Open verandas patio terraces. Pergolas, terraces and patios in the garden. ideas. Photo. Laying methods, types of terrace coverage

Lily varieties with photos and names

Every year, breeders breed new varieties of lilies, the number of which has long exceeded the five thousandth mark. Each of them has its own characteristics:

  • stem height;
  • size, shape and color of flowers;
  • flowering periods;
  • growing conditions requirements.

Asian popular varieties with photos and descriptions

The most popular among gardeners around the world are Asiatic lilies, varieties, photos and descriptions of which are discussed in this section. The flowers of this group are not demanding to care for and tolerate harsh winters. The variety of bred varieties allows you to choose lilies for every taste - dwarf and up to one and a half meters high, all kinds of shapes and colors of flowers, except for shades of blue and blue.

Marlene (Russian Marlene)

This variety is famous for its abundant flowering in June-July. Light green stem powerful, 80-100 cm high. Leaves 13-15 cm long, pointed. Large flowers, reaching a diameter of 20 cm, have a very delicate color with light red dot in the center.

At the base of the petals, the color is cream, at the tips - deep pink. On one stem of Marlene lily, up to 100 buds can form.

Lion Heart (Russian Lion Heart)

The stems of this variety of lilies rise to 60-80 cm and bear 10-12 flowers of medium size (12-15 cm). The color of the flowers is defiant - black with a purple tint, and the base and tips of the petals are bright yellow. Dark purple dots are scattered throughout the petal.

Annamarie Dream (Russian Annamaria Dream)

Medium-sized variety, up to 60 cm. Peduncle bears 7-9 bottles. The flower is double, medium in size, without specks, with bright burgundy stamens in the center and white or white-cream color of the petals.

Black Out (Russian Black Out)

Tall variety, 110-125 cm. Dark red saturated color gives the flowers an extraordinary beauty. Petals are glossy, with dark spots. The main vein on them is expressed more dark color up to blue-black.

Lollupop (Russian Lollipop)

Representatives of this variety are medium tall (90-100 cm). Large, two-color flowers (white in the center and with bright pink or crimson tips), without specks, arranged in inflorescences of 3-5 pieces. Distinctive feature of this variety are large bulbs.

Flore Pleno (Russian Flore Pleno)

Describing the types of garden lilies, one cannot fail to mention the variety Flore Pleno. It is tall, up to 120 cm, a representative of Asian hybrids with dense double flowers and upturned petals. The color of the flowers is fiery orange with tiger spots all over the petal.

Flore Pleno blooms in July. It does not form seeds, but children (heads, or bulbs) are formed in the leaf axils for reproduction.

Oriental lily hybrids - varieties and description

All types of garden lilies, photos and descriptions of which are discussed in the catalog, have their own characteristics. So, oriental hybrids are distinguished by large flowers and an unusually charming aroma. Compared to other types of lilies, they are very demanding on growing conditions and overwintering of the bulbs. They bloom later than Asian hybrids, in July-August.

Lovely Girl (Russian Lovely Girl)

The oriental hybrid of the Lovely Girl variety is famous for its extraordinary beauty. This is a medium-sized variety, 70-80 cm high. The flowers are large, they can reach 20 cm in diameter. The color of the flowers is cream, with a bright yellow longitudinal spot along the entire length of the petal and a red speck. The edges of the petals are wavy.

Magic Star (Russian Magic Star)

Beautiful oriental lilies, the varieties, photos and descriptions of which we are considering, are the dream of every gardener. Magic Star is no exception, a medium-sized variety, up to 100 cm in height. The flowers really resemble a magic star - densely doubled, up to 20 cm in diameter. Their color is pink with a bright crimson spot along the petal and a rare speck. The edging of the petals is white, corrugated.

Barbados (Russian Barbados)

The famous Barbados variety in all its glory represents oriental varieties of lilies, the photos of which illustrate their extraordinary beauty. Stem 90-110 cm high bears up to nine large buds. Flowers up to 25 cm in diameter, rich crimson with specks and white edging along a wavy edge.

Casablanca (Russian Casablanca)

Tall, up to 120 cm, a representative of oriental lilies with a heady aroma. The flowers are very large, up to 25 cm, snow-white, without specks. Up to 9 flowers bloom simultaneously on each stem.

Extravaganza (Russian Extravaganza)

The Extravaganza variety is famous for its fragrant, delicate and very large flowers. Their color is white with a pale pink longitudinal stripe and bright specks. The petals are moderately corrugated and slightly bent. Oriental garden lilies, varieties, photos and characteristics of which are described in the article, will certainly become an ornament for a garden decorated in any style.

Lily hybrids Longiflorum Asian

Modern hybrids, bred relatively recently, have absorbed best qualities their species ancestors. LA hybrids, or Longiflorum Asian hybrids, are a modern group of varieties that breeders obtained by crossing representatives of long-flowered and Asian species. These garden lilies, varieties, photos, and descriptions of which are presented in the article, delight with large flowers with a delicate aroma, endure all the vagaries of the weather, and are suitable for forcing.

Indian Diamond (Russian Indian Diamond)

In height, this representative can reach one and a half meters. Large flowers of bright orange color without specks. 7-9 buds on the stem are directed both up and to the sides, and create an incredibly beautiful orange "hat".

