A contemporary example of a school cafeteria at the Cidade da Cultura de Galicia. Social project within the framework of the all-Russian action "design of a school canteen"

Photo: Press Service of the Mayor and the Moscow Government. Evgeny Samarin

In school restaurants, children can order both set meals and dishes that are not included in the traditional menu. For example, Caesar salad or peasant chicken soup, Viennese waffles or baked apples.

The implementation of the My School Restaurant project continues in Moscow. Since the beginning of the school year, canteens and canteens in another 20 schools in the capital have turned into restaurants. The interiors of catering outlets were decorated with drawings of popular cartoon characters, seascapes, as well as paintings with sights of Moscow and other Russian cities.

“Now restaurants operate in more than 40 schools in the capital. In them you can order, for example, peasant soup with chicken, Bavarian sausages with a side dish or diet Caesar salad with herbs and olives. At the same time, the usual menu of canteens is also preserved, ”said Natalya Anpetkova, chairman of the commission for quality control and catering of the city expert advisory council of the parent community under the Moscow City Department of Education.

According to her, schoolchildren and their parents choose the options for the interiors in the restaurant by voting. Thus, the restaurant at school № 954 on Korneychuk street is decorated in the style of the Soviet cartoon "Holidays in Prostokvashino", and while having lunch at the restaurant of school № 1434 in Ramenki, children can watch the adventures of the funny bear cub Winnie the Pooh. A real creative cafe appeared at school No. 1370 on Altufevskoe highway. Its walls are decorated with newspaper articles from various publications.

The interiors of school restaurants in northern Moscow are dedicated to three Russian cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol. For example, on the walls of the restaurant at school No. 1474 on Zelenogradskaya Street, the sights of the northern capital are presented - Peter-Pavel's Fortress, « Bronze Horseman"And St. Isaac's Cathedral.

A restaurant in honor of the hero-city of Sevastopol was opened at school number 1288 on Khoroshevskoe highway. Its interior is decorated with images of the sea, Crimean rocks, gulls and ships. The restaurant in School No. 1359 on Pronskaya Street is called the Lights of Moscow. In its hall you can see paintings with the main symbols of the capital: the Kremlin, the main building of the Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Moskva River.

The My School Restaurant project was launched in 2013. Its goal is to improve the culture of children's nutrition and turn the school cafeteria into a place for communication and recreation for students. All products offered to children comply with sanitary standards and rules. It is prepared from products for baby food approved by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.

Almost all metropolitan schools have Information system"Passage and food". Pupils go to school and buy food in the cafeteria using electronic media only. This is either a student's social card or a Moskvenok card (or bracelet).

The educational institution and the history of purchases in the buffet and canteen, parents can personal account portal site or in the application "Moscow State Services". It is also possible to establish and prompt information on e-mail or via push notifications. With the help of the site, a parent can establish an electronic ban on the purchase of certain types of products, for example, chocolate bars, pastries or sandwiches, as well as limit the child's spending limit in the canteen.

Restaurants that have opened in Moscow schools since the beginning of the school year:

- Restaurant "Lavender Pole" at school number 1468 (Broshevsky lane, building 21);

- restaurant "Navigation" in the cadet boarding school "Navigatskaya school" (Kastanaevskaya street, house 59, building 1);

- Restaurant "Hero City Sevastopol" at school number 1288 (Khoroshevskoe highway, 64a, building 1);

- restaurant "Creative Cafe" in school number 1370 (Altufevskoe highway, house 60);

- restaurant "Multicolored Chess" at school No. 1298 (Yurovskaya street, house 99);

- Restaurant "Industrial Style" in school number 924 (Gazoprovod street, building 5a);

- restaurant "Swallow's Nest" in school number 1580 (Balaklavsky prospect, building 6a);

- restaurant "Holidays in Prostokvashino" in school № 954 (Korneychuk street, house 37a);

- a restaurant " Winnie the Pooh»At school number 1434 (Ramenki street, building 15, building 2);

- Restaurant "Art Gallery" at school number 875 (Vernadsky prospect, building 101, building 5);

- restaurant "Russian Field" in school number 627 (Dubininskaya street, house 42);

- restaurant "Bolshoi Theater" in school number 2 (Bolshoy Koptevsky passage, building 5);

- restaurant "Cosmos" in school number 1566 (Novomaryinskaya street, house 7, building 2);

- restaurant "Renaissance" in school number 117 (Akademika Pilyugin street, house 14a);

- restaurant "St. Petersburg" at school number 1474 (Zelenogradskaya street, building 33b);

- Restaurant "Rainbow Country" at school No. 2104 (1st Kotelnichesky lane, building 5);

- restaurant "Olive Field" at school number 875 (Vernadsky prospect, house 101, building 6);

- restaurant "Soyuzmultfilm" at school number 830 (Tushinskaya street, building 2);

- restaurant "From the Past to the Future" at school number 2114 (Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard, building 6, building 1);

- restaurant "Lights of Moscow" in school No. 1359 (Pronskaya street, building 4, building 1).

