Lawn grass that destroys weeds: a photo, how to choose and plant. Lawn grass midget: the best choice for a beautiful lawn

You can grow a beautiful and well-groomed lawn near the house using lawn grass mixtures. Well, what kind of owner of a summer cottage is suburban area Doesn't dream of enjoying lush greenery, having picnics and playing with children on the green grass? The tradition of caring for the lawn came to us from Western countries and took root reliably. Beautiful lawn in the yard - it is fashionable, aesthetically pleasing, pleasant.

The velvety green lawn carpet perfectly complements the design of the house and enhances the overall relaxing atmosphere. As a result, many owners of suburban real estate are wondering how to grow a beautiful green lawn on their plot, which grass seeds for lawns or mixtures to use and how to choose them.

The ideal option for solving the "lawn" issue will be a mixture of seeds of lawn grasses. Usually they contain from 3 to 5 varieties of crops, which harmoniously complement each other's properties. The disadvantages of some seeds are compensated for by the advantages of others. As a result, it becomes possible to use a mixture of lawn grass seeds in a variety of climatic conditions without fear for your future lawn.

Why are herbal mixtures used?

Using one lawn crop to create beautiful green lawns is the prerogative of the professionals. Each type of lawn grass has its own unique set of characteristics:

  • Growth rate;
  • Shade tolerance;
  • Resistance to trampling;
  • Resistant to unfavorable climates (severe frosts, droughts).

Each of the factors must be taken into account and the possible risks must be anticipated before planting seeds. Whether it is a mixture of lawn grasses. The composition of the seed mixture in them is such that the advantages of some species overlap the disadvantages of others, forming an ideal combination.

Owners country houses often doubts about the conditions for growth, as well as the possibilities of a particular cereal. In such cases, it is advisable to give preference to mixtures lawn seeds that endure unfavorable climatic conditions, poor soil, drought, shade.

Popular types

To grow a dense and beautiful, luscious green lawn, it is important to take into account the climatic conditions of the area where the lawn grass seeds will be planted. Drought, heavy rains, sudden temperature changes - all this can adversely affect the growth of seeds. For our latitudes, where the weather is unstable, some types of lawn seeds are intended. They are not afraid of unfavorable climatic conditions, and the lawns eventually grow green and attractive:

  • Meadow fescueperfect option for use in wet ground. It grows very quickly and forms a beautiful and juicy green cover already in the first day after sowing. The only drawback is fragility (usually no more than 4-5 years), but if you combine it correctly with other grasses, the lawn will remain green for a long time;

  • Sheep fescue is a herb that withstands the harsh conditions of dry and poor soils. Mixing it with red fescue gives a mixture of lawn grass seeds that form a beautiful uniform cover even in the shade of shrubs and trees;

  • Reygras - the herb shows all its beauty on fertile soils, resistant to trampling, gives an even cover within a couple of months after sowing. But in comparison with other species, it does not last long and does not differ in the strength of the sod;

  • Meadow bluegrass - good for areas with sudden temperature changes and unfavorable weather conditions. The grass withstands the test of frost and drought, forming a dense turf. The only drawback is susceptibility to diseases ( powdery mildew, rust);

  • Pole grass is the most common lawn seed variety that can grow in almost any conditions. With abundant watering, it can delight with juicy greens until the first snow. The disadvantage is slow growth after mowing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the grass mixture for the lawn:

  • Affordable price of mixtures;
  • Ease of selection of turf mixtures for specific areas depending on climatic conditions.

Disadvantages of Seed Mix:

  • The need to wait a long time until shoots appear from a mixture of herbs (2-3 weeks). With unfavorable weather conditions the term may increase;
  • Abundant growth of weeds during the first period of seed growth (2-3 cuttings).

