If you dream about a cake. Appearance of the delicacy: beautiful, huge, white. What kind of cake did you dream about?

Dream interpretation of the healer Evdokia

Why is cake dreaming in a dream?

To dream of a Cake means - Cake is a fun company, entertainment, a sweet life, which you will quickly get fed up with.

Summer dream book

Why is Cake dreaming:

Cake - To a change of life in better side.

Autumn dream book

If you dream about Cake, what is it for:

Cake - A gorgeous party is coming, as the dream book says about this dream.

Psychological dream book

What is the dream of Cake in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Cake - Large beautiful cake- to contentment and satisfaction with the outcome of affairs - both personal and official

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Cake, which means sleep:

Seeing a Cake in a dream - Eating a delicious cake with cream in a dream - you will be invited to visit, where everything will be very exquisite.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Cake:

Cake - to treat guests.

Dream interpretation of a housewife

Dream cake:

According to the dream book, Cake to see what it means - Pudding - portends gossip and rumors behind your back. If you eat pudding, your business will go badly. Making pudding is disappointing close person and break off relations with him

Dream Interpretation of Adaskin

Dream interpretation Cake interprets as follows:

What does it mean to see a Cake in a dream? Enjoy a delicious cake - spend time in a fun company, enjoy profit, success and mutual love or simply receive an invitation to visit a refined society. For a bride, a dream about a cake on a wedding table is a disorder of marriage.

Everyday dream book

Dream interpretation Cake interprets as follows:

What does it mean to see a cake in a dream? Cake - If you dreamed about a cake, then such a dream undoubtedly concerns more of the love sphere of life and relationships with people close to you.

Seeing a large cake in a dream, skillfully decorated, portends you a quick fun meeting with friends, pleasant conversations, a noisy friendly company and fun.

There is a cake in a dream that starts to deteriorate - you should hurry up with the final decision, you think too long about the proposal made to you, and, at the same time, it is worth accepting. Also, the cake that you eat in a dream, in reality, promises to bring you success in a love plan - an affectionate partner, carnal pleasures.

If in a dream you did not get a cake for which you were in line, but the cakes ran out right in front of you, then such a dream may indicate a loss in business or the likelihood of a romantic relationship fading away.

If you dreamed about a cake that you are giving to someone, then soon you will have to seek someone's love.

To dream of a cake baked by you personally - to the realization of your cherished desire, which should be made on the same day when you had the dream itself. Also, a cake in a dream can herald you in reality a feast, a holiday, a trip to visit, entertainment, pleasant moments in life.

Pocket dream book

Why is Cake dreaming, what does it mean?

Interprets the dream book: Cake - If you dreamed about a cake, then life circumstances will be conducive to the development of your business.

If lovers dreamed of a cake, then happiness awaits them.

If you saw in a dream a wedding cake- then you will soon be in trouble.

See also: what is the dream of the cake for, what is the dream of sweets, what is the dream of chocolate.

Dream interpretation of A. Vasiliev

The cake in the dream book:

Cake - If you dreamed that you ate a cake, then you will have a lot of money and pleasure.

Big dream book

Dream cake:

Cake - If you dreamed that you ate a delicious cake with cream, then you will soon be invited to visit, where everything will be very exquisite.

Cake bake cake

Dream interpretation Cake bake cake dreamed why in a dream Cake bake a cake? To select the interpretation of the dream, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation of dreams with a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of a Cake to bake a cake by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Cake

Dream interpretation - Cake

Pleasant trouble.

Buying a cake means debt.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Dream interpretation - Cake

Baking a cake - starting some suspicious business (it is better to refuse it before it's too late, otherwise your reputation will suffer).

Dream interpretation - Cake

Dream interpretation - Cake

Dream interpretation - Cake

Dream interpretation - Cake

There is a cake - good luck.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Dream interpretation - Cake

Candy cakes

Dream interpretation cakes sweets dreamed of why in a dream Candy cakes? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Candy Cakes in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Cake

Seeing a festively decorated cake in a dream is a sign of joy and fun.

If you dream that you are presented with a cake or put it in front of you, then expect flattering offers that will promise big profits, winnings or easy money. Eating a cake in a dream means that you should not give in to beautiful promises and agree to participate in a dubious business. To bake a cake yourself in a dream is good sign the fact that you will become the hero of a great celebration on the occasion of the successful completion of the case. Decorating a cake in a dream is a warning of deception or betrayal. If in a dream you yourself begin to decorate the cake, then you will have to puzzle over how to defeat cunning opponents. See interpretation: cake, cream.

Dream interpretation - sweets

A dream in which you dreamed of candy portends a long courtship of a young man, which will end with the traditional proposal to marry him.

To receive a set of expensive sweets as a gift means that you will be invited to the celebration. Giving a box of good chocolates in a dream means being the first to confess your love, which will be rejected.

There is candy in a dream - a harbinger of prosperity in business, a cheerful life and happy love. Sweet sweets mean profit, sour sweets - to illness and irritability, mints - annoyance and disappointment will replace boundless trust.

If in a dream you eat caramel - therefore, the person whose reciprocity you seek is not indifferent to you. Lollipops in a dream portend treason on the part of imaginary friends. Chocolate candies mean that you will find the people you need and the business will be turned in full swing.

Making sweets in a dream - you will achieve your goal thanks to tireless and painstaking work. Buying candy is completely wasted.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Pleasant trouble.

Buying a cake means debt.

To receive a cake as a gift is a pleasant surprise.

Baking a cake is the beginning of a business that you better refuse.

Eating a delicious cake - to profit, success, mutual love.

A girl who has a groom is dreaming about a cake on a wedding table - her marriage will suddenly be upset.

Dream interpretation - candy

If you made sweets in a dream, then your well-being will improve thanks to diligence, diligence and hard work.

A dream in which you eat crumbly, crunchy candy portends secular pleasures and promises love.

Sour candy is a sign of illness or annoyance and irritation.

If you received a box of chocolates as a gift, prosperity lies ahead. Themselves sent someone a box of chocolates - your hopes will not come true.