Ceb Dazzele (Russian Keb Dazzle)

The stem of this variety of lilies bears 5-7 buds and reaches a height of 100-110 cm. Bright yellow flowers with a rare speck at the base are directed upwards.

Samur (Russian Samur)

Spectacular LA-hybrid. The bush is very powerful, the flowers are purple with a white center and a dark crimson edging.

Hybrid Group Oriental Trumpet

The tubular and Oriental lily species were taken by breeders to develop hybrid varieties of the Oriental Trumpet group. Large flowers have a bright color of various shades. Flowers are arranged in groups of 12-15 pieces.

Black Beauty (Russian Black Beauty)

One of the first represents the group to which OT hybrids belong, the Black Beauty lily variety, its photo is amazing, but does not convey all its beauty. Tall, up to 2 m stem carries a lot of buds. The flowers are turban-shaped, cherry-colored with a greenish spot at the base and a white edging. There are dark papillomas on the petals.

Northern Carillon (Russian Northern Carillon)

This variety of lily can safely be called legendary. For many years he was considered the best OT hybrid of Canadian selection. In spring, the leaves of this lily are purple. The flowers are drooping, white with a bright crimson center. On one stem up to 20 flowers, the size of which can reach 30 cm in diameter.

Shocking (Russian Shocking)

Stems 80-100 cm high, leafy. Flowers multiple, muted yellow or peach color with bright red strokes. The throat of the flower is light green with red dots. Lilies of the variety, the photos of which are presented below, will make a splash in your garden.

The best varieties of lilies for Siberia and the Urals

Lilies are grown not only in the southern regions, but also in the difficult climatic conditions of Siberia and the Urals. Frost-resistant varieties of lilies for Siberia, whose photos and names you will find in our article, are not afraid of sharp climatic changes and calmly endure cold winters.

In cold regions, LA hybrids are grown, varieties of curly lilies, Asian hybrids, photo varieties and names of which are described in this article. Curly lily hybrids or Martagon are very hardy, grow on any soil and are not pretentious in care.

The stems of Martagon lilies are tall, the flowers are usually turban-shaped, not large. The color of the flowers is varied - from light pink to purple with many shades. Suitable also, the flowers of the Nicotine variety are orange in color with purple specks.

Some varieties of oriental hybrids with increased frost resistance are also chosen for cultivation in Siberia. Among them is the variety Siberia with white corrugated flowers.


It is impossible to list all varieties and types of lilies with photos and descriptions, so we told you about the most popular and popular ones among gardeners. We are sure that out of all the variety of these incredible beautiful flowers, you will find ones that will suit your taste and will delight you in the garden for many years to come.

Lily is a genus of perennial bulbous plants of the Liliaceae family. There are just over a hundred species in the genus, native to Asia and North America.

Lilies are herbaceous plants with erect stems, from 60 to 180 cm high. The bulbs are naked or scaly, ovoid or round in shape, they do not look like amaryllis bulbs - they consist of small slices that fit tightly to each other. The roots of lilies depart from the bottom in a powerful bunch - white.

In some North American species, instead of bulbs, there is a rhizome, on which there are many small nodules. In most species, the bulbs are located deep in the soil, in some species closer to the surface.

Lily leaves are mostly sessile, without petioles, linear-lanceolate, about 1.5-2 cm wide and up to 20 cm long. In some species, aerial bulbs are formed on the stems, in the axils of the leaves - they can be used for reproduction.

Lily flowers are solitary or collected in several pieces in umbrella inflorescences. Sometimes the number of flowers in inflorescences reaches 35-40 - support is required to support the heavy flower caps.

The perianth of the flower is funnel-shaped, consists of six lobes. The color of flowers can be very diverse: there are white lilies, red, yellow, orange, pink, lilac and almost purple, as a rule, all with specks, stripes or spots with inside. The fruit is a box. Seeds are flat, membranous, about 5 mm wide, almost triangular shape, very light, adapted to be carried far by the wind.

Types of lilies and classifications

About 30 species of lilies, including hybrids, are common in horticulture in many countries. Since the distribution area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis genus is quite wide, they differ not only in structure, but also in requirements for soil, humidity, and temperatures.

Classification of species lilies Comber

The main classification of lilies, proposed by Harold Comber in 1949, included 9 groups of lilies that combined species lilies, today there are 7 of them. The English scientist took into account the types and conditions of germination sites, the structure of the bulbs, the shape of the flower, inflorescences, and seeds.

However, the international program for accepted scientific names and synonyms of plant families WCSP (World Checklist of Selected Plant Families) was revised several times and by 2014 made a final review. Species lilies in the International Horticultural Society have been grouped into seven divisions as follows:

  • martagon
  • Pseudolirium
  • Liriotypus
  • Archelirion
  • Sinomartagon
  • Leucolirion
  • Daurolirion

Martagon section

Habitat: Europe, North and East Asia

Includes types:

  • curly lily Lilium martagon
  • Hanson's Lily Lilium hansonii
  • Lily graceful Lilium debile
  • Lily Tsingtau Lilium tsingtauense
  • Lily double row Lilium disfichum

Description of the section: bulbs germinate slowly, underground type, scales of bulbs with constrictions (except Hanson's lily), stems are straight, whorled leaves. The tepals are smooth, the flowers are small, the fruit is a capsule of the same length and width, the seeds are heavy.

