Ground cover rose orange fairy. The fairy. ze fairy - miniature rose seedlings - roses - rose seedlings. grape seedlings. sale of saplings of roses and grapes. delivery of saplings of roses and grapes across Ukraine. Cloud pink garden decoration

Roses in our time are represented by many varieties and types. You can choose from climbing, bush, ground cover, standard and other varieties. The article will focus on the ground cover rose Fairy or "The Fairy".

This plant boasts unique decorative properties, combined with unpretentiousness. We will find out what the Fairy rose is, find out what conditions must be provided to the plant for successful growth, development and flowering.

The Fairy rose bush is so luxuriantly strewn with flowers that sometimes it is even impossible to find foliage under the buds. Gardeners will also like the fact that the exquisite beauty of the plant is combined with unpretentiousness, undemanding care. Fairy rose can be grown as a bush plant and as a groundcover.

In the USA, this variety was awarded 70 times in the nomination "Best Polyanthus Rose", and from 1997 to 2012, the Fairy Rose received the Grand Prix in this category annually. At the moment, the variety is included in the top 10 polyanthus varieties of roses in the world.

Of all the types and varieties of roses, Fairy is the most profusely flowering. The plant looks extremely romantic in a flowering state, creating a fabulous, magical atmosphere on the site. But along with this airiness and fabulousness, the plant surprises with amazing endurance and stability. It can bloom well even in conditions of careless, rare care.

Bush features

The plant is distinguished by branching and splendor, grows strongly. And the older the rose bush, the more voluminous it becomes. The Fairy reaches a height of 1.2 meters, while the shoots of the plant are powerful, strong, but slightly drooping (see photo). Due to this quality, the variety is often used to breed new standard roses.

The bush grows at an average pace. And thanks to the excellent tolerance of pruning roses, the gardener has the opportunity to easily form a bush, control its growth and size.

Features of flowering

Due to the original rosette shape of the buds, the bush does not look heavy, even if it blooms very luxuriantly. Each bud reaches a diameter of 3-5 cm, individual specimens are collected in inflorescences of 10-20 pieces.

Description of the color: the color of the petals is pink, the structure is terry. One bud has about 40 petals. Under the sun, the color tends to fade and by the end of flowering, the buds usually turn pale.

The ground cover rose begins to bloom later than the others. This allows the plant to be used to decorate many floral interesting compositions. The first flowers bloom only in July, and flowering stops in October. A big plus - flowering without interruption.

Roses are practically odorless - a barely audible aroma can be caught only from a very close distance.


Separately, it is worth mentioning such a variety of varieties as Yellow Fairy. This rose has all the same advantages as the Fairy, and differs only in the color of the petals: they are yellow.

Fairy Yellow is very decorative, it is also a ground cover. It blooms profusely and luxuriantly, is easy to care for, does not require frequent pruning, and is resistant to cold. And its delightful-looking flowers will decorate any garden plot.

Varieties of Tail and Ailes are also interesting. Fairy Dance and Changeling varieties are very decorative.

landscape design

The Fairy variety is widely used for landscaping and decorating a wide variety of garden, park and urban landscapes. The flower has a universal application and looks great anywhere.

You can plant a rose as a bush, border or groundcover. And subject to regular pruning, you will get a wonderful compact dwarf shrub or even a standard weeping variety.

It can be used as a hedge (however, the hedge will turn out to be quite low). The rose will also make a great backdrop, shading the beauty of other plants. It can also be grown in containers, tubs.

It prefers to coexist with perennials, undersized shrubs, drooping and climbing specimens. The following plants are suitable:

  • lobularia;
  • lavender;
  • bells;
  • violets;
  • decorative cereals, etc.

The combination of Fairy with other roses looks spectacular, especially with their miniature representatives. Pink plantings look charming against the backdrop of elegant conifers.

Attention: the combination of pale pink Fae and flowers with yellow and orange colors is best avoided, as against such a background the rose will look inconspicuous.

