The floors are painted paint. How to paint the wooden floor in the house: the choice of material and the order of work. Features of the use of cosmetics for floors

Painting of floors should be expected responsibly, with special attention choosing materials and tools for work. The floor is the most exploited surface in any room, so it should be particularly solid and resistant to any external influences.

Wooden floors, so favorite many for their naturalness, pleasant texture, luxurious appearanceespecially vulnerable to pests and rotting, as well as often exposed deformations due to fluctuations in humidity and temperature in different time of the year. All these problems are the fee for the naturalness and environmental friendliness of the material.

However, it is not necessary to fear problems and refuse wooden floors. Proper painting I. further care per wooden floors Creable to resolve all difficulties by making the surface of durable, durable and kind.


The gender painting itself is as follows:

  1. Purification treatment of pollution, complete drying.
  2. Putty gaps between the boards.
  3. Sanding, floor grinding. After that, the surface is well wiping with a dry cloth.
  4. Application of antiseptics or other protective impregnation, or priming the surface. Drying wood.
  5. Application final paint coating.

Like any other surface, the floor before painting must be prepared. This means to carry out reconnaissance work on identifying protruding elements (Hats of nails, knots, wood defects, etc.) and their elimination. Unequality is usually cut or carefully cleaned with sandpaper. Another option is to cover them with varnish or oil.

In addition, the floor is cleaned from previous coatings using either manual scrapers, or a special cycular machine, and additionally polished if desired.

Professional equipment for cleaning and grinding wood Pleasure is expensive, so buying it for 1 time it makes no sense. You can either hire the wizard or take the equipment for rent.

Protective mixtures that need to predetermine wooden floors may be such varieties:

  • chemical substances Antipirens are used in public or industrial premises, reduce wood fire hazard;
  • antiseptic solutions protecting the floor from fungus, mold, insects, etc. in household premises carry out surface impregnation with antiseptics, in industrial - deeper;
  • oil mixtures - allow not only to protect and strengthen wood, but also give the coating luxurious shine and smoothness.

Paintwork materials can be used for flooring, which can be transparent (varnish) or opaque, staining surface.

Varnishes for floors residential premises Be sure to do not contain caustic substances. Most often, alkyd, the most durable varnishes are acquired, but even they do not fully protect the surface from frequent mechanical influences.

Paints used for floor coloring (see the jar of the corresponding indication):

  • alkyd;
  • acrylic;
  • polyurethane;
  • perchlorvinyl;
  • oil;
  • water dispersion.

The first three names from the list are most popular as the most simple in use and give a qualitative result. Water-dispersion paints are considered to be the most environmentally friendly, with excellent moisture resistance and the ability not to lose color brightness. Such paint will suit For any room apartment. In case of parquet, it is better to choose alkyd paint, and when painting wooden floors in the bathroom or in the kitchen - acrylic.

And varnish, and the paint is applied in several layers, every time giving a few days to the complete drying of the floor.


A list of floor painting tools includes:

  • cyclical typewriter or a set for preparatory work on floor cleaning:
  • cycle;

  • painting wide brushes for the original painting;
  • trimming rollers;
  • small brushes that allow you to carefully try "difficult" places near the walls, plinths, etc.;
  • special floor paint;
  • enamel or varnish for making sex floors, smooth structure and additional durability.

The amount of paint is calculated based on the background, which is 1 m square. The surface will take about 220 g of material (plus - minus 50 g), if you lay it in 2 layers.

If you pre-process the floor surface, remember that the paint should coincide with the type of primer.

Crouching the floor accepted by moving from the window to the door. Masters recommend to lay thin rails as guides, especially if you are a beginner in paintwork.

After working on staining, try not to damage the fresh coating. Often it happens when the furniture items are permutable. In order for the floor to stay beautiful and unharmed, put the sliding rugs under the furniture either stick the headset small pads from the plugs.

When choosing paint for the floor in your apartment, consider such factors:

  • wood breed;
  • the average intensity of external influences on the floor;
  • humidity in the room.

Knowing these parameters, you are not confused in the store and you can choose the most suitable paint material.

Re-processing of the floor about a few weeks after final staining will help even more extend its life.

