Indoor flower rose care and transplant. Indoor rose: rules of care, transplantation and reproduction at home. A pot for a rose is an important attribute

People have long domesticated the queen of flowers - the rose. Now it blooms in a pot, delighting the inhabitants of the dwelling with its beauty and delicate aroma. And so that the rose is healthy, gives beautiful and lush flowers, it should be properly looked after. Consider how to take care of your home flower queen.

To begin with, a florist should know what the flower lady respects and what does not accept.

Rose likes

1) Good lighting and warmth (preferably south or southeast of the dwelling, veranda or loggia);
2) nutritious and loose soil in a pot;
3) fresh, but no drafts, air;
4) generous watering during the growing season (we look when the earth dries up and water the flower);
5) weekly feeding with specialized fertilizers during the growing season and flowering;
6) transplant into a larger pot as it grows.

Rose doesn't like

1) Winter period in an excessively dry and warm room;
2) low temperature water for irrigation;
3) overheating in the heat;
4) if you leave withered flowers on the bush;
5) trauma to the roots at the time of transferring the bush to another pot;
6) mold in the pot, pests and diseases.

Rose care

How to properly care for this delicate plant to keep it healthy.


After the purchase, you should not immediately transplant the bush into a new pot. Let the plant adapt to its new place of residence, strengthen itself. The plant should be placed on a window in the southern or southeastern direction and watered as needed (the soil dries out - you should water it right away). The transshipment itself must be done on the days of lunar growth.

It is necessary to handle the bush carefully, because the rose does not accept root injuries and can wither. Water the rose bush 20-30 minutes before transplanting. Carefully remove the plant from its pot, try not to injure its roots. You should not remove the clod of earth and fertilizer granules from the roots. Carefully transplant the bush to a new place of residence, sprinkle with earth and loosen it. After the handling operation, the rose should not be watered. Put it in your favorite place for the flower the day after the transfer procedure. For a flower, transshipment is stressful. It is not surprising that the flower can wither and drop the leaves.

With a properly carried out transshipment, if the roots are not injured, the plant will quickly move away or not even get sick. In the future, the plant should be reloaded as it grows.

Rose pot

For normal growth and flowering species a beautiful woman needs a comfortable pot. Should take plastic pot or ceramic and wash thoroughly. You need to wash it hot water without detergent or with laundry soap 72% and also with a brush. Rinse and dry the pot thoroughly.

The size of a pot for a room rose should be taken slightly larger than the container in which it was sold. Approximately 6-9 cm taller and 3-4 cm more in diameter. The Queen of Flowers will not appreciate a pot that is too big for her. The ratio of the ground part of the flower and the future pot should be approximately 1 to 1, then, as the bush grows, it is necessary to transfer to a larger pot.


The home rose loves nutritious, loose, loosened soil. Prepare a mixture for your beauty. The optimal composition is humus 4 parts, earth from turf - 4 parts, sand - 1 part. The composition should be thoroughly mixed and loosened. In the soil prepared for the rose, you can add special fertilizer for flowering species or fertilizer for rose flowers. By the way, in a flower shop you can buy a ready-made earthen composition for a flower. A soil specialized for types of roses, as well as for other houseplants, is suitable.

Landing technology

Dry the pot thoroughly; if made of ceramic, fry it. A layer of drainage composition (for example, expanded clay) should be laid at the bottom. If there is a drain hole in the pot, a layer of the drainage composition is needed 1-2 cm.If there is no hole and it is impossible to make it, pour the drainage
composition of at least 3 cm. Pour the earth on it mixed with fertilizers. Then a layer of unenriched land. The ratio of soil layers is preferably half.

The root system of the rose bush should be carefully positioned in a pot on a layer of fertilized soil. Then cover with soil of a similar composition without fertilizers and, in the end, loosen the soil. The bush should stand firmly in the ground, not stagger. After transferring to a new pot, let the flower stand for a day at the operation site, then it can be rearranged to the place chosen for the rose growth.


For the flower queen, the light, the sun is good, fresh air... Place the pot in a well-ventilated, bright place, away from air conditioners and wind-blowing systems. It is good to land her on a windowsill, on the floor next to a window, on a veranda or balcony.

Top dressing

Approximately a month after transshipment, the rose should be fed. The frequency of feeding is once every two weeks. When the buds are tied, once a week so that the bush gives abundant flowers. Feed the flower with a solution mineral fertilizers after watering. Fertilizers water the ground or spray the whole flower (a special composition for the body of the plant). After a transplant or during an illness, it is absolutely impossible to feed a rose.


Rose loves watering plentiful, but not excessive. She also respects spraying. This procedure can be performed twice a day. The rose should be watered depending on the season. Water for irrigation should be taken clean, without impurities. If the water is hard or with added chlorine, it should be filtered.

In summer, the rose should be watered as the soil dries and sprayed. Water should be room temperature... The plant should be sprayed in the evening so that drops of water on the leaves and flowers do not work as lenses and the plant does not get burned. In autumn and winter, the rose needs less moisture. Water as needed and spray 2-3 times a week. In the spring, increase the intensity of watering, but make sure that there is no overflow of water so that the flower does not start to rot.


The rose is propagated by cuttings. This procedure should be carried out in the spring, but the rose can also be propagated in the fall by cuttings left after cutting the buds. There is only one technology: cut a stalk about 15 cm long with at least two living buds. Place the cuttings in water for rooting. After a couple of weeks, roots appear. It is better to transplant cuttings into the soil when they grow root system and new leaves will appear. Cuttings are transplanted into pots as standard.