Section Pseudolirium

North American Species:

  • Lily Parry Lilium parryi
  • Lily Humboldt Lilium humboldtii
  • and other North American species.

Description of lilies: all lilies have underground bulbs of slow growth type, stems are straight, leaves are whorled, tepals are smooth.

It is divided into 4 subsections.

  • Subsection a) Lilium humboldtii and bolanderi, lilies from the Pacific coast, have well-formed whole bulbs with large integumentary scales on a weak rhizome.
  • Subsection b) Lilium pardalinum and parryi - Pacific species with a pronounced rhizome, rhizome type bulbs, small constricted scales, ordinary seeds.
  • Subsection c) Lilium superbum and grayi are lilies from the Atlantic coast, form bulbs on stolons, seeds are light.
  • Subsection d) Lilium philadelphicum and catesbaei - originally from the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, differ in the shape of the bulbs - almost straight, the seeds are light.

Section Liriotypus

Native to Europe and Western Asia.

  • Lily polyphyllum Lilium polyphyllum
  • Lily monofraternal Lilium monadelphumj, etc.

Section description: These lilies have an aboveground germination type, most species have a delayed germination type, but Lily bulbiferous, multi-leaved and monofraternal germination is fast.

In all species, the bulbs are white, straight, covered with numerous scales. The stems are erect, do not form suprabulbous roots, the leaves are alternate. The shape of the flower is chalmoid, in the snow-white lily it is wide-funnel-shaped. The seeds are heavy.

Archelirion Section

Native to Japan and China.

  • Lily golden Lilium auratum
  • Lily beautiful Lilium speciosum
  • Japanese lily Lilium japonicum
  • Lily reddish Lilium rubellum, etc.

Description of the section: underground germination, slow, straight bulb, white with whole scales. The stem is erect, supra-bulbous roots are formed. The leaves are alternate on short petioles. The flowers are tubular, in the golden lily and the beautiful lily - wide funnel-shaped.

Sinomartagon section

Homeland - East Asia.

A prominent representative is David's Lily Lilium davidii, the group also includes more than 15 other, less common species:

  • Lily Henry Lilium henryi
  • Lily pleasant Lilium amabile
  • Lily Leuchtlin Lilium Leichtlinii and others.

Description of the section: germination of the above-ground type, fast (in Lily Henry slow). The stems are stolon-shaped, forming supra-bulbous roots. Bulbs in most species are straight, white with whole scales. The leaves are alternate. Flowers are turban-shaped. Seeds are light (in Lily Henry and Lily pleasant Lilium - heavy).

Includes 3 subsections:

  • Subsection a) Henryi-duchartrei - differ in that the perianth lobes and nectaries with papillae, pubescent nectaries, winged seeds, light.
  • Subsection b) Amabile-concolor - differ in that they tend to form two stems from one bulb.
  • subsection c) Ochraceum-sempervivoideum - perianth lobes and nectaries are smooth, seeds are winged.

Section Leucolirion

Native to East Asia. Only 6 types:

  • Lily longiflorum Lilium longiflorum
  • Taiwan lily Lilium formosanum
  • Philippine lily Lilium philippinense
  • Lily Willich Lilium wallichianum
  • lilium wenshanense
  • lilium puerense

Section description: germination of above-ground type, fast; leaves sessile, alternate; whole scales; seeds are light; tubular flowers; pestle long; stem with supra-bulbous roots.

It is divided into 2 subsections.

  • Subsection a) Sargentiae-regale - has dark purple or brown bulbs.
  • Subsection b) Longiflorum-philippinense has white bulbs. The flowers are long and narrow.

Section Daurolirion

Homeland - Northeast Asia.

Includes a single species - Pennsylvania lily Lilium pensylvanicum (synonym or Daurian Lilium dauricum).

Description of the species: germination underground, fast. Bulb straight white, scales with constrictions. The stem is stoloniferous with supra-bulbous roots. The leaves are alternate, petiolate. Flowers directed upwards, tepals with papillae.

Modern classification of species and hybrid lilies

In horticulture different countries popular not only species lilies, but also many hybrids. Selection was carried out on every continent, improving mainly native species. Therefore, the following classification, proposed by The International Lily Register in 1982, combined both species and hybrids and became the most popular among gardeners of all countries. It includes 9 groups:

  1. Asian hybrids
  2. Martagon hybrids
  3. Euro-Caucasian hybrids (Candidum)
  4. American hybrids
  5. Long-flowered hybrids
  6. tubular hybrids
  7. Oriental hybrids
  8. Other hybrids - all others
  9. All natural types and forms

Asian hybrids

Received as a result of selection between species of lilies of the Sinomartagon section - these are:

  • Lily pleasant Lilium amabile
  • Lily bulbous Lilium bulbiferum
  • Lilium callosum Lilium callosum
  • Lily drooping Lilium cernuum
  • Lily single color Lilium concolor
  • Daurian Lily Lilium dauricum
  • Lily of David Lilium davidii
  • Lily lanceolate Lilium lancifolium (brindle)
  • Lily of Lankong Lilium lankongense
  • Lily Leuchtlin Lilium leichtlinii
  • Lily Varda Lilium wardii
  • Lily Wilson Lilium wilsonii
  • Lily dwarf Lilium pumilum
  • Hybrids of spotted lily Lilium × maculatum
  • Lily Scotty hybrids Lilium × scottiae
  • Hybrids of Dutch Lily Lilium × hollandicum

Flowering: June-early August

Bush height: from 50 to 150 cm

flower size Asian lily: about 10-14 cm

Flower shape: cup-shaped, star-shaped or turban-shaped, 6 petals

Features of Asian lily hybrids: winter-hardy, undemanding to sunny places. There are varieties with double flowers. Flowers don't smell. Hybrids form bulbs on the stem.

Lily Martagon

Hybrids and varieties derived from species:

  • Curly lilies Lilium martagon
  • Lilium medeoloides
  • Lily dalhansoni Lilium dalhansonii
  • Hanson's Lilies Lilium hansonii
  • Tsingtaut Lily Lilium tsingtauense

When to plant: late April - May or late September - October

Flowering: mid-June

Bush height: from 110 to 200 cm

Martagon lily flower size: about 6 cm in diameter

Flower shape: chalmoid, petals strongly recurved, flowers drooping, on a high pyramidal inflorescence

Landing type: at a distance of 20-30 cm, at a depth of 20 cm

Soil requirements: neutral or slightly acidic

Features of martagon hybrids: it is believed that white-flowered hybrids and forms are less hardy than the rest, but there are Ural or Siberian martagon lily hybrids that are very frost-resistant. These lilies prefer light partial shade.

  • There are MA - hybrids (Martagon + Asian hybrids) - very demanding on the sun, they do not grow in partial shade. Resistance to diseases is average, the problem is early vegetation - immediately after the snow melts, lilies can freeze slightly.

Lilies Candidum (Euro-Caucasian hybrids)

Hybrids and varieties:

  • white lily Lilium candidum
  • Lily of Chalcedony Lilium chalcedonicum
  • Lily Kesselring Lilium kesselringianum
  • Lilies monofraternal Lilium monadelphum
  • Lily pompon Lilium pomponium
  • Pyrenean lily Lilium pyrenaicum
  • Hybrids of Lily terracotta Lilium × testaceum

V middle lane They are almost never grown in Russia, perhaps only in containers in greenhouses - these lilies are not frost-resistant, the bulbs require a shallow planting - no more than 3 cm, they are not too demanding on sunlight, they allow light partial shade. Easily propagated by scales of bulbs, the soil is preferred slightly alkaline or neutral. Distillation only at home. Flowering from late June or early July.

american lilies

This group includes species and hybrid lilies:

  • Lily Bolander Lilium bolanderi
  • Hybrid Burbank's Lily Lilium × burbankii
  • Canadian lily Lilium canadense
  • Columbian lily Lilium columbianum
  • Lily Gray Lilium grayi
  • Lily Humboldt Lilium humboldtii
  • Lily Kelly Lilium kelleyanum
  • Kellogg's Lily Lilium kelloggii
  • Lily of the sea Lilium maritimum
  • Lily Michaux Lilium michauxii
  • Lily of Michigan Lilium michiganense
  • Western Lily Lilium occidentale
  • Leopard lily Lilium pardalinum
  • Lily Parry Lilium parryi
  • Lily small Lilium parvum
  • Philadelphia lily Lilium philadelphicum
  • Lily Pitkinense Lilium pitkinense
  • Lily magnificent Lilium superbum
  • Lily olmeri Lilium olmeri
  • Lily Washington Lilium washingtonianum
  • Lily Wiggins Lilium wigginsii

When to plant: May or end of September

Flowering: July-August

Bush height: from 80 to 100 cm

American lily flower size: up to 15 cm in diameter

flower shape: chalmoid

Landing type: at a distance of 20-30 cm, at a depth of 20-25 cm

Soil requirements: slightly acidic

Characteristics of American lily hybrids: not hardy, easily scaled, grows in sunny places, does not tolerate heavy soil. Rarely grown in Russia.

longiflorum lilies

Lilium longiflorum Lilium longiflorum and its hybrids.

LA (LA) hybrids are very popular - from Lily longiflorum and Asian species.

When to plant: late April - May or late September - October

bloom july

Bush height: from 80 to 120 cm

Flower size of LA hybrids: about 12-15 cm in diameter

Flower shape: star-shaped, wide open

Landing type: at a distance of 20-30 cm, at a depth of 10-15 cm

Soil requirements: neutral or slightly acidic

Features of LA hybrids: resistance to fungal diseases, good winter hardiness. The flowers are fragrant. Unlike the Asian group, they do not form bulbs on the stems. Can grow with light shade.

tubular lilies

Hybrids from some Asian species

  • Lily of Orleans Lilium × aurelianense
  • Brown's Lily Lilium brownii
  • Lilium × centigale
  • Lily Henry Lilium henryi
  • Lily imperial Lilium × imperial
  • Lilium × kewense
  • white-flowered lily Lilium leucanthum
  • Lily regale Lilium regale
  • Rosthorn Lily Lilium rosthornii
  • Lily Sargent Lilium sargentiae
  • Sulfur Lily Lilium sulphureum
  • Sulphur-yellow lily Lilium × sulphurgale

