False windows in the interior: options for the design and use of a false window. Do-it-yourself fake windows with lighting

When designing a space, we turn to various techniques and design tricks. And one of the techniques is to create a false window that successfully imitates a hole in the wall, usually with bright view. Such an illusion can radically change the environment and set the general mood of the interior. Today we will talk about how to make a false window.

Increasingly, false windows can be found in the interiors of dwellings, because decorative element is able to solve several design problems and is considered ideal in such cases:
  • To combine two or more elongated window units that are closely spaced and correct an unsuccessful layout.
  • If the room has small size, and I would like to visually expand the space.
  • If there are dark corners in the room, which would be nice to illuminate by creating a false backlit window.
  • In order to fill a niche without creating the effect of "closed space" and the so-called removal of borders.
False windows can have a completely unpredictable appearance and design, since these trends are limited only by the imagination of a person, but still, there are several types of false window openings that differ in the way they are implemented and the location of the structure:
  1. Painted windows. The illusion is created by sticking pictures that look realistic, photo wallpapers with landscapes of different parts of the planet and cities of the world, as in the distant nineties, and 3D images. Thanks to the mirror image reception, already existing window it will turn out to refresh any interior and create the effect of expanding space.
  2. "Window" in the frame. In this case, a real frame is used along with a painted or printed pattern. For its manufacture, boards are used or ceiling moldings. To achieve greater realism, you can decorate the opening like a real one: install a window sill by placing pots with indoor plants.
  3. "Window" in the ceiling. AT recent times such elements are created more often than imitation of a window opening in the walls. This design looks most impressive if framed by a false ceiling, as this creates the feeling that a transparent and airy roof is spread over you. To create a false window, mirror tiles, a stretch photo canvas and backlight are used.
  4. "Window" in the niche. Most often, the reception is used in the bathroom. The product is placed in a niche, attached to the side panels of the lamp to create the illusion of a sunny day. If you plan to install glass for a false window, then take frosted glass, as in the bathroom high humidity and condensate will quickly fall out. Also, it will look great. stained glass.
  5. Window in the kitchen. As a rule, the composition is created on the wall connecting the kitchen and the hall. The windows are made different, framed and unframed, with photographs of the family. In addition, they can overlap each other.
  6. Mirror window. A separate type is the creation of a mirror false window using an ordinary mirror, which is supplemented for realism with all the attributes of a real window opening: a cornice with curtains, a window sill with flowers.

At the preparatory stage, follow these tips:
  • To create a false window, prepare: an image of a landscape, a transparent plastic that has a thickness of 2 mm, Titanium glue and mounting foam, an LED strip and wires, leatherette foil, a frame and a plywood sheet, a plastic corner and a clerical knife, as well as transformer.
  • To determine the shape of the false window - vertical or horizontal, look at the future landscape.
  • To determine the size of the window opening, analyze the proportions of the image and the dimensions of the room where the structure is planned to be installed. However, the minimum dimensions of a false window are as follows: the narrow side is from 50 cm to 80-100 cm.
  • We are heading to an advertising company, where we order interior printing on a light-transmitting film - backlit. Remember that the picture must be high quality for the size you specify, whether it be the sky, the city or the sea. At the slightest doubt, it is better to change the drawing.
After printing the image, let's make the box:
  1. For the box, you will need a large sheet of transparent plastic (you can use plexiglass) that has a thickness of 2 mm. protective film you should not remove it from plastic, since the material is easily scratched, it is recommended to remove it after work.
  2. 10 blanks to be cut: 1 will be used as the base for the image, the cover is the same size as the picture, minus 2 cm for the film fold; 4 blanks for walls that have a height of 10-12 cm; 1 for the bottom, the workpiece is the same size as the base, minus half a centimeter on each side; 4 walls for the bottom - 10-12 cm.
  3. To glue plastic, you need dichloroethane. However, it can be replaced with conventional PVC adhesive, such as Titanium. To achieve the rigidity and accuracy of the corners, when attaching the wall to the lid or bottom, a white PVC corner is used.
Now you should glue the image and install the LEDs:
  • To make the light reflect well from the source, cover the bottom with food foil. The source is an LED strip, which is characterized by a frequent arrangement of luminous elements. Cut it into segments, which should have a length equal to the large side of the box. In our case, 130 cm.
  • Attach the LED strips to the box, maintaining a step of 4 cm from the edge, and solder them together. From each group of strips, an output must be made to the transformer using the usual "twisted pair" and to the outlet.
  • Glue the image on the cover of the future false window. So that the adhesive composition is not noticeable through the light, do not apply it over the entire plane. It is enough to glue on the sidewalls the part that will be bent later. On the outer walls, fix the leatherette. Instead, you can use any other dense material that is opaque.
We carry out the installation of the box in accordance with the instructions:
  1. After connecting the lower part to electricity through a transformer, put on the top cover. After setting the intensity of lighting, firmly fasten the top and bottom. Glue leatherette along the edge of the box with Titanium glue.
  2. Make a recess in the main wall using a puncher. It is made 3 centimeters deeper than the box itself, and 2 centimeters more in width and height. Remember that the box should be measured after it is fully assembled.
  3. Aligning back wall niches by attaching to mounting foam a sheet of plywood that has a thickness of 12 mm. We send the box to a niche and make sure that its front side is located evenly and without distortions. After making sure of this, fill the slots on the sides using mounting foam, the excess of which is removed after hardening.