Review of popular mixtures

For cultivation in our latitudes, producers make versatile mixtures of lawn seeds that can withstand adverse weather and different soils. These include:

  • DLF-Trifolium Turfline Ornamental- contains in its seed mixture the most hardy crops that grow slowly, forming a strong sod (meadow fescue, red, reed fescue, bent grass, bluegrass). This lawn recovers well after mowing and grows both in the sun and in the shade. The mixture is made in two versions: for temperate and hot climates.
  • Wolf-Garten Reseeding - A mixture of crops that are used to restore damaged areas lawns. Contains high quality seeds and active additives.
  • Wolf-Garten Sport and Leisure LG Are ideal lawn grass mixtures to create lawns for sports and picnics. A versatile crop mixture that will grow in any soil to form a firm turf.
  • LawnCity "6 ares"- grass seed mixture for beginners. The seeds here are selected in such a way as to grow in different conditions and do not require particularly careful maintenance. Bluegrass and fescue provide a smooth and beautiful sod cover with high trampling resistance.
  • Green carpet "Children's Park"- the softness of the cover determines the name and recommendations for use. This lawn is best grown in playgrounds and backyards of country houses.
  • "Russian vegetable garden"- special flowering grass mixtures for lawns that lift your spirits. Five different collections give your lawn a special charm. Each buyer will be able to find a shade for themselves. The flower cover does not need careful maintenance.
  • Barenburg RTF Premium is a mixture of lawn grass seeds, from which an especially hardy and beautiful cover grows. The lawn withstands severe droughts and heals itself by filling open or damaged areas.

Prices for a mixture of lawn grass seeds range from 300 to 6000-7000 rubles, depending on the variety and weight. Each of them allows you to create an excellent lawn, so it is worth choosing based on their area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bseeding. And let your lawn be green.

A low-growing lawn is an excellent design option for a personal plot that does not require special care. The lawn, covered with a soft green carpet, will serve not only as a decoration, but also as a pleasant place to relax. Correctly selected herbaceous crops will provide an attractive view of the site all year round.

A great solution is to set up a dwarf lawn for the lazy.

Advantages and disadvantages of a dwarf lawn

Low grass has whole line advantages:

  • aesthetics - even in winter, the coating retains its green color;
  • high resistance to trampling and weather conditions;
  • unpretentiousness to the composition of the soil;
  • long period of existence - up to 30 years with proper care;
  • resistance to damage by pests and fungal diseases.

Among the disadvantages of undersized grasses is the financial cost. For a dwarf lawn, in comparison with other species, it is required large quantity seed material... It is also important to choose the correct composition of the herbal mixture. It should include thin-leaved, slow-growing crops. They will allow you to create a versatile coating that does not require frequent mowing - a "lawn for the lazy". It is enough to do this 3-4 times during the whole season. This is ideal for those who do not have the opportunity to devote a lot of time to caring for the site. For comparison, a lawn with tall grass has to be mowed several times a month.

Lawn grass, which can be cut 3-4 times per season.

Types of lawn grasses

Consider the herbs most commonly used for dwarf coverings:

  • Pole grass- a bright green plant that retains its color throughout the summer. Its height does not exceed 12 cm. Gardeners are attracted by the ability of the bent to grow rapidly. One plant covers an area of ​​more than 1 m² with shoots in one season. The bent bush bushes merge and form a continuous carpet. The grass tolerates trampling well.
  • Clover- another popular perennial from the undersized group. Beautiful pink, white globular flowers lend the lawn original view... The root system of the clover is very powerful, so it can be safely planted on steep slopes. Of the shortcomings, gardeners note the ability of the plant to absorb moisture, as a result of which, after rain, the lawn becomes very slippery and it is dangerous to move on it.
  • The plant remains green until late autumn. The lawn sown with it has had an excellent appearance for several years. Bushes grow extremely slowly, forming shoots underground, due to which a dense sod is created. Bluegrass loves water and should be watered frequently.

Meadow bluegrass - grows quickly and survives the winter well.

  • Simple red fescue- a low-growing herb, especially popular with gardeners. Bushes cover the area evenly, giving the lawn the appearance of a fluffy green carpet. Prolonged drought has a detrimental effect on the plant.
  • Hairy red fescue- the most suitable plant for a dwarf lawn. The long, stiff stems are wire-like. Hairy fescue is resistant to temperature changes, drought, unpretentious to the soil.

Low-growing lawn grasses are used for sowing, usually in the form of a mixture in which the ratio different plants selected in such a way that the decorative characteristics of each are clearly expressed.

