Do-it-yourself mount for climbing roses. Climbing rose - supports for roses. Common mistakes when tying climbing roses

Flowers are the decoration of the garden. Recent times climbing plants such as roses or clematis became popular. Having planted them, gardeners begin to think about the support for them. Now we will tell you how to make them with your own hands and show a few ideas.

Anything can serve as a support for clematis. It all depends on where the plant is planted. At windows, it can become an impromptu frame. Wrapping around the supports, in the form of a window, it will decorate the facade of the house. In addition, it will create a shadow, and during flowering, a wonderful view of greenery and bright colors- stars.

This flower will perfectly decorate the porch of the house or the veranda. And the pillars will be architectural elements. On the veranda entwined with clematis, it will be cozy to receive guests, or enjoy reading a book.

Another interesting option this is a planting of clematis at the garden bench. The plant will curl along the frame and create a shadow. And it is also a great option for decorating a personal plot.

In addition, weaving flowers can mask a blank wall or fence. Thus, you decorate your site with flowers and hide an ugly place.

And of course, the classics of the genre, clematis on garden arch. This option is suitable for owners of large plots where it is visually necessary to separate the garden from the lawn. Passing through the arch with flowers, you will get to another part of your yard. Here are the options you can choose from.

Clematis support ideas

When a person is looking for an idea for a support for flowers, the most unexpected materials can be used. For example, you have left after repair wooden slats they can be put to good use. We fill them with gazebo walls. Let's put a plant on them.

For support, you can use waste materials. If you have a piece of metal mesh, it can serve as a support. We turn the grid into a cylinder and install it on the flower bed. After that, it is enough to plant clematis, which will curl as they grow.

You can make a sculpture of their metal rods or wire. The openwork frame will also become a beautiful support for clematis. Or you can stretch a net on the wall of the house and let the flower curl along it. Thus you will receive beautiful decor house walls.

How to make a support for clematis with your own hands, step by step master class

Gardeners don't have to buy prefabricated structures supports, because they can be made by hand. The first step is to decide what form the structure will be made. Let's opt for a pergola, despite the name, this is a very simple wooden support. It is an environmentally friendly material suitable for any landscape. All work is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. A wooden beam must be treated with antiseptics and compounds that protect the material from precipitation.
  2. To fasten parts of the support, it is better to take bolts and wood screws, this will ensure the reliability of the structure.
  3. The grille can be attached with staples or screws.

Assembly and installation is as follows:

  • marking the site, we drive in pegs at the corners of the future pergola;
  • corners are deepened by at least 90 cm;
  • pour crushed stone with a layer of 10 cm at the bottom of each recess;
  • we saw off the racks of the desired size and put them in the recesses;
  • we check whether the racks are evenly installed with a level and fill them with cement mortar;
  • after the cement has risen, we fasten the transverse beams;
  • it remains to make a crate from the rails.

The pergola is ready. Now she needs to settle for a couple of days and it is fashionable to plant clematis.

Video: do-it-yourself clematis support

The above describes how to make a support for weaving flowers on your own. Now your attention is invited to a video, after watching which you can build supports for clematis on your site.

Supports for climbing roses

For times, you can use all kinds of supports. The main condition is that their height should be from 1.8 m.

For climbing roses are perfect:

  • Arches.
  • Flat supports.
  • Screens.
  • Pergolas.
  • Supports in the form of silhouettes.

Beautiful supports for roses

Every gardener wants to decorate his garden with flowers and ornamental plants. Roses of different varieties are very popular. The weaving variety of this plant looks very beautiful. So that it does not take up much space, you need to take care of the support in advance. And of course, the support must be beautiful. We list five beautiful supports for roses:


Support "umbrella".


garden sculpture.

Forged screens.

How to make a support for climbing roses with your own hands, step by step with a photo

supports for climbing roses must meet the following requirements:

  1. reliability, so as not to break under the weaving branches of roses;
  2. aesthetics, the support must be carefully made and fit into the general plan of the site;
  3. fit a specific variety of roses, a large arch would be inappropriate for a small plant with small flowers;
  4. compactness, necessary for small areas where every meter benefits.

by the most the best option will be independent production. Since we need a solid construction, it is best to take metal as the material of manufacture.

You can take four rods of reinforcement and fix them in the ground. After a simple wire, we tie in a circle in increments of 40 cm. For more beautiful view paint the resulting structure in White color. This will keep the base from overheating. As everything dries, you can plant a rose. As the plant grows, it is necessary to lay it on the crossbars. So the support will be evenly entwined with a rose.