Color the wooden floor correctly, regularly take care of him and he will serve you for a long service.

Wooden floor coloring process is quite ordinary. Another such coating could be seen almost in every home or apartment, since another material for flooring was simply absent. Now it can be found in those houses where they care about its ecology. Another wooden floor gives the house extra comfort.

This article will present the technology of painting a wooden floor. Also on the video in this article you can visually see everything.

The wooden floor is painted not to make a lot of work, you just need to do everything according to the rules and stick to the desired technology. The instruction below will help everything right and efficiently. If the painting of the wooden floor is made, then the ultimate price will not be significant, you will only spend on materials.

ATTENTION: Many experts believe that the boarded floor of the paint or varnish will serve as much longer than having no coverage.

Some owners think that the painting of the wooden floor is very simple and does not require the skills. But to purchase paint and tools - it is not all that is required to start work. All stages of flooring to paint and the color itself must be performed correctly, otherwise flooring Will be spoiled, and cash isted.

We select materials

To start working needed, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Wooden rails;
  • Paint;
  • Solvent.

Putty for repair work on a wooden floor

In order to close holes and cracks in the floor, you will need several different putty.

In their structure, they are different, and this must be considered when choosing:

  • Oil putty The composition has a glue that is sifted to the chalk, oil and sequivat. Despite the fact that the seboration is a substance that allows you to quickly fall asleep with putty, it dries sufficiently long compared to other species. The main advantages are reliability and durability.
  • It is made from Barita, Talca, Okra and Belil. Its advantage is that it shrinks the gap perfectly, makes a smooth surface and dries very quickly. Such a putty is well suitable for those who want to level the walls. For greater reliability before mailingring the slot, it is necessary to clean, wash and dry.
  • Homemade putty Suitable for conventional wooden floor from boards. It is preparing from glue and sawdust from a tree. This putty dries quickly. It is easy to apply and align the surface. Another advantage of homemade putty is its durability.


Paul Painting B. wooden house It is done after applying the soil, it will strengthen the clutch and extends the service life of the coating. Olife and primer are considered important materials. They are needed to impregnate the board, as well as to protect it from insects.

  • First decide what you will paint. If it is a colorless varnish, then the soil should not have colors. Otherwise it will be difficult to overlap in color.
  • If you have chosen the paint, then instructions for it must be studied. After all, some manufacturers offer a soil of the same brand. It suitable way.
  • It also costs to apply the soil to apply a spray gun. After all, then you will not have drowshes and the coating will be uniform.

Wooden Paint

Usually for painting wooden floor The owners prefer special enamel paint either lacquer. If you have chosen something that you can paint, you can go to the selection required material. At the moment in the construction markets and in stores there are a large number different species paints.

To do right choice, you need to know which parameters it is selected:

  • Humidity of rooms in which there will be the floor covered with paint;
  • General condition of the floor and boards, their type;
  • Load level falling on floor covering.

By parameters of use and you need to pick up a dye:

  • Typically, oil paint is used for painting of the board. Many years of experience of its application shows that it is resistant to wear and inexpensive material. The only disadvantage is that it dries very long.
  • The enamel paint on the contrary is considered quick-drying. It gives the smoothness of the surface covered. The cost of such paint is slightly higher than oil.
  • Another means that is used for the impregnation of the floor is alkyd and acrylic lacquer on a water-soluble basis. It is most often used to cover perfect new boards or peeled from the old layer of wood. The drawing becomes clearer and bright.

One cans of paint will be little if the surface area is quite large. Therefore, it is pre-calculated the amount of material consumed.

  • For convenience, some manufacturers on paint banks indicate approximate consumption per meter in the package of milking floor. If there are no such data, then the calculation can be done with themselves, taking into account that the meter in the square requires approximately 250 grams of paint in one layer.
  • If you plan to cover the floor in two and more layer of paint, then it is necessary to purchase it 1.7 times more than the material on one layer. This is due to the fact that the first layer is spent more paint than on the following.
  • Another emphasis on which you should pay attention when choosing a paint material is a partition number of paint. In order for the color did not differ, it should be the same on all purchased banks. In the store of subtlety, the color differences can not be noticed, but at home it can manifest itself in the colorful surface of the floors.

