Flowers purslane marshmallow cultivation. Purslane: cultivation, care, planting in open ground. Problems in growing purslane

ground cover flowering plant purslane loved by many gardeners. It is especially popular among the British, who in the middle of the last century grew it as garden plant. Intertwining purslane stems with small leaves cover the soil and form a colorful carpet on which pink, scarlet orange, yellow, white flowers bloom. The plant has several species and varieties, but in gardens it is mainly large-flowered purslane that is grown.

Purslane flowers - description, photo

Even under cover, the purslane plant does not tolerate our winters, therefore it is grown as an annual. They plant it in flower beds, in containers, hanging baskets, pots, decorating not only garden plots, but also balconies.

Purslane flower is different:

  • hollow inside branched juicy brown stems up to 30 cm in length;
  • spindle-shaped branched root;
  • fleshy leaves, which may be flattened or cylindrical;
  • flowers of dark red, yellow, white, Pink colour, each of which blooms only one day;
  • multi-seeded spherical pod.

Despite the fact that each purslane bud fades by evening, its flowering from June to September is so plentiful that it seems to be continuous.

Species, varieties and photos

In the wild, the plant grows in tropical regions, where there are more than a hundred of its varieties. As a garden and horticultural crop, only four types of flower are grown:

  1. Purslane large-flowered. A very popular decorative garden annual in Russia. It has creeping stems, which are densely covered with cone-shaped leaves. The color of its flowers can be from white to purple or burgundy. When blooming, each bud has a diameter of up to 5–7 cm. By the end of September, a basket fruit ripens, from which a large number of seeds spill onto the ground.
  2. Purslane ampelous. The artificially bred hybrid species is distinguished by branching stems with cone-shaped fleshy leaves. Its flowers can be single or double and have lilac, purple, pink, yellow, red, white hues. They grow ampelous purslane on balconies in street flowerpots, hanging planters. In the garden, they are decorated with ridges, alpine slides.
  3. Drug, vegetable purslane garden. The succulent has fleshy stems covered with thick oval leaves and inconspicuous small yellow inflorescences. The fruit, formed in autumn, is in the form of an oval box and contains many seeds. The plant propagates easily by self-sowing. Its shoots and leaves contain many useful substances: glycosides, phylloquinone, nicotinic acid, norepinephrine, proteins, iron, copper, sodium, sugars, zinc, potassium, alkaloids, resinous substances, magnesium, potassium, ascorbic acid, organic acids, carotene. Due to its composition, garden purslane is used in medicine and cooking.
  4. Purslane terry. An annual horticultural groundcover with large bright flowers. Its buds open in the bright sun, and in cloudy weather remain closed. Selected cultivars Sundance and Sunglo bloom regardless of the sun.

Purslane is a flowering ground plant.

Purslane large-flowered - varieties, photos

most popular and the best varieties of this type of succulent are considered:

  • « splendens"- a plant with double large flowers of a purple-pink hue;
  • « Princely"- buds with corrugated petals can be scarlet, orange or white;
  • « White-flowered"- bush with pure white terry inflorescences;
  • « air zephyr p "- on shoots up to 10 cm long there are terry inflorescences of various shades;
  • « Royal"- large simple flowers are distinguished by a wide range of colors.

Purslane - growing from seeds

When growing a plant in seedlings, its flowering will decorate the garden from June until frost. Therefore, many people sow seeds in late February, early March.

However, experienced gardeners advise planting purslane in April, explaining that when planting seedlings early, there is not enough daylight and artificial lighting is required.

Sowing seeds

It is recommended to sow the succulent in a self-prepared soil mixture. The soil from the store contains peat, which will slow down the germination of seeds. A mixture of garden soil and sand is prepared in a ratio of 4: 1. The finished soil must be calcined in the oven and distributed among seedling containers, on the bottom of which drainage is previously laid.

Before sowing, the soil is moistened with settled water. room temperature. To prevent the soil from being washed away, it is better to do this with a spray bottle.

Since purslane seeds are small, you can use a toothpick to spread them on the soil surface. It is necessary to spread the seeds about a centimeter apart, pressing a little into the soil.

From above, the container is covered with glass or polyethylene and placed in a warm place. The air temperature must be at least +22C. At favorable conditions the first sprouts will appear in 7-14 days.

seedling care

When growing seedlings, it is necessary to monitor soil moisture and lighting. If the seedlings begin to stretch, then this means that they do not have enough light. In this case, additional lighting will be needed. Plants planted in April will be enough to put on the southern windowsill. The soil should be moistened with settled water.

