How to decorate a gazebo with your own hands - ideas, tips, ways. Arbors for giving. Photo of a simple neat frame structure Gazebos tents recreation areas beautiful modern

Pergolas are the best option for arranging a recreation area on your estate. These architectural objects are able to endow the territory with a sense of serenity and relaxation. Before you start arranging your site, study the design ideas and beautiful examples that will help make your cottage perfect.

What is it: features

A gazebo is a free-standing architectural unit in the courtyard of a private house or summer cottage. This garden design serves for rest, helps to protect from rain. In it you can just spend time with friends, dine, play board games. Pergolas are open, partially or completely closed. Many people arrange terraces next to such objects. There are no restrictions in the design of these structures, so you can equip your territory with a beach, barbecue, a place to sleep and play.

Each person wants to have a corner on his site where you can hide from the scorching rays of the sun and cold winds. The recreation area is often surrounded by green spaces, fragrant flowers to create an environment suitable for relaxation. When it comes to a small architectural object, most people mean the presence of gazebos on the site.

Outdoor recreation facilities have been considered an expressive component for several centuries. garden design and the most popular decoration, which occupies a leading position among small architectural objects. With the help of gazebos, you can emphasize the direction of the interior of the site and noticeably transform any part of the territory.

Before proceeding with the arrangement of the recreation area, you should study the features of such structures.

  • with the help of an original approach and decor, you can make the gazebo the best place on your site where you can relax and chat with loved ones;
  • these architectural forms are multifunctional, as you can not only relax in them, but also use them as a dining area;
  • any gazebo should be equipped reliable roof which will protect you from bad weather;
  • plan the size of the future building. Despite the external compactness, all household members should fit inside it;
  • so that the gazebo repeats the style of the house and summer cottage, you should seriously consider the issue of choosing a design.

If we compare the construction of a gazebo with the construction country house, the installation of such a small architectural form is accompanied by less money and effort. However, you will need to consider all small parts so that the object is of high quality and meets the stated expectations. Buy only verified Construction Materials to make the gazebo attractive and practical.


Pergolas can be very different. The choice of the required type is based on the purpose of using this building.

  • Altanka looks beautiful and inviting. It is a small architectural form made of wood. In it you can relax in hot weather and relax in the evening cool. Translated from the Italian gazebo - balcony or ledge. At the moment, modern objects have undergone modifications and are gazebos, which are located on special ledges. Foundation - required condition for such structures.

  • Arbor-barrel counts budget option. It is created from a polycarbonate sheet that acts as a wall and roof. Such a structure reliably protects the backs of people inside from rain and wind.

  • Most summer residents install small architectural forms on their site for a comfortable pastime. Everyone knows that a dacha without barbecue is not a dacha. For this reason, they are popular barbecue designs. They can have any shape and be made from different materials. If you want your building to look original, choose wood products.

  • Collapsible structures are in demand, as the summer season is characterized by a short period of time. Not every summer resident comes to his site in winter, so the stationary gazebo will be idle. Bad weather destroy the material, every year it is required to monitor the building in order to extend its service life. And mobile structures are convenient because at the end holiday season all elements are removed to the barn and stored until next spring.

sliding windows in gazebos will appeal to people who want to extend the time of enjoying nature in autumn. This type of glazing is gaining popularity, as it is practical and compact. Such a system allows you to maximize the area of ​​​​the gazebo, since the opening of the wings does not require additional space. Convenience sliding system It is justified by the fact that in strong winds the doors do not slam.

Manufacturing materials

Country gazebos are made from different materials. Depending on your plans, you can choose the option that suits you.

From the boards

Arbor made of wood - the most simple and comfortable model. To carry out the installation of such an object, you do not need to build monolithic foundation, since it can be replaced with simple cinder blocks, concrete blocks, wooden frame and old tires.

Wooden gazebos have numerous advantages:

  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • ease of use: collapsible models can be transferred;
  • multifunctionality;
  • the gazebo will fit into any interior;
  • long service life.

There are also disadvantages of such objects:

  • so that the material does not deteriorate, it should be processed with special means;
  • wood is a fire hazardous raw material.

For work, you can use any material that is available. It is possible to make an object from oak, linden, pine. Many people choose gazebos from a blockhouse. The circle is popular. Objects made from this material have different designs. Appearance depends on its size and type of wood.

from brick

It's durable and reliable material for construction. With the help of this raw material, you can create a gazebo for many years. Such an object must be located on a solid foundation. It can be a tape or monolithic base. Most use such gazebos as summer kitchen, places for rest with shish kebab.


