Roof for summer kitchen. Summer cuisines: Photo of successful design options, construction and finishing tips. Open Summer Cuisine-Arbor

So that the food was delicious, and the process of its preparation itself was not tedious, needed. If there is a specially intended room in an apartment or private cooking house, then in the country that is usually a small building, you have to go to various tricks. You can take a small area under the kitchen in the house, but it is quite uncomfortable in the heat in the heat. That is why many people prefer to arrange summer kitchens at the cottage, the projects and photos of which we will consider in this review. We also tell about some nuances independent construction, design and materials used.

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What is summer kitchen and its types

Summer kitchen on the cottage plot - This is a detached or, designed for cooking and recreation. Depending on the type of construction, it can only be used in a warm period or year-round. The kitchen arusted on the street can be open and closed.

Open summer kitchens

Country kitchens open type, Or, as they are simply called, summer, are a design of 1-3 walls with a canopy and externally reminded. This kind of kitchen has its advantages:

  • simplicity of design, which allows it to build it for 1-2 days;
  • low cost;
  • the lack of stuffiness, smells and gari characteristic of the kitchens located in the house.

To minuses should be attributed:

  • use only in warm season;
  • equipment and setting have to be removed for the period of cold;
  • it is impossible to leave food for a long time.

Summary of summer kitchen with a veranda or terrace at home

The easiest option in the country is to equip it. Ideally, if an extension is already there, otherwise you will have to be erected first and then equip the place for cooking, making food and rest. Ideal if the veranda and the main building will have a single and glazed walls.

Open-type design attached to the building

You can equip the kitchen on the site closely adjacent to the "deaf" wall of the building. To do this, you must first dissolve the soil, put and install or awning. Prepare a place can be placed on the CO or, BBQ site or barbecue.

You can protect yourself from drafts, installing removable or sliding, as well as using a roller or tarpaulin. Also in the openings, large decorative pots are installed, which provide additional coolness on a hot day. This option kitchen is much easier and cheaper than the others, but when the soil is sent, the kitchen can be tamed.

Open kitchen-gazebo for giving

A good option of open kitchen, especially if planned installation, or for a pleasant pastime in a close circle of family and friends. This design is also convenient for processing harvested harvest.

Since this is a stationary design, it will be necessary to arrange - a columnar or tape. The type of base depends on the material from which the gazebo will be constructed. Basic structure It can be made of, metal profile, stone or brick, and the roof is from or ondulin. One wall must necessarily be closed, better from the prevailing winds. Cocks can be closed by rollers, curtains or lattice panels.

Closed summer kitchen at the cottage: projects and photos

Closed kitchen is a capital construction, built separately, attached to the house or any structure located on. In such a building, you can cook, eat or relax with friends at any time of the year, regardless of the weather reigning on the street. Closed summer kitchens have, and. They can be installed ordinary, fireplaces, mangals or barbecue. Also, pavilions with kitchen are equipped with utility rooms. In principle, this is a full-fledged house in which guests can stay even at night.

Where to start building a kitchen in the country

Before building a summer kitchen on its plot, you need to decide on a number of questions. In particular, you need to decide for yourself:

  1. How often the construction will be used: only in summer or round year (The type of construction depends on this).
  2. Dimensions. From this parameter envy whether the room will be used only for cooking, family dinners, crop processing or for evening gatherings of a large company.
  3. Will it be mounted, mangal or barbecue.
  4. What is supposed to design exterior and interior.
  5. Kitchen location. Will it be a detached design or attach to the main building? How far she will be from communications and roadway.
  6. Budget.

Choose the design of the kitchen at the cottage: photo projects

Mainly design dunny cuisine It is determined by some provisions, but a personal idea of \u200b\u200bits appearance and functionality. However, few people can clearly imagine whether the chosen project will be a comfortable and successful project. So we collected the collection most successful options Summer cuisines, photos of which are presented at the very end of our review. Like any room in the house, summer kitchen has its own functional zones: Work and dining room. In accordance with this, design is carried out.

Summer kitchen design: Dining area

With the arrangement of the dining area on the summer kitchen, it is necessary first of all to take into account the maximum number of people who can accommodate, and not on weekdays, and on holidays. The minimum dimensions of the dining area should be 3 × 3 m 2. Standard furniture set includes, benches or. For an open kitchen in the dining area, it is better not to use it, because dampness will quickly spoil the upholstery. The ideal option There will be sofas.

Summer Kitchen with Mangal: Work Zone

Since the work area is designed for comfortable preparation, it should include mandatory elements:

  • or gas stove;
  • tumba CO for cutting food and cooking;
  • cabinets for kitchen utensils.

You can add this set or barbecue, and in the dining area - a fireplace.

Summer kitchen in the country with their own hands: we are determined with the material

Depending on the design and type of summer kitchen, the material is selected. If it is simplest open buildingYou can make a frame from metal products and awning. In the event that the kitchen is placed in the pavilion, then you will need a brick, stone or tree. For capital structures, it will take the arrangement of the foundation, which means it will have to fork out for the fill. Consider some options of summer kitchens from different materials.

Summer kitchen made of bricks

When building a summer kitchen can be used to build support pillars, protective partition (open type), walls, furnaces, fireplace, mangala, fences, etc. (semi-closed and closed type). For the main design, it is used as usual or, and for foci - refractory. In some cases, the material is specially covered with a transparent protective layer.

Wooden Summer Kitchen from Bruus

Just like brick, used to build summer kitchens open, semi-closed or closed type. From this material basically make support racks and strapping. Sometimes summer kitchens are made entirely from the bar, but this option is good if other buildings are made in the country from the same material. Such structures look massively and cost weekly.

Kitchen attached to the bath

Nuances of application for the construction of other materials

For walls, in addition to bricks and timber, can be used a natural stone, polycarbonate, glass, professional flooring, metal-plastic panels, etc. As finishing material Apply or lining. When setting the floor, paving slabs, wood or stone are used. It all depends on the interior design and budget.

Combination of glass, metal, polycarbonate, wood and plywood

How to build a closed summer kitchen with your own hands: Main stages

To troubleturly build a kitchen, you need to split work into several stages and follow the recommendations given. First of all, the place is selected, and clearing. Next you need to create. After the basis is ready, you can start the construction of walls and the device the last stage - the fulfillment of the interior decoration.