Rose is a beautiful plant and, contrary to opinion of itself, is strong and does not require special conditions and reverent care. You should create a flower suitable for its life conditions and rejoice beautiful bloom and emerald petals.

Homemade rose care video

Today, are gaining wide popularity indoor varieties beautiful roses. They differ from ordinary garden sizes, but are just as beautiful. Before purchasing miniature flowers, it's best to learn how to care for a potted rose.

Mini rose selection

If you choose the right indoor rose, then home care will be easier. You should pay attention not to the number of buds, but to the state of the plant itself. The presence of young shoots on it indicates the best possibilities for adaptation. A decorative rose will take root more easily in a new place and will begin to bloom faster. There is no need to rush to repot the plant you bought right away. Let it get used to other conditions of temperature and humidity for a week or two. Before transplanting, you should treat purchased bushes from pests for preventive purposes. For this procedure, ordinary soapy water is suitable. She needs to spray all the leaves, including from the bottom side, and then rinse with running water - first hot, then cold. This completes the preliminary care for them, if all the rules are observed.

Landing in the ground

If you need a room rose, then home care for it should begin with correct transplant... After removing the plant from the pot, you need to inspect its roots and carefully clean them of the old soil, and then rinse. Having found rotten parts in the root system, they should be carefully cut off. After drying a little after a shower, a mini-rose from the store can be transplanted into a new container. It should be of a larger diameter, increased by about 2.5-3 cm. Drainage is placed at the bottom, then the soil is filled up. The best option is a land mixture with the following ratio of components:

sod land - 2 parts;

sheet - 1 part;

humus - 1 part;

sand - 0.5 parts.

For the prevention of diseases, it is advisable to hold the plant roots for 20-30 minutes in a disinfecting solution. Flowers and buds must be cut off. A transplant for a room rose is stress that is easier for her to endure if you do not waste nutrients on the growth of buds.

If done correctly, the plant will feel comfortable in a new place:

lay a layer of soil on the drainage material;

set a bush in the middle of the pot and spread the roots;

gradually filling up the soil, lightly tamp it.

Bare roots should not remain, but the trunk should not be deepened too much. Potted plants don't like this. You need to focus on the root collar.

If the roots of the plant are healthy, you can water the indoor rose immediately after transplanting.

With a weak root system, it is better to start watering after a week, and before that time, you can often spray the bush with water.

It is better to start feeding the transplanted plant after a few weeks.

It is necessary to ensure proper care of roses after purchase and transplantation. They should be watered regularly, avoiding dry soil, but not overmoistening it. Usually they are guided by the upper soil layer. Water is especially needed during the period of bud development, this usually happens in a warm season. Tea roses do not tolerate temperature changes, therefore watering should be carried out with settled water. The leaves are very fond of spraying. It is better to spend it in the evening, when there is no bright sun. In summer, you can spray twice. In the spring, the state of the plant will depend on how to care for the room rose during dormancy, i.e. in autumn and winter. During these months, you need to water the flower with water cooler than the ambient temperature. This should also be done less often and sometimes even leave the ground dry for two days.

For some varieties of mini roses, a cool room with a temperature below room temperature is chosen for wintering.

But there are varieties that are adapted to flowering all year round - they need sufficient lighting.

It is important how to care for your home rose throughout the year. In early spring, young shoots begin to appear. This is a sign of awakening from winter rest. A rose in a pot, care at this moment suggests the following. It consists in correct pruning bush. All curved, weak or too thin shoots are removed with the help of a sharp pruner. Using blunt tools leaves ragged cuts. They can lead to the death of the entire plant. The cut should be done just above the kidney, at a 45 degree angle.

For the correct formation of the bush, it is necessary to leave the buds located on the outside of the shoot, and remove those that are directed inward.

If two or three shoots appear from one bud, the excess must be cut off.

The weaker ones from the intertwining branches are also removed.

Too long stems are shortened to 3-5 buds. By pruning, you can give the rose bush a different shape.

Shoots that appear after pruning must be removed immediately. Then the forces of the plant will be directed to the growth of large buds.

After their flowering, one more pruning should be done and small shoots and buds that fade away should be removed.

How to properly care for a room rose at home

Annual transplant

With the growth of the root system, the bushes require more space... Immediately after purchase, it is not recommended to transfer it to a larger pot. Therefore, caring for a room rose requires it regular transplant - it is usually carried out in the spring. As a container, it is best to choose a ceramic flowerpot, the diameter and height of which is several centimeters larger. The drainage layer in it should not be less than 1 cm. The earthen lump with roots is carefully transferred into the prepared pot, and the earth is poured on the sides. After transplanting, the bushes must be sprayed in the morning and evening. The flowering intensity of the plant depends on how well the indoor rose is chosen and how to care for it.

Top dressing

When caring for a rose in a pot, you must monitor the regular introduction of organic matter and mineral compounds. This is especially important during the period of its flowering, when the plant consumes a lot of nutrients. The first feeding after transplantation is done in about a month. Further fertilizers can be applied every two weeks. But if there are fewer flowers and shoots, you should do it more often. It must be remembered that the bushes need to be watered well before feeding. By the end of summer, the indoor rose is already preparing for bed, so the dose of nitrogen compounds should be reduced. In winter, during the dormant period, you need to reduce the total amount of fertilizers.


