How to drink water during the day: the best recommendations. How to drink water to stay healthy and beautiful

Many girls who are preparing their figure for the beach season are concerned about the question: is it possible to quickly and effectively lose weight on liquids and how to drink water correctly in order to lose weight.

On this issue, nutritionists are divided into two camps: some are skeptical, others say that it is possible.

The main thing is to observe the volume and frequency of the liquid you drink, as well as monitor its quality.

How to drink water to lose weight: who and how much to drink

Weight loss on the water is also called the "diet for the lazy." This way to lose weight is a great option for those who lack the willpower to severely restrict themselves in food. It is important to understand that first fluid control becomes a diet, and then it becomes a lifestyle. The habit of drinking a lot has a positive effect on the state of the body. The main thing is that the gastrointestinal tract works like a clock, which means that all other processes take place in the desired mode. The result is on the face: the skin is toned and elastic, has a healthy color, there are no problems in the form of acne.

However, what to do if the weight is too large? Let's say 100 kg. It turns out that you need to drink at least 4 liters per day. Quite a large number, which not everyone can master. In addition, such a large volume of liquid will not only not bring benefits, but, on the contrary, will harm the body. According to studies, a daily fluid volume of more than 4.5 liters leads to leaching of minerals. This causes malfunctions in the functioning of the kidneys and heart, and also leads to the development of osteoporosis (bone fragility).

In this case, you can use another scheme, according to which the amount of water depends on the calories eaten per day.

Let's say you eat 1200 calories a day. So, you need to drink 1200 ml of water plus another half a liter on top.

The above volumes of water are average values. In practice, things can turn out quite differently. For example, diabetics and those who have problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system should not consume so much liquid. Therefore, they will need to adapt to the requirements of their body, taking into account existing diseases.

Many are concerned about the question: why do you need to drink so much water? In order to answer it, you need to know what the liquid gives the body:

● removes processed proteins, fats and carbohydrates;

● participates in the biochemical process (processing of incoming fats);

● restores skin elasticity;

● speeds up metabolism (which is especially important when losing weight);

● saturates the cells, which helps to effectively break down fats.

In order to appreciate all the benefits of water, it is enough to imagine the following situation: every day you clean up the garbage at home, but do not throw it away, but put it in the corners. What will happen in the end? The same thing happens with the lack of water. If you drink enough, then all the "garbage" that accumulates in the body during the day will be washed out with liquid.

How to drink water during the day: in what form and how often

To lose weight and improve the general condition of the body, it is worth abandoning carbonated water. It contains carbon dioxide, which destroys tooth enamel and causes increased gas formation in the digestive tract.

In order to learn how to drink water during the day in order to lose weight, you need to refer to the recommendations of nutritionists. First of all, you need to know what liquid you can drink. It’s worth mentioning right away that tea, coffee and juices (especially store-bought ones) should be in a minimum amount. In no case should they replace water in the daily volume.

During the day, you need to drink the water to which the body is accustomed. However, its quality must be good level because the general well-being of the body depends on it. This is one of the rules of the water diet.

Among nutritionists there is such a thing as "empty water". This liquid is practically devoid of electrolytes. For those who are losing weight, it will not bring absolutely no benefit.

In order to find good water You may need to look at several firms. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the label. It is advisable to choose table water that has good composition from minerals. Relying on your taste sensations is also necessary: ​​the liquid should not have any odors and impurities.

By the way, not recommended for replenishment daily allowance fluids to drink healing water. Many do this, believing that they are killing two birds with one stone: they lose weight and improve their health. However, medicinal water puts a lot of stress on the body and can cause additional health problems.

It should also be remembered that you need to drink water only from glassware. Plastic bottles Not in the best way affect the composition of the liquid due to the compound bisphenol A. As soon as the bottle warms up slightly, the bisphenol immediately enters the composition of the liquid. This is fraught with cardiovascular diseases and problems with the reproductive organs.