The dream in which you eat candy portends an exciting experience in intimate life.

And donated sweets dream of a risky connection.

Dream interpretation - sweets

Seeing sweets - for the arrival of guests.

Making sweets - to improve the financial situation thanks to hard work.

There are sweets - for secular pleasures and intimate pleasures.

Sweets with a sour filling - to illness or disappointment.

Buying sweets means deceiving someone, treating them with sweets means losing your hopes.

Receiving sweets as a gift - to prosperity and sexual joys.

For a young man, such a dream means the hypocritical attention of some woman.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Seeing a cake, like any dough products - your chosen one (or chosen one) is quite worthy of you, perhaps you will take possession of some property by making charitable contributions, you will amuse your vanity;
for brave and enterprising people - fresh cake- profit;
for lovers - happiness in love;
for a girl - a wedding cake - failure;
baking cakes - sleep is not very favorable.
Also see Confectionery.

Dream interpretation - sweets

Dreams about sweets foreshadow pleasure, good news, meeting nice people and enjoying life. Of all the dreams about candy, only the one when the candy turns out to be bitter or sour is unsuccessful. A box of chocolates in a dream means an offer made to you or you.

However, do not expect anything serious after such a dream in order to avoid disappointments and disappointments in the future. Hanging candies in a dream is a sign of prudence, which you can show in a decision important problem... Treating sweets in a dream portends a pleasant conversation.

Dream interpretation - sweets

There is candy in a dream - a good chance is knocking on the door.

If a married woman eats candy - to a wedding invitation.

If an unmarried man eats candy - to a rich and solemn wedding of his own.

If unmarried girl eats candy - a rich man will become her chosen one.

The patient saw that he was eating sweets - to a long illness.

If in a dream they give candy - a promotion.

Dream interpretation - candy

Making sweets in a dream means improving your well-being through diligence, diligence, hard work.

To dream that you are eating crumbly, crunchy candy speaks of secular pleasures and promises love to young and older people. Sour candy is a sign of illness or that annoyance and irritation will replace the previous boundless trust.

Receive a box of chocolates as a gift - promises young man someone's persistent but hypocritical harassment. Usually this dream promises prosperity. If you yourself send someone a box of chocolates, you will soon make an offer (business or marriage), but you will be disappointed: hopes will not come true.

Dream interpretation - candy

The dream in which you eat crispy candy suggests that you will be happy in love and live a secular life rich in pleasures. However, sour candy portends disappointment in a loved one.

If a girl dreams that she is receiving a box of chocolates as a gift, in reality this means that she will have to fight the persistent harassment of the young man.

When a young man dreams that he is giving a box of chocolates, this suggests that he will propose to a girl who will reject him.

See a lot of cakes

Dream interpretation see a lot of cakes dreamed why in a dream see a lot of cakes? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of cakes in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - There are a lot of children to see

Dream interpretation - Cake

Seeing a festively decorated cake in a dream is a sign of joy and fun.

If you dream that you are presented with a cake or put it in front of you, then expect flattering offers that will promise big profits, winnings or easy money. Eating a cake in a dream means that you should not give in to beautiful promises and agree to participate in a dubious business. To bake a cake yourself in a dream is a good sign that you will become the hero of a big celebration on the occasion of the successful completion of the case. Decorating a cake in a dream is a warning of deception or betrayal. If in a dream you yourself begin to decorate the cake, then you will have to puzzle over how to defeat cunning opponents. See interpretation: cake, cream.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Pleasant trouble.

Buying a cake means debt.

To receive a cake as a gift is a pleasant surprise.

Baking a cake is the beginning of a business that you better refuse.

Eating a delicious cake - to profit, success, mutual love.

A girl who has a groom is dreaming about a cake on a wedding table - her marriage will suddenly be upset.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Seeing a cake, like any dough products - your chosen one (or chosen one) is quite worthy of you, perhaps you will take possession of some property by making charitable contributions, you will amuse your vanity;
for courageous and enterprising people - a fresh cake is a profit;
for lovers - happiness in love;
for a girl - a wedding cake - failure;
baking cakes - sleep is not very favorable.
Also see Confectionery.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Baking a cake - starting some suspicious business (it is better to refuse it before it's too late, otherwise your reputation will suffer).

Enjoying a delicious cake means spending time in a cheerful company, rejoicing in profit, success and mutual love, or simply receiving an invitation to visit an exquisite society.

For a bride, a dream about a cake on a wedding table is a disorder of marriage.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Cake - If you dreamed about a cake, then you shouldn't doubt your chosen one at all. You should formalize your relationship, and in the future you will have a happy family life that will delight you with financial stability.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Luxurious cake in a dream: This is a reflection of your premonitions of great success.

If at the same time you do not experience in your dream of hungry excitement burning candles decorating the cake: they portend the fulfillment of some desire.

Dream interpretation - Cake

There is a cake: in real life you attach an increased importance to appearance, and pay little attention to the true essence of things and often do not notice at all.

This often becomes the reason for your misunderstanding of the situation and the creation of difficulties.

Baking a cake: soon you will have to deal with a difficult and very responsible business that will reveal all your abilities.

Your further business life will depend on how skillfully you cope with the assigned task.

Dream interpretation - Cake

There is a cake - good luck.

Oddly enough, but if a woman dreams that she is eating a wedding cake

Dream interpretation - Cake

Cake lucky sign. Such a dream promises you good luck and pleasure.

Cut the cake

Dream interpretation cut cake dreamed why in a dream Cut the cake? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Cut the cake by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Cake

Seeing a festively decorated cake in a dream is a sign of joy and fun.

If you dream that you are presented with a cake or put it in front of you, then expect flattering offers that will promise big profits, winnings or easy money. Eating a cake in a dream means that you should not give in to beautiful promises and agree to participate in a dubious business. To bake a cake yourself in a dream is a good sign that you will become the hero of a big celebration on the occasion of the successful completion of the case. Decorating a cake in a dream is a warning of deception or betrayal. If in a dream you yourself begin to decorate the cake, then you will have to puzzle over how to defeat cunning opponents. See interpretation: cake, cream.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Pleasant trouble.

