Ceramic tiles for small bathrooms. What tile to choose for a small bathroom - design features. Choosing the color and size of tiles for a small bathroom

Today, own living space can have the most various sizes: from the largest to the smallest. Tiles for a small bathroom will be an original and effective way to finish the room.

Typically, this space has an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 4 m 2, and sometimes less. Therefore, the issue of planning and designing a shower room is as acute as possible. In addition, there is always a desire to save money, but at the same time leave appearance on high level. The main criteria on the basis of which you should choose the material:

  • colors;
  • reliability;
  • texture;
  • quality;
  • universalism.


Small tile sizes require a thorough calculation. Choosing a large tile is not the best idea. Firstly, the seams will be very noticeable against the general background, and secondly, they will overshadow the entire image or pattern. Separately, it is worth noting that light glaze products not only do not visually increase the surrounding space, but also make it noticeably narrower. Therefore, the most matching tiles considered medium to small.


This tile is considered a fairly popular option for finishing the bathroom, regardless of color. Tiles of this size are equally well suited to the shower room, in whatever design it would be made. However, it is still recommended to use small space light colors, such as yellow. If you use dark shades, the room will seem noticeably smaller than its actual size.

In addition, the situation in the bathroom will look somewhat depressing. However, there is a third option - combined. For example, if you choose brown tone and dilute it with light shades, then in contrast you can make whole compositions that will look very harmonious. This method is distinguished, as a rule, by a dark floor, as well as light walls and ceiling.


What other tile size should I choose? A 20 x 20 cm tile is one of the most common finishes for a small shower room. The quality of perception of products practically does not depend on their color or design. This is where visual perception comes into play. Although in this case, preference should be given to light colors. They allow the space to visually appear larger than it actually is.

Separately, it is worth noting that colors have an impact not only singly, but also in combination with each other. The chosen design of the room, as well as the selected tones, often directly affect the overall finish of the shower room. Why you should be careful with experiments, but do not get hung up on one thing. A win-win- a combination of black bottom and white top.

20x50 and more

Whatever tile you choose, it should always have its own special style. The design of the room should remain recognizable, and the colors pleasing to the eye. Depending on the size and coloring, tiles can bring some effect to a small bathroom. Dimensions of 20 by 50 cm or more can be attributed to suitable visual qualities. In terms of visual accompaniment, they also prefer light shades, like others small size.

At the same time, their noticeable advantage is their relative originality, which brings a special impression to the shower room. If you use a vertical strip, then in this way, the overall height of the room will appear noticeably higher. When applying a horizontal line, the room will become visually longer. If you add a light background to this, the result will be very impressive.


What color is best to choose a tile? For you should choose a tile of small sizes, for example, a mosaic type. In this case, the texture of the surface will differ in its individuality. Often, preference is given to light colors, as this shade allows you to fill the space with pleasant warmth and comfort. In its turn, dark colors suitable for design as floor covering.

Why exactly on the floor? This is due to the fact that these tones on the walls or ceiling will look very gloomy, cumbersome and heavy. However, at the same time, you should not rely only on white. There are various shades, for example, cream, coffee with milk, light green tones and others. At the same time, you need to understand that darker tones do not hide lime well, as well as other contaminants.


In order for the shower room to visually look larger, you need to choose a tile that fits in all respects. Practical tiles for bathroom design should be chosen based on its operational properties and attractive appearance. Properly arranged tiles, design and colors can give an original image to the entire interior. For example, you can lay out light and dark tiles in such a way that they divide the wall horizontally, and use a decorative pattern as a dividing strip.

In addition, the selection of ceramics for a small shower directly depends on the size of the plumbing. If it is large, then you need to divide the space into zones using different tones or tile colors. With small plumbing, you can dilute the room with some accessories or decorate the same sink or bathtub. The unity of colors has a beneficial effect on the overall composition.


Today, ceramics is such a diverse product that it is not always possible to choose any single option. If we add to this the small size of the bathroom, then the task becomes much more complicated. By purchasing a mirror tile, you can count not only on excellent performance, but also on original design the entire room.

For a small shower room, various inserts or patterns are best suited, which will dilute the room, but at the same time will not clutter it up. It can be both thematic or ethnic drawings, as well as modern images. In addition, for a small bathroom, you can use a glass surface, mirror products, complex convex elements. However, the rough surface is very difficult to use, so its choice is worth considering.

