How to choose a microwave oven: type of heat treatment, functions, power, and so on. Microwave (microwave) oven. Description, principle of operation, types and selection of a microwave oven

Many owners of microwave ovens do not even know what this device is capable of, since they use it only for defrosting and heating food. In fact, the list of its capabilities is much wider, as experts say.


You can use the microwave to peel vegetables such as tomatoes. You will first need to make a small cross-shaped cut on the product and leave it to expose to high temperatures for two minutes.


Anyone who cooks at least occasionally knows how difficult it is at times to peel enough garlic for a dish. As it turned out, the microwave will help you achieve what you want much faster and without extra effort... To do this, you need to send the head of garlic to the microwave and start it at maximum power, and 15 seconds will be enough to separate the husk from the cloves.

Potato chips

This delicacy is loved by many, and to get healthy chips without unnecessary additives and calories, you can make them yourself. To cook chips in the microwave, cut the potatoes into thin circles, put them on a plate, pour oil on top and sprinkle with your favorite spices. To obtain crispy chips, it is enough to keep them under the influence of temperature for three minutes on each side.

Sterilization of cans

Before sewing cans, many housewives spend a lot of time sterilizing them, but thanks to the microwave, this stage can be shortened several times. Clean containers will need to be sent to the microwave when wet, where in just a couple of minutes the liquid will evaporate, and the cans will become safe for clogging.


To cook healthy steamed vegetables, it is no longer necessary to carry out a lot of manipulations on a regular stove. All vegetables are enough to wash, cut into cubes / slices, put in a microwave container, season and close tightly. On low power, you need to cook the dish for about 20 minutes, and then it will turn out well without much effort.


Sometimes people do not even notice that the purchased bread is stale, which can ruin the long-awaited dinner. However, in just 15 seconds, dry bread can be turned into soft bread using the microwave. If the product is very stale, before sending it to the oven, it should be sprinkled with cool boiled water.


The microwave is helpful not only in cooking, but also in keeping it clean and fighting germs. To rid kitchen sponges and other utensils such as cutting board, from germs and bad smell you just need to put them in the microwave for a few minutes. Before this, it is necessary to apply directly to the contaminated surface. detergent, and after exposure to high temperatures, the cleaned items should be rinsed with water.

Microwave is considered not so old type. kitchen appliances... Her age does not even reach seventy years. An inventor named Percy Spencer received a patent for these products back in 1945.

Initially, microwave ovens were used in large organizations and restaurants, since the cost of the device was simply enormous. In addition, the weight of this equipment reached 360 kg.

Now the microwave is a compact appliance equipped with a large number m functions. This is already a completely familiar device that almost all families have.

Is microwave dangerous

There are many rumors about the threat posed by microwaves. The main one is radiation harmful to the body. But modern equipment is absolutely safe. Microwave safety is ensured by a special protective mesh and a magnetic trap that prevents harmful rays from spreading.

To make sure in the safety of the microwave, you can do one interesting test. When buying, put your mobile phone in the device you like, close the door and call the device. If the network is not available, then this is proof of the absolute safety of microwave equipment.

Which microwave oven is better to buy

The microwave not only saves time and conveniently prepares food, but also provides good protection organism. When cooking with microwave ovens, vitamins and other useful microelements are retained in food, which cannot be said about food that is cooked on a traditional gas stove.

Before choosing a microwave oven, you should decide on its purpose. In the event that you will be using the device exclusively for heating food, it is better not to stop your choice on the most expensive and "sophisticated" options. A fairly cheap model with minimal functionality.

Most needed options microwave oven- this is heating food, defrosting food, the presence of a grill and the possibility of steaming food.

You need to choose such a microwave so that it is fully consistent with your financial situation. The cost of this technique today varies from 2,900 to 10,000 rubles or more.

Of course, you can buy a microwave and it is much more profitable - from 1,500 to 4,000 rubles, but such products will be of dubious quality, and the food will warm up for a very long time due to low power.

