How to put the forks after eating. Table setting for hot appetizers. Cutlery for serving a festive table

How to properly arrange cutlery and dishes on the table.

So, you met everyone that should be on the table. But how to connect them all together?

The table is served strictly in accordance with the menu - this is the very first rule.

Devices with spices are installed in pairs, one device for two guests, the devices are placed at the level of crystal or glassware, between the serving items of two nearby guests. Spices should be dry and easy to spill out of salt shakers. Holes through which spices fall asleep must be securely closed with stoppers.

Salt and pepper can also be served in open salt and pepper shakers, with a spoon for spices placed on each device with a convex upwards. When serving banquet tables, salt and pepper shakers are placed on the tablecloth without coasters. Often, salt and pepper devices are supplemented with bottles of vinegar, hot sauces and vegetable oil. Mustard is usually not put on the table - it is served at the request of the guest immediately before serving the corresponding dish, always along with a mustard spoon. Bowls for rinsing hands are put on the table if a dish is served that is eaten with fingers, such as oysters, artichokes, mussels, shellfish, etc. The bowls are half filled with warm water, a slice of lemon is dipped into the water, next to it is a napkin with which they wipe their hands.

Indeed, it can arise, since in modern restaurants and cafes the table is far from always served in advance in anticipation of guests. If all the appliances are prepared, and you sit down at the table where everything is already laid out, then the fork will definitely lie with the cloves up.

But if you came to a cafe or just waited for your turn at a table, it often happens that the waiter cleaned the place just before you took it. Of course, he didn't have time for the table, perfectly placing the forks and spoons in the right place.

The fork is supposed to be held lightly, with the help of the index finger and thumb, slightly pressing it against the half-bent middle one.

In this case, the cutlery is often brought wrapped in a napkin. This is a sign that the fork is perfectly clean, and you can be sure that your meal is hygienic. If the fork is wrapped in a napkin, then it can be placed either upside down or down. Usually they are not visible at all, one can only guess from the outlines of the bundle where the teeth are. It turns out that putting the fork with its teeth down on the table is permissible only in one case: if it is served wrapped in a napkin.

Fork use

The fork is usually used as the main utensil for most dishes, with the exception of soups, and the spoon and knife act as auxiliary ones. But sometimes the plug also acts as an auxiliary device. For example, if you need to cut off a piece of meat, then take a fork in left hand(to the right if you are left-handed, and in the future, all recommendations for left-handers should be vice versa), and the knife to the right. Then cut off a piece without spreading your elbows to the sides.

Further, you should also proceed according to American or European styles. The American way implies that you will still be the right hand. Put the knife on the edge, and then take the fork in your right hand, bring it to your mouth with the teeth up. With the European way, you can either keep squeezing the knife in right hand, or not, but you have to eat with your left hand. The fork, at the same time, is held with the tines down.

In the simplest case, the fork is placed to the left of the plate, and the spoon and knife are placed to the right.

If you break away from food for a conversation, then you can’t put the fork on the table, according to. And here it is just important whether you will hold it up or down with the teeth. There are two styles: American and Continental, or. In the American style, the fork is held with the tines up, and in case European standards- teeth down.

Until you have finished the dish, it is not customary to put the fork on the table or on the plate. But if for some reason you still want to put the fork aside and finish eating later, then you can’t put the dirty appliance on the tablecloth. It is placed on the edge of the plate, diagonally. The direction of the teeth in this case is not important. If you want the waiter to replace your plate and cutlery, then put them on the edge of the plate in parallel so that, if you imagine the plate as a dial, the handles would be in the area of ​​​​the number 4.

It is very easy to pass for a savage because of the way you wield a knife and fork. But at dinner parties, at a restaurant, or at formal events, you would probably prefer to use classic style. There is a European (Continental) style and an American style. Which do you prefer?


Part 1

European (continental) style

    The fork should be on the left of the plate and the knife on the right. If you have more than one fork: the last one is used for salads, and the one closer to the plate is used for the main dish. The main course fork is larger than the salad fork.

    • We will deal with the issue of table setting at the end. Now concentrate on how to hold the cutlery and learn how to use it! Use it right, of course.
  1. To cut the dish on your plate, hold the knife in your right hand. The index finger should lie straight and be located at the base of the blunt side of the knife blade. The other four fingers wrap around the handle. While forefinger located on one side of the knife (blunt side), the thumb holds the knife on the other side (by the handle). The end of the knife handle should touch the base of your palm.

