Large-flowered purslane - a flower without hassle. Terry purslane. Growing

Purslane is a light-loving flower usually grown in annual culture. The best landing site is open, warm and sunny. This low plant, so beloved by both landscape designers and summer residents, will create a blooming carpet on the ground when proper care... It can bloom from June to the very frost. This succulent is grown on flower beds, borders, southern balconies and alpine slopes, and, of course, on windows in the summer season.

Features of growing in balcony pots and in the open field

Purslane came to Europe, and then to Russia from the countries of the South and North America... In warmer climates, with mild winters, purslane often becomes a weed, multiplying by self-seeding. The name purslane comes from the Latin portula - which means "collar". This is due to the fact that the seed capsule opens exactly like this: with the gate leaves, only very small.

A box with purslane seeds opens up like a collar, which gave the plant its name

The people call the purslane a rug, because it really rarely grows above 15 centimeters in height, preferring to creep along the surface of the earth. In a room, purslane grows well only in very bright light, preferring southern windows and direct sunlight. It can grow in a room in winter, but with a lack of light it stretches and does not bloom, therefore it is necessary to use additional lighting, best of all with special phytolamps.

Purslane is often called a rug for its ability to creep thickly on the ground.

It is an annual plant with a fusiform and branched root. The stem is brown, branched, fleshy. The leaves are small, shaped like an oblate egg, fleshy. Blooms in June with small flowers appearing in the branches of the stem. Each flower is kept open for only 1 day, then dies off.

Garden purslane is eaten as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, frying or sprinkling young stems with the addition of vegetable oil, garlic, vinegar or fried onions. It is a healthy vegetable that is easy to grow and rich in trace elements.

Garden purslane is eaten both raw and stewed or boiled.

But most often, purslane is bred as an ornamental plant. On plots, it is planted on sunny alpine slides, as bright spots in a flower bed.

Purslane in a flower bed goes very well with decorative deciduous plants

In apartment buildings, purslane is an excellent solution for hot and southern balconies, where ordinary plants burn out from excess sun and heat. It is better to admire them up close, and thanks to the strongly branched stems, it is also planted in hanging baskets.

Purslane is often planted in balcony boxes.

Annual or perennial - which is better

In an annual culture, large-flowered purslane is most often grown, this decorative flower with a wide variety of color shades. They can be white, red, scarlet, yellow, orange, plain and terry.

There are also perennial varieties purslane, but in the open field because of the cold and snowy winter, they can be grown in our conditions only as annuals. Ampel varieties of purslane are most often considered perennials, they can be grown in hanging planters, and for the winter, bring it into a warm room - an apartment or a house, limiting food from September to March and keeping the soil moist. In the spring, such a plant begins to be vigorously fed and cut or simply cut off, stimulating the growth of new shoots or rooting cuttings to obtain new bushes.

In places with warm winter where the temperature does not drop below +10, the purslane hibernates on its own.

Garden purslane often grows like a weed, but is very useful in the diet.

Garden purslane - stem length up to 60 cm, flowers are small, yellow, of no value. Rich in vitamins A, C, E, PP, contains carbohydrates, proteins, carotene. It quenches thirst well, has a positive effect on mood. For medicinal purposes, it is used to lower cholesterol and blood sugar, with insomnia and liver diseases. Young leaves and shoots are eaten, eating them fresh, boiled or preserving them. Very often it is the vegetable garden purslane that grows like a weed, multiplying by self-sowing.

Airy marshmallows and other varieties of purslane

There is a wide variety of decorative varieties on the market - there are those that require maximum light and those that can bloom in the shade, annual and perennial, with simple flowers and terry, and even a mixture of varieties, for those who cannot decide. We give a description of the most common varieties, but breeders are constantly developing new ones.

  • Long summer - an improved version of the terry purslane, it is longer and abundant flowering... Plant height up to 15 cm, blooms only on clear and sunny days, blooming flowers of the most varied colors, reaching a diameter of 5 cm.
  • A merry round dance is a terry purslane, whose flowers bloom even on cloudy days. A flower up to 5 cm in diameter, of various colors. Suitable for ampel cultivation, curbs, balcony boxes.
  • Coral reef is an annual purslane, up to 15 cm high. The diameter of semi-double flowers is 4 cm, the color is coral. It can grow even on the most scanty and poor soil, on sandy or stony soils with minimal watering.
  • F1 cream is an annual purslane variety with cream-colored double flowers. Very beautiful, with strong vigor, grows best on poor and sandy soils. Indispensable in ampelous culture.
  • Cherry is a terry purslane that blooms only in sunny weather. Plant height 12 cm, spreads well, flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, cherry color. Very light-requiring, does not bloom even with the slightest shading. Prefers to grow on sandy and dry sandy soils.
  • Pink terry - the height of the purslane is up to 10 cm, the stems grow up to 30 cm, branches well, forming a dense rug. Flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, terry. Good for balconies, potting.
  • Sunny Princess - a mixture of seeds from the agricultural firm Gavrish - includes double, semi-double and simple varieties of various colors, can grow in a sunny, but damp and cool climate. Grows well on poor and stony soils, even without top dressing. Planted in flowerpots, on curbs, alpine hills.
  • Terry orange - dissolves flowers even in cloudy weather... The plant is small, only 10-15 cm, flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, bright orange. Terry. Resistant to pests and diseases. Can be used for potting, on sunny balconies in boxes.
  • Scheherazade is a large-flowered purslane, non-double, with flowers up to 4 cm in diameter. It opens only on sunny days. Blooms in July. Suitable for growing in containers, pots.
  • Happy Traels F1 - yellow, orange, pink or red-white striped double flowers, up to 23 cm high, forms a mat up to 45 cm in diameter. It is better to plant on flower beds, slides, in containers.
  • Lucky case - large-flowered, two-colored, terry. The color of the petals is white-pink, the stem is light green, up to 25 cm high. It looks very beautiful in balcony boxes, flower beds, flower beds, but it blooms only in sunny weather.
  • Pink haze - the flowers are original, double and semi-double, pale pink in color, very much like roses. It grows well in width, forming a spot about 40 cm in diameter. Grows well on sandy, rocky and poor soils with minimal watering. Highly a good option for ampel landings.
  • Tequila Cherry F1 and Tequila White F1 are vigorous hybrids that grow rapidly to form a mat up to 40 cm in diameter. They grow even in humid climates, on the poorest soils with little or no watering. Terry flowers, up to 5 cm.
  • Solnechny purslane is an annual plant, up to 10 cm high. Flowers are yellow, up to 4 cm in diameter, open only in sunny weather. Undemanding to the soil. It is advisable to plant on the southern slopes of rocky hills.
  • Airy marshmallow- an annual plant that grows only 10 cm in height and spreads well. Terry flowers of various colors: pink, orange, red, white, lilac, with a diameter of 4 to 6 cm. It can grow on ordinary garden soil, in border beds, on balconies, in flowerpots.
  • Sunglo is a perennial purslane with the largest flowers that do not close even in cloudy weather.