Maria Ivanovna, a summer resident from the Volgograd region, shares her impressions of the clover lawn:

“My daughter told me about such a lawn. At first I didn't really want to. Thought it would look cheap. And they planted it - and did not regret it. That's so beautiful! Flowers are like white balls on a bright green blanket! Then they turn brown. Then we mowed them, and the meadow bloomed again. True, in wet weather, our rug becomes too slippery, and slugs appear on it. This is the only inconvenience. "

Classification of low-growing lawns

Depending on the sown grasses, the following types of low-growing lawns are distinguished:

  • Clover. Several varieties of clover can be used simultaneously. In sunny weather, such a site looks especially beautiful. Considering that this plant is considered a weed, sow it away from vegetable beds.

Do you dream of walking barefoot on your own lawn?

  • Lugovoi. The lawn is sown with a mixture of cereals and legumes... Various shades of colors look great against a green background.
  • Mauritanian. The most colorful of them all. Thanks to flowering plants is able to change color many times throughout the season. In addition to various herbs, poppies, cornflowers, and daisies are planted on the lawn.
  • Parterre. The selected combination of herbs from red fescue, meadow bluegrass and reygrass provides an extraordinary beautiful view lawn. Seeds are sown mainly in prominent places well-lit by the sun. The parterre lawn is fastidious - very sensitive to lack of moisture, requires careful soil preparation. It has to be cut more often than others.
  • Sports. Differs in rapid growth, high resistance to mechanical stress. The root system is perfectly formed. The composition of the grass mixture includes perennial raegrass, red fescue, meadow bluegrass, timothy, taken in certain proportions.

There is one more interesting view lawn - roll. It is a sod layer with overgrown grass. It is enough to spread such a roll on the site - and the lawn is ready. The grown grass takes root well, allowing you to quickly and easily fill the required area.

The rolls are a complete weed-free plant cover.

Popular mixtures

Assorted seeds of low-growing grasses are selected in accordance with the characteristics of the site. When choosing seeds, we recommend paying attention to the most popular grass mixtures among gardeners:

Moorish lawn

Producer - agrofirm "Aelita".

Composition - fescue, bluegrass, bent grass, ryegrass, clover.

The seeding rate is 1 kg per 100 m².

Packing - paper bag weighing 1 kg.

The average price of one package is 650 rubles.


The manufacturer is the German company Agrolux.

Composition - 4 varieties of fescue, meadow bluegrass.

The seeding rate is 3.5 kg per 100 m².

Packing - 8 kg, 2 kg and 0.5 kg.

The average price of each Lilliput package is 3600 rubles, 1000 rubles. and 300 p. respectively.


Manufacturer - AgroSemTorg company.

Composition - a mixture of fescue, meadow bluegrass, ryegrass.

The seeding rate is 4 kg per 100 m².

Packing - branded bags of 20 kg.

The average price of one bag is 3500 rubles.

Mini Grass

Producer - agricultural company "Russian herbs".

Composition - red fescue, meadow bluegrass.

The seeding rate is from 2.5 to 4 kg per 100 m².

Packing - 3.5, 7 and 20 kg.

The price for 1 kg of Mini Grass is on average 450 rubles.

In arid regions, Blooming Life's special drought-resistant decorative mixture is popular. Herbs having deep root system help to save aesthetic appearance lawn even with prolonged drought.

Surina Olga Petrovna, 51 years old, (Penza region):

“The year before last, we sowed Mini Grass lawn mixture at our dacha. We are not overjoyed at how beautiful the site now looks! We had to pre-level it, prepare the soil (in general, the actions are simple - weeding, fertilizing and laying mulch), after which they began to plant seeds by hand. The lawn started instantly, in the first year the height was 8 cm before the seasonal mowing, in the second - 10 cm. It looks great! "

Sowing and growing lawn grass is not difficult.

The best time to plant your lawn

Herbal mixtures are frost-resistant and can be sown not only in spring and summer, but even in autumn. However, experts believe that it is best to plant lawn grass in the spring in order to be able to eliminate all the shortcomings during the season. By winter, the plants will get stronger, gain vitality.

Sowing in summer period has its advantages - the soil is already well warmed up, weeds, as well as insect pests, lose their aggressiveness. During the winter, the grass acquires resistance to disease.

