Transplantation of indoor plants: auspicious days, lunar calendar, technology. Moon tips: houseplant lunar calendar

We transplant indoor plants only on favorable days

It is forbidden to transplant plants on unfavorable days.

The lunar phases are the periods of time during which the complete renewal of the moon occurs. This happens once every 28-29 days. The beginning of the lunar phase is marked by the new moon and is characterized by the period of the growing moon, and the end by the full moon and the waning moon. Astrologers say that in the phase lunar growth living organisms better accept everything useful, so all procedures have a positive effect. This opinion is also shared by flower growers who transplant plants exclusively on days that are favorable for this.

Applying moon calendar it should be remembered that the new moon is replaced by a phase of growth, and the full moon - a phase of aging. That's why experienced growers recommend transplanting flower crops in the first week and a half after the birth of the month. It is on the growing moon that all the life processes of plants work in full force: damage heals faster and stress passes more easily. Therefore, at this time, the flowers take root better and actively grow after transplantation.

The benefits of the lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants

The creators of the lunar calendar mark suitable and inappropriate days for various manipulations with indoor green crops. ornamental plants quite capricious and often painfully react to minor injuries: they stop growing, start to get sick and die.

  • influence lunar cycle on living organisms. In people, this is expressed in fluctuations in well-being. Today, a person feels great, cheerful and cheerful, and sometimes there is a feeling of malaise and depression.
  • the process of sap flow in plants is controlled by the moon
  • planting and transplanting plants auspicious days, marked in the lunar calendar, leads to better rooting and more active growth, development and flowering

The transplanting process is stressful for green crops. At this point, the plant is subject to various injuries - broken leaves, damage to the stems and root system. And following the tips of the lunar calendar harm can be minimized:

  1. the lunar calendar is presented in the form of a table in which good and bad periods are noted for various manipulations with indoor plants
  2. during specific lunar phases there is an outflow of juice from the root system and an inflow to the stems and leaves, so the root structure becomes more pliable and the plant takes root better in the ground
  3. using the table of the moons, you can grow beautiful and healthy flowers at home. But if the flowers suddenly fall ill, then an emergency transplant is required to save the green friend. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out an unscheduled transplant, even if this day is marked as unfavorable in the lunar calendar.

It should also be remembered that even in favorable periods, plants should not be transplanted during flowering. Such events will lead to early dropping of flowers and oppression of green culture.

In their natural habitat, green cultures feel complete freedom and occupy the territory they need. IN room conditions the development of the root system limits the size of the planting capacity. Over time, the roots braid all the available soil, the plants become crowded and there is a lack of useful trace elements.

Therefore, the process of transplanting indoor flowers is an integral part of care and should be carried out regularly.

The intervals for transplanting are determined by the growth and development of the plant. Some flowers should be repotted annually, while others that grow slowly can be repotted every few years.

Often the flower itself tells when it needs a transplant:

  • the root system braided an earthen clod and went beyond the soil. This is clearly seen when watering the plant. And sometimes you need to remove the flower from the container and check the condition of the roots
  • overgrown roots begin to fall out through the drainage holes or look unhealthy, signs of pest damage
  • the plant stops growing, the leaves turn yellow, wither and fall off

The biological needs of different cultures should also be taken into account. Some varieties of plants lack regular top dressing and need to change the soil annually. Another factor is unsuitable soil.

Any transplant is a stress for the plant, so you need to take into account some points when flowers should absolutely not be subjected to this procedure:

  1. immediately after changing the usual conditions, the flower needs to acclimatize. This process lasts about two to three weeks and after this time, you can transplant
  2. flowering plants should not be manipulated, because they will direct all their strength to rooting in a new pot and quickly drop all the buds
  3. at the time of recovery from an illness, the plant spends a lot of energy, so unnecessary stress can lead to death

But the last point has an exceptional moment - a transplant is required if the disease has affected the roots of the culture. In such situations, it is necessary to replace the soil and remove all affected areas.

Plant transplantation by months: favorable and unfavorable days

The developers of the lunar calendar tried to create convenient scheme for the organization of care for green crops at home. And the designation of favorable and unfavorable periods will allow you to navigate by the timing of the conduct and planning of manipulations, taking into account the lunar phases.

For each month, the presence of good and bad periods falls on different days.