Climbing Rose Support Ideas

Having planted a climbing rose, you need to think about the support, otherwise all the beauty of the plant will be hidden. The choice depends on the landing site. If the rose is planted next to the building, it is enough to fix it on the building plastic mesh. It is on it that the rose will climb up.

Many gardeners enclose part of the plot with beds from the rest of the area intended for recreation. If your site has such a fence, it will serve as a support for the rose. It needs to be painted white first. After the paint has dried, we plant the plants. After a while you will have hedge with the scent of roses.

Another great idea, a gazebo of roses. It is possible if you have welding machine and ability to work with it. It is necessary to assemble a frame of strong metal rods or pipes in the form of an arch. We deepen the base of the structure well and plant climbing roses. When the plant completely wraps around the arch, you can put a bench or table under it.

Cucumber support

Cucumbers are best grown in an upright position. This allows you to quickly and efficiently harvest, and also relieves discomfort on the skin. Various hangers can help with this. They can be made from wood. For example, from a beam and slats, you can build a support - a pyramid. It won't take up much space.

You can also install poles on both sides of the garden and stretch a grid between them.

Or do it differently, put a pole and plant around it, tie twine to it. After that, we fix each rope near the ground with small pegs. The distance from the pole to the rope is 60 cm. After that, we plant cucumbers. As they grow, they will weave along the twine.

Do-it-yourself supports for cucumbers in the open field

With your own hands, you can make a variety of supports for cucumbers. If after the repair you have left plastic pipes and you don’t know where to put them, now we’ll tell you. We allocate a place where cucumbers are supposed to be planted. After that, we fix two pipes about 2 m high in the ground at a distance of 1.5 - 2 m from each arc. On top of them we put another pipe a little longer than the distance between the pipes. On the sides of each vertical pipes we install more supports 1 m high. After that, we connect the side racks with an impromptu ridge and mount the horizontal crossbars. Now you can plant cucumbers both in the ground and in containers mounted on stands.

The easiest option is to install poles or reinforcement on the garden bed on which the cucumbers will curl as they grow.

A chain-link mesh can serve as an excellent support. Having fixed it on the frame, we install it in the form of a triangle on the garden bed. The plant will weave along it. This will also save space on the site.

Supports for cucumbers in the greenhouse

When planting cucumbers in a greenhouse, there are not so many support options. If the shape of the greenhouse is round or in the form of a house, then a frame of slats can be made along the walls. Having planted cucumbers, they will trail along them, and the fruits will hang down. This will not clutter up the greenhouse and greatly facilitate harvesting.

In large greenhouses, plants can be tied up. A rope is stretched from the ceiling to the ground and fixed. The plant, as it grows, is fixed on it with antennae and stretches upwards. As they grow, cucumbers should be directed to corn. Having hooked, they will wrap around the stem of the plant. Moreover, such a neighborhood favorably affects both crops in the form of an increase in yield. For cucumbers, corn serves as protection from wind and cold, which allows you to prolong the life and fruiting of a vegetable crop. Also, the arch from the gate of the site can serve as a support. When the grapes grow, you will enter your house along a green corridor decorated with bunches of grapes.

Scheme of support for grapes

The scheme greatly simplifies the construction of the support. You immediately see the dimensions and can calculate the amount of materials. The diagram below shows the dimensions, namely the height is 2.2 m and the distance between the posts near the ground is 87 cm. It increases upwards. The grape planting is also shown. Looking at the diagram, you clearly imagine how the whole structure will look on the site.

How to make a support for grapes with your own hands step by step, master class

The simplest and most convenient type of support for grapes is a trellis. It doesn't take up much space and is easy to install. Now we will tell you how to make it on your site.

For this we need:

  • 4 wooden poles 2.5 m long;
  • 30 m of aluminum wire;
  • crushed stone;
  • cement;
  • tape measure and chalk.

Now let's get to work:

  1. on the site we measure a rectangle 80 cm wide and 3 m long;
  2. at the corners we dig holes 30 cm wide and 50 cm deep;
  3. in each pit we install two pillars in the form of the letter V, and at the bottom the distance is about 80 cm, and at the top it should be 1.2 m;
  4. we fill each hole with crushed stone to half the depth, after which we cement it;
  5. when the cement rises, it is necessary to stretch the wire, the first row is pulled at a distance of 50 cm from the ground, it is enough to make gaps of 40 cm between other rows.

repeating this algorithm actions you will make a support for your grapes.