Summer kitchen plan

Choosing a place for construction

So that the kitchen is harmoniously looked at the cottage, it is necessary to correctly choose a place. Building must meet the following requirements:

  • optimal remoteness from the main entrance to the house;
  • maximum removal from street, cesspool, locations, etc.;
  • the distance from the kitchen to the roadway should be so that noise and exhaust gases come to it;
  • accessibility for lifting water supply, and.


Head of the Brigade of the repair and construction company "House Premium"

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« During the construction of a country kitchen, it is necessary to take into account the proximity of the groundwater to the surface of the Earth, the relief, the presence of trees nearby and the wind prevailing in this area. "

Clearing area and foundation device

After the place of construction and the cottage project is selected, you can go to clearing the place and the device. The design depends on what reason will have to do. It is possible to build a cottage kitchen and without a foundation, for example, if it is four supports with an awning installed on a slaining site. For closed kitchens from stone or, as a rule, arrange a ribbon foundation, and light or wooden designs Early on the base base. We will consider for closed kitchen:

  1. To begin with, we clean the selected place from the grass and shrub, carefully removing all the roots.
  2. We make markup in the size of the future kitchen (knock pegs in the corners and pull the twine between them).
  3. In the perimeter, dig a holes with dimensions of 300 × 300 × 700 mm or a trench of 300 mm wide and a depth of 700 mm.
  4. Creating a sandy-crusched thickness of 200 mm.
  5. Preparation of concrete solution and pouring pillars and platforms (solidification of concrete can last from a week to one month). If it is decided to arrange a ribbon foundation, then you need to do from the boards, or OBS plates, put it on both sides of the trench, and pour concrete.

For your information! When erected by light open cuisine, it is recommended to lift the floor level over the soil to a height of at least 70 mm so that during the rain there was no flooding of the room.


Regardless of whether there will be walls or not, the reference pillars will still have to be erected, because the roof of the summer kitchen will be installed on them. For support, metallopropille, brick, stone, or rounded logs are used. You can build capital walls with and doorway, and it will be a full-fledged house in which you can spend time even in winter, especially if you do. It also looks beautiful, summer kitchen, in which they are put between supports metal plastic frames with double-glazed windows. You can make frame and lining (wooden or plastic), professional flooring or siding.

Summer kitchen roof device

Lid - very important element Any building, as it protects against wind and various precipitation. For a cottage summer kitchen, you can choose a flat or single-sided, which is inexpensive and easy to install option. Gable roof more durable and reliable. There is another option - the tent roof.

For your information! The long sleeve of the roof will protect the walls and the base of the building from the destructive action of precipitation.

Interior decoration and decor

After the box or frame is made and mounted the roof, you can proceed to the interior of the room. Wooden walls and ceiling need to be impregnated with a special antiseptic and moisture-repellent composition, after which it is possible to cover and lacquer or from the interior decoration depends on the premises of the room. Upholstered furniture is convenient, but not the best option for open summer kitchens

Do not forget about the adjacent territory. On the perimeter of the kitchen, you can arrange high or curly plants, equip the paths from sand or stone, as well as install garden lanterns (good idea - lighting on solar panels).

Erecting a very simple summer kitchen design with your own hands

Consider how to independently build a simple but functional summer kitchen of a closed type. First, you need to draw up a drawing with the indication of all sizes, prepare the material and the corresponding tools.

Illustration Description of action

First of all, we determine the place for the construction, we make marking with the help of pegs and bells and determine where the foundation piles will be. In our case, they are obtained 12 pcs. With the help of a garden or homemade drill, we make pile pits.

Next, we make "glasses" (galvanized waste, old plastic vest, etc.) and reinforcement grid or grid. Insert them into a bored hole and fill with concrete. The depth of the pile pit is made in the range of 700-800 mm, and the diameter is 300 mm. So that the base served for a long time, it should bother from week to month.

On the finished posts lay a layer of waterproofing from the rubberoid. Next, perform the bottom strapping from the bar.

We establish vertical supports, fasten them between the transverse bars and make the top strapping of pillars. Further on the finished frame mounted a two-screw roof. Install the doors I. window Rama. Window make seagulls.

In order for the construction to serve for a long time, it is necessary to process it with antiseptic and water-repellent compositions. It is possible to attach a beautiful external and inner type of design by covering it with a verse and varnish for external work. So, our summer kitchen is ready. Nearby install the bench, laying the tracks and can be decorated with it by plants.

As you can see, build the kitchen in your country is quite real. If you have a little experience in construction, it is better to choose a single roof option.

Summer cuisine cost for turnkey cottage

After reading this article, many will have a question: summer kitchen at the cottage is good, but what is the price of the question? The cost of building depends on what option you prefer - to do everything yourself with your own hands or order a finished collapsible design in a construction company. If the choice is made in favor of the last option, then the simplest summer kitchen from the bar and the size of 3 × 3 m is worth a minimum of 45,000 rubles. To determine the cost of the design, built yourself, then you just need to calculate the cost essential materials, delivery and spending time.

A few words in conclusion

Summer cuisine should be on each dacha, because it is not only comfortable to cook food on a hot day and dinner all the family, but also to get together in the evenings in the close company of friends. We told you what types of summer kitchens are that you can use for construction and how they can be erected. We hope our article will help you when you decide to start building a kitchen in your country. If you have any questions left, then ask them to our experts, and they will be happy to answer them. We offer to see photo kitchens at the cottage made by your own hands, you may find something interesting for yourself and want to realize in your site.

Unity with nature has become a necessity during the time of accelerated technical progress. Summer cuisine in a private house is an excellent solution for leisure activities with close people. So nice to fresh air In the courtyard of a private house on weekends or vacation days to fry a kebab, drink a glass homemade wine, admire blooming gardenAt the same time communicating with relatives and friends. Another option is also no less attractive. Tired of the city bustle, in the proud loneliness to enjoy the noise of foliage and singing birds, go fishing at sunrise and prepare excellent ear. Then call the neighbors or call close people and arrange a wonderful holiday of unity with nature.

Summer version of the kitchen has become the necessary extra room in the capital private house, and in the country. Her presence in a private house greatly facilitates life, because There is no need for a permanent cleaning of a private house, air ventilation, additional landing and sleeping places for guests appear and the ability to continue to be in the fresh air. And the construction, made by your own hands, will seem to be more mile, because It is invested in labor, efforts and love.