Buying a cake means debt.

To receive a cake as a gift is a pleasant surprise.

Baking a cake is the beginning of a business that you better refuse.

Eating a delicious cake - to profit, success, mutual love.

A girl who has a groom is dreaming about a cake on a wedding table - her marriage will suddenly be upset.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Seeing a cake, like any dough products - your chosen one (or chosen one) is quite worthy of you, perhaps you will take possession of some property by making charitable contributions, you will amuse your vanity;
for courageous and enterprising people - a fresh cake is a profit;
for lovers - happiness in love;
for a girl - a wedding cake - failure;
baking cakes - sleep is not very favorable.
Also see Confectionery.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Baking a cake - starting some suspicious business (it is better to refuse it before it's too late, otherwise your reputation will suffer).

Enjoying a delicious cake means spending time in a cheerful company, rejoicing in profit, success and mutual love, or simply receiving an invitation to visit an exquisite society.

For a bride, a dream about a cake on a wedding table is a disorder of marriage.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Cake - If you dreamed about a cake, then you shouldn't doubt your chosen one at all. You should formalize your relationship, and in the future you will have a happy family life that will delight you with financial stability.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Luxurious cake in a dream: This is a reflection of your premonitions of great success.

If at the same time you do not experience in your dream of hungry excitement burning candles decorating the cake: they portend the fulfillment of some desire.

Dream interpretation - Cake

There is a cake: in real life, you attach increased importance to appearance, but pay little attention to the true essence of things and often do not notice at all.

This often becomes the reason for your misunderstanding of the situation and the creation of difficulties.

Baking a cake: soon you will have to deal with a difficult and very responsible business that will reveal all your abilities.

Your further business life will depend on how skillfully you cope with the assigned task.

Dream interpretation - Cake

There is a cake - good luck.

Oddly enough, but if a woman dreams that she is eating a wedding cake

Dream interpretation - Cake

Cake lucky sign. Such a dream promises you good luck and pleasure.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Cake - Oven - if you make a specific wish on the same day, it will come true. See, buy - to sweet life, well-being. There is - to carnal pleasures, an affectionate partner in sex.

Treat with cake

Dream interpretation treat with cake dreamed why in a dream Treat with cake? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Treat with a cake by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Cake

Seeing a festively decorated cake in a dream is a sign of joy and fun.

If you dream that you are presented with a cake or put it in front of you, then expect flattering offers that will promise big profits, winnings or easy money. Eating a cake in a dream means that you should not give in to beautiful promises and agree to participate in a dubious business. To bake a cake yourself in a dream is a good sign that you will become the hero of a big celebration on the occasion of the successful completion of the case. Decorating a cake in a dream is a warning of deception or betrayal. If in a dream you yourself begin to decorate the cake, then you will have to puzzle over how to defeat cunning opponents. See interpretation: cake, cream.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Pleasant trouble.

Buying a cake means debt.

To receive a cake as a gift is a pleasant surprise.

Baking a cake is the beginning of a business that you better refuse.

Eating a delicious cake - to profit, success, mutual love.

A girl who has a groom is dreaming about a cake on a wedding table - her marriage will suddenly be upset.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Seeing a cake, like any dough products - your chosen one (or chosen one) is quite worthy of you, perhaps you will take possession of some property by making charitable contributions, you will amuse your vanity;
for courageous and enterprising people - a fresh cake is a profit;
for lovers - happiness in love;
for a girl - a wedding cake - failure;
baking cakes - sleep is not very favorable.
Also see Confectionery.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Baking a cake - starting some suspicious business (it is better to refuse it before it's too late, otherwise your reputation will suffer).

Enjoying a delicious cake means spending time in a cheerful company, rejoicing in profit, success and mutual love, or simply receiving an invitation to visit an exquisite society.

For a bride, a dream about a cake on a wedding table is a disorder of marriage.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Cake - If you dreamed about a cake, then you shouldn't doubt your chosen one at all. You should formalize your relationship, and in the future you will have a happy family life that will delight you with financial stability.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Luxurious cake in a dream: This is a reflection of your premonitions of great success.

If at the same time you do not experience in your dream of hungry excitement burning candles decorating the cake: they portend the fulfillment of some desire.

Dream interpretation - Cake

There is a cake: in real life, you attach increased importance to appearance, but pay little attention to the true essence of things and often do not notice at all.

This often becomes the reason for your misunderstanding of the situation and the creation of difficulties.

Baking a cake: soon you will have to deal with a difficult and very responsible business that will reveal all your abilities.

Your further business life will depend on how skillfully you cope with the assigned task.

Dream interpretation - Cake

There is a cake - good luck.

Oddly enough, but if a woman dreams that she is eating a wedding cake

Dream interpretation - Cake

Cake lucky sign. Such a dream promises you good luck and pleasure.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Cake - Oven - if you make a specific wish on the same day, it will come true. Seeing, buying - to a sweet life, well-being. There is - to carnal pleasures, an affectionate partner in sex.

Eating chocolate cake

Dream interpretation Eat chocolate cake dreamed of why in a dream Eat a chocolate cake? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Eating a chocolate cake by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Cake

Seeing a festively decorated cake in a dream is a sign of joy and fun.

If you dream that you are presented with a cake or put it in front of you, then expect flattering offers that will promise big profits, winnings or easy money. Eating a cake in a dream means that you should not give in to beautiful promises and agree to participate in a dubious business. To bake a cake yourself in a dream is a good sign that you will become the hero of a big celebration on the occasion of the successful completion of the case. Decorating a cake in a dream is a warning of deception or betrayal. If in a dream you yourself begin to decorate the cake, then you will have to puzzle over how to defeat cunning opponents. See interpretation: cake, cream.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Pleasant trouble.

Buying a cake means debt.

To receive a cake as a gift is a pleasant surprise.

Baking a cake is the beginning of a business that you better refuse.

Eating a delicious cake - to profit, success, mutual love.

