Concrete floor for a warehouse. Device of concrete floors in warehouses, in the hangars, workshops Filling the floor in warehouses

Concrete floor was invented before the other types of bulk coatings for certain reasons. At the time of his appearance, he was a leader in solving several problems at once: resistance to mechanical and chemical impact, simplicity of installation and further care.

But time is coming, the requirements change, and after them the technologies of the device and indoors are progressing.

Despite the emergence of new technologies for the creation of self-leveling polymer coatings, concrete remains in demand as a base - black floor. And often the latest technology Concrete protection allows you to use it as the main floor, even in such rooms as warehouses.

Chemical impact

In warehouses with chemically-aggressive substances, alkali, acids and solvents are happening. Concrete coating should be resistant to and this type of exposure.

Firefire requirements

The arrangement of warehouse premises is given high requirements for fire safety. Walls, roof, racks and floor of the building must respond to fireproof standards. So the surface of the concrete flooring should not contain in itself substances capable of fire or smoke.

Waterproof and anti-slip properties
Methods for processing concrete floor can be any: from polishing to device, shops and warehouses. With all this floor in a warehouse must save its high performance features. Slippery floor leads to injury, in addition, these are critical inadvertible conditions for the work of warehouse equipment.

Protection of concrete floors in warehouses

So, the basic requirements for concrete floors in warehouses were considered. Now let's talk about how to solve these problems.

Concrete floors are often criticized due to their reduced resistance to chemicals and moisture. At the moment there are two ways to solve the problem: the original selection of high-quality concrete or subsequent strengthening of the top layer Topping.

Topping is a complementar, which is a mixture of special cements, fractionally distributed high-strength fillers (corundum, quartz, metal chips) and chemical additives. Pigments are added to the mixture.

The method of creating an initially durable concrete base is good to a certain extent. The fact is that this method It may lead to the bundle of the floor during its operation.

To avoid this trouble, primers are used with a reduced material viscosity indicator.

The process of strengthening the surface layer of concrete in advance diluted dry mixtures is called Topping. A durable layer, cooked on the basis of cement, quartz and other special additives, is placed in the prepared grounds in advance. In this case, adhesion will be higher.

Due to the topping, the durability and bleediness of the floor are significantly increased. Outcome: Topping protected industrial concrete floors will serve several times longer.

Another way to protect the surface layer of concrete is the use of paint. In addition to all above the listed impacts, you should not forget about the effect of open sunlight and such important indicators as aesthetically attractive appearance Concrete base.

In solving these tasks, concrete paints help to cope. They prevent impregnation of sex moisture, reduce the cropping and abrasion of the material, allow you to obtain decorative coatings.

In warehouses, the aesthetic side of the question is not relevant. However, it does not work out without the allocation of certain color zones: working, finished products And others.

In addition, concrete paints to some extent repeat the device of polymer floors. This is due to the fact that many flooring are manufactured on the basis of the same material - polymer. Polyurethane and acrylic concrete paints have increased great popularity. Such types of impregnations are capable of creating a durable layer on the surface of concrete.

Another indisputable advantage of paints for concrete is savings. In the absence of the need to create heavy-duty paint coverage will be the most advantageous option for the price. Concrete paints and varnishes can be applied manually, since they have self-leveling properties, and using the technique.

The best protection and better appreciation is achieved with the use of special machines.

Despite the decent service experience, concrete foundations have not yet lost their relevance. Improve the operational indicators of concrete gender in warehouses can be in several ways, but Topping remains the most reliable.

IN modern conditions Warehouse floors must comply with a number of requirements. The point here is primarily in huge loads that experience floors for storage facilities, since today warehouses for the most part high-racks, and technique is often used for unloading work.