Roses in pots reproduce well by cuttings if this procedure is followed correctly:

it is better to choose a warm season for breeding;

use a sharp pruner to cut obliquely the stalk with 2-3 buds - the bud should be directed upwards;

after removing the bottom sheet, place the handle in a glass of water;

add a stimulant pill to it - without it the plant will not take root;

put the container with the handle in the light;

add water to the glass as it evaporates, but in no case change it.

The first roots begin to appear after about two weeks. When they reach 1.5-2 cm, you can plant the cutting in a small pot. To disinfect the soil, add a little activated carbon or wood ash... The cuttings are carefully covered with earth and, after watering, are placed in a shaded place, away from direct sunlight. As the soil dries up, it needs to be watered. When proper care for a rose at home, it should start growing in two weeks. Sometimes 21 days pass, but no more. Indoor roses can be propagated in other ways, for example, by grafting, dividing the bush, or layering. But the simplest and most effective is the rooting of cuttings. The advantage of cuttings is that the mini-rose is grown at home, and it no longer needs adaptation.

If excessive watering was allowed in the care of roses in pots, small insects and a sour smell may appear on the surface of the soil around the bush. In this case, the mini-rose must be urgently transplanted into another pot, having previously cleaned its roots from the remnants of the previous soil.

A disease with powdery mildew may indicate an excess of organic fertilizers, as well as poor ventilation in the house. It leads to yellowing and leaf fall.

Brown spots on the leaves may be due to over-watering. In this case, spraying with a solution will help. copper sulfate.

Too low air humidity in the room and high temperature can cause brown rust spots to appear on the leaves of the tea rose. They indicate poor care for a home rose in a pot. The entire affected part of the plant must be removed, providing the bushes with better conditions.

If, in the absence of diseases, the leaves begin to turn yellow in the plant, then the care of the home rose was incorrect or insufficient:

direct rays of the sun can cause burns;

both cold water and drafts or excessive watering can have a harmful effect;

with a lack of nitrogen, the leaves turn pale;

iron deficiency causes yellowing of the veins in the leaves;

the cause can be both an excess of fertilizers and their lack.

Knowing how to care for a room rose at home, it will be easy to create a comfortable climate for it. In response to the care, she will present you with wonderful bright flowers and a unique aroma.

Growing roses in indoor conditions is an opportunity to admire the queen of flowers not only in the warm season, but also during the winter cold. However, the maintenance of this rather capricious plant requires compliance with some requirements. Therefore, amateur flower growers should familiarize themselves with the information on how to care for a rose in a pot in order to enjoy its magnificent flowering almost all year round.

Rose varieties for growing at home with photos

Exceptionally low-growing types of roses are suitable for growing in an apartment:

  • Polyanthus. Obtained by crossing a Chinese rose and a multiflorous rose. The height of the bush is from 25 to 50 centimeters. Bushes are compact, densely leafy. The flowers are small (3-5 centimeters in diameter), most often white, red, lilac or pink. There are varieties with simple, double and semi-double flowers.
  • Bengali... They bloom in double or semi-double flowers. The color of flowers is varied, there are only varieties yellow color... Bushes 50 centimeters high. Flowers are formed in brushes of 2-3 pieces. The leaves are small, narrow.
  • Miniature. The height of the bush does not exceed 30 centimeters. Flowers and leaves are small. Long-term, multiple flowering. Coloring of flowers can be of any color scale.
  • Patio. One of the varieties of the Floribunda species, suitable for growing at home.

Prerequisites for growing a rose in a pot

Light and warmth are the main ingredients for the success of growing roses indoors. Tips for caring for a rose in a pot for beginners are simply necessary, since a violation of the technology has a detrimental effect on the well-being of the plant.

Placing a rose in an apartment and lighting requirements

The rose should be placed on the southeast or east windowsill. In this case, the plant will receive enough sun at any time of the year. For some varieties, only southern windows are recommended. There will not be enough light on the western window and the rose will have to be illuminated. North windows are simply contraindicated for a rose.

Roses need good lighting

You can understand whether the bush has enough sunlight by the state of the foliage:

  • When there is enough sun, the leaves take on a rich color and their surface is smooth and shiny.
  • Sluggish, dull leaves with brown edges indicate an excess of ultraviolet radiation. Usually this condition is observed when the flower is kept on the south window.
  • Pale, dull leaves and too small indicate a lack of sun.

IN summer periodwhen there is too much sun, roses must be removed from the windowsill or shaded. The window can be covered with translucent tulle or blinds can be hung on the glass so that the rays are diffused.

In autumn and winter, in cloudy weather, the lack of sun is compensated by the illumination of phyto- or fluorescent lamps. The backlight is turned on for 3-4 hours a day. If this is not done, the plant withers, does not form buds, and pests appear on it.

When organizing the backlight, the lamp should be placed at a height of 30-35 centimeters above the crown of the rose. If the lamp is located lower, the rose will get burns, and if it is higher, the plant will not receive enough ultraviolet radiation.

Pot and soil requirements

An important attribute of growing a rose is the correct pot. The condition of the plant directly depends on its size and quality. In principle, it is possible to use plastic and ceramic dishes, but still a ceramic pot is more acceptable, since it allows air to pass through.