Review of the gardener G.I. Nesterov (Voronezh region):

“I sowed the Lilliput variety in April. By August, a powerful carpet was formed, on which it is very pleasant to walk barefoot. "

Sowing technology of herbs

Site preparation consists in cleaning it of stones, stumps, bushes, other objects that will interfere with the new lawn. The earth is carefully dug up, removing weeds, leveling the surface. Regardless of whether water stagnation occurs or not, it must be installed drainage system... For its arrangement, crushed stone, brick chips, sand are suitable.

Fertilize the soil before planting the grass. Do not sow on a freshly dug area. The soil should catch its breath, sit down. Weeds that have appeared during this time must be removed.

A windless dry day is chosen for planting seeds. Sowing is carried out manually or using a seeder to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm. They do it in a cross way - first in one direction, then crosswise.

To compact the soil over the seeds, you need to walk with a roller.

The sown surface is carefully tamped and watered by sprinkling - water is distributed to different heights and different sides... The next watering is carried out after the first shoots appear. It is important to correctly calculate the area of ​​the lawn so as not to make a mistake and buy the right amount of seeds.

Lawn care features

In order for a green carpet to always look attractive, it must be properly cared for. Water your lawn at least 2 times a week. Fertilize the soil periodically - at least 3 times a year - in April, late May and autumn (September-October). If necessary, when the grass turns yellow, even in summer, feed it. Use special ready-made fertilizers for lawns, which always contain potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen. The basic rule when applying top dressing is the uniformity of its distribution over the site. Otherwise, the height of the grass cover may be different.

If your lawn starts to turn yellow, use fertilizer.

Feedback from Olga Galatinova, owner of a country house (Tver):

“I have two big dogs, so I sowed the area with low-growing lawn grass for them to walk. Experience has shown that when a layer of dead grass accumulates, it is necessary to pierce the sod around the perimeter of the site to restore aeration. After that pour plenty of water. "

Pankov Vladimir Ilyich, pensioner (Lipetsk):

“We have a lawn with white clover, bluegrass and red fescue. It is very easy to contain the spread of plants outside the lawn. We first do mulching, put high borders around the flower beds, and you can cut off the excess with your hands if they are growing too actively. I will add that in dry summers the lawn practically does not rise in height at all, and in the rainy season it grows to a maximum of 15 cm by the end of August. "

Olga Prokopenko (Saratov region):

“I bought a mixture of Lazy Lawn for sowing. It contains clover seeds, but I've added more. It turned out very well - there are white lights on the green field. By the end of summer, the dried inflorescences were almost invisible in the grass. "

Low-growing lawn - the best solution when there is no time to maintain the decorative appearance of the turf. With minimal effort, it will perfectly complement landscape design plot and will delight with its greenery until late autumn.

Summer cottages and household plots can serve not only for planting potatoes and constant labor. At the dacha, you can just take a break from the bustle of the city. A beautiful lawn planted with your own hands will help to decorate this unforgettable vacation.

A little about lawns

A green lawn in the country will certainly please the eye. But the opinion that once the lawn was planted and forgotten is erroneous. He also needs to be looked after and looked after, and this is not an easy job. In many ways, you need to be able to understand. But if, for some reason or because of your own laziness, there is no opportunity to take care of the grass, it does not matter. There is salvation for the lazy.

Dwarf lawn

A good advantage of such a lawn is its unpretentiousness. You don't need to look after him that much. The basis for it is undersized. They do not require careful maintenance, weekly haircuts and leveling. Such a lawn grows by itself, waiting for the owner to have time to visit him. Low-growing lawn grasses, as the name implies, do not differ much upward. They have all the necessary qualities.

In order for the lawn to be rich and beautiful, it is important to choose the correct varietal composition of the grass. The future green cover depends on what kind of grass is part of the seeds. Best purchased from specialized florist and landscape designer stores. This is where you can ask the consultant to select lawn grass seeds that would be more suitable for the conditions of the required green flooring.

What should be lawn grass

Lawn grasses have been selected by generations of florists. The bred plants have all the required qualities: bright and saturated color, softness and so on. First of all, low-growing lawn grasses should form a so-called dense carpet. Indeed, if you look at the lawn, it seems as if it is just a green carpet. It is this quality that is very important. Because without this, a full-fledged lawn will not work. It will look like a rug with holes. So, it is important that the lawn grass covers the entire area of ​​the summer cottage.