As for the glazed surface, financial investments here will be at an affordable level for many. Separately, it is worth noting that it practically does not need to be cleaned or washed. The easiest option for a small shower room is a tile with small bulges, while glazed in two layers. Such a surface is easy to maintain and looks very attractive.

Classification and nuances

Currently, there are several types of tiles, as well as ways to classify them. And each of them has its own characteristics. For example, ceramic products for a small shower room must meet high quality standards, be moisture resistant, durable, and also withstand the effects of cleaning products.

  1. The first class is intended for use in rooms where there is no high traffic. A small bathroom meets these parameters.
  2. The second class is also used in larger showers, however, its requirements for abrasion are slightly higher. It is great for resisting moisture and steam, but it does not tolerate the effects of household chemicals.

The remaining categories are not intended for use in bathrooms. In addition, there are varieties of tiles that are suitable as decoration on walls or ceilings. Such products must be durable and have a long service life. They must withstand the weight of plumbing, furniture and other interior items. At the same time, they should be washed and wiped strictly according to the instructions on the package.

Video instruction

In modern new buildings, the bathroom has sufficient dimensions for comfortable use. In old houses, it is sometimes impossible to find a bathroom that would meet such conditions. Such a bathroom is justified in small apartments of buildings of the last century, because if it were large, then what would the living area be like?

All rooms of the apartment are in a certain balance, taking into account a comfortable stay. This article will help you understand how to renovate a small bathroom while saving maximum space.

And also present ideas for the design of a small bathroom. Often problems due to a small bathroom arise due to the fact that it is impossible to install a washing machine and a minimal storage system there.

Sometimes, in conditions of extreme limitation, the question arises of replacing the bathtub with a shower cabin. There is a definite benefit to this solution, after taking the bath out of the room, a new space becomes available.

Material selection

Starting preparations for repairs, you need to create an action plan that will clearly show the entire list of works. To the bathroom plan small size make a list of materials for interior decoration premises.

The most popular material is tile. Tiles for a small bathroom can be absolutely anything, the choice depends on personal preference. You need to think about the design of a small bathroom.

Moisture-resistant paints can serve as finishing materials, the color palette of which will surpass any tile.

Walls painted in matte paints, have proven themselves in everyday water tests. Subsequently, the walls of the bathroom can be repainted without special costs for materials.

The modern interior is good because it allows you to combine different styles. For example, you can combine tiles and moisture-resistant paint in the bathroom, but the best solution will, focus on one material.

For the floor in the bathroom, you can choose tiles or wooden slats covered with yacht varnish. When choosing wooden slats duplicate the pattern on other surfaces.

Note! Bathroom design 2020 - 160 photos of the best new products

When choosing finishing materials with patterns for the bathroom, you should stick to simple geometric motifs, subtle ornaments and Moroccan mosaics. As for the choice of bathroom furniture, then it is worth abandoning white plastic surfaces, towards more natural materials.

Necessary accessories are mirrors, lamps. Accessories also play a role in the overall impression. Particular attention should be paid to small things, such as faucets, hooks and locker handles.

A room is considered small if it does not fit a washing machine and a bath, but do not despair. Experts will help you come up with the interior of a small bathroom, although you can figure it out yourself.

Engaging a designer will allow you to see finished photo a small bathroom, even before the refurbishment begins. The modern design of a small bathroom can be varied, but you should rely on the main fashion trends.

In fashion now Special attention is given to the choice of toilets and showers, and is also considered unacceptable open pipes. Concerning colors, fashionable to use solid color with a large, rare pattern.

Modern design

In a modern small bathroom, you can use design options that came to us from Japan and China. This design involves the use of sanitary ware, the dimensions of which are much smaller than standard ones, and their convenience and performance are at a high level.

In case of lack of space, it is advisable to remove the bath from the room, and install a shower in its place. The resulting space can be taken washing machine or necessary furniture.

Another solution to the space problem would be to install wall hung toilet and sinks, which will give the illusion of spaciousness, as well as facilitate subsequent cleaning of the bathroom. Under the hinged sink, you can install a miniature cabinet with shelves suitable for storing household chemicals.

If for some reason the use of a hanging sink is not possible, then there is the option of installing an overhead bowl, it is installed on the countertop. In bathrooms with little space, it makes sense to install a compact sink custom size. This solution looks very impressive.