The size of the pot is also important, as well as its shape. Experienced florists it is advised to choose elongated pots with enough big hole at the bottom, but not huge, so that the water does not flow out too quickly, without having time to moisten the soil.

Roses thrive best in ceramic pots

The optimal shape is a truncated cone with a wide neck. Ball, oval and other exotic shapes are not acceptable. The main condition is broad top partso that the moisture has a sufficient area to evaporate.

Taking a pot that is too large, much larger than the size of the root system, is a mistake. The soil untapped by the roots of the plant will begin to acidify when watering, and this will adversely affect the condition of the flower.

The soil for planting a home rose is selected as water and air permeable as possible. The composition of the following ingredients is ideal:

  • sod soil - 4 parts;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • humus - 4 parts.

You can use a ready-made substrate from the store. The range of special primers on sale is quite diverse.

You can collect soil for planting yourself, or you can buy ready-made

Air humidity and temperature

The main problem of keeping a rose in an apartment is too dry air, especially during the heating period. Humidity is increased by spraying a rose, placing a flower pot on a pallet with wet expanded clay, installing artificial fountains in the room.

The recommended temperature for keeping the rose is + 14… + 16 degrees in spring, + 24… + 25 degrees in summer. In winter, during the dormant period, the temperature of the flower is + 5 ... + 8 degrees. It is with such a wintering that the plant begins to lay flower buds.

Basic rules for caring for a rose in a pot

Caring for a room rose in a pot requires strict adherence to all recommendations. Most often, the question arises of how to care for a rose after purchase, since a plant brought from a store often dies in the very first month.

Roses need careful care

You need to take care of a rose in a pot from the first day it appears in the house. It is necessary to carefully examine the purchased copy for the presence of diseases and pests. First of all, it is necessary to carry out a sanitary pruning of the bush, to remove all dried and blackened leaves, wilted buds.

It is advisable to immediately trim the shoots, leaving 4-5 buds on each. If pests are noticed, the plant is washed with warm water and treated with an insecticide. The next day, the bush is treated with a fungicide to prevent fungal diseases (, Profit).

A week later, the rose must be freed from the store soil and dishes without fail.

You need to transplant the flower into a more spacious pot, filling it with a fresh, nutritious substrate. This procedure can be carried out a week after purchase: the rose must first adapt to growing in new conditions. While getting used to the conditions of the apartment, you can spray the rose with a growth stimulant, for example.

The soil under the plant must be changed after purchase.

Rose transplant rules

Before the procedure, you need to know how to plant a rose in a pot so that it quickly begins and starts growing. A pot is prepared for transplant suitable size and form and lay on the bottom a layer of drainage (5-6 centimeters).

Into the prepared potting soil add vermiculite for looseness. To prevent root diseases, the soil is cultivated. The rose bush is watered, removed from the old pot and the roots are freed from the store soil.

Then the bush is placed in new pot there so that the root collar is above the soil surface. The roots must first be straightened. In order not to injure the root system, the bush must be placed in water for half an hour. This procedure will fill the roots with moisture, and they will straighten out on their own.

After transplanting the bush, you need to create greenhouse conditions. The rose is covered with a transparent cap and kept in this state for 7-10 days. The cap is removed daily for 20-30 minutes and the rose is sprayed, and as soon as the leaves dry up after spraying, the plant is again covered with a cap.

When transplanting, you need to ensure that the root collar remains above the soil surface

After 10 days, the plant finally takes root in a new pot, and the cap can be removed. In the future, the rose is transplanted into new containers with partial replacement of the soil annually, in early spring.

Watering rates and schedule

Roses love feeding and watering

Proper watering and timely feeding is one of the important measures for caring for a room rose in a pot. . There are certain watering rules that must be followed:

  • Watering is carried out with warm, settled water strictly at the root.
  • The water temperature depends on the season: from May to September - 18-24, from October to April - no higher than +18 degrees.
  • Watering is carried out after the topsoil has dried, avoiding waterlogging. Excess water that has flowed out onto the pan is immediately drained.
  • Frequent and scanty watering for the rose is not acceptable. The bush is watered abundantly in order to soak the earthen lump properly. Experienced flower growers advise to water the rose well once every 7 days, flowering bush - every 5 days.

Essential dressing for a rose

The rose needs feeding. Since a lack of nutrients leads to a slowdown in growth and a lack of flowering. Timely feeding also increases the plant's immunity, helps fight pests and diseases. During the growing season, a room rose needs feeding every two weeks. The first feeding is carried out 30 days after transplanting.

For top dressing it is necessary to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers.It is recommended to use ready-made liquid fertilizers of industrial production, which are diluted in water for irrigation.

Pruning roses at home

The rose bush must be pruned regularly, removing dried leaves and wilted buds. Timely pruning gives the plant a neat appearance and stimulates continuous flowering.

Withered buds must be removed

In late autumn, pre-winter pruning of the bush is carried out. Each shoot is shortened by 10 centimeters. At least 4-5 buds should remain on each shoot. Pruning shoots can be rooted to create new plant specimens.

Breeding methods

The main breeding method for indoor roses is cuttings. Optimal timing rooting cuttings - May-September. For rooting, lignified shoots are taken, which are cut into pieces of 10-15 centimeters with the help of a secateurs. The upper cut of the cutting is made straight, the lower one - at an angle of 45 degrees. Each cutting should have 3-4 buds.