Resistant to physical damage and trampling. If you plan to arrange all kinds of picnics and parties, then the grass must be resistant to this kind of damage. Even in order to just walk around your site and not harm its appearance, it is important to know that the planted grass is resistant to trampling.

Drought tolerance is the main factor in the longevity of the grass. Those low-growing lawn grasses that by their nature are not resistant to high temperatures and long droughts are theoretically unsuitable for planting on summer cottage... Such plants will dry out quickly, and all work will pass in vain.

Lawn grass seeds usually do not require much maintenance. But if you want to quickly see the fruits of your labor, then you can add special fertilizers that speed up the process of seed germination. Otherwise, they may well grow on their own.

In addition to various aesthetic qualities, plants must be resistant to disease, otherwise some kind of epidemic will mow them down just as well as a lawn mower. It follows from this principle that the grass needs to be changed every two or three years. After several years, the lawn becomes more vulnerable to disease. To avoid this, it is necessary to pull up the old and sow new grass every few years.

Perennial or annual

There are one- and perennial grasses are best suited for the lawn. Since after winter they will please the eye for another year or two. They also grow much slower than their annual counterparts, and it is this quality that should be present in undersized grasses. Having made a choice towards perennial grasses, you can provide yourself with a lawn for another couple of years.

Lawn grass: price

It is very important to buy good seed. The future of the lawn depends on this. Lawn grass, the price of which depends on the composition and proportions of seeds of various grasses, can range from six hundred to three thousand rubles. Depending on the variety, weight and quality of the seeds.

Grass against weeds

Lawn grass that kills weeds is not fiction. It is very unpleasant when some weeds grow in the middle of a beautiful green carpet. Most The best way weed control - frequent mowing. You can also pull them out manually. If there is no time to resist such a misfortune on your own, then it is worth giving nature a chance to fight it.

Lawn grass that kills weeds must be a mixture of specific plants. Such a set should contain in itself which copes with its task very well. It requires frequent hydration for rapid and normal growth, so it is best planted in damp and shady areas. Meadow bluegrass is also good and These cereals look great in the overall composition. Planting such a mixture is a great way to forget about weeds on your site.

Lawn in the spring

Spring is the period of flowering and plant growth. In all respects it is the best time years for planting a new lawn. Before planting, it is worth deciding what kind of grass you need to sow. It is also required to purchase seeds, and if this lawn is the first in life, then some inventory.

The next step is to prepare the ground. If planting a lawn has been planned for a long time, then it is better if the land will be prepared in the fall. So during a short interval, weeds that have survived the winter will sprout and can be easily removed. Before sowing a new lawn, care must be taken to keep the ground as level as possible. After all, the future type of suburban area depends on this.

Lawn grass is planted in spring in the second half of April - the most suitable time. It is for this moment that you can already prepare the earth after winter, and she herself will be saturated with water from the melted snow.

By the summer, there will already be adult green shoots on the site. Then you can evaluate your work.

How to sow lawn grass correctly

Before that, as already mentioned, it is imperative to prepare the ground: level and remove all weeds. Fertilizers can be added before planting if desired to accelerate plant growth. So, everything is ready, it remains only to sow the seeds.

The easiest way is to divide the area into sectors. Having sown one sector, you can proceed to another. You need to sow so that the earth is evenly covered with seeds. Then you need to sprinkle them with earth and fill them with water.

How much lawn grass grows

Having sowed the grass, one can already wonder how much the grass will sprout. In order for the lawn to emerge in the first two weeks, you need to carefully take care of it: water it at least every other day. Yes, it's worth the pain, but with regular watering, the grass rises in one and a half or two weeks (depending on the variety).

There is a lot of trouble with your lawn: does the grass look not as decorative as on the package with seeds, does it freeze in places, turn yellow, thin and overgrow with weeds? Perhaps you have chosen the wrong varieties for our climatic conditions. What grass for the lawn better fit exactly for you, and which varieties are better to choose, we will tell you today.

Lawn seed selection rules

The grass on the lawn should be perennial, frost-resistant, and fast growing. This important conditions perfect lawn, but not the most important. Let's list the main factors of buying seeds for sowing on the lawn, which are better to choose in the store:

  • Adaptation to specific climate conditions;
  • Good root development;
  • Saturation of greenery and uniformity of seedlings;
  • Ability to vegetative propagation;
  • Good cut tolerance.