Rose Fairy creates a dense carpet of lush flowers, does not require careful maintenance and frequent pruning, is able to endure adverse conditions. All these features enable the gardener to use plants to decorate a wide variety of areas of the site that are inaccessible to other plants.

Growing conditions

We will find out where it is best to plant a Fairy rose and in what conditions to grow it.

Location and lighting

Best of all, the rose will grow in a richly lit area, but the light should be rarefied. Do not forget that pink petals fade quickly from direct sunlight. Perfect Choice- a place in the southeast or western part of the site: where the sun's rays heat the plant in the morning.

It is categorically undesirable to plant a flower in the shade, as this will lead to the loss of its decorative effect. As a result of the lack sunlight at the rose, shoots are ugly stretched, and the number of flowers is thinning. In addition, the immunity of the plant also weakens in the shade.

It is advisable to choose a small hill for landing. If there is no such place in the garden or everyone is busy, it is recommended to make an embankment artificially.


Fairy Rose is cold hardy and can be grown even in fairly cool climates.

Humidity and drafts

The plant does not make great demands on the level of humidity, but it needs protection from drafts. The petals of the plant are tender and, under cool breezes, will quickly droop, or even fly around.

The soil

The soil should be light, loose, permeable. It is also important that the soil is nutritious, saturated with useful components. In poor soil, the rose will not disappear either, however, there will be fewer buds on it. Rose loves well-moistened soil, however, without stagnation. The acidity is low or neutral.

Before planting a rose, it is recommended to improve the soil in the garden. To do this, they dig up the earth, having previously scattered compost and dry soil over the surface. mineral fertilizers. Also, be sure to remove weeds, rocks, and debris from the site.


Let's clarify the main points regarding the rooting of roses on the site.


It is best to plant this plant in the spring, after the soil has warmed up thoroughly. Optimal time- beginning-mid-May, depending on the weather in the region.

In the southern regions, it is better to choose autumn for planting, since in autumn there is a wider choice of healthy, strong seedlings. And under the condition of a warm climate, the plant will have time to take root before the cold weather without problems. In that case fit October.

Selection of seedlings

When buying seedlings in a nursery or on the market, choose specimens with a closed root system. At the same time, check the condition of the roots: they should be light color, healthy and strong, without damage and rot. It is also important that root system was branched - this greatly increases the chances of successful rooting.

Also make sure that the trunk and branches are intact, check that the seedling does not have yellow or fully blossomed leaves.

Direct rooting

If you plant several copies of the plant, keep a distance of half a meter between them. It is permissible to plant 5-6 plants per 1 m2 of beds.

Ground cover shrubs should not be planted too far apart. In this case, bald spots are formed on the site, which spoil the decorative effect of the garden. But it is also impossible to plant too closely: in conditions of crowding, roses do not grow well, develop, and more often suffer from fungal diseases.

The pit is prepared ahead of time: fertilizers are introduced into it, drainage is laid on the bottom. The depth of the landing pit should be half a meter and the same length and width. Broken brick or expanded clay is suitable as drainage, gravel and gravel are also considered. The substrate mixture is prepared from the following components:

  • garden soil - 2 parts;
  • manure - 3 parts;
  • peat land - 1 part;
  • sand - 2 parts.


  1. Before planting, place the roots of the plant in water for 6 hours. If the seedling has a closed root system, the entire lower part of it is dipped into the water.
  2. Inspect the roots and cut off too long and damaged, rotten rhizomes. It is also necessary to cut the branches, leaving a length of 10-15 cm.
  3. Then the seedling is placed in a hole, its roots are straightened, gently but tightly sprinkled with soil. Make sure that the root neck is located 3-4 cm below the ground level.
  4. Water abundantly immediately after planting. young plant so that it takes root faster.

How to care

Let's get acquainted with the features of caring for the ground cover rose Fairy.