Stone gazebos are also popular. Limestone and other natural materials are suitable for work. Stone buildings are distinguished by their reliability and solidity. However, experts do not recommend making small gazebos from stone, as you will lose the effect of fundamentality.

From foam blocks

To make a gazebo from foam blocks, you should follow a few rules. It's connected with high level absorbency of blocks. To create a competent structure, it will be necessary to equip the internal waterproofing. Foam blocks are considered the best option for building a winter gazebo, as the material retains heat well.


Polycarbonate arbors are light and unpretentious structures that can be equipped on any foundation and frame.

The object has the following advantages:

  • low cost;
  • mobility;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • bright and colorful appearance;
  • fire resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • flexibility and moisture resistance;
  • good sound insulation material and heat preservation.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • low abrasive resistance;
  • susceptibility to UV rays.


Metal structures are the most durable gazebos. If you decide to create metal structure, be sure that such a building will serve you for many years.

Metal gazebos are a manufacturing method for a person who has a welding machine, an electric grinder and a puncher at hand. As a foundation, you can use brick, monolithic pouring, pipes and stones. With a well-designed drawing, you can quickly assemble your structure. There are light options for summer pastime. For winter events, you can insulate the structure.

Advantages of metal gazebos:

  • resistance to environmental influences;
  • simple installation;
  • fire safety of the material.

Negative qualities:

  • heating in the sun;
  • subject to corrosion;
  • v winter time metal freezes.

From plastic pipes

Standard gazebos have a capital construction. However, in addition to the usual brick and wood, many people began to use PVC pipes.

The advantages of this material include the following qualities:

  • long period of use;
  • resistance to aggressive environmental influences;
  • easy installation;
  • the possibility of modifying the building;
  • mobility;
  • affordable price.

Parts and accessories

In the design of the gazebo, all components of the future building should be taken into account. Think through every detail. If we talk about the components of the room, several features should be taken into account.

  • The floor must be stable and durable. This is due to the safety and comfort of the guests. Slots and holes in the base are not allowed. You can choose any raw material depending on the style of your construction. As raw materials, you can use: wood, concrete, stone tiles and other common materials. In some cases, they equip a gazebo right on the ground. However, in such a structure you will not be able to walk barefoot.

  • Windows play an important role. They are responsible for getting light into the room. Choose open options so that the electricity is not turned on during the day. For convenience, you can equip the windows with shutters.

  • The door is a component of any building which should be taken care of. Depending on the type of gazebo chosen, you can install a door or exclude its use. For open structures they are not provided, in other situations one should rely on the style of construction. In many cases, a mosquito net will be relevant for a summer house.

  • Consider fencing for your object. As a fence, it is not necessary to use a chain-link or a full-fledged fence. You can mark the territory with a low fence, ground lanterns and even a flowering garden.

  • Ceiling is selected based on the style of the gazebo. In any case, regardless of design, it must be of high quality and safe.

Design Options

Before designing a new gazebo, you should decide on the shape of the structure, as well as the features of each type. There are several variations.

  • Hexagonal gazebos. These designs are made only of wood. First of all, it is required to develop a scheme, the compilation of which requires knowledge in geometry. Initially, the frame is mounted on a prepared foundation, after which the roof is installed. Hexagonal designs are difficult to create, but the end result of the work is extremely attractive. Such buildings can decorate any site, bring a sense of beauty to landscape design. high style and festivities.

  • Rectangular design. This variation is considered universal. It is possible to make architectural forms from any material. Metal, stone and wood are actively used. You can operate such facilities in winter and summer. The form will appeal to categories of people who value comfort and practicality.

  • Canopy. The simplest and cheapest type of construction. As a rule, it is chosen by the owners of small plots, since such an object requires little space. The building is prefabricated, reminiscent of a modular tent that can be transported. To create a canopy, pouring the foundation is not required, the design itself is simple. For its construction, you only need to correctly connect the pipes, which will act as a frame and base. Tarpaulin or special types of fabrics are used as a roof.

  • Round options are suitable for those who are conservative, appreciate the atmosphere of calm and comfort. In such a structure, you can put a round table at which you will spend time with your loved ones. For a complete composition, you can install wooden benches around the perimeter of the room. Round designs are considered universal, as they are suitable for any design.

  • Octagonal gazebo. Octagonal wooden structures are in great demand. Structures have numerous advantages, where the streamlined corners play a key role. Due to this, there is a lot of space in the gazebos; up to 15 people can easily fit in such a room. Some people opt for glass roof options, others opt for open options. It is important that objects are made from natural raw materials. You can use: oak, alder, pine.