Main characteristics

After choosing the main functionality, you should study in detail the characteristics of microwave ovens. These include the following:

Enamel is considered to be a very wear-resistant and heat-resistant material. Carbon deposits are removed from it easily and quickly. In addition, the enamel is highly resistant to temperature changes. However, high temperatures are very harmful for her, because microwave ovens with such a coating, as a rule, last no more than 6-7 years. Most main drawback enamel coating - the ability to easily scratch the surface, which adversely affects the service life of the equipment.

Stainless steel is a very tough material. A microwave from it is not afraid of temperature drops and strong heating. In addition, it is almost impossible to scratch or damage such a surface. but stainless coating also has disadvantages associated with the complexity of care and rapid pollution. Traces of carbon deposits and drops of fat cannot be removed as quickly and easily as from enamel. It will take a lot of effort here.

Bioceramic surface - innovative development, which combines the advantages of stainless steel and enamel. Scratch resistance, easy maintenance and high resistance to temperature fluctuations - these advantages make this material the best choice... Microwave ovens made of such material are much more expensive than their counterparts, but in this situation, the goal fully justifies the investment.

Control types

There are two types of microwave controls:

  1. Mechanical. These devices have a pair of handles. One controls the power indicators, the other determines the duration of work.
  2. Electronic. These microwave ovens are equipped with touch or push-button switches. Experts believe that push-button switches are of better quality and more reliable, however, the modernity and convenience of sensors are very attractive to consumers.

Which microwave is better, sensory or mechanical, hard to say. It all depends on tastes and financial capabilities.

Main functions

It has already been said above that the following functionality microwave ovens play an important role:

Additional features

In addition to the necessary ones, modern models also have additional functions:

Microwave utensils

An important point when choosing a microwave is suitable dishes... These are usually glass, ceramics or porcelain.

In addition, special plastic containers are on sale today. You can distinguish them from ordinary ones by a special icon. One way or another, when purchasing a microwave, you should pay Special attention on pallets and containers that are included in the package. Thanks to them, you can significantly expand the functionality of this kitchen equipment.

The microwave has taken an important place in many kitchens around the world. For different people The microwave oven plays different roles: for some it is a fashionable "toy", for others it is a convenient and practical assistant in the kitchen.

Someone buys it in order to quickly reheat food, and someone has achieved such mastery of cooking that it replaces him with a cooking stove. And the truth is - in modern microwave ovens you can defrost food, cook soups, stew fish, meat, as well as bake pies, cook grilled chicken and much more. All this is limited only by the flight of fantasy. It is important to choose the right model once, and then your kitchen will be replenished with this irreplaceable device that will last for many years.

Many buyers do not even realize that a microwave oven also belongs to built-in household appliances. For quite a long time, special frames have been produced that allow you to fix microwave ovens in the niches of wall cabinets, thereby giving the kitchen a more pleasant look. The buyer has the opportunity to choose the type of oven: built-in or solo microwave.

How does a microwave oven work? It's simple. The magnetron generates microwaves that thermally affect the product. Water molecules in food under the influence of microwave waves begin to vibrate - thereby heating everything around them. It turns out that in a microwave oven, food goes through the cooking process from the inside. No fat or water is required for microwave cooking. A huge advantage of the microwave is that food retains its beneficial features.

Types of microwave ovens

All microwave ovens microwave ovens are divided into three types:

  1. microwave;
  2. microwaves + grill;
  3. microwaves + grill + convection.

Any model like " microwave»Allows you to defrost, reheat and cook food. But for the preparation of some dishes, microwave waves alone are not enough, therefore in microwaves built-in grill, which is of two types: heating element and quartz.

Spiral Heating element grill located at the top of the working chamber, but sometimes it is duplicated in the lower part. Microwaves with such a grill cost more than one, but they allow you to heat the product more evenly and get a crisp crust, which is impossible to create only with microwaves. In some modern models, the grill changes its position from horizontal to vertical. A heating element grill has many advantages, not least among which: models with a heating element grill are cheaper models with quartz.

Quartz grill located at the top of the microwave oven. This grill takes up less space than the heating element, and as a result, this allows you to increase the volume of the chamber for products. The quartz grill is stationary, it gains power more quickly and does not require special maintenance. These advantages make models of microwave ovens with a quartz grill more expensive, compared to Tenov.