Painting Preparation

The preparation of the wooden floor to painting is pretty an important point. At this stage, you prepare a plane. From the quality of performance, it will largely depend not simply the appearance, but also the durability of the coating.

Preparation of an old floor

To restore the old floor, which before it painted several times, you need to work hard and remove all the layers of paint to the base (see).

  • First, you need to remove the plinth so that in the future their presence does not interfere with the work.
  • Secondly, to kill those nails or other attachments of boards to lags, which could be higher than the level of the floor over the years. Otherwise, they will make further work on coloring.
  • Now we decide how to remove the old paint from the wooden floor, if earlier the floor was covered with one layer of paint, it can be removed grinding machine. Such devices are tape, disc and eccentric. The car can be rented in a construction store or call a specialist to perform this work that has its own device. This method of cleansing will allow you to clean the boards from old paint. And update it, as well as align and make a smooth.
  • Multilayer floor need to be purified from paint using a special construction fabric. It will heat the layer and then the old paint is easy to remove with a spatula or scraper.
  • Manual sander Cleans to the end old surface Floor.
  • If you need to align the joints of the adhesive among themselves, you can use the squabble machine.
  • The dust and rest of the garbage remaining after the grinding procedure should be removed from the surface. This will suit the construction vacuum cleaner.
  • The next thing to do is to close all the cracks between the boards. You can fill them with putty. She compares them and makes the floor even.
  • For wide slots are necessary wooden rails. They must be a wedge-shaped form, narrow from below and wide. Previously wash them along the entire length of the layer of glue or putty and drive into the gap.
  • The planer will need to compatient on the racks protruding over the floor after complete drying of the glue.
  • When the glue on the surface is completely driving, it is necessary to carry out control grinding that smoothes the remaining irregularities. After that, you need to remove the remaining garbage and dust.
  • The next step will be a hot oil or primer treatment. For this, ready-made impregnations are suitable, as they immediately solve two tasks: they have antiseptic properties, as well as smoothed the surface, which makes it easier to apply paint on it. Write to dry the material caused to the floor.

Preparation of a new floor

If we talk about a new milk surface, then it is usually superimposed, and there are no cracks between the boards:

  • But even such a new gender needed a lacquer and grinding. It is necessary that the floor surface looks more beautiful and was completely smooth.
  • After that, the floor is covered with a hot oil or antiseptic, allow to dry. It is believed that new boards are better to cover the primer in two layers.
  • The first layer is almost all absorbed into the boards, and the second will make the surface optimal for painting.

ATTENTION: If the surface is well hammer, you can do smaller the amount of paint that the budget saves.

Painting wooden floor with their own hands

Paint the floor can be several colors. The first layer is usually the same color, with this, the process of staining itself begins, which represents several stages.

  • First you need to prepare paint: it is stirred in order for all lumps and the film with a homogeneous mass. Thus, the paint will better lay on the surface.
  • Clothes should cover the skin from random ink.
  • For paint, you will need a special container so that the painting process is more convenient. With a wide brush, paint the corners of the walls along the entire length.
  • After the edge of the floor, on the edges, you can move directly to the total painting of the floor. This is usually done using a roller.
  • When the first layer of paint dries, you can install the plinth.
  • Places where putty was applied earlier, it is necessary to pass the emery paper.
  • Secure on the material covering the walls special malyan Scotch From random ingress of paints.
  • Next, the plinth is painted. For this you need a narrow brush. Pinket staining passes in two stages.
  • After the plinth was painted the second time, the secondary layer of paint is applied to the total floor area.
  • The last stage will flush the floor by specially prepared soapy. This is necessary to eliminate the stickiness of the painted milking.

If you want to make the floor different colors, on this process of staining does not end. For such an unusual floor, it is necessary to prepare a sketch in advance with the future pattern. So it turns out to make the floor painting more neatly and aesthetic.