This article talks about the types of supports for both weaving flowers and vegetable crops and grapes. Using the information provided, you will choose a suitable support or you can make it yourself from improvised materials. Successful work.

Climbing stems of bushes with roses look more original and exotic than flowers growing in ordinary flower beds. Usually roses curl on strong and beautiful supports.

There are many varieties of special supports for roses. They can be made if desired and with your own hands in various styles and from different materials. In this article, you will learn how to make a trellis for a climbing rose with your own hands and what materials you may need for this.

The purpose of the support for climbing roses

Vertical trellis for roses is decorative decoration for your garden, which saves space and visually expands the site. A rose is a plant that can create a special atmosphere in any place. The material for the manufacture of the support should be selected based on specific features garden plot, solving the problem of landscaping.

Climbing roses can ennoble any facade of the house. Plants will grow over time, covering unsightly areas of your building. Surely most people can find in their garden to any unnecessary posts or props who are idle. With their help, you can easily make a support for flowers, which will be combined with overall design your home and garden or will play with contrasting colors.

Be sure to take into account what color the facade and frame are painted in, so that they are clearly visible against their background. beautiful flowers. Finally, climbing roses will help in creating blooming oasis for your garden. The made support for roses will be compact and easy to rearrange.

What should be the trellis for roses

It is wrong to think that a climbing rose just needs to be planted near a fence or wall, because the flower will not find a place for weaving on its own. There are a number of requirements that must be observed when making do-it-yourself trellises for climbing plants:

Mesh trellis for climbing roses

It is not difficult to make such a support, besides, it will cost quite cheap due to the low cost of materials. A chain-link with larger cages is best. You can also try stretching a rope net between two supports - such a trellis is perfect for exquisite plants. The support is made as follows:

  • We determine the place where the support will be installed.
  • We dig in wooden or metal poles along the marked edges.
  • We cover the pillars with varnish or paint.
  • Stretching the mesh.

Mesh made from steel wire, differs in the long term of operation - 10-15 years. In addition, it will provide the opportunity to create various patterns from flowers. Can be used as fastener small parts, nails and staples.

Tapestry can also be made using thin planks of wood. First you need to prepare a frame from the bars, and then fill it with thin boards in the form of a grid. With such a structure, you can create a bush in the form of a screen and, if desired, divide the garden plot into two zones. With the help of such a trellis, a climbing bush can even be given fan-like shape.

On the garden plot, carved wooden poles look great if they are beautifully intertwined between them. different varieties roses. Plant stems should be directed to one side and form a pink lush stand as the shrub grows. When using trellis against a wall, necessary maintain a distance of 15-30 cm, so as not to disturb the air circulation around the roses. Such trellises can last at least 10 years.

Pergolas and arches in the flower garden

Such tapestries have a number great benefits- they are very roomy and functional, and also invariably remain beautiful and decorative. When choosing a rose with thin flexible branches, arches made of metal arcs will serve as a support. pergola called a lattice roof, located on the supporting pillars, the purpose of which is weaving roses. It can also serve as garden gazebo summer.

The pillars of the pergolas are usually metal, and its top is wooden. Making such a design with your own hands, choose the width and length of the gazebo at your discretion. Place metal poles and build a wooden lattice between them.

The arches are miniature and have curved shapes. Most often, this design is used to divide the garden plot into certain zones; they can also decorate the entrance to the gazebo or be used for decoration. garden paths. Most popular are wooden arches. Painted in white.

Such designs give the garden a sense of cleanliness and comfort. Forged arches are in great demand - they are usually installed in a garden, which is decorated in a classic style.

Sometimes the arch is braided with several types of flowers at once - such a work of art looks very even effectively, especially when the plants intertwine and bloom. In this case, it is customary to plant flowers about half a meter from the arch, so as not to oppress the rose bush. You can also make a whole arcade in your garden - several arches lined up one after the other.

Cone poles and supports

Such supports can also on one's own made from wooden or metal poles and rods. If there is only one pillar, it must be dug very well. To create supports, poles are generally very convenient - they are wide enough and at the same time compact.

Very often, under a support made of poles, they plant very slow climbing roses. Supports can be in the form of columns, cylinders, cones - and all of them are perfect for climbing roses.