Summer cuisine options

There are two types of summer kitchen construction: a private house-standing in the courtyard and attached directly to the house. Numerous photos of private houses with similar kitchens in large quantities can be considered on the site.

  • Autonomous. Such a summer kitchen is a separate building for a private house and is built on all the rules of autonomous premises. This is a laying of the foundation, the construction of walls, roofing, electricity, the necessary communications in the form of water, drain Jama, Gas stove with centralized or balloon gas, stoves. This option is very convenient for the owner of a private house, which has a need for an additional room in the presence of a large family, as well as a winter holiday with a fireplace and a bath or year-round residence. Budget this construction is impossible to name for a private house, because It requires a project and even coordination with the relevant architectural bodies.
  • Combined. Such an option is more acceptable for those who have a more modest budget and want to create their own hands and comfort for a country private house. In this case, summer kitchens are attached to the main building, representing its continuation. When planning this type of extension to a private house, you must consider the entrance to the kitchen and to the house. At a minimum, there should be two: separate in the kitchen and combined with a private house. In the optimal version, the input should be three: in each room and input that binds them between themselves. Also worth paying attention to the wall to which the kitchen is adjacent. The windows of the private house in no way should go to the veranda, because The room will be doomed to the eternal darkness. If planned to be placed in the kitchen plate, sink and other communications, it is recommended to choose the most close location of the sources of water supply, gas and sewage taps in the house. This will reduce the length of the pipes and the number of metal-plastic and welding connections and save construction costs.

Types planning summer kitchens

Summer cuisines are represented by such types of layouts as open, closed and combined. All of them are present in the photo of specialized sites. In order to decide on the most suitable optionIt is worth assessing the functional destination of the construction and material possibilities of the host of the private house. It is no secret that the kitchens built by their own hands will cost half a cheaper.


Such a layout is the most budget simplified version of the additional premises for the private house. It is necessary in the country or in a private house as a gazebo or simply not burdened with the functions of the construction for leisure, preparation of barbecue and other dishes that do not require special technical equipment. To make an open kitchen with your own hands, you need to make the platform of the desired size, to install the support pillars around the perimeter, build the roof, build a stove or organize a barbecue area, you can also put a gas stove with a cylinder for preserving.

Advantages of open kitchens

  1. The main plus of open kitchen is affordable price Construction I. low cost The project itself. This allows you to organize work as soon as possible and get at the exit pretty decent option For a private house. If a simplified summer project is planned without connecting gas and communications to lead water, and the documentary confirmation of the construction for a valid reason will not be issued, then if necessary, the sale of the site, the kitchen can be dismantled.
  2. Also, an important factor is simplicity in construction. The open kitchen can be made with your own hands without the use of complex technologies expensive modern materials And special skills in construction. Enough to read useful tips experienced masters and see photos of the proposed options. It will be very reasonable to decide to independently come up with options for protection against wind or rain, it is originally supplemented by the construction of a private home by the decor, thus making the kitchen unique in its kind.
  3. Even the absence of expensive modern technology and automatic devices is the most important advantage. In the conditions of accelerated rhythms of life, when each cooking process becomes machine, calm contemplation of nature, dishes from the stove and chims of the fire will become excellent relaxation. This will allow to reset the burden of urban worries, tune in to a calm rhythm, to chat with relatives and friends. This is the essence of the existence of a cottage or private house outside the city, or in a picturesque corner of its outskirts.

Disadvantages of open kitchens

  1. The main disadvantage of such a building is its insecurity. Open space does not allow to accommodate the necessary components of full-fledged working areaWhat makes it difficult to cook, besides the stove or fire. Such a kitchen is an additional auxiliary space for leisure. No other full features in this variant Not provided.
  2. Open space is open to everyone, so the presence of insects, birds and even animals are also likely on the summer kitchen. Sometimes this circumstance makes almost unbearable to leisure outdoors. Of course, you can take care of the necessary means of protection, but this is not enough. Leave for night products are not recommended, because In the morning they can be simply not found.
  3. Most chief flaw It is that the open kitchen is absolutely not adapted for the pastime during the cold time. Even rain or wind can prevent, not to mention the late autumn, early spring or cold Winter. This exceptionally lightweight option does not provide for the night for guests and cannot be an additional housing. Summer open kitchen attached to the private house is more convenient in the preparation plan, but according to its functional qualities, it is just a veranda and operated only in the warm season.


This type of planning of summer kitchen involves the presence of a project with documentary resolution of the relevant authorities, because It is considered a full-fledged structure in the site. It is not recommended to ignore this moment because it will entail the presence of fines and prohibitions for sale. The closed kitchen is a small house, built on the foundation, with elevated walls and windows adjacent to the main house. Often combines the bath, serves to leisure, prepare blanks for the winter and additional housing.

Advantages of closed kitchens

  1. The most important advantage of closed summer kitchens is to protect against all types of weather visiting at any time of the year and day. If free time falls out, you can safely go beyond the city, knowing that there will always be possible to relax, not afraid of insects, birds and animals.
  2. Conduct time at the cottage or in a private house with the presence of a summer kitchen, provides an opportunity to lead a household economy in terms of garden or breeding birds or animals. Conditions for preserving and just cooking are presented in fullbecause Closed kitchen allows you to install the stove, sink, fold the stove, fireplace, etc. It is also important for the presence of a cellar that will help preserve the workpieces to future spring.
  3. The presence of a closed kitchen allows you to enjoy the rest fully, because In addition to his family, makes it possible to communicate with a large number of guests you can leave for the night or settle for a holiday for a longer time. Summer kitchen equipped with everything necessary can serve to increase the living space in education new family or its replenishment.

Arrangement of closed summer kitchens can not differ at all from the usual kitchen space.

Disadvantages of closed kitchens

  1. The essential disadvantage of closed summer kitchens is the need to create a full-fledged project with thinking to the smallest detail of all processes, ranging from laying the foundation to the leading of water, connecting electricity, gas sources, etc. It is also recommended to legitimize this project that requires additional time and effort.
  2. Another big minus is enough high price This construction, because The consumption of expensive materials in combination with construction work is poured into a significant amount. But if there is such a financial opportunity, you should not doubt. Additional summer kitchen will significantly improve life and increase the mood.