  • triangular gazebo- a rare thing. As a rule, they are open canopy buildings, which are made in the Scandinavian or half-timbered style. This shape is often used in pergola projects. There are practically no closed triangular arbors, since they have too much non-functional space in the corners.

  • Corner gazebos rarely installed in suburban areas. However, such unusual designs can modify any inconspicuous corner. You can put the gazebo in a secluded place and spend your time with your loved ones in it. Some users find that a frame structure is suitable for this arrangement.

Also, gazebos may differ in the shape of the roof.

  • Gable roof. This is the simplest and most inexpensive option, which consists of two inclined planes. A ridge is formed in the upper part of these planes. On the sides, such a structure is limited to the front. You can create a gazebo with the same or different angles of slopes, depending on your wishes and ideas.
  • shed roof It is also considered a simple and inexpensive option. The design is an inclined plane, which is located on walls with different heights. The slope should be located on the windward part of the structure.
  • dome roof it looks like half a ball, which rests with its circumference on a wall in the form of a cylinder. Such roofs are convenient, since snow does not stagnate on them, and it looks very impressive. When choosing such a structure, keep in mind that the design of an object is accompanied by certain difficulties.

  • Chinese style roof considered the most difficult. This is an original creation that is guaranteed to grab everyone's attention. Due to the raised corners, a large and high roof with curved shapes tends to “fly away” into the sky, giving the interior of the site a special atmosphere. From the outside, it may seem that the roof is tied to the clouds by its corners.


Many gardeners are thinking about what dimensions to create a gazebo. These small architectural forms can have any size and appearance. By installing a structure in the shade of a garden and decorating it with plants, you will receive the best place a place where you can spend time with your loved ones. Someone will like a large and spacious gazebo, someone will opt for a mini-structure in which it is comfortable to spend time together.

Despite the fact that gazebos can have any style and shape, it is necessary to determine in advance the dimensions of the future building. Remember that the building is intended for people, so every person who will be in the gazebo should feel comfortable and spacious. A convenient approach to the table and benches should be provided.

The smaller the size of the garden, the lighter and more elegant the design of the structure must be. The gazebo should not overwhelm other components of the garden, but the main indicator that determines the size of the building is the number of people who will use the facility at a time. Experts recommend focusing on the fact that each visitor needs to allocate an area of ​​​​3x3 or 4x4 meters.

Size is a key criterion, which is paid attention to when buying ready-made structures. You will need to decide in advance what you want to receive. It will be a shame if after a certain period of time you realize that the gazebo you bought is not suitable for your garden or is not able to accommodate the whole company. The approximate dimensions of the gazebo are 10-20 square meters. These figures are considered approximate. For a small family, an option is suitable, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is 5 by 3 or 6 by 3 meters.

It is impossible to imagine a gazebo without furniture. If you want a table and chairs for a company of four people to fit freely in the building, make sure that the inner diameter is greater than three meters. The minimum height must be 2.3 meters.

Styles, design and accessories

Modern gazebos can be designed in different styles, repeating the concept of the site and embodying the designer's ideas. To determine the style of future architecture, check out the most popular variations.

Japanese style

It is always simple and beautiful. This design is suitable for those who want to create an atmosphere of serenity on their site. In such a gazebo it will always be nice to relax, immersed in your own thoughts. When choosing this image for a structure, remember that it should not contain unnecessary details.

When creating a gazebo, use only natural materials: wood and stone. In such structures, large windows and closed partitions with square bindings are welcome. On the walls, you can use decor that will act as an aesthetic component and help protect the object from the sun's rays.

The gazebo is exactly the design element that makes the summer cottage not just a place for growing vegetables and fruits, but a recreation and relaxation area after working days. When the design of backyard gazebos is done competently and with love, they become everyone's favorite place to meet friends, barbecue, read books and even an office for working in the fresh air.

Arranging a gazebo in the country with your own hands is possible in almost any style: from classic and oriental design to modern minimalism and fusion. The main thing is that it harmoniously fits into the overall exterior of the site, and not be a “black sheep” on it. For the same purpose, the view of the structure is brought closer to other buildings and the house. This is done by selecting the same building materials, finishing methods or similar geometric shapes elements.