When two true leaves appear, the seedlings dive. To do this, three shoots are planted in cups with a diameter of 7–8 cm. transplanting young plant it is necessary to ensure that an earthen lump remains on its roots.

Sprouts will take root in a new container for about a week. As soon as this happens, it is recommended to make the first top dressing. For this, complex mineral fertilizers are used. Such top dressing will need to be carried out every 7-10 days before planting seedlings in flower beds.

Landing in open ground

In early June, as soon as the positive temperature is established, young plants can be planted in the garden. By this time, 10–15 leaves and several buds should form on each seedling.

The place for them should be well lit, because even in partial shade the purslane will not bloom. In addition, it is better to make a flower bed on a hill. Succulents do not like standing water in the soil. Their fleshy roots can quickly start to rot.

It is not necessary to fertilize the soil before planting. She must be poor. In soil rich in fertilizers, only green mass will grow near purslane, and buds will not form. When planting, the bushes are located 15–20 cm apart from each other.

Features of care

It is very easy to grow purslane outdoors. Succulents are drought tolerant plants, so they require minimal moisture. In dry, hot weather, they should be watered no more than once a week. You can do this from above or below the root.

Since purslane forms mats, there is no need to loosen and mulch the soil around them. The plant does not need additional feeding.

Diseases and pests

Purslane is resistant to many diseases. But succulents are afraid of dampness, which contributes to the emergence of fungi. If the plant stopped blooming, the stems began to deform, and the leaves appeared dark spots rot, then, most likely, the flower has undergone a fungal disease.

In this case, the affected shoots are cut out, and the bush and soil are treated with fungicides.

Of the pests, purslane can attack:

  1. Aphid. Insects feed on the succulent parts of the plant. Aphids are easy to spot. When it is detected, it is necessary to treat it with insecticides, which include Iskra, Aktara, Aktelik, Decis.
  2. Thrips. Insects are hard to spot. Their appearance is signaled by silver specks and stripes that appeared on different parts of the plant. In this case, the bushes are treated with Fitoverm, Karbafos, Agravertin or Intavir.

Heat-loving purslane in the open field cannot winter. Therefore, in the fall, seeds are collected from it, which can be sown next spring.

Purslane flower is alien, medium-sized, not particularly refined, but it is not afraid of the winds and can grow even on broken brick chips, which is close to the mountain conditions where it grows in the wild. Rug (rugs) is its common colloquial name, and many do not know that it is actually called differently. Why a rug? If it is planted between petunias or together with Turkish carnation, instead of a lawn or flower bed, during the flowering period of a multi-colored letnika, there will be a bright, multi-colored, cheerful flower rug that pleases the eye, opening up towards the sun every morning.

Purslane is an unearthly flower, not large, not particularly refined, but it is not afraid of the winds and can grow even on broken brick chips

Thermophilic and annual, it requires annual cultivation - from seeds through the seedling stage, but many gardeners even sell it in pots on March 8: although the plant is not indoor, it looks touching and fun in a gift box. In addition, the donated flower can be planted in the front garden when it gets warmer, and by autumn, collect the seeds from the box to grow further. This plant is from North and South America, but in the wild it can only be found there, and in Southern Europe, where it has long been ennobled and new varieties have been bred, this is an indispensable attribute alpine slides in beautiful home gardens.

Growing purslane from seeds in the open field (video)

Purslane as a plant

The name purslane comes from the Latin word for “gate (portula)”. This word is from the same row as Portugal and portal. In the 17th century, a plant from the genus purslane was one of the most popular in Europe. horticultural crops. At first it came to France, but the British were the most preferred in its use. This is one of the many plants that were undeservedly forgotten after the fall of the Roman Empire, but then they remembered it again and began to grow it. In the time of Hippocrates, purslane was used as a remedy for insomnia, bite poisonous snakes, used to treat wounds, and the Arabs in the Middle Ages considered purslane a blessed plant.