This layout is universal on functionality and comfort and middle budget. It is the most sought-after, because It makes it possible to choose the best option with the placement and choose the relevant materials to your liking and financial capabilities. Minuses of U. combined kitchen There is no because it is simply created from the advantages, which you can make sure considering the photo on the site.

The advantages of the combination type summer site include the arbitrary location of the furniture. The room itself is built in such a way that the basis is the deaf wall, and the rest of the walls are either missing, or are built on half of the width, or glazed with huge windows, which are fully moving on demand. Economic unit with stove, stove, sink, etc. It is a working area, the rest of the area is occupied by a recreation area with a table, chairs or armchairs, swing, brazier and all the necessary owners for a comfortable stay in nature. The working area and dining room can be placed how much more like the hostess. It is recommended to adhere to the rules that the Hozblock will be more convenient to function in a closed part of the room, and you can eat on the outdoor terrace. But these are only tips that can not follow.

Summer cuisine is the corner where you can cook in the open air, and rest at the wall and vice versa. Create the necessary comfort will help photos on the site. And fill the cherished construction of native people and admiring guests to warm and love.

Photo: Summer kitchens on a private house

In the warm season, especially during the preservation period, the presence of summer kitchen substantially facilitates the cooking process and makes it more pleasant. For construction, it is not necessary to hire specialists - all steps can be performed independently. If you correctly pick up materials, the summer kitchen will not be too expensive that for economical owner It is of great importance.

Summer cuisines may have a closed and open construction. Both species are widely used in the country and country areas. To decide on what kind of types to stop the choice, all the advantages and disadvantages of such buildings should be studied.

Kitchen closed type

This kitchen has windows, doors and roof, like a full-fledged house. There are options combined with a bath or summer shower, cellar, workshop, with a attached veranda For eating and rest. Usually, for construction, lightweight materials choose and do not insulate the construction, so it is not used in winter. At the same time, there are kitchens from bricks and foam blocks, which are characterized by greater strength and can be insulated if necessary.

Advantages of closed structures:

  • closed kitchen requires more materials, so it costs more;
  • there will be additional calculations for the project;
  • the construction process is more time-consuming and long.

This option is more suitable for country houseswhere the owners live constantly. But in the country that is empty in winter, the construction of a closed kitchen is not always justified.

Open kitchens are built according to the principle: concrete or tiled base, reference poles around the perimeter, roof-canopy. Under the canopy install the furnace, kitchen table, shops. Sometimes the kitchen do without a canopy if they use it exclusively for cooking on vacation days. Building material for open kitchen most often serves a tree, brick, natural stone.

Summer kitchen - barbecue project


  • it is impossible to use the room in the cold period;
  • no protection against wind and insects;
  • weak protection against rain and dampness;
  • it is impossible to leave products.
  • all furniture that will be there is needed to hide for the winter in closed dry rooms, otherwise it quickly rotates.

Where to build

The location of the kitchen is of great importance. Hozdvor, I. cesspools Must be as far as possible, but communication, on the contrary, closer. You will have to bring water into the kitchen, connect the electricity, so it is best to connect if the construction site is near the house. It is impossible to choose a place in the lowland, otherwise the floor will dance. The closed kitchen can be attached to the house, and open it is better to arrange in the garden or at the pond, away from the road.

Construction of open kitchen

The construction options for open kitchen are set, but the main stages are always the same: markup and preparation of the place, the foundation device, installation of supporting supports, installation of the roof and the internal arrangement of the room.

To work, you will need:

  • level;
  • shovel;
  • pegs and twine;
  • roulette; sand and crushed stone;
  • cement mortar;
  • pieces of fittings;
  • bar 150x150 mm;
  • circular Saw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer and nails;
  • metal squares;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • 25 mm thick boards;
  • primer.

Step 1. Marking

The selected plot is cleaned from all over and remove the turf. They define one of the corners of the construction and drive into the ground peg, and then the width and the length of the area under the kitchen are measured. Each of the corners are beacon-pegs and stretch between them. Check the correctness of the markup on the diagonals - they must be the same length. After that, inside the markup, the soil is chosen at a depth of 15-20 cm, but rummage and tamper.

Step 2. Filling the foundation

The bottom of the pit is falling asleep with a smooth layer of sand, roll up, well condensed. If necessary, the communication pipes are paved along the bottom, rubble falls from above. The reinforcing mesh is placed in the corners of the site inserted metal rods with a height of 20 cm, installed on the perimeter formwork from the boards. The height of the formwork above the surface of the soil should be about 10 cm; with the level of inner side The formworks mark the fill line to make the site to be smooth. We knew and pour it into the formwork, focusing on the markup. Communication pipes are closed with plugs, otherwise the solution can get inside. The surface is resurrected by the rule, after which they leave the foundation until complete drying.

Also, the foundation for the kitchen can be barbed type using bricks. Marking is performed similarly monolithic foundation, after which the square shape of the hole is digging up to 50 cm. The bottom of the holes falling asleep and tamper, then the metal bar is inserted, around which it is produced brickwork. The height of the foundation columns is checked by the level. If necessary, the columns are aligned with an additional cement layer.

The bottom strapping from the bar will be attached to the reinforcement of the reinforcement, which is joined by the method "in the paw". The bar is placed on the rubberoid, pre-glued bitumen to each column. On the bottom strapping are mounted vagine gear edged board.

Step 3. Installing supporting supports

In the lower ends of the bar drill holes for reinforcement bars protruding from the foundation. The front racks make 20 cm above the rear to make it easier to mount a canopy. Install bars at the corners of the site, set up the level, and then fix them to the base with metal plates on anchor bolts. Upon the upper edge of the pillar is connected by the strapping from the bar, and at an altitude of 70-80 cm from the floor, the horizontal jumpers are mounted.

Table. Roof slope depending on the coating

Roof materialMass sq. m (without reason), kgApproximate durability, yearsThe bias of the roof, hail.
Sheet black steel3-5 20-25 16-30
Cink Steel3,5-6 30-40 16-30
Ruberoid4-13 13-15 4-27
Tile40-50 60 or more30-45
Asbestocent14-20 40-45 27-50

Step 4. Mounting a canopy

To the upper strapping, processed by the primer boards on the width of the design every 50 cm. Internal joints are necessarily strengthened with metal coal, so that the canopy does not break with strong wind. On top of the boards, waterproofing material are filling, thin rails are stuffed and slate sheets or

Step 5. Paul

The most optimal solution will be tiled cladding. It is not afraid of moisture, it is easily cleaned by contaminants, easily endures the temperature differences. The wooden flooring in the open kitchen quickly comes in disrepair under the influence of atmospheric moisture, breathing from the Sun, damages insects, so requires regular care. So, take the tile, tile glue, the toothed spatula and begin the floor cladding. Put the tile from the angle: they apply a little solution to the back surface, applied to the floor and flatter.