When to plant: late April - May or late September - October

Flowering: June-September

Bush height: from 110 to 190 cm

Trumpet lily flower size: about 12-18 cm long

Flower shape: tubular or funnel-shaped, there are cup-shaped, star-shaped, drooping

Soil requirements: neutral

Features of tubular hybrids of lilies: they are close in requirements to Asian ones, they are also unpretentious and winter-hardy. They require binding to a support, regular top dressing until the end of flowering.

oriental lilies

Hybrids of two East Asian species:

  • Lilies golden Lilium auratum
  • Lilies beautiful Lilium speciosum

When crossed with some species from Japan:

  • Lily nobilissimum Lilium nobilissimum
  • Royal lily Lilium rubellum
  • Lily Alexandra Lilium alexandrae
  • Japanese lily Lilium japonicum

When to plant: late April - May or late September - October

Flowering: August-September

Bush height: from 30 to 120 cm

Asian lily flower size: about 20-25cm

Flower shape: wide open with ruffled petals

Landing type: at a distance of 20-30 cm, at a depth of 15-20 cm

Soil requirements: neutral or slightly acidic

Peculiarities Eastern hybrids lilies: the largest flowers are very fragrant. Lilies are winter-hardy, but require shelter, form supra-bulbous roots, so mulching is necessary, illumination from full sun to light partial shade. Undersized varieties can be grown in pots.

Lilies belong to perennial bulbous plants of the lily family. This beautiful flower rivals the orchid, but much easier to care for. Since ancient times, lily has won the hearts of people. In pre-revolutionary France, it was considered a symbol of the power of kings, and the city of Susa was the capital ancient persia, in translation means the city of lilies.

The white lily in Christianity symbolizes purity and chastity. Girls are named after the flower in the hope that they will become just as charming. A bouquet of white lilies is a symbol of devotion, beauty and innocence of thoughts.

Variety of species

The lily flower, whose photo conveys all its charm, is common in the Northern Hemisphere. There are about 100 of its wild varieties, but breeders breed many of their hybrids, which today are more than 5 thousand varieties.

Often they are named after their place of origin, and they differ in the following features:

  • flowering time;
  • color, shape and size of the flower;
  • stem height;
  • growing conditions.

Popular snow-white varieties of beautiful lilies

The variety of varieties and types of lilies is explained by the fact that these flowers very popular among breeders. Gardeners of the times of royal Europe were engaged in cultivation of these beautiful flowers.

In the gardens of royalty and aristocratic families, it was considered a special chic to grow different varieties lilies. By the way, many aristocratic families used the image of this flower on their coats of arms.

The variety of varieties allows you to choose for yourself flowers of any size, shade, height and shape. White lilies are considered one of the most beautiful. Here are some of the more popular varieties:

  1. Annamaria Dream belongs to the Asian group of varieties of this beautiful flower. It is a medium-sized plant and its height is up to 60 cm. Such a lily is terry, plain without specks, and in the center there are burgundy stamens. Blooms in 7-9 buds.
  2. Casablanca is a variety of oriental lilies. It belongs to tall varieties with white large flowers, the stem height of which reaches 120 cm. The size of the flower is large and reaches 25 cm, the petals are without specks. When flowering, up to 9 buds bloom on each stem at one time.
  3. Extravaganza is another representative of oriental lilies. It is distinguished by its large and fragrant flowers. On white petals, covered with bright specks, there is a longitudinal pink stripe.
  4. Siberia is a variety of oriental white lilies, distinguished by its frost resistance. Its petals are corrugated, and it is suitable for growing in difficult climatic conditions.

white lily care

After planting, the plant needs to gain strength, so in the first year it is better to remove all or most of the buds. Subsequently, the buds are cut off only from weakened lilies.

Throughout the season the flower needs to be fed which is produced three times. The first dressing is done in the ground in the spring, when the plant has not yet begun to grow. The amount of fertilizer is calculated in the proportion of 50 gr. per 1 sq. m. The second dressing - during the formation of buds (after 2-3 months).

They make it a fertilizer in liquid form at the rate of 40 grams, diluted in 10 liters of water, per 1 sq. m. Can be scattered dry fertilizer on the ground before rain or watering. Third time feed after flowering but no later than mid-August. It is necessary to make 50 gr. dry fertilizer or 40 gr. for 10 liters of liquid.

The soil under the white lily periodically needs to be loosened, weeds pulled out and mulch with humus or peat. This plant does not like excessive moisture, but in drought it needs watering, especially when buds appear. You need to water carefully, trying not to wet the leaves, as this can lead to plant disease.

Tall varieties or with large flowers must be tied up so that they do not break off and do not bend down to the ground. During the first frost, flower stalks and leaves are cut at ground level, unless the plant is replanted. To prevent various diseases, cut stems and leaves must be burned.

This beautiful flower for the winter covered with a layer of humus or leafy ground, up to 10 cm thick. In the spring, such a shelter must be removed until sprouts appear in the lily, but during night frosts, cover the shoots with a film. Good care will be the key to the full growth of the lily.