The workpieces are placed in a moistened sand mixture and covered with a glass or plastic cover. After the first leaves appear on the cuttings, the caps are removed. After 2 weeks, each stalk is planted in a separate 300 ml pot.

Caring for a rose in a pot at different times of the year

The rose needs to provide a period of winter rest

Cultivation of a room rose in different times years have features, since the plant, even grown in an apartment, obeys general laws nature and is influenced by the change of seasons:

  • In the spring the main event is filling the root system with moisture to awaken the rose after winter dormancy. After the first leaves appear, the rose is transplanted into a new pot, watered abundantly and sprayed. To start the growth processes on warm days, the rose is arranged for walks in the fresh air. The flower is first taken out into the shade, then gradually they begin to be exposed to the sun.
  • In summerthe rose is regularly watered, sprayed, sanitary pruning is carried out. The main activity is pest protection and disease prevention.
  • In autumnthe period of preparation for winter rest begins. At this time, watering is reduced, feeding is stopped. In the fall, the rose is pruned.
  • In winterthe rose is at rest. The question of how to care for a rose in winter arises from inexperienced gardeners most often. Due to inexperience, many growers continue to stimulate the development of the bush, and this negatively affects its condition. Winter maintenance requires minimal watering (once every 30 days), low air temperature - no more than + 15 ... + 16 degrees.

Diseases and pests of indoor roses

Violation of the conditions for keeping a rose leads to the development of diseases and damage to the bush by pests. When roses are kept in a closed, unventilated room, diseases develop:

  • Leaf spot. It is caused by a fungus and appears as small black or dark brown spots. The reason for spotting is high humidity and air exchange disturbance. The fungus gets on the leaves during watering, especially when it is carried out in violation of the rules for the leaves. Fungus treatment is carried out with the drug or Topsin.
  • Powdery mildew. Leaves and stems are covered with a white, powdery coating. The disease develops when too low temperatures content. The affected parts of the plant are removed, then the bush is sprayed with a fungicide - Topaz,.

Household roses are quite often affected by powdery mildew.

A common problem in growing roses at home is insect pests. Weakened plants at low humidity contribute to the appearance of a spider mite on the bushes. Infection is indicated by the clarification of the leaves and the appearance of yellowish dots on them. In this case, the bush is washed with soapy water, and then treated with an insecticide -, Vermitic,.

The plant can also infect aphids. In this case, a sticky coating appears on the leaves, and small black dots appear on the underside. The methods of dealing with the pest are the same as for the defeat of a spider mite.

Growing a rose at home will require some effort from the grower, but the result is worth it. With proper care, the interior of the apartment will be decorated with a charming flower with a pleasant scent.

With the rules for growing roses in flower pot you can get acquainted in the proposed video material. Happy viewing!

The home queen of flowers rightfully occupies one of the leading positions in indoor floriculture: a unique aroma, bright flowers of various colors against a background of lacy foliage give an authentic charm to this plant.

Miniature roses are considered capricious plants: it may seem to inexperienced growers that indoor roses impose truly royal requirements when growing them at home.

However, not everything is so sad - it's just that caring for them is somewhat different from agricultural technology. garden roses.

Subject to certain rules, roses in pots will delight with their flowering and fragrance.

Indoor rose: species and varieties suitable for growing at home

IN living quarters roses are planted as pot crops miniature (varieties Hi - Ho, Lavender Jewel, Amulett, Apricot, Sunblaze, Green Ice, Mandarin, Stars'n'Stripes, Spice Drop);

Hybrid tea (Apricot Silk, Gloria Dei, Peer Gynt, Prima Ballerina, Pascali, Nostalgie, Monika, Deep Secret);


Bengali (Ophelia, Pink Grotendors);

Groundcover (The fairy, Alba, Meillandecor, Magic).

For tub cultivation can be used polyanthus roses (Angel wings, Gloria Mundi, Betty Prior) and floribunda (Tchaikovski, Edelweiss, Pomponella, Happy Child, Cream Abundance).

If you plan to cultivate indoors dwarf varieties garden roses, then you need to take own-rooted bushes: plants grafted onto a rosehip will not grow at home.

Indoor rose: home care - reproduction, transplant


Indoor roses are propagated vegetatively. To do this, you can use the branches remaining after pruning. They are cut into pieces about 15 cm long with 3-4 buds. Cuttings are rooted in water or in a peat-sand mixture. An activated carbon tablet is added to the water. You can soak the cuttings in a solution of Kornevin or Heteroauxin. An infusion of willow branches can be used as a natural root formation stimulator. For this, yellow or green shoots are cut into small pieces 5-6 cm long and poured with hot water. The infusion will be ready in a day. Roots appear in 2-3 weeks. After that, the seedlings are planted in separate pots.

Rooting cuttings of indoor roses in water

When rooting cuttings in the substrate, they are covered with jars or placed in a greenhouse. The appearance of new leaves is a signal for the appearance of roots. Young plants should be accustomed to indoor conditions gradually.


Indoor roses are transplanted in early spring or late August. Before transplanting, a potted rose purchased in a store must be given time to adapt to the new conditions of "living". Two or three weeks will be enough for this. After the end of the adaptation period, the plant can be transplanted into a new pot. Its dimensions should not be much larger than the parameters of the previous vessel: 5 cm in height and 2-3 cm in diameter. Too much capacity will lead to acidification of the soil and rotting of the root system. If another plant previously grew in this vessel, then it must be disinfected. A rose bush in a transport pot is watered to make it easier to remove it and not damage the roots.