More about styles

You can decorate the summer terrace with your own hands. Given the relative simplicity of the design, this is not so difficult - you need to choose the right style. Among the most common are:

  1. If you choose, for example, a modern design style, then the construction will also take place very quickly. After all, modern design trends involve the use of light and durable materials and a simple building structure. It can be polycarbonate sheets that line the walls or roof of a garden gazebo. Due to their translucency, they will create the desired shade and protect from wind and rain. Also common are the glass walls of gazebos, which have unusual view decorated with stained glass windows.
  2. It is easy to build a gazebo with your own hands in a rustic or so-called country style. Only natural materials are appropriate here, wood is better. Suitable and natural stone. You can decorate it with snags, stumps, large boulders at the entrance, a reed roof, rough log furniture. The main thing is to protect natural wood from impacts. environment. It is covered with special stains, varnishes or painted.
  3. The classics are characterized by solidity and functionality of all elements of the interior. Summer terraces made of brick or stone, making them large and durable. Such a house can become a dining area for a large family or a continuation of the veranda,. Inside the classic gazebo will perfectly complement wicker furniture rattan, rocking chair, hearth for cooking.
  4. Eastern terraces have smooth lines and simple design. They are light and graceful. This may well be a frame with a colorful fabric thrown over it or an openwork forged work of art. Decorate them with bright pillows, lanterns, flying curtains.

Green decor of summer buildings

The self-built terrace needs to be ennobled. The easiest way to do this is with flowers, green spaces, undersized coniferous plants and, of course, climbing crops. So even a pergola (an open arch of pillars and a lattice roof) will become a cozy and protected place from the sun and dust.

You can decorate gazebos with flowers both outside and inside. It is necessary to ensure that the decor matches general style and the direct purpose of the summer structure. A country-style terrace is suitable for decoration of several types. flowering plants, they are planted in boxes located on several floors. It would also be appropriate to wrap one of the walls or corners of the building with wild grapes or ivy.

But the design of the wrought-iron terrace should be restrained so as not to cover the beauty of openwork and metal weaves. Around it, you can plant low-growing shrubs and perennial flowers.

It is necessary to take into account the growth rate of the selected plants, their durability, correctly positioned in relation to the sun and wind direction. After all, a hedge will perfectly replace a real wall, create coolness and hide from prying eyes. If the building itself is a decoration of the garden area, then low plants that cover only the foundation will come in handy.

Textiles as part of the decor

The gazebo in the country is decorated with their own hands with various fabrics, awnings. It can be:

  • a roof or walls covered with a dense textile fabric that can shelter from the sun and even sudden rain;
  • light air curtains that create a feeling of weightlessness and flight;
  • quite functional heavy curtains, which, if necessary, cover the sunny side;
  • bright pillows, mats, rugs and blankets will add coziness and make a juicy accent.

If it is better to entrust the construction of a garden terrace to specialists, then you can and should deal with its design and arrangement at your own dacha on your own. After all, no designer can fully guess all the needs and preferences of the owner. And it’s not at all difficult to make decor with flowers, fabrics, lamps, lanterns and other decorations with your own hands.

Let's talk about how to decorate a gazebo with your own hands, because it's not enough just to build a gazebo, you need to give it an aesthetic look. It is on how beautifully and correctly the summerhouse will be framed that the overall impression of the site depends.

Do not know how to decorate a gazebo in the country? In this case, listen to the helpful tips that offer professional designers. You will be able to show your creativity, fantasy, use original jewelry, make the most cherished desires come true.

Design features

How to decorate a gazebo with flowers? This question is relevant, because the summer vacation is associated with flowers and greenery. Many owners of summer cottages dream of morning coffee in their own gazebo, the opportunity to enjoy fresh air, numerous smells of flowers and greenery.

Advice! Flowers are ideal for creating partial shade in the gazebo. They do not let direct sunlight into the gazebo, create a pleasant coolness.

Flowers around the gazebo in the country, photos of which can be found on professional design sites, are optimal for landscape design in the Provence style.

Style decisions

Discussing how to decorate this room so that it becomes the pride of its owner, we note that it is necessary to think over the style in which this room will be decorated.

Useful tips on how best to decorate the gazebo with your own hands: photos, expert recommendations, all this can be found in the video fragment

Attention! Summer veranda, which is being built on personal plot, must necessarily fit harmoniously into the overall landscape design, which is selected for the entire backyard.

For example, you can decorate a gazebo, which is built in a classic style, with hanging planters with bright begonias. For modernity, you can come up with metal portable structures for flowers, which will become a stylish detail of the overall interior, harmoniously fit into the overall project.

Classical arbors are characterized by the proportionality of the building, strict lines, simplicity and restraint in decorating.