To give realism to the false window, we use a wooden frame-platband, you can adapt the shutters and the window sill by placing flowerpots with live indoor plants on it. In addition, curtains will successfully complement the imitation of a window opening.

Not very good layout of apartments by developers, narrow spaces forced designers to develop a special architectural and design element called a false window. This is a fake window, or, as it is also called, a false one, which is currently gaining more and more popularity. A false window in a cramped room is a great way to visually expand the space of a room.

The false window in the living room must adhere general style living room interior.

However, before you make a false window with your own hands, you must carefully consider all the nuances of this element in the interior.

It is usually located:

  • on a completely smooth wall;
  • on the ceiling;
  • in a finished or self-created niche.

How to make a false window on a flat and smooth wall?

A false window on the ceiling gives the room originality and originality.

As a rule, to create additional windows in a room, they usually use a poster, photo wallpapers that have an image that goes into perspective. It can be views of parks, medieval streets or seascapes. It all depends on your taste. Also, as a false window, a mirror sheet is often used, which has an imitation of a conventional binding.

To receive you need to great result when inserting such a window into the interior, you should remember a few simple rules:

  • choose a place;
  • mark the wall
  • prepare the surface.

When planning to create a mirror window, choose a spot on the plane of the wall so that the reflective surface is illuminated. This way you can create the illusion of light coming from a fake window. Remember that the levels of window sills, both real and artificially created, must match. Only in this case, a false window will favorably decorate the volume of your room. When marking out, all dimensions of the mirror canvas, the drawing are transferred to the wall in necessary place at the correct height from the floor.

Be mindful of good surface preparation. Before you begin to poster on your wall, look for pieces of plaster or paint left on the wall. So that all the flaws of your wall are not imprinted on the photo wallpaper, thoroughly clean it of all coatings: putty, plaster and paint. If you are planning to make a false mirror window, then there should be no differences in the prepared plane.

Before making a false window, use a level to check if your wall is even and, where necessary, putty. Otherwise, the process of gluing the canvas will be extremely difficult. So, after we have achieved an even, smooth and dry wall, we proceed to the gluing process.

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Attaching the poster and creating a frame

Additional elements (LED strip, frame) false windows are glued with "liquid nails".

Sticking a poster on the wall is necessary during normal room temperature, about +20°С. Avoid even the slightest drafts.

Otherwise, your wallpaper will dry unevenly, resulting in undue stretch or wrinkling. And this will greatly spoil the appearance of the poster. Depending on the type of photo wallpaper, choose the right glue. Typically, poster makers recommend certain brands of adhesive.

Use a special superglue to glue the mirror sheet. The most popular is considered "Liquid Nails for Mirrors".

In order to prevent your mirror from “moving out”, attach a small horizontal bar to the wall to serve as a support for the canvas.

As it can be used and the bottom frame.

The simplest way to frame a false window on the wall is polyurethane foam moldings with a width of 70 mm or more. They are attached to the wall around the entire perimeter of the canvas or mirror. Painting and toning moldings should be done in advance, before you attach them to the wall. wooden frame secured with dowel nails.

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False windows in the niche and on the ceiling

Drawn false windows are created using acrylic and oil paints.

The process of creating a structure in a niche is more complicated than installing it on flat wall. A niche usually allows you to make a false window voluminous and design hidden lighting so that it is truly invisible. To make a false window in a niche, you need:

  1. Lay the LED strip of the selected color around the entire perimeter of your niche, and then put spotlights or fluorescent lights.
  2. Attach to the wall a pre-prepared frame with stained glass or glass with photo printing.
  3. As an addition, you can decorate your glass with molding frames.

In this way, you can make another lighting in the room and use photo printing or stained glass on your window.

If you are looking for a simpler option, you can strengthen the mirror from the back of the niche wall, make a real window sill and put it on it. table lamp. The most complete effect of this will be if you also make all the slopes of the false window exclusively mirrored.

A false window in the ceiling can be made according to a similar principle. If you are planning to create a “transparent” ceiling in your room, then choose photo wallpapers depicting the sky, stars or clouds. The drawing is glued to the bottom of the niche, and the backlight is made along its perimeter, covering it with a frame with glass. With a new window, your ceiling will become more elegant.

Today you can find many ways to update the interior: replacing furniture upholstery, decorative partitions, or install a false window.

Often it is used in the dark corners of the room, as well as to increase the space and give the house its "zest". It can also hide the shortcomings of the repair.

The use of false windows is becoming fashion trend in interior design, which can be done not only by designers, but you can also do it yourself.