A drainage layer is poured at the bottom of the pot, on top of it is a small layer of fresh soil.

After transshipment, the plant is kept in partial shade, the soil is moistened moderately. After a couple of days, you can rearrange the plant to permanent place.

Root or foliar dressing roses begin a month after transplanting.

Roses in pots: home care - soil, lighting, temperature and humidity

Temperature and humidity

In living quarters, the air is usually dry, so indoor roses during the growing season must be sprayed twice a day with settled water. To increase the humidity in the rose crown zone, it is placed in a tray with wet fractionated filler (while the bottom of the pot should not come into contact with water). If the weather is cloudy, then you do not need to spray. With the beginning of the period of active growth (from February), the temperature in the room where the home rose grows gradually increases from + 14 ° C to + 25 ° C. In the summer, you can put the rose pot outdoors. During the rest period (October-February), the rose is kept at + 5-8 ° C.

The soil

A home rose requires loose, fertile soil. You can do it yourself by mixing equal parts of humus, garden or turf soil, sand, peat. In the shops you can buy ready-made substrate for roses (the Garden of Miracles soil line, Hera, Agricola, Biopit, Ponon).


Indoor roses are light-requiring. Southeast and southwest window sills are best for their location. On the southern windows in summer, under intense sunlight, flowering will take place at an accelerated rate, and the plant quickly loses its decorative effect. Therefore, if it is not possible to rearrange the rose pot in a suitable place, then it is better to shade it. With a short daylight hours (in the northern regions), additional illumination will not be superfluous. For additional illumination, LED and luminescent phytolamps with a red-blue spectrum are used (such household lamps give less suitable spectral components of light, therefore they are less suitable for this purpose).

Additional illumination of plants with phytolamps with a red-blue spectrum

For the uniform development of the crown of the rose bush, the pot must be turned a little every day.

Rose: home care - feeding and watering


Indoor roses are very sensitive to irrigation. The amount and amount of watering depends on the type of roses and the growing season. Water roses abundantly in summer, gradually reducing the number of waterings in autumn and winter. Excess water is removed from the pan.

Important! At any time during the life of a room rose, it is not recommended to overmoisten or dry out an earthen lump in a pot. Roses cannot be watered cold water.

Top dressing

In the spring and summer period, indoor rose is fed every 2 weeks immediately after watering. The best effect for abundant flowering is obtained by alternating organic and mineral fertilizers specially created for roses, of which a large number is available (for example, the Joy, Pokon, Bona forte, Agricola, Realsil, Garden of Miracles, Fertika, etc. series). Since the end of summer, the amount of dressing is reduced, because the rose is preparing for the rest period.


Indoor roses are cut in September, when they begin to prepare them for "rest". 5 buds are left on the shoots, the rest is cut off. The leaves are left. Weak, dried and thin twigs are cut on the bush. If pruning is not carried out, then the shoots are stretched, the duration and quality of flowering decreases.

Rose pruning

Dormant period

To book flower buds for the next season, the indoor rose needs a rest period. To do this, after flowering plants at the end of summer, stop feeding and reduce the amount of watering. The pot with a rose is placed in a cool room (+ 4-6 ° C). If this is not possible, then the plant is kept on a windowsill at a temperature of + 10-14 ° C. In February, to "wake up" the roses begin to gradually increase watering and move the plant to a warmer place (+ 15-18 ° C).

The main problems when caring for home roses

The most common problem when growing indoor roses is spider mites... They breed "violent activity" on plants weakened by improper care. The leaves of the rose fade, characteristic yellowish dots appear on them in places where ticks bite. The fight against these pests must be systemic, otherwise new generations of insects acquire resistance to the drugs used (Fitoverm, Actellik, Vermitic), it becomes even more difficult to lime them. Ticks multiply intensively at high temperatures and low air humidity. Therefore, for prophylaxis, pink bushes must be often sprayed with settled water, and given a warm shower.

Still frequent "guests" of roses are whitefly and aphid... To destroy them, insecticides are used (Fitoverm, Aktara).

With the wrong irrigation regime, roses are affected by fungal diseases. Powdery mildew progressing in cold and humid stagnant air. A whitish powdery coating appears on the leaves, they dry out and fall off. In this case, the plant must be treated with a solution of fungicide, colloidal sulfur or copper sulfate, and its affected parts must be removed.

Signs of another fungal disease of roses - rust - is the appearance of reddish-brown spots on the leaves of the rose. Sick bushes develop poorly. They are treated with copper oxychloride, iron vitriol or Bordeaux liquid or other fungicides.

If brown, almost black, merging spots form on the leaves of a room rose, this indicates a defeat of the rose black spot (marsonina).

Black spotted room rose leaves

This disease appears when there is a lack of nutrients in the soil and its waterlogging. At the same time, the leaves of the rose dry up and fall off, the plant weakens, stops growing and blooming. To combat spotting, the damaged parts of the bush are removed, the plant is sprayed with copper-containing preparations, and watering is reduced.