Realizing the full potential of microwave cooking allows Microwave oven with convection function... There are five ways to cook in these ovens: a combination of microwave, grill and convection. Convection microwave ovens have a built-in heating element and a fan that distributes air through the oven chamber. The effect is similar to heating food in an oven. Meanwhile, such a microwave oven has a huge advantage over an oven: it does not heat the air in the room (which is very important in the summer heat).

A modern multifunctional microwave oven allows you to cook real culinary masterpieces. Together with another household appliances it will give you the opportunity to abandon the stove and oven. There will be no need to clutter up the workspace with these bulky devices when the same functions will be performed by several small devices that neatly fit into the interior. But such comfort is achieved, often, a considerable investment.

The volume of the working area of ​​the microwave oven

This parameter is one of the most important when choosing a microwave. The amount of food that can be heated depends on the volume of the microwave oven chamber. For the needs of one person, a microwave with a working chamber with a volume of 8.5 liters is quite enough, two people can use a model for 13-18 liters, families with three or more people should focus on 20-23 liters. Among the microwave ovens, the real "giants" stand out: microwave ovens with an internal volume of up to 41 liters. They are ideal for families with many children, as well as for those who like to invite guests. Such microwave ovens are quite suitable for cooking large bird, cauldron pilaf or cook a large saucepan with borscht.


Modern microwave ovens microwave ovens have two types of control: mechanical and electronic. The individual convenience of use depends on the type of microwave oven control: someone prefers mechanical, someone likes control by means of a remote control and a display. Each control method has both disadvantages and advantages.

  • Mechanical control is the simplest way. It is highly reliable and more understandable for beginners. By turning the knobs, you can set the power of the device and the duration of heating.
  • Electronic control implemented in two types: push-button or touch.
    The buttons allow you to select the power level and cooking time, as well as the mode: with grill or convection. At the moment, most microwave ovens have push-button control: it is very simple and is considered optimal.
    The touch panel is absolutely smooth and offers the possibility of automating the cooking process. Using the touch panel, you can program the microwave to cook your favorite dishes, according to previously known recipes. In some touchscreen microwave ovens, the most common recipes are preset in memory. Cooking according to such recipes is very simple: you put food in the work area, press "start", and then the microwave will do everything by itself. The touch panel is recommended for people who have already used microwave ovens.

Additional features

  • One of the additional features of the microwave oven is steam function, which prevents excessive drying of food during cooking. This function doubles the heating time and improves the taste of the cooked food.
  • Also in some microwave ovens it is provided ventilation of the working chamber... This function will not be used often, but it can sometimes make the cooking process easier for you. Smells left over from reheating will no longer affect the taste of subsequent cooked food.
  • Multi-level grill will speed up the cooking process by heating several dishes at the same time. As a result, you will save on electricity.
  • Some microwave ovens have a built-in automatic weight detection function product.
  • For lovers of frying, you can advise to buy a special plate - "Crisp", which heats up to two hundred degrees and is made of a material that is safe to place in the microwave.
  • Some microwave oven models have an intuitive dialogue mode... It facilitates the cooking process, and can also announce the preparation of food by voice.
  • A very convenient addition is e-cookbook... The cooking process will be facilitated at times and will become available even to a child.

Interior finishing of the working chamber

  • The working chamber can be covered various materials... Let's consider some of them:
  • Enamel- is the most common coating. Caring for the enamel is simple and does not take much of your time. All you need is to wipe the inner surface sometimes.
  • Ceramic coating very resistant to physical influences, with correct operation it is difficult to damage it. Grease and splashes run off, making it easier to care for your microwave.
  • The oven chamber takes the longest care stainless steel... But it has undeniable advantages: pleasant appearance, impact resistance, wear resistance, capable long time withstand high temperatures.
  • Inexpensive microwave ovens can be painted under the enamel". This is not as scary as it might seem, since such ovens are used only for microwave heating, then their service life will be very long.

