How to plant garlic before winter: caring for a winter plant. Planting garlic before winter must be carried out at strictly defined times.

Garlic is a frequent guest of summer cottages. Almost all cottage lovers try to plant it without fail. Takes up little space and is very useful.

If you don’t know when to plant garlic before winter, then our article will help you deal with this. important issue. You will learn how to properly prepare planting material, soil for planting and, most importantly, in what numbers it is better to plant garlic.

For planting garlic in the fall, planting time, soil conditions, proper fertilization, water availability, and variety selection are of great importance. For planting garlic, choose places where early harvested melons, legumes, potatoes, cucumbers grew. The place must be sunny.

Best time for landing in middle lane- mid-September, in the south - from the beginning of October. If planted earlier than these dates, the cloves will release greens and the roots will be weakened. If planted later, the garlic will not have time to take root before frost and will not tolerate the winter well.

When to plant garlic before winter in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

According to the lunar calendar, the most auspicious days for planting garlic - 1, 5, 6, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29 September.

Moon calendar gardeners and gardeners recommends planting garlic on October 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 25, 26, 29, 30 October. It is not recommended to work with plants: on the new moon - October 8, 9, 10 (the new moons in September and October coincided) on the full moon - October 24.

How to plant garlic before winter

Soil selection for planting

Garlic loves a flat surface that is not heated by spring floods. A place for planting garlic is prepared at least 10-15 days before planting. The beds are best oriented from north to south. The earth at the planned landing site is dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet (20-30 cm), all stones and weeds are selected.

After digging, the place must be harrowed and well leveled. Then you need to apply fertilizer. Humus, manure or compost aged for two years is best suited.

Fertilizer consumption - one 10-liter bucket per 2 square meters.

Before planting, the earth is well loosened, watered and grooves are made, on the bottom of which ash and sand are poured so that the bottoms do not rot.

Additionally, depending on the type of soil:

  • In the event that the soil is very heavy, clayey, dense and both melt and irrigation water stagnates on it for a long time, then it must be brought back to normal as soon as possible. This should be done at least a month before planting garlic, this work is physically difficult and without the possibility of using equipment, although it all depends on the size of the future garden with garlic. In order to make the soil loose, it is necessary to apply for each square meter soil for deep digging on a full bayonet of a shovel along a bucket of peat and river sand.
  • If, on the contrary, the soil in your area is excessively loose, that is, sandy, then you need to compact it by adding clay and humus. Clay must be dried very well before application, then crushed literally into the smallest parts to a powder state, and only after that, in combination with sand, can it be applied to the soil. Usually, per square meter for digging, you need both of them (that is, sand and clay) in a bucket.
  • Owners of peat soils, which are often acidic, in addition to adding 250 g of lime per square meter, we also recommend adding a bucket of sand, always river sand and clay prepared according to the method described above. All this is brought under the obligatory digging of the soil.

Planting material

For planting, the largest cloves are selected that do not have stains, mold, traces of rot and damage. If at least one clove from a garlic head has traces of rot and stains, then all the teeth of this head are considered unsuitable for planting.

All teeth intended for planting must be "dressed", that is, have an outer shell that must be intact, without damage.

planting garlic

Garlic is planted to a depth of two cloves, that is, the distance from the upper tip of the clove to the surface of the earth should be 3-5 cm, depending on the size of the planted. The grooves are plentifully watered before planting. Small cloves are planted at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other, large - 10-15 cm.

The distance between rows should be at least 20 cm - for better lighting and ease of fertilization. In no case should you press the cloves into the ground - during germination, the roots will push the bulb up, it will freeze in winter, and the result will be small, diseased heads of garlic with large quantity teeth.

After planting, the soil is leveled again, mulched with peat, sawdust, or spruce branches are laid on top. If the autumn is dry, then once every 5 days the garlic needs to be watered.

Highly good harvest there will be garlic if there is a lot of snow in the garden in winter. Therefore, if you have small areas planting garlic, and there is little snow above them, it should be thrown up.

Garlic in one place can be grown for no more than two years. After this period, the cloves become smaller, their number in the head increases, and the garlic itself becomes weak, susceptible to fungal diseases and frosts. After two years, repeat everything done again, but in a different place.

How to understand that garlic is winter?

To begin with, the gardener must decide what kind of garlic he wants to grow. The fact is that this culture is divided into several types:

These species differ from each other externally in the number and shape of teeth.

  1. Winter garlic cloves are large, uniform in size. They are evenly distributed around the base in one row.
  2. Varieties of winter garlic give a flower arrow that forms bulbs.

Winter garlic is dug up early, used for summer consumption or for harvesting. For more long-term storage grow varieties of spring garlic. This article will focus on the cultivation of winter garlic.