  • First of all, it is necessary to cover the entire surface of the floor.
  • With the help of painting tape, those parts of the adhesive floor, where drawings will be separated from the main area of \u200b\u200bpainting. It is necessary that the boundaries of the floor drawing and background are not affected.
  • As soon as the main layer of paint dries, it will be possible to remove the malarious tape. Floor drawing will remain clear. This will result in the use of several paint tones.
  • In some cases, grids are used. white color. It can be a special stencil or pattern that is sold in building stores. It can be done by itself by applying a picture on a transparent film by cutting it along the contour.
  • To apply a smaller figure to the floor, you must use the paint that will quickly dry. For example, acrylic using a grid, which is sticuously applied to the surface.

Attention: the last layer of paint must dry completely. It may take several days.

  • In order to check it on dryness, you need to use in conventional method: Press your finger or a small sheet of paper to the painted surface.
  • In the event that the finger or paper does not stick, the floor is dry. If not, it will be needed for some time to complete drying, otherwise traces will remain on the floor.
  • In addition, it is required to pay attention to the color after staining. On the surface there may be stains from old paint. And also if the layer was inflicted inactiously, the traps and traces of the tassel will appear. In these cases, another paint layer is applied.

After the procedure for painting wooden floors, you can arrange furniture and equipment of the room in its place.

Secrets of a good floor painting

In this paper, there are some secrets and they should be followed:

  • In the process of dyeing the milking floor, paint must be cut in thin layers. It is necessary that there are no bubbles on the surface, and it also contributes rapid drying paints.
  • It is impossible to touch the film separating the floor pattern from the background until the paint is finally driving. Start shooting a film better from the corner.
  • If coloring will be made by water-dispersion paint, then the layer should be in the direction of the board. When applying paint, it is necessary to avoid getting it on neighboring boards. Otherwise, it will arise.

Attention: it is necessary to remember that the paint after its application to the surface will become lighter. In the event that you want to get a brighter shade, apply varnish on the surface of the board. After the lacquer process, the color of the board will become milk, but after a while it will change to transparent.

  • You can repeat the lacquer only after two days. If you need the vocabulary of the wooden floor for the third time, before this it is necessary to clean it with a medium grainy skirt.
  • When using a polyurethane varnish of transparent color, preparatory measures are carried out.
  • Before varnishing, it is necessary to thoroughly mix the contents of the jar. Then pour the right amount of varnish in a more convenient container.

The painting of the wooden floor process is not difficult, here it is simply no need to hurry and do everything thoroughly. Check out the photo and select the desired dye, after that carefully prepare. If you all do it right, the coating will not give you problems for many years.

It has always been greatly popular because it is the most environmentally friendly material, completely harmless to the human body. Tree is durable and wear-resistant, but so that the life is suitable for reality, it is necessary to produce the right painting.


Before painting the wooden floor, most important is the choice. required tool, as well as it. First of all, you need to clean the floor from dirt, dust and fat stains. This can be made with a conventional soap solution, which will already give 60% purity. If there is a wax flare on the surface, use soda mortar (for 1 cup of soda 7 l warm water).

Tools that most often use when painting:

  • brushes of different sizes,
  • spatulas
  • rollers with a small pile,
  • primer,
  • paper emery
  • ribbon for repair,
  • paint.

After wet cleaning Paul visually inspect it. It may contain minor roughness, unburned hats from nails, cracks. Roughness can be eliminated using fine-grained emery paper, cracks, or potholes. Fill out with a sinking of sawdust or special putty for wood, nails will hammer.

After drying, remove the irregularities of sandpaper of different grain, depending on the putty layer. Remove the dust again on the floor with soapy water (it is necessary to dry the surface), and then proceed to the primer. The soil serves to prevent. The saddle floor must dry out for 3-4 days, now we can start painting itself.

Wood floor painting technology video

If you have old with paint residues, use special emulsions for complete cleaning, which includes paraffin, methylene chloride, ethyl alcohol and caustic soda. These compositions will not give paintwork coating to bubble, peel and prevent from the selection chemical reaction. Also remember that all emulsions are toxic, so always follow the safety rules.

Types of coloring

Wooden floor to serve you for a long time? First of all, you must correctly pick up the paint. Assortment in stores or markets is so great that you will choose without any problems paintwork for of different types Tree. Be sure to pay attention to such factors: a breed of wood (whether it is subject to staining), operating deadlines and characteristic properties (humidity, percentage of olifa), paint compatibility.