How to choose a brand of microwave oven

In shops household appliances a large assortment of microwaves, most of which fall in the range of 3000 - 15000 rubles. Very quickly you will notice that the price of microwave ovens with the same set of functions different manufacturers is different. It would seem that the choice is obvious: take a cheaper oven. But this is not so, or rather it is not always so. Microwaves from top brands are more expensive, but these brands care about the quality of their products. Lesser-known brands usually do not charge high prices, but sometimes their products can be of poor quality. I would like to list the most famous brands, the quality of which has been tested by time - these are Siemens, Bosch, Kuppersbusch and some others. Models of famous brands are modern design, presence of additional features and long-term work over the years.

Average lifetime and warranty

The manufacturer's warranty is usually 1 year, sometimes this period is extended to two years. For an additional fee, in most stores, you can extend the warranty period by 1-2 years. The service life is usually 4-8 years.


Do not chase after a "fancy" microwave if you are not sure that you will use all of its functions. All that a good microwave oven and a person who knows how to use it needs is microwaves, a grill and convection. If the microwave is taken to the office, then you can limit yourself to a low-volume option with only microwaves.

LCD display Is an easy-to-use thing that gives the microwave modern look, but it is not adapted to sudden changes in the supply voltage. They can seriously damage it or even disable it. A voltage regulator will eliminate this problem. A failed LCD will cost 2000-3000 thousand rubles for repairs.

This article has described everything in order to choose the microwave oven you need. The main parameters were explained, which are worth taking a closer look at. Now the purchase will not be difficult.

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On the modern kitchen you can find a lot of household appliances, these are blenders, coffee makers, electric kettles and other equipment. Among the varieties of new products modern world, found a place for an oven with a microwave function. The main task of such equipment is to combine the functions of an oven and the ability to heat ready meals.

Built-in model in a modern kitchen

What is an oven with a microwave function and what are its features

The equipment combines the functions of the oven and the basic elements of the microwave oven. There is also another name - with the function of the oven.

The purpose of the microwave oven was to create extra space in the kitchen. This is especially true in Russia, where often in apartments kitchen areas so small that even the smallest set of equipment and furniture is difficult to fit.

All types of such ovens can be divided into:

  • By power source:
  • Electrical;
  • gas.
  • Depending on the hob:
  • dependent;
  • independent.
  • By type of installation:
  • built-in;
  • separate equipment.

Each version of the oven with a microwave function has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, models powered by electricity provide an even distribution of heated air flows from several sources at once, are safer during use and have more functionality. At the same time, gas options heat up food much faster, they are cheaper and have a sufficient set of functions.

According to the installation option, it is relevant to use built-in models, the assortment of which is larger, and they also really save space in the kitchen.

What you should pay attention to when choosing an oven with a microwave function: the advantages and disadvantages of technology

An oven with a microwave function differs from the usual version in that a magnetron is installed in it, which serves as a source of ultra-high radiation. In this case, any heating occurs due to the flow of heat from heating element or gas burner... By combining radiation and these sources, it is not the food itself that heats up, but the liquid contained in it.

There are a number of advantages due to which more and more consumers are installing such equipment, choosing built-in options with small dimensions. These include:

However, there are also shortcomings in the built-in oven with a microwave:

  • the internal volume of the oven is less than that of standard appliances, so there may be problems with cooking on two levels at once;
  • high cost compared to individual equipment options;
  • they are usually installed in a kitchen set, so you have to bend over to warm up;
  • not too wide range;
  • if repair is necessary, it will be necessary to temporarily lose both the oven and the microwave.

Although, according to buyers, the technique fully justifies itself, and all of the listed shortcomings are easily compensated for by the presence additional functions and the resulting free space.

What to look for

To choose the right oven with a microwave oven, you should pay attention to consumer reviews, as well as the following characteristics:

  • Source of power. They choose it based on the frequency of cooking, if you cook constantly and a lot, it is cheaper to connect the gas option, if not, you can do with the electric one.

  • Dimensions. On the small kitchens small ovens are quite enough, for which you do not need to allocate a special large space.
  • Power. The larger it is, the faster the food will heat up or the cooking process will go through. But the cost will also be higher.
  • The number of operating modes. In order not to overpay, choose a model where there will be only functions that are useful to you.