A girl who has a groom is dreaming about a cake on a wedding table - her marriage will suddenly be upset.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Seeing a cake, like any dough products - your chosen one (or chosen one) is quite worthy of you, perhaps you will take possession of some property by making charitable contributions, you will amuse your vanity;
for courageous and enterprising people - a fresh cake is a profit;
for lovers - happiness in love;
for a girl - a wedding cake - failure;
baking cakes - sleep is not very favorable.
Also see Confectionery.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Baking a cake - starting some suspicious business (it is better to refuse it before it's too late, otherwise your reputation will suffer).

Enjoying a delicious cake means spending time in a cheerful company, rejoicing in profit, success and mutual love, or simply receiving an invitation to visit an exquisite society.

For a bride, a dream about a cake on a wedding table is a disorder of marriage.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Cake - If you dreamed about a cake, then you shouldn't doubt your chosen one at all. You should formalize your relationship, and in the future you will have a happy family life that will delight you with financial stability.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Luxurious cake in a dream: This is a reflection of your premonitions of great success.

If at the same time you do not experience in your dream of hungry excitement burning candles decorating the cake: they portend the fulfillment of some desire.

Dream interpretation - Cake

There is a cake: in real life, you attach increased importance to appearance, but pay little attention to the true essence of things and often do not notice at all.

This often becomes the reason for your misunderstanding of the situation and the creation of difficulties.

Baking a cake: soon you will have to deal with a difficult and very responsible business that will reveal all your abilities.

Your further business life will depend on how skillfully you cope with the assigned task.

Dream interpretation - Cake

There is a cake - good luck.

Oddly enough, but if a woman dreams that she is eating a wedding cake

Dream interpretation - Cake

Cake lucky sign. Such a dream promises you good luck and pleasure.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Cake - Oven - if you make a specific wish on the same day, it will come true. Seeing, buying - to a sweet life, well-being. There is - to carnal pleasures, an affectionate partner in sex.

3 large cakes

Dream interpretation 3 large cakes dreamed why there are 3 large cakes in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see 3 large cakes in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Cake

Seeing a festively decorated cake in a dream is a sign of joy and fun.

If you dream that you are presented with a cake or put it in front of you, then expect flattering offers that will promise big profits, winnings or easy money. Eating a cake in a dream means that you should not give in to beautiful promises and agree to participate in a dubious business. To bake a cake yourself in a dream is a good sign that you will become the hero of a big celebration on the occasion of the successful completion of the case. Decorating a cake in a dream is a warning of deception or betrayal. If in a dream you yourself begin to decorate the cake, then you will have to puzzle over how to defeat cunning opponents. See interpretation: cake, cream.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Pleasant trouble.

Buying a cake means debt.

To receive a cake as a gift is a pleasant surprise.

Baking a cake is the beginning of a business that you better refuse.

Eating a delicious cake - to profit, success, mutual love.

A girl who has a groom is dreaming about a cake on a wedding table - her marriage will suddenly be upset.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Seeing a cake, like any dough products - your chosen one (or chosen one) is quite worthy of you, perhaps you will take possession of some property by making charitable contributions, you will amuse your vanity;
for courageous and enterprising people - a fresh cake is a profit;
for lovers - happiness in love;
for a girl - a wedding cake - failure;
baking cakes - sleep is not very favorable.
Also see Confectionery.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Baking a cake - starting some suspicious business (it is better to refuse it before it's too late, otherwise your reputation will suffer).

Enjoying a delicious cake means spending time in a cheerful company, rejoicing in profit, success and mutual love, or simply receiving an invitation to visit an exquisite society.

For a bride, a dream about a cake on a wedding table is a disorder of marriage.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Cake - If you dreamed about a cake, then you shouldn't doubt your chosen one at all. You should formalize your relationship, and in the future you will have a happy family life that will delight you with financial stability.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Luxurious cake in a dream: This is a reflection of your premonitions of great success.

If at the same time you do not experience in your dream of hungry excitement burning candles decorating the cake: they portend the fulfillment of some desire.

Dream interpretation - Cake

There is a cake: in real life, you attach increased importance to appearance, but pay little attention to the true essence of things and often do not notice at all.

This often becomes the reason for your misunderstanding of the situation and the creation of difficulties.

Baking a cake: soon you will have to deal with a difficult and very responsible business that will reveal all your abilities.

Your further business life will depend on how skillfully you cope with the assigned task.

Dream interpretation - Cake

There is a cake - good luck.

Oddly enough, but if a woman dreams that she is eating a wedding cake

Dream interpretation - Cake

Cake lucky sign. Such a dream promises you good luck and pleasure.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Cake - Oven - if you make a specific wish on the same day, it will come true. Seeing, buying - to a sweet life, well-being. There is - to carnal pleasures, an affectionate partner in sex.

Worms in the cake

Dream interpretation Worms in a cake dreamed of why in a dream Worms in a cake? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Worms in a cake in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Cake

Seeing a festively decorated cake in a dream is a sign of joy and fun.

If you dream that you are presented with a cake or put it in front of you, then expect flattering offers that will promise big profits, winnings or easy money. Eating a cake in a dream means that you should not give in to beautiful promises and agree to participate in a dubious business. To bake a cake yourself in a dream is a good sign that you will become the hero of a big celebration on the occasion of the successful completion of the case. Decorating a cake in a dream is a warning of deception or betrayal. If in a dream you yourself begin to decorate the cake, then you will have to puzzle over how to defeat cunning opponents. See interpretation: cake, cream.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Pleasant trouble.

Buying a cake means debt.

To receive a cake as a gift is a pleasant surprise.

Baking a cake is the beginning of a business that you better refuse.

Eating a delicious cake - to profit, success, mutual love.

A girl who has a groom is dreaming about a cake on a wedding table - her marriage will suddenly be upset.

Dream interpretation - Worms

If you dreamed of worms, then in reality dishonest people will weave intrigues around you.

Earthworms dream of a change in relationships with someone dear and close to you.