Previously opened restaurants:

- restaurant "Alice in Wonderland" at school number 1250 (Leningradskoe shosse, building 27);

- restaurant "Alice in Wonderland" at school number 1143 (Krasnodarskaya street, 9);

- restaurant "German Style" in school number 1446 (Yablochkova street, house 41, building 4);

- a restaurant " Asian style»At school No. 1581 (Bolshoi Poluyaroslavsky lane, 7);

- restaurant "Russian Style" at school number 1571 (Svoboda Street, 81, building 6);

- Restaurant "Brazilian Style" at school No. 1259 (5th Monetchikovsky lane, 7);

- restaurant "Greek style" in school number 1329 (Nikulinskaya street, building 10);

- Restaurant "Space Style" at school No. 1329 (Nikulinskaya street, building 10);

- “Provence” restaurant at school No. 136 (Krasin street, building 20, building 1);

- restaurant "Vovka v the distant kingdom»At school No. 57 (Kholzunova lane, house 8);

- a restaurant " Country style»At school No. 57 (Khamovnicheskiy Val street, house 26);

- Mosfilm restaurant at school number 57 (Maly Znamenskiy lane, 7/9);

- restaurant "Old Moscow" at school number 1253 (Zubovsky Boulevard, building 5, building 1);

- Restaurant "Stone Jungle" at school No. 1253 (Zubovsky Boulevard, building 5, building 1);

- restaurant "Little Italy" at school No. 2005 (Rodionovskaya street, 6/7);

- restaurant "Parrot Kesha and his friends" at school number 1518 (Prospect Mira, house 87);

- Restaurant "Book Corner" at school number 1520 (Maly Kislovsky lane, house 12/8, building 1);

- the Teatralnye podmostki restaurant at school No. 1520 (Leontyevsky lane, 19/2, building 1);

- Restaurant "Geometric Minimalism" at School No. 1409 (7 Khodynsky Boulevard);

- Restaurant "Aptekarskiy Ogorod" at school number 1468 (Novorogozhskaya street, 9);

- restaurant "Creativity of Escher" in school number 179 (Bolshaya Dmitrovka street, 5/6, building 7);

- Restaurant "Magic Library" in school number 1234 (Bolshaya Molchanovka street, building 26/28);

- restaurant "Taj Mahal" in school No. 1399 (Vilis Latsis street, building 33, building 2).

You may have already heard about the amazing project of a canteen-cafe in one of the Moscow schools - in “ Big city"A note was published about the details of the project itself. One of the architects who came up with the cafe is Katerina Bulgakova. It was she, together with her colleague Natalya Skurchayeva, who implemented the project of the canteen, which could not have been imagined before in an ordinary Russian school.

Was this project unusual for you? Did you feel that you have changed something in people's stereotypes?

The canteen project really turned out to be special for us, since such social projects do not come across so often. When there is an opportunity to do it is not easy beautiful interior, but an interior with an idea, an interior that changes not just the environment, but the mentality.

Our children spend most of their time in schools, and the school interior as such does not exist at all. Most often, these are dull faceless spaces with a sad Soviet echo. Long almost sick leave dark corridors, bare walls, but there is nothing to say about the dining room. Usually, you don't even want to go there. The eternal scent of cabbage, chairs with pantyhose clinging to, aluminum bent forks and sheer dullness. Therefore, when the opportunity arose to radically change this - to make the school cafeteria a center school life, a cafe where you want to go, where you can escape from the usual school environment, prepare for the test and even do creative work - we were very happy.

What examples in this topic of public space for children inspire you?

V European countries children's interiors have long been made according to the principle of transformability. Interiors-transformers, different functional areas, interactive areas - that is, a "smart" interior, which can change depending on the needs and tasks.

Our interiors are mostly made according to the principle of decoration. Those. conceptual, semantic and social load is almost absent. The interior can be not only pleasant for the child, but also developmental, educational, and so on.