January for many plants is a month of rest, so it is not recommended to transplant them during this period. But if the prerequisites for manipulation arise, then this should be done exclusively in good days, indicated in the lunar calendar:

  • favorable periods are the first three days of the month and the last one and a half weeks
  • unfavorable days in the lunar calendar indicate the interval between the first and third weeks of the month

In the last winter month, many flower growers prepare flower crops for the new season. At this time, green cultures are awakening and they tolerate transplants more easily:

  • good days are dates: from 13 to 17, as well as 21-22 and 27, for sheet ones - from 3 to 8
  • unfavorable numbers for manipulation are: 1-2, 5-6, 9-10 and the period from 23 to 26

The beginning of spring is marked by the active development of plants and they can be safely transplanted based on the lunar calendar:

  • it is possible to carry out transplant manipulations in the period from 1 to 11 and from 28 to 31
  • it is not recommended to carry out transplants from 13 to 27
  • cannot be done on the 12th

In April, many plants enter the flowering phase, so transplants are made only as needed:

  • favorable periods are the beginning and end of the month
  • unfavorable are the dates in mid-April

In the last month of spring, it is customary to sow seeds and plant green crops. During this period, some plants begin to take out to fresh air:

  • transplantation will be successful if it is carried out in the second and last week months
  • manipulations should not be carried out in mid-May

In the first month of summer, indoor flowers are under attack harmful insects and in case of defeat, you need to take the necessary measures:

  • good days for transplantation are periods from 1 to 8 and from 25 to 30
  • it is recommended to avoid such events from 10 to 24.

In July, plants should not be transplanted, given the too hot weather, but if necessary, it is better to carry out the procedure only at a good time:

  • good periods for manipulation are from 1 to 8 and from 20-31
  • events should be avoided between the 10th and 19th

The last month of summer is also not particularly suitable for transplantation, but if necessary, the procedure is carried out in the second half of the month, and in the first, manipulations should be avoided.

At the beginning of autumn, plants are gradually being prepared for a dormant period - they are brought into the house, irrigation procedures and fertilization are reduced:

  • transplantation is possible in the first week of the month and in the last ten days
  • the procedure should be avoided in the second and third week

More information can be found in the video:

In October, transplant flowers:

  • recommended in the first four days and in the last two weeks,
  • it is forbidden to carry out the procedure from 7 to 20

November is considered a bad month for transplanting - at this time, the plants are preparing for the sleep period and you should not disturb them once again.

  • the procedure will be more successful if it is carried out from 14 to 16 and from 26 to 28
  • on other days it is not recommended to do this

In December, the plants rest and their transplantation is carried out only in case of emergency.

  • the most suitable days for this are marked in the lunar calendar: 1-2, 11-13, 19-20, 24-24
  • at other times, flowers should not be transplanted, and on the third day - it is strictly forbidden

Many flower growers have already managed to appreciate the benefits of lunar calendars and adhere only to favorable periods when planting and transplanting flowers. They noticed that following such rules helps plants to take root and begin their development faster, and also, if the advice is followed, flowering plants endow their owners richer.

Indoor plants are the decoration and joy of any home. Delighting hosts and guests with rapid growth and lush bloom, indoor plants, meanwhile, add to our hassle with transplanting. Everyone knows that there are times when, after a transplant at an unfortunate moment, the plant dies. To prevent this from happening to you, it is enough to transplant carefully and choose the right time for it. Firstly , the time of successful transplantation depends on life cycle plants, periods of its flowering and dormancy, and so on. A Secondly , on the state indoor plants, like all life on Earth, the Moon has a strong influence! What are the laws of the lunar cycle, and how can we use them for the benefit of our houseplants?

Flowers, like people, are generous for kindness and, giving tenderness to people, they bloom, warming hearts, like small, warm bonfires.
C. Janet

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants - general rules

The influence of the moon on indoor plants is such that on the growing moon all their juices are concentrated in the "tops" - the above-ground part of the plant. During this period of the lunar cycle, everything favors active upward growth, the development of the stem, flowers and fruits. On the waning moon, on the contrary, all juices are concentrated on the ground - in the roots and root crops. Accordingly, they are concentrated in the first half of the lunar month - on the growing moon. However, even in this part of the lunar cycle there are several days unfavorable for transplantation.

Favorable lunar days for any household chores in the lunar calendar of the hostess >>

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar - best and worst days

So, before transplanting indoor plants on the growing moon, unfavorable days should be excluded: 1, 8 and 15 lunar day . At the same time, in 1 lunar day the plant is still too weakened after the new moon, and 8 and 15 lunar days are located at the junction of lunar phases and are generally considered not very favorable.

