What dosha test. Determining the optimal type of training according to dosha

There are seven possible types of doshas: Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Vata-Pitta, Vata-Kapha, Pitta-Kapha and all doshas are balanced (Prakriti Sama). There are three sections, one for each dosha.

Complete each section and add all the numbers together to complete the score for each dosha. Consider each answer carefully. If in doubt about what to answer, put a number that could apply to you for your life, at least for the last few years.

0 to 2 = Not applicable to me,
3 to 4 = Applicable sometimes or to some extent,
5 to 6 = Almost always applies to me.

Section 1. Vata Dosha. 0–2 3–4 5–6

1. By nature I am very active, I usually do things quickly.

2. I learn quickly and forget quickly.

3. As a rule, I am enthusiastic and animated.

4. I have a thin build.

5. I don't gain weight easily.

6. I walk quickly and easily.

7. I tend to have difficulty making decisions.

8. I often have constipation.

9. I have a tendency that my hands and feet are cold.

10. I am often anxious and nervous.

11. Cold weather bothers me more than most people.

12. I speak quickly and I am talkative.

13. I am emotional by nature and my mood often changes.

14. My sleep is often restless and disturbed.

15. My skin is dry, especially in winter.

16. I have an active, unstable mind, rich in imagination.

17. Energy comes to me in tides.

18. I have a tendency to quickly spend or use up all the energy or money I have.

19. My eating and sleeping habits tend to be irregular.

20. I have a variable appetite.

Section 2. Pitta Dosha. 0–2 3–4 5–6

1. I usually act skillfully.

2. I have a tendency to be extremely precise and neat.

3. I am energetic and partly I have a strong, persuasive demeanor.

4. I feel uncomfortable or get tired easily in hot weather.

5. I sweat easily.

6. Even though I may not always show it, I get irritable and angry quite easily.

7. If I skip a meal or there is a delay in eating, then this makes me feel uncomfortable.

8. One or more of the following qualities characterize my hair: early graying or balding, thin, thin, straight hair, blond, red or auburn hair.

9. I have a strong appetite.

10. I like to set goals for myself and then try to achieve them.

11. I have bowel movements very regularly. For me, it is more typical that bowel movements occur freely than that constipation occurs.

12. I become impatient very easily.

13. I tend to bring everything to perfection in detail.

14. I get angry quite easily, but then I quickly forget about it.

15. I really like cold food such as ice cream and also cold drinks.

16. I am more likely to feel that the room is too hot than that the room is too cold.

17. I cannot stand very hot or very spicy food.

18. I am not as patient with objections as I should be.

19. I like complex tasks, challenging me. When I want something, I am very determined in my efforts to achieve it.

20. I tend to be critical of both others and myself.

Section 3. Kapha Dosha. 0–2 3–4 5–6

1. I do things in a slow, relaxed manner.

2. I gain weight easily and lose it slowly.

3. By nature I am silent and speak only when necessary.

4. I can easily skip meals without significant inconvenience.

5. I am prone to excess mucus and phlegm, chronic blockage, asthma and sinus problems.

6. I need at least eight hours of sleep in order to feel comfortable the next day.

7. I sleep very deeply.

8. I am peaceful by nature; I don't get angry easily.

9. I do not learn as quickly as some, but I have an excellent ability to remember; I have a long memory.

10. I eat slowly.

11. Cold and dampness bother me.

12. My hair is thick, dark and wavy.

13. I have smooth, soft, somewhat pale skin.

14. I have a large, solid build.

15. By nature I am calm and peaceful.

16. I have weak digestion, which makes me feel heavy after eating.

17. I have very good stamina, stamina and physical endurance, as well as a stable energy level.

18. As a rule, I have a slow, measured gait.

19. I usually feel unsteady and unsteady after sleep and usually move slowly in the morning.

20. I usually do things slowly and methodically.

Final scoring: Vata _____, Pitta _____, Kapha _____

1. If one score is much higher than the others, then this is your predominant dosha. This dosha will be most evident in your constitution if its amount is at least twice that of the next dosha. However, if any dosha is higher, it can also be accepted as the dominant dosha.

2. If the count for two doshas is almost the same, then you have a body with two doshas. For example, Vata (76), Pitta (73) and Kapha (45), then you have a Vata-Pitta constitution.

3. If all the amounts are the same, then you have a balanced constitution, which is rare. Better take the test again and answer more carefully.

4. If your condition changes all the time, for example, if you have either constipation or diarrhea, then most likely this is due to excitation of Vata dosha.

To correctly understand the basic principles of the Vedic system of treatment, you first need to know what doshas are. The fundamental concepts of Ayurveda are based on the definition of prakriti, in other words, the constitution of the human body. From balance useful substances, rhythm and characteristics of metabolic processes, as well as physique, determine how the body reacts to painful changes, what it weak spots And strengths. By determining your prakriti using a dosha test, you will find out what rhythm of life and type of nutrition suits you, what you should be careful of when taking care of your health, and what diseases you should protect yourself from.
A kind of personality type that is determined by general characteristics physiology, such as skin type, hair, digestive characteristics, emotional state, gait and so on.