Photo of a small bathroom

Every new day begins with a trip to the bathroom, here we get a charge of vivacity and strength.

That is why it is so important to create its design in simple style, but at the same time, make some items so that they give her a special touch.

All this is easily transformed with the help of well-chosen bathroom tiles.

A competent approach to arranging a bathroom should certainly make it modern and functional. In such a bathroom, you should feel comfortable and cozy. Having chosen the most successful color scheme of the tile for yourself, you will be able to embody all the brightest and most modern solutions.

Why tiles?

Bathroom tiles should not only be beautiful, but also resistant to damage. high humidity, high temperatures, as well as detergents and cleaning agents.

The bathroom is more prone to the growth of bacteria and mold than other rooms. You can avoid this, as well as keep the tiles in their original form, if you choose high-quality tiles that are easy to clean and meet all environmental requirements.

Today, on the market finishing materials a huge number of samples of tiles for wall and floor decoration.

You can compose beautiful panels from tiles, paintings to the size of the wall, in general, create your own unique design tiles in the bathroom. Unlike plastic panels, glass wallpaper, it is the tile that occupies a leading position for interior decoration with high humidity.

Benefits of bathroom tiles

Hypoallergenic. The tile absolutely does not cause a toxic reaction due to exposure to high temperatures during processing.

Low price. The prevailing number of tiles on the market, as well as its high competition, allows you to make optimal choice. It will not be difficult to buy not expensive, beautiful, high-quality tiles.

Note! Bathroom design 3 sq. m. 80 photos, small and functional planning

Ease of maintenance. A good, high-quality tile is not afraid of any pollution and cleaning products. In order to remove the most common plaque from moisture, it is enough to apply a damp sponge.

Moisture resistant. Tile, the most reliable moisture resistant material. When laying it on the floor, you just need to seal the joints well. This will prevent water from getting under the tiles.

Long service life. To do this, it is necessary to lay the tiles correctly with proper sealing and grouting. So, the tiles will not be afraid of moving furniture or the sound of heels.

Fire resistance. Tiles play a big role in fire safety Houses. Since it does not spread the flame. During a fire in the apartment, it is the bathroom that will be your best shelter.

What tile to choose for the bathroom?

Ceramic tile

Today, the most leading place in the market of finishing materials is occupied by ceramic tiles. She fell in love with everyone because of her cheapness and quality.

A huge range of colors will allow you to realize even the most complex design solutions.

You can pair matte tiles with glossy tiles and dilute them a little with sprayed tiles, or simply give your bathroom a soothing matte finish.

This tile is very durable, as clay and mineral sand are used in its manufacture. The most diverse texture is applied to it.

Stone tiles

Such a tile made from natural materials is the most environmental material. Today, such tiles are much more expensive than tiles made from other materials, but are also affordable.

Stone tiles look amazing in the interior. Skillful designers competently combine it in the living room, in kitchen area while adding to the walls ordinary tiles or mosaic.

Porcelain stoneware

Such material resembles porcelain from a distance, but looks more like a stone. Such a tile is significantly different from other materials in that it does not absorb water at all.

She is not afraid of high temperatures and their differences. Such tiles are often faced with exterior walls. It resembles natural stone.

glass tiles

This tile is best suited for wall decoration in the bathroom. Modern technologies make such a tile of various textures and shades.

Note! White bathroom - 100 photos of cozy and practical design ideas

When decorating a bathroom with glass tiles, you can successfully hide unwanted sockets or hide the light, as well as stylishly highlight the mirror in the bathroom. It is worth remembering that such a tile is not suitable for hiding pipes.

The tile has its own size

Laying tiles in the bathroom, the process is quite painstaking. In order to correctly calculate the number of tiles that you need, it is important to know its dimensions.


The 20*30 cm tile received such a landmark. The standard tile is suitable for bathrooms of large and small sizes.

It looks good in light colors or in a combination of light and brown. If you lay such tiles in bright colors and decorate with mirrors, then you will noticeably expand the room.

Large tiles

Such a tile is considered due to the fact that it has a size of 25 * 40 cm. Previously, such tiles were used exclusively for laying floors, but now such tiles are often used for laying walls in a bathroom or toilet room.