    • The knife is used in the same way in both styles. The rules are for right-handers in both styles. If you are left-handed, follow the instructions given, taking into account your peculiarity (thus, you will hold the knife in your left hand and the fork in your right).
  2. Hold the fork in your left hand. The teeth should point down. The index finger is straight and located on the back of the fork, at its base, but not so close as to touch food when using the device. Other fingers wrap around the handle.

    • This method is called the "hidden handle" method. This is because your hand hides the entire handle.
  3. Bend your wrists so that your index fingers are pointing down towards the plate. Thus, the ends of the cutlery will also be facing down. Your elbows should be relaxed, not hanging in the air or positioned awkwardly.

    • While you are eating, keep your elbows off the table. But if you decide to take a break - it is not necessary to adhere to this rule.
  4. Hold the food with a fork by applying pressure to the device with your index finger. If you must use a knife, cut off the food at the base of the fork with a sawing motion. Dishes such as pasta require a little effort, but you may have to work a little to cut the meat. Usually one or two incisions are made at a time.

    • Hold the fork so that the tines are curved towards you, with the knife further away from you than from the fork. You can hold it at an angle - the main thing is to make sure you can see the knife so you know where you are cutting. You should be able to see the knife behind the fork.
  5. Use a fork to put a small piece of food in your mouth. The teeth must be facing down. The back of the fork points up.

    • Take the fork in your left hand, even if you are right-handed. By experimenting, you will find that this method is more effective than the other.

    Part 2

    American style
    1. When you cut food, hold the fork in your left hand. Unlike the continental style, in the American style, the plug must be held like a handle. The handle should be held with thumb and forefinger, middle and thumb hold the base, and the index is located on top. And in this case, the teeth are facing down.

      When you cut, hold the knife in your right hand. The location of the fingers of the right hand is the same as in the previous version - the index finger is along the base, the others are clasping the handle.

      Cut off food. Hold the piece with a fork (teeth pointing down), gently cutting off the food with a sawing motion. The fork should be closer to you than to the knife. Cut off one or two pieces before continuing.

      Now change hands. The most important difference between this style and the previous one: after you cut a piece, put the knife on the edge of the plate (blade at 12 o'clock, handle at 3) and take the fork in your right hand. Rotate the fork so that the teeth are facing up! Tadam.

      • This method was common in America when it first became America. This method was also used in Europe until a more efficient approach was found. In the United States, such a jump did not occur, although there are differences everywhere.
    2. If you are not cutting anything, hold the fork in your right hand (teeth pointing up). If you are eating a dish that does not need to be cut, keep the fork in your right hand at all times. The teeth can be pointing down if you want to cut off a piece, but basically they always point up. However, remember that these rules should be observed only formally. This refers to the situation when, for example, the president is sitting opposite. Otherwise, don't worry about it.

      • Your cutlery should never touch the table. If you are only using a fork, make sure the knife rests on the edge of the plate. When you put the fork down, place it on the edge of the plate with the tines in the center.

    Part 3

    Additional cutlery
    1. Understand how the table is set. In 95% of cases, you will only use a knife, fork and spoon. But there are times when there are other accessories. Here are the options:

Table setting is an interesting business, but a lot of appliances can lead even an experienced hostess into a stupor. Forks cause the most questions. As a rule, 4 pieces are used for standard serving. Each must be correctly positioned depending on the menu.

It is better to know in advance how to place them so as not to get into an awkward position in front of eminent guests.

Basics of etiquette

Knowing the basics of etiquette is the foundation of good serving and proper behavior. Such rules dictate to us which side to place the devices and how to use them. Consider the rules of application:

  • If there are pancakes with stuffing on the table, then they are eaten with a knife and fork.
  • For fish, special forks are provided - 4 prongs with a slit in the middle.
  • If the fish is served not in portions, but as a whole, then slightly different devices are provided. In this case, the fork is round and flat. It is used to put a piece on a plate.
  • If during the meal you decide to drink water, then put the fork and knife on the edge of the plate, handles to the table.
  • You need to put the fork on the left, and the knife on the right. The device for guests is placed under the arm with which you need to hold the plug.
  • Tea is often served with a special small fork with two cloves. It's for lemon.
  • Some dishes do not require the use of a knife. In this case, it is permissible to hold the fork in the right hand.

There are separate forks for fruit. So, it is customary to eat bananas with their help. Dessert forks are often used for cakes with large quantity air cream. In such a case, a fork is considered an acceptable alternative to a spoon.