Photo gallery: varieties of flowering purslane

variety Airy marshmallow - one of the most popular Long summer - a mixture of double flowers of various colors Merry round dance - a mixture of double ampel flowers Variety Cream F1 with a delicate color and large flowers
variety Cherry - blooms only in sunny weather Variety Pink terry, low with large flowers Terry orange blooms even in cloudy weather Sunny princess - a mixture of shades and shape of petals Variety Happy Traels is a rather tall plant, there are different colors
Sunny purslane - a low annual variety Variety A lucky chance is distinguished by an unusual color A mixture of Scheherazade - non-double petals of different colors Variety Tequila Cherry is distinguished by double cherry-colored flowers variety Pink haze grows well, ampelous

A large selection of varieties allows you to choose exactly the one that the gardener likes, both in terms of flower size and color. Although the decorative purslane loves the sun, there are varieties that bloom in partial shade.

How to propagate purslane

Decorative purslane can be propagated by seeds and cuttings. In regions where winters are warm and summers are long, purslane can give full-fledged seeds and sprout by itself in spring.

Garden purslane reproduces by self-seeding, you can do nothing on purpose.

Reproduction of terry varieties by cuttings

Beautiful hybrid varieties of purslane cannot be propagated by seeds, since they will not pass on the maternal genes, therefore, such purslane is propagated by cuttings:

  1. A piece of a branch, 10-15 cm long, is cut from the plant.
  2. Slightly dry the cut and remove the leaves at a distance of 2-3 cm from it.
  3. The stalk is placed in water or wet sand.
  4. In dry and hot weather, you can cover the cutting with a transparent bag or spray the cutting with water.
  5. The rooted plants are placed in a bright place.

Usually, new roots appear after a few weeks. And they are transplanted in several pieces to a permanent place or in seedling pots.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

To get flowering bushes in June and enjoy their beauty longer, seeds are sown for seedlings in mid-March. Light and warmth (22 degrees and above) are very important for young plants.

The soil for seedlings is selected light, preferably without the addition of peat, which reduces the germination of seeds. Therefore, it is better to use sod and leafy soil with the addition of ¼ part of the washed sand.

If there is no way to make your own soil, then buy ready mix for cacti or succulents

Choose a wide planting container with drainage holes. Small expanded clay or gravel, up to 1 cm high, must be poured onto the bottom of the pot. This is due to the fact that purslane more easily tolerates a lack of moisture than its excess; for proper circulation in the container, there must be good drainage.

The sequence of actions for growing seedlings:

  1. They fill up the earth in a container and moisten it well with rain or melt water. If there is none, then you can use water that has previously settled.
  2. Purslane seeds are small, like a poppy seed, they are sown so that the distance between them is 1 cm, slightly pressing into the soil to a depth of 0.5 cm.
  3. Cover the pot with a film on top and put it in a warm place, with a temperature of at least 22 degrees, but better - 30 degrees. It is desirable that the pot is placed in the light.
  4. If condensation accumulates on the film, you need to ventilate the greenhouse at least once a day.
  5. The first shoots of purslane may appear as early as 7 days. Usually purslane rises in unison, it is immediately rearranged on a sunny and warm windowsill, the film is removed.
  6. Grown up seedlings with 1–2 true leaves dive into individual pots. The earth can be poured up to the cotyledon leaves.
  7. To grow strong purslane seedlings, you need to provide it with an abundance sunlight, heat and moisture, otherwise it stretches. You can light up the seedlings in the morning, in the evening, and in cloudy weather - all day.
  8. Well-growing seedlings require feeding at least once a week. At this stage of growth, you can use a universal mineral fertilizer.

Video - how to sow purslane with double flowers for seedlings

Although purslane has good seed availability, there are times when purchased hybrid terry varieties in sachets do not germinate well. In order to preserve the dearly inherited plants, it is better to propagate them by cuttings in the future.

Sowing directly into the ground

In regions with in early spring and in the long summer, you can plant purslane seeds directly into the ground:

  1. Delicate shoots of purslane can die even with slight frosts, and at +10 0 air they already stop growing, so you should not rush to planting and be sure to cover them with a film overnight.
  2. A bed for purslane is dug up, the top layer of earth is mixed with sand and moistened.
  3. The seeds are mixed with sand and scattered over the soil surface and pressed lightly.
  4. Water regularly as the soil dries up (on sunny days 1-2 times a week).
  5. With uneven germination, grown seedlings with 1–2 true leaves are dived and planted. The earth can be poured up to the cotyledon leaves.
  6. Feed young shoots once a week, after a month - once every 14 days.

Planting seedlings in the ground

The grown seedlings are planted in a permanent place after the threat of recurrent frosts. The air temperature at night should be more than 10 degrees Celsius. V middle lane In Russia, this is the end of May and the beginning of June, in the more northern regions - after June 12, and in the south of Russia - at the beginning of May.

Necessarily a week before planting in the ground, the seedlings of purslane are hardened and accustomed to the sun. Hardening can be carried out on the balcony if it is not possible to take the seedlings to the garden or dacha.

A plant with 10 formed leaves and buds is considered a good seedling.

Where and in what soil is it better to plant a flower

Purslane loves the sun. He is not afraid of even the very hot rays of the southern regions. Where other plants burn, purslane blooms bright colors... Therefore, the best place is the southern slope of the alpine hills, along paths, curbs or separate flower beds on the lawn. If you plant a purslane in the shade, then you can not wait for flowers, but the chosen type of flower will also have an effect.

Purslane is undemanding to the ground, on well-fertilized soils it grows quickly and occupies a large surface, but flowering may be weak. For proper maintenance, place it on lighter, sandy or even rocky soils where purslane blooms profusely.

It is advisable that the purslane is not flooded with rainwater.

Outdoor purslane care

In summer, on hot and sunny days, purslane must be watered, preferably 1-2 times a week with warm water. Purslane is undemanding for feeding, but modern varieties respond very well to mineral fertilizers, which can be applied 2-3 times per summer.