Consider detailed description oven with microwave function on the example of a well-known manufacturer - Bosch.

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Oven with microwave Bosch: a detailed description of the model

Bosch is famous brand, the technique of which is distinguished by its reliability and a large number of built-in functions. Consider a novelty from the manufacturer to see the possible number of functions in a microwave oven powered by a network.

The BOSCH HNG6764W1 model is made in white and its cost is high, due to the large number of functions (158,000 rubles). Her photo is presented below:

Added to this model following functions, which became the main advantages of the equipment:

  • double boiler;
  • microwave;
  • pyrolytic self-cleaning.

This is an independent electric oven with the function of not only a microwave, but also a double boiler. There are 15 different heating modes and the total volume is 67 liters. A large number of options have been added, including the use of 4D hot air, the presence of top and bottom heat, the possibility of baking the grill, a separate mode for making pizza, as well as defrosting and the ability to set high heat.

The oven door is hinged, while there is a very advantageous option for housewives - self-cleaning (pyrolysis). The model is equipped with a touch screen for control and a multifunctional clock (timer). The range of temperatures used is from 30 to 300 ⁰С. The lighting is diode.

The advantages also include a security system, which includes:

  • protection from children;
  • auto shutdown in case of emergency;
  • residual heat indication;
  • built-in fan for cooling.

The dimensions of such a cabinet are 59.5 by 59.5 by 54.8, that is, a niche will be required for installation with dimensions of 60 * 56 * 55 cm.

This model is suitable for those who like to cook a variety of dishes, or for people who want to have the best and newest technology in the kitchen. If you do not want to purchase something new, but are looking for a proven option, below is the user rating.

Related article:

What is the best electric built-in oven: reviews. Built-in products that are easily placed inside the kitchen unit are becoming more and more popular. How to choose the right built-in electric oven, read the special publication.

Rating of popular built-in microwave ovens

In order to understand which models were most often purchased by the price category and by the quality of the equipment, let's look at the rating of the three most popular options.

Table 1. Popular embedded ovens with microwave

Model / PictureTechnical specificationsCost, rub.
Number of programs12 18 000
A typeElectric
Microwave power900 watts
Self-cleaning typePyrolysis
Chamber volume42 l
Highest temperature250⁰C
AdditionallyTimer, digital display
Dimensions (D * H * W), cm52*46*59,5

Samsung NV70K1340BS

Model / PictureTechnical specificationsCost, rub.
Number of modes9 82 000
A typeElectric independent
Connection power3.65 kW
Self-cleaning typePyrolysis
Chamber volume71 l
Highest temperature300⁰C
AdditionallyGrill, convection, defrost, timer and touch display, clock, fan and childproof
Dimensions (D * H * W), cm54,5*59,5*59,5
Model / PictureTechnical specificationsCost, rub.
Number of programs13 95 000
A typeElectric independent
Microwave power1000 watts
Self-cleaning typeTraditional
Chamber volume45 l
Highest temperature300 ⁰C
AdditionallyTouch screen, clock, child lock and emergency shutdown, convection, grill
Dimensions (D * H * W), cm54,8*45,5*59,5

The microwave oven is one of the youngest representatives of household appliances for the kitchen. Her age does not even reach 70 years. The patent for the production of these products was obtained in 1945 after the great invention of Percy Spencer.

Initially, microwave ovens were only available to restaurants or large establishments, as the price of the appliance was prohibitive. In addition, the weight of the microwave oven great-grandmother was about 340 kilograms.

Today the microwave is a compact device that does not take up much space and has many functions. This is no longer a gimmick, and the device can be found in almost every kitchen. But how to choose a microwave for home when there are so many models from different manufacturers on the market?

There are many rumors about the dangers posed by the microwave oven.

The very first is harmful radiation during its operation. but modern appliances are completely safe for humans, since they are developed using special technologies and have the appropriate certificates, according to which all microwave ovens are tested for radiation.