In order to lose weight with water, you need to know the rules for its consumption.. Exist general provisions which must be observed in order to achieve the desired effect:

1. Every morning, immediately after waking up, drink a glass of warm water. This will set the right rhythm for the metabolism for the next day, plus it will help against possible constipation.

2. Instead of snacking between meals, you need to drink a glass of water. Sometimes the requirement of the body to saturate with moisture, we mistakenly perceive as a signal of hunger. This happens because the centers of thirst and hunger are located close to each other in the brain. Distinguishing hunger from thirst is very simple: in time, when you want to eat, you need to drink a few sips of water. If after 10 minutes there is a craving, then the body demanded to quench its thirst.

3. You need to drink water half an hour before meals. Drinking water before meals leads to indigestion. The liquid entering the stomach washes out gastric juice and enzymes. Food is poorly digested and "gets stuck" in the stomach until the next production of the required amount of juice.

4. It is forbidden to drink during meals and within an hour after. This leads to the fact that incoming fats are deposited in the body.

5. Diet is considered useless if not physical activity. During exercise, be sure to drink clean non-carbonated water. Sport raises body temperature, makes you sweat, which speeds up metabolic processes. Water in this case will help to quickly remove toxins. If you do not drink it on time, even during normal exercise, this can lead to metabolic disorders and reduce performance.

6. The required daily volume of water should be drunk before 18:00. After this time, you need to drink in extreme cases, if the body requires it. This mode will avoid morning swelling and night trips to the toilet.

An important role in weight loss is played by how do you drink water. It is a mistake to believe that the more water you drink at one time, the better for saturating the body and quenching thirst. In fact, the longer the process of drinking the same glass, the better.

You need to drink water in small sips. For your own control, you can drink through a straw.

How to drink water to lose weight: we achieve the maximum effect

The maximum effect of a water diet can be achieved by knowing how to drink water throughout the day. On average, each person on a diet drinks at least 2 liters. For those who have just started, it is quite difficult to drink so much liquid. You can accustom yourself to this mode by following the scheme:

● first glass - warm water immediately after waking up;

● the next few glasses - a replacement for the usual snacks (this will take about a liter);

● about half a liter is drunk during exercise;

● The remaining amount of water is drunk instead of the usual tea/coffee/juice.

Beginners of the water diet It is not recommended to immediately drink 2 liters per day. This can negatively affect the functioning of the genitourinary system. In order for the body to get used to, you can start with one liter, gradually increasing the volume. In a few days, drinking 2 liters will not be as difficult as it might seem at first.

It is not enough to know how to drink water during the day, you also need to choose the right temperature. A greater effect of the water diet will be obtained if you drink liquid room temperature. Cold water is not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, which means it will not remove toxins from the body. Moreover, a glass of cold water after a meal shortens the time the food stays in the stomach. Undigested, it passes into the intestines and later a short time after eating, the feeling of hunger is felt again.

It turns out that daily 2 liters will simply “fly” by. Moreover, it has been scientifically proven that cold water causes a feeling of hunger, which is unacceptable during a diet. Warm, on the contrary, dulls it. It soothes the stomach and sucks out harmful substances from the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

In order for the water diet to have the maximum effect, you need to strictly monitor the amount drunk per day. To do this, you can start a water balance diary or download a mobile application, which, moreover, will remind you that you need to drink another glass.

Girls, spring is in full swing, and very soon summer will come. It's time to show others your slender and toned bodies. To get rid of excess weight no longer need to exhaust yourself with strict diets and starvation. It is enough to know how to drink water properly in order to lose weight. Life-giving moisture will not only renew the body, but also help to lose extra pounds.


Why and in what quantities does our body need water?

We all often and everywhere hear the phrase: "You must drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water daily." This already sounds like a dogma and is not subject to refutation. But what is behind this, and why is it really so important to drink this very water? Not tea, coffee and compotes, but plain, ordinary water? Let's try to figure it out.