The purslane framing the stones of the path is very beautiful

The first flowers bloom after 6-7 weeks from germination. Each flower lives only 1 day, then it closes and dies off. While the bush is still small, this is noticeable, but when the purslane grows to the state of a dense rug, the flowers bloom constantly in large numbers and it seems that they do not wither at all.

The flower blooms for a day, the bud closes at sunset

How to collect seeds

Since a new bud opens every day, the seeds ripen unevenly. Remove the petals from the pollinated flower and observe the seed pod. About two weeks after pollination, it will turn brown and open, scattering seeds around it. Don't miss this moment if you want to collect them. In autumn, seed ripening takes longer. The collected seeds remain viable for 3 years, but before sowing, their seeds must lie down for at least 3-4 months.

Collected seeds from terry varieties on next year can give simple flowers. That is why it is better to propagate them by cuttings, taking the best plants for the winter.

How can you save purslane in the winter

As a rule, seeds of purslane, especially terry, are not sown in winter. But in the flower beds, where the purslane clearing flaunted in the previous summer, you can find young shoots in the spring. Plants with simple (non-double) flowers usually grow from them.

  1. At the end of summer, dig up the whole mother plant.
  2. For the winter, remove to a bright and cool place (temperature about 15-18 degrees).
  3. Water from time to time, do not feed, which will allow you to preserve and propagate your favorite variety in spring.
  4. After warming, cuttings of 5–10 cm are cut from it and, having torn off the lower leaves, are planted in boxes or pots for rooting.

How to grow purslane in winter

Due to the snowy and frosty winter, purslane does not hibernate in the open field. Particularly valuable specimens can be dug up and transplanted into a pot, you can collect cuttings from a plant at the end of summer and root them. In winter, such plants are stored in a bright room at a temperature of + 15 ... + 18 degrees, but you can also put them on the southern windowsill, lighting up the purslane in the evenings, then it will continue to bloom until spring, that is, it will grow like a perennial.

your favorite purslane bushes can be dug up and taken home

Garden purslane reproduces well by self-seeding, so they do not dig a garden bed with it for the winter.

If the purslane does not bloom

Most common reason lack of flowering is incorrect choice landing sites with no or lack of sunlight. In this case, the purslane will be frail, the stems are thin, and flowering may not come.

The second reason for the lack of flowering is too fertile land. Purslane grows green mass, it feels good, it fattens and therefore does not give flowers. If you plan to grow the plant there permanently, you can add sand and small pebbles before planting and dig up.

Room purslane (on windows and balconies)

Purslane can be grown not only in the garden, but also in the apartment. Better to choose beautiful terry varieties that bloom even in cloudy weather (Pink Terry, Orange, Sunglo).

For a pot culture, it is better to grow purslane as a succulent, acquiring the appropriate soil: loose, breathable and without peat. It is imperative to put drainage at the bottom of the pots.

You can grow through seedlings, then transplanting into a small container or pot. Moreover, you can plant several bushes at once, and if you take seeds for sowing not of the same color, but with a mixture, then the home flower bed will be very bright and varied.

Purslane can be grown on a window by planting several plants at once in one pot

It is important to remember that this sunny flower and only a southern window sill or balcony will suit him. If the windows are to other sides of the world, but grow beautiful flowers if you want - be prepared to regularly highlight the purslane and take additional care.

In the summer months, the purslane can be fed once a month for lush flowering, by the fall, the feeding is removed, long stems can be cut off, and the pot can be rearranged to a cooler place.

I chick them and leave them cool, in the spring they wake up. In general, you can all year round update cuttings and keep growing. Only in winter there is practically no flowering.

In the spring, the bush wakes up and blooms with renewed vigor.

Purslane (Portulaca) is an ornamental plant that is prized by flower growers and landscape designers for its spectacular and vibrant flowering.

The plant has spread throughout Europe and Asia. Some believe that purslane is native to the tropical regions of the Eastern Hemisphere, but its exact origin is unknown.

WITH Latin the name of the flower is translated as "collar". This is due to the fact that the seed pod of the plant opens like a gate. The people called the purslane "rug".

The photo below shows what a purslane looks like. The title photo shows the terry Portulaca grandiflora.

In the Middle Ages, purslane was very popular in Europe and especially in England. It was used not only for cultural cultivation, but also for medicinal purposes, since the well-known healing properties of the culture. These flowers were used to treat snake bites, wounds and even insomnia.

Today in Europe, purslane is a field weed, since the flower is easily propagated by self-seeding, although many gardeners are happy to grow this crop in gardens, receiving a lush and elegant flowering. Purslane is grown as a ground cover plant in the open field, as well as in containers and flowerpots... Purslane-like flowers are miniature roses, since purslane flowers really visually resemble roses, especially for double varieties.

In horticulture, only one variety of this crop is usually used - this large-flowered purslane (P. grandiflora)... This is a short plant (its height does not exceed 20 cm). The leaves are small, cylindrical. Coloring - green or with a reddish tint. Visually resemble Christmas tree needles. The flowers are medium-sized, their diameter is no more than 3 cm. They are presented in the form of a cup, which consists of five petals. They can be simple and terry. Flowers are white, pink, yellow, red, and also have all shades of these colors. Despite the fact that these flowers are perennials, in Russia they are grown as annual crops.

Terry purslane

Modern varieties

Thanks to breeding work, a wide variety of varietal species of this plant were bred, which differ in flowers, their colors and shapes.

Arctic- This is a terry purslane with spectacular white flowers. The diameter of the flower is no more than 4 cm. The height of the plant itself does not exceed 15 cm. The flowering is abundant and long-lasting from the beginning of summer to October. The Arctic is a sun-loving and drought-resistant variety that will be a wonderful decoration for any garden plot.

Scheherazade is an annual variety mixture. The height of the culture is no more than 15 cm. The flower has a diameter of about 4 cm. The flowers are simple. Color shades differ in brightness and variety: cream, purple, coral, red, yellow, orange. Long bloom - from the beginning of summer to the first frost. This variety is used for growing in flower beds, balcony boxes and flowerpots.

Peacock- a bright variety mixture, distinguished by densely doubled large (up to 6 cm in diameter) flowers with strongly corrugated petals. The plant itself is compact, the height is no more than 15 cm. The peacock blooms from June to October. The variety loves warmth and sun, does not tolerate winter, therefore it is grown as an annual crop. It is used for growing outdoors, in flowerpots and pots.