The best varieties of winter garlic

All varieties of winter garlic are divided into those that give arrows and those that do not give arrows. But mostly winter garlic is arrowhead. There are no more than 12 large cloves in the bulb of such garlic.

All varieties of large winter garlic, as well as spring garlic, are zoned. As an example, to the best varieties winter arrow garlic include Gribovsky, Dubkovsky, Lyubasha and others.

The winter shooters also include excellent Gulliver garlic - heads weighing up to 150 grams, having 6-8 large cloves arranged radially.

Non-shooting varieties of winter garlic are less common. In the bulb they have many small teeth arranged in a spiral.

best examples non-shooting winter varieties of garlic are varieties Novosibirsk, Shirokolistny 220 and other local ones.

Video: When to plant winter garlic in 2018 in the suburbs

Secrets of successful planting of winter garlic

It is necessary to prepare the soil before planting garlic for 10-15 days, that is, if we plan to plant it at the end of September, then at the beginning of the month it is quite possible to start preparing the soil.

Is it necessary to treat garlic cloves before planting? It is rarely carried out, you can soak it for an hour or two in a solution of potassium permanganate light color, but usually success in cultivation lies precisely in further agricultural technology.

On any soil, even the most loose, the maximum depth of penetration of a clove of garlic is six centimeters, bulbs - five centimeters.

It is impossible to “stick” garlic cloves strongly, they must be carefully “placed” in the soil, for which the soil must first be brought to a loose state.

On planted beds after planting, it is enough to sprinkle upper layer furnace ash, 200 g per square meter.

Watering the garlic after planting is not needed, usually there is enough rain, but if not a single one falls in a month, then you can water it once, spending a bucket per square meter.

After the onset of frost, while there is no snow, garlic can be covered with leaf litter with a layer of 15-25 cm, and a non-woven covering material can be spread on top of it. Or do not use the leaves at all, managing only the material.

In the north, winter garlic is protected - it is covered with straw manure, and horse manure, mixing manure and sawdust in equal proportions. You can also cover with humus, a layer of 18-20 cm. The main thing is to remove this shelter as quickly and accurately as possible in the spring so that the soil warms up more actively and does not damage the seedlings.

A month after the snow melts, you can loosen the soil, trying to go deeper by 1.5-2 cm.

For this culture, the correct landing time is very important. If garlic is planted too early in the fall before winter, it will germinate, and if it is done too late, it will not have time to take root before frost. Late planting can lead not only to a significant loss of yield. You may not get it at all.

Varieties of winter garlic differ in many ways: the size of the heads, ripening time, sharpness, storage capacity. But they are all divided into 2 main groups: shooters and non-shooters. The first form an arrow on which air bulbs grow - babies. If you sow them, you can get single teeth - an excellent material for autumn planting. The second group of varieties does not have such an arrow.

Arrow varieties


A variety that gives a very large head - its weight is about 180 g, some champions grow up to 240 g. There are 5 teeth in the head. The plant is powerful, together with the arrow it can reach a height of 1.5 m. It is well stored and has a rich spicy taste. The color of the covering scales is grey. The variety is resistant to Fusarium.


The head is large, the average weight is 120 g, the record weight is 250. The teeth in the head are up to 12 pcs. Covering scales are gray, the taste is pungent. This variety of garlic is also suitable for spring planting. Medium late variety.


The weight of the heads is up to 80 g. The number of teeth in it is up to 8. The scales are white with a purple tint. The taste is spicy. Early maturing variety.


The head is large, weighing up to 120 g, covered with light scales with purple veins. The taste is spicy, the number of teeth is up to 7. The ripening period is medium.


Variety for regions with frosty winters. The head has an average weight of 65 g, it has up to 6 teeth, the scales are reddish-white, the taste is slightly spicy. Mid-season variety.

Non-shooting varieties


The average weight of the head is 22 g, it is made with 6 teeth. The covering scales are pale pink, the taste is semi-sharp. The variety is mid-season.


A variety with a sharp taste. Head weighing up to 60 g, consists of 7 teeth. Covering scales are gray with purple stripes. Ripening period - mid-season.

Then plant garlic before winter?

Potatoes and all types of onions are poor precursors for garlic, as they have the same diseases with it, the pathogens of which can accumulate in the soil. Root crops and various nightshade crops are not suitable as predecessors.

Garlic works best after cucumbers and other representatives of pumpkin, cabbage (especially early white cabbage), legumes, and various cereals.

Landing dates

They depend on the region of cultivation. The following rule will help you figure out when to plant garlic before winter: garlic takes from three weeks to a month to root. It falls on a frost-free period, and, therefore, garlic should be planted 20-30 days before the onset of frost.