Requirements for storage floors:

  • Resistance to abrasive abrasion. Finding inside the room on the wheels of the loaders and on the soles of employees, the grain soles are negatively affecting the surface of the floors.
  • Accessibility. Loading or unloading of goods is often accompanied by a drop in heavy items, which over time may cause serious destruction of the floor covering. That is why floors under the storage racks should be shockproof.
  • Special requirements for the floors of warehouse premises are made to the working areas, travel and places for turns, since there will be a maximum coverage in these areas (a large damage floor in the warehouse is applied by Rockla type carts - loaded and with a small diameter of wheels, as they cause excessive shifting voltage of the polymer layer).
  • Resistance to the action of chemistry and aggressive medium. For warehouses with acids, solvents and various paint and varnish products After all, such liquids have a property periodically spilled and the bulk floor must be ready for this.
  • The effect of high temperatures. The quality filling floor for warehouses should be worthy of withstanding temperature differences, because their impact reduces the life of the unprepared flooring.
  • Moisture resistant. Wet cleaning and the impact of various detergents It will not be a problem if this parameter is respected.
  • The effect of anti-slip. Another requirement for floors in warehouses is the absence of slip, because on slippery coverage, it is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous to health.
  • Fire safety. High-quality warehouse floors, the price of which "Polic Group" has very moderate, should prevent the spread of the flame in the sectors for workers and in evacuation zones.
  • Absorption of noise. A huge role in the field of floors in warehouses is noise insulation from the root and noise produced by various mechanisms.
  • Resistance to ultraviolet. This requirement is relevant for squares under glass or open sky.
  • Antistatic effect. In the presence of explosive substances in the warehouse, pharmaceutical preparations Or electrical equipment - antistatic floors will help to avoid excessive accumulation of static electricity in the outdoor coating.
  • Easy cleaning. A dusty floor covering in warehouses will help significantly reduce the time and expenditure for cleaning.
  • Hygienicity. This requirement is relevant for warehouses where food products are stored, as well as the goods of pharmaceutical, cosmetic, chemical and electronic groups, since they have special requirements for the absence of dust and dirt.
  • Durability. The requirement is relevant for all types of bulk floors and allowing to repair warehouse floors as less as possible.

Types of flooring for floor warehouses:

    The most reliable coating for the floor in warehouses is the polymer compositions that are used in the manufacture:
  • Bulk floors;
  • High-filled thick-layer coatings with quartz adding;
  • Enamel painting coatings;
  • Concrete floors with hardened top layer (Topping);
  • Polymeric hardening impregnations for concrete floor.

Polymer floors from polyks groups - the cost of the floor of the floor for a warehouse will please even the most economical

Quality polymer coating For sex in warehouses from Polyx-Group specialists, meets all the above requirements. Our thick-layer coatings are practically not affected by abrasive and mechanical effects, besides, they are able to withstand heavy loads and prevent the excess formation of dust. And most importantly - the price of work is one of the most attractive in the region.

Price on the industrial flooring for warehouse space

Name Cost of floors per square meter
Reinforced concrete floor with a strengthened top layer (Topping) from 1450 rubles
Reinforced concrete floor with a lined surface (under the disk) from 1000 rubles
Full bulk polymer coating from 1600 rubles
Bulk polymer coating with flocks from 1650 rubles
Multilayer polymer coating reinforced with quartz sand from 1450 rubles
Thin layer polymer coating with reinforcing layer from 1100 rubles
Painting polymer coating from 700 rubles
Dusting surface from 450 rubles
Applying matte varnish from 50 rubles

Repair of warehouse floors

The company "Polyks-Group" conducts high-quality repair of warehouse floors with a guarantee for all work performed. Want to be flooring He served as long as possible? Then do not break - call us or leave an application on the site and soon our specialist will leave for the evaluation of work.

The floors in the warehouse are constantly under operation are subject to mechanical loads, shock effects, sharp differences in humidity. Unfair made concrete floors in the warehouse can cause the emergence of additional financial costs associated with repairs, as well as warehouse downtime. Therefore, to trust to carry out industrial concrete floors in stock should only experimental masterswhich will be able to implement the tasks set by the requirements and technologies.

Presented to concrete floors Requirements

Carrier layer is reinforced concrete slab, on a sandy, rubberial or soil base. The thickness of the layer, the concrete class, the diameter of the reinforcement rods, the size of the reinforcement grid is determined individually for each case at the design stage based on the magnitude of the alleged loads, the purpose of the room and other factors.

Based on the purpose of the warehouse (storage of goods consumption, pharmaceutical products), its type (transit, customs, production) to concrete floor Certain requirements will be presented.