Pink haze- a very gentle annual ground cover. The height of the bush does not exceed 15 cm. It can grow up to 40 cm wide. Terry flowers have a diameter of about 4 cm, visually resemble small roses. Their color is light pink. The variety loves warmth and sun, it can bloom profusely even on poor soil. Long-lasting flowering. The variety is grown outdoors as a ground cover annual plant, in flowerpots and flowerpots as an ampelous crop.

Happy Trills- a spectacular varietal variety. Height - no more than 25 cm. Bushes can grow up to 45 cm wide. This is an ampelous annual crop. The flowers are large enough, double. Flower colors are numerous. They can be yellow, orange, pink, crimson. The variety is used for planting in flower beds, containers, rock gardens and rabatki.

Happy Trills

Sunny country- this is a low-growing (no more than 15 cm) variety. Although these plants are perennials, they are grown in Russia as annual crops. The flowers are large enough, double. The corrugated petals come in a variety of colors: white, cherry, yellow, pink and bright orange. Long-lasting and abundant flowering. A sunny country is a sun-loving and heat-loving culture. Grown in flower beds, balcony boxes.

Lucky case- an unusual creeping purslane up to 25 cm high. The flowers are large enough, double. The color of the petals is very original - white with numerous small bright pink strokes. The variety prefers an abundance of warmth and sunshine. Long flowering. It can be grown in flower beds, on alpine slides, in balcony boxes.

Lucky case

Long summer- the popular double seven, striking with a variety of bright shades of lush, double flowers. The height of the bush is no more than 15 cm. Densely double flowers have a diameter of up to 5 cm. Colors: yellow, pink, crimson, salmon. Flowering is abundant and long - from June to the first frost. Grown in flower beds, balcony boxes, containers, for decorating paths.

Sandalwood- an annual ground cover about 20 cm high. The flowers are large enough, simple or semi-double. Colors: bright yellow, scarlet, pink, salmon, peach or bicolor. It is used for growing outdoors in flower beds and flower beds, for planting in containers. Flowers create a dense floral carpet when planted in an open grant. Flowering is intense and long lasting.

Purslane is a great option for hanging balcony pots.

Growing from seeds

How to grow a crop from seeds? What is required for this? What kind of seedling care is needed?

Purslane is successfully propagated by seeds. For sowing, you must choose seeds older than six months, but not older than 3 years. Growing from seeds is possible in two ways:

  1. Seedling;
  2. By sowing seeds directly into open ground.

Important! Growing terry varieties from seeds is a rather difficult process, since their seeds are poorly germinated.

Growing seedlings

When and how to sow the seeds correctly? Sowing seeds for seedlings is recommended in April, but not earlier.

For seeding, it is recommended to choose wide, but not deep boxes. The soil for sowing seeds should be drained and aerated. It should be rich in nutrients. The substrate can be purchased ready-made in a flower shop or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to connect the following components:

  • Fertile soil;
  • Sand;
  • Charcoal.

Before sowing seeds, the substrate must be moistened. The seeds do not need to be deeply deepened into the substrate, it is enough to distribute them over its surface and sprinkle a little with a small amount of soil.

Crop boxes need to be covered plastic wrap or glass to create a greenhouse effect. The temperature of the content of crops is about 25 degrees Celsius. It is recommended to remove the film from time to time in order to ventilate and moisturize the substrate. Sprouts may appear within three to four days after sowing. Crops must be kept in a sunny place. Moreover, if there is little sunlight, then it is necessary to use artificial lighting.

You can put boxes with crops on a sunny balcony, if there is one. If the nights are cold, then the boxes must be brought home at night. In too sunny hours, the film can be removed completely, only the soil must not be allowed to dry out.

When at least two real leaves appear, you need to dive into separate containers. The diameter of the container should be at least 4 cm. Is it possible to grow purslane flowers without picking? It is possible only if the distance between shoots is at least 5 cm. After picking, it is desirable, but not necessary, to apply fertilizers in the form of mineral fertilizers.

Seedlings are planted in open ground in late spring or early summer.

Sowing seeds in open ground

How to sow seeds outdoors?

In open ground, seeds are sown when the average daily temperature is at least 20 degrees.

Seeds are sown in holes, the top of the bed is covered with foil. The film must be periodically removed to ventilate the crops and to moisten the soil. It is necessary to remove the film when the average daytime temperature is about 26 degrees.

When the height of the seedlings reaches at least 2 cm, they need to be transplanted to a permanent place of growth. The distance between the seedlings should be at least 20 cm, since the purslane grows strongly.


When to plant a flower in open ground? Where and how to plant correctly?

At the end of May or at the beginning of June, it is time to plant seedlings in open ground.

Place for planting a plant should be open and well-lit by sunlight, it is advisable to choose hills. There should be no trees or any buildings nearby, as a shadow emanates from them, which is useless for the purslane.

The soil for planting must be water and air permeable. Choosing places with stagnant moisture in the soil is a big mistake, since stagnant moisture can lead to rotting of the plant root system.

Multi-flowered purslane can be safely planted in poor soil, in such a soil the plant will bloom even better than in soil that is rich in nutrients.

Seedlings are planted together with earthen lumps in pre-prepared holes. The distance between them should be at least 15 cm, since the plants grow very wide.

It is recommended to plant seedlings either in the morning or in the evening.


Watering the crop is required regularly - about 5 times a week. Watering is especially important in dry weather. Purslane does not tolerate the absence of moisture for a long time. However, it is impossible to transfuse the culture, it is fraught with rotting of the roots.

This plant is very unpretentious. It feels great in poor soil, does not need additional fertilizing. Periodically, you can feed the culture mineral fertilizers if the soil is extremely poor.

Flowers are quite resistant to pests. However, periodically, the plant can be affected by such pests as:

  • Thrips.

Fighting these pests is required with insecticides.

Application in landscape design

Purslane is actively used in the design of garden plots due to the compactness of the bushes, the duration and abundance of flowering and bright colors. In addition, purslane has a very important quality for design - an excellent combination with other colors.

Purslane is suitable for growing in flower gardens and flower beds. Often the culture is used for planting in balcony boxes, containers and floor pots and flowerpots. Also undersized varieties used to frame tracks.

In addition, these garden flowers are often planted in rabatki, alpine slides. Used for decorating slopes.

What colors does it match?

  • Marigold;
  • Zinnias;
  • Nasturtiums;
  • Ageratum;
  • Chinese carnation;
  • Pansies.