Advice! As a supplement in this interior direction, professionals consider garden furniture from natural wood, natural linen bedspreads, flower beds.

Country style (country) is associated with the use of natural materials

To decorate the gazebo in the garden with your own hands in this interior direction, you can use natural materials such as raw wood, twig fences. When decorating a personal plot with green plants, you can choose horticultural crops, bright flowers.

Among the styles that professional interior designers have increasingly preferred to work with in recent years, oriental style occupies a special place.

How to decorate a gazebo with your own hands so that it resembles a real oriental palace? To begin with, you need to know that eastbound associated with sophistication, splendor, luxury. This direction allows you to achieve visual smoothing of space, creating smooth and unusual lines.

Advice! For oriental style, professionals recommend using glazing of gazebos with frosted glass.

Don't know how to decorate a gazebo in kindergarten? Use the elements of oriental style, create a real oriental fairy tale for kids.

In addition, in kindergarten, you can choose natural fabrics to decorate the veranda.

When choosing for decoration modern style, the use of a variety of polymeric materials is acceptable. For example, professionals combine concrete, glass, metal in decorating, creating original interiors for country arbors.

Let's continue the conversation about how to decorate the veranda with your own hands. For example, the walls of the room can be upholstered with a dense fabric. Professionals choose this decoration option for eco-style, the popularity of which is growing among owners of summer cottages.

Advice! Those owners of suburban real estate who could not decide on the direction for decorating summer arbors, designers recommend trying mixing several styles.

"Fuji", and this is what this design option is called, will fully meet the tastes of the owners, will help make this room a real center of attraction for all family members, numerous guests of the house.

Work materials

To turn a summer room into a real corner of paradise, you will need certain materials, creative imagination, and patience. Process of creation summer veranda consists of several stages. First, the direct construction of the gazebo is carried out, and at the second stage, the room is decorated with greenery, various fashionable details and accessories that are suitable for the style chosen for work.

At correct selection finishing materials, can be significantly improved. appearance arbors, besides to emphasize its individuality and originality, to make the arbor the "calling card" of your summer cottage.

Among the most common materials used for interior decoration, colored glass, fabrics, as well as polymer materials. For example, if the gazebo is made in the form of a canopy, the roof for it can be made of modern polycarbonate.

Window openings in the gazebo can be supplemented with colored glass, creating unusual stained-glass windows. The fabric is suitable not only for window decoration, it can be supplemented with garden furniture, the entrance to the gazebo.

For example, linen curtains fit harmoniously into a classic, rustic style, and besides, they are absolutely safe for health.

An interesting solution would be to use a hedge to decorate the entrance to the gazebo. In addition to the decorative function, the plants will also protect from the wind, getting into the structure of the sun's rays.

Attention! Plants chosen for landscape design should be combined with the style direction chosen for decoration.

For example, if a small pergola is decorated in a rustic style, there should not be bright multi-colored plants inside it. But ornamental shrubs, for example, garden grapes, from which beautiful and fragrant berries will hang, fit perfectly into the created image.


It is not enough just to build a beautiful gazebo on your personal plot, it is important to choose materials for decorating it, so that after the completion of all finishing and landscaping work, the site becomes a real paradise. summer room is not a separate element, but integral part a common project, so its decoration is carried out taking into account the general trends chosen throughout the backyard.

Inside it should not be a huge number of different pieces of furniture, accessories, it is important to observe moderation so that the room does not turn from a place for rest and relaxation into a place for placing unnecessary furniture and household appliances. Modern materials offered on the construction market make it possible to implement when decorating, to create cozy and functional interiors.

Stylish, beautiful gazebos, photos of which can be seen in our gallery, no doubt have artistic value and significantly affect the landscape design of the site. Of course, decorative gazebos are functional small architectural forms designed for outdoor recreation, but it is much more pleasant to relax in comfort, surrounded by beautiful plants, in silence and coolness, where everything sets you up for relaxation, peace and good mood.

In this article we will talk about design, tell you how to choose a style, how to choose furnishings and plants, how to beautifully design and decorate a gazebo with your own hands. And, of course, we have selected for you a lot of photos with interesting, original and unique design solutions.

What you need to know to create a stylish and beautiful gazebo

Each beautiful gazebo, whether it is located in the country, and you use it only in the warm season and on weekends, or it stands on the garden plot of a private house, it must harmoniously combine content and idea. The idea is the form, the material from which the building is made, the style, the decorations. The content is responsible for functionality, practicality and convenience, and includes interior design: furniture, textiles, lighting.