In the photo - tile porcelain stoneware for the street

So that the seams were as even as possible, apply special plastic crosses that are inserted at the joints. The laying is constantly controlled by the level, otherwise the coating will be uneven. If installing or mangala is planned in the kitchen, the floor is not necessary under them. After completion of the seams, the seams are cleaned of dust and residues of the solution, and then rub in a special mixture.

Step 6. Kitchen arrangement

For a larger cozy, the space between the floor and horizontal jumpers can be seen by boards or close with wooden curled lattices, leaving a free doorway. Install the stove, benches and table, supply electricity and water. In conclusion wooden surfaces Covered by a verse and varnish or stain protecting wood from environmental exposure.

Prices for various types of building boards

Building boards

Construction of closed kitchen

Closed kitchens are also very diverse, but the most comfortable and simple in the performance is a framework of a bar on a bar foundation. For the trim, it is recommended to use the wall paneling or OSB slab.

During the work, you will need:

  • circular Saw;
  • electrolovik;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • building level;
  • shovel;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette;
  • dry planed beam 100x100 mm;
  • 25 mm thick boards;
  • long cord and pegs for beacons;
  • ruberoid;
  • cement mortar;
  • studies;
  • testing;
  • nails and selflessness;
  • sand.

Step 1. Marking of the site

The selected area needs to be prepared: to challenge hills, remove high grass, stones, garbage. Now you need to determine where the facade line will be located, and put 2 beaches on it. The distance between the waists is equal to the length of the facade. Perpendicular to this line are measured from each beacon the length of the side walls and also put tags. Between the beacons stretch the cord, and in the resulting rectangle make measurements of diagonals. If they are equal, the markup is performed correctly. In the center of each side of the future cuisine and at the intersection of diagonals, it is also necessary to drive the pegs - these are labels for intermediate posts.

Step 2. Foundation Preparing

The shovel dig holes in places marked with a depth of 40 cm; The sizes of the pits should correspond to two laid shlaklocks. The walls and bottom of the holes are equalized, fall asleep with a layer of sand 10 cm and trambet. On the sand, 2 lower cloakes are placed on the sand, they are covered with a solution, the construction stud is inserted into the center so that it rises above the surface of the soil by about 25-30 cm. Then the second row of the slag block across the first, again the solution and the third row. Finished pillars must have the same height and place at one level.

Step 3. Installation of the bottom strapping

The lower strapping consists of two rows of timber bounded with each other. All the bars are abundantly wicked by spent oil, special attention is paid to cuts, and then dried. In the beams of the lower row, it is necessary to make holes for the heels, and in the top cut the grooves under the floor crossbar. The depth of the grooves corresponds to half the thickness of the bar, and the width is equal to the thickness of the crossbar.

From above on the poles put pieces of rubberoid, putting them straight on the studs. Lower bars Applied to the pillars, the arrangement of the stud, the holes of the corresponding diameter are drilled. Next laid them on the foundation, the studs in the holes are tightened and tightened nuts. End of the studs should not perform above the surface of the bar, on the contrary, better when they are slightly recessed into the tree. Check the strapping by the level throughout the perimeter to avoid distortion. Now you need to put the top row of beams, nail them, insert the bars of floor overlap into the grooves. For greater reliability, the inner joints better strengthen with metal plates with screws.

Step 4. Summer Kitchen - Conduct

Such summer kitchen is distinguished by beautiful external species, environmentally friendly and well maintains heat indoors. However, it is extremely important to treat the material with flame-proof impregnation to eliminate the possibility of damage to wood insects.

It is worth remembering that the log house will give a shrinkage for several years, so it is not recommended to sneak the walls of summer kitchen.

So that inside the walls of the wall were smooth, each log over the entire length is reheated by a planer or a grinder. At the ends of the logs, the grooves for docking (method "in the paw") are cut down. This method is not chosen by chance. First, the logs will be used without a residue, secondly, even if the angular connection will have a small slot, then this will not affect the functionality and convenience of summer kitchen.

To build a mortgage crown, put two logs opposite each other. They are perpendicular to lay two more. This square is adjusted for a single plane so that it is clearly horizontally lay down on the lower strapping of the future summer kitchen. Next, markup, cutting down and laying the following logs, between which we deposit the insulation, for example, moss or felt.

Operactions under the door and windows of summer kitchens will be cut down in the future. The same double-glazed windows and entrance door Together with the components will be installed after the completion of the installation process of the roof. We bring to your attention a photo report for the construction of summer kitchen 7x3 m.

Video - Cutting "in the paw"

Step 5. Roof mounting

From the board, the 150x50 mm cross section is knocked down farms for the roof, strengthen them inside with spacers and mount to the upper strapping. Ends should be per perimeter of walls by 10-15 cm. The distance between the farms is approximately 1.5 m. The fastening of the roof elements to the strapping is performed using metal plates and bolts. After installing the rafter, the horse is stuffed along the farms, and then we are cutting the roof frame. Foreckers, slate or other roofing material are laid on the crate.