Technology Pouring

So, we immediately note that the technological process of the device of concrete floors can vary somewhat. Why and what it depends on, we have already found out. In most cases, technology provides for the following three stages:

  1. Preparatory;
  2. Filling of floors;
  3. Studing.

Each of the specified stages provides for certain works, so consider the process in more detail.

Preparatory activities provide for the following activities:

  1. From the working base, contamination of any origin is removed, as well as easily tracked and crumbling material;
  2. Determined zero levelMarks are set on the wall. Note that the thickness of the layer must be at least 10 cm, however, if the concrete is poured onto a sandy pillow, then at least 15 cm.
  3. On the basis, which is planned to concrete, the reinforcing mesh is placed or a welded frame is carried out, the reinforcement is performed at a height of 1-1.5 cm on the base of the floor and 0.5-1 cm from the zero point.
  4. Installing beacons. It is recommended to use metal profile, fixing them is convenient to produce on plaster. Note that the process of their installation should be carried out strictly by level.
  5. At the very end of the preparation of the surface to the pouring on the surface of the wall, namely, the plots where the concrete will touch the wall, the damper tape passes.

Filling a freshly prepared concrete mix for a prepared working base:

  1. The prepared concrete is evenly distributed according to a predetermined base, ranging from the far wall of the room, after which it is leveled by the rule;
  2. When performing alignment, a concrete layer is required, for this, a deep vibrator is used;
  3. The final (finishing) alignment is made by the rule, do not extend at this stage to use and the level, which will ensure the guaranteed to get the perfectly level basis;
  4. After the surface is flooded and thoroughly aligned, it gives time to dry, as a rule, it takes 6-9 hours, then on the concrete floor can be walking.

Tip! At the design of the fill of concrete floor, you need to provide holes for laying a system of communications system (unless of course it will be necessary).

  • After performing all the activities aimed at creating a concrete floor to the surface begin to rub Topping (special dry mixture). This part of the works are performed manually or a special machine, it all depends on the scope of work.

IMPORTANT! To ensure uniform drying of the concrete layer it for 7-10 days, it is recommended to be wrapped with water using a rairy roller for this.

After performing the grout if the concrete base area is large, it is recommended to perform compensation seams, a depth of 2.5 cm in increments of 40-70 cm, depending on the thickness of the concrete layer. Suts are cut special car Equipped with diamond or corundum disks.

On this, the process of performing an industrial concrete device in a storage room is considered to be fulfilled and the base can be started to exploit. Provided that all stages and technologies were observed by such a floor, guaranteed to last for a long time Qualitatively and securely regardless of the loads that will be provided on it.

This technological redistribution - organizationally the most difficult stage in the device concrete coatings floors. Breaks in the delivery of concrete, even by 30 - 40 min (especially in the summer), the inhomogeneous composition of concrete, the different plasticity of the mixture leads to an irreversible deterioration in the quality of concrete floors - first of all, its evenness and durability.

The manufacturer of floors in this case depends entirely on the obligation and efficiency of the supplier of the commodity concrete, so the selection of the concrete mixing site is the most important stage of planning all the work on the device.

The concrete mixture is distributed in the capture and compacted with vibrorets and deep vibrators. Special attention It is necessary to pay the quality of concrete seal along the guides, walls and around the columns. With the device "superproof" floors, special high-quality vibrations are used, and their geometry (deflection) must be checked and, if necessary, adjusted after each work shift.

The plasticity of the supplied concrete should be checked. The manufacturer should measure the sediment of the cone of the concrete mix from each concrete mixer ("mixer") and require a recipe adjustment supplier. Change the cone precipitation by more than 4 cm in the concrete batch supplied to one shift may result in difficulties when performing work and reduce the quality of the finished floor.

Alignment of the compacted concrete mix using manual rails.

For traditional technology Devices of concrete floors (the use of guide and vibrorek) The smooth of the floors is largely determined by the professionalism of concrete stackers. The use of high-quality guides adjustable vibroreks is not a pledge of the coating device with a given evenness.

Unfortunately, without much manual labor Get high-quality and smooth floors are not possible. In the manufacture of "superproof" floors for narrow-wide stackers 20 - 30% of all labor costs falls on manual alignment of concrete floor.