For a simple family meal, it is enough to put one table fork on the table, this is quite enough. With holidays and celebrations, everything is different. So, on your festive table there must be such forks:

  • Big. Visually resembles a simple dinner fork, but differs big size. It is used to move food from a tray to a plate.
  • The dining room is large. Used for meat dishes.
  • Small. Use it to eat snacks and desserts.
  • Fish and seafood. The name of the forks speaks for itself. The devices are small in size.
  • For fruits. Such a device is served at the end of the meal.


Table setting consists of many successive steps. Truly the most difficult can be called the layout of devices. It is this design element that will show your guests how skillfully you have done everything. There are strict rules on how to properly lay out appliances:

  • The layout of not only appliances, but also the dishes themselves always corresponds to the order in which dishes are served.
  • Point the knife edge towards the plate.
  • The water container is located above the knife.
  • The forks are to the left of the serving plate.
  • The spoon is placed to the right of the knives.
  • Absolutely all devices on your table should be from one set.
  • For a simple homemade lunch, breakfast or dinner, it is enough to use only cutlery.
  • For serving holiday table you will definitely need a wide range of forks, spoons and knives. You can't do without it.

These simple rules must always be observed. It doesn't matter what kind of serving you do, these tips will help you always stay on top.

Layout before a meal

The most complex and painstaking work is done long before the guests arrive. More precisely, between cooking and the arrival of guests, you need to set the table. The procedure itself may vary slightly depending on the occasion, the number of guests and the menu. So, to the left of the serving plate you need to put the forks. In basic serving, everything looks like this:

  • The smallest fork should be placed farthest from the plate. Guests will eat her cold appetizers, a variety of salads and fish dishes. This device is used first.
  • The next fork is closer to the same plate. She eats hot appetizers and main courses. This fork is larger than the previous one. A distance of 2 cm is maintained from the plate to this fork.

When you put dishes and cutlery on the table, make sure that the cutlery is not hidden under the plates. The guest should have easy access to every element of the serving.

There are only 2 devices in the upper part of the plate. And sometimes you can completely forget about such devices, but you still need to know them. Cutlery above the serving plate:

  • For various sweets put a dessert spoon.
  • The dessert fork is laid out next. This device is placed closer to the plate. Although this device is not mandatory, but in classic serving is still present.

It is important to mention special appliances for seafood. We are talking about only 2 items - a fork and a knife. The fork has 3-4 cloves, it is convenient to eat food with it. The knife is similar to a spatula, they separate the fish from the bones.

FROM right side only spoons and knives are laid out from the serving plate. There are absolutely no forks. It looks like this:

  • Place the knife for hot dishes closest to the guest's plate. The point is directed towards the plate.
  • Next will be the snack knife. The tip is directed there.
  • Place the soup spoon farthest from the guest's plate. This element is present on the table only when serving for dinner. Otherwise, this spoon is simply not needed.

Arrangement of devices at the end

In home serving, it is customary to remove excess dishes after each dish. This rule applies to devices too. During the entire meal, only the position of the water glass remains unchanged.

Despite this, if you decide to use formal serving techniques, go all the way. After eating, you can use a fork and knife to inform the hostess of the house about your attitude. You can also send a request not to clean the dishes while you are gone.

Several options for the location of devices, if you need to pause:

  • If there is a lot of food on the plate. Place cutlery on the edge of the plate so that the handles rest on the table. The fork should be on the left and the knife on the right.
  • If there is very little left. Place the cutlery in an "L" shape. Turn the knife edge to the left, into the fork - to the right. The handles must not rest on the table.
  • If you only eat with a fork (no knife). Put it on the right, on the edge of the plate. The base rests on the table.

At the very end of the meal, different rules apply. Cutlery is not placed on the table. The main reason is rather simple. Remains of food from dishes may fall or drip onto the tablecloth. The mistress of the house is unlikely to be happy with such a surprise. A few correct options:

  • Place the cutlery parallel to each other on opposite edges of the plate. The arms should be pointing towards you.
  • Imagine that the plate is a large clock face. Place the fork and knife so that the handles point to 5 o'clock.

Another one from important points- if the broth was served with a stand, then leave the cutlery on it.

The arrangement of devices is an important stage of serving. It is also important to decorate the table beautifully. It doesn't matter why you decide to do this an interesting activity like serving. Households and many guests will forgive you for small flaws or neglect of some rules if you can create a truly unique atmosphere.

The most win-win option is a small gift for each guest. It can be absolutely any little thing that a person takes with him. Pack such a souvenir in beautiful paper that will be in harmony with the overall style of serving. Put the present on a plate.