Florists are often faced with the fact that indoor roses turn yellow and leaves fall... This could be for the following reasons:



Natural aging;

Nutrient deficiencies, especially during flowering, which depletes the plant. So, a lack of potassium causes the appearance of yellow spots on the leaf blade. Yellowness between green veins (chlorosis) occurs when there is a lack of iron. In this case, spraying with iron chelate will "bring the rose back to life". If there is no nitrogen, then the leaves first turn pale, and then turn yellow and fall off;

Oversupply of fertilizers;


A sharp change in the microclimate of the room (for example, when the purchased plant was carried home from the store or apartment moving). During the period of adaptation to the new place of residence of the rose, it is necessary to organize optimal conditions for her;

Low air humidity;

Overdrying or waterlogging of the soil;

Sunlight is too bright.

Another common undesirable phenomenon in the behavior of indoor roses is scant or complete absence of flowering and dropping of buds... This happens for the following reasons:


Untimely pruning or its complete absence;

Dry air in the room;

Errors in irrigation mode: use of cold water, overdrying of the substrate or excessive moisture;

Insufficient lighting;

Premature transplantation: during budding or flowering, the rose cannot be transplanted, it is better to do this after flowering;

Lack of lighting;

Lack of top dressing or their wrong dosage;

Insufficient humidity and air temperature in the room;

Lack of a dormant period.

Indoor roses are able to make healthy competition for fresh cut flowers. With proper care, they will annually delight the hostess with flowering. In this article, you will learn how to care for a room rose and what difficulties you can face.

Indoor roses will delight with flowering every year.

Miniature roses sold in shops are mainly sourced from Holland. They are overfed with fertilizers and growth stimulants, so you need to try to make the adaptation successful. Plants are finicky and require special wintering conditions for re-flowering.

Outwardly, undersized roses are similar to their garden counterparts, but have smaller leaves and flowers. The bushes reach a height of 35-45 cm. To date, several hundred varieties of miniature roses have been bred. At home, not only miniature, but also hybrid tea, remontant, ground cover and Bengal varieties are grown.

Indoor rose care

Room rose care varies between the cold and warm months. For lush bloom the plant needs a rest period, for normal growth - enough light and feeding. Immediately after purchase, when decorative roses adapt to new conditions, they are transplanted into a new pot with fresh soil. If this is not done, the plant, accustomed to frequent feeding and stimulation, may begin to turn yellow and wither.

Flower transplant

So, the transplant is the first thing to do. To do this, choose a pot that will be slightly larger than the current one. If you are preparing the mixture yourself, take 1 part garden soil, 2 parts each humus and peat, and some coarse sand. If not, a ready-made soil for roses will do.

A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the pot. The earth in a pot with a rose is moistened with water, after which the lump is carefully removed so as not to damage the root system. It is better to transplant home roses by the transshipment method. Place the removed earthen lump in a new pot, and cover the free space with fresh soil.

Seat selection

Indoor roses need good lighting. The best option for them would be south or southeast windows, but the plants need to be shaded from direct sunlight. With a lack of light, miniature roses do not develop well, so you should take care of the lighting.

Roses love bright light and fresh air.

Indoor rose loves fresh air, so in warm weather it can be kept on the balcony or near an open window. The bush needs space, so do not unnecessarily clutter up the windowsill. To form beautiful bush the rose needs to be turned different sides to the light.

In the warm months, the flower needs a temperature of 25 degrees, during the dormant period (from October to February) it is reduced to 5-8 degrees. In spring, with the beginning of active growth, the temperature rise should be gradual.

Watering frequency

Indoor roses love high humidity. In the hot months in the evening, it is recommended to spray them with boiled water at room temperature or place the pots on a tray with damp pebbles / expanded clay. The earth lump should be constantly moistened, but the soil should not be poured or overdried.

Watering frequency varies with the growing season, but the topsoil should always dry out. On hot days, caring for a rose includes frequent watering, and in autumn and winter they are reduced. It is also impossible to stop watering completely, otherwise the rose will shed its leaves.

Excess water is always drained from the sump. At the same time, watering methods alternate. Once watered at the root, the second - add water to the pan until it is absorbed into the soil. The water should be settled, not cold.

Top dressing

In the spring, when the home rose is actively growing, as well as during the flowering period, dressing is applied once a week. On cloudy and cold days, roses do not absorb fertilizers well. No need to fertilize diseased plants or those that have recently been transplanted. For roses, both organic and mineral complexes are suitable. There is no need to feed the plants in autumn and winter.

Top dressing is needed during the period of active growth and budding.

Wintering and pruning

Roses at home, like garden roses, require a cool winter. At the end of summer, the frequency of fertilizing is reduced and watering is reduced. Each branch is cut in September so that 4-5 dormant buds remain on it - this causes lush growth and flowering in spring. The leaves are left. Remove weak and thin shoots.

If you missed winter pruning, be sure to do it in the spring. In this state, the roses are sent for the winter. IN cold period they are watered every 3-4 days and kept in a room with a temperature of 6 degrees. If this is not possible, let miniature roses winter on the windowsill at a temperature of 10-14 degrees.

Spring awakening begins in February. To do this, the rose is often watered and kept at a higher temperature - 15-20 ° C. In the spring, pruning is repeated according to the same principle as in the fall.

Pruning miniature roses.

Miniature roses in the open field

Indoor roses do well outdoors, but require shelter for the winter. To plant them in the garden, you need to choose a place that is well lit and protected from the winds. Roses grow well in almost any garden soil, but best on low acid loams.