To begin with, we immediately note that by drinking the amount of water necessary for the body, you thereby minimize the manifestation of migraines, chronic pain in rheumatism, stomach ulcers, as well as lower cholesterol levels and normalize blood pressure. Well, the miraculous effect of the daily rate of fluid on weight loss does not need to be described at all.

And vice versa, if a person does not make up for the loss of fluid in the body, even if by 10%, this contributes to metabolic disorders in the body and problems with central nervous system. As doctors say, a person, being in a calm state and with average temperature environment, loses 2-2.5 liters of water daily. These processes occur during the release of sweat, urine, saliva, respiration. That is, we are not able to retain fluid in the body, we can only replenish it in time to maintain the normal functioning of the body.

What happens to a person when the water balance (lost / replenished) is disturbed?

  1. Failures occur in the work of the kidneys, and in order to somehow support the process of removing toxins and toxins from the body, the liver comes to the rescue. All this is fraught with intoxication of the body and frequent constipation.
  2. There is swelling of the face and extremities. Our wise body when dehydrated, in extreme conditions, in order to ensure its own life, it begins to save and accumulate in the intercellular space every drop of liquid, which leads to edema.
  3. Want to eat more. Scientists have discovered a curious fact: the less we drink, the more we eat, especially sweet! And this already affects both the figure and health in general.

Why notorious 2 liters?

It's very simple - it's average value for the average person. And it is very simple to calculate your fluid intake per day: 40 gr. water per 1 kg of body weight. True, scientists advise in some cases to increase the calculated daily rate by 1-2 glasses of water, namely: when you smoke or abuse tea / coffee drinks, when you visit a sauna or perform heavy physical exercises, if you are breastfeeding a baby or significantly increased food intake squirrel.

Why plain water?

By the way, the intestine in the human body has unique properties: it can filter out absolutely any liquid directly clean water! Even if a person used initially alcoholic drink Or a bowl of soup. Our cells feed only on water. And you, of course, can “strain” your wise intestines for a while by drinking only tea / coffee or sweet carbonated drinks a day, but be aware that the former significantly increase blood pressure and cause even more significant thirst, and the latter contain a huge amount of sugar and cause increased appetite. And from all these drinks, the amount of water will enter your cells many times less than if you drank initially simple, clean water.

And finally, we note that you need to drink some water correctly: in small sips (not in one gulp) and slightly warm. And make a habit: in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, drink two glasses of hot water. Exactly hot water will speed up the metabolic processes in your body and help you lose weight! Be healthy!

It would seem that there is nothing extraordinary in drinking water. However, there are many myths about how to do it correctly. Advises the dietitian of the capital's "Clinic of Dr. Volkov" Marina Anatolyevna Khachaturova.

Myth #1: You need to drink 2 liters of water a day.

In fact. This is not entirely true. Traditionally, it is believed that the rate of water consumption (the amount necessary to maintain proper metabolism) is 1 liter of water per 30 kg of body weight. If your weight is 60 kg, then it turns out that the recommendation about 2 liters of water is really relevant. But if a person's weight is out of the norm (in one direction or another), these calculations can lead very far. An anorexic girl will be dehydrated, and a fat man weighing more than a centner will die from water intoxication. Therefore, it makes sense to recall the recommendations of the US National Academy of Sciences of 1945: "1 ml of water for every kilocalorie of food consumed." diet modern man an average of 2000-2500 kilocalories - and we return to the notorious two liters. But there is a caveat: these two liters include the liquid that is contained in cooked food! In short, it makes no sense to scrupulously calculate how many liters of water you need to drink daily. If you feel thirsty, you need to respond to it.

Myth two. During the diet, it is necessary to reduce not only the amount of food, but also the consumption of water. Otherwise, do not lose weight

In fact. Water is one of the main assistants in the fight against excess weight. Its consumption helps to remove the breakdown products of proteins, fats and carbohydrates from the body, which is one of the most important goals of many diets.