Large tiles are still best used for large rooms, in order to avoid its constant cutting. Such a tile looks unusual in combination with small tiles.


This material has some advantages. Mosaic allows you to hide the defects of the walls, it is very easy to cut and impose on the wall. Mosaic is used, as a rule, for large bathrooms, as its ornament often reduces space.

Room dimensions and tiles

In order not to spoil appearance bathroom tiles, it is necessary to take into account the size of the room and the color scheme of the material.

So, for example, for small rooms from 3-4 sq.m., where the bathroom is usually combined, light-colored tiles are suitable. Here you can combine both large and small tiles, or stop at a small tile light colors.

Note! The ceiling in the bathroom - the ideal combination in the interior (105)

Most good decision there will be laying tiles of a darker tone below and a light one at the top. So you visually increase the height of the walls and expand the room.

There are no special prerogatives for a separate bathroom and toilet. Here you can do absolutely everything to your taste and color. Tiles in the bathroom can be laid in the same color, and in the toilet they can be combined, while it is desirable that the size of the tiles be the same.

What color tiles do you prefer?

light tone

Light tones, as a rule, include tiles, white, cream, light - gray color.

The white color of the tile is always stylish and modern solution. With the skillful decoration of this color tiles, you will make the room large.

It should be remembered that tiles of this color in the bathroom need frequent cleaning.

Light tone tiles are placed in small rooms.

The most common option is a combination of cream and light brown tiles.

dark tone

Dark tones include not only black and Brown color but also blue, red, green. Black color is often combined with light. It is considered ideal classic combination black and white tones.

The blue color should also be combined with some other color, for example, white and blue. A combination of white tiles with blue and blue tiles with a marine ornament will be successful.

The main thing is not to overdo it with a dark tone, otherwise, there is a chance of turning your room into heavy and dark.

The site presents a wide range of bathroom tiles. You will make the best choice for yourself in terms of price and quality.

Photos of bathroom tiles, which are presented below, will help you choose best option color solution bathroom tiles.

Photo tiles for the bathroom

One of the most popular finishing materials for the bathroom and toilet room today is ceramic tile.

The optimal combination of practicality and aesthetics was to the taste of most connoisseurs of comfort and homeliness.

With the help of a competent combination of colors and elements of tiled decor, any bathroom can be made stylish, original and visually more spacious.

Ceramic tiles will help hide certain imperfections in the room and contribute to complete relaxation after a weekday.

Ways to finish with ceramic tiles

Before choosing a tile layout option, you should evaluate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom, the height of the ceiling and the presence of flaws that it is desirable to correct.

Among existing ways cladding is worth highlighting the following:

Like a wall panel. This is a traditional layout that illusory expands the space and lowers the ceiling.

The bottom line is this: first, a dark tile is laid out from the floor, approximately 1/3 of the height of the wall, then the cladding continues with a lighter shade.

The junction of dark and light tiles is decorated with a ceramic border. Floors can be the same color as the bottom of the wall, or darker.

As an interpretation of this option, an example can be when a dark tile is laid out on top and a light one on the bottom.

Sometimes contrasting tiles are laid out not from the floor, but closer to the middle of the height of the wall, but this method is only suitable for rooms with high ceilings.

Layout with horizontal lines. A method in which contrasting stripes are laid out on a light background. They can be narrow - from decorative elements, or wide - from several tiles.

Illusory, these lines make the room more voluminous and create a sense of coherence.

Facing vertical lines. This option visually narrows the bathroom, but creates the feeling of higher ceilings. As well as horizontal stripes, they can be narrow or wide, single or multiple.

IN modern design increasingly common lines of different levels.

Floor border. An elementary layout option, in which the tiles from the floor "come" onto the wall by about 1 - 2 pieces in height. Visually, this example slightly increases the volume, but takes away the height.

accent elements. One of the most popular layout methods. The bottom line is that on a general, usually light background, attention is focused on bright elements in certain functional areas.

It can be a tile of a contrasting color, or with decorative pattern, or ceramic panel. But you should not get carried away with accents, even in the most spacious bathroom it is not recommended to use more than 3 fragments.

Using equal amounts of several colors. In this version, tiles different colors does not mix, and each color decorates a certain area. In this case, the floors are allowed to be decorated with several mixed colors used at once (for example, like a chessboard).