How incorrectly installed windows

Summer kitchen 7x3 mProject
Kitchen heightHeight from floor to ceiling: 2.15 m. (+ -5 cm). Skate height: 1.5 m. (+ -5 cm)
Supported blocks (one table size 400x400x4000 mm. It consists of four cement blocks with a size of 200x200x400, interconnected by a sandy cement mixture).
Base strappingUnbreakable timing with a cross section of 100x150mm. The strapping laid in 1 row on the edge.
File lagsUnstroited timber 40x150 mm. With a step of laying 700 mm.
LogProfiled timing segment 90x140 mm, natural humidity
Build SrubThe log house is assembled on metal brazen (nails 200 mm).
Assembling corners of a srubaBuild an angle in "in the warm corner"
Interventonian insulationBetween the crowns ladded linen
PartitionsSpace Bar 90x140 natural humidity.
FloorPaul double: black floor: cutting board 20 mm.; Clean floor: pinned batten 36 mm. ( chamber drying).
Heat mineral Vata. "KNAUF" 50 mm., ONDUTIS insulation is being insulated in 2 layers.
Ceiling beamsUnstroked Bar 40x100 mm. With a step of laying 700 mm.
CeilingThe ceiling is laid by clapboard coniferous rocks (chamber drying). The ceiling is insulated with a mineral wool "Knauf" 50 mm., ONDUTIS isolation.
Stropil designBar 40x100 mm. with laying step 1000 mm.
Roof lampThe lamp is performed from a cutting board of 20 mm. (through the board).
According to the kitchen project - double.
FrontonsCover with clapboard conifers (chamber drying). Ventilation grilles are installed in the frontones of the kitchen (condensate prevents formation).
Covenate and eaves (skes of roofs)Sew on clapboard coniferous rocks (chamber drying). Switch width: 350 - 450 mm (4 lining).
Roofing materialOndulin, color to choose from: red, brown, green.
WindowWooden with double glazing are installed according to the project. The size of the window blocks is 1x1.2 m. Pocks are installed in the openings (roasters).
DoorsPilencated. Pocks are installed at the opening bars (roasters).
Finishing of the roomAll corners and joints in the kitchen are closed with a plinth; Window, doorways are applied by a platband.
TerraceThe reference pillars with compensation elevators (jacks) under shrinkage are installed. The trim of the terrace: railing - carved, balusters - accurate. The entrance is installed steps.

Step 6. Kitchen arrangement

When the main processes are made, it follows close to do internal arrangement Kitchen. The walls can be sewn or, because the frame-linked frame looks not very aesthetic. Then they install the furnace, sink, plug in electricity and water, arrange kitchen furniture. On this construction of a closed kitchen can be considered complete.

Prices for plasterboard and sheet materials

Plasterboard and leafy materials

Video - Summer kitchen with your own hands

Necessible summer cuisine at the cottage In most cases, there is no doubt, with the exception of the small size of the site, on which the house and simply nowhere. And in fact, such a construction adds us a fair share of comfort in the country area, especially if you add to her additionally dining terrace functions, gazebos for friendly and family gatherings and a comfortable area for making a dish on the open fire of the mangala or barbecue.

Summer cuisines at the cottage: photo

The main difference is that, despite decoration, various materials In decoration, formation of walls, roofs, flooring, the main function should be cooking and storing food reserves, therefore it is around this and the entire room should be built, and additional options such as the dining area with upholstered furniture and a big table decorative fireplace, near which you can sit, the zone for children's games and so on - all this option acquisitions.

So, if in the project you do not see the convenient cooking zone, conveniently and ergonomically placed devices and dishes, then such a building is difficult to attribute to the category of kitchen.

The reasons for which in country construction, we will need will be, there may be many. One of them is the requirements of fire safety, if you live in the area without centralized gasification and use for the preparation of compressed gas with cylinders.

In this case, it is necessary not only to remove the kitchen outside the residential building, but also make it the most ventilated gas in the case of a sudden leakage of gas.

The second reason is that country houses Largely not provided for the maintenance of significant positive temperatures, which are so frequent in the summer months, work indoors on such days becomes a real test for strength.

And in a separate building you can come up with not only the ventilation system or completely open wallsbut also pick up construction Materials So that the air indoors remain cool, even in the most severe heat. This, by the way, is also useful for high-quality storage of all edible supplies, which according to standards cannot be stored in the refrigerator. These qualities of materials can and need to pay attention, choosing one or another summer kitchen at the cottage, projects, photos which you liked.

Summer kitchen at the cottage projects

Comfortable in use summer cuisine at the cottage, projects Which we will see in this section, have each advantage and your functional destination that will be approached by one or another owners. Some of them are complex and will require you to attract professional builders, and for those for whom there are no problems, simple projects are useful. open spaces with one support wall.

First of all, it should be declared whether your new kitchen can be tortured to the house, like, that is, to have a common foundation and roof with the building, or it will stand absolutely separately, maybe even sufficiently distance from residential buildings.

The second option is good for large sections, where such a building can become a real landscaped value, the mangan playground will be located next to it, the gazebo. Swimming pool, playground, that is, seats for the whole family.

The second choice you have to do is to design it completely closed, fully open or combine both approaches. The advantages of a closed type can be called the best thermal insulation, as well as the ability to use the room not only in summer, but also to deep autumn, and in the presence of heating, also in winter.

On the other hand, most cottages are not provided for year-round accommodation and capital, the closed structure will cost in the construction much more expensive, and these functions will be absolutely useless.

Also on the cost of the project will largely affect your desire to do inside a furnace or a hearth for cooking on open fire. Most often summer cuisine at the cottage with the mangal, photo Which you could see includes a brick multifunctional oven, the design is quite practical, convenient and many new culinary capabilities that give you many new culinary capabilities.

That's just the weight of it is so great that it will have to think through a serious foundation, and the construction of it, and the strengthening of the existing is a significant part of the construction budget.

We will analyze one of the interesting things. summer kitchen projects at the cottage with a barbecue. In the photo you can see the structure with a solid supporting overhaul, along which all communications will be needed for cooking, and on the rest, framed by short brick walls, the zone of the dining room and gazebos for receiving guests and country dunches will be located.

The presented model was developed immediately in three versions, depending on your preferences and choices, which we have already spoken above.

Walls can be completely open to skip the maximum amount of light and fresh air, can be complemented with dense wooden or plastic blindsthat will give the necessary shading. The third option is the glazed walls, inside which it turns out a closed room, suitable for operation and in the cold season.

The beauty of such a layout is that on the same useful area, which, let's say, you get a place for full cooking with excellent brick stovewhere you can prepare real culinary masterpieces. In addition, such a furnace can be used as a heating device, if using its compartments intended for this.

Summer cuisine in the country do it yourself

Do not think that summer cuisine in the country do it yourself - This is extremely our invention and there is no such world. In fact, in countries with any climate, it is often found precisely such models that allow you to cook in small closed patios, rear courtyards of houses, and, regardless of whether the hot summer or not. The case is in a pleasant food cooking process, especially dishes on the grille with coal - barbecue. Only for her one can already establish kitchen appliances under.