Most women try to cut down on water intake while on a diet because they are afraid that they will develop swelling and keep those extra inches off. This is not entirely true. As a rule, puffiness is associated not so much with drinking water, but with the consumption of salty or spicy foods that retain fluid in the body.

If you reduce the number of spicy and salty foods in your diet, the result will not be long in coming. Of course, provided that the excretory system is working properly. But people with kidney or bladder diseases generally need to be approached very carefully with diets. They can lose weight only with the permission of the doctor and under his control.

Myth three. You can not drink with food: water will dilute the gastric juice, and there will be problems with digestion

In fact. This is nothing more than a theory that has become popular recently. She has no real reason. On the contrary, the water that we drink during meals lengthens the chewing process, softens food, facilitating the task of the digestive system. In addition, drinking water helps to reduce the amount of food eaten.

The main role in the process of digestion of food belongs to hydrochloric acid contained in gastric juice. It is released in response to ingested food, softens it, activates enzymes, promotes the formation of digestive hormones.

Small changes in concentration of hydrochloric acid Because of the drunk water, they are of no fundamental importance. Imagine: you dilute 50 grams of juice with water. Will it decrease in number? No. In addition, water, unlike food, leaves the stomach very quickly - so there is nothing to worry about.

True, it is advisable not to drink during lunch. ice water. Even Soviet scientists proved that if you drink porridge with a very cold drink, then the time it stays in the stomach is reduced from 4–5 hours to 20 minutes. This leads to the fact that the feeling of hunger returns very quickly, and the risk of obesity increases. In addition, “accelerated” digestion does not bring benefits to the body.

It should be drunk an hour before meals, during meals, but it is not recommended to drink within an hour after meals. Imagine: you had lunch and drank tea: soup occupies 200 ml of the volume of the stomach, meat - also 200 ml, garnish - 100 and in addition 2 more cups of tea. As a result, the stomach becomes stretched, and the next time you eat more. Setting the complex dinners "first, second, third and compote" in the last ten years of research has proven to be ineffective.

Myth four. In the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink a glass of water, but you can’t drink at night

In fact. One can agree with the first part of the statement. It really helps to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning. It helps to wake up, immediately activates our nervous system improves well-being. The best effect from a morning glass of water is if you add a slice of lemon to it. It is advisable to put it in a glass of water in the evening, then, upon waking up, you will get a wonderful vitamin infusion.

But the ban on drinking water at night is very conditional. It is believed that swelling may appear on the face from this in the morning. However, again, if the kidneys are working well, this is unlikely.

In general, it is somewhat strange to talk about when you can drink water and when not. After all, in Lately doctors are increasingly coming to the conclusion that it is desirable to drink in small portions and evenly throughout the day. Drink water with lemon on an empty stomach, then drink a glass of herbal infusion or decoction before breakfast. Be sure to drink before dinner. Drink a couple of glasses in the morning and afternoon herbal tea, juice or water.

In the hot season, when fluid loss and thirst increase, you have to drink more. In these cases, it is better to drink a glass of water not at once, but gradually, taking 1-2 sips at short intervals. If you are doing something, put a glass of water near you and drink it periodically in small sips. Such drinking regimen very useful for the kidneys and ureters.

Myth five. Drinking while exercising is harmful. This increases the load on the body and prevents weight loss.

In fact. This is wrong. Everyone knows that if you sweat a lot in training, and then do not drink water for some time, body weight will decrease slightly. But it is worth drinking water, as the weight returns to its original state.

The fact is that cells, including fat cells, are partially composed of water. During training, they lose it, so it seems to us that we have lost weight. But the number of fat cells does not decrease, and after a while they are restored in volume. Therefore, there is no need to test your body with dehydration during sports - you will lose weight from this only illusory. To really get rid of fat, you should change the nature of the diet, pick up a different workout. And you can drink water anyway. It does not increase the load on the body.