In the photo there is a gazebo-turret in the Ukrainian style, a thatched roof and a fence-parapet - specific traits design

The gazebo is indispensable architectural element landscape design, which should delicately fit into the design of the site, and echo the design of the main house. There are two types of buildings - closed and open. They are made from stone, wood, brick, metal, and even climbing plants, shrubs and trees. And besides, modern gazebos can be of different shapes: rectangular, multifaceted, round, combined, and at the same time differ among themselves by the type of roof: domed, hipped, single-pitched and multi-pitched, conical, etc.

The simple design of the gazebo is complemented by beautiful vegetation - this is both decoration and protection from wind and sun.

Round buildings, the basis of which are columns (concrete, stone, wooden, iron), topped with a dome, have beautiful name rotunda. And an elongated gazebo, with light lattice walls, or without them at all, under a vaulted or straight roof is called in the French manner - a belvedere. And if the same gazebo is glazed on all sides or sewn up with blank walls, then this will already be a pavilion. There are also tea houses, oriental-style tents, covered Laplanders - grill houses that came from Finnish culture.

Arbor in the style of a Russian hut, the design complements the decoration with wood carvings


There are many styles of gazebos, but at the first stage, choosing the design of the gazebo, first of all, you need to answer a number of questions for yourself:

  • whether it will be indoor or outdoor;
  • What is the budget for construction?

And only after the answers, you can decide on the style of the gazebo.

Sometimes nature itself thinks over the design of the gazebo


Let's start our review with country, without a doubt, this is the most popular style for arbors. It contains several stylistic design directions at once, reflecting the color and originality of the rural way of life. But above all, this style is for those who are trying to avoid excessive urbanization in their daily lives.

Beautiful gazebos for summer cottages, the airiness of forging decorates and balances the massiveness of the structure

The photo shows a Russian-style house, the design is complemented by characteristic massive furniture

Japanese arbors photo, simple and beautiful, without unnecessary details, but gracefully

Nothing in the design of such an arbor distracts from the contemplation of the landscape, moderation and tranquility in every detail. But I must say that some coquetry is inherent in the Japanese style, the decoration is often original two or more tiered roofs, and, of course, a decorative grille, but the slats are still placed vertically and horizontally, this is clearly seen in the photo below.

Japanese-style gazebo, decorated with strict lattices

Advice: Japanese and Chinese style gazebos tend to be open on all sides. If you live in a region where there is constant wind, consider a glazing system, or thick awning curtains, or give up such a design idea.


Arbor in Provence style - French romance on your garden plot. As a rule, buildings in this design are made of wood, but not heavy, but fairly light slats, and painted white. These gazebos are simple, uncomplicated, very often rectangular, but richly decorated with wooden lattice, this gives the impression of lightness and airiness.

Spacious gazebo in Provence style

Equip such a space with special comfort, a lot of textiles, comfortable seats, characteristic French design and a round table and chairs with curved legs. Since this is an outdoor building, wicker garden furniture is also appropriate here.

The photo clearly shows that the Provence style surprisingly combines aristocracy and the simplicity of the rustic way of life.

Scandinavian style

Finland, Norway, Sweden - all these countries are united by one characteristic feature, a difficult climate, and hence the peculiar design in architecture. The design of buildings is aimed at sheltering from wind, rain, and cold. It must be said that country style Scandinavia is very similar to Russian, which is why it is so in demand in areas with unpredictable somersaults of nature.

The photo shows a closed country gazebo, made in the Scandinavian style

Recently, closed gazebos are gaining popularity, they are also called grill houses or Laplanders, it is pleasant to be in such a building even in winter, especially if you put a stove or barbecue in it.

Arbor design with barbecue, photo of Finnish Lapland


Design in the mediterranean nautical style simple forms are inherent, gazebos are usually open summer areas: a canopy on poles. The sides are draped with light curtains, they resemble sails. The atmosphere should be conducive to rest and relaxation, these are sun loungers, sofas, comfortable chairs, hammocks. Very often gazebos in mediterranean style equipped with comfortable wicker furniture.

Mediterranean design, photo of the interior of the gazebo inside

Such a building is easy to build in the garden with your own hands. It is enough to dig poles around the perimeter and arrange a polycarbonate roof.

High tech

A high-tech gazebo is simple, technologically advanced, as they say, without extra centimeters, with virtually no decorations. As a rule, the design of buildings is based on modern materials: plastic, polycarbonate, acrylic stone. Strictness and consistency in everything. It is difficult to imagine warm friendly gatherings in such a room, but on the other hand, banquets, business dinners, social events - a high-tech gazebo is the best fit for these purposes.

