Sponsor for financial assistance on whatsapp. Is there a rich millionaire who gives away money

Fundraising - sponsorship, or just charity, is becoming increasingly important every day. In America alone, about $500 million is donated to charity every year. Usually people feel embarrassed and embarrassed when they have to borrow.

Thanks to the tech boom, there are many new ways to get money in debt or even get it for free.

Today, almost everything is possible through the Internet. Asking for money from wealthy people is no exception. After all, no one is immune from getting into difficult life situations. There is no shame in asking for help.

Money can be transferred directly to the card, respectively, it will be possible to use them almost immediately. This plays an important role in situations where money is needed, for example, for an urgent operation and every second is precious.

To get help, you need to:

  • find a list of suitable forums or sites where people turn for such help;
  • to attract the right sponsors (especially foreigners), you need to describe the problem as accurately as possible, explaining exactly how the money received can help;

Step by step algorithm for getting help:

  • find a site in this field of activity;
  • register;
  • indicate what the money was needed for;
  • indicate the required amount;
  • indicate the methods of withdrawal / receipt of funds.

After the request for help is published, it remains only to wait until someone responds. This usually takes no more than a few days. Basically, it all depends on the goals and the required amount.

It is important to submit several applications on different resources, then the chances will increase significantly.

In order to increase the chances several times, it is important to describe in as much detail as possible the reason that prompted you to seek help. Moreover, the reasons can be completely different from the purchase of medicines to the purchase of a brand new yacht or a trip on vacation. There is so much more in our world good people than many are accustomed to think.

It is advisable to paint as emotionally as possible in order to at least slightly hurt the feelings of readers. So that after reading the questionnaire there really was a desire to help.

Many, as it is not strange, forget to indicate the details, and this is very important. After all, otherwise the money will have nowhere to send. People will want to help, but there will be no help. Who will get the money in this case is not known.

There are several areas for which money can always be obtained:

  • to develop your business;
  • to solve health problems;
  • for unforeseen expenses, a trip to a birthday party, and others.

Unfortunately, there are situations of acute need for financial resources. This may be a disease of someone close, an accident, a credit hole, lack of housing, etc. Also, money may be needed to support an existing business. But, there are cases when there is not even work to receive. All people can get help, you just need to know where to turn and correctly formulate your needs.

About the rich

Rich people can be called those who have money much more than they need for life. These can be successful entrepreneurs, famous scientists, employees in highly paid positions, world-famous athletes and recognition, and even the lucky ones who won money in a casino, for example.

There are enough such people in every country. Each of them has their own character traits and a more or less developed sense of compassion. Some of them would be happy to help someone once or even ready to help regularly, but they do not know such people. This is understandable, because their social circle, in most cases, consists of wealthy people.

Since now is the time of the development of the Internet, almost all serious people high level prosperity use the network for their own purposes. For them, the Internet is a platform for marketing, cooperation, etc. They also tend to have their own social media accounts. Knowing this, you can try to describe your situation and ask for financial assistance from a person.

But, some wealthy people cooperate with charitable foundations. Therefore, one should not be shy about contacting such funds, because it is there that they can help with food, housing, clothing, which is not so bad.

About scammers

Now there are many cases when a person can pretend that he needs money. It can be just lazy people who do not want to work, or scammers who are used to making money this way. On the Internet, it is especially difficult to distinguish them from the really people who need help. But, do not despair, as this article will provide comprehensive information about the ways and opportunities to find money from the rich.

About the poor and really needy

It's hard for people like that. It happens that asking someone is just inconvenient. But help is right there. If you are sincere in your request, then there is a very high probability of being heard.

Not everyone who needs money even has equipment with the ability to access the Internet. Therefore, if you have friends in need, then help them with the information from this article.

Where to look for the rich

At the moment, there are many opportunities to find a wealthy person with extra money. It can be:

  • personal acquaintance with such a person;
  • acquaintance with someone from his close circle (employees of the company, relatives, friends who could convey a request for help to a person);
  • social networks;
  • the website of the company in which he works or which he heads;
  • other sites that combine the interests of rich people and lead to their communication (business forums, specialized forums, etc.);
  • charity and help sites where a person who needs money can ask a wealthy person for help.