Immediately after planting, the plant is watered very actively: literally every day for 2-3 weeks. Such abundant moisture contributes to the early successful rooting of the rose. Then it is watered much less frequently: usually only during the drought period and no more than once a week. However, it is impossible to allow the soil to dry out for a long time: this is bad for the number and size of flower buds.

For one watering procedure, they spend from 10 to 16 liters of water per bush. It is better to water in the morning or late in the evening when the sun has set so that the leaves of the plant do not get burned. In addition, it is important to water strictly under the spine. Moisture on the foliage can provoke fungal diseases in cool weather. Use melted, rain, settled water. And it should be warm temperature.

Overflow is unacceptable, as it leads to rotting of the roots, stems, the appearance of mold, fungus. Given the choice between two evils: drought or overflow, Fae Rose will prefer the first option.

Most of all, the plant needs water immediately after planting and during the formation of flower buds. In autumn, watering is reduced to stop them altogether soon: this helps to prepare the plant for winter.

The crust that appears after watering must be broken to open air access to the roots.


This type of care procedure is recommended to be used after watering. A layer of mulch protects the soil from evaporation of moisture, thus contributing to better moistening of the roots of the plant. At the same time, mulching protects the soil from the germination of harmful weeds.

A suitable thickness of the mulch layer is 4-6 cm. Well, we recommend using organic matter as a material: tree bark, shavings, sawdust, compost, peat, grass. In the absence of organics, you can use a simple black covering material.

top dressing

For the first time, fertilizers are applied shortly after removing the winter shelter, that is, in the spring: the plant needs both nitrogen minerals and organic matter. The second time they are fed when the buds begin to form. This time, the emphasis should be on phosphorus-potassium compounds, which positively affect the splendor and duration of flowering.


The procedure is necessary for the rose bush without fail. In the spring, the first step is to remove damaged branches, old and frozen. After sanitary, formative pruning is carried out.

Attention: flowering occurs on shoots of all ages, so it is not advisable to remove old, but still strong, healthy branches.

Five years after rooting, it is necessary to carry out a rejuvenating pruning of the rose: this time it is necessary to cut the shoots almost to the base. Such a radical procedure will give impetus to the plant for more active development and lush flowering.

Other procedures

The rose bush needs regular weeding of the beds from weeds. Carry out the procedure after watering, as weeds from wet soil are easier to remove. It is also recommended to mulch the root circle, which allows you to protect the soil from the rapid evaporation of water.


Before you cover the rose for the winter, in the fall they gradually stop watering and feeding it. In general, ground cover varieties are hardy and require shelter only during very cold winters. In the south, you can not hide.

Usually they protect the shrub with spruce branches, laying it in a root circle - this saves the roots from freezing. From above, it is advisable to throw lutrasil so that the branches avoid freezing.

Under the conditions of the middle zone without shelter, the plant freezes slightly, however, it usually recovers quickly. South of the middle zone, the shrub will easily overwinter with only one hillock. Young plants, however, require more reliable protection, in whatever climate they are grown.

If you have a standard variety grown on the basis of the Fairy, it needs to be taken indoors for the winter. However, this is only possible if the rose is originally planted in a tub. If it grows in the garden, the shrub is dug up, bent to the soil, covered with dry spruce branches, leaves, agrofiber.

Pests and diseases

most dangerous disease is for this rose powdery mildew. Pathology manifests itself as a whitish flour coating on the foliage, especially often on young greens. It affects the rose and downy mildew. Eliminate fungal diseases special fungicides. Folk remedies in the case of a disease that has already begun, they do not have a special effect, but are good as prevention.


Rose Fairy, like all other ground cover varieties, can be propagated in several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • pinching method.

The best and easiest option is layering, which is what most gardeners choose. In this case, in the spring, a long healthy maternal shoot is chosen, and after digging trenches in the ground, they deepen the shoot into it. It is clear that the layering is on the mother bush without separation from it.