In order to determine the "front" of work, it is necessary to deal with a variety of false windows.

Before you start making a window with your own hands, you need to make the surface on which it will be attached smooth. If necessary, putty, remove all cracks.

It is also required to make markup in order to “not miscalculate” with the location.

False windows are:

  • drawn;
  • mirror;
  • ceiling.


To make the drawn false window look more harmonious, a sketch is first prepared. The prepared drawing is mounted on the wall and framed. Frames are glued or fastened with self-tapping screws.

Be sure the frames will need to be sanded and painted (especially when used wooden material) or simply stain and varnish. You can use photo wallpaper.

The main thing that will need to be done is to make measurements correctly.

The cost of photo wallpaper is directly proportional to the selected material ( paper wallpaper, silk, etc.).

You can add a false window with some elements.

It can be curtains, a window sill, on which you can put a couple of flower pots. You can use plexiglass over the picture, which will protect the canvas from dirt and add realism.

Frames can be replaced with polyurethane moldings, which are also painted over in a suitable color. If you use narrow moldings, then it is possible to make a binding.

In the interior, such a window will look beautiful, but it will be impossible to confuse it with the real one.


Mirror, first of all, are designed to expand the space of the house. You can make it with your own hands, for this you need a whole canvas of a mirror or a mirror tile. Such a canvas is attached directly to the wall, pre-aligned.

There are two options for how to make a false window from a mirror.

The first is that a frame with a lattice imitating a binding is preliminarily prepared. A mirror tile is glued to the frame. And the entire structure is already attached to the wall.

In the second option, the frame is first attached to the wall, into which the mirror will be inserted. If necessary, you can make a binding using plastic moldings in the color of the frame.

The resulting window should not be “loaded” with curtains, a window sill, because of this the primary function is lost - increasing the space in the room.


False windows located on the ceiling look very beautiful, imitate the sky, add romance. How to do it?

Installed first stretch ceiling. In the place where the false window will be located, a niche is made. "Heaven" is selected, i.e. you must select a picture (drawing, photo wallpaper): starry sky, clouds, birds, etc.

Our "sky" is attached to a niche located on the ceiling with glue. Frames (moldings) are attached along the edges and, if necessary, binding. This version of the window can be made by hand.

On the ceiling, a stretch canvas with the image of the sky and flickering lights are also often used, examples are shown in the photo.

Application in the bathroom

False windows are mostly designed to increase space, so they can be found in small rooms: in the bathroom, in the kitchen. Let's take a closer look at how a false window is made in the bathroom.

Examples of windows are shown in the photo.

A niche is made in the wall, along the edges of which lamps of soft lighting are installed. In this case, all wires must be removed, additional sealing and protection from moisture are carried out.

Due to the high humidity, a matte glass surface is used for a fake window.

In the interior of the bathroom, you can use a stained-glass window, because it is "not afraid" of temperature changes, moisture and various chemicals. As an additional shelf, you can make a window sill.

False window illumination

Designers have come up with many ways to diversify the interior of the house. Ready-made false windows can be bought and installed without any extra effort.

You can also take advantage of new developments applicable in the interior, for example, acrylic edge lighting.

The technology consists in the refraction of light rays scattered on the surface. The light is soft, the eyes do not strain from it.

Such lighting consumes little electricity, at home it can be used as a wall lamp.

The light panel is correctly called "framelight". A picture, poster or photograph is inserted into the box. If desired, you can additionally make a binding.

A false backlit window can be purchased ready-made, or you can do it yourself.

First you need to make a box. To do this, you need to take a transparent plastic or plexiglass.

It is better to remove the protective film from the plastic at the end of the work in order to avoid unnecessary scratches.

Prepared materials are assembled with PVC glue. Corners are used to fasten the walls to the lid and to the bottom.

Window production does not end there.

The lower part of the box is glued with foil to ensure better light reflection. An LED strip with an indent of 4 cm is attached to the edges of the box. The pieces of tape should be soldered sequentially from one coil.

We output to the transformer, the usual "twisted pair" is used. Next, the wires are led to the outlet.
An image is glued to the lid of the box. On the sides, the part that will bend is glued.

The box is installed in a niche prepared in the wall, as in the photo. The main thing is that the window should be even, not skewed. The gaps remaining on the sides are sealed with mounting foam.

The frame material can be either wood or plastic. The use of such windows refreshes the interior.

Decoration on the facade of the building

When designing a house, do not forget about the facade of the building, first of all, we are talking about private houses. Modern beautiful interior in the room will not be in harmony with the shabby appearance building.

There may be cases when the room is installed enough windows for good lighting and for the rational arrangement of furniture, but the facade of the building on one side may look “empty”.

How to make a false window in this case? To do this, prepare a niche. Its depth is equal to the depth of the lintel, the bottom of which is signed for binding, or filled with a grate with glass (plexiglass) attached to it.

If the facade of the building is wooden, then the window is imitated by stuffing platbands, glass, it is possible to use shutters. In the photo - a false roof window.