In the photo there are flowers in an outdoor pots.

Purslane is ideal for rockeries, rock gardens and rocky gardens due to the possibility of growing on any soil.

Photo of a purslane in a flower bed. Flowers are great for framing flower beds.

Flower beds of flowers of various bright colors.

Purslane is perfect for landing along.

Where to buy seeds?

You can buy purslane seeds both in specialized flower shops, as well as order by mail and through online stores.

Video consultation

Poor germination? No matter how it is! The video below tells about purslane, sowing seeds, how and when to sow seeds, when to plant in open ground and how to care for this crop. The narrator is a video blogger with solid floriculture experience - Marina Tsvety. The video shows what the plant looks like on garden plot, possible options for its application.

The beauty and brightness of flowering purslane is successfully combined with its amazing unpretentiousness, which even the ubiquitous weeds will envy. Having planted a plant only once, then it is already impossible to imagine your garden without this sunny flower bed.

Breeding purslane in your garden

You can start a purslane on the site by buying a small bag of seeds, purchasing several stalks in the form of seedlings, or digging out a piece of the "rug" from friends.

For early flowering, seeds are sown in early March using a surface method, moistening the soil surface and covering the container with glass. The planting soil is prepared independently: they take ordinary garden soil and add 30-40% of the sand. Seedlings are planted in the garden when the frost ends. Usually, by this time, the purslane has already begun to bloom, but it survives the transplant without any problems. Direct sowing with seeds in place is done in the second half of May.

When breeding purslane, a scheme is used that is not quite traditional for most annual flowers grown. For him, a permanent place is chosen where the plant will live for many seasons. At first, it is enough to plant 5-10 roots and take care of them all summer, without breaking off dried inflorescences. Then, in the fall, leave the tops in the meadow, and next spring the result of self-seeding will be an uncountable number of its flowers.

In the first month after the snow melts, it may seem that there are no shoots and is not expected, but this does not happen with a purslane. It's just that the shoots are very small and are waiting for real warmth. The only thing that interferes with the self-sowing of purslane is tall grass, so weeds are manually removed from early spring. By the end of June, the purslane will cover the site with a dense variegated carpet and no weeds will sprout. If necessary, the flowers are thinned out, leaving sprouts in 15–20 cm. If the desire arises, the seedlings are selectively dug out with a spatula and planted in a new meadow.

For the normal development of the large-flowered purslane, a small hole, loosened with a hand cultivator, is enough.

When planting, the twigs are slightly deepened, leveled around the ground and watered.

Purslane easily propagates by cuttings (in June – July), for which shoots 50–100 mm long are cut off from the bushes and planted in holes, cutting off the lower shoots. In this way, in one summer, you can get more large quantity flowering plants.

Conditions for growing purslane

Purslane is heat-resistant and loving sun a plant that blooms profusely only in dry and well-lit places. In the shade and in cloudy weather, its flowers do not open.

Large-flowered purslane is capable of growing in many soils, but prefers sandy or stony soils. Peat areas and constantly humid places are not suitable for him.

Purslane is well watered at a young age, and developed bushes moisturize only in a very dry period. Otherwise, the plant will grow more green mass and bloom less.

While the purslane is small, it is loosened; later, it is better not to touch the spread long stems - they break easily.

This trouble-free plant does not need special feeding. On normal soil, it is not fertilized with anything; on lean soil, liquid fertilizing is applied at the beginning of flowering.

Purslane is rare, but with severe waterlogging, rot may appear, removed by cutting off the diseased parts, followed by spraying with copper-containing preparations. Sometimes the plant is attacked by aphids, which they fight chemicals or folk remedies.

Using purslane in the garden

Purslane is great as a ground cover plant, quickly filling open spaces and keeping weeds from growing. It successfully replaces daffodils and tulips that are withering in spring. The southern slopes of the alpine hills are filled with purslane, placing it in the foreground and sticking it right into the crevices among the stones. He is able to grow on vertical retaining walls including loose brickwork.

This non-capricious plant is suitable for planting in garden vases and for landscaping loggias and balconies. Purslane is often planted with problematic dry areas, where even a lawn cannot be grown. Such a clearing does not need to be cut, and it is decorative until the autumn significant drops in temperature. By the way, if you walk on such a rug and crumple the flowers, then after a week the traces will completely heal.

It turns out that the large-flowered purslane is a real find for those who want to decorate their garden and do it not troublesome, quickly and efficiently.

Morphological characteristics of purslane

The purslane family has more than 100 plant species. Purslane got its name because of the peculiarities of the seed pods - they open like a small gate, and from Latin portula means "gate".

Purslane can be annual or perennial, but they are all characterized by small growth. These are creeping plants up to 30 cm in height with succulent fleshy foliage and a branched fist-like stem. The leaves can be not only traditionally green, but also brownish in color. They resemble an oblate egg in shape. The flowering period of purslane lasts from June to September, the flowers, depending on the variety, are white, yellow, red and even dark brown.

Types and varieties

More than 200 species of herbaceous plants, including succulents, can be attributed to the genus of purslane. hallmark which is a fleshy stem and leaves. However, today only one of the many types of purslane is grown as a garden culture - large-flowered.

The homeland of the large-flowered purslane is South America, over time it spread throughout the European continent, and today it can be found not only in city flower beds in England or France, but also in Russian gardens. The large-flowered variety has earned popularity for its lush, multi-colored bloom.

There are several varieties of large-flowered garden purslane... White-flowered - one of the most common varieties, giving lush double flowers.

The Slendens variety is distinguished by its bright purple-pink flowers.

Purslane is grown not only for beauty, but also as a medicinal plant. We will talk about the useful properties a little later. For such purposes, a garden variety of a plant is bred - garden or vegetable purslane. It can be recognized by its highly branched stems and oblong-spatulate leaves. Another feature is the inconspicuous, compared to other types of purslane, flowering with small pale yellow flowers. But, we repeat, it is not grown because of beautiful bloom as food and for treatment.

Other varieties of decorative large-flowered purslane:

  1. Sonya is a simple-shaped plant up to 15 cm high.
  2. Flamenco is a terry purslane up to 20 cm high with multi-colored flowers.
  3. Double Mix - terry variety with flowers that look like small bush roses.
  4. The pun is a double or semi-double variety up to 15 cm high with flowers up to 4 cm in diameter.
  5. Sanglo is the variety with the largest flowers.
  6. Cloudbeater - distinctive feature this variety is that its flowers do not cover cloudy weather.
  7. Mango is a terry variety with pinkish-orange flowers.
  8. Flash - blooms in bright red.
  9. Tequila Cherry is a hybrid variety with maroon flowers.