Before deepening on the soil of the shoot, it is necessary to make an incision so that the roots come out faster. You can make such cuts on several buds - you get several full-fledged seedlings at the same time.

The kidneys are located on the shoot, deepening through one. It turns out a kind of snake. V next year, after the layers take root, it will be possible to separate them from the mother plant and plant them in their places.

The cutting method is chosen less frequently, since a rose grown from a cutting usually winters worse.

The Fae Rose is an aristocratic flower that is very popular these days. Gardeners are trying to plant it in their backyard, with proper cultivation, ground cover rose will not cease to please with abundant flowering. Planting and care climbing rose, like most roses, quite simple, but requires attention. The Fairy variety is the most beloved and charming flower.

Rose Fairy variety description

The Fairy rose differs from many varieties in its unpretentiousness during cultivation. And during flowering it is covered with many inflorescences, because of which even the stem and leaves are not visible.

The groundcover rose grows a little over half a meter in height and grows up to 120 centimeters wide. The flower bush has a sprawling growth pattern. Fairy ground cover rose can grow both alone and together with other varieties. Each seedling grows up to 30 inflorescences, double flowers, pale Pink colour. The plant has quite strong and powerful shoots. The buds grow up to 2.5 centimeters, although they are quite small, but they look just gorgeous.

Aromaticity is pronounced and resembles the smell of apples. Fairy blooms for a long time, before the onset of cold weather. Due to the copious amount of flowers, Fairies are often used in design.

Planting The Fairy Rose

Before landing Ze Fairy, you need to pick up a site with fertile soil or fertilize the soil. To do this, sprinkle a small amount of compost or mineral fertilizer on top of the soil. After that, the soil is thoroughly dug up and cleaned of roots and weeds.

Next, dig holes for each seedling at a distance of no more than a meter, and a depth of 15 centimeters more than for other varieties. Pour small stones and sand at the bottom of the pit, thus getting drainage. If there are too long roots, they should be cut off, leaving a size of about 10 centimeters.

After choosing a territory, digging a hole and fertilizing the soil, you can start planting. The seedling is placed in a recess, covered with earth and a small mound is made, while the cut point should be placed 4 centimeters into the ground. Install a support next to the seedling so that you can tie the plant up.

During the first 14 days after planting, the plant needs abundant watering - this will contribute to faster rooting and adaptation in a new place.

Fairy Rose Care

Although the ground cover rose of The Fairy is not picky, it is necessary to prune, water in a timely manner, and still need to fertilize the plant. This variety is suitable for breeding beginners in floriculture, even with minimal observance of the rules for care, the plant will be able to please with lovely flowers.

The seedlings are perfectly adapted to severe winter frosts, as well as molding. Therefore, you can give the shrub any shape and keep the growth of shoots under control. Well, if the bush nevertheless has grown strongly, then, as a rule, the plant will receive less light and wind. In this case, the roses should be thinned out.

Mostly pruning is done in the spring, but most often for prevention - it is sanitary in nature. After wintering, damaged or dried shoots are removed from the root system of the plant. Do not forget about rejuvenation, this process is recommended to be done once every six years. To do this, cut off all the lashes on each plant, leaving about a size of 20 centimeters. The places of cuts must be treated with a garden solution, and the bush itself should be sprayed with a solution. blue vitriol. If there is no time and desire for pruning, then this process can be avoided only if, when planting, seedlings are placed at a greater distance from each other.

The rose needs watering at the moment of bud formation and when they open. And also abundantly water the plant in hot and dry weather. Each bush requires about 10 liter buckets of water. The optimal time for watering is in the morning, it is forbidden to use cold liquid. Young seedlings need to be watered once every seven days, watering is reduced or canceled only with the onset of autumn. If the roses do not have enough moisture, this will lead to faster flowering and their inflorescences will become smaller in diameter.