Wooden paint, which includes oil, alkyd varnishes and enamel. There are three ways to paint: simple, medium and complex. The stages of simple painting are as follows: the dry fastened floor is applied soil or putty, after drying, they are scratched with a thin layer of paint, after 2-3 days a repeated layer of coloring solution is applied.

The second type is the painting of the average difficulty. It reminds the first method, but here it is important that the putty is applied in several layers. Each layer after drying is cleaned. Then the primer is applied and only after that paint in several layers.

Painting paint includes applying primer and putty in 2-3 layers, and after drying it is used more liquid spacure, it is applied to a well-stretched gauze with a spatula in the form of pressure. After complete drying and cleansing, they put sand and only after that in several layers.

Features Painting

It is necessary to apply paint only thin layers so that wrinkles and bubbles in the process do not occur. Apply paint from the corner of the room, the ribbon for repair is fixed there, where staining is not necessary. Always after each layer, let's dry the paint.

To check drying, just slightly put pressure on the surface with a piece of newspaper. If stopped sticking, cover again. If even when painting, you need to walk around the room, use polyethylene film. Then just carefully remove it from the corner. Distribution of dispersion coating: Layers are applied only in the direction of the boards, replace the roller with a brush.

And here is the paint process. But how to achieve the necessary shine? Be sure to rinse the surface hot water Several times, wipe dry with a rag and now you can apply transparent varnish. It gives the floor some transparency and takes a little tone lighter. The lacquer is also applied in the direction of the board. Start re-applying only after 3-4 hours, but depending on the varnish it can pass two days. Before using varnish well, stir the contents.

If the result is not suitable after applying, treat the surface with the skin in those places where you see flaw and apply varnish again. For further operation, you can purchase various polyters, which, in turn, will prevent wear formation.

Video track about painting of wooden floors

By the way, another assistant in this difficult act will become a raner tape for you. Use it to hide those places that should not be painted. After you apply the last layer of paint to your floor, you can handle itching. No traces after herself leaves.

What to paint wooden floor

All, the wide range of which you can meet in any construction store can be divided into two groups. The first group includes transparent varnishes including alkyd, impregnation and other protective solutions. The second group includes oil paints, alkyd enamel etc. And for more recent surfaces the best option Alkyd or acrylic impregnations will be, and in the event that the surface has already been previously stained, select oil paints or enamel.

Feel free to seek advice to the seller-consultant. The main thing, before going to the store, be sure to find out your gender, whether there was another paint on it.

Transparent coating

As for the impregnation, remember the following: the composition of such solutions includes chemicals dangerous to human health. Therefore, information on a bottle with such a solution should be checked in order not to harm health.

Impregnation is required in order to protect against insects, mechanical impacts, moisture and even fire. The impregnation can be divided into 4 subgroups depending on their properties: anti-epires, antiseptics, combined composition, with moisture protection. So, the antipirens are designed to increase the refractory properties of the wooden floor. The antiseptics primarily protect the floor from the formation, the appearance of insects and the subsequent rotting of the tree. The combined composition can perform several functions at once, so it costs more.

Impregnation in most cases is an intermediate stage between preparatory work And the color of the floor by other solutions (for example, paint). Or laminate make a complete impregnation of materials, while you will independently perform only partial.

Transparent varnishes are beautiful choiceIf your wooden floor is in excellent condition, and you would like to emphasize his natural beauty. At the same time, do not forget about such useful functions of transparent varnishes, as protection against ultraviolet exposure, increase wear resistance, etc. They are well suited for open airbecause they have a good water repellent effect.

Lucky can be alkyd, oily and alkyd-urethane. Alkyd varnishes are considered the most common. But if you add urethants, then wear resistance will increase, and accordingly - the price. As for oil varnishes, they serve for the primary floor covering. They can give a tree another shade, for example, slightly darken them.

Oparatic coating

Shelves building stores Pestry with colored paints. So, first, we will tell you about oil. Despite its simplicity, they are in our days in demand from consumers. From the disadvantages, we note enough long period Full polymerization (drying), as well as a very unpleasant smell that settles in your apartment as soon as the bank is open with such paint. Remember that oil enamel needs to be applied only on dry, otherwise, be prepared for the appearance of bubbles or more worse, to the exfoliation.