If you want to make a cone-like support, you should install several wooden beams in a circle or use metal rods for this, bending and connecting them at the top. Such a stand is perfect for both roses and other climbing flowers.

For climbing roses, you can choose any of the support options. In addition, you need to know how right plant a plant and take care of it. It is necessary to monitor the weaving of flowers and cut off excess shoots in time, observe the irrigation regime, and feed the plant with fertilizers.

Making a support with your own hands

First you need to choose right place for wallpaper. The climbing rose is pretty light-loving plant, it can never take root in a wetland, because it does not tolerate excess moisture.

Therefore, a place should be chosen such that there is a small descent nearby - then you can dig a small trench to drain water. You can also place a support on a hill where there are ground water at a depth of 2 meters from the surface.

Place for trellis should be well lit. The location of the support in the wind and strong drafts is not allowed. In addition, flowers need space.

The material from which it is made support, must be able to withstand the scorching rays of the sun, frost, heavy rains, as well as negative impact frequent watering and regular fertilizing with fertilizers that contain chemical substances capable of damaging the bearing surface.

Roses are quite heavy in blooming state. This should be taken into account when building a support, if you do not want the structure to simply collapse one day. Also, the plants should have enough free space for growth and good ventilation. Then you should choose one of the types of support. Based on the choice of rose variety (its growth rate, leaf shape and size). For large varieties roses fit a large design, for small ones, respectively, more compact.

When deciding to build pergola or arch, you need to stock up on fittings and wire, as well as tools:

Exact amount building materials depends on the size of your project.

Roses are charming, refined and beautiful. The beauty of the rose is so impressive and inspiring that the fans of this beauty are countless. There is not a single garden where these gorgeous plants do not grow. A rose is able to decorate any flower garden, regardless of its size, and the plants growing there.

How to present it in at its best how to do decent rose decoration?

Among the huge number of types of roses and their varieties, the main types can be distinguished: hybrid tea, climbing, ground cover, floribunda, scrubs

The longest branches are climbing roses, which are divided into shrubs (Shrub. Wikipedia) and ramblers. The differences between them are noticeable. Shrubs have upright shoots up to 2.50 m, inflexible and almost without thorns. The ramblers have shoots up to 4.50 m, flexible, prickly.


Many varieties of scrubs are powerful bushes up to 2 m high. Some varieties are so graceful that support is needed for their flexible branches.

Since roses of this species are abundant, lush bloom, then very quickly the support will be hidden by blossoming flowers and the bush will look like a huge bouquet of roses.

Shrab flowers are fragrant, of a wide variety of colors. By the way, there are more fragrant roses among scrubs than among hybrid teas. Flowering lasts from June to September, and during the growing season such roses grow by 1.5m or more.


Rambler roses (Rambler) have plastic, flexible shoots that are easy to guide along any support and even roll into a ring. They do not differ in large flowers, on the contrary, it is a small-flowered form of climbing roses.

If you need to twist a decorative form in the garden (column, arch, obelisk), you should choose ramblers. Among the varieties that are popular: "Excelsa", "Dorothy Perkins", "Bobby James".

Supports for roses

Supports help hold long shoots of climbing roses and effectively demonstrate your beauty. The shape and materials from which the support will be made depend on the overall design of the site and the purpose you are pursuing:

  • hide garden buildings that do not fit into the composition (barn, blank fence, dead tree trunk)
  • create a shady resting place
  • make a rose the centerpiece of a flower garden or garden
  • carry out vertical gardening
  • create a living fence

Accordingly, for such a design, these types of supports for climbing roses are used:

  • direct supports in the form of vertical walls, ladders, pyramids
  • trellis
  • supports in the form of umbrellas and other figures and objects
  • lattice
  • pergola

Ordinary wooden fence will be transformed if a climbing rose settles near it. She will hide it from your eyes and turn it into a blooming bouquet. Near a wall, fence or trellis, a climbing rose is often fan-shaped. This design will add decorativeness and depth to your garden, and your eyes will not rest on a blank fence.


An arch entwined with roses unites different parts of the garden and at the same time outlines recreation areas. To make your arch look spectacular and delight, choose roses for its decoration. different colors, but matching shades. Over time, the shoots of the rose will intertwine and during the flowering period the arch will be a chic sight.

Roses are planted near the arch at a distance of 0.5-0.7 m from the support, so that the roses feel comfortable, and when sheltering for the winter, there is enough space for laying their lashes.