You need to feed the plant from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn. Mineral fertilizers are added only after the appearance of the first leaves, and organic impurities during the formation of flowers. And in order for the shoots to fully ripen, top dressing with the addition of potassium is introduced in the fall.

Preparing for the winter

Fairy tolerates frosts well, but it does not hurt to cover her with spruce paws for the winter, although she can overwinter under snow cover without additional shelter. In regions with a warmer climate, the seedling can only be spudded and not covered. More reliable protection required mainly by young shrubs. Do it like this:

  1. Escapes located in horizontal, cut off, leaving a length equal to the third part of the plant, and also remove all the leaves.
  2. From below, the shrub is spudded with soil.
  3. For a more reliable wintering and preservation of the flower, it is recommended to store the tall part of the flower at home.

And there is also the easiest way to overwinter seedlings, which consists in the fact that the base should be spudded, the trunk should be wrapped in dense material, and the top should be covered in an air-dry way.

Pests and diseases

Powdery mildew is considered the biggest misfortune for this variety. Most often, young plants suffer from this disease. White spots on only regrown shoots and other parts of the flower serve as the initial symptom of the disease. However, there is also false option powdery mildew, it appears only along the edge of the leaves, from the underside.

Fairies are best not planted next to flowers that have yellow or orange, this will lead to a loss of attractiveness of this variety of roses.

Flowering - continuous, abundant;

Bush height - about 75 cm;

Flower diameter - about 5 cm;

Resistance to disease and frost - above average;

The aroma is light.

Ann Benthol worked under Joseph Pemberton, remaining in his shadow. After Pemberton's death, Ann continued the work of her teacher and leader. In 1932, she presented a wonderful rose called "TheFairy", which duringfor almost eight decades, she did not disappoint rose growers, but only confirmed the trust placed in her, and to this day remains one of best rose for landscaping. By the way,TheFairyrefers to polyanthus roses, but since this group has gone into the background these days, more and more often it is offered in nurseries as a ground cover or miniature. It really has practically no equal for landscaping. First of all, with the onset of spring, Ze Fae brightens the garden with its glossy, rich, green foliage. Over time, her bushes (about 70 cm in height and width) are covered with delightful, pink, double (about 40 petals) flowers, reaching 5 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences of 10-40 pieces. Such an abundant flowering, which a pretty rose rewards us withTheFairy, far from many varieties can “boast”, and it is this stunning decorative quality, combined with absolute unpretentiousness, that will captivate most rose growers. Due to its stability and abundant, continuous flowering this variety remains indispensable for landscaping public places. In almost every book about roses that has descriptions of varieties, a place is allocated for the description of Ze Fairy, and in the description of each author one can feel love for this variety and sincere admiration for its beauty and stability. Peter Schneider notes thatTheFairy"blooms constantly, all season, until frost hits: she has no pause between the initial and re-blooming." L.I. Bumbeeva in the book "Roses" from the series "Advice of Experts" calls Ze Feri a "popular" variety, and also notes high winter hardiness along with "abundant, repeated flowering". In her book "Roses" published by Kladez-Buks, she emphasizes the persistence of flowers. V.V. Vorontsov and V.I. Korobov calls this rose "the most popular polyanthus rose at present", as well as previous authors.noting "abundant, long flowering" and adds that the variety is "recommended by GBS RAS im. N.V. Cicina for growing in middle lane, and according to our recommendations is widely used in decorative design on the Black Sea coast Caucasus". Evgeny Pisarev writes thatTheFairy"The most popular ground cover rose in the world, both among amateurs and professionals." Also, this author notes that this variety is widely used in the selection of new varieties, and a lot of varieties in the Ze Fairy style have been obtained. At the end of his description, Pisarev adds that "the variety grows well and is unpretentious." Alexandra Ivanovna Teorina notes that "the variety is very decorative and looks good in standard culture." D.G. Hession emphasizes not only the beauty of the flowers, but also "the attractiveness of shiny leaves, similar to boxwood leaves." And John Mattock notes thatTheFairy“with light pruning grows into a large, sprawling and thick bush with hanging branches and small green leaves. He also notes only a slight aroma. In fact, this rose deservedly won the recognition of rose growers all over the world, and received more than 70 awards in various competitions only thanks to its decorative qualities and sustainability. This rose was sourced in the UK by Ann Bentol(Bentall) when crossing Paul Crampel × Lady Gay. Today we can meet her under the names-synonyms of Perle Rose, Fairy, Feerie.