Another embodiment of the opaque paintwork is acrylic dispersion enamels. Of course, this composition is better, compared with the previous one. At the same time, we note that the price of paint is not much, but above. Polymerization is achieved literally in one hour. The advantage is the lack of unpleasant odor. Dispersion paint Does not contain solvents. It includes water, and therefore it has a water-repellent effect. Even if you are blurred by the paint, the places that it should have not had to get, wash them away with ordinary water. Remember that before painting acrylic paints It is advisable to apply lacquer on the floor of the floor, since acrylic has the ability to raise a tree.

What to paint concrete floors

For there is a huge variety paintwork materials. Let's discern how to paint. Let's start with the fact that there are various impregnations that are capable of changing the shade of the floor. If you would like to strengthen decorative effect Surfaces, you can familiarize yourself with flocks and glitters. All these compositions increase the wear resistance of the floor, affect the protection against ultraviolet rays and much more. Before painting, the primer mixture is usually applied, and on top - enamel or special concrete paints.

Epoxy paint

One of the most suitable options For concrete floor. Differs its durable and durable coating Surfaces significantly prolongs life. Moreover, among the advantages - resistance to the chemical effects of alkalis, acids, salts solutions, resistant to moisture, and also has good adhesion with the surface. All these qualities allow you to use this paint both inside huge hangars, manufacturing workshops and outdoor areas. And, of course, it is worth noting the fact that paint can be applied even on fresh concrete!

Among the shortcomings: if you suddenly want to change the color of the surface, then you may have difficulties. Plus, this solution consists of two components that need to be mixed in strictly specified proportions before use. It is necessary to apply at least two layers.

Acrylic Paint for Concrete

The composition of such paint includes acrylic resin, polymers and water. Solvents are absent. The polymer film that remains on the floor surface, has good protective properties both before chemical and mechanically exposed.

Perfectly suitable for coloring floor inside the garage, on the stairs ,. Dries in about 15 hours. Even one layer is quite enough.

Polyurethane enamel

Consists of two components, while high quality This fact does not affect anyone. You can use both inside buildings and outdoor area. The surface on which the polyurethane enamel will be deposited will acquire a glossy shine. It has all protective properties. Among the shortcomings it is worth noting the long period of drying - from 3 days to two weeks.


Now you know the better to paint the floor. If you have any questions left, then boldly leave them in the comments below!

Flooring from wood is one of the most durable, reliable and aesthetic methods of floor finish. Each owner who wants to extend the material term as long as possible, must pay special attention Protection against water, damage, fading and from a lot of other. Our expert gives recommendations than paint the wooden floor in the house - beautiful and for a long time.

Types of protective compositions

Before choosing a type of product, you need to get acquainted with the classification. The most popular today is three options for internal finishing.

The paint is a multicomponent decorative and protective composition, the function of the basis in which can perform:

Synthetic resin. (alkyd, acrylic, polyurethane). This type of enamel is most common in production. Their feature is a dense, frantic film. The shade of paint can be different.

Mineral oilwhose role often plays Olph, which makes the composition of universal in use (metal, concrete, wooden surfaces). In addition, the scope of use is not limited only by internal works.

Solvent. This group includes paints on ethercellulosic, nitrocellulose and other resins in acetone. With acetone-containing enamels, or rather their combination with other types of LKM, you need to be extremely careful, since the reaction of these two compositions can be extremely unpredictable.

For example, when painting the floor, previously painted with acetone, an acrylic mixture may not be a glossy effect, but a matte. The most undesirable consequence is the emergence of spotting, susceptible to cracking and peeling.

Paint wooden paint floors are simple enough if you comply with technology. Thanks to enamels, it is possible to obtain a uniquely smooth and stable floor surface, however, so that they perform their functions appropriate to prepare the base (clean, polly, strengthen).

At the same time, the impact resistance of the decorative and protective layer depends on the number of paint suits and density values \u200b\u200band the degree of thixotropy and the correctness of the work. To obtain the most thick layer, optimally use the roller. The thinnest layer can be obtained by using a sprayer.