On the contrary, during training, the body temperature rises, sweating increases, as a result of which the volume of circulating blood decreases, and its viscosity increases. And here it is not far from low blood pressure or thromboembolism. Drinking water helps prevent all of this.

If your workout is intense, doctors recommend sticking to the following drinking regimen. Drink a glass of water 1.5-2 hours before class. Add another half cup 10-15 minutes before your workout. During classes, you should drink 100-150 ml every 15 minutes. At the same time, you don’t need to force yourself - if you want to skip one of the water intakes, it’s okay. And after training, drink 150-200 ml every 15 minutes until the lost fluid is completely replaced.

magazine "Women's Health"

Like oxygen, water is a paramount substance for human life, water is the basis of life. Water is involved in almost all processes on earth. Sources indicate different data, but they all agree that the water content in the body is more than half of the human body weight. Without food, a person can last from a month to two, and without water, only a few days. With a loss of water in 2% of body weight, a person develops a strong thirst, the loss of more than 10% of water leads to the death of the body.

Consequences of dehydration

From time immemorial, in the traditions of oriental medicine, the main cause of most diseases was the lack of water in the body. That is, simply a person drank little water. The lack of water leads to disruption of the work of all organs and systems.

The body signals a lack of water and the following symptoms occur:

  • feeling thirsty, dry mouth;
  • indigestion, constipation, hyperacidity gastric juice;
  • weight gain;
  • sand in the gallbladder and liver;
  • sand in the kidneys;
  • dry hair, skin, nails;
  • crunching joints;
  • salt deposits;
  • blurred vision;
  • headache, migraine.

Lack of water primarily affects the functioning of the brain, its regulatory and cognitive functions, since this organ is 80% water.

According to some doctors, diseases caused by dehydration include:

  • obesity;
  • cardiovascular diseases - atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease;
  • diabetes;
  • dry cough, bronchial asthma;
  • allergy;
  • drying of the lens of the eye, cataract;
  • depression;
  • senile dementia.

What are the rules, how and how much water you need to drink to maintain good health. It is important not only the amount of water, but also the mode of its use. Let's talk about everything in detail in this article.

9 healthy rules for drinking water

1. The body needs water

Drink water in the amount of 2 liters per day. No other liquids such as coffee, tea, juices, soups, milk, juicy fruits will replace water. The amount of fluid consumed is affected by certain diseases, as well as body weight - the larger the person, the more water you need to drink.

2. A glass of water after waking up

It is necessary to drink a glass of water approximately 1.5 hours before breakfast, after waking up and getting out of bed. Water flushes the gastrointestinal tract, activates and prepares it for work, eliminates the lack of moisture after a long break for sleep. According to Eastern healers, such cleaning and preparation of the entire digestive system for work is no less important than washing and brushing your teeth. You can also drink water closer to the morning when you wake up to go to the toilet.

3. A glass of water before meals

Half an hour before each meal you need to drink a glass of plain water. This makes it possible to prepare the digestive system for work. This is especially important for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases and their manifestations (heartburn, gastritis, duodenitis, ulcers, etc.)

4. Better not to eat than not to drink

The needs for water and food feel very close, which is why it is so easy to confuse thirst with hunger. Very often, an incorrect reaction to the body's signal leads to obesity (food instead of water). Food does not quench thirst. Obesity is the main complication of dehydration.

5. A glass of water after a meal

It is not recommended to drink water during meals and immediately after it. Drink a glass of water one hour (at least 40 minutes) after eating. This makes it possible to replenish the digestive juices used in the digestion of food.

6. Water before bed

Drink a glass of water half an hour before bedtime. During sleep, a person loses water when breathing, water is excreted through the skin with sweat. People with kidney problems required amount It is better to drink water before 17-18 hours.

7. Drink whenever you need water

The water must be good quality, non-carbonated, without flavoring additives.

8. Drink water before exercise

Water is required for perspiration and for metabolism, and during sports, metabolism is accelerated.