You can put a small sweetness in the box (figured candy or cookies with beautiful decor). Key chains, souvenirs, figurines and other little things never lose their relevance. True, choose such a gift with a truly individual approach. A cute bear can cause an ambiguous reaction in a stately man.

Without extra costs you can decorate the plates with a small bouquet of flowers with satin ribbon. It can be a simple field composition. The main thing is that the guest feels your care and attention.

Name cards near the plates are very popular. Think carefully about the seating arrangement and place such landmarks. Cards can be made in the form of postcards. Write a name on top, and inside - a pleasant wish or compliment. This decision is relevant both in the family circle and at a formal event.

Napkins are often used for decoration. These are generally universal products that are both functional and decorative. The devices that will be used first can be decorated with napkins. Fold the fabric product into an envelope, put a fork and knife inside. Put on a special ring from above or tie it with a ribbon.

You can talk forever about the merits of napkins. The simplest table will sparkle with new tones thanks to colorful products. remember, that paper napkins can be used at home dinner or as an addition to the holiday table. If possible, give preference to fabric products.

The holiday begins with a feast! And no one will argue with that. We have long been accustomed to immediately recalling food, drinks and desserts when we talk about the past holiday.

If some kind of celebration is being prepared, they also first of all think about the festive table, various dishes. But the decoration of the table, the arrangement of dishes also play a huge role!

Beautiful table setting can completely transform the holiday, bring the event to a completely different level. At the same time, it is not supposed to arrange dishes, lay out forks and spoons in a random order. It's important to know whole line nuances.

people behind long years have already managed to derive a kind of "formula", the observance of which ensures comfort at the festive table for everyone. Serving is a real art. Remember the basic nuances so that your table is really elegant. Several interesting ideas holiday table decorations are also always useful.

Basic rules for serving a festive table

We immediately note a few nuances. These rules are universal for any table setting, regardless of the occasion for the holiday. It is important to pay attention to the choice of serving items. They should reflect the thematic focus of the feast, fit into the interior and design of the room as harmoniously as possible.

Dishes, napkins, plates and cutlery should be selected according to color, shape and materials, design, so that all items create a single ensemble together. It is advisable not to allow dissonance. It is necessary to take into account the color of textiles: tablecloths, napkins.

It is worth remembering that the setting of the festive table is needed not only to create a pleasant atmosphere, a special festive mood, but also to ensure comfort. It should be convenient for each guest to use dishes, cutlery, napkins. For this, the placement of all objects is thought out, the optimal distances between them.

There is also traditional sequence in which the festive table is usually served.

Vases with flowers will be a worthy decoration of any holiday table. Even at business lunches and official receptions, they are mandatory elements table decoration.

Remember that cutlery and glassware need to be more than just clean. On a properly served holiday table, these items are sure to shine. To do this, they are first washed, then thoroughly dried, after which they are polished to a shine with napkins.

Plates for serving a festive table

Please note: the plates themselves can be real works of art, true table decorations. Sometimes it is they who determine the thematic focus of the feast. Therefore, approach the choice of plates and sets thoughtfully. For a solemn event, you can purchase dishes separately.

Of course, it is important to remember how arrange the plates correctly during table setting.

  • Smooth the tablecloth again, make sure that there are no wrinkles or litter on it. Start spreading. There should be plates in front of each guest. You can not put them on the very edge of the table. The approximate distance from the plate to the edge is usually two centimeters. Professional waiters instantly determine the desired distance from the edge of the table by placing middle and index fingers between it and the plate.
  • When the occasion is solemn, it is worth using the so-called "double plates". You first put a small dinner plate, and already install a snack bar on it. Since the plate should not slide, a napkin should be laid between the dishes.
  • There are also special pie plates, which are located to the left of the main ones. The distance from the pie plate to the diner should be 5-12 cm.
  • If the feast is especially solemn, all the edges of the plates are placed on the same line, clearly. So line up small and patty plates.

The centers of all plates must be placed in one line.

Arrange the plates correctly. Be sure to consider that there will be vases, salad bowls, and cutlery on the table. Each guest should feel comfortable, be able to move quietly without touching the neighbors on the table.

Cutlery for serving a festive table

Now it's time to learn how to properly place cutlery for a festive table setting. In ordinary life, we are accustomed to reducing the number of forks and spoons to a minimum, putting cutlery in random order. But at festive serving this approach should be avoided. Remember all the nuances.