That is why we have provided in the interior a green interactive wall covered with artificial turf and consisting of cells different sizes... This wall can be an exhibition space - children can hang their drawings, photographs, crafts, contests on it. For the holidays, the wall can be decorated with thematic images - flowers in spring, Christmas tree decorations in winter, leaves in autumn. We covered some of the walls with graphite paint, on which you can draw pictures with chalk, write congratulations, and so on. That is, the interior can change depending on the season, holidays and important events.

Have you asked the children what they would like from such a space?

My daughter Varya is in the 4th grade, and the school interior is already very important for her. The youngest daughter Lisa is going to school on next year... Natasha's children - triplets - go to Kindergarten, they are 4 years old. So for us, the school topic is relevant, like for anyone else. Before starting this project, we interviewed all our children, and the children of friends who go to school - how they imagine a school cafeteria, what they like and what they don't. We also asked the parents, and having collected all these opinions, we got down to work. I learned a lot about school life by consulting my 10-year-old daughter.

Describe the difficulties you encountered and the enjoyable moments.

It's nice that there are people who are willing to invest in the school cafeteria, making sure that the children are really good. Such customers are rare ("Konix-shkolnik" is a company that supplies food and equipment to child care institutions).

Lisa, Katya's youngest daughter

To solve the question of how to arrange a school cafeteria, you need to include not only imagination, but also adhere to certain norms that must be observed in this room.

It's not a secret for anyone that for healthy and full development human body he needs proper and timely nutrition. Also, the quality of the consumed products is important for normal physical development. For this reason, it is so important to instill a love of healthy eating in people since school age... After all, the further health of the entire nation depends on the younger generation. The school period is the key to the formation of health and rational nutrition skills of a person. During this period, the child receives everything necessary knowledge about the right physical development and a healthy lifestyle. Also, due to the receipt of large physical and mental stress, a school-age child needs to receive fresh and hot food... Considering all these aspects, we can conclude that a properly organized school lunch is very important in the life of students.

The school should form in children not only scientific skills and knowledge, but also correct stereotypes in the matter of nutrition. After all, it is during the school years that a child develops the concept of "what is good and what is bad." An important problem Among modern schoolchildren, it is often the absence of dietary regimes outside of school, as well as the abuse of fast foods, sodas and sweets. It can be considered the main reason promoting healthy eating within the school walls and involving the parents of students in this. It is impossible to directly influence and control the family eating habits in the families of students. Proceeding from this, the school cafeteria remains the main place where the student gets to know the food culture. The knowledge that the student will receive at school, as well as in the school cafeteria, a person will use throughout his life.

Eating at school should be carried out in a specially designated place, in the school cafeteria. At the same time, it is important that the place where the food intake takes place is spacious, cozy, bright, and the atmosphere in every possible way stimulates the meal. It is also important that the dining room has its own kitchen equipped with all necessary equipment, and is supplied with all the necessary raw materials. This provides autonomy in cooking and also provides students with fresh, hot meals. If there is no own equipped kitchen, then imported food is used, which leads to its constant freezing and defrosting. Transporting food leads to loss taste and nutritional value products.

The main goals of the school canteen are:

- instilling in children the rules of behavior before meals and directly at the table (washing hands before eating, correct use cutlery and more);

- eliminate the need for children to go home at lunchtime;

- to give students the opportunity to communicate at the table and spend time in a relaxed atmosphere;

- develop emotional balance while waiting in line;

- accustoming children to responsibility during school shifts in the canteen;

- provide children with food that meets their age-specific needs;

- prevention of diseases associated with malnutrition in schoolchildren;

It is very important to provide the school cafeteria with competent service personnel. School kitchen workers must be able to cope with heavy workloads and be appropriately educated. Each employee of the catering unit must be dressed in overalls that comply with the sanitary hygiene rules... Indeed, the cleanliness, quality, as well as the calorie content and usefulness of the dishes served to children depend on the kitchen staff. They should also compose a menu with the right amount vitamins and minerals for the healthy development of schoolchildren.

There are sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of work in school canteens. These requirements apply to the preparation of food, the preparation of the menu for the school cafeteria, the form with which must be hung in a conspicuous place every day, to the conditions in which the products are stored, as well as to the conditions in which the food is prepared.

According to the general requirements, the school canteen should consist of: cold and hot workshop, pantry, refrigerating chamber, washing, place for storing waste, unloading - container place, household premises for staff, and directly by the room for meals for schoolchildren. According to the standards in canteens, 0.7 sq. meters at 100% fit, as well as one tap with a washbasin for 20 children. Correctly place washbasins in corridors or specially designated areas next to the dining room. There are standards for the staffing of school canteens with appropriate inventory, dishes, technological equipment, and detergents.