A series of several arches is called an arcade.


The lattice structure of the pergola serves as a support for climbing plants and, due to its size, can serve as a gazebo or cozy zone relaxing in the garden.

Pergolas have the most different forms and are made of wood, metal, plastic, stone, wire. Remember that climbing roses themselves do not have the ability to curl and braid supports, so you will need to guide their shoots and fix them on pergola posts and beams.

In regular gardens and parks, pergolas, like garden wrought iron gazebos, are often used as stylish, decorative elements.

Pillar support

The pillar is the simplest and most reliable support for climbing roses. Wrapping around it, the rose quickly rises up and forms the maximum number of flowers. To decorate such a support, choose roses that will support the overall atmosphere and style of the garden. So, for a romantic corner with a bench, roses of pastel shades are suitable, and for the central element of a mixborder or lawn, choose varieties with bright colors. Pole-support is more suitable for slow-growing roses. The pillars are compact and can be placed anywhere in the garden.

Rose on the stem

The main difficulty is to grow a standard stock of the required height and quality from rosehip seedlings. It takes 3-4 years and a lot of patience.

This is much more than for spray roses. Therefore, standard roses are always more expensive. To create a bole, one of the long shoots of wild rose (1.5-2 m) is chosen, which is left on the bush, all other branches are cut out.

Then, a varietal rose is grafted into this stem at a height of 1-1.5 m, from the shoots of which a flowering crown is formed.

Support for roses in the garden

Lungs metal supports for climbing roses in the form of a cone, cylinder, wall, column can be placed in any corner of the garden. Having decorated the cottage with such supports, you will instantly turn it into a blooming oasis and carry out zoning. Curly colonnades of climbing roses will change the perception of the entire site, creating volume.


Supports for climbing roses should be beautiful and aesthetic. At the same time, they are able to withstand sufficient weight, because adult rose bushes weigh a lot.

Choose materials for the support so that it stands for a long time, is strong and does not undergo decay processes. The most used materials: metal, wood, stone, plastic.

For roses with numerous climbing shoots on supports, make additional cross bars. The distance between the horizontal elements of the supports should be at least 40-50 cm.

Color spectrum

The color scheme of rose bushes is important in the design of the landscape. With color, you can draw attention to some objects and divert attention from others. The choice of variety and color of roses depends on what style your garden has.

Climbing roses also differ in the size of the flowers. Small-flowered roses are more suitable for an Art Nouveau garden, roses with large flowers look great in a Baroque style.

Modern flower growers mix not only different varieties of roses, but also mix plantings of rose bushes with other annuals and perennials. The perfect combination represent roses with lavender. Beautiful Variations may be with petunias, delphiniums, evergreens and junipers.

Published by DecorateMe. Updated 21 Dec 2018 .

Climbing rose looks much better than their relatives in the flower bed. However, without support, such a flower cannot curl. For branches with rose flowers, it is necessary to provide a reliable and beautiful base. To questions such as what types of styles exist, what support materials are needed, and how can you make supports yourself? - you can find the answers right now in this article.

What support is suitable for the correct twist of a rose?

There is an opinion, especially between novice flower growers, that you can only plant this flower near the walls or near the fence, and the rose will independently find a place for twisting. This thought is erroneous. There are certain requirements according to which the support for rose bushes should be based.

The support should be selected for the characteristics of various varieties of roses. The design must be stable and easily withstand the bush.

Types of supports

Mesh trellis

It is one of the simplest supports. You can make it yourself without spending a lot of time and money. You can use the "chain-link" grid with large cells. You can also pay attention to the rope net, which should be stretched over two supports. The supports provided can also suit elegant varieties of roses. You can make them by doing the following:

  • You need to choose a suitable area where the support will be installed.
  • Then install poles made of wood or metal at the edges.
  • Apply lacquer coats to the pillars.
  • Attach the mesh.

Thanks to the lattice screen, a bush can form that looks like a screen. This design will help divide your garden into separate sections.

Making a tapestry is possible with the help of wooden beams. It is also necessary to prepare a bar profile and nail these bars between them.

Roses that rest on a trellis can be "turned" into a fan.

Wooden poles that are braided can look great beautiful roses. Now you need to turn the stems of roses in the required direction. This will form a lush stand, braided with roses. In this case, the size of the plant will also be taken into account.