Photo of a high-tech gazebo: simple, discreet, made of modern materials

A little about beauty

Even with a great desire for all design styles You can’t tell in one article, but we will mention the most popular ones. For example, gazebos in the classic Italian style- these are openwork, carved designs that will undoubtedly become an adornment of any garden. Modern design is somewhat simplified, but nevertheless, even in simplicity there is an elegance of style.

Photos of gazebos in classic and modern Italian style

For our latitudes, neoclassical gazebos are very suitable, structures on massive columns, usually protected from the sides by bars or glass. But it is not recommended to build them near small houses, the proportions are violated, and with them the harmony of the entire architectural ensemble.

Photo of a brick building, design - neoclassicism

Let us draw the attention of readers to such material as bamboo. I must say that gazebos are built from it in any style, from purely Asian design to classical buildings more familiar to Europeans. But the material itself stylizes the design, a zest appears in it, look at the photo below, this can be seen with the naked eye.

The photo shows a building in a classic design, made of non-traditional materials.


But even the most beautiful and elegant gazebo needs decoration, which means it is necessary to bring comfort and decorate the building. In the matter of interior design, you can not resort to design services, but show your imagination.

Start getting creative with lighting, it instantly transforms the appearance of the gazebo. These are bronze lanterns, and christmas garlands and diode tape. Be sure to illuminate the plants with halogen lamps, at night it looks magical.

Advice: Unless it is an enclosed space, all fixtures must be for outdoor use. With special protection against moisture.

Competent lighting will emphasize the design of the gazebo and the beauty of the garden, give the building a fabulous mystery.

Thinking over the design of summer arbors in the yard, pay special attention to plants. Arrange flowerbeds with bright annuals in front of the entrance, the sides of the building can be decorated with trellises and put curly flowers on them, vine. Hang a planter with alpine flowers under the roof. Plant fruit trees around the gazebo: cherry, plum, apricot, apple tree. In the spring they will decorate the gazebo beautiful flowering, in the summer they will “treat” you with berries and give you a shade, and in the fall they will delight you with bulk apples. And do not forget about shrubs, for example, growing, currant bushes turn into hedge, and berries with an abundance of vitamin C will help you pass the winter.

Making potted plants in an open gazebo

The decoration of the gazebo will be flowers in pots, which can be decorated with decoupage or painted in bright colors. Hang curtains, and preferably also mosquito net. Sew beautiful pillows and blankets. But do not forget that the covers must be removed.

Important: Try to choose waterproof textiles so that even the rain does not overshadow your outdoor activities.

The gazebo is part of the landscape design, try to ensure that all elements of the garden intersect in style

Near the gazebo, you can place a swing, a playground, or equip a fabulous house for children. Now on sale is just a huge selection of garden sculptures. These are statues in the classical style, and funny fairy-tale heroes, and little animals. Pick up decor elements for the design of your gazebo, so as not to slip into bad taste.

Decorative design should match the design of the gazebo

You can also creatively arrange the path leading to the gazebo, lay it out with tiles or stone, decorate on the sides bright flowers, spices will be appropriate here. It would be nice to organize a small pond along the way and a bridge across it. You can lay out a pond with cobblestones, plant banks with irises, fish will delight not only children, but will not leave adults indifferent. And you can build alpine slide with a waterfall or a fountain is always a spectacular decoration.

Do not be afraid to invent, invent, experiment. At first glance, it seems that it is difficult and expensive to think over the design correctly, decorate and decorate home gazebos beautifully, but such decorations in the garden can be done with your own hands. Design is not a dogma or strict rules, it is an opportunity to show your imagination and realize your creativity.

The gazebo, built on a personal plot or cottage, very quickly becomes a favorite place for adults and children to relax, because it allows you to hide from prying eyes, while spending time on outdoors. Several useful ideas and tips on how to decorate the gazebo will help change its appearance, depending on the time of year, the occasion or the mood of the owners. For this purpose, you can use fresh or artificial flowers, textiles, decorative lighting, various decorative elements.

Decorating a gazebo in different interior styles

Since the gazebo, in most cases, is part of the overall architectural ensemble, it is usually erected in the same style with the house and other buildings on the site. However, there are many ways to decorate a gazebo with your own hands, using simple design techniques that allow you to transform the same room beyond recognition, making just small touches with the help of interior details, furniture, paints and decor items.