Planting and transplanting lilies

Purchased bulbs of this plant must be stored in the lower compartment of the refrigerator, where the temperature is slightly more than 0 degrees. To do this, they are placed in plastic bag with holes, filled with dry peat or sphagnum.

Plant flowers in pots, a greenhouse or plastic containers. V open ground flowers can be replant with a clod of earth and only after there are no spring frosts.

Plants aged 4 and 5 years need division and transplant at the beginning of August. By this time, their flowering is weakened due to lack of space for new bulbs and depletion of the soil. If the flowers are affected by any disease, then they must be transplanted at an earlier age.

The transplant date can be postponed to the beginning of September, as it should take about 1.5 months after flowering ends. Before transplanting the stems of the plant, you need cut close to the ground and then just dig out the bulbs.

Need a new place for the lilies pre-shed to the desired depth. Planting depth is 3 times the diameter of the plant bulb. The distance between large varieties of lilies should be 20-25 cm, between undersized - 10-15 cm.

Lily, the photo and description of which are presented in our article, is flowering plant extraordinary beauty, with a pleasant aroma. Since ancient times, the lily has been revered in all cultures. So, in ancient Greece, it was believed that the snow-white flowers of a lily are nothing more than drops of milk from Hera, the wife of Zeus.


Jews believe that this flower is the only culture that has preserved purity and purity after the fall of the first woman on earth - Eve. V Christian culture The white lily is considered a symbol of the Mother of God.

You can meet culture not only in personal garden plots, but also in the city - in parks, flower beds and flower beds. The plant is suitable for various design solutions. However, one should not forget about the rules for growing a plant.

After all, any culture needs attention and care. To grow a beautiful and fragrant beauty, you need to be careful and follow all the necessary rules.

What is a lily?

This is a garden flowering plant. However, some species are suitable for indoor cultivation. This is a perennial culture.

It belongs to the Lily family. This bulbous plant, grown with bulbs. There are about 80 different varieties in the genus.

Thanks to breeding work, a wide variety of varietal species and hybrid varieties have been bred.

The birthplace of the flower is America, Europe and Asia.

The plant got its name rather from the name of the species " White Lily”, since in the ancient Gaulish language the name of the plant “li-li” is translated as “white-white”, despite the fact that in nature there are specimens with flowers of other shades.

Lily is a bulbous perennial plant. Bulbs of culture can have different sizes - from tiny to large (up to 30 cm in diameter).

Bulbs are ball or egg shaped. The root growth point is located on the bottom, where the scales are attached.

The height of the stem depends on the type and variety of the crop. The stem can have a height of about 15 cm, it can grow up to 250 cm. The stem is leafy, erect.

In some varieties, the leaves can twist in a spiral, while in others they create a basal rosette.

Flowers form inflorescences.

The inflorescence can have a cylindrical, umbrella and conical shape. The inflorescence can include up to 30 flowers, but usually their number does not exceed 15.

The flower usually lives up to 9 days. One flower has six petals, while the flowers of double varieties have more petals than ordinary ones. The shape of the flowers may be different. The size of the flower depends on the shape. If a turban-shaped flower has a size of no more than 10 cm, then flat-shaped flowers can reach sizes up to 25 cm.

The color of lilies can be varied: pink, white, yellow, purple, orange, red and others. There are no blue lilies.


There are several varieties of lilies. Among them are the following:



snow white

The most capricious variety of lilies. However, it has an unusual aroma of flowers. The flowers are usually snow-white, may have a yellowish tint. The species has about 30 varieties


Popular, bright variety. The flowers are colorful in color. Petals often have black spots. The view is rather tricky. About 150 varieties are known


Lily, which is distinguished by an elongated bud shape, hence the name of the species. It has a very pleasant aroma. More often grown in greenhouses, because in garden conditions it can suffer from viral diseases.


A very effective kind of culture. The flower is shaped like an elongated gramophone. The view is capricious, requires shelter for the winter


A rather demanding lily that does not tolerate cold weather and is often affected by diseases. About 1500 varieties of this variety are known.

In addition, interspecific hybrids and natural species are also known. Interspecific hybrids are the result of the activities of breeders. They are obtained by crossing different groups.

They differ in beauty, large size, unusual colors. Natural species play an important role in breeding new varieties and hybrids.

The most popular interspecific hybrids include:

  • Asian- the most unpretentious and most popular hybrids
  • Curly lilies or locusts- These are hardy varieties that are resistant to frost and intensive flowering. The stem of the locust can reach a height of up to 2 meters. On one plant there can be up to 25 drooping flowers of bright color with specks

  • Oriental These are hybrids of incredible beauty. At the same time, they are quite capricious. For the winter, such varieties require mandatory shelter, and in the summer they need fertile soil and an abundance of sunlight.
  • LA hybrids- These are spectacular varieties with an unusual and beautiful shape of flowers. color shades such lilies are very diverse. Varieties have a pleasant and delicate aroma. V Lately very popular with flower growers
  • OT hybrids are tall plants with flowers large sizes. In addition, they are unpretentious, resistant to frost and disease. Therefore, they become very popular.