It is not necessary to lay out all the devices in a row. If the menu contains only snacks, you will not need cutlery. They are needed only for the second hot dishes.

All appliances should be perpendicular to the edge of the table, parallel to each other.

When dessert cutlery is required, they should be laid out in front of the plate. First a knife, then a fork and a spoon. The fork handle turns to the left, while the spoon and knife handles turn to the right.

Glassware plays a huge role on every table. Wine glasses and glasses decorate the table, become eye-catching decor details. At the same time, their practical function is also important. For example, the comfort of guests can largely depend on the shape of the glasses. Of some models, it is inconvenient to drink, some do not lie well in the palm of your hand.

Learn how to properly arrange glassware.

  • You can arrange glassware in the center, to the right of the plates. If the glass is placed in the center, it should be behind the plate. When you want to put the glass on the right, it should be placed in the place where the end of the first knife intersects with the top edge of the plate. This glass is poured mineral water, juice.
  • For fruit drink, kvass, you need to put a mug. The handle is turned to the right.
  • Glass, glass for alcoholic beverages put to the right of the main glass. When the assortment of drinks is large, the glass should be placed on the left, and all glassware for alcohol should be placed to the right of the plate.
  • More than three items in one row should not be placed. This already creates discomfort, looks ugly.

The distance between glasses, glasses should be approximately one centimeter.

Glasses, glasses, wine glasses for table setting

The capacity and type of glassware depends on what kind of drink will be in it.

In accordance with the rules of etiquette, it is customary to allocate a separate glass for each drink.

For vodka, an ordinary glass is placed, for fortified wine - Madeira. A separate glass is required for dry white wine. Champagne is poured into wine glasses, the capacity of which is 180-210 ml. If red dry wine is served, it should be accompanied by a special Rhine wine glass. Juices, water are poured into a glass, the capacity of which can be 250-350 ml.

It is great if all the glasses, wine glasses will be in harmony with each other.

Napkins also occupy a prominent place in the table setting. They are able to give the whole table special kind, create a themed design. Interestingly, folding napkins is a whole science. You can create peacocks, water lilies, candles and ties from them.

It is important to select napkins by color, size, so that they are in harmony with the tablecloth, dishes, interior of the room in which the solemn event is held. Then the feast will be magnificent. It is believed that when setting the table, it is necessary to use cloth napkins.

It is good when they are in harmony with the tablecloth in color and texture. Sometimes they immediately purchase sets that include textiles for serving. However, the original design solutions are also in demand. For example, napkins and tablecloths contrast. But with dishes, vases or plates, napkins should still be combined.

Napkins are used clean, starched. Usually a napkin is placed on a plate, you can put it on the right.

Cloth napkins are not customary to wipe your mouth. These accessories perform a decorative function, sometimes they are placed on your knees.

For hygienic purposes, use paper.

Festive table setting ideas

Tables are served differently. Any holiday table can be given an extraordinary, memorable look, make the decor themed.

Table setting deserves special attention. for a romantic dinner. A woman will be able to capture the imagination of her beloved if she creates such a small miracle. It is better to avoid too bright tones, stick to a few primary colors.

For example, red plates, napkins, flowers and candles of the same shade will be in perfect harmony with red glasses. A decorative heart, golden cutlery, white plates and transparent wine glasses, a snow-white flower vase fit perfectly into this serving.

The table setting looks very original in nautical style. It is suitable for lunch with family friends, New Year's breakfasts. A decorative light tree in a blue vase is placed in the center of the table, the surface of the table is decorated with a delicate blue cloth.

Transparent glasses are in perfect harmony with white plates and glass vases for dessert, light napkins. On the plates are small plates of bright turquoise color in the form of shells.

The festive table is also decorated in an original way. New Year. If friends decide have a bite before New Year's Eve , you can limit yourself to the arrangement of basic appliances, white plates and transparent glasses. The main decoration will be gifts in translucent fabric, placed on napkins in plates, and a festive composition of red candles and artificial pine needles.

Successfully designed New Year's table when serving contrasts shades of brown, beige and green. Bright Christmas balls in a white plate can become a real table decoration. Napkins are sometimes placed in the form of purses. So accessories become symbols of prosperity in the coming year.

, even very modest, also conquers with harmony. Plates can be put directly on the table when it is so beautiful, made of natural wood. The red fabric in the center becomes a bright detail, balls lie on it, Christmas trees stand. Elegant country style captivates at first sight.

You can come up with your own ways of serving the festive table. Consider all the nuances, remember the rules. Then any solemn feast will be fine.

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