Should not be neglected and general rules lawn grass selection: material shelf life, seed pretreatment, manufacturer's warranties, etc.

Small video footage about lawn grass

Types of grasses and lawn mixtures

For the lawn, it is best to use cereals. They have good system roots, give uniform green shoots, help remove weeds and have an excellent decorative appearance after cutting. Most often sown grasses such as meadow bluegrass, bent grass, ryegrass, fescue and others. Various grass mixtures are also popular.

Ryegrass belongs to the elite herb varieties. It looks very beautiful in any place free from landings. This variety is sensitive to watering and loves mineral fertilizing.

Herbal mixtures

  • Versatile blend... The herbs in this mixture are fast germinating, resistant to external conditions, remove weeds and are inexpensive. The only negative is that such a lawn requires frequent mowing.
  • Sports varieties... It is a type of cereal mixture for playgrounds, stadiums and outdoor activities.
  • Climate-specific mixtures... It is important to choose varieties of grass for the lawn not only in appearance, but also in climatic characteristics... There is special mixtures for areas that are under the scorching sun. If you want to sow shady places, you should pay attention to shade-tolerant grasses.
  • Mixes of flowers and herbs... Such compositions are sown to create a meadow-type lawn. You can choose ready mix forbs or make a mix of flowers and cereals that can bloom all summer in turn. Low-growing greenery is suitable for a neat, bright meadow lawn, and you can decorate a country-style plot with tall grasses and flowers.
  • Elite lawn composition... Although a mixture of elite herbs is capricious and sensitive to external conditions, its appearance justifies all means. Such grasses look very decorative and can decorate any areas free from planting.

The best varieties of lawn grasses for the Russian climate

1. Meadow bluegrass... This perennial variety- one of the earliest cereals. In its pure form, it is practically not sown, since the roots of this herb slowly take root. Bluegrass is an excellent base for a grass mixture. It produces soft and juicy greens, displaces weeds and grows well with other grains.

Bluegrass - best base for a mixture of lawn grasses. The variety is unpretentious, produces friendly shoots and can grow on poor soils.

Meadow bluegrass is a fast-growing herb that will sprout before other crops. It looks bright and very decorative.

2. Polevitsa... The dark, rich green of the bent bent looks good on any lawn. This grass withstands frequent mowing, cold winters and removes weeds over time.

The slender bent grows densely, without bald spots. She withstands frequent haircuts, practically does not freeze and has a rich green color

3. Ryegrass... This herb can be found in lawn cereal mixes. She has excellent decorative qualities, but does not tolerate the winters of Russia. Therefore, in its pure form, it can be sown only in the southern regions of our country, or used as an annual lawn.

Ryegrass has leaves of medium width. This variety emerges very amicably, so some gardeners prefer not to cut it. Most often you can find ryegrass as part of elite grass mixtures

4. Fescue... Fescue - perfect grass for a lawn that does not require special care, both in mono form and as part of forbs. Within a month, the fescue sprouts dense shoots and is ready for cutting.

Fescue is an excellent lawn grass, both in pure form and as part of forbs. Its succulent shoots appear quickly and fill the lawn with dense greenery.

Most Common Lawn Grass Questions

Our experts will answer the most frequently asked questions of novice gardeners:

1. Why is ordinary grass not good for the lawn?

Lawn grass does not drain the soil like ordinary weeds, has small roots and looks much more decorative. The sown grass will grow evenly and improve its decorative appearance after each new cut.

2. How many years does the lawn grass grow?

Perennial grasses are used for the lawn. Decorative view seedlings will take 1-2 months after sowing. If you properly care for your green lawn, mow, feed and water regularly, your lawn will delight you for years.

Green seedlings of ryegrass will decorate any lawn. This grass is very thermophilic, so a pure ryegrass lawn can only be annual.

3. What is the difference between a mixture of grass and one variety of seeds?

You can choose monoculture (one herb variety) or a mixture of several types. Sowing of one variety is carried out for elite plots, grounds and decorative lawns. Such grass, although it gives a luscious decorative carpet of greenery, is more expensive and is sensitive to care and external conditions. Herbal mixtures are more stable, produce uniform greens and require less maintenance.