What is the lunar day today? Lunar Calendar 2018 >>

If you have already decided to transplant indoor plants on the waning moon, then exclude those days on which work with plant roots is categorically contraindicated: 18, 20, 25, 29 lunar days. During these periods, the roots are especially vulnerable and their accidental damage can lead to the death of the plant.

The ideal transplant of indoor plants according to the lunar calendar falls on 3 lunar day. Using the energy of the moon on this day, you will give the plant the strength to grow and bloom for your joy for a long time to come! 🙂

The moon has a great influence on our planet and this has long been proven by scientists. The moon, depending on the phase, has a different effect, both on the human body and well-being, and on the growth and life of plants. It has long been known that all fluids on the plane are under its control.

During the growing moon, tides occur, the water level in the seas and oceans rises. At this time, ascending sap flow occurs in indoor plants, energy flows and intensive growth occurs.

On the full moon, this process reaches its completion. By the new moon, these processes stop, and the energy in the plants rushes from the top to the roots. During this period, it is not recommended to transplant plants, as they become very sensitive, and even the most minor damage can lead to their death.

By transplanting plants, focusing on the lunar calendar 2018, you can achieve best result and more intensive growth and their flowering.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants January 2018

Since ancient times, people have noticed the influence of the moon on the life and development of plants on our planet. In order to properly grow indoor flowers, it is important to know on which particular lunar day you can transplant plants without much risk.

  • Auspicious days - January 18-27.
  • Unfavorable days - January 4-13.
  • Neutral days are all other days.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants February 2018

It is important to remember that plants, in addition to water, also need air. The plant should not be constantly in moist soil. Do not neglect such a thing as seasonal care. IN winter time plants should be watered less often, reduced or eliminated top dressing, and kept at a cooler temperature than during flowering.

  • Auspicious days - February 17-24.
  • Unfavorable days - February 1-12.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants March 2018

It is important when growing indoor plants to observe certain safety measures. By following the 2018 lunar calendar, you can avoid bad transplant days. Thereby improve the growth of your flowers.

  • Auspicious days - March 18-26.
  • Unfavorable days - March 3-11.
  • Neutral days - all the rest.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants April 2018

For each type of plant, it is worth choosing a pot of a certain volume. Carefully study the features of the plant that you decide to purchase. Some indoor flowers are first planted in small pots and only as they grow they are transplanted into pots that they need in terms of volume. Other indoor plants require planting in large pots initially. If you choose the wrong pot, then the development of plants can stop at early stage development.

  • Auspicious days - April 17-25.
  • Unfavorable days - April 1-13.
  • Neutral days - all the rest.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants May 2018

Plants using solar energy convert water and carbon dioxide into sugar. They take the necessary minerals needed for this process from the earth. In the ground for indoor flowers, these minerals are not enough. Therefore, it is recommended to fertilize the plants.

Fertilize indoor plants only during their active growth. It is important to follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging. Feeding times vary depending on the type of plant. An excess of fertilizer can cause irreparable harm to a houseplant.

  • Auspicious days - May 16-24.
  • Unfavorable days - May 1-10.
  • Neutral days - all the rest.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants June 2018

On favorable days, you can safely transplant plants. The juice of plants on these days flows from the roots to the top. Damage to the roots is unlikely with careful handling of the flower.

On unfavorable days, touching the plant and replanting is not recommended. The juice of the plant flows from the top to the roots. The roots these days are very sensitive and their damage is possible, which can lead to the death of the flower.

  • Auspicious days - June 14-22.
  • Unfavorable days - June 1-9.
  • Neutral days - all the rest.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants July 2018

Although neutral days are not unfavorable, but on such days the strength and energy of the plant begins to leave it. On neutral days, it's best to leave it alone.

If the transplant is made on favorable days, then the result of plant growth will not be long in coming.

  • Auspicious days - July 14-21.
  • Unfavorable days - July 1-9.
  • Neutral days - all the rest.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants august 2018

Carefully select the type of houseplant depending on the room where you plan to grow it. sun-loving indoor flower will not grow and bloom properly in a room where there is little sunlight. Like a flower shadow loving, will not be able to survive in a well-lit room. In addition, group your plants, so they will look better and develop faster.

  • Auspicious days - August 12-20.
  • Unfavorable days - August 1-7.
  • Neutral days - all the rest.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants September 2018

To grow healthy and flowering plant many indoor plant lovers follow the lunar calendar. By choosing favorable days for caring, feeding and transplanting plants, you will improve their growth, flowering and save them from danger.