A trellis that is used against the wall can help keep a distance of 15 to 25 centimeters. Thanks to this, air will circulate around the bush almost all the time.

Pergolas with arches

Such designs can be made according to similar instructions. These supports have their own advantages. Arches with pergolas have a permanent decorative effect, increased functionality and excellent capacity for rose stems.

If the bushes have thin flexible branches, then you can use metal arches.

What are pergolas? They are a roof in a lattice, which is needed for twisting roses on supports (in this case, on poles). Granted facilities can replace not only summer gazebo. They can become a whole recreation area.

The base of the pillars in many cases is metal. The top can also be wooden. The exact dimensions of the pergola are selected according to own will. Such a structure is made quite simply - it is only necessary to fix the pillars in the ground and install a wooden grate on top.

Very often, arches that are made of wood are erected in order to fasten roses with long stems. Bushes eventually reach the very top of the structure.

The arches have curvature and small size. Thanks to the arches, the entrance is decorated, the garden is divided into zones, and garden paths are decorated. Basically arches are made of wood and painted in bright hues. Designs of this type can create comfort and crystal clearness.

Forged structures are also beginning to gain popularity. Thanks to these arches, classicism (classic style) can be revived in the garden.

Pillars with cone-shaped supports

They can be without special efforts make your own with the help of wood or metal rods. The result should be one column. It will just be wrapped around with rose bushes. At the same time, its installation and reliability must be impeccable. Do not forget about the required height.

When it's time to select a suitable support for the standard rose bush, you need to pay your own attention to the fact that these flowers should remain unobtrusive. The support should be placed on the thickest side of the plant.

For proper cultivation standard roses, it is necessary to pick up a short and reliable rosehip shoot. Its height should be from one to two meters. At a height of half to one and a half meters, you need to plant a varietal rose.

To make a support with the appearance of a cone, it is necessary to fix the rods or bars of wood in a circle. They should be connected together at the top. In addition to climbing roses, these cone-shaped structures can become a support for other flowers that can curl. So, the support cone allows the use of all the enthusiasm for the implementation of any structures of decorative flowers.

The rose does not have the ability to curl itself. So she needs direction and tying up. If the garter passes, then the branches must be directed to the side. Due to this, shoots are formed that begin to grow upward.

The trellis support should be characterized by parameters such as strength and stability. Otherwise, the wind can easily overturn such a structure.

Regardless of which option was chosen as the support of the climbing rose bush, these flowers must be planted correctly. Do not forget about the care of this plant. It is necessary to ensure that roses weave correctly, cut off excess shoots in a timely manner and feed your own roses with a variety of fertilizers. Then these flowers will be able to decorate every building and the whole garden.

More on video

Climbing stems of roses look more exotic and original than those flowers that grow in ordinary flower beds. Roses usually curl on beautiful and durable supports. There are many types of supports. They are made, among other things, with their own hands from different materials, in different styles. We will tell you in the article how to make supports for climbing roses on your own, what materials you will need.

What is the support for?



Curly roses are able to ennoble the facade of the house. They will grow over time, covering empty unsightly areas of the building. In your garden, everyone will surely find some aimlessly standing props, posts. They will perfectly serve as a support for beautiful roses. With their help, you can create a frame for the window, which will be in harmony with the overall design or play in contrast.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the color in which the frame and facade are painted so that the roses are clearly visible against their background. Climbing roses will finally help you create a blooming oasis in your garden. The support for them will be compact, easy to rearrange.

What should be the support for roses

There are many options for supports for climbing roses, which one to choose depends on the preferences of the gardener and the free space in the flower garden.

It is wrong to think that a climbing rose can simply be planted against a wall or a fence, and it will find a place for weaving by itself. There are a number of requirements that must be met when creating the basis for climbing roses:

  • Durability and reliability. The support must be stable and well secured in order to bear the weight of the flowering branches. Any structures as supports must be securely dug into the ground or fixed to it with metal stakes. Quite heavy flowers can bend under their own weight, for example, plastic supports.
  • Decorative. The support should have a picturesque look and harmoniously fit into the exterior of the site, especially if the plant does not completely wrap around it. Read also the article: → "".
  • Color matching. A bulky stand is not suitable for small roses, and a miniature one is not suitable for large and tall plants.
  • Compactness. Support for roses should not take up much space on the site. When installing it, you need to take into account the length of the shoots to form a densely flowering beautiful bush.
  • Thrift. In order not to spend money on ready-made supports, stands and arches, you can make them yourself.
  • Support for climbing roses should be made from environmentally friendly materials. The rose is not capricious, but during the flowering period, not only the soil and water for irrigation, but also the material from which the support is made, should be environmentally friendly.
  • It should be easy to manufacture and operate.