Chalet-style gazebo

French village decor

For elegant buildings built in the Provence style, the use of a frame made of timber and sheathing made of boards, usually painted in white or delicate pastel colors, is typical. Often, in order to make the building more light and openwork, it is surrounded by thin railings with beautifully shaped balusters, or lattice partitions made of interlaced planks are used as walls. It is obligatory to have a stone or wooden floor, processed with the preservation of all the features and natural defects of the material.

But even if the building was originally made in a different style direction, it is quite easy to decorate it, turning it into a small piece of a cute French village.

Little piece of France

To change the visual perception of the building, it is enough to paint it in some pastel color, artificially giving the tree a touch of antiquity, which is typical for Provencal style, and plant bushes around it climbing roses, launching whips on the walls.

Another option is to place wooden boxes with fragrant lavender and herbs around the perimeter or on the walls. Flowers are welcome in flowerpots, pots and vases both inside and outside the building.

One of the examples of how to decorate a gazebo with your own hands in the style of Provence is in the photo.

Special attention should be given to furniture and textiles. The table and chairs can be not only wooden, but also forged. In the modern interpretation of Provence, light wicker rattan furniture is often used for decoration, which also looks quite harmonious.

It would be very appropriate to have thin curtains around the perimeter in pastel colors or with a small floral pattern. Small pillows on benches or chairs, a tablecloth on a table, being one of important elements Provencal style, will create additional coziness and comfort.

Making a gazebo in the style of Provence

Features of Japanese and Chinese style decoration

Having invited friends for tea, you can surprise them by decorating a gazebo in Chinese or Japanese style and arranging a real tea ceremony.

The interior design of the gazebo in the Japanese style involves the presence of two recreation areas: internal and external. The creation of an external zone involves the installation of furniture around the outer perimeter of the building.

Inner space gazebos in oriental style should not be cluttered. The main element that creates style is simple multifunctional furniture: a wooden podium covered with mats, a low table with stools, wicker chairs or benches decorated with carvings.

Preference in design should be given only to natural materials - dark wood, bamboo and rice paper items, decorated with hand-painted or its imitation.

The Japanese gazebo is characterized by the use of interior accents against a general dark background of restrained colors(the color of sakura, lotus, water chestnut or light birch), and for the Chinese style, bright accents are preferable - red, orange, yellow.

The easiest Chinese and Japanese style recreate with furniture

Marine gazebo away from the sea

Here are some tips on how to decorate a gazebo in a nautical style cottage:

  • lay out the floor inside the structure, as well as the paths around with sea pebbles, sand and shells;
  • wooden structures paint in "marine" colors - white, blue, blue or turquoise;
  • use for wall decoration life buoys, ropes with marine knots and fishing nets, from which you can also make original curtains by folding them in several layers;
  • use all the souvenirs you brought with you from the seaside resort - shells, ship models, pictures and more. They can decorate walls, tables, lamps;
  • from furniture, give preference to several wicker chairs, decorating them with soft multi-colored pillows;
  • if the area allows, hang a hammock inside, and put an “antique” wooden chest in the corner.

Arbor with marine decor elements

How to decorate and insulate a gazebo for a winter holiday

Since the gazebo is most often an open or semi-open building, there is an opinion that it is suitable for use only in warm weather. But if you approach decoration with imagination, then in winter you can have a great time in it, enjoying the frosty air and a glass of hot mulled wine.

The equipment of the fireplace in the gazebo will make it comfortable for relaxing in the winter

Here are some useful ideas on how to insulate and decorate garden gazebo in winter time:

  1. Equip a small fireplace in the center or in the corner (for wooden structures, it is better to choose an electric imitation). It is advisable to use infrared heaters that heat the human body.
  2. To add coziness and protect yourself from the wind, hang the walls thick curtains.
  3. Pillows and blankets on chairs will help to keep a seated person warm. The latest hit is plaids with sleeves that allow you to completely hide without restricting hand movements.
  4. Provide plenty of different sources of soft subdued light, as they psychologically create a feeling of warmth. For example, place large candles in closed candlesticks on the floor, and hang flickering garlands under the roof or along the columns.

Original approach to design

Maximum naturalness

Elegant classic

To describe all the options for how you can decorate a gazebo at home or in the country with your own hands, even a few dozen pages of text will not be enough, since new trends, materials and decoration techniques are constantly emerging. The main thing in this process is to completely surrender to your own feelings and arrange everything so that this small building really becomes a comfortable place for relaxation.