The aspirations and hopes of a young woman who dreamed that worms were crawling over her will always be associated with something material.

If she managed to kill or throw them off, then in reality she will strive for spiritual and moral values.

A dream in which you used worms as bait for fish portends that your ingenuity will help you outwit enemies.

Sometimes a dream about worms should be taken as a call: take care of your health.

If in a dream you put a worm on a hook, going to fish, then you urgently need to change your style of clothing. The people around you have long been accustomed to you, and you do not surprise them with anything. And the person you like won't pay attention to you either if you don't change.

If a woman dreamed that she crushed a worm, then some very persistent suitor will claim her. With him you will need to behave very harshly - then he will understand that he has no chance.

If such a dream was seen by a man, it means that he needs to treat his wife with great trust and not arrange endless scenes of jealousy for her.

Dream interpretation - Worms

Seeing worms is profit.

Rainfall - sadness.

There are worms - a nuisance.

To kill a worm is to free yourself from some kind of evil.

To see them on yourself - secret sorrows, an unpleasant society.

To see a lot of worms around you - laziness / longing for the past, the approach of old age.

The worms devouring all around are a symbol of time.

To get them out of your pocket - to feel like a “living corpse”.

To be among giant worms is to contemplate your voluptuous aspirations.

Worms around are crawling out of the ground - fatty toxins of your body

Dream interpretation - Cake

Seeing a cake, like any dough products - your chosen one (or chosen one) is quite worthy of you, perhaps you will take possession of some property by making charitable contributions, you will amuse your vanity;
for courageous and enterprising people - a fresh cake is a profit;
for lovers - happiness in love;
for a girl - a wedding cake - failure;
baking cakes - sleep is not very favorable.
Also see Confectionery.

Dream interpretation - Worms

Seeing earthworms in a dream portends disappointment in love and marriage. A worm in an apple or other fruits is a sign of annoying misunderstandings and mutual reproaches between spouses.

If you dreamed of white worms teeming with sewage, this predicts you in the near future an impartial conversation and conviction of treason. Catching fish for worms in a dream is a sign of good health and prosperity in the house.

Worms are like a suit of cards - you will have to give up your principles, because only in this way will you be able to achieve what you want. If the worms in your dream are a trump suit, then you are assured of lasting success in the business field.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Baking a cake - starting some suspicious business (it is better to refuse it before it's too late, otherwise your reputation will suffer).

Enjoying a delicious cake means spending time in a cheerful company, rejoicing in profit, success and mutual love, or simply receiving an invitation to visit an exquisite society.

For a bride, a dream about a cake on a wedding table is a disorder of marriage.

Dream interpretation - Worm

Worm - Seeing earthworms in a dream - to a change in relationships with someone dear and close to you.

If in your dream you put a worm on a hook, going to fish, then you urgently need to change your style of clothing, to which everyone around you has long been accustomed, and you do not surprise them with anything. If you continue to dress like this, then the object of your sympathy will not very soon turn its attention to you.

Crush a worm in a dream - for women, this dream means the claims of some very persistent boyfriend, with whom you will need to behave very harshly - only then he will understand that you are not interested in his person. If such a dream was seen by a man, it means that he needs to treat his wife with great trust and not suspect her of treason at every step.

Dream interpretation - earthworms

Despite the fact that seeing worms in a dream is not very pleasant, the symbolism of sleep means success and well-being. If you have seen worms that crawled out to the surface of the earth after rain, do not be afraid of a black day: friends will provide you with the necessary financial aid when you need it. If in a dream you dug worms for fishing, your work will bring you super profit.

Imagine collecting worms and going fishing. The fish bite great! You are returning home with a wonderful catch.

Dream interpretation - Worms

Seeing worms in a dream means that you will be depressed by the low intrigues of dishonest people.

If a young woman sees in a dream that they are crawling over her, the dream suggests that her aspirations and hopes will always be associated with something material. If she kills or dumps them, then in reality she will be able to get rid of lethargic immersion in the world of material and property interests and will strive to live in a world of spiritual and moral values.

Using worms in a dream as bait for fishing portends that, thanks to your ingenuity, you will be able to benefit from the mistakes of your enemies.

Sometimes a dream about worms prompts you to take care of your health.

to see pieces of cake in a dream, what does it mean?


Only yours..

Seeing pieces of cake in a dream is a happy sign. Such a dream promises you good luck and pleasure.


It's time to get off diets.


just to see, doesn't really mean anything, maybe you love sweets very much)
eat cake, buy it, for pleasure


to pleasant moments

Jose Ramirez

She went to bed hungry.


To a fleeting joy!


to a great pastime

Elizaveta Sergeeva

to enjoy life


on Friday, February 7th, buy a cake and eat. then watch the opening of the Olympiad. here's a piece of advice ...

Nadezhda Lomaeva

guests will come and there will be them according to the number of pieces of cake seen in a dream

Your enemy is eating the cake

Dream interpretation Cake is eaten by your enemy dreamed why in a dream Does your enemy eat cake? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your enemy in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Cake

Seeing a festively decorated cake in a dream is a sign of joy and fun.

If you dream that you are presented with a cake or put it in front of you, then expect flattering offers that will promise big profits, winnings or easy money. Eating a cake in a dream means that you should not give in to beautiful promises and agree to participate in a dubious business. To bake a cake yourself in a dream is a good sign that you will become the hero of a big celebration on the occasion of the successful completion of the case. Decorating a cake in a dream is a warning of deception or betrayal. If in a dream you yourself begin to decorate the cake, then you will have to puzzle over how to defeat cunning opponents. See interpretation: cake, cream.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Pleasant trouble.

Buying a cake means debt.

To receive a cake as a gift is a pleasant surprise.

Baking a cake is the beginning of a business that you better refuse.

Eating a delicious cake - to profit, success, mutual love.