Early autumn frosts do not count. If the teeth are planted earlier, they will not only take root, but also give sprouts that will die in winter. For a new sprout, the clove will have little strength, and, perhaps, they will not be at all. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to count on a plentiful harvest. If planted too late, good roots will not have time to grow, in the spring the cloves will have to spend time building them up, seedlings may be late.

Planting material preparation

Only large cloves from healthy bulbs are suitable for planting.

Teeth preparation:

  • we disassemble the bulb into cloves, not forgetting to remove parts of the bottom; in non-shooting varieties, only the outer row is selected for planting; double cloves should not be planted either;
  • we reject all damaged and sick;
  • we carry out disinfection of planting material in the preparation "Maxim" according to the instructions or in a solution blue vitriol prepared from 10 liters of water and a teaspoon of the drug.

Teeth should be planted immediately after disinfection.

Ground Requirements

The soil on the garlic bed must meet the following requirements:

  • be fertile, high in humus - on lean soils large heads not receive;
  • be light enough in composition, ideally, it is chernozem or sandy loam well seasoned with humus; a good harvest is also obtained on loam, but they will often have to be loosened;
  • pass air well;
  • have a neutral reaction; if the soil is acidic, it is limed in advance;
  • there should not be stagnation of water in the garden, garlic does not tolerate it, therefore it is not worth planting this crop in the lowland; the only option on too moist soils is high beds.

When choosing a landing site, you need to pay attention to its illumination. It should be maximum, in the shade the garlic will please with a green feather, but not with full-fledged heads.

Fertilizer in the preparation of the beds

A bed for garlic should be prepared at least 2 weeks in advance so that the soil settles and compacts. In too loose soil, the teeth are strongly drawn into the depth, shoots will appear later and will be uneven.

What fertilize the beds for garlic? For every sq. m contribute:

  • up to 10 kg of humus or well-rotted compost;
  • a glass of wood ash;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of superphosphate;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of potassium sulfate.

Nitrogen fertilizers are applied during the first spring loosening. Since autumn, the soil is dug up to a depth of 25 cm. You can simply loosen it well with a pitchfork, choosing the roots of weeds.

Do not add fresh manure under garlic - the heads will turn out loose and will not be stored well.

Planting scheme for winter garlic

It is better to place a row from a row in the garden at a distance of 25 cm. In a row, teeth are planted every 10 cm, large ones less often, small ones more often. The easiest way is to take a thick stick and make indentations with it at the right distance at the same level.

How deep can garlic be planted? It depends on how frosty the winters are and how much snow falls. Garlic, planted at a depth of about 5 cm, sprouts faster, but in a snowy and frosty winter it can freeze. In harsh climates, it is better to choose a planting depth of about 15 cm. The teeth are placed in the holes with the bottom down, without pressing them in, otherwise it will be difficult for them to root. The holes are filled with manure.

Experienced gardeners know that dry wintering is preferable for garlic. In our unstable climate, we are not immune from rain even in January. To protect plantings from excessive moisture and at the same time from severe freezing, you can mulch the soil with a layer of humus or leaves, and cover the bed with either roofing felt or film. But this is only if in the spring there is an opportunity to remove the shelter before germination. Otherwise, you will have to limit yourself to the usual mulching with a layer of 5 cm. In the spring, the mulching material is removed.

Features of care

Growing garlic in open field- the lesson is simple, but it requires consistency in the application of all methods of agricultural technology. In the spring, garlic sprouts very quickly. As soon as the first leaves appear, the soil is loosened to destroy the soil crust. At this time, plants are especially in need of nitrogen. The roots in cold soil are still poorly functioning, and the leaf apparatus is growing rapidly. This imbalance often causes leaf tips to dry out. To avoid this, we feed the garlic with any nitrogen fertilizer, but always in liquid form: art. a spoonful of urea per 10 liters of water, for each sq. m pour 1/3 bucket. It is good to add humate to the solution, it contributes to the fastest growth of roots.

In the future, 2-3 more feedings will be required with a frequency of 2 weeks:

  • in the phase of 3-4 leaves - complete mineral fertilizer with the addition of urea - according to Art. spoon per 10 liters of water, consumption per 3 sq. m;
  • complete mineral fertilizer - art. spoon per 10 liters of water, consumption per 2 sq. m;
  • superphosphate - 1 tbsp. spoon, potassium sulfate - 1 tbsp. spoon per 10 liters of water, consumption per 2 sq.m.

Top dressing is carried out after watering. Garlic loves moisture, so it is watered regularly, but only in the first half of the growing season.

20 days before harvesting, watering the garlic is stopped.

What else needs to be done to get a good harvest?

  • Remove arrows on arrowing varieties in time - they should not grow more than 5 cm.
  • Keep the soil loose and weed-free.
  • Remove heads promptly

Stock up on them for the winter, you need to know important factors: place, time and landing conditions. Follow the tips below and you'll be able to feed on your harvest all year long.