  • Auspicious days - September 10-20.
  • Unfavorable days - September 1-8, 28-30.
  • Neutral days - all the rest.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants October 2018

Before transplanting home flowers, you must first figure out if they really need to be transplanted and then replant, following the 2018 indoor plant transplant lunar calendar.

When to transplant a plant:

  1. An earthen ball is pierced and braided with roots, forming the so-called felt.
  2. When common feature plant weakness. This indicates the depletion of the earth.
  3. The roots of the plant began to rot.
  4. The roots of the flower made their way through the hole to release excess moisture.
  5. The earth in the pot turned sour.
  • Auspicious days - October 11-18.
  • Unfavorable days - October 1-8, 26-31.
  • Neutral days - all the rest.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants november 2018

The time of year for transplanting indoor plants depends on their type. But basically all plants are transplanted only after the end of their flowering. If it becomes necessary to transplant a plant during its flowering, then you need to be prepared for the fact that it will shed both buds and flowers.

  • Auspicious days - November 12-18.
  • Unfavorable days - November 3-6, 26-30.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants december 2018

December is a time of holidays and fuss. Not always on favorable days there is an opportunity to do flower transplantation. In this case, try to avoid unfavorable days. It is better to postpone the transplant or reschedule for a better time.

  • Auspicious days - December 8-17.
  • Unfavorable days - December 25-31.
  • Neutral days are other days.

Transplantation of orchids according to the lunar calendar 2018

It is enough to transplant an orchid once every 3 years. Start her transplant at new pot with a prepared substrate stands only after the flowering period. By choosing for this a prosperous day according to the lunar calendar 2018.

  • Prosperous days are the days when the moon enters the phase of the new moon, or as it is also called, the growing moon. During the growing moon, the juice from the roots of plants rises to the top and nourishes it. At this time, you can safely transplant a flower without fear of damaging its roots.
  • For easier removal of the flower from the pot, place the pot in water for a few minutes. Carefully remove the flower, carefully taking it under the rosette with leaves. Rinse and clean the roots. With a sharp knife cut off rotten or dead roots.
  • For transplanting orchids, it is better to use a plastic pot. Make the required number of holes in it. This is necessary so that after watering, excess moisture can escape, and the air has direct access to the roots.
  • After we have prepared the pot and the substrate, we proceed to transplant the orchid. Pour a small amount of the mixture into the bottom of the pot. Gently lower the plant and slowly add the substrate so that it fills the pot to the outlet with leaves.
  • Return the pot with the plant to its original place. Do not water it for three days after transplanting.

Violet transplant lunar calendar 2018

For transplanting violets, you should choose a pot not too big size. In a small pot, the root system of violets will develop faster, and flowering will come faster accordingly.

  • For better flower development, add a thin layer of river pebbles or expanded clay to the bottom of the pot. It is recommended to transplant the violet at least once every three years. The plant during transplantation is refreshed under a warm shower, removing weak and yellowed leaves. The substrate is changed to a new one, but the old pot is left.
  • It is recommended to transplant violets during the growing moon. The violet has weak roots, and if you start replanting it during the waning moon, then the probability of damage to the flower, and then its death, is quite high.
  • It is recommended to plant new flowers during the growing moon. Loosen and cultivate the land. Feed flowers.
  • During this period, violet needs more water. The days that fall on the growing moon are great for removing stepchildren. It is necessary to remove stepsons for good development and growth of the flower.
  • At the moment when the moon passes from the waning moon to the growing one, it is good to fertilize and loosen the earth. It is not recommended to cut and transplant plants at this time. The duration of this phase is 3 days. It's easy to calculate. This phase begins three days before the prosperous days according to the lunar calendar and ends on the first day of these days.

Flowers are the main decorative element any garden, whether suburban area or your window sill. In order for indoor flowers to always delight you with their flowering, a transplant is simply necessary!

For plants to grow strong and healthy, for them to have healing properties, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for their cultivation, as well as choose the right time for planting.

When to transplant indoor flowers?

The best time to transplant indoor plants is spring. The fact is that starting from October, all growth processes slow down in indoor flowers and plants. That is why it is best to change the "place of residence" for your favorite flowers in the spring. How do you know if indoor flowers need repotting?