A girl who has a groom is dreaming about a cake on a wedding table - her marriage will suddenly be upset.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Seeing a cake, like any dough products - your chosen one (or chosen one) is quite worthy of you, perhaps you will take possession of some property by making charitable contributions, you will amuse your vanity;
for courageous and enterprising people - a fresh cake is a profit;
for lovers - happiness in love;
for a girl - a wedding cake - failure;
baking cakes - sleep is not very favorable.
Also see Confectionery.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Baking a cake - starting some suspicious business (it is better to refuse it before it's too late, otherwise your reputation will suffer).

Enjoying a delicious cake means spending time in a cheerful company, rejoicing in profit, success and mutual love, or simply receiving an invitation to visit an exquisite society.

For a bride, a dream about a cake on a wedding table is a disorder of marriage.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Cake - If you dreamed about a cake, then you shouldn't doubt your chosen one at all. You should formalize your relationship, and in the future you will have a happy family life that will delight you with financial stability.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Luxurious cake in a dream: This is a reflection of your premonitions of great success.

If at the same time you do not experience in your dream of hungry excitement burning candles decorating the cake: they portend the fulfillment of some desire.

Dream interpretation - Cake

There is a cake: in real life, you attach increased importance to appearance, but pay little attention to the true essence of things and often do not notice at all.

This often becomes the reason for your misunderstanding of the situation and the creation of difficulties.

Baking a cake: soon you will have to deal with a difficult and very responsible business that will reveal all your abilities.

Your further business life will depend on how skillfully you cope with the assigned task.

Dream interpretation - Cake

There is a cake - good luck.

Oddly enough, but if a woman dreams that she is eating a wedding cake

Dream interpretation - Cake

Cake lucky sign. Such a dream promises you good luck and pleasure.

Dream interpretation - Cake

Cake - Oven - if you make a specific wish on the same day, it will come true. Seeing, buying - to a sweet life, well-being. There is - to carnal pleasures, an affectionate partner in sex.

Dreamed of a huge cake? Expect joy. arrived. pleasant events. But if the product was a wedding, then forget about your hopes. Dream interpretation will consider different options dreams and establish the true picture.

Why dream of a cake according to Miller's dream book

If a married woman dreams of a wedding cake on the table of the newlyweds, her marriage will suddenly collapse. A dream in which you consider a fresh cake is a sign of an imminent profit; for couples in love, this is happiness in relationships; for a lonely girl, a dream about a wedding cake portends failure.

If in a dream you go to the nearest pastry shop and buy a cake there, it means that in reality, if you feel like a defenseless and unclaimed person, you will not have to go far, help will be very close.

Cake in a dream - Wangi's dream book

Biting off a spoiled cake in a dream is a sign that in real life you have been pondering for a very long time about the offer that you recently made. Eating a cake is a sign of mutual love or a good deal. A similar dream for a woman, it can predict the end of a relationship with a lover.

A dream about cake or pastries means that your betrothed is worthy of your love. However, such a dream may mean that you will possess some kind of property. For couples in love - predicts well-being in love relationships.

Freud's dream book cake

According to Freud, cake and other dough products show a person's carelessness in a love relationship and a desire to achieve pleasure without consequences.

A big loss in business will bring a dream in which you stand in line for a cake, but literally the last cake is taken in front of you. If in a dream, you dreamed that you did not eat a piece of the cut cake - a sign that close people need your help.

Dream Interpretation Hasse - why a cake is dreaming in a dream

According to the dream book of the psychic Hasse, receiving a cake in a dream as a gift is a profit or happy events, trying it - for an early meeting of guests, baking - to receive an invitation to a significant holiday for you, to carry and put a cake on the table - to vain attempts to achieve the love of the desired person.

Esoteric dream book - what does it mean if you dreamed about a cake

Buying a cake is a symbol of a prosperous life, which can truly be called sweet. Eat - physiological pleasures await you sexually, your partner will be very gentle and affectionate.

Eating a cake with white cream is a symbol of future changes in life, which will be crowned with success. Chocolate cream speaks of new acquaintances and it is possible that such a dream promises you new romance or improving family relationships.

Blue color - to a serious quarrel, yellow cream - to separation, and green - to possible sadness. But the most negative shade of the cream is black. It symbolizes serious illness.

Cake in a dream - Longo's dream book

If in your dream, it turns out, blowing out the candles the first time is a sign that you can overcome any obstacles without any problems. However, if the candles do not go out at the same time, it means that these troubles will be quite serious. Be careful, this is a warning dream.

In a dream, baking a cake is a sign that in the near future you will be engaged in a complex business that may well demonstrate your abilities. Your future career depends on how you cope with the task. If you dreamed about a large and beautifully decorated cake, then in reality you will find joyful meeting with close friends.

What else can a cake dream about?

  • cutting a cake is a sign of sharing your profits with work partners;
  • baking a cake is a dubious business that should be abandoned;
  • to buy a cake - to debts;
  • eating a cake - to success in love;
  • blowing out the candles on the cake is a symbol of trouble, you yourself can destroy your well-being.
  • cream cake - wait for an invitation to visit;
  • a cake on an empty table - to unexpected guests who will bring good news with them;
  • the cake on the set table promises you pleasant impressions from the requested guests, those for whom you have been missing for a long time.

It is not at all surprising that you dream of sweets when in reality you are trying to limit yourself to them. But if you are not on a diet, and you dreamed about a huge cake, then this dream will be filled with a certain meaning. The French dream book cake is very happy sign, and what do other interpretations say?

In "sweet" dreams, as in most others, clarifying details play an important role. However, a cake in a dream is almost always interpreted favorably - with the exception, perhaps, of one or two options. Therefore, we will try to analyze the most common plots in which a cake can be seen.

  • You just dreamed about a cake - in this case, it is important what it was like.
  • I dreamed that you ate a cake.
  • You yourself baked it in your sleep.
  • Or bought in a store.
  • Have you treated someone to this dessert or, on the contrary, treated you to.

Depending on the type of confectionery, its freshness and the actions that you perform with it, you can interpret how your relationship will develop in a couple or in business, creative or social projects. If you see a lot of confectionery in a dream, the effect of your dream will be multiple, and what it will be depends on the plot of the dream.