Useful properties of purslane

Previously, people were closer to nature and knew much more about plants than they do today. Modern technological progress and the development of medicine have replaced the understanding and use of plants for medicinal and sacral purposes. Today, most will tell you what this or that pill helps from, than at least name the names of the plants under their home. As for purslane, its beneficial properties prevail over decorative ones, and if desired, it can become an excellent assistant in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

In particular, we are talking about a garden purslane, since in a large-flowered decorative one, all the vitality goes into flowering. The ancient Greeks and Romans ate the fleshy purslane leaves for food. Medical writings have described numerous positive effects of purslane on the digestive system and health in general. Despite the fact that the plant was actively used in southern and eastern countries in ancient times, Europe learned about the purslane only in the 17th century. The very first to become interested in him were French chefs, they also contributed to the popularization and distribution of purslane to other countries.

With the advent of modern means for studying chemical composition managed to find out that in addition to healthy chlorophyll, purslane contains a lot of iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium and calcium. Also in the fleshy leaves there is carotene, ascorbic and niacin. You can eat stems with leaves, adding them to vegetable and fruit salads, side dishes, meat and fish dishes. Green cocktails with purslane are very useful.

Boiled sprigs of purslane are served as a side dish for meat dishes... The dried herbs of the plant are used as a spice for soups, sausages and meat products. Pickled purslane leaves are also popular.

If you include fresh or dried purslane in your diet, you can prevent many diseases. But the plant can help to cope with the existing ailments. Even in ancient times, doctors found out that purslane is able to effectively cleanse the body of toxins accumulated as a result of an improper lifestyle. Modern medicine only confirms this knowledge, positioning purslane as an effective diuretic and powerful antioxidant. Leaves and stems are added with medicinal fees and infusions from overwork, insomnia, flatulence, diseases of the filtering organs (liver, kidneys), etc.

Among other things, purslane normalizes blood sugar levels, "evens out" blood pressure. In the old days, fresh leaves were applied to snake bites, since purslane juice pulled out and neutralized the poison.

Growing purslane

Most gardeners breed purslane seedlings, since this is the most convenient way for the Russian climate. In the southern warm countries sowing seeds directly into the ground is more practiced, but the climatic conditions of the middle lane are not very suitable for a heat-loving plant. The opinions of professional gardeners about when it is better to prepare seeds for seedlings differ - some believe that this should be done in late February or early March, others prefer to plant purslane in April. The second option is more preferable, since the daylight hours become longer and warmer, so that the plants do not have to be artificially illuminated.

Prepare an earthen mixture before sowing purslane. Everything purchased soils for plants contain a fair amount of peat for "splendor", but this component significantly slows down the process of germination of purslane seeds. To make a suitable mixture, add 20% river sand to the garden soil, stir and heat the mixture in the oven to decontaminate. Then place the soil in a seedling container with drainage holes. For better drainage it is recommended to cover the bottom with expanded clay or gravel. Sprinkle plenty of room temperature water over the ground. If possible, use melt water. You can do it yourself by freezing the settled water in the refrigerator.

Place the purslane seeds 1-1.5 cm apart and sprinkle lightly with earth. Cover the container with cling film or transparent plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect. Now all that remains is to wait for the seeds to germinate. For this to happen as quickly as possible, place the container in a warm, bright place, but not in direct sunlight. The temperature should not fall below + 22C (optimally + 30C). If the conditions are met correctly, seedlings will begin to appear within a week. When all the seeds have hatched, you can remove the film.

At this stage, it is necessary to maintain the relative humidity of the soil and protect young seedlings from direct sunlight. Growing purslane seeds for seedlings requires bottom watering and additional lighting if necessary.

Helpful Hint: If the seedlings are too long in height, then they do not have enough light - install additional artificial lighting. It is enough to illuminate them for a couple of hours in the morning and in the evening in order to increase their daylight hours in this way. If the day turned out to be cloudy, the lamp can be left on.

The picking and planting of the purslane is done when the seedlings have two true leaves. Plant them in pots 7-8 cm in diameter, 3 pieces each. in each, trying to keep the earthy clod on the roots intact. Water the first week after the pick as the earth dries up with plain water, and when the plants take root, make the first fertilizing with mineral complex fertilizers. Feed the purslane once a week or once every 10 days until you land in the open ground.

Landing in open ground

Planting purslane in open ground should not be earlier than June, since at this time you can already be sure that frosts will suddenly begin and destroy the plants. Purslane begins to hurt and die at temperatures below + 10C. It must be planted in a pre-prepared place, located on the highest and sunniest area. If you plant a purslane in partial shade, it may not bloom, and if its roots are in highly moist soil, the plant will rot. For all its capriciousness, purslane loves poor sandy soils and blooms most magnificently on them. And if you "take care" and plant it in a well-fertilized soil, the purslane will actively gain green mass, but it will not give flowers.

Before planting a purslane, make sure that the seedlings have at least 10 true leaves and a couple of buds:

  1. Plant the bushes at least 15-20 cm apart so that they do not block the sun as they develop.
  2. For the first few days, water the plants abundantly in the morning or evening, especially if the weather is dry.
  3. After 3-4 days, water twice a week.
  4. Flowering will begin 4-5 weeks after planting outdoors.

Caring for a purslane is very simple - you just need to remember to water it. Despite the thick leathery leaves, which are well adapted to retain moisture, the plant needs stable watering for normal flowering. It should be understood that flowering takes away all chemical and energy resources, so if the purslane does not have enough water, it will "cancel" flowering and will economically use the moisture accumulated by the leaves. There is no need to feed and fertilize it, and also to weed and loosen the soil.

When lush bloom will begin to fall, and you will notice the first wilting buds, pluck them without regret. At this time, it is very easy to remove them from the ovary, and if you delay, they will dry out and cover the fruit pod. Over time, it will open and the seeds will fall into the ground. In southern countries, this state of affairs is completely normal and natural, but in colder climates, the seeds will simply die. Therefore, if you want to decorate the garden with purslane next year, remove the wilting flowers and expose the seed pods. Leave them to ripen for a week, then collect and hide until spring. You can store purslane seeds for no longer than 3 years, then they lose their germination.