The genus Purslane has about 200 species of plants, including annuals, perennials, and even succulents, but only large-flowered purslane is grown, which in South America was a perennial creeping plant, and is now common as an annual garden ornamental crop. It is widely used in flowerbeds, borders, alpine slides, willingly planted on balconies, in window boxes, street vases and sockets. Only with the help of this plant it is possible to decorate an entire pedestrian area with huge flower beds, because its flowers are simple, five-petalled, with a fused corolla, terry and even cultivars, which have a corolla of two colors.

Heat-loving and annual, it requires annual cultivation - from seed through the seedling stage

The main colors - white, red, orange, yellow are complemented by various shades of the palette from cream, pink and purple, to bright red and intense orange. The preference that purslane gives to sandy and stony soils has led to the fact that they began to plant it on stone beds, walls, and use it in rockeries, alpine hills. With regular watering decorative flower absolutely calmly tolerates both an increase and a decrease in temperature, but at the same time he likes southern places, as much as possible illuminated and ventilated, and without sunlight simply refuses to bloom. Purslane large-flowered can be purchased for planting as seeds and seedlings in cups, and then it only needs to be planted in the ground, provided with sun and watered regularly.

Purslane cultural

Despite the colorful species diversity, this plant in cultivated form is found in only two varieties: garden and ornamental. The garden variety (dandur or flea) is not popular with gardeners because they mistake it for a weed. For gardeners, its flowers, small and yellow, are too inexpressive. Its shoots are dark crimson, but they usually lie on the ground, and only the flowering part is raised. Leaves at garden purslane beautiful, but garden purslane is not a plant for flower beds, because they stand out well only in spring.

The value of a garden variety in the healing substances that make up its composition. They give the shoots an exotic, slightly burning taste, but are used not so much for food, but because of their medicinal properties. Purslane juice lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and medications, in which it is used, remove inflammation in the bladder, treat arthritis, difficult-to-heal wounds, and help with diseases of the liver, kidneys, and eyes. IN traditional medicine it is known as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, wound healing plant.

An ornamental variety, whose homeland is Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, gardeners are conditionally divided into three groups according to the type of flowering:

  • varieties with simple five-petal flowers;
  • semi-double varieties (Sunny Princess);
  • varieties with double flowers (Mango, Long Summer, Hybrid Cherry, Hybrid Cream, Flamenco).

The name purslane comes from the Latin word for "gate (portula)"

Purslane flowers most different shades, which is why they are now becoming more widespread. Of all the varieties, only Hybrid Cream, Mango and Princely Rug are distinguished by a certain color tone - Hybrid Cream with yellowish-cream flowers, Mango blooms with intense coral-orange, and Princely Rug, creeping along the ground, is distinguished by corollas of an indescribable crimson-scarlet hue. Purslane terry varieties Peacock has peculiar flowers, more lush and frilled than other varieties, and blooms so intensively from mid-summer. Its flowers come in a wide variety of colors. colors. Princely Rug is no less famous and much more widespread.

The most popular seeds currently are Air Marshmallow, a mixture of colors that grow into a flower mat in whimsical shades, with large flowers 5 to 7 cm in diameter. Planting on seedlings is carried out in this case from mid-April, and after landing on sunny side enough weeding, watering and light fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, so that until late autumn a lawn, flower bed or flower box tirelessly delights the gardener's eye. Purslane, a mixture of colors is a real find for lazy lovers who do not want to engage in varietal selection, but also for a true lover of beautiful flower beds and garden landscapes presents a really handy set of seeds.

Popular plant varieties

Another equally popular assorted set is Baroque Purslane, which will make a unique flower pattern on the poorest sandy soils and in a landscape where stone beds with relatively stunted plants are used. Large-flowered purslane for higher rockeries, flower terraces, which can be planted to decorate old walls, belongs to a higher, but no less popular type. These are the varieties Flamenco and Kalambur, which grow up to 15-20 cm with care. holidays, the hot southern sun. Both varieties will bloom equally for a long time if the plants are thinned out in time, weeded from weeds and watered in a timely manner.

Extremely unpretentious and most resistant to climate middle lane the large-flowered variety Sonya, which is traditionally perceived as lilac or pale pink, is not often used enough. In fact, Sonya, like Splendex, can be of various shades from violet-cyclamen, to intense pink and purple-pink. "Sonya", as well as Splendex, could adequately decorate city flower beds, brightly decorate balconies, not limited only to rock gardens, where it is most often used, creating a mountainous flowering landscape.

Purslane flowers of various shades, due to which they are now becoming more common.