When is garlic planted?

Besides, there should be no stagnant water. The best soil for winter garlic - sandy loam. It contains a lot of sand. Such soil is easy to cultivate, as it is loose. Sandy soil thaws earlier in early spring, and this important condition for those plants that are in the frozen ground. It should be noted that this type of soil will be needed and much more often.

Correct fit

For planting, use well-dried garlic, because if it contains moisture, it will immediately start growing, and this is undesirable for spring varieties. For winter garlic, this rule does not apply.

Check the quality of the cloves before planting: to do this, peel the husk a little, if you find stains or darkening, then it is better not to plant such garlic.


When planting a spring species, do not hide the roots too far underground. Choose the largest teeth.

Important! Optimal Distance between the teeth - 6-7 cm.

10 by 20 cm is the approximate area on which one planted slice should be. If you still plant smaller cloves, then it is better to reduce the distance by about half.

The plant loves light, but if the teeth are small, then you can plant it in partial shade: under thickets, for example. You will get tender greens for salads. Planting depth will depend on the soil you choose. If you used our recommendations for choosing a substrate, then plant garlic 2-3 cm deep.

It is important that the earth that is adjacent to the roots is loosened. This is necessary in order to give room for growth. The presented species will ripen later than the winter one for about three weeks, but it will be stored for a long time.


The best place to grow is in beds 15-20 cm tall. Start preparing for planting in advance, about a week in advance: work the soil and prepare. If the earth does not have time to mature, then the teeth will fail. Because of this, the garlic can grow very small.

It is necessary to plant winter garlic 3-5 cm deep. at a distance approximately equal to two of your palms. Make sure that there is no other extra grass in place. Apply, in the amount of 5 kg per square meter. It is important that it is not fresh, it is only brought in for growing some, but it is not suitable for garlic.

In order for garlic planted in winter to develop correctly, loose earth is needed. This effect can be achieved by adding substances such as sand or. They make it easier to get deep into the water and air.

If you want to add , then add from , from -

In our country, garlic is used for food almost without a trace: its young leaves are used in the preparation of many dishes or simply served as a side dish; cloves are used both for preservation and for consumption in fresh, and the arrows pickle. But that's just not everyone can grow a rich harvest of this plant. And all due to the fact that few know about what is right for the winter.

Basic rules for winter sowing

Experienced gardeners say that late crops are best suited for winter sowing. It is in them that the greatest number of microelements are stored, which means that the new head will grow strong and healthy. It is necessary to choose the largest and intact teeth.

Now about when to plant garlic. It is quite clear that winter sowing is done in the fall, but in which month it depends on the specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence. After all, somewhere winter comes in November, and somewhere severe frosts and snow should not be expected before January. In any case, before winter should not be carried out earlier than mid-September and later than the first decade of December. But when should you decide on your own, taking into account weather conditions in your region of residence.

Another important point is an additional disinfection of the seed. Experienced gardeners it is strongly recommended to carry out additional processing three days before planting garlic.

The selected teeth are placed in a concentrated solution of manganese and left in it for 30 minutes. Then they are removed and allowed to dry well. Disembarkation can be carried out after 72 hours. The distance between the teeth is about 4-6 cm, and between the rows - no more than 10 cm, but not less than 4 cm.

It must be remembered that if you want to get a truly rich harvest, then you should use only the seed material that is ideal for your climate.

Soil preparation rules

So, if we figured out how to plant garlic for the winter, now we need to talk about how to properly prepare the soil for planting it. First of all, it should be remembered that this plant cannot be planted in the same place for two years in a row. This is due to the fact that garlic becomes more vulnerable to pests and diseases. And also in the ground is no longer enough essential nutrients.

Secondly, you should choose a place to land at least ten weeks in advance. The earth needs to be dug up and fertilized, ideally with organic matter. But here you should be careful and not overdo it with top dressing.

But, speaking about how to plant garlic for the winter, one cannot but say about what kind of soil it is better not to plant it at all. It will not be possible to get a good harvest if the sowing was done in clay or loamy soil. It is too heavy and does not contain minerals in the right amount.

Basics of caring for winter garlic

But it is not enough to know how to plant garlic for the winter. It is also necessary to have reliable information about the rules for caring for him. By by and large everything is simple here. After the appearance of stable seedlings, the beds must be weeded. As for watering, before the arrows appear, it should be daily and plentiful. Only in this case, you can count on getting large and healthy heads of garlic. It is not necessary to additionally feed this plant, but only if the soil was fertilized before planting.

Despite the fact that planting garlic before winter at first glance seems to be a difficult task, in fact it is far from being the case. Following all the above tips, you can easily grow this plant on your site.