4. How to get uniform shoots?

It is necessary to prepare the soil well, level it, removing debris and weeds. A hand seeder will help to sow cereal seeds evenly on the lawn. If you don't have one, mix the seeds in half with sand and sow in the ground. After the first year of life, the grass can give bald spots that need to be sown with new seeds in the spring.

Fescue does not require special care, it tolerates the sun, partial shade and severe Russian winters well

The finished herb in a roll is very convenient option fast lawn. You just need to properly lay the bales, and the lawn is ready. The only disadvantage of such a lawn is the high price.

A seeded lawn is a great way to remove weeds and decorate your area. The green lawn refreshes the yard and pleases the eye. Now all that remains is to decide what kind of lawn grass will grow on your site.

A plot with a beautiful renovated house will seem unfinished if there is an unkempt area with thickets of grass around it. And the same house will look completely different, but with a lawn in place of these thickets. And even if he needs to give a lot of energy and attention, the result of the work will be amazing. Flower arrangements will sparkle with completely different colors, various sculptures and tall trees will stand out more against silky green grass.

  1. Sports turf
  2. English lawn
  3. Lawn "for the lazy"

Anyone can choose the right lawn for themselves. After all, each of these types has different characteristics and requires different care.

Features of lawn grasses of different types

We can say that this type of lawn is the most spectacular... It is an even, short-haired, neat clearing. They place it on their site only as decorative element... Ideal places for this are areas located along alleys, in front of the facade of a house or near a fountain. They look great against its background. various flowers and trees.

The parterre lawn only grows in sunny areas, he does not like darkening and excess moisture. Before planting this lawn, it is necessary to prepare the ground: pull out all the weeds, level the surface, otherwise all the slightest irregularities will be visible in the future.

Ordinary and sports lawns

An ordinary lawn is the most common. It is perfect for a family vacation. You can safely walk on it, ride a bicycle, it is very stable. It looks not much worse than a parterre lawn, at the same time it takes a lot to care for it less effort and less time.

The sports turf is used on areas that are subject to intense exercise... Most often it is used in sports fields, racetracks or stadiums. But its cultivation technology is quite complicated, the slightest permissible mistakes can lead to a complete replacement of the lawn, which will lead to a large financial loss.

This kind the lawn is very impressive, it has another name - flowering... Its floral patterns change over time, which cannot but attract attention. More than a dozen are combined in the Mauritanian lawn different varieties herbs and flowers.

English lawn and lawn "for the lazy"

English lawn is a subspecies of parterre lawn. It also looks amazing, but there are some differences: softness, certain moisture, grass stand of a few centimeters. They use an English lawn as well as a parterre one as a decorative element for their site. Moreover, it must be provided careful care without forgetting to cut his hair several times a week.

Now the lawn for the "lazy" has become widespread. It resembles a wild flowering field. But at the same time, if you devote a little time to it, it can acquire a rather well-groomed appearance.

This type of lawn is rapidly becoming popular in Russia, but abroad it has been used for a long time. Roll lawn refers to the turf on which the already grown grass is located. Its main advantage over other species is saving time and effort that can be spent on growing ready-made grass cover.

The rolled lawn is sold and transported in the form of a rolled layer. You should know that the longer the layer is wrapped, the longer it will take for the sod to take root. Therefore, after purchasing this lawn, it is recommended to install it as soon as possible.

Comparison of the cost of arranging a lawn with different grasses

Arrangements different types lawn cost varies widely. Approximate average cost of work is:

  • Ordinary lawn, 250 - 450 rubles per sq. meter.
  • Moorish lawn, 550 rubles per sq. meter.
  • Parterre lawn, 700 rubles per sq. meter.
  • Sports lawn, 400 rubles per sq. meter.
  • Roll lawn, 300 - 550 rubles per sq. meter.

What to consider when choosing lawn grasses?

Whichever type of lawn is preferred, without proper maintenance, lawn grass will either die or turn into an unattractive, unkempt lawn. Timely watering, top dressing, mowing, treatment will turn the lawn into a source of pride for its owners, which will enchant all neighbors and passers-by.