When you have collected seeds from all plants, remove the faded purslane and dig up the ground. If you grow a garden, and not a large-flowered decorative purslane, you do not have to bother with collecting seeds and digging them up - the plant reproduces well by self-sowing.

Diseases and pests

Sometimes the Albugo portulaca mushroom can settle on the purslane. Evidence of this is the strong deformation of the shoots, the appearance of spots on green leaves. If you notice these signs, do not try to treat infected shoots - remove them and spray the rest of the plants with a copper-containing fungicide. The rest of the purslane care is regular watering.

Planting and caring for a purslane: photo

Purslane (Rogtulaca) is a beautiful decorative vegetable plant that grows throughout Eurasia. The homeland of the flower is the tropics of the Eastern Hemisphere. In the form of a weed, purslane can be found in the Americas, Central Europe and in the Caucasus.

In Europe in the 17th century, this plant was grown in almost all vegetable gardens and was considered a vegetable crop. Then it spread to other countries and began to be cultivated as an ornamental flower.

The name Purslane (from the Latin collar, gate) reflects the method of opening a ripe seed box. The people call the flower a rug, because of the growth of plants on the surface of the earth.

Purslane is unpretentious plant growing even in infertile soil. Purslane can be grown as an ornamental plant and eaten. Plants are grown in flower beds, on alpine slides, lawns, rabatkas, at curbs, in pots, balcony boxes, vases, hanging baskets and containers.

The stems of the plant are fleshy. The length of the stems is from 10 centimeters to 2 meters (depending on the type of flower). The height of the bush is from 10 to 25 centimeters, some varieties can reach 40 centimeters. Leaves are conical, needle-shaped. The color of the foliage is from emerald to reddish.

Flowers can be simple, semi-double and double. The color is white, cream, orange, purple, yellow, red, lilac and pink. The buds are located at the ends of the stems. Blossom in sunny weather. Flowering lasts 1 day, then the bud withers. The flowering of the plant lasts from early summer to late autumn. Some varieties bloom around the clock.

After flowering, a seed box is formed. Seeds are shiny, silvery, 0.6-0.9 mm in diameter. Each achene contains about 3000 seeds.

Types and varieties of purslane with a photo

The genus Purslane unites 200 species of annual and perennial succulents.
The most famous species are: large-flowered, terry, ampelous, garden.

Large-flowered purslane is popular with many gardeners. It is grown in flower beds, lawns, rabat beds, near curbs, in containers, pots, on balconies and as a houseplant. The flower is a creeping annual; when grown on a windowsill, it can grow for several years.

Plant height is no more than 20 centimeters. The length of the stems on average reaches 2 meters; in a warm climate, after a few years it can grow up to 20 meters. Stems are juicy, light green in color, with a slight reddish tinge. The stems spread along the ground, filling it with a solid carpet.

Leaves are fleshy, alternate, small, conical, pointed, greenish-gray in color. The color of the leaves ranges from green to reddish.

The flowers are simple, cupped, about 4 centimeters in diameter, located at the end of the stems. The flower consists of 5 fused double petals. Coloring can be: red, white, cream, pink, bright orange, yellow color... Some varieties have light shades of other colors.

Terry purslane annual - a variety of large-flowered. It is grown in flower beds, on lawns, near curbs, in containers. A plant growing on the ground, forms a continuous cover of flowers. Beautiful large flowers have multi-petal buds different colors... The aroma is pleasant. The height of the bush is 15-20 centimeters. The stems spread along the ground.

Flowering lasts during daylight hours, then the buds close. There are several varieties that bloom around the clock, such as Sundance and Sanglo.

Sundance grade

Ampel purslane is a perennial hybrid plant. Creeping stems. Leaves are conical, elongated, fleshy, small. The flowers are double and simple, the colors are varied (white, red, yellow, pink, purple, lilac). 5-7 centimeters in diameter.

The flower is suitable for growing in flower beds, alpine slides, lawns, multi-level flower beds, pots, hanging baskets and at home on a windowsill and balcony.
The plant, when grown on the ground, spreads and forms a mat. When suspended, it forms a cascade of stems and flowers.

Garden purslane or dandur (medicinal, vegetable) can grow next to garden crops. The plant grows rather quickly. It is used for medicinal purposes and as an additive in salads, marinades, soups, sauces.

The stems are fleshy. The leaves are flat, oval. Flowers are small, inconspicuous, yellow (1 centimeter in diameter). After flowering, an oval box with seeds is formed. The seeds are very small. The plant propagates by self-sowing.

TO the best varieties can be attributed:

Splendens is distinguished by long flowering, beautiful purple-pink petals and pleasant aroma... The inflorescences are terry, large.

The princely variety is distinguished by the corrugated petals of the inflorescences. The color is scarlet, orange or white.

The white-celled variety has snow-white buds and emerald leaves. The stems are short (10 centimeters long).

Sundance and Sanglo cultivars bloom throughout the day and, unlike others, do not close at night.

Airy marshmallows have short shoots up to 10 centimeters in length. The inflorescences are terry, large. The range of colors is extensive.

The royal variety has simple, large flowers. The color is varied.

In addition to these varieties, one can distinguish: Scheherazade, Flamenco, Super Long Blossom, Pun, Orange, Sunny Summer, Cherry, Merry Round Dance, Scarlet, Sunny Princess, Double Mix, Sonya.

Purslane is mainly grown using seedlings. This heat-loving plant dies when the temperature drops to 10 degrees. Therefore, sowing in open ground is excluded in many regions.

You can sow seeds in open ground using a shelter (greenhouse, greenhouse) or after warming up the soil. Sowing at home allows for early flowering and stronger plants.

For growing seedlings, low ones are taken flower pots or containers with drainage holes. Fine gravel or coarse river sand is poured onto the bottom. The soil for sowing must be loose, airy and moisture-permeable. Seedlings, subject to the sowing rules, appear in 4-12 days. Closer to summer, seedlings are planted in the ground.

The best time for sowing purslane seeds is the end of February, March. In cooler regions, sowing can be rescheduled until April, early May. Under favorable conditions, seedlings appear in 44 days, if the temperature for growing is from 20 degrees Celsius, seedlings emerge within 2 weeks.

Soil and seed preparation

The soil can be any, but it should not contain organic matter and peat. Store substrates are not suitable in this case, since they contain peat, which inhibits plant growth. Sand (30 percent), fine gravel (up to 1.5 millimeters in diameter) and crushed charcoal.
The soil mixture is stirred and calcined in the oven for an hour.