Social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram)

Social media is for rich people. For some of them, this is generally essential tool for work, advertising, sales, communication. But, there is a subtlety. It lies in the fact that some people hire a content manager, for example, who reads messages, answers them, fills in information on a page, community or group. That is, in some cases, you will have to contact another person who acts on behalf of the account owner. But, this is better than nothing, because in the message you can ask to transfer the request to the account owner.

Who to contact? This may be one of the entrepreneurs of the region where the needy lives. You can read the news, the same business forums of the region, to find out the names of rich people. You can not be tied to the region and turn to the most famous people but the chances are low to get a response.

Recommendation: as a rule, the appeal will be more productive if it is directed to developing businessmen, athletes who are just gaining popularity. In this case, such people maintain their own pages, and they have money.

Those who want to raise capital for their own or present can also contact such people. But, you must not forget to tell them that this offer can be very profitable and bring a stable passive income. . Therefore, if they see common sense in the provided message, then they will contact the specified contacts.

Company websites

Since most sites are aimed at selling goods / services or maintaining information business, that is, it is more likely to ask for help directly from the owner or founder of the company. For example, we drive in any name in a search engine. Let's say "Metal rolling Moscow site". Choose any site, let it be https://www.vestametall.ru/. We go to the "Contacts" tab. Almost always there will be addresses, names, phone numbers. Including managers, owners, board members. In this case, this is Povetkin Ruslan Viktorovich. You need to start the message with the words: “Urgent, to CEO...", or "Personal name". There is a high probability that the message will be read right person.

There are websites of companies where their owners do not hesitate to post their personal contacts for communication. Of course, they are for commercial purposes, but this is a chance to get help.

The only thing left to do is to choose the necessary websites of companies, shops, enterprises and send messages to them. We must not forget that site owners are people too and can help if everything is explained correctly.

Online business forums, forums of businessmen and entrepreneurs

For example, one of the Ukrainian forums http://forum.dobusiness.com.ua/ (each country has its own forums where entrepreneurs communicate, share ideas or look for partners). Such sites are good because you can turn to several rich people at once, who can hear a plea for help. But, there is also the possibility of personal appeal.

Do not forget that people gather there for their own benefit. Therefore, do not litter the forum with your posts. Enough one or two in the most active discussion threads. This will allow the message not to be deleted by the administration for spam. It is better to think about the quality of the message. Such people like to check information, so it must be given accurate and reliable. If there is a correspondence, please provide your phone number, email, page address in social network so that the person can be convinced of the seriousness of the request.

If you need money for treatment, then the presence of supporting documents will be a significant plus. If you need money for a startup, then you need to present information about the project, its benefits, payback, existing competitors, risks and guarantees as accurately and concisely as possible. If money is needed to eat, then it should be written. The main thing is not to invent and not try to cheat.

Charitable organization websites

The site http://pomogaem.com.ua/get_help_rus.html can serve as an example. Directly on the site you can get acquainted with the categories of those people who receive assistance. Of course, they will not give money here, but it is quite possible to knock out payment for expensive treatment for a child. Some categories of people in need who receive assistance:

  • orphans;
  • families raising children with disabilities;
  • large families;
  • families with children, but without one parent (single-parent families);
  • families in difficult circumstances etc.

Of course, there is no direct communication with rich people, but they take part by donating money to such funds. With their help, you can get clothes, medical treatment, food, baby clothes, prams and toys. Naturally, all possible documents must be provided here. Such funds helped to survive and get out of difficult life situations thousands of people in need.

Websites where you can write about your difficult financial situation

For example, the site http://malodeneg.com/. The site provides an opportunity to write your request with the hope of help. The disadvantage of such sites is that anyone and anything can write. Any links to photo or video sources that can confirm severe financial condition. Having competently taught information, there is a greater chance of getting help from caring people.


To sum up what was written, one can say: “Whoever seeks, he finds, and whoever knocks, it is opened to him.” If you do not lose hope and apply, then the chance of getting help is many times higher than if you do nothing at all.

Many people are familiar with the situation when they need a large amount of money that is not available. Funds may be needed for an expensive operation, paying for a lawyer, rebuilding a house after a fire, starting or developing a business, etc. Naturally, not everyone can afford to issue and repay a loan or borrow money from friends and relatives, but you can get the necessary amount, in addition, on gratuitous terms.