1. If the roots of your plant stick out from the bottom of the pot or there are bare roots on the surface of the soil.

2. If the plant has stopped growing and looks sluggish, although you are following the watering regimen.

3. The plant has grown strongly and the pot has obviously become cramped for him.

Florist calendar 2017: favorable days for transplanting indoor plants

January 1-11, 28-31

February 1-10, 26-28

March 1-11, 28-31

April 1-10, 26-30

May 1-10, 25-31

June 1-8, 24-30

July 1-8, 23-31

August 1-6, 21-31

September 1-5, 20-30

October 1-4, 19-31

November 1-3, 18-30

December 1-2, 18-31.

These are the favorable days for transplanting indoor plants in 2017.

Indoor flowers: transplant step by step

Remove the plant from the pot Water the plant lightly, let it dry for an hour or so, and then carefully remove it completely from the pot by gently pulling on the stem at the very root or by placing the pot on its side. You can help yourself with a pencil or stick if you are sure that you will not touch the roots of the plant.

Preparation of the root ball. Carefully free the root ball from the ground, but be careful not to damage root system. Examine her. Cut off dead or rotten roots.

Prepare a new pot. Do not transplant the plant into an oversized pot "with a margin." This will slow growth. It's up to you to choose plastic or ceramic pots, but ceramics are, of course, more environmentally friendly.

Add fresh soil directly to the pot. Many of us have been taught to put pebbles or other means of drainage into the bottom of the pot first. In reality, however, this prevents the roots from developing below, they are concentrated above, which interferes with normal aeration.

For indoor plants, transplanting is stressful, but in general they tolerate it well. After you transplant your flower, it should begin to grow actively, mastering the new soil with its roots. This may not happen if the transplant was carried out in winter.

Winter flower care

Caring for flowers in winter has a number of features, including the difficulty of keeping plants in low light conditions. In addition, the presence of drafts and dry air, characteristic of apartments at this time of the year, also does not in the best way reflected in the well-being of green pets. In winter, daylight hours are short - this is another reason why it is better to transplant in the spring.

Flowers need light, and due to the fact that the daylight hours in winter are half as long as in summer, they may not feel comfortable. Some flowers simply hibernate, others need to be placed closer to the window, moving from the back of the room to the windowsill.

It should not be forgotten that cleanliness is also of great importance: dirty windows block the flow of light, so wipe them regularly, both in winter and in summer. It would be a good idea to general cleaning with the advent of the new season.

By following the above rules for caring for indoor flowers, you can create a beautiful indoor garden or decorate country cottage area, making the space around you bright and filled with positive, good mood and elegance of ornamental plants.

© Julia Lukashina

Harmful plants that do not belong in your home:

See the lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for 2019. We tell you when it is better to transplant indoor flowers according to the lunar calendar with expert recommendations.

Choose favorable days for transplanting by months in order to grow a healthy and beautiful plant.

New moon

It is a critical moment for all living things. Manipulations with plants are advised not to be performed. When urgently needed, you can deal with urgent matters (for example, fighting diseases or pests).

Waxing Crescent

It has long been established that in this phase the flow of juices to the stem from the root system increases significantly. The more the illumination of the disk of the Moon increases, the more noticeable the juices rise to the tops of the shoots.

With the growing moon, small mechanical damage to the root is easier to bear. This time is the most successful for planting a plant that grows up and bears fruit from above the ground - “tops” (vegetables, fruits, berries), as well as flowering, medicinal and decorative leafy species and lawn grasses.

Full moon

With it, the stems, leaves and fruits are maximally saturated with their juice. The moon transfers all its power and there comes a peak level of vitality. It is impossible to transplant and prune, but it is better to collect fruits (on these days the highest value of nutrients).

Waning moon

In this phase, the juices are sent to reverse side to the roots. The moon gradually rests, and reduces the activity of plants. It is optimal to carry out preventive actions - pruning, grafting, harvesting and medicinal herbs, mowing and transplanting plants.

At the same time, it is advised to plant flowering, decorative and deciduous species and "roots" (potatoes, carrots, turnips, beets, garlic).

Moon phases

How do zodiac signs affect the success of a plant transplant?

The success of the transplant is greatly influenced by the sign of the zodiac. If the plant was transplanted with the growing Moon, but in a barren sign, then it will develop weaker in comparison with a transplanted flower in a fertile sign in a waning phase.

  • Infertile: Virgo, Capricorn. Fertile signs: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - they are all female. They are the most successful time for planting or transplanting plants.

Some astrologers divide differently: barren - Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo and Aquarius, neutral - Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius and Capricorn and fertile - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Individual features of indoor plants

Before you start replanting indoor plants according to the lunar calendar, many flower growers recommend taking them into account individual characteristics. According to astrologers, the signs of the zodiac affect growth and development differently. different types home flowers.