The use of concrete-laying complexes allows to reduce the share of labor costs for distribution and sealing the concrete mix, but also does not allow to abandon manual labor to align the freshly lined concrete.

Alignment is made using aluminum and wooden Reques rectangular cross section, Special burning profiles on telescopic handles with swivel hinges.

Exposure of fresh concrete.

The exposure time depends on the temperature of the base, humidity and ambient temperature, the activity of cement used in the preparation of a concrete mix. As a rule, concrete to subsequent operations for its processing is maintained within 3 - 5 hours. A frequently used technology of vacuuming concrete mix reduces the exposure time to 1 - 2 hours, which simplifies technology.

In accordance with the recommendations of the American Institute of Concrete (ACI) and most manufacturers of hardening compositions, the further processing of concrete can be started only after the depth of the imprint from the shoes on the concrete will be less than 4 - 5 mm. Such an informalized recommendation indicates that the technology of concrete floors, and as a result, their quality largely depends on the accumulated experience and professionalism of the stackers.

In the event that a concrete mixture is supplied to the construction site, the shutter speed of various sections of the concrete will be different in time, so this stage It is necessary to closely monitor the grasp of concrete.

Application 2/3 of the total amount of hardening composition on fresh concrete

The dry strengthening mixture is applied to the hardening concrete manually or with the help of special distribution trolleys. The latter method is most preferred, since it allows to achieve a controlled and uniform distribution of the hardening mixture.

For the manufacture of hardened concrete, dry mixes are used, which differ in each other type of wear-resistant filler. The most common -phraged quartz, corundum, silicon carbide and metal. In addition to the filler, the strengthening mixtures include portland cement, water-holding, plasticizing and other polymer additives.

From the intensity of wear, which is exposed to the floor, depends on the type of hardening composition. In warehouses, which uses loaders and stackers with monolithic polyurethane wheels, use flooding on quartz and corundum filler. In rooms where the movement of carts on metal wheels is possible - only metal-filled mixtures. For "superproof" floors, some firms produce strengthening formulations, characterized by increased plasticity and increased viability and workability time.

The total consumption of quartz and corundum complementar 4 - 7 kg per sq.m., metall-filled - 8 - 12 kg. on sq.m.

Received and widely used colored hardening compositions, but color finished coating Due to the inhomogeneity of the composition of the concrete mixture, its thickness, the application of the hardening composition is never uniform. Alignment of the floor color occurs within 1 - 3 months, depending on the thickness of the concrete and the conditions of its hardening. The same applies to the "spottedness" of the completion of the "natural concrete" color.

Grouting a complementar.

A dryer completed on concrete is aligned with manual regions, which are aluminum profile A cross section of 50 x 100 or 50 x 150 mm, to which the handle is attached on the rotary hinge. The use of manual rail allows you to more evenly distribute the hardening mixture along the concrete surface and control its saturation of moisture coming from concrete.

For mechanized grout use self-propelled and manual clutch machines. The grout starts dressed on machines with discs (diameter 60, 90 or 120 cm) with minimal revs. The grout is stopped after one - two passes on the surface.

Application of the remaining 1/3 of the completion of the completion and final grout.

After applying the remaining part of the hardening composition on the surface of the concrete, the grout continues with the help of disks, and as concrete is hardening, the discs from the grouting machines are removed and continue to process the surface with blades. At the same time, gradually increase the angle of inclination of the blades and the rotation speed of the rotors.

For new warehouses (floors):

  • When adjusting the soil should be designed minimal thick 120 mm with mandatory reinforcement;
  • The reinforcement grid is made of a rod 10 mm, with the size of the cells of 150x150 mm, if the load on the floor of the warehouse is within 5 tons / m.kv.

To divert the existing dusty collapsing concrete coatings (floors) in stock:

  • It is recommended to use a polymer or paint;
  • As an intermediate option, it is possible to use thin-layer topping coating (MASTERTOP 135 PG) with a thickness of 7 to 15 mm. This is a special Topping, stacked on top of the old brand concrete at least 300.