Most popular varieties

There is a wide variety of varieties of lilies, which differ in the shape of the flowers, their color, size of the stems, and the presence of aroma.


This is a hybrid variety of Asiatic lily. Differs in unpretentiousness in cultivation. The stem can grow up to 120 cm. The diameter of the flower can reach 15 cm. The flower has a pale pink color, its center is slightly paler.

An unusual feature of the variety is that more than a hundred buds can grow on one plant. This phenomenon in science is called fasciation. Marlene is not the only variety that has over 100 buds per plant, but is considered the most showy of all.

In order for all the buds to grow and bloom, it is necessary to provide the plant with proper care with fertilizer. The flowering of the variety begins from the end of June. Marlene does not require shelter for the winter.

Needs in summer sunlight. The variety is unpretentious and very refined.

Red Twin

This is an Asian hybrid. Differs in bright red, double flowers. They are quite large, up to 16 cm in diameter.

The height of the stem can reach 110 cm. The variety blooms in the first half of July. Red Twin is an unpretentious variety, it does not require shelter for the winter and is resistant to diseases. Needs nutritious soil and plenty of sunlight.

Lady Alice

This is a brindle hybrid variety. Lady Alice - a variety of unusual colors. The stem can grow up to 150 cm.

The flowers are turban-shaped. The diameter of the flowers does not exceed 15 cm. The color of the petals is white, the center has a rich apricot color.

Flowering occurs at the end of summer. The culture is unpretentious, resistant to frost. Prefers nutritious, neutral or slightly acidic soils. Can grow in full sun and partial shade.

Purple Prince

This is a variety belonging to OT hybrids. This is a tall plant that can grow up to 2 meters.. The flowers are large, their diameter can reach 25 cm. Up to 30 inflorescences can bloom on one plant.

The petals are glossy, their color is bright purple with a burgundy tint. The variety is ideal for planting in flower beds in the background. Flowers are also great in bouquets.

Purple Prince needs a nutrient-rich soil that is neutral to slightly acidic. Can grow in full sun or partial shade. It is recommended to cover for the winter.


This is a variety of lilies, belongs to LO hybrids. The plant itself can grow up to 1 meter in height. Differs in large (up to 25 cm in diameter) flowers of incredible beauty.

Petals are snow-white, to the center - bright pink. The petals are large and slightly curled. Flowering culture occurs in the second half of summer.

One of the advantages of the Triumphant is also a pleasant sweet aroma. The plant blooms up to 20 days. Triumfator is a light-loving and heat-loving variety.

Prefers nutritious and slightly acidic soil. Requires shelter for the winter.

White Triumph

Perennial culture related to LO hybrids. This is a long-flowered variety. Flowers are elongated. The color is snow-white, the center of the petals has a greenish tint.

The variety blooms in the second half of summer. The height of the stem can reach 120 cm. The variety is unpretentious, but needs shelter for the winter.

Miss Fairy

This is a spectacular variety of culture from OT hybrids. It is distinguished by high growth - the stem can grow up to 2.5 meters, so it is often referred to as trees.

Especially spectacular are bright pink flowers, the diameter of which can reach 17 cm. The petals are large, with black patches or with a border of white or red. The variety blooms in the second half of summer.

Their coloration is maroon, almost black. This variety prefers acidic soil and is frost tolerant, but it is advisable to cover the plant for the winter. The variety is unpretentious, not picky about watering.

indoor lily

It occupies a special place potted lily, care at home for which has features. It is grown at home in a pot and is called Amazonian. Otherwise, the Amazonian lily is called eucharis.

Amazon lily flower

What is eucharis? This is a flowering houseplant. Translated into Russian, the name of the culture means "very pleasant."

Eucharis flowers are white in color. Size - about 10 cm or a little more. Not only flowers are decorative, but also eucharis leaves. Large, glossy, bright green - it's all about the leaves of the culture.

Eucharis - indoor beauty

Flowering of a plant is possible twice a year. In order for the culture to please with its incredible flowering, it must be properly looked after. Like other plants, it needs the attention of the owner.

Lilies are one of the most popular flowers in Europe, second only to roses. If we talk about global trends, they take the fourth place in popularity. Various species are commonly found throughout the globe. They are different forms, sizes and colors.

Lilies are good as decoration. These flowers are suitable for creating hedges, can be used as the main flower in a bouquet, for planting large areas. Some of the most small species may even be planted on alpine slide. Lily is the flower of kings. Many royal houses use it as their symbol.

How can you tell if a lily flower is real?

Lily is the flower that gave the name to the whole detachment. There are many species that are called "Lilies", but many of these so-called, such as daylilies (Krasnodnev), water lilies and callas, in fact, belong to other groups of flowering plants.

Plants in the order Liliales grow or rhizome, both of which store nutrients for the winter or during the dry season. Unlike other species, these bring shoots into flowers in globular clusters and are called "umbrellas".

The real ones have fleshy lower leaves without a protective outer coating. Their true flowers never "fall asleep" at night.

Lily varieties

There are many varieties of lilies, but only Asian and Oriental species have gained wide popularity and numerous cultivation.

Asian- small flowers, not very fragrant, wide flowers.

tubular lilies.