Vata, Pitta, Kapha or Prakriti Itself?

There are three types in total: Vata, Pita, Kapha. Each of them corresponds to its own element - Wind, Fire, Water. These are not just metaphors taken from ancient teaching, - Ayurvedic medicine thus names the key substances or processes in each type of body constitution.

For example, a person with prominent Vata dosha is endowed with a fast metabolism and an “airy” physique. For Pita, the main role in establishing balance in the body is played by a strong digestive fire; such people also usually have a “hot” disposition. Kapha is slowness, smoothness, stability, excess moisture. There is also the so-called Sama-prakriti, in which there is not one or two predominant doshas - they are all in relative balance. From birth, every person has his own prakriti.

Why dosha test is needed?

In a healthy body, all three doshas are in dynamic interaction, and their ratio can change throughout life under the influence of both external and internal factors. But as soon as the balance is sharply disturbed, the body begins to resist this, which often becomes the cause of the onset of disease-causing processes. Therefore, it is very important to know about the real needs and characteristics of your body in order to understand which lifestyle is best suited for you. Ayurvedic medicine gives general recommendations for each type of prakriti, observing which you can return your body to its natural balance. There are also tips for when one of the doshas has unnaturally become predominant in your body under the influence of the external environment.

You can take the dosha test twice, answering questions about the characteristics of your physiology in childhood and now. If the results are dramatically different, this is a sure sign that something in your lifestyle does not meet the needs of the body and requires changes. But, in order to more accurately assess your condition, prevent the development possible diseases and receive specific recommendations for improving your health, you need to take the opportunity to undergo professional Ayurvedic diagnostics at the Amrita center. The specialist will be able in the best possible way evaluate the functioning of your body in order to further help you become healthier and more effective in your life.

To successfully apply the laws of Ayurveda in life, you need to know what type of person you are. This can be done using a simple test consisting of certain statements; you just need to evaluate how suitable this or that characteristic is for you.

Dosha test

The test consists of three parts, each characterizing a specific Dosha. Answer questions honestly. At the end, count the number of points; if their number is much higher for a certain Dosha, then it is the leading one; if two Doshas have approximately the same amount, you are a mixed type; the option when all three Doshas are balanced is not excluded.

There are three possible answers:
– “yes” rather than “no” (2 points),
– sometimes (1 point),
– rather “no” than “yes” (0 point).

Vata Dosha

Physical characteristics:
1. Frail physique (narrow chest, narrow hips, thin ankles and wrists),
2. It is difficult to gain weight even during holidays and rich meals,
3. If you do gain extra pounds, they are located around the waist and abdomen,
4. You move quickly
5. You often feel cold
6. The skin has a dark tint, the hair is thin and coarse
7. Height is either above average or below.

1. Appetite can be either increased or decreased, depending on the emotional state,
2. Sleep is intermittent, often restless,
3. Tendency to constipation,
4. Increased activity, both physical and emotional,
5. Fatigue,
6. You rarely and little sweat.
7. Your pulse is weak but rapid (above 80 beats per minute).

Personal qualities:
1. You have difficulty making decisions
2. You often get nervous
3. You have a good imagination,
4. You spend money quickly and own strength(physical and mental),
5. Mood changes often and sharply,
6. In general, you lead a chaotic lifestyle,
7. Favorite food – hot or warm with a sweet, salty or sour taste.

Pitta Dosha

Physical characteristics:
1. Average build
2. The skin has a yellowish tint, there are many freckles or moles on it, the hair is soft blond or light brown,
3. Average height,
4. Body temperature is slightly elevated,
5. You gain and lose weight relatively easily,
6. Weight is distributed evenly throughout the body,
7. Body movements are measured.

Physiological characteristics:
1. You are quite energetic
2. Have a good appetite,
3. Regular bowel movements,
4. You sweat easily in hot weather or simply when the air temperature is high,
5. Sound sleep, duration – average,
6. You are quite resilient
7. You recover relatively quickly after work.

Personal qualities:
1. You usually act skillfully and carefully,
2. You easily lose patience, you can quickly get angry or excited, but you calm down just as quickly,
3. You have a tendency to criticize
4. You have clear and logical thinking,
5. The predominant character traits are ambition, practicality, sometimes envy,
6. You spend your money sparingly and distribute your energy,
7. You like cool food with a neutral taste, and don’t like too spicy dishes.

Kapha Dosha

Physical characteristics:
1. Large build, wide bones,
2. Tall or short,
3. The skin is soft, the hair is dark, thick, can be wavy,
4. Body temperature is slightly lowered,
5. You gain weight easily but have trouble losing weight
6. Extra pounds are concentrated in the hips and legs,
7. In general, all main functions are somewhat slow.

Physiological characteristics:
1. Increased sweating, there is a tendency to edema,
2. Sleep is deep and long,
3. Digestion is slow, after eating there is often heaviness in the stomach,
4. You often suffer from a runny nose,
5. You are physically resilient
6. Your appetite is generally moderate, you rarely suffer from obvious hunger or thirst,
7. The pulse is slightly slow (60 beats per minute).