Freshly harvested seeds are not suitable for sowing. Seeds must be matured for at least 6 months before sowing. Seeds for protection against fungal diseases are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then they are dried on a napkin, mixed with calcined sand and sown.
For a more even distribution, the seeds can be spread over the soil surface with a toothpick.

Sowing is done in moist soil. For moistening, you can take snow and distribute it over the surface, such moisture improves seed germination.
Seeds with sand on the soil surface are scattered from a paper envelope with a cut off corner or a sheet of paper.

When using a toothpick, the space between the seeds should be about 1 centimeter. From above, slightly buried seeds are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.
Crops are sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

The first shoots appear on the fifth day. These times can vary by planting method, conditions and seed variety. The germination temperature should be 35 degrees. At a lower temperature, seed germination worsens, the first shoots appear in 7-10 days. At temperatures below 20 degrees, seedlings often die or do not germinate at all.

To create the desired temperature, a microclimate is created in the seed pot. For this, the container is covered with a transparent film, lid or glass.

  • Plants need moderate watering. Before germination, the soil is sprayed from a spray bottle.
  • After sprouting, watering is done in a tray or along the edges of the pot (with warm, soft water). Excess water drained from the pallet.
  • The grown seedlings are watered under the roots, you can use a syringe without a needle. You need to water after the soil dries out in the pot.

Plants love light and are grown in a well-lit window with additional fluorescent lighting. Daylight hours should be at least 14 hours, additional lighting is performed in the dark.

A month after germination of seedlings, when 2 main leaves appear, the seedlings must be cut into separate pots. The sprouts are very fragile and should be transplanted with extreme care.

2 weeks after planting, the first fertilizing with mineral fertilizers with an admixture of nitrogen is introduced.

Two weeks later, re-feeding is performed with mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium.

When the air warms up outside more than 15 degrees, the seedlings can be taken out for hardening. The exposure time should be increased every day from 15 minutes onward.

Purslane: sowing and care - video

Purslane is a light-loving and heat-loving plant. It does not bloom in the shade. Low temperatures or a sharp fluctuation in temperature leads to the death of the flower. The landing site should be light, dry and warm.

Planting seedlings in open ground is carried out under established weather and an air temperature of at least 15 degrees. The threat of frost must be excluded.

In the southern regions, plant transplantation is carried out throughout May, in the middle lane from late May to mid-June. Disembarkation in hanging baskets, containers and pots takes place at the beginning of May.

When the temperature drops, the plantings are covered with a film, and the hanging containers are placed in the room until the temperature indicators stabilize.

Purslane grows on almost any soil, but with heavy clay soil, river sand should be added to the soil.

Purslane is planted when it reaches 5 centimeters in height and at least 10 leaves appear on the stem. Plants with buds easily take root in a new place.

The best time to plant is early morning or evening.

Pits are prepared in advance, staggered. The gap between the plants should be 10-30 centimeters (depending on the varietal characteristics of the purslane). The seedling is deepened to the cotyledonous leaves.

For the first week after planting, the plant should be watered every day. Especially if the weather is dry. Then watering is done as needed.

Watering in hot weather gives strength to the plants and enhances the growth of the flower. The water should be settled, not cold. Water must be poured at the roots. Watering is carried out once a week.

You do not need to mulch the soil for this plant. The flower grows around and forms a continuous carpet that protects against moisture loss and weeds. Ornamental plants grow well without fertilization. For good growth, garden purslane is fertilized with a solution of ash and water (20 grams per 1 liter).

The main care is watering and prevention, the fight against a few diseases and pests that can damage the flower.

Before winter, the most beautiful flowers can be transplanted into pots, and in spring they can be propagated by cuttings. Potted plants can bloom all year round.

Purslane is resistant to many diseases and is slightly damaged by pests. But still, there are diseases and pests with which you need to fight and carry out preventive work to exclude their defeat.

High humidity leads to fungal attack.

The Albugo portulaceae fungus appears as characteristic spots on leaves and shoots. Shoots can be deformed. The damaged areas must be removed immediately, and the healthy parts of the plant must be treated with copper-containing fungicides or Fundazol, Soligor, Previkur, Ridomil Gold, Skor.

Green shoots during the growing season can be affected by aphids. Aphids suck sap from plants. In a short time, it can hit large areas of plantings and lead to their death.

Aphids are easy to spot and get rid of. To combat the pest, soap solution and insecticides are used: Karate, Decis, Biotlin, Ankara, Aktellik, Agravertin, Iskra.

When thrips appear, silvery specks and stripes appear on the leaves. It is quite difficult to consider pests. When damaged by pests, flowers are processed: Karbofos, Agravertin, Intavir or Fitoferm.

To collect seeds, it is necessary to remove the wilted flowers that hide the fruits in time. Seeds are harvested from August to September. Seed boxes are torn off and kneaded over a saucer. They need to be dried and packaged in paper bags.

If the boxes are left on the bush, they open themselves over time and self-seeding of plants occurs. Most of the spring entrances without protection die from the cold. In order not to miss the opening of the capsules, you can carefully place the newspaper under the stems on the ground and collect the crumbling seeds without loss.

The germination of the harvested seeds lasts for 3 years.

The plant is added to salads, sauces, soups, homemade preparations, and is used for medicinal purposes and cosmetology.

When using the leaves in fresh all nutrients are completely preserved.

The greens are cut to form flowers. It stimulates appetite, quenches thirst. The taste is slightly spicy, with a slight sourness.

Heat treatment is detrimental to many trace elements.

Shoots and leaves of purslane contain a large amount of useful substances: zinc, potassium, manganese, iron, copper, sodium, magnesium, calcium, sugars, proteins, as well as nicotinic, ascorbic and organic acids, resinous substances, carotene, tocopherol, phylloquinone, alkaloids, glycosides, norepinephrine.

Norepinephrine improves overall tone, stimulates the nervous system, and enhances cardiac activity. Juice lowers blood sugar levels, increases blood pressure. The plant helps with insect bites, snakes and burns.

Purslane has an anthelmintic, diuretic, antiemetic, antiscorbutic, sedative, anti-inflammatory effect. The plant is used for impotence, gonorrhea, various tumors, liver and kidney diseases.

Garden purslane heals erysipelas, lichens, inflammation of the skin, helps to remove acne, acne and warts. The plant is used as a multivitamin component for lotions and masks.

Garden purslane: video

Purslane is a wonderful decoration of the garden, and when growing a garden species, it allows you to get a healthy vegetable crop with a pleasant taste.