The safety principle of the furnace is based on its design, namely, the application of a special magnetic trap and a protective mesh on each model, which absorbs harmful rays when the door is tightly closed during operation.

You can do a small test to assess the safety of your microwave oven yourself. While in the store, put a cell phone in the product, close the door tightly and make a call to the gadget.

The absence of a network will prove the safety of the microwave, dialing - evidence of weak protection, but still its presence.

A modern microwave oven is not only a convenient and time-saving product, but also protects human health. Microwave cooking preserves all the beneficial properties and vitamins in dishes to the maximum. The same cannot be said about food cooked on a standard stove.

Features of use

Before choosing a microwave oven, you need to decide what it will be used for. If in it you will only warm up food, you should not take a fancy model, an inexpensive oven with a function of heating food is quite enough. This will be the most economical and suitable option.

The main “skills” of a microwave oven, which are guided by buyers before buying, are defrosting food, heating food, the ability to cook various dishes, including steam, and the presence of a grill.

Choose a microwave oven that suits your finances. Price range for modern optimal devices with a good set opportunities starts from 3,500 rubles and can go up to 10,000 rubles and more.

You can buy a microwave and cheaper - from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles, but such products will not be the best, the heating or defrosting process will be very long due to the low power.

Main characteristics

After you have chosen the functions you need, check out the main characteristics different models. These include the following indicators.

  • Main chamber volume... This indicator should become one of the decisive ones when choosing, since it is he who makes it clear how much food and in what quantity can be heated at one time. The choice is easy. If the stove is bought for cooking or heating food for one person, then a volume of 12-14 liters will be quite enough. For two you need to buy a bigger device - with a volume of 17-20 liters. For a large family, or when using a microwave as the main device where food will be prepared, preference should be given to products with a volume of at least 30 liters. Then there will be no questions about cooking in large capacity or even whole carcass birds.
  • Power... The speed with which the furnace will fulfill its purpose directly depends on it. The higher the power, the faster food will be cooked or reheated. The smallest power is 450 watts. In high-quality expensive microwaves, it reaches 1680 watts.
  • Material used for manufacturing inner surface ... It is the coating that affects the life of the product and the cleanliness of the camera. There are three types of coatings:

Enamel... It is a heat-resistant and wear-resistant coating.

It is easy to remove carbon deposits from enamel, spending a little time.

Also, the enamel is quite loyal to sudden temperature changes.

But too high temperatures for her will become stress, therefore, a microwave oven with an enamelled inner coating will serve the owners for no more than 7 years.

The main disadvantage of such a coating is the ability to easily scratch the surface, which will further reduce the service life of the equipment.

Stainless steel... Steel is the most durable material. The owner of such coverage is not afraid temperature differences, she does not care about too high temperatures, it is simply impossible to damage or scratch the inside of the oven.

Nevertheless, even such a coating has a drawback - very quick soiling and difficulty in maintenance. Grease splashes, carbon deposits cannot be removed as easily as from an enamelled surface. Here you will have to tinker a lot before the stove shines with cleanliness;

Bioceramic surface- an example of a new development, ideally combining the characteristics of enamel and stainless steel. Scratch resistance, ease of maintenance, tolerance to sudden temperature fluctuations - these advantages make the microwave oven better and more durable.

It costs much more than the others (practically 2-3 times higher than an enamelled oven and 1.5 times higher than a stainless steel oven), but in this case the end justifies the means.

Control type

By the type of control, microwave ovens are divided into two groups.

  1. Mechanical... This type of oven has two handles. With the help of one, the required power of work is selected, and the other is responsible for the time.
  2. Electronic... This type assumes the presence of pushbutton or touch switches. According to experts, pushbutton switches are more reliable and of high quality, but the modern design of the sensor elements, the possibility of easier maintenance, directs buyers towards such models.

Main functions

As mentioned above, the main role in choosing a particular model is played by a set of basic functional features of the microwave.