The purpose of the shown examples summer cuisine with barbecue at the cottage, projects Which you see above, prove that it is possible to organize an exit cuisine very compact and enough for this very necessary. To the list mandatory elements Here include a bake barbecue with a closing lid, which you can use as needed as well as plain platewhich turns on when spending coals simply does not make sense. In addition, you certainly do not do without sink with water, wardrobes for dishes and work surface, comfortable and wide on which you can all prepare for cooking. Optionally, we place our favorite electric kettle, multicooker and microwave, without them modern zone Cooking anywhere. How not to do without a refrigerator, let him be not big, to which we are accustomed to city apartments, and compact, where you can reliably hide all edible supplies (we will not forget that storing products where mouse and cats can be reached , you need with special care and precaution).

Summer kitchen at the cottage with a brazier

Buying a barbecue stove, usually, is quite expensive, besides, we are more accustomed to the brazier of the Mangala, on which meat, and vegetables with the same success fry. That's just the difference between previous options and summer cuisine at the cottage with the mangal in the fact that it is necessary for this open fire the right approach. A special extractor of metal is placed on it, which does not allow, first, to spread the soot and smells, and secondly, protects the interior from the dangers of open fire.

Among examples summer cuisine at the cottage, projects with mangal It can be both the most ordinary and fairly original, with ideas that are able to significantly simplify and improve their use. So, for example, in one of the photos you can see the project on which the area of \u200b\u200bthe structure is divided into two unequal parts. On one there is a cooking zone and a wood-burning brazier is located, and in the second, separated by the capital wall, there is a recreation area and a dining room, and these zones will not be visible from each other, which can create a convenient privacy. This is uniquely recognized as very convenient and practical, as it combines the pros and open, and closed kitchen plan.

Closed summer kitchen in the country

The last section will be devoted to examples of models. closed summer kitchen in the countrywhich is the progenitor of all other projects. Here are all the conditions and requirements that are put forward to the structure - it is compact, cool, it is perfectly placed under the roof all major kitchen devices. Yes, under the roof will not shove the brazier, but it is important when you can comfortably cook in the rain, and cool summer evenings, and no less drooping autumn in the morning.

The interior of such a room must be made in the style of minimalism so as not to emphasize its small size. Use bright, clean tones in the finish and materials that will be easy to care for, since dust here will accumulate a little more than in the usual case.

In addition, there are also combined options when the closed room is located next to the open veranda, which is placed chairs and a table. Between them you can make not only the door, but also sliding window, Rising up or to the sides, and these two rooms, if desired, are visually visually in one.

Diverse Summer Kitchens allow you to build this construction in almost any house in different areas. Kitchens are closed or open. The simplest summer open-style cuisine is a terrace equipped with all the necessary kitchen equipment and equipped with kitchen furniture. Closed summer cuisines are a veranda, closed partially or entirely.

Closed summer kitchen at the cottage (photo)

What kind of design is neither an open summer kitchen, traditionally it is divided into two main zones - a place for cooking and a living-dining room. The minimum set for the "culinary zone" includes a stove, furnace or grill fireplace, cabinets and shelves for kitchen utensils and dishes, a working surface or a cutting table and washing.

Summer cuisines, equipped in separate buildings, by constructive decision There are also open or closed.

Summer kitchen in the form of a house in a photo

It can be an open summer kitchen on the cottage or kitchen in the form of a light frame house (more often not heated), although it happens that such a house is built of bricks and is even equipped with a fireplace or a stove.

Open kitchen is a building without walls when the effect of free space is visually created. Such a kitchen can have a canopy or roof on the pillars or not to have a roof at all, being at best under the branches of a spreading tree.

In this case, there is a feeling of complete unity with nature.

An open kitchen can be built in the form of a veranda or arbor. Its main elements are kitchen furniture (table, shops, chairs), washing and stove for cooking.

The main advantage of open kitchens, in addition to unity with nature, do not need to be tired and in the summer they are not hot.

Usually, during the construction of an open kitchen, the supports and the roof are made by wooden, and a natural and artificial stone is used for the foundation.

If the furnace is constructed, it is usually strained by stone too. Small cash costs make an open-style summer summer kitchen arrangement.

In addition, construction does not imply complex works and use of technology, so it is also quite enough to build such a summer kitchen in the technical plan. So we can safely say that this is a good option for beginner builders.

All open summer kitchens have the same benefits:

  • minor costs of building materials during the construction;
  • much faster and simple construction;
  • lack of need for expensive earth and roofing work;
  • cooking in the summer in the fresh air is always more pleasant than in a closed room;
  • a great opportunity for both family holidays in nature and holidays with a lot of guests;
  • use of barbecue, mangala or grill for cooking meat dishes;
  • minimum fire hazardous designs;
  • a significantly lower total cost of the project than when building a closed kitchen.

Summer cuisines for open type have and disadvantages that can be attributed to:

  • the impossibility of using the kitchen in the cold season, as well as in windy weather and during heavy rain;
  • the vulnerability of the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen from dust, which requires additional effort during cleaning;
  • attacks of mosquitoes and other insects in the evening;
  • the inability to leave for the night of products, because animals or birds can be kidney;
  • the inability to leave for the night technique and valuable things attracting thieves;
  • impossibility even in the summer use as additional housing;
  • the need to hide furniture and other interior items during the rain, and also remove them for the winter;
  • execution of only one function - as cooking and food intake outdoors.

Summer kitchen with a closed veranda is very similar to the usual little house with walls, roof, windows and a door. This makes it possible to use them into any weather and, if heating is provided (although it is usually done), even in winter.

Closed kitchen on the veranda (photo)

Closed kitchen on the veranda in the country, in addition to the basic function, it can be used as a place of bed for guests, a hunting house, and in winter time - as a storage room. Such a summer kitchen with an outdoor terrace is usually built of drywall, lining or plywood, and more strong structures calculated for many years are built from bricks, foam blocks or stone.

Look at the veranda kitchen in the photo, where a successful layout is illustrated:

The main advantages closed buildings are:

  • the protection of the room from dust, wind, precipitation and insects, so you will have to clean here not as often as required in open kitchens;
  • in the presence of heating, it is possible to use the construction in winter time;
  • the opportunity to quietly leave closed kitchen At night, stocks of products, equipment and other valuables, especially if the room closes on the castle;
  • use as a guest house;
  • the possibility of combining with other additional premises - bath, cellar, workshop or garage.