The material below will tell you where to look for financial help online and how to properly present your request for the best chance of getting it.

Where can I find a sponsor to provide financial assistance?

The World Wide Web provides big choice platforms for people in need of money to appeal to a wide audience, among which are wealthy sponsors. Receive financial assistance you can by registering and placing an ad on one of the major thematic sites:

Data and similar resources allow you to contact Internet users in free form- you can ask for money for any needs and count on free help from kind people.

As a rule, the audience of such sites are:

  • people in need of money - faced with a problem and decided to seek financial assistance to fight the disease, continue their education, make their dreams come true;
  • rich people are sponsors who are ready to part with money for free or expect to receive some kind of service in return;
  • kind people - sympathetic users who were touched by the story of a person in a difficult situation (most often they donate a small amount, but in such cases every penny counts).

In addition to free message boards You can ask for help from charitable foundations. Rich people willingly sponsor such organizations - they act as a guarantor that the money transferred will go to the really needy.

The largest charitable foundations in Russia include:

  • "Rusfond" - assistance to the disabled, sick children and orphans. Website - rusfond.ru;
  • "Help.Org" - targeted donations for social and medical needs. Website - pomogi.org;
  • "Give Life" - assistance to children with serious illnesses; Website - podari-zhizn.ru;
  • "Blago" - private donations to needy children, adults, the elderly and social projects. Website - blago.ru;
  • "Rus" is a food bank that provides assistance to the starving. Website - foodbankrus.ru.

How to increase the chances of receiving free money?

People in need place dozens and hundreds of new ads on the Internet every day, but not everyone finds a response. To increase your chances of receiving free cash assistance By publishing an appeal, it is recommended:

  1. Briefly tell about yourself indicating your full name and date of birth.
  2. Describe the problem in detail, for the solution of which money was needed:
    • if we are talking about an illness, indicate not only the diagnosis, but also list the required medicines, the time of treatment, etc.;
    • if funds are needed to open or develop a business, it is necessary to tell in detail about the project, present a development scheme, a payback period, so that rich people see a reason to invest;
    • if you need money for personal needs (loan repayment, expensive purchase, travel, education, etc.) - you will need a vivid story describing the importance of achieving this goal and listing the steps that were taken to achieve it earlier.
  3. Leave contacts(phone, Skype, e-mail) in case sponsors want to clarify some details before helping.
  4. Specify details to which money will be sent: bank accounts, card numbers, electronic wallets, etc.

The key factors in approaching potential sponsors are sincerity and detailing your problem - if the story evokes emotions in the person who reads it, then he will most likely respond. In addition, you should publish ads on several sites at once, increasing the likelihood that it will be noticed.

Advice: if you are not sure where to invest the accumulated money, check out the options for.

Summing up

You can get money from rich people for free through the Internet. There are special sites where you can place ads for free with a request for material support. You can also contact numerous charitable foundations for targeted assistance. To get money from sponsors and kind people, it is recommended to honestly and in detail describe your problem, regularly post ads on thematic sites and forums.

Financial assistance from wealthy people- financial support, which is provided directly or through special funds to solve various problems of the needy party. Funds are raised to pay for treatment, deposit funds for an operation, repay debt, build or save a business, realize an old dream or other goals.

Despite the high probability of success, it is not always possible to receive material assistance free of charge and urgently from wealthy (rich) people. The reason lies in ignorance ground rules and intricacies of fundraising. Here are some tips to increase your chances of success.

How to get financial assistance from rich people?

They say that "brevity is the sister of talent." Perhaps this rule works in many sectors of our life, but not in the matter of material assistance. To get money from rich people, and even for free, it is important to describe the situation in detail. When describing the problem, it is important to focus on the purpose of fundraising:

  • Treatment. When collecting money for an operation or payment for other services of a medical institution, it is important to accurately disclose the diagnosis, attach documents confirming the problem, and attach a photo. It is necessary to describe what has been done to solve the problem, what are the chances of success, and for what purposes will the financial assistance received free of charge from wealthy people. According to statistics, it is for these purposes that it is easiest to raise money.
  • Business. An equally popular sector is raising money for the implementation of your business project. Many investors are interested in such startups and transfer the required amount. At the same time, funds can be issued both free of charge and subject to the return of part of the money in the form of a percentage of the profits received. The nuances of cooperation largely depend on the agreements of the parties. To place an ad, you can use crowdfunding services or other platforms.
  • Dream. The possibilities of the Internet allow you to ask for financial assistance for various purposes, for example, buying a car or real estate. Wealthy people have enough resources to help with the task at hand. The main thing is to prove the importance of this event and provide evidence. But do not expect that the required amount will be collected in one day. Most often, fundraising takes from 1-2 months or more.