Seeing a fresh and beautiful cake in a dream, according to Miller's dream book, promises quick profits. Vanga's dream book has his own opinion of what the cake is about: such a vision may indicate that your chosen one is worthy of warm feelings for him. If you have already thought about legalizing your relationship, then you should not delay with this - the marriage will be successful both from the moral and material side.

The cake in a dream is large and beautiful promises a fun and pleasant get-together with friends or pleasant chores related to the reception of guests. Another option is also possible: in the near future, another fairly significant object will appear in the list of property that you own. Different dream books agree that the cake in a dream is a symbol of profit, but this profit will come to you only as a result of honest work.

  • What is the dream of a decorated cake, the Esoteric dream book interprets in different ways depending on the color of the cream. If baked goods with cream white, which means that positive changes await you in reality.
  • The cream was chocolate - in real life you will meet new people, and it is likely that some of them will develop into strong friendships, while others - into romantic relationships. For married people, such a vision promises to strengthen relations with their soul mate.

I dreamed about a cake with candles, which means you can make a wish - it will come true in reality. as a decoration on a confection in your dream anticipates a new passionate relationship.

Gourmets, let's start!

There are cakes in a dream - most dream books interpret such a vision as lucky sign... A love dream book, a cake that you happened to eat in your dreams, explains this: your sexual partner will be affectionate and gentle with you. Chocolate cake means that everything will go like clockwork.

Why dream of a cake if it is not the first freshness? The fortuneteller Wanga believed that the vision in which he had to eat it symbolizes your indecision: you need to accept the offer made to you in business or in your personal life, otherwise it will "sour". In addition, you should pay more attention to the essence of what is happening and to the feelings of people, and not only to the outer gloss, - this is how Yuri Longo's author's dream book interprets the dream in which you had a cake.

There is a delicious cake, the Eastern Dream Book interprets, which means that you will be satisfied with the results of your labors and happy in your personal life. Miller's dream book considers such a vision for lovers to be a favorable sign - their relationship will be long and lasting.

Also eat a piece of pastry with large quantity butter cream can promise an invitation to a respectable reception. This can turn out to be not just a friendly party, but a social event, for which you will need to prepare accordingly.

Perhaps only the vision in which the wedding cake was present should alert the sleeper. Miller's dream book considers such a dream unfavorable for both a young girl and married woman: in the first, a large wedding cake suggests that the planned marriage may not take place, and in the second, that her marriage is in danger. You need to show a lot of tact and attention to keep the relationship if it is dear to you.

We bake, we buy, we treat

If in a dream you had to bake an exquisite dessert, then you have big choice how to interpret such a dream. First, baking a cake is a sign that you can receive an invitation to a family celebration. Secondly, if you dreamed of making a cake, immediately after waking up you can make a wish - they say that it will definitely come true.

Thirdly, baking such a dessert means that you have to take on a very important job. At the same time, this business will be quite difficult, but if you cope with it, then a solid reward awaits you. Also, if you dreamed of baking a cake, on the same day, take up the business that you planned - then he will be ensured a successful implementation.

What does it mean to buy a cake? There is no unambiguous interpretation here. Some dream books are sure what to buy confectionery- to a profitable businessman, others believe that you need to be very careful in financial matters so as not to end up in a "debt trap".

Standing in line for cakes and find that they ran out in front of your nose - get ready for some serious competition in order to get your "piece of the pie" in the end. Apparently, you yourself have to choose the interpretation that more reflects the circumstances of your life.

To treat in a dream with a cake or present a dessert as a gift, says the Love Dream Book, means that in reality you need to make a lot of effort to get the location of your beloved. But if you were treated to sweets, then luck will not pass you by. Cutting this dessert - good sign: the business that you start together with partners will turn out to be profitable.

Many people cannot imagine their life without sweets, especially cakes. Beautifully designed appetizing pastries are associated with a carefree life, fun, pleasure. The dream of a cake is not surprising in this case. However, in order to correctly interpret the dream, one should take into account the type of baking, the presence of additives, the degree of freshness of the product, the actions performed with delicious dessert.

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    Key values

    Most dream books claim that the sweets seen in a dream are a symbol of an easy and carefree period in life path.

    This time will be filled with pleasant meetings and acquaintances. A person will not experience financial difficulties, relations with a loved one will improve.

    Cakes and pastries are a harbinger not only of festive events, but also of good relations between people. To dream of sweet pastries that a friend is holding in their hands is to improve the relationship with this person. A stranger in a dream promises a quick pleasant acquaintance and communication with an interesting person.

    When interpreting a dream, you should pay attention to the details of the treat.

    Treating sweetness to your best friend - to a trip abroad, which will leave only pleasant memories.

    There is a treat with a spoon - to a new place of work, with a fork - to receive a bonus and increase wages... Licking a spoon after the cake is eaten - to good news from afar, leaving some crumbs on a plate - for a solemn event with relatives.

    Enjoying the taste of baking at a party with friends portends love and vivid romantic emotions, at home - for making a purchase for the improvement of your own home.

    Eating a large piece of sweet treats will open up an extraordinary type of thinking and creativity in yourself.

    Why is a girl dreaming - interpretation of dream books

    If you dreamed that the dreamer was preparing a cake

    If the dreamer saw in a dream the process of cooking a sweet dessert, then such a night vision symbolizes the secret feelings and emotions of a person.

    Chocolate cake speaks of shyness and low self-esteem of the dreamer, and baking a sweet product with nuts symbolizes getting rid of internal complexes.

    Buying the necessary ingredients for baking in the store suggests that the person is afraid to talk about their warm feelings.

    Baking a lot of large cakes is good news from good friends.

    Who was the helper in baking the cake?

    The person who helped bake the cake is of great importance:

    1. 1. If the mother acted as an assistant, this portends trouble, which the person can easily cope with.
    2. 2. Cooking a treat with a friend or sister promises a transition to a new place of work.
    3. 3. Baking a cake with your best friends - to dramatic changes in your life.
    4. 4. If a nice man helped in the kitchen, then this promises a romantic acquaintance, which will develop into a serious relationship.
    5. 5. Cooking sweets with a child - to fulfill your cherished desire and achieve your goals.