The main disadvantages of a closed summer kitchen with an open veranda are included in the features of operation:

  • more building materials and more complex construction, including labor-intensive work, requiring assistant and technicians;
  • the need to carefully drafting the project, as well as the calculation of the foundation, the rafter system and other buildings, as in the construction of the house;
  • a significant increase in the cost of construction as a whole and a longer construction period.

In addition to general information, It is worth considering the varieties of open and closed options Summer cuisine.

For example, summer kitchen-veranda is constructed in the form of an extension to a summer cottage. When it is erected, it should be borne in mind that, like any extension, it should be a harmonious continuation of the house, to fit into his designer solution And at the same time maintain its main function - to be a kitchen and a dining room, and not to become an entrance hall.

The construction of a summer kitchen in the form of a veranda should be started from the foundation bookmark. Its depth must be equal to the depth of the foundation of the house so that in the winter there is no separation of an extension. Then the framework is installed for the walls, the outer skin is performed and a single-table roof is covered.

Ideally country house and the veranda must have one roofingBut if the veranda is configured later, its roof or canopy should be combined with the main roof and from aesthetic point of view, and from the position of technical execution (so that there are no leaks during the rain, etc.).

To make the kitchen-veranda brighter and filled with air, you can mount large swing windows or glazed all the front or side parts.

Open-type kitchen is a facility in the form of a terrace due to a significant extension of the porch. In this case, the beams are installed along the wall of the house, which the inclined canopy is littered from above.

If the terrace is arranged on a well-aligned site and there is no problems with the cluster of water, the floor can be a chalk directly to the ground - it may be just a coating of paving tile. Protect the terrace from any weatherproof (rain, wind, etc.) will allow lateral partitions (both capital and decorative) or, for example, waterproof curtains. You can build pergolas and decorate them curving plants Or put live hedge From shrub plants that will decorate the terrace, and will provide a pleasant coolness in the hot summer evenings.

When building a summer kitchen-arbor, do not do without a columnar or belt Fundament. The racks of bricks, stone or bar are installed on it in the corners, and then the whole design is fixed with the roof of light roofing material, such as ondulin, bitumen sheets, etc. Building of this type of more than any other types of summer kitchens are suitable for installation of mangal, barbecue. or oven.

In such a kitchen, it is also very convenient to process harvest, not afraid of wind or rain and without worrying about the purity and airing room from kitchen flavors.

The openings between the racks of such a summer kitchen can be left open or sew one of the walls for installation. kitchen cabinets and shelves. You can arrange pergolas with curly plants, reorganize the openings with textile curtains, lattice wooden panels.

Sliding or removable partitions can be provided, as well as roll-curtains to open them at good weather.

Other versions of summer kitchen can be formed on the basis of existing ones, so, for example, if the gazebo is glazed or making swing windows, it will be able to serve in the cold period, especially if the kitchen is equipped with a fireplace or a stove.

Such versions of summer kitchens at the cottage, as a house, is almost a full housing, so its construction requires more efforts in comparison with the same gazebo. Here will require a reliable foundation (preferably monolithic), walls, reliable roofing, you will need to install windows and doors. But such a house will be multifunctional.

In addition to the kitchen, it is possible to equip the cellar in it, then the construction will need to start with the digging of a pit, and the cellar walls will become a foundation for the ground part of the structure. The house can be supplemented with a terrace or veranda, which in this case will perform the function of the living room in the fresh air with a dining area with a large table, chairs, shops, chairs, and cooking will occur inside the house.

Summer kitchen with cooking equipment in the photo

In the country summer kitchen, there must be equipment for cooking. Usually, electric or gas plates are used for everyday cooking, but some daches choose a more exotic option - a wood-burning furnace, a fireplace, a brazier or barbecue, which should be folded from refractory bricks. And in this case, you should think in advance about the fire safety of the whole design and high-quality ventilation system. Such varieties of the hearth not only make the summer kitchen cozy, but also contribute to significant savings - until firewood is burning in the ovens, not only food is preparing, but also the premises are heated. Well, to talk about how tasty and useful food cooked on an open fire and fresh air, and is altogether.

When planning to equip the kitchen by a fireplace, a brazier or barbecue, it is necessary to take into account that in this case the room should be as ventilated as possible. You can make such a focus temporary or constant. For example, there are collapsible models of mangalls and a barbecue, which can be safely removed by the onset of cold weather until the next summer season.

If it is planned to build a summer kitchen in the form of a house, it can be folded in a capital oven made of refractory bricks - with various departments and additional devices.

Kitchen with bath in the photo

Recently, complex structures have become greatly popular, including, in addition to summer cuisine, and others. country buildings, for example, bath, terrace, hunting house, etc. Depending on the desire of the owners, the combination of such structural elements may be whatever, and they all build on one general foundation. At the same time, the amount of materials necessary for the construction of structures decreases, which makes it possible to significantly save during construction. For example, the overall roof is much cheaper than the roof of several separate buildings. Disappears and the need to lay a lot of tracks connecting various buildings On the plot, because in this case all objects will be in one place.

As a result, it will be more profitable to build a holistic design for many parameters than to construct scattered premises. In addition, a set in a single style and built of combined materials complex will and externally look much more attractive than several separate structures built in different time and from a variety of materials.

In this case, energy resources are saved for heating, and generally simplifies the organization of electrification, water supply and sewage. Finally, it will take less land for construction than a few buildings, and in general it will be much more convenient to move from one room to another if they all be under one roof.

There are several options for complex buildings. For example, one of them is a summer kitchen in the form of a house with a mangal and a veranda, in which the owners will be able not only to spend time to spend time, but also to meet guests. The house can be made both one and two-room, and in this case the second room is used as a guest. On the veranda, you can place light comfortable furniture to breakfast, dine and even dinner in the summer, and during the rain or in cool weather you can move the dining room inside the house. Naturally, the roof for the entire structure should be united.

Another option is a summer kitchen with a mangal and a gazebo. In this case, you can also do everything under one roof. The gazebo can be open or glazed, and the summer kitchen is also closed or open. The choice of the optimal option depends only on the imagination of the owner and its budget.

Another popular option is a summer kitchen with a stove and a bath, which can be used not only in summer, because the kitchen, and the bath can be dried with a furnace all year round. Often, all the beauty of the use of baths can be felt in winter, when the contrast of temperatures in the bath and the largest street, which causes an indescribable feeling.

Video: Summer Kitchen Options