It is considered advisable when rectangular or square are installed in the dining room. dining tables which can accommodate 2 to 8 children. The table top should be smooth and resistant to disinfectants and high temperatures. Also, tables should be equipped with special brackets on which benches will be hung during cleaning. Place the lighting fixtures correctly at a height that is convenient for cleaning and disinfection. There are also requirements for utensils. Preference is given to glass and porcelain dishes. Do not use plastic or aluminum cookware... Tables must be clean with salt and napkins on them.

Schoolchildren's meals should exclude the following foods:

- not pasteurized milk;

- fermented milk products that have not passed heat treatment;

- okroshka, jellies, jellied dishes;

- pasta and pancakes with minced meat;

- herring dishes;

- scrambled eggs - fried eggs;

Cakes and pastries with creams;

- deep-fried foods;

- drinks that have not undergone heat treatment;

This is important to consider when designing a menu in a school cafeteria.

It's good if the atmosphere in the school cafeteria carries home comfort and disposes to a meal.

An important point is also correct dribbling regulatory documents diet, as well as ensuring the right combination and a variety of dishes in the preparation of the menu according to the days of the week. The canteen employees and the director are required to monitor all incoming food and maintain appropriate documentation. One of the most important factors affecting the well-being and appetite of children, as well as the safety of food, is temperature regime indoors and in refrigerators. The catering worker is obliged to keep this issue under control and keep logs in which all this is displayed.

Today, the school cafeteria is not only a place where they eat, but also a place where children can relax during recess, meet and socialize. It is for this reason that you should pay maximum attention to the design of this room. It is important to create a pleasant, comfortable environment suitable for both eating and spending time. One of the main points when designing a dining room is the choice color scheme for the hall.

When choosing the color of the walls of the school cafeteria, the following features should be considered. For example yellow has a tonic effect and is considered optimal from a physiological point of view. It does not tire the organs of vision, helps to activate the motor centers, is able to raise mood and cause joy, and also has a beneficial effect on intellectual abilities. Also from the tonic colors it is worth highlighting peach colour which aids digestion, is able to relieve fatigue and strengthen willpower. Blue color can induce a feeling of calmness, as well as inhibit certain physiological functions of a person, eliminate headaches and relieve eye inflammation. Can be used as a therapy for nervous, emotional people.

In the process of painting a room, the main thing is not to overload the room with flowers. Preferably no more than 3 colors, not counting their shades. It is also worth remembering that the walls, floor and ceiling are a clean canvas on which you can embody various fantasies. The paint that is used in the decoration of the dining room should be for internal works, odorless and non-toxic. It is better to do repairs in the school cafeteria during the summer holidays, so that the room is well ventilated by the time the schoolchildren arrive.

Nowadays, the leadership of some schools and lyceums is introducing stylization under various fairy tales and cartoons into the design of the dining room, this allows children not only to eat deliciously, but also to plunge into fairy world... You can also apply food slogans to the walls. These are drawings of dinners in village houses, pre-revolutionary dinners, as well as picnics in nature. Not only people can serve as an example of the right meal, it can also be fairy-tale characters at the dinner table.

An important point in the interior of the canteen is also the stands, which display the program of the school canteen menu, the rules of healthy eating, as well as the consumer's corner. These stands are placed near the distribution point so that everyone can familiarize themselves with the assortment. Signs on the stands must be legible and easy to understand for children.

Considering all this, one important conclusion can be made that the formation of a nutritional culture in children is directly related to the place where it is received. And also with the environment and atmosphere inhabiting the room. It is important that the dining room is equipped with comfortable furniture, and the interior is conducive to a pleasant meal. The stands located on the walls of the dining room should carry an important informational character and should tell about healthy food, and the usefulness of individual foods. The color of the walls has a huge impact on the health and mood of a person, so you need to choose it very carefully. The color scheme of the catering unit should tone up and awaken the appetite.

Observing the rules for decorating a dining room, you can turn on your imagination and make the interior interesting and attractive. To do this, you need to pay attention to every little thing, not bypassing even school forms with menus and other information.

School is one of those places where you first need to think about promoting all kinds of innovations. In the end, the world does not stand still and it is more and more difficult to instill in children a love of learning. However, with such innovations, it is quite possible!

1. Trampoline

A trampoline play area at Stockholm's Vittra Telefonplan, where hyperactive kids can have fun, let off some steam and take an active break from classes.

2. Spirit of freedom

Original design an open classroom with no walls and no habitual desks to create a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.