  • Defrosting... Assumes the use of manual or automatic mode. Using the manual one, you need to choose the time and speed of defrosting yourself, the automatic mode adjusts to the volume of food.
  • Warming up... Also carried out in one of two modes. When using the automatic mode, you need to select the name of the dish that will be reheated on the control panel.
  • Cooking food... This is a function for the lazy. It can help you prepare lunch or dinner without any effort. You just need to load the products into the microwave and select the name of the dish.

Additional functions

In addition to the basic ones, modern microwave ovens have a number of other additional features.

  • Grill... It can be used to bake or roast meat until golden brown, as well as cook vegetables.
  • Bread maker... She is more inherent modern models from the latest developments. Its presence does not make it possible to bake something solid, but you will still be able to please your family with small buns or light flour desserts.
  • Double boiler... Built-in steam humidifiers in selected oven models will enable you to steam food, providing your family with healthy meals.
  • Steam cleaning... Used in expensive models, but very useful for those housewives who do not like. It is enough to turn on this function, and the microwave will “wash itself”.
  • Odor removal... Its presence makes it possible not to wait until the oven is ventilated from the last cooked dish, but to cook products one after another, without fear of extraneous odors in the food.

If the quality of the food is important to you, then purchase a microwave oven with convection mode, which will allow you to cook food evenly - bake a flour product or fry meat. At the same time, all the useful properties of the products will be preserved. The only downsides are the high price and energy consumption.

What utensils for the microwave do you need?

An important point when buying an oven should be the question of what kind of microwave utensils should be used. These are, first of all, porcelain, ceramics or glass.

Also on the market there is wide choose plastic containers equipped with special icons allowing their use in microwave ovens. However, when buying a stove, you need to pay attention to the containers and pallets that come with it.

Due to their functionality, they will be significantly expanded.

TOP 5 best microwave ovens

So, having figured out the rules for choosing the optimal microwave oven, it remains only to acquire the most suitable model... Below is a list of the most popular microwave ovens based on customer reviews.

This is the most popular microwave oven and has received a lot of positive feedback. The volume of the device is 20 liters, however highest power not very high - only 700 watts. The microwave has a digital display and touch control.


  • compactness;
  • stylish design;
  • Ease of controls;
  • child lock;
  • ease of care;
  • 4 defrost modes and 3 auto cook modes;
  • additionally there is a recipe journal.


  • short wire;
  • there is no handle, so the door gets dirty quickly;
  • the door slams loudly.

average cost- 7100 rubles.

This model is characterized only by the basic functions for early preparation and warming up dishes. However, the presence of a grill significantly expands the "repertoire" of this microwave oven. Reviews show that it is easy to operate, roomy and comfortable.


  • capacity;
  • child lock;
  • power;
  • the presence of a grill;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • attractive cost.


  • heavy.

average cost- 6000 rubles.

This microwave oven has extended functionality: dishes are cooked in it in microwave, grill and convection mode. It is also possible to combine them. In addition, there are several automatic programs, including cooking, reheating and defrosting.


  • capacity;
  • inner lining made of stainless steel;
  • stylish appearance;
  • convenient control;
  • convention regime;
  • double grill;
  • automatic cooking programs;
  • recipe books.


  • there are no special drawbacks.

average cost- 19,000 rubles.

A very simple and reliable microwave oven - quite voluminous and powerful. The inner coating is bioceramic, which further improves the quality of the cooked food. The functions are minimal: heating and defrosting, but the oven copes with them perfectly.


  • bioceramic coating;
  • stylish appearance;
  • uniform heating;
  • spaciousness;
  • Ease of controls;
  • low cost.


  • dark door;
  • poor backlighting;
  • short cord.

average cost- 6200 rubles.

The main advantage of the device is its low cost. The lightweight and compact oven has original design, simple controls. With its main tasks - warming up and defrosting - it copes well, for which it is appreciated by economical housewives.


  • stylish appearance;
  • the enamel coating is easy to wash;
  • compactness;
  • low price.


  • the mirror surface gets dirty quickly;
  • slippery timer handle.

average cost- 4400 rubles.

Having decided on the model, it will not be superfluous to read reviews and comments on its operation on all kinds of forums. Having figured out the question of how to choose a good and high-quality microwave, you can go to the store to buy.