When does asking for financial assistance work best for wealthy people?

So that the appeal to wealthy people does not go unanswered, it is important to correctly approach the formation of the request. So, when writing a letter for financial assistance, you need to pick up the “key” to a rich person and follow these tips:

  • We address personally and write the word "Dear". This requirement applies to cases where the letter is issued in relation to a specific person.
  • We reveal the features of the current situation and write what was done to solve the difficulties that arose. This moment is important. A potential benefactor must see that the recipient of funds has taken all possible measures and really needs financial support.
  • Specify contacts. It is important that a potential investor can contact the recipient of funds and clarify the purpose of the fundraising, as well as the circumstances of what happened (if required).
  • Here are the details. It will not work to receive financial assistance urgently from rich people if you do not register information for receiving funds. The request must contain the card number, EPS wallet data, details for crediting money to a cryptocurrency wallet, and so on.
  • Thank you for your support. The request for financial support and the receipt of the amount of interest should end with gratitude to the people who responded to the request and did not stay away from the problem.

Where can I get targeted financial assistance from a foreign rich person?

To raise money for the implementation of any of the projects mentioned above, it is better to use proven and universal platforms. Unlike competitors, this site is free, has wide functionality and gives the result in the form of attracting the amount of interest. The resource is visited by rich people who are ready to provide money. From you, only a request with the disclosure of the topic "Give material assistance" and a detailed description of the situation.

Here is my story: I was born in 1991 and lived naturally poor at that time. Thank God, of course, I have parents and are still alive. lived in small house barely two beds fit in my and my parents' room. my dad is a civil servant, you know, he received a penny, but he served the state for 25 years. my mother sat with me until the 5th grade, unfortunately she had no education, her parents left her and gave her to an old grandmother in the village, her mother did not give up, she looked after her grandmother, there were still relatives, but they rarely came to her grandmother (who cares). there was a hope that mother would get a lorry from her grandmother. but after the death of her grandmother’s daughter, as a thank you, they only gave a sideboard. the food was monotonous for three days borscht for three days potatoes in any form. in general, they ate what they grew in the garden. They only bought me clothes when the new school year started. and there was little hope that for a birthday. Mom was lucky I was 11 she was taken to the store to work. pennies, of course, but still. In general, what is this big story I want you to understand how it all began. and not like “here we are mired in loans, help.” Let's continue, dad decided to buy a small shop from us like a stall, but still they are trying to get out of poverty, so he decided to raise his family. bought (on credit, of course). there was a Muscovite 41 on it and carried goods. at 16 I went to college, a lot of money was invested in it, but I didn’t have enough strength for it, I had to go to the city to walk a lot to carry heavy things. my parents were offended by me and forced me to work in our store. This is how I have been working since the age of 16. we have a small shop with few people, the profit is not so big. And then the car broke down. dad decided to take a new loan again. Already the second loan was hung around his neck. then another loan, otherwise the store began to be empty, in general, it led to the fact that the costs exceeded the income. The sellers changed like gloves steal and leave. and my parents are kind. Well, it’s not like they forgave debts, it’s just that the sellers are all arrogant and say that they are right. I had to sell the car almost for nothing to invest in products. dad drove again in an old Muscovite, and then not on his own, but on his brother (unfortunately passed away). And so they invested in food and then our seller brazenly stole profits and left. Again we were left without money. the situation today is this. Mom and dad work in the store. you can say they sell only bread and small things. dad is retired.health is bad. The bank blocked the card and takes the pension. Of course we sell the store, but no one wants to take it. the whole business failed and there are a lot of debts. if you do not believe in the story, I can show confirmation in any kind of photo video. or something else. of course they are to blame. the good ones forgave everyone, that's how kindness can come out sideways. IF ANYONE CAN HELP IN ANYTHING, PLEASE HELP!!! qiwi wallet +77057522379