3. Open space

Unusual design interior space the Vittra Telefonplan school in Stockholm, where there are no walls, and therefore no classrooms, and the various zones are separated by thin partitions and original design.

4. Play furniture

Bright, futuristic furniture that students can use as play equipment makes school more enjoyable and interesting.

5. Futuristic cabinets

The bright and modern interior of the lecture classes in the new Kiev school contributes to good mood teachers and students, and is not at all like the faceless walls of most educational institutions in our country.

6. Sports hall

Modern design sports hall with original wall and floor finishes, the latest sports equipment and a climbing wall will surely appeal to students of all ages and inspire athletic performance.

7. Behind the glass

A small gymnasium in Copenhagen, which looks like a glass cube from the outside, but inside is a huge multi-level space without walls, divided into zones and islands using wooden partitions and futuristic structures. Such a freedom-loving design is fully consistent with the school's policy: here students independently form study groups and temporary classes for scientific research and solving real life problems.

8. Office

A small school in Aiken (USA), the workspace of which is divided into many separate offices, separated from each other by low partitions. Each student has his own computer and an individual learning plan. The school management is confident that such a policy will help prepare children for adult life, teach them to think and solve problems on their own.

9. Stadium

The huge stadium and playground, built right on the roof of the elementary school, is a great example of the smart use of school grounds in Zhejiang, China.

10. Library

Panoramic windows, light walls, original shelving, comfortable bright chairs and tables - a great way to familiarize students with reading and working with books.

11. Masterpiece of architecture

Unlike most of our schools, Melbourne High School is an eye-catcher unusual design and bright colors... The school is a whole complex of semicircular buildings with complex geometry and a spacious patio inside. According to the designers, bright colors excite the imagination of students, charge them with positive and inspire scientific discoveries.

12. School bus

An unusual school bus cabin with sofas, tables and chairs, where children can tune in to work or relax and socialize on the way home.

13. Sports complex

A breathtakingly designed sports complex that is part of the NY-Krohnborg school in Bergen, with a huge basketball court, modern sports equipment and a spacious lobby with sofas and tables.

14. Art space

An unconventional school in San Francisco equipped in an old warehouse, with a huge number of climbing structures, homemade theater and fortresses, materials for construction and creativity. School policy - no prohibitions. Students can get dirty, climb, set fire to objects, set up experiments, take things apart and create new ones. According to the creators, such educational institution will teach children not to consume, but to create.

15. Classroom for reading

North Carolina Elementary School has a reading class equipped with exercise bikes instead of regular desks. This solution significantly improves student performance, promotes concentration and allows both hemispheres of the brain to be used.

16. Staircase design

Stylish design of a reading room in one of the Montreal schools, with round wooden tables, in the center of which large palms grow, and original stumps instead of chairs.

19. Dining room

A school cafeteria that looks more like a fashionable restaurant with bright design walls and large tables, will forever break the stereotype about the dull decoration of the dining room and will definitely appeal to teachers and students.

20. Place to rest

A charming space decorated in soothing colors with stunning hanging chairs in the form of hemispheres instead of boring benches and armchairs, it will become wonderful place for rest in between classes.

Continuing the theme and surprise every person.

The project we are talking about is located in two premises “Cidade da Cultura de Galicia” (Galician City of Culture). It was created for use as a cafe and museum shop.

The areas are connected by an opening drilled in a thick wall that separates the space and allows each side to be controlled at the same time, as is done in the traditional dining rooms of the Galician village.

Our proposal is aimed at supporting modern languages, to popular culture. The program subconsciously refers to the feeling of our cultural identity, here the dining room acts as a traditional building.

It is a concept that allows you to go through rethinking. modern canons... The tables are arranged in parallel under the schematic trees and evoke the feeling of folk festivals.

A long counter that runs through the wall connects both spaces and also serves the café and museum shop. A geometric element of casual color leads the way in concept design.

It is often used for places where folk art is shown. The round and voluminous body hides the kitchen space.

Bookshelves and counters different sizes and heights are easily adjustable. Here they are arranged, as it were, by chance, which makes them universal and fundamental.

The apparent complexity characterizes the City of Culture complex. The intervention consists of different pieces of furniture and does not affect the overall design. Quality frames are made of wood, they provide decoration and character and are able to accommodate large numbers of people. These shapes make the look richer.

  • Architects: Estudio Nomada, José Antonio Vázquez Martín
  • Interior designer: Enrique de Santiago
  • Photos: Héctor Santos-Díez
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