Facing in the style of "kaleidoscope". Particularly suitable for creative people. The tile in this version is used in different colors, which alternate in an arbitrary or specific order.

"Spray". The general background is formed from plain, usually light, tiles, then randomly arranged tiles of a contrasting color are added. The method is only suitable for spacious bathrooms.

Laying ceramic tiles geometric shapes or patterns. This option is not recommended for use in cramped rooms.

A combination of several options at the same time. For example, the method " Wall panel» and accent elements or multi-level vertical stripes. The more spacious the room, the more combination options you can apply.

Special attention should be paid to the "screen" for the bathroom. It should be decorated in the same style as the whole room, or become an accent element.

The most important thing is that the result of the cladding makes the room more comfortable, stylish and eye-catching.

Photo ideas for tile layout in the bathroom

Repair in the bathroom is associated with solving many problems for many of our compatriots. The main obstacle to achieving the desired result, translating into reality their fantasies and ideas about beautiful design, is the small area of ​​the room for water procedures. Most standard apartments in our country cannot boast of impressive scale. As a result, the owners have to calculate every square centimeter of the bathroom area in order to ergonomically arrange all the necessary plumbing, accessories and storage systems. At the same time, everyone wants to get a beautiful, modern and durable design that would please all households with its appearance for many years. The main role in creating a practical and attractive interior is played by the finishing of the surfaces of the room. This publication will be devoted to, perhaps, the most popular type of design of bathroom planes - ceramic tiling.

Finishing with tiles - advantages and disadvantages

Many of us choose tile as a finishing material for the bathroom more by inertia, and not after a thorough analysis of all available on the market. modern market ways of decorating surfaces in a room with high humidity. Let's take a look at the advantages of this type of finish over other options:

  1. It is difficult to find a material that is more moisture resistant than ceramic tiles or mosaics. You can be completely calm about protecting your walls and floor from constant exposure to moisture;
  2. The high resistance to humidity entails another important advantage - resistance to the formation of fungus and the growth of bacteria. The high hygiene of the material ensures not only the safety of use, but also saves the time of the owners to clean the surfaces;
  3. Ceramic tiles have a fairly high strength - if you do not throw heavy and sharp objects on the floors lined with ceramics with high altitude, then there will simply be no other options for harming the surface;
  4. The durability of the cladding is one of the most important advantages that pushes the owners of apartments and private houses to an expensive way. If the installation of the tiles was carried out without violations and the owners handled the surfaces carefully enough, then the renovation of the bathroom can be safely bequeathed to the younger generation;
  5. Ease of operation and cleaning is what attracts most housewives in finishing the bathroom with ceramic tiles. Periodic cleaning of surfaces with a damp sponge and infrequent use detergents- that's all that is required to maintain cleanliness in a tiled room for water procedures;
  6. Ability for a long time maintain their original appearance - the tile does not fade from exposure to sunlight, does not change its aesthetic qualities from constant exposure to moisture and even after the use of chemical cleaners;
  7. Ceramics is presented in a wide range of colors and textures, the material is produced in various modifications. The abundance of options for shapes and sizes allows you to meet the needs of all owners of apartments and houses planning to renovate bathrooms;
  8. By using ceramic tiles You can design a bathroom of any shape and size, in any stylistic direction.

Another advantage of decorating a bathroom with tiles compared to wall panels is the fact that it does not need to create a framework for installation. And for rooms small area when every centimeter of the surface counts, this fact is an important argument. But the surface must be leveled before laying the tiles in any case.

But, like any finishing material, tiles have their drawbacks. In fairness, it must be said that they are not able to outweigh the many advantages:

  1. Finishing a bathroom with tiles is not the cheapest pleasure. Tiles will cost more than painting walls or cladding with moisture-resistant panels;
  2. The cost of installing ceramic tiles is also expensive. After all, it is better to spend money on a specialist with good advice not to think about bathroom renovation for a long time;
  3. The tile itself is highly resistant to moisture, but its weakness- tile seams. The more such seams (i.e., the smaller the dimensions of the products themselves), the more reasons for the owners to have trouble. Over time, the space between the products may darken and even become moldy. The grout must be refreshed and antiseptics should be used to prevent the formation and spread of fungus.