Rockla (hydraulic trolley) is driving for this floor as oil. If we carry out the processing of concrete floor with topping directly after laying using a special sodium or lithium impregnation, it will not dust.

An important advantage that our bulk flooring for storage facilities has its inability to dust and dust the goods, thereby preserving the proper type of goods.

The cost of bulk floors for a warehouse

Smooth concrete floor under polymer coating or tile * 530 rub. / Sq.m
Concrete floor with topping up to 120 mm thick * 650 rub. / Sq.m
Industrial concrete floor with topping up to 200 mm thick * 810 rub. / Sq.m
Industrial floor with topping with spatial reinforcement (2nd frame) and preparation of turnkey base ** 2700 rub. / Sq.m
Polymer concrete seamless finishing screed M-500 with polyurethane impregnation thick 20mm ** 1600 rub. / Sq.m
Cast Topping Basf Mastertop 135PG (Germany) thick 10mm ** 2200 rubles / sq.m
High-strength semi-dry screed M300 MAPEI 20mm ** 850 rub. / Sq.m

* The cost of work without material on the square from 2000 m.KV is indicated.
** The cost of work with the material on the square is from 1000 m.KV.

What could be the floor covering in the warehouse?

A spectrum of very serious requirements is presented to the floors in warehouses.

The coating must have:

  • Resistant to abrasive wear. We provide long-term operation, remembering the inadmissibility of the appearance of depression or chosel, which can lead to the collapse of racks;
  • Mechanical strength. In modern warehouses, there are many diverse loaders, so the floors should be securely resist the load from vehicles and shear stresses;
  • Impact strength. Polyurethane floors for a warehouse must cope with a drop in heavy loads so that no disorders of the coating monolith occur;
  • Chemical resistance. The coating should not be damaged in contact with the paints, oils, organic and other solvents;
  • Heat resistance. The destruction of the floor should not occur when the temperature drops from the positive to the negative range or vice versa;
  • Waterproof. This is important for trouble-free cleaning with the help of mechanized devices;
  • Anti-slip, regardless of the state of humidity, which is extremely important for industrial safety;
  • Fire safety;
  • Noise absorption providing improved working conditions for warehouse workers.

Bulk floors for a warehouse can be made far from each mixture. It is necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements listed above, so it is important to take care of the competent selection of its device and composition.

Our specialists will help you decide on right choices, Production of accurate calculations and proceed to compliance with technology when laying.

It is very important that the polymer floors for a warehouse in Moscow have perfectly smooth surface. Even with 3-millimeter irregularities, the deviation on the 9-meter height of the stacker occurs approximately 1 meter of deviation.

The cost of one wheel of an automated loader is 12,500 euros, and due to irregularities and roughness, it raises its rapid wear, which is fraught with unplanned costs.

What formulations are most in demand for laying floors on warehouse complexes:

  1. Impregnations having a polymer base strengthen concrete base (tie), polyurethane coating for a warehouse contributes to the extension of its service life and improving quality characteristics;
  2. Paints - there is a choice of single-component polymer enamel compositions that are applied to the concrete basis;
  3. Polymers (polyurethane or epoxy floors for warehouse) can be thick-layer or thin layer, consist of quartz, metal, corundum fillers.

Depending on the specific conditions, the use of one, several or at the same time all compositions is possible.

Options for filling in bulk floors for a warehouse

Due to the wide range of compositions and mixtures, effectively used when pouring floors, we can always make selection optimal option For specific types of premises and offer anti-light flooring for a warehouse.

If there is a stacker, shelves in the warehouse, shelves, we recommend using the painting or impregnation in the warehouse. In warehouses equipped with loading equipment, our company uses thin layer (thickness of 1-2 mm) cement-acrylic mixtures.

For equipping loading terminals and hangars, we are guided by similar recommendations.

If in each zone to use the most optimal polymer floor for a warehouse can be achieved to significantly save the cost of the coating, ensuring it with rational performance.

What is the cost of the device of bulk floors for a warehouse?

To determine the exact price, floor marking in stock in combination with accurate technical calculations. You can call for the order of the free measurement at a time convenient for you.

We will immediately deal with the calculation of the estimates, we will define optimal type Mixtures and provide the exact cost of a square meter.