    What does buying a dessert promise?

    Buying a large white cake means that the dreamer is in good relationship with my colleagues. Buy chocolate treat- to be in the spotlight at work. Buy a large number of small cakes - to a successful outcome of the event started.

    Making a purchase of sweets for someone from your friends or family is a long journey.

    To dream of a cake on a shelf in a store - to a calm and measured life. To buy a delicacy quickly and without hesitation - the dreamer will enjoy being alone. If, in order to make a choice of a sweet product, a person needed long reflections, then he will strive to stay in the company of good friends and acquaintances.

    To watch another person make a purchase, guests will soon arrive from afar.

    Buying a treat and eating it right in the store portends jealousy best friend.

    The purchase of a spoiled cake with worms promises an unexpected ending to a tangled story.

    If a pregnant woman dreamed that she wants to buy a cake, then this indicates that she is enjoying her position, and in the future she will have easy childbirth.

    What does the cake action mean?

    The purchase of a sweet treat promises a salary increase or the purchase of the right thing for the house. Getting dirty with a cake means unexpected expenses, the appearance of debts.

    Selling a sweet treat promises a break in relations with a loved one.

    To offer a nice young man to try a baked cake - to a new romantic acquaintance. Receive sweet dessert out of hand unfamiliar guy means that someone is not indifferent to the dreamer.

    Putting a treat on the table is a pleasant surprise.

    Find a cake by accident - stranger will tell the dreamer good news.

    Giving a cake to a man for his birthday is a sign that the dreamer is unhappy with her intimate life.

    If you dreamed that you had a chance to stand a long line for a sweet dessert, but in the end they ended right in front of a person, then this promises great material losses in business.

    What does the appearance of a sweet treat indicate?

    A large cake foreshadows the onset of a "white" streak in a person's life. Good luck will accompany you in all your endeavors. How larger size treats, the more joyful moments there will be.

    A cake with candles is one of the most auspicious symbols. Ahead of the dreamer are cardinal life changes for the better. The number of candles will indicate the number of days or weeks that remain until the cherished dream comes true.

    The presence of candles on a sweet treat suggests that the dreamer will play an important role in the life of another person.

    Blowing out the candles means the beginning of a period of calm and regularity. In the event that you had to blow out the candles several times, you should pay more attention to your direct responsibilities at work. The dreamer's efforts will be noted by his superiors, which will be a reason for promotion.

    An esoteric dream book suggests that on the day when you dreamed of a cake with candles, you need to make a wish. It must be fulfilled soon.

    What to expect from your nightly dreams of different types of sweet pastries?

    A cake covered in chocolate portends a happy family life, prosperity in the house and mutual respect for each other of all family members.

    If you dreamed of a beautiful cake with cream, then this promises dramatic changes in the dreamer's life path. The interpreter of dreams says that it is very important to look at the color of the cream. White symbolizes a person's optimistic attitude, which will help him forget about past failures and start life from a new page. Cream Pink colour promises a pleasant surprise from the second half.

    According to Freud, the dreamed Napoleon cake suggests that the dreamer is a rather selfish nature. He is able to satisfy only his sexual needs, without thinking about the feelings and desires of other people.

    A honey-based cake symbolizes victory over enemies and competitors, with nuts - portends some unforeseen circumstances that will prevent the implementation of the plan. A delicacy with prunes warns that soon the dreamer will have to perform a boring, but quite profitable job.

    Dessert, decorated with mastic, promises problems with excess weight. You should limit yourself in the use of flour products.

    A cake with red berries promises a sleeping person bright erotic adventures. Troubles portend black or green berries.

    A delicacy with fruit promises an early successful marriage and replenishment in the family. Fruit different colors promise a variety of emotions and experiences.

    What should you be prepared for if you happen to taste a wedding cake?

    Despite all positive value, for a girl, a wedding cake portends the beginning of a period of serious problems. There is this sweet dessert - to trouble in all areas of life.

    A creamy white wedding cake portends longing, sadness and despair.

    For a woman, a dream in which she was treated to a wedding treat portends scandals and misunderstandings with her future husband. This marriage will be unhappy and will not last long.

    For an entrepreneur, such a dream promises the successful signing of a lucrative contract. The efforts made will be rewarded with significant income from the planned event.

    What does the use of a sweet treat promise?

    If the dreamer eats a fresh cake in a dream, then this promises her an acquaintance with a kind young man who will be unusually courteous and caring. Also, this dream portends an interesting pastime with good friends, a fun feast and pleasant communication.

    A large multi-tiered cake promises an early fulfillment of a cherished dream.

    A tasty cake is a symbol family happiness and a quick replenishment in the family. If a girl dreamed of such a dream, then this promises the recognition of the man she likes in his tender feelings.

    A stale and tasteless cake warns a person not to abuse alcohol, smoking and others bad habits... This will have a detrimental effect on your health.

    Drinking tea with a cake - to receive good news from a loved one. He confesses his feelings or proposes to the dreamer. Another interpretation of sleep is attending a large family celebration.

    Each person must independently decide whether to believe the interpreters of dreams. However, sometimes you should listen to them.

Seeing a festively decorated cake in a dream is a sign of joy and fun.

If you dream that you are presented with a cake or put it in front of you, then expect flattering offers that will promise big profits, winnings or easy money.

Eating a cake in a dream means that you should not give in to beautiful promises and agree to participate in a dubious business.

To bake a cake yourself in a dream is a good sign that you will become the hero of a big celebration on the occasion of the successful completion of the case. Decorating a cake in a dream is a warning of deception or betrayal.

If in a dream you yourself begin to decorate the cake, then you will have to puzzle over how to defeat cunning opponents. See interpretation: cake, cream.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

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Dream interpretation - Cake

Luxurious cake in a dream: This is a reflection of your premonitions of great success.

If at the same time you do not experience in your dream of hungry excitement burning candles decorating the cake: they portend the fulfillment of some desire.

Interpretation of dreams from