One more popular variety, White-flowered, resembles a marshmallow when its flowers completely cover the bush, with good care. As the name suggests, he white color, which can give scope for creating a snow-white border using this variety. Purslane, whose species are simply not yet fully mastered by garden designers and flora lovers, can replace whimsical and fashionable plants that require much more effort and growing conditions.

With regard to the garden purslane, the historical injustice has already begun to be corrected, due to which it fell out of the everyday menu. Two improved varieties, Firefly and Paradox, can already be grown from seeds in the garden plot, as a full-fledged replacement for spinach, which can be eaten by people with diabetes, kidney and liver diseases, and at the same time, the greens are recommended, useful products. From 1 sq m you can collect up to 2.5 kg of leaves and shoots and at the same time not spend any special efforts for cultivation.

How to grow purslane (video)

Growing purslane from seedlings

Most in a simple way to plant purslane on the site is to purchase it in horticultural farms. But, if there is some experience in gardening, seedlings for planting can be grown independently by purchasing seeds. The same bag of Baroque or Air Zephyr. This will require transparent containers with humus, the bottom of which is laid out with drainage and unsifted sand.

The soil for seeds must be calcined in the oven, after mixing it with charcoal and sand. The container must be transparent, some gardeners plant purslane in aquariums or glass containers. The temperature in the room with seedlings should be at least 19-20 degrees, and watering should be done with non-cold, settled water, by spraying the soil from a spray bottle.

Planting in open ground

Seedlings can be planted in open ground when the air is warm enough. A hillock on the sunny side is ideal for a plant, because it is not afraid of fresh air, but loves it very much. sunlight. In such conditions, the plant feels best and blooms profusely. If the question arises of when to dive purslane because the seedlings or crops are too thick, then it is best to do this while transplanting the seedlings into the soil. Too thick a carpet will not only create some inconvenience in care and may hinder growth, but it is also quite capable of reducing the expected flowering.

Without picking seedlings, the plant will grow not only in width, but also in height, since each germinated seed will need living space. But, plants rejected during the thinning process can be planted in places where there is free sowing space, and the decorative function is not so important. For example, along garden paths, in sunny glades in the garden or on open space at the gate. Even if there are not very many flowers there, a beautiful green rug of leaves and shoots will still delight lovers of greenery.

Purslane, collar, rug - it doesn’t matter what this plant is called in household use. It is important that it blooms beautifully all summer, does not cause much trouble, but brings a lot of joy, creates good mood, caresses the eye with its multi-colored corollas. And all this is within the limits of the possible, even if instead of a flower bed or garden plot there are only boxes with earth and a balcony.

Attention, only TODAY!

Terry purslane is an ornamental annual creeping plant with double flowers 2-3 cm in diameter in a wide variety of colors: white, pink, orange, red. This is one of the favorite flowers of many gardeners, which, thanks to its bright, multi-colored flowers, creates in the garden or on suburban area an attractive motley floral rug, which is why many refer to purslane as a "rug".

Purslane terry is ideal for decorating flower beds, borders, creating flower arrangements and alpine slides, it is also used to decorate balconies and garden flowerpots.

Purslane terry, description

Terry purslane is a low-growing creeping plant no more than 20 cm high, with fleshy leaves and light green stems, sometimes with a purple tint, with spindle-shaped, branched roots. Clinging to the ground, the purslane completely covers the area, the flower bed, forming a continuous carpet of exquisite beauty. Purslane leaves are fleshy and needle-shaped. The highlight of the plant is flowers resembling miniature rose or peony, which consist of several balls of petals. Terry purslane begins to bloom in early summer and continues to delight with extraordinary beauty until frost. The variety of colors is simply amazing, a mixture of terry purslane looks especially beautiful and colorful, from which a spotted elegant flower garden is obtained. Flowers open in sunny weather, their flowering lasts only one sunny day, and new ones appear in place of the faded flower.

The attractiveness of purslane for gardeners:

  • The plant is resistant to trampling. Long time he was considered a weed, with which they fought in every possible way.
  • Unpretentiousness in care.
  • The presence of beautiful buds of various colors is the decoration of any site or flower bed.
  • Rapid landscaping of the suburban area.

Types and varieties of terry purslane

Large-flowered purslane (Portulaca grandiflora)

Portulaca grandiflora is the most common type of purslane, with over 200 varieties. The most famous are: "white-flowered", which blooms with exquisite snow-white double flowers and "splendens" with bright pink blooms and a pleasant aroma.