  1. It is better to transplant decorative leafy species during some signs of the zodiac: with the growing moon - Gemini, Libra, Scorpio and Pisces, and with the waning moon - Cancer.
    Of the decorative leafy species, the following are primarily distinguished: asparagus, dieffenbachia, dracaena, monstera, peperomia, ficus and chlorophytum.
  2. Bulbous and tuberous species plants are best transplanted with the growing moon in Capricorn, and waning in Scorpio. Plants: amaryllis, tuberous begonia, vorsleya, hippeastrum, gloxinia, oxalis, clivia, lily, cyclamen and eucharis.
  3. Ampelous and curly domestic species (liana, hoya) are recommended to be transplanted with the growing moon in Gemini, and waning in Virgo and Sagittarius.

Auspicious days for transplanting indoor plants in 2019

Unsuccessful or successful days for transplanting domestic plants are determined based on the phase of the moon and its zodiac sign.

  • The most favorable period for transplanting indoor flowers is the phase of the growing moon in the signs of Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

A very important role for the successful growth and development of indoor plants is compliance with general rules transplantation and recommendations for a particular instance.

You need to know for sure that home flower can or should be transplanted, as well as doing it right.

Rules for the perfect transplant

  1. The plant needs to be transplanted (development retardation, decrease in decorative effect, small size pot).
  2. The flower is transplanted in compliance with individual recommendations ( suitable size pot, drainage, preparation for transplanting, properly selected soil mixture) and without damaging the root system.
  3. Moon phase and zodiac sign.

In order for the flower to grow and develop as well as possible in the future, ideally all these factors should coincide. Now it becomes clearer why transplanting houseplants according to the lunar calendar is of great importance for them. further fate, but not decisive.

Read more here:


It is possible to transplant indoor plants in January only in an emergency (root rot, etc.). Most species are dormant. Prepare wisely soil mixture for future transfers.



Spring is best time for transplanting, pruning and most house plants. And March and April are a “hot” time for every grower, gardener and gardener.

In March, the amount of sunlight increases, and vital processes are accelerated. Therefore, they resume, and become more frequent, and also begin the forcing of bulbous species.


April is a favorable month for breeding and transplanting flowers at home. They are actively growing and need more and more feeding, especially fast-growing and flowering species.

Carry out sowing seeds, prevention and pruning. The forcing of bulbous species continues.


In May, many indoor plants continue to be transplanted, while some are already beginning to bloom. May is the optimal time for transplanting euphorbia species (- then it will bloom in December). Most often they work with early-flowering species that have already faded in spring.


In the summer, transplants are rarely done at home, since this is not a very favorable time. In June, you can transship plants that have faded in spring or those that have stopped spring growth.


In July, indoor flowers can be transplanted only if absolutely necessary.


In August, houseplants are transplanted into emergency. It is better to pay more attention to increasing the humidity of the air, watering and protection from the scorching sun.


Starting in September, plants that have a dormant period in winter should not be transplanted, as fresh soil will activate their growth. If it is impossible to reschedule the transplant to March-April, then do a transshipment in order to minimally disturb the flower.

Violets can be transplanted from the end of August until the end of September. And then in about 30-40 days they will bloom.

In September-October, if necessary, orchids are transplanted.


In October, only some healthy home flowers can be transshipped: amaryllis, asparagus, dracaena, tradescantia, chlorophytum.

For transplanted plants, it is especially important with the beginning heating season support optimal humidity air.

From the end of October, most types of indoor plants go into a dormant state.


In November, transplantation is carried out only in an emergency. It is categorically not advised to touch the bulbous species, they accumulate nutrients during this period.

Many flowers need additional.


In December, most indoor plants are already in "hibernation". Transplantation is carried out in exceptional cases by the transshipment method. If desired, you can do transshipment or succulents.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for 2019 in the table

In addition, we have recorded favorable days for transplanting indoor flowers in 2019 in a convenient table.

Also in the table are the days when plants cannot be transplanted at home - these are the New Moon and Full Moon.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for 2019 in the table

  • FOLK SIGN. The most favorable days for transplanting indoor plants are the first three to five days after the New Moon.

In order not to miss a good day for a transplant, use a special calendar that will remind you of an important matter.

We hope that now you can easily transplant home flowers on favorable days according to the lunar calendar.

  • save the calendar indoor florist bookmark, and then the plant transplant will go smoothly.


We wish that flowers always cheer you up!