During the summer, flowers are looked after in the same way as for home flowers, and from the second half of summer they begin to prepare for winter. To do this, nitrogen fertilizing is removed, and in August-September potassium-phosphorus is introduced, inhibiting the growth of shoots. At the beginning of autumn, pinching / pruning of shoots is carried out, watering and soil loosening are reduced.

After the first frost on a rose in the garden, all leaves are cut off, starting from the bottom, young unripe shoots are removed. They dig the earth under the bushes and huddle under the root. When the soil freezes a little, the rose is covered with spruce branches or dry foliage. The layer thickness must be at least 10 cm.

During the thaw period, the shelter can be removed for ventilation so that rot does not develop. With the onset of constant warm days, the shelter is removed, pruning is carried out. Then they begin to care for the flowers in the usual way.

Bushes can be planted in open ground.

Flowering period

Indoor rose blooms usually in spring and summer, but often in stores you can find plants blooming in winter period... This is achieved by introducing stimulant medications, but at home, the rose will return to its normal cycle. Blooming roses need to be watered and fertilized more often at least once a week. Small flowers of some varieties do not smell, while others, on the contrary, are fragrant. Flowers usually do not provoke an allergic reaction.

Why does not a rose bloom

You may never see the rose flowers due to care errors. The most common is the absence of a rest period. Roses may not bloom due to lack of lighting, lack of nutrients in the soil, growing in the wrong soil. In a pot of the wrong size, a plant may also not bloom for a long time. In a small one it will be cramped, in a large one the root system will master the earthy clod.

Room rose problems

If a domestic rose is weakened, it is attacked by pests and diseases. Usually, their appearance provokes improper care - lack of light, dry air, excessive watering. Miniature rose is susceptible to fungal diseases, more often it affects powdery mildew... Of the pests most annoying spider mite.

Fungal diseases

Leaf spot.

  • Powdery mildew is accompanied by a white bloom on the leaves, which gradually spreads to the stems and buds. It is caused by excess fertilizers and dry indoor air. At the first symptoms, you need to remove the infected parts of the plant, and if it is severely affected, cut it at the root. The remaining shoots must be treated with "Fundazol", and repeat several times.
  • Leaf spot occurs due to high humidity and high temperatures, too dense soil, dense planting of roses. Small brown spots appear on the leaves, which subsequently increase, leading to the death of parts of the rose. The affected areas need to be urgently removed, the plant should be treated with a copper-containing preparation or sulfur. Until the flower is healed, it cannot be sprayed with plain water, but it can be treated with an antifungal soap.

Viral diseases

  • Bacterial cancer is a disease whose viruses, even after the death of a plant, continue to live in the soil for several years. It manifests itself as round, depressed spots or bumps on the stems and roots. The affected areas should be soaked for several minutes in a solution of copper sulfate and only then destroyed. The soil from an infected plant should not be thrown into the garden or vegetable garden, so as not to infect healthy areas.
  • Jaundice in a rose is provoked by cicadas and flies. In young leaves, veins turn yellow, the plate brightens and deforms. The affected areas must be cut off and burned, and if the rose is severely affected, destroy it completely.
  • The wilting virus leads to the fact that the leaves become narrow, the buds are not tied, the bush gradually dries up. Control measures are the same as for jaundice.
  • Infectious burn. Spots appear on the stems, dry in the center. They gradually increase, leading to the death of shoots. If the stain has just appeared, you can try to clean it off with a knife and treat the cut with Rannet. When the stem is severely affected, it is cut off at the base.


Most dangerous pest room rose - spider mite. It actively reproduces in dry air, usually infecting the plant in autumn and winter. To prevent its occurrence, the rose is often sprayed and bathed. Ticks settle on the underside of the leaves, looking like small dots of red or dark brown color, you can see cobwebs on the plant.

To combat it, use garlic or tobacco infusion, in extreme measures - chemicals "Aktellik", "Neoron", "Arrow". The plant is sprayed with the prepared solution, the soil is shed. The treatment is carried out 3 times at weekly intervals.


Miniature roses are propagated by cuttings. To do this, in the spring, a stem with 4-5 active buds is cut off (cuttings left after pruning are suitable, you can also try to root after the autumn). A cut is made on a branch with a sharp disinfected knife at an angle of 45 degrees. The lower thorns and leaves are removed, the rest are shortened.

To stimulate root growth, cuttings can be soaked in a solution of "Kornevin" or "Heteroauxin". You can root in water or soil. For rooting in water, the cutting is placed in boiled water; it is advisable to choose a container made of dark glass. When the roots appear, it is transplanted into the soil.

The cuttings of the rose have taken root.

Rooting in soil allows the sprout to quickly adapt to constant growing conditions. The soil is taken the same as for adult roses, you can use a peat tablet. The stalk is buried with the lower bud into the ground, watered a little and covered with a transparent bag, glass or jar on top. It is periodically removed for airing. The success of rooting is judged by the cuttings that have moved into growth.

Another interesting way is to root the cuttings in a transparent bag filled with moist soil or sphagnum moss. Cuttings are placed in the bag, hung on the window, moisture is maintained inside due to condensation. After a month, roots appear and mini-roses are transplanted into pots.

You can buy potted roses at any garden store or greenhouse. The price depends on the variety, the splendor of the bush, starts at 1100 rubles. When choosing a flower in a store, pay attention to the stems - they should be green, without dark spots. Leaves to have dark green and be resilient. Indoor roses are beautiful but moody flowers. If you can find with them mutual language, then a whole front garden can be organized on the windowsill.