Color palette for a small bathroom

Light tiles are the first thing that comes to mind when choosing an image for a modest-sized bathroom. And this is not surprising - light shades will create not only a light, relaxed atmosphere, but also visually enlarge a small space. But when choosing a light and even snow-white palette for decorating a bathroom, you need to be careful. Overuse white color, and even with tiled finish, can turn a bathroom into a sterile operating room. small space will appear higher if dark tones are used to finish the floor and its lower part.

If you decide to use exclusively light-colored tiles for finishing both walls and floors, then you need to create a color accent using decor, lighting fixtures or other interior elements. Bright towels, a rug on the floor or storage systems under the sink, made in a colorful manner, will be a great reason to focus your eyes.

Marbled tiles will help preserve bright image room without making it sterile and look like a hospital room. Even small room you can add sophistication through the use of imitation under a noble stone.

Various shades of gray are very popular in modern bathroom design projects. This neutral color is the perfect backdrop for crisp white bathroom fixtures and sparkly accessories. Using combinations of different shades and tiles different sizes allows you to create interesting interiors in which everyone will be comfortable and calm.

Contrasting interior is always relevant. Dosed use of dark shades on the background light finish allows you to create a dynamic, clearly structured interior that will not seem boring to anyone. Even in a small bathroom, you can apply a play of contrasts using dark tone as a border, a pattern on an accent surface or a floor covering ornament.

For those who are not satisfied with the light palette for decorating the bathroom, there is a way out. In modest spaces, it is more difficult to combine colors, especially bright ones, but it is possible if white becomes one of the tones. Can create accent wall, or an entire sector. For example, lay out bright tiles only in the shower area or an apron above the sink. Colorful tiles with a beautiful ornament can be used for flooring, and walls can be left with light, neutral products.

Tile options in shape and size

IN Soviet times we all could see in the bathrooms of our friends about the same finish. Not only because the bathrooms were standard sizes, but the material itself was exclusively square in shape with dimensions of 20x20 cm. Nowadays, the tile market is represented so wide choice tiles various forms and sizes so that everyone can find their own option. Speaking conditionally, all ceramic tiles can be divided into mosaic, small, medium and large.

At mosaic tiles the dimensions of the elements range from 1x1 to 5x5 cm. As a rule, mosaics are used to combine with tiles more than large sizes. The advantage of the mosaic is that it can be used to veneer complex areas and shapes - niches and arches, rounded surfaces. It is also convenient to use a small mosaic for edging certain interior elements. But it is not advisable to use even a large mosaic for facing all planes of the bathroom - there are too many tile joints that you have to take care of. This technique is used in exceptional cases - if the walls of the room themselves are made in rounded shapes.

The dimensions of small standard tiles range from 6x6 to 20x20 cm. There are many variations in this sector of sizes - 10x10, 13x13, 15x15 cm. Average sizes of ceramic tiles range from 20x20 to 30x30 cm. There are also non-standard options products with dimensions 10x20, 15x25, 20x25 cm.

A large tile in a standard square shape has dimensions from 30x30 to 40x40 cm. Rectangular products can have dimensions of 30x60, 33x45. Of course, large-sized tiles can also be ordered from manufacturers of finishing materials, but such products are rare in stores, because they are not in demand among buyers.

Of course, the installation of large tiles is faster, but for bathrooms it is better to purchase medium-sized products. In addition to making a medium-sized tile look more organic in a modest-sized room, you can minimize the amount of waste that is inevitable when cutting tiles to the contours of surfaces.

To create a reliable, strong and durable flooring, it is best to use porcelain stoneware - this is a material reinforced with the smallest particles of quartz that can withstand heavy loads. In rare cases, this material is also used for wall cladding, but most often used as a floor covering. Porcelain stoneware can be glazed and unglazed.

Unglazed porcelain stoneware has a fairly porous, rough surface that perfectly prevents slipping. Outwardly, such products can resemble masonry and, as a rule, are presented in plain colors.

Due to the use of glaze, porcelain stoneware products become smoother and therefore are produced with textured surfaces. Even a slight deviation from smoothness allows you to create a material for flooring that will be safe for humans. The use of glaze allows you to not be limited in choosing a color palette and even applying drawings and ornaments.

In modern bathrooms, porcelain stoneware is often used for flooring, imitating wood. floor board or parquet. Notes of natural warmth, brought by the imitation of a wood pattern into a snow-white and rather cool room in terms of color temperature, turn out to be most welcome.

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