9. Water and other liquids

Tea, coffee, alcohol are diuretic fluids, so when drinking them, you need to drink more water. Juices, milk are food, they will not replace water.

additional information

The person must be thirsty. If a person drinks very little water, and he does not even have such a need, it means that his body is full of toxins and toxins and does not work correctly, there was a failure and not far from illness.

A person who drinks enough water excretes almost colorless urine (excluding the coloring matter of medicines or food), and is odorless. If there is a lack of water in the body, the urine becomes bright yellow with a characteristic odor, with severe dehydration, the color of the excreted fluid becomes orange. An exception to this rule are those who take diuretics. In this case, the urine is colorless.

An insufficient amount of water in the body leads to an additional burden on the kidneys, they have to release a large amount of water in a limited amount of water. toxic substances. As a result of water deficiency, the body is not cleansed as it is necessary to maintain health. There is a poisoning of the body, which leads to constant fatigue, illnesses begin.

Drinking water instead of other drinks can not only improve health, but also reduce weight. First of all, when refusing sugary drinks, the caloric content of food decreases, when drinking tea, coffee, a desire arises to eat something tasty and sweet, and water does not provoke this desire. Slags and toxins are also removed, metabolism improves, for which water is simply necessary, as a result, body weight decreases.

Lack of water can lead to a heart attack, studies have shown that people who drink 2 glasses of water a day are much more likely to have a heart attack than those who drink at least 6 glasses a day.

Satisfying the body's daily need for water is the prevention of many diseases and disorders in the body, helps to reduce the risk of occurrence by up to 50%. oncological diseases such as colon, breast, bladder cancer.

Drink water, wash away illness and fatigue, nothing can help until a person starts drinking water. enough! Water is the elixir of youth, health and beauty!

Everyone has their own preferences in life. Different people love different clothes different ways leisure, different types activities, different food and different drinks, after all. And in this article we will talk about drinks, or rather not about drinks, but about water.

But we mentioned drinks (namely, drinks) at the beginning not by chance, because in their lives most people use them, but not water. And this is even despite the fact that the usefulness and positive influence a lot of water on the human body is known. However, most often we hear just something ephemeral: “It is good to drink water”, “Drink water”, “Water cleanses the body”, etc.

To positive properties water has moved from the category of “something ephemeral” to the category of specifics, we will present real facts - the reasons why you should drink water.

Let's start with the fact that water is water. Funny? Do you know that, for example, coffee, tea, juices, fruit drinks and other drinks are food? Sounds a bit odd, but it's true. Based on this, we can say that water has properties that no other drink on the planet has.

The first reason is that water promotes weight loss.

Water is one of the most effective ways fight overweight. And this is due to several reasons. First of all, water contains a minimum of calories, unlike the substitutes we love, such as the juices mentioned above, coffee, teas, and so on. Secondly, water is considered a means that suppresses the desire to eat. By the way, pay attention to the fact that when you feel hungry, most likely you just want to drink. Thirdly, thanks to their medicinal properties, water is able to remove puffiness, both hidden and obvious.

The second reason is that water has a beneficial effect on heart health.

Drinking enough water for the body greatly reduces the likelihood that a person may have a heart attack. The results of research by scientists in this field suggest that people who drink at least 6 glasses of water a day are 40% less at risk of a heart attack than people who drink less life-giving moisture.

The third reason is that water supplies the body with energy.

Even slight dehydration human body(meaning dehydration by 1-2% of the total mass) contributes to the onset of a state of fatigue. Whenever a person feels like drinking, this is an indicator of dehydration, which, in fact, leads to fatigue and weakness.

Reason Four - Water relieves headaches

Headache is another sign of dehydration. Here, as they say, a double-edged sword: if you have a headache, drink water, and to prevent a headache, drink water.