Personal qualities:
1. You act and think slowly, without haste,
2. It’s difficult to make you angry
3. You are usually calm
4. You lead a measured lifestyle, often plan your day,
5. You love to eat tasty and substantial food, preferring warm food with a slightly sour or astringent taste,
6. You are slow to remember information, but have a good memory.
7. You spend your money sparingly.

"is a fairly ancient branch of Indian Vedic medicine. The first sources (treatises) on this topic were written more than 2000 years ago. Let's try to crack this open ancient knowledge and for myself, having tried to figure out how, and most importantly, why it is necessary to determine the types of people according to Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic theory describes a person as an individual, a kind of micro-universe, physical and mental condition which play a decisive role when it comes to her well-being. Ayurvedic texts state that man consists of 5 constituent elements: ether (Akasha), air (Vayu), water (Jala), fire (Agni) and earth (Prithvi). In certain combinations, these elements form the three most important vitality body - doshas. A person is healthy if the doshas are balanced.

Types of people according to Ayurveda are classified according to dosha. Knowing the type specific person, the Ayurvedic tradition outlines the range of diseases inherent in it and gives recommendations for overcoming and preventing them.

The table below will help you correctly and quickly determine the types of people according to Ayurveda. Rate yourself and your loved ones with its help, choosing only the answers that suit you. Here, however, it should be borne in mind that all three doshas are present in every person. They are only expressed in varying degrees of strength: some have more pronounced Kapha, while others have more Pitta or Vata. Often they occur “explicitly” mixed types. However, try to find your advantageous type.

If most of your answers follow Table 1, then your type is Vata. The answers given in Tables 2 and 3 are Pitta type and Kapha type, respectively. This is how the types of people are determined according to Ayurveda. Of course, there are much more detailed versions of “questionnaires”. But by using the above “express survey” you will reliably identify your predominant dosha type.

Decoding dosha

People with a Vata constitution are always on the go, mobile and highly adaptable. They do not like to sit idle, are very sociable, they like mental activity. As a result, they are more susceptible to stress, anxiety and related diseases.

Pitta people have a dynamic, fiery personality type. They love struggle, quick decisions and impulsive actions. Such people are most susceptible to headaches and digestive problems.

People with a Kapha constitution are practical, sensible and the most down-to-earth. They most often suffer from fatigue, water retention, bloating and sugar cravings. These people also tend to be slow and lethargic.

Correction (treatment) of the body

Ayurveda has in its arsenal many various methods treatments, including dietary and lifestyle approaches, use medicines plant origin and others.

The following simple but very effective Ayurvedic method deserves attention. Its principle is based on the fact that the foods we eat every day, as well as the degree to which they are heated or cooled, seriously affect our body, depending on the type of dosha to which it belongs. The table below will help you understand how to put this into practice.

You can find out more about the rules of nutrition according to doshas.

Ayurveda types of people were developed many centuries ago and are designed to help a person understand what is best for him and what should be avoided, what ails him and how to treat him. Try to determine your type, and then, after consulting with a doctor, choose the appropriate diet (if you can call it that) and positive changes in the condition of your body will not take long to appear.

How to determine body constitution
(Dosha test)

Doshas in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, all people are divided into 5 main types, which depend on the dominant element in the constitution. The elements of Ether and Earth are considered passive because the former is inert, and the latter represents the solid basis for everything that exists. Dynamic and active elements include Fire, Air and Water. The theory of the three doshas is based on these 3 elements.

Vata dosha embodies Ether and Air, Kapha is represented by Earth and Water, and Pitta is represented by Water and Fire.

The concept of three doshas in Ayurveda is fundamental. In European medicine, there is a theory that human nature can be determined by the dominance of blood, bile or mucus. However, this theory is only part of the numerous Ayurvedic knowledge.

The proportions of the doshas are determined at conception and depend on nutrition, genetic characteristics, lifestyle and psychological state parents. A balanced constitution, when all doshas are in harmony, is rarely observed. If a person is lucky, he will be endowed with excellent health. Most people are born with one or two dominant doshas. They need to adjust their diet and lifestyle to achieve good health.

Each person is endowed with prakriti of one of the 7 combinations of Pitta, Vata and Kapha (P, V, K, PK, VK, VP, Samadosha).

Vikriti and Prakriti

The combination of doshas, ​​which is established before birth and is unique, is called prakriti. It remains unchanged throughout life. An exception may be situations where genetic changes are observed. However, there is a so-called constitution of the present - vikriti. It characterizes the state of the body at the moment. If health is ideal, then vikriti and prakriti coincide. However, in most cases, there is a significant difference between them due to dietary habits, emotional background, lifestyle, age, exposure external factors etc. This difference can be determined by an Ayurvedic doctor after a thorough examination of the person. Having learned the difference between vikriti and prakriti, the doctor can draw up a detailed health program.

If you know your constitution type, you can determine exactly what steps need to be taken on the path to health. An Ayurvedic doctor can help with this. However, if you do not have this opportunity, you can take a constitution test.