The most common varieties of terry purslane

  1. Flamenco. The bush is medium in size, reaching a height of up to 15 cm. The stems are long, fleshy and large. The leaves are needle-shaped bright green. It has flowers of various colors.
  2. Pun - ornamental bush 15 cm high, resembling a rose bush, with long creeping large stems. The variety has large double flowers bright juicy tones. Successfully used by landscape designers.
  3. Sunglo- ornamental variety with large flowers. The stems are fleshy and large, have a slightly pink tint. The leaves are long, needle-shaped. The peculiarity of the variety is that the flowers remain open in any weather, even cloudy.
  4. Mango - terry large-flowered purslane with abundant flowering coral-orange flowers 5 cm in diameter.
  5. Hybrid Cream - a plant with cream flowers that have a darker center, 4-5 cm in diameter.

Purslane terry, cultivation and care

Terry purslane is an unpretentious plant that does not require special attention. The only condition for its growth and permanent flowering- a lit and sunny place in your garden. He needs permanent place for your normal growth. If it is placed in a shaded place, it will not be able to fully grow and develop: the stems will stretch and thin, becoming unattractive.

Watering the plant is carried out once a week, as this drought resistant flower, which dies from excess moisture, water should not be allowed to stagnate in the soil. The plant feels great without water for a long period of time. When watering purslane, keep the leaves dry and water early in the morning. Also, purslane does not need to be fertilized with fertilizers, and from an excess of organic fertilizers in the soil, the green part of the plant grows, and flowering slows down. It has been established that the poorer the soil, the more abundant the purslane blooms. Feels great on sandy and stone soils.

Purslane is undemanding in care, it is enough to regularly remove weeds and thin out seedlings a little so that the bushes are more sprawling and lush.

Propagation of terry purslane

Purslane terry, growing from seeds

Most often, purslane propagates by seeds. Since they are very small, they are simply sown in the soil in early spring and covered with foil to protect against spring frosts. After the first shoots, the film is removed.

Purslane terry, growing seedlings

For colder northern regions recommended to use seedling method breeding in pots.
In February, the seeds are planted in pots. In order for seedlings to sprout evenly, you can mix the seeds with sand (1: 4). It is advisable to put glass on top of the pot and put it in a well-lit place in the house, optimum temperature at least 17 degrees. In a week the first shoots will appear. The soil needs light moisture, you can sprinkle it a little with a spray bottle. To harden the plant and avoid stretching the sprouts, it is recommended to lower the temperature in the room at night. To give room for the growth of young shoots, it is recommended to dive them, and plant the removed shoots in boxes with soil. Seedlings are planted in open ground in late April or early May, when frosts are already excluded. When planting terry purslane, keep a distance of 15 cm between sprouts.

In summer, terry purslane can be propagated by dividing the bushes and transplanted to another place. After pinching off the stalk, lower it into a container of water until the roots appear. In this way, purslane can be planted in decorative flowerpots and balcony boxes. After rooting, the shoot requires infrequent watering.

Diseases and pests of terry purslane

Purslane is a rather unpretentious plant, resistant to common diseases and pests. But, there are cases of plant infection with fungal diseases, which manifests itself in the form of spots behind the leaves and buds. Having noticed the first signs of infection, the affected areas of the plant should be removed and the bushes should be treated with an agent containing copper. Another danger that awaits the plant is the invasion of aphids. When it appears, it is recommended to spray the bushes with soapy water using a spray bottle.

Purslane terry - unusually beautiful and at the same time unpretentious flower, which is successfully used to decorate borders, alpine slides and flower beds. This colorful rug will be a bright spot in your garden that will surely draw attention. Purslane looks great on balconies, in pots and garden flowerpots, decorating the verandas and summer gazebos. In compositions, it looks great with petunias, nasturtiums, marigolds and zinnias. Since terry purslane is a low-growing plant, it is recommended to plant it in the foreground in compositions. Sometimes purslane can be a great alternative to lawn, providing perfect coverage site.

Purslane terry, photo

Probably, many people remember from childhood a beautiful creeping plant with narrow and voluminous leaves and delicate flowers of a wide variety of shades. Its seed pod opens like a meager casket and contains grains that are somewhat similar in structure and color