The fifth reason is that water has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Water can be considered a skin cleanser. Naturally, to skin covering cleaned up, it takes time. However, the systematic use of water will serve you well, and after a while you will get a truly amazing result. Always remember that most even the most expensive cosmetics act by moisturizing the skin from the outside, so special attention should be paid to moisturizing it from the inside.

Reason six - water normalizes digestion

The human digestive system consumes a huge amount of fluid. This is required for proper digestion of food. In addition to this, water normalizes acidity.

Reason seven - water cleanses the body

Everyone has probably heard about this, but it will not be superfluous to repeat it. Drinking water promotes elimination from the body harmful substances and toxins. The lion's share of toxins accumulates precisely between the cells - in the intercellular fluid. Water cleanses both the intercellular fluid and the cells themselves.

Eighth reason - drinking water prevents the occurrence of cancer

People who consume water in the quantities necessary for the body are 45% less at risk of developing cancer of the digestive system than people who do not drink water or drink little of it. Drinking water also reduces the risk of bladder and breast cancer.

Reason nine - water is required for sports

If a person, he simply cannot afford to allow dehydration. Weakness and fatigue caused by dehydration become an obstacle when it is necessary to cope with stress, which, in turn, can lead to injury. So, going to a workout, drink two glasses of water an hour before it, thereby providing yourself with energy.

Reason ten - water serves as a temperature regulator

Water is the regulator of the "cooling system" of the body. You probably know that from 55% to 70% of the total body weight of an average person is water, which takes part in the process of thermoregulation. Drink water - and your body temperature will always be normal.

In addition to all of the above, we want to give some more valuable recommendations on the topic of drinking water.

We have already said more than once that water should be consumed as much as possible. But even in this situation, you must certainly trust your own instincts, i.e. drink as much water as your body requires.

Current liquid intake rates are relative, and also vary depending on how old a person is, whether he is a man or a woman, how he feels, how physically active he is, whether he has any diseases and in what area he lives .

With this in mind, keep the following in mind:

  • The use of spring water is recommended. In the event that one is not available and one has to be content with tap water, then it must be boiled, settled and cleaned using filters available today.
  • Children under one year of age who are on breastfeeding and drink only mother's milk, in the summer it is advised to give a small amount of water (20 to 30 ml) between feedings.
  • Children aged 3 to 5 years will be quite enough from 300 to 400 ml of water during the day. But an adult should consume approximately 1.5-2 liters of water per day, however, upon reaching the age of 50 this norm may be slightly reduced in order to reduce the likelihood of edema.
  • Men should drink more water than women because per day they spend about a liter more.
  • It is best to drink water between meals.
  • Do not drink water with food to prevent the processes of putrefaction in the stomach.
  • It is always good to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach.
  • Before the first meal and drinking water should pass at least 40 minutes.
  • If you drink water before going to bed, you will not be bothered by insomnia, and the nervous system will also calm down.
  • Alcohol also contributes to dehydration, so if you intend to drink a cup of coffee or want to drink wine, drink a glass of water beforehand.
  • Cold air also causes dehydration, which means that before going out into the cold, drink a glass of water.
  • People with diarrhea should drink more water than everyone else to prevent dehydration.
  • According to many nutritionists, water dulls the feeling of hunger. But drinking water in exorbitant quantities, so as not to eat, should not be, so as not to cause.
  • People who are predisposed to the formation of kidney stones should, according to doctors, consume at least 2.5 liters of water per day. This will also help prevent relapses.
  1. If your body weight is about 56 kg, your water intake will be 2 liters. If your weight is greater, then add another glass of water for every 20 kg.
  2. Each person should drink 30 to 40 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight
  3. For every 1,000 calories you eat, you need to drink a liter of water.

We sincerely believe that the facts, tips and recommendations presented by us will be an incentive for you to reconsider your attitude to what you like to drink. By replacing unnecessary and often harmful food drinks with water, you will do well, first of all, to yourself, and your body will thank you by giving you. We will also be happy if you tell your relatives and friends about what you learned about water.

good health to you and for long years life!