Types of supports for climbing roses

Tapestry mesh for lashes

You can make it yourself, and it will cost you quite cheaply. A chain-link with large cells will do. You can also stretch a rope net between two supports - it is suitable for exquisite varieties of roses. It is done like this:

  • you need to determine a place for support,
  • dig metal or wooden poles along the marked edges,
  • cover them with paint or varnish,
  • pull the net.

Tip #1 Steel wire mesh will last 10-15 years. It allows you to create various patterns of flowers. To fix it, staples, nails, small fasteners are used.

Tapestry can also be made from thin wooden planks. Prepare the frame of the beams, and fill the boards in the form of a grid between them. With the help of such a structure, a bush is created in the form of a screen, which can be used to divide the site into zones. With the help of a trellis, a climbing rose bush can be shaped like a fan.

Carved wooden poles will look good, between which branches of roses are beautifully intertwined. Their stems can be directed in a certain direction and, as the bush grows, form a lush pink stand. If you are using a trellis against a wall, maintain a distance of 15-30 centimeters so as not to disturb the air circulation around the roses. Tapestry will serve you for at least 10 years.


Arches and pergolas in the flower garden

They have a number of significant advantages - they are invariably beautiful and decorative, functional and roomy. If you have chosen roses with flexible thin branches, then arches made of metal arcs can serve as a support for them. A pergola is a lattice roof on supporting pillars, designed just for weaving roses. It can serve as a summer garden gazebo.

Support for climbing roses in the form of an arch, which you can easily do with your own hands

Usually, pergola posts are metal, and the top can be made of wood, made by hand. The length and width of this design you choose at your discretion. Put up poles and build a wooden lattice over them - what could be easier. The arch of wooden supports is intended for strong flowers with long lashes: when they grow, they will reach the top of the structure.

The arches are miniature and have curved shapes. They are used for zoning the site, they decorate the entrance to the gazebo, they decorate garden paths. Wooden arches for weaving roses, painted white, are very popular. They give the garden a sense of comfort and cleanliness. Forged arches are also in great demand - they are installed in a garden decorated in a classic style.

Sometimes the arch is braided with several types of flowers - it looks very impressive, especially when they bloom and intertwine. At the same time, plants are planted at a distance of half a meter from the arch, so as not to oppress the rose. You can also build a whole arcade in the garden - a series of arches following one after another.

Cones and poles

They can also be made independently from metal or wooden rods and poles. If the pillar is single, it must be dug very well. Poles are generally very convenient for creating supports - they are compact and not very wide. Roses are often planted under the support of the pillars, which curl slowly. The supports are in the form of a cone, a cylinder, a column - and they are all suitable for a climbing rose.

Tip #2 If you want to build a cone-shaped support, place a few wooden bars or rods in a circle and connect them at the top. Such a stand is suitable not only for roses, but also for other curly flowers.

  1. It must be remembered: a climbing rose cannot curl on its own: it is directed and tied up, moreover, when tied up, the branches are directed to the side - this is how shoots growing upwards will form.
  2. Wood, metal, plastic, stone are used as supports for roses. The choice must be made taking into account the design of the garden, varieties of roses, affordability.
  3. The distance between the horizontal bars of the support must be at least 50 centimeters. If the bush is too branchy, you need to make additional horizontal beams.
  4. Large rose flowers look good on spherical shapes, on large supports. For small roses, vertical stands are suitable. Read also the article: → "".
  5. An old wooden shed or fence can also serve as a support for roses. Plant bushes should be planted at a distance of 50 centimeters from the structure and supplemented with retaining elements.
  6. Supports should be painted and treated, otherwise they can become a source of infections.
  7. The crossbars on the support and the grate should not be located too often.
  8. Between the horizontal bars of the pillars, you need to maintain a step of up to 50 centimeters (if the rose curls strongly, support it with additional transverse logs).
  9. If the rose is planted 50 centimeters from the fence, wait for it to grow to it and direct it along it.

You can choose any type of support for climbing roses. In addition, it is important to land them correctly and care for them. It is necessary to monitor their correct weaving, cut off excess shoots in time, feed them with fertilizers, and observe the irrigation regime.

