it is not cured in time, then you can cause irreparable harm to your body.

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