Oriental- have persistent aromas and are distinguished by large flowers.

Wild lilies.

martagon- hybrid lilies, edible and edible herbs.

White hybrids.

American hybrids.

Long-flowered hybrids- strong and sweet aroma, large funnel-shaped flowers, usually white.

Different types of lilies in the photo

The easiest way to determine the lily variety is by the photo and its description. we offer you a variety of types of lilies in the photo.

Japanese golden lily (Lilium auratum) originally from Japan, white cup-shaped flowers with a golden ray in the center of the petals and crimson spots on them. The flowers are fragrant and have a large cut.

Tuberous or orange lily (Lilium bulbiferum)- the bulbs are edible. Sweet and mealy, these flowers go well with any meal and can be used as a substitute for potatoes.

Canadian (Lilium canadense).

white lily (Lilium candida)- The bulb is used medicinally, highly sedative, and also has astringent properties.

Lily Henry (Lilium henryi). Relieves spasms of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

Lilium Krameri (Makino, Japanese)- nutritious and useful in breast diseases.

tiger lily (Lilium tigrinum) from China with bright orange flowers, purplish black spots and prominent stamens. They bloom late.

lanceolate lily (Lilium lancifolium) grown for food.

longiflorum lily (Lilium longiflorum) trumpet-shaped, white and waxy flower, early flowering and stem rooting. They are mainly grown in flower beds.

matragon (Lilium martagon)- the bulb of the lily has a diuretic property, as well as a means of stimulating menstruation. This lily has emollient and expectorant properties. They are used to relieve heart disease, pain in the region of the heart and angina.

Lily Pantera (Lilium pardalinum)- flowers up to 1.5 meters in height, red with a yellow center and burgundy spots. The bulbs are edible.

royal lily (Lilium Regal)- perennial flowers unite a group of hybrids that were bred for royal courts.

lily beautiful (Lilium speciosum)- flowers emit a persistent and sweet aroma of honey. Homeland - Japan.

Growing lilies in the garden and at home

Cultivation of lilies is an exciting process, as a result of which you can get beautiful flowers and a lot of fun. The plant is propagated mainly by bulbs, but lilies can be grown from seeds and scales.

Although plants grown from seed are more disease resistant, their only drawback is that they take longer to grow and may even take five to six years to flower in some cases. Thus, for those who grow them, bulbs are the most preferred option.

As a rule, bulbs are planted in autumn or spring in the garden. Cool, porous and well-drained soil is essential for good growth. They can also be grown in containers or outdoors.

Adding plenty of organic matter will improve clay or sandy soil. The bulb will stay in the same spot for several years, so well prepared soil is an investment for the future.

The ideal location for growing lilies is where there is direct sunlight all morning during the summer, with partial shade during the hot hours of the day.

When choosing bulbs, make sure they don't look dry or shriveled and plant them immediately. The correct spacing is usually 12 to 18 cm apart, but varies depending on the variety chosen.

Once the soil is warm in late spring, cover with a 10 cm layer organic mulch around plants. The mulch will keep the soil (and bulbs) moist and insulate them from high temperatures during the summer.

Lily flower: care and subtleties of breeding

Lilies do not require daily watering, but make sure the water penetrates deep enough to reach the bulbs.

Water the plants with a balanced fertilizer every three weeks during the growing season. Avoid highly concentrated nitrogen fertilizers.

To grow a lily, care is required constant and thorough in accordance with the agricultural technology of this plant:

  • remove pods when they appear;
  • remove stems and leaves when they turn yellow;
  • mulch should be removed in late autumn.

To prolong the flowering period, remove the flowers when they wilt. This prevents the plant from wasting energy on seed production.

The meaning of a lily in human life

The importance of a lily in a person's everyday life is difficult to overestimate. It is not only a wonderful element of interior decoration, but also beneficial features with which you can overcome various ailments. The oil obtained from lilies has healing and softening properties. When the oil is mixed with calendula oil, this mixture is great for very sensitive skin.

The oil can also be used for massage, in the bath, after the bath, for children, dry cuticles and elbows, as a moisturizer for the face and as an oil for the skin around the eyes.

The flower symbolizes purity and refined beauty. Depending on the color and type, a flower can convey different meanings.

Because of their stateliness and royalty, they gained a lot symbolic meanings. It is also customary to give them for various celebrations. Among bouquets, the most common types are Casablanca and oriental lily. In addition to bouquets, bulbs of this plant have become a popular gift among women in our time.

Home lily and interesting facts

They are one of the most beautiful and graceful blooming summer flowers. The domestic lily can bloom continuously all year round.

They belong to the genus Lilium, which includes more than 100 known species that grow in all regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Lilium is a genus that is the Latin form of "Lerion" Greek word Lily of the Madonna (white).

red lily was first described in the works of the famous Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus (Linnaeus) in 1753.

They are believed to exist decorative flower much longer than any other, it has been cultivated in gardens as early as 3,000 years ago. Floral design using lilies appeared and became very popular during the 18th dynasty of the Egyptians.

white lily is an archetypal flower symbolizing purity according to early Christian legend, in which the tomb of the Holy Virgin Mary was filled with lilies after her ascension to heaven.