How to make a support with your own hands

Support in the form of a wall, you can purchase or make it yourself, from any suitable material, any size and shape - let your imagination run wild

First of all, you need to choose a place for support. Climbing rose is a photophilous plant, it does not take root in wetlands, it does not tolerate excess moisture. Therefore, you need to choose a place on a small slope or, conversely, on a hill where groundwater is at a depth of two meters from the surface.


This place should be well lit, not in drafts and wind. At the same time, the flowers should be spacious. The material for the support must be reliable, capable of withstanding the scorching rays of the sun, and heavy rains, and frosts, as well as the effects of regular watering and fertilizing with fertilizers containing chemicals and capable of spoiling the surface of the support.

In the flowering state, roses are quite heavy. Therefore, the support must support their weight. In addition, the plants must be well ventilated and have enough room to grow. Then you need to choose the type of support. It will depend on the type of rose (its size, leaf shape, growth rate). For small colors will suit compact design, correspondingly large for large roses.

If you decide to build an arch or pergola, you will need wire and reinforcement, as well as tools:

  • a shovel for digging in poles or support posts;
  • pliers, hammer, nails or wood screws, brackets, staples, other fasteners that will give the structure rigidity, stability and reliability;
  • drill, screwdriver, saw;
  • trellis panels to decorate the pergola;
  • concrete or cement mortar to strengthen the racks;
  • timber of several sizes: 70x70 millimeters for the main supports and 50x50 millimeters for the transverse beams.
  • Bars for beams (100x100mm and 100x50mm), which will be attached to the sides.

Exact amount Supplies calculated when compiling your project:

  1. Having shown maximum imagination, make a sketch of the structure. Remember that you will need to respect all proportions.
  2. Decide on the width and height of the arch. Then measure the centimeters on the blanks. The arch must be strong, withstand the weight of the plant, wind and rain.
  3. The base is carefully twisted with a wire. It can be decorated with various patterns. In the manufacture of the arch, you can use welding.
  4. When the product is ready, it must be installed. To do this, dig two holes 50 centimeters deep and bury the ends of the arch in them. It would be good for strength to fill them with cement and cover them with rubble.
  5. With the help of an arch, you can arrange a gazebo, a gate, create a whole terrace. It can be made from several bars of reinforcement. The main thing - correct installation jumpers so that the structure is quite rigid.

The arch can be made from the following materials:

materials Advantages
Metal The metal arch is strong and durable. In the manufacture of it, you need to have skills in handling welding equipment.
Wood The design is inexpensive, it is easy to make, but it is short-lived. Needs to be fixed, because due to the small weight, the wooden arch can be unstable.
plastic pipes This material does not withstand low temperatures, so for the winter it must be cleaned in a barn.
Stone Stone support will be appropriate only in a large garden. It is very durable and looks solid. For its construction, one must be able to process stone.

The arch has certain advantages:

  • with its help, you can disguise an ugly fence, an old barn, an unsightly wall;
  • roses together with foliage will create a fertile shadow. Under them, you can install a bench and relax comfortably;
  • roses will stand out among other plants and decorate the landscape.

A trellis can be built from metal, wood, wire, and even ropes. There are a lot of ideas for installing it, but you need to remember that the height of the trellis should be at least 1800 millimeters. In the place chosen for the support, dig wooden or metal poles at a certain distance and stretch the mesh. To make the trellis fit into the design of the site, it can be painted in a suitable color. A trellis can only be made from wooden boards.

Answers to questions about using a rose support

Question number 1. What support can be used for a climbing rose and how to give it different shapes?

Supports of any shape are suitable for climbing roses, but the main thing is that they are not lower than 1.8 meters. They can be wooden or metal. In the form of tapestries, arches, rectangular mesh screens. They are often used in the garden as screens for zoning space. These supports may not stand on the foundation. There are collapsible metal supports, which are removed for the winter.

Question number 2. What types of supports should not be used for roses?

Climbing roses are not suitable for pyramid supports, obelisks, as they are designed for soft climbing plants. Since roses do not cling to anything (like, for example, clematis), they have to be fixed on their own from time to time, as the shoots grow, on a support with a special wire for tying plants.

Gradually a rose will thus form. For support, a mesh with small cells and other small elements is not at all necessary - it is difficult to tie the plant to them, but it does not curl on its own. It is necessary to choose a grid with large sections - for the winter it will be easy to remove a rose from it.