Lucky is also multicomponent. Their main purpose is to create a transparent or matte-transparent film. The peculiarity of the varnish is underscounted by the structure of the tree due to the lung toning effect. Their composition includes:

  • Film-forming agents. As such, a resin of natural or polymeric origin, bitumens and more are used.
  • Solvents of organic or synthetic nature;
  • Additives, Improving performance features (plasticizers, modifiers, hardeners, pigment particles).

Special lacquer composition for wood happens:

  • Oil. The composition includes organic solvents, oils of plant origin, as well as natural or polymeric resins. Today, the oil-rosin agent, universal on use. It features a shade of yellowness, but at the same time the layer is absolutely transparent.
  • Based on solvent. The main advantage is the strength and durability of the layer. However, everyone knows that work with compositions on solvents is accompanied by a sharp chemical smell, which negatively affects the body.
  • On the resin (acrylic, urethane, alkyd, etc.). Resin-based lacquers create a transparent or translucent layer endowed with extraordinary resistance to abrasions of different typesTherefore, they can be used not only for residential premises with a small load on the floor, but also for commercial and public.

To paint the wooden floors with varnish, you also need to carefully prepare the floor, and then process the primer. Application is carried out by roller, brush or other in a convenient way. Varnish requires intermediate grinding.

The basis is the natural or synthetic components. Unlike enamels and varnishes, oil and wax rubbed into the floor surface. It is good that funds do not form on the basis of a steamproof film, but perfectly absorbed into wood pores, protecting the coating from water and dust.

There is u oil-wax impregnation And a significant drawback is fast abrasability. Update the layer will have every 2-3 years.

As it turned out, enamels and varnishes are the most effective, so further comparison will be carried out between them.

Wooden floor painting should be made only by those compositions that are designed for the existing coating. For example, parquet flooring requires parquet varnish, and for the usual millet, the composition is needed with the mark "for the floor."

In addition, preference should be given to highly specialized paints or varnishes, since universal (for all wooden surfaces) Have enough short term Services (no more than 3 years), and enamel for the floor will serve at least 5 years.

Choosing the material, it is worth paying attention to the degree of shine or glossiness. There are matte, silky-matte, glossy and semi-shy impregnations. IN residential rooms The effect of excessive gloss may quickly bored. Nevertheless, shiny floors will help to visually increase the height of the ceiling.

Which color to paint the wooden floor no less actual question among the owners, because the floor decoration must be harmonized with the style of the room. Both varnishes and enamel have a natural flower range.

At enamels, the shades spectrum are somewhat limited (8-10 shades), however, there is a possibility of a tinting in any color of 7,000 possible. Concentrated pigments are made under such well-known brands as Ticcuril or Duluks.

Lucky can be transparent and toning. You can get acquainted with the shades from the seller, asking for a caring from a particular firm. It is worth considering that the number of layers and the type of wood has an important meaning when the shade is obtained.

For example, coloring in 1 layer will help to obtain a light tint, and in 3 layers - the most bright and rich. Larch coatings are more whiten, so to get a deep color you will have to paint wood in large quantity Layers rather than nature a darker oak floor.

The question is not closed on this. The scope of application plays defining. For external work, in no case can the means for internal or universal work.

In most cases, the compositions for the outer color are more toxic, in connection with which their use indoors is unnecessar.

Country house or cottage - seasonal accommodation. In such cases, it is optimal to use enamels for external work or universal paint, in particular alkyd or nitrocellulose.

But the varnish is enough "capricious" due to its sensitivity to changing the temperature background, as a result of which cracks may appear on the basis.

For heated premises ( a private house, apartment) it is appropriate to choose any LKM with the mark "for internal use." Universal, as well as oil and wax.

In conclusion on application methods. It may be brush, roller or sprayer. Water based products are better to apply synthetic, nylon, polyamide roller. Accelerate the work will help the pulverizer, it will also provide the applying a thinner layer.

So, how to paint the wooden floor in the house? Enamels, paints, oils and waxes are suitable for internal use.

Oil-wax coatings cannot guarantee 100% protection of wood flooring from mechanical and impacts, but at the same time they are perfectly protected from moisture and put the floor with antistaticism.

Lucky and enamel are more practical and durable. Service life can reach 5-15 years without the need to update.