Materials used:

1. "The best roses of the world", Schneider, Peter, Moscow, CJSC "BMM", 2011.

2. "Roses", Bumbeeva L.I., Moscow, SME Publishing House, 2009.

3. "All about roses", Vorontsov V.V., Korobov V.I., Moscow, "Fiton +", 2007.

4. "Roses. Encyclopedia”, Pisarev E.A., Moscow, Eksmo, 2009.

5. "Roses", Bumbeeva L.I., Moscow, Kladez-Buks, 2010.

6. "Roses", Teorina A.I., Moscow, CJSC "Fiton +", 2010.

7. "Shrub roses", Bumbeeva L.I. Moscow, Kladez-Buks, 2009.

8. "All About Roses", D.G. Hession, Moscow, Kladez-Buks, 2009.

9. "Encyclopedia of growing roses", John Mattock, Moscow, Art-Rodnik, 2003.

Lafazan N. D., 2010

The ground cover rose is commonly referred to as separate group shrub plants, which stands out against the background of a huge number of different varieties of this crop. As for the most best qualities Fairy roses, they were borrowed from wild varieties of wild rose - the plant is characterized by abundant flowering, unpretentiousness in cultivation, as well as high rates of frost resistance.

Fairy ground cover rose is unpretentious in care, it does not need to be cut and fed regularly. Exactly because of this reason this variety plants are popular, especially in countries where weather conditions change dramatically. With the help of this type of rose bushes, you can decorate the backyard in an original way, as well as transform the terrace of the orchard, without making any effort.

General information and description of the ground cover rose Fairy

The Rugosa rubra culture is the main progenitor of the groundcover rose, it is represented by a wrinkled or Japanese rose, better known as a wild rose. The homeland of the plant is considered to be East Asia: Japan, northeast China and Korea, and the natural habitat is coastal zones and open areas with sandy soil.

Fairy Rose

In the second half of the 90s, breeders obtained a whole subspecies of creeping roses that can cover huge tracts of land. In the selection process, scientists used another variety of roses, Wichurana, which is used by landscape designers to decorate a flower carpet. At the beginning of the 20th century, several more varieties of culture were bred, the best of which was the Fairy Dance rose and Queen of Sweden.

In 2001, in the process of crossing a miniature and ground cover species of the plant, the White Fairy rose was obtained, which was distinguished by beauty, short stature, vitality and compactness. The Fairy ground cover rose has a number of advantages compared to other varieties, the main advantages include the following:

  • unpretentiousness in cultivation and care;
  • easy propagation by cuttings or layering;
  • there is no need to prune rose bushes every year;
  • the plant is not afraid of frost, diseases and pests.

Note! Rose The Fairy Tale at the age of 2 years begins to suppress weeds. Due to the strong vegetation and rapid rooting of seedlings, it is possible for quite short term grow a dense flower cover on your site.

Characteristics of popular varieties of Fairy roses

A lot of time has passed since the breeders bred the first ground cover roses. Today, there are countless representatives of this plant, which can be classified by bud color, beauty and flowering performance. If we consider the most popular varieties, then they include:

  • Rose Fairy Dance, which is distinguished by flowers of a dark pink hue, which have a rounded shape. Inflorescences tend to fade gradually, while they do not become less attractive. During heavy rains, Fairy Dance rose flowers can become spotted, and a barely noticeable golden stamen appears in the middle of the inflorescence.

Rose Fairy Dance

  • Ground cover rose Red Fairy - the main decoration of the variety are beautiful bright red miniature buds. Against the background of dark green foliage, the Red Fairy rose and its flowers look very beautiful.
  • Rose polyanthus Ze Fairy. The color palette of inflorescences of this variety is represented by all shades of orange and pink. The plant has not very large, but strong buds that are resistant to rain, and also have excellent immunity to diseases.
  • Rosa White Fairy, which most flower growers consider the best representative of the ground cover variety. This plant took part in numerous exhibitions and was awarded honorary awards. The White Fairy shrub is decorated with small semi-double buds that have a pleasant and light aroma.
  • Rose Lovely Fairy, the virtues of which are represented by dense doubleness, dark red hue, moderate aroma, and medium-sized flowers.
  • Rose Yellow Fairy - this variety is relatively young for the reason that it was created in 2006. But for this a short time the plant has already managed to become a hardy "fighter", for the growth of which almost any conditions are suitable. The yellow rose bush is decorated with lush, pale yellow inflorescences, with a pleasant aroma.
  • Rose Pink Fairy, which has charming cupped buds that have a crimson red color. Due to the rapid growth of the bushes, this variety is very popular, its height, in some cases, can reach 4 m. Another advantage of the rose is its high frost resistance.

Rose Pink Fairy

Note! Each variety of ground cover rose has its own advantages and disadvantages. When buying one or the other planting material it is necessary to proceed not only from personal preferences, but also from the main characteristics of the subspecies.

Basic principles of agricultural cultivation and plant care

Rose Fairy is a ground cover crop, long lasting and abundant flowering which can be achieved with the right and step landing. Before planting seedlings in open ground, fertilizing should be done by scattering mature compost and mineral fertilizers over the top layer of soil. In the area where the plant will be planted, the earth needs to be dug up and weed roots, stones and large breasts should be removed.

Important! The distance between the planting holes should be at least 0.5 m. Seedlings should be planted exclusively in individual holes, the depth of which depends on how long the root system of the plant is (in addition, you need to make a “reserve” of 10-20 cm).

If the cuttings have a long root system, it should be shortened, and the seedlings themselves should be cut to no more than 10-15 cm. As for watering the soil, it should be layered throughout the entire planting, since using this method, voids can be prevented. After the seedlings have been planted in open ground, the earth must be carefully tamped, watered and spud abundantly.

As soon as the young shoots on rose bushes reach 5 cm in length, the entire plantation with flowers must be mulched using a layer tree bark or shavings (3-5 cm). It is strictly forbidden to neglect this procedure, because after the rose has grown, it will not be so easy to deal with weeds. If the soil is properly prepared and mulched, after 2-3 years, rose bushes will grow densely and will be able to displace weeds.

As noted above, the Ze Fairy rose is an unpretentious culture that can quickly adapt to cold weather and severe frosts, and with its flowering pleases not only households, but also neighbors. The plant tolerates the molding procedure well, it is for this shrub that you can easily give a neat shape. If necessary, in order to provide sufficient light and ventilation, the culture can be thinned out periodically.

Ze Fae is an unpretentious culture

After one year after planting, the seedlings are shortened in order to activate tillering, after which sanitary pruning is carried out every year. spring time of the year. This procedure includes the removal of old shoots, as well as those that have dried up and been affected by diseases.

As for watering, it should be plentiful, especially during dry weather conditions, at the moment while the buds are formed, as well as at the initial stage of flowering. Depending on the size of the plant, at least 10-15 liters of water may be needed for one rose bush. The irrigation procedure is best done in the early morning, using only warm water and pouring it only under a bush.

Growing a groundcover Fairy Red rose is a fun and hassle-free experience for both beginners and gardeners. experienced florist. Such indicators as unpretentiousness in care, frost resistance and resistance to diseases make it more and more popular every year. Thanks to the many different varieties, this plant can act as a worthy decoration. personal plot, as well as optimally fit into landscape design.

ground cover variety pink roses « TheFairy»

'The Fairy' - seems to be an easily vulnerable plant, but in fact it is a hardy rose. Its flowering period can be described or compared like a big cotton candy.

'The Fairy' refers to multicolor ground cover roses. Throughout the summer, blooming in a myriad of terry light pink inflorescences, collected in small bunches, although it begins to bloom later than other varieties. One single shoot produces up to 25 or more buds with inflorescences reaching 2-2.5 cm in diameter. In summer, the inflorescences almost completely obscure the dark green shiny leaves of plants. Thanks to its bushy form, the plant looks attractive in spring even without flowers.

The rose can produce softly hanging shoots reaching 1 meter in length. This property makes it one of the most beloved tall varieties. In addition, "The Fairy" is disease resistant and hardy.

With "The Fairy" you can form entire hedges, for example, to fence off separate parts of the garden, you can run it with a wavy ribbon around the garden or use it to frame a rose garden. The soft pastel shade of 'The Fairy' inflorescence pairs well with most other rose shades.

Thanks to its hanging shoots, this rose can be successfully used to decorate slides or the top of the walls, which it will hide under a cascade of flowers.

The tall "The Fairy" will please the eye even in small gardens, and it does not matter what you have placed under it - a flower bed or a vegetable patch. In a terracotta pot, framed in white, blue and red tub flowers, it will become the main accent of your balcony.

White lobularia (annual), blue catnip, purple lavender or undersized bluebells planted under "The Fairy" look very nice.

The tall-stemmed rose 'The Fairy', combined with herbs and plants with gray-green or silver foliage, such as silver-gray speedwell, chistets or Schmidt's mugwort, forms a very nostalgic composition. Plants with yellow and orange flowers should not be planted with this rose.

To plant this rose, grafted onto a trunk in a pot, you will need to pour 2-3 cm of gravel into the pot, then fill it up to half with a mixture of flower soil with three handfuls of compost. Stick the stick for supporting the trunk deep into the substrate, press the ground on the sides well so that the stick stands firmly. Remove the seedling, along with the root ball, from the container and plant it in a pot next to the stick support. Fill the pot with a mixture of soil and compost. Plant four low annuals along the edges and flatten the ground. Attach the stem of the rose to the support with a figure-eight loop at the top and bottom and water the plant liberally. After the buds are tied, apply complex fertilizers. To do this, add liquid fertilizer to the water.

Bare-rooted seedlings are suitable for spring and autumn planting. Freshly dug seedlings cannot be stored for a long time. You should not buy rose seedlings with a small number of shoots or with yellowed leaves. Try to choose a place in the sun. Protect flowers from fading, protect the plant from midday sunlight. Do not plant a rose on the south side of the house. flower land for tub plants - perfect if you decide to grow it in a tub or pot. When transplanting roses into the garden, be sure to add compost to the ground. Tall roses are best to winter in frost-free rooms. In the summer, trim wilted inflorescences regularly, this contributes to the further formation of buds. The most suitable cut point is above the five-fingered leaf.

Powdery mildew can be recognized by a whitish-powdery coating covering the young parts of the plant (powdery mildew) or only the underside of the leaves (downy mildew). Spray with special products.

In the spring, remove the winter shelter that covered the roses. Apply fertilizer intended for roses to the ground. Cut off dead shoots. In the summer, loosen the ground, fertilize again before the first flowering of the rose bush. Water your roses regularly during dry spells. Cut off faded florets. In late autumn, cut the tall stems, remove the leaves, wrap the tops with brushwood or canvas burlap. Cover the stems at the roots with earth or compost. You can also use covering material.

This rose "The Fairy" - deserves your attention, as it blooms from July to November, is very unpretentious and resistant to diseases. The distance between seedlings for shrubs is 50 cm, it reaches a height of 60 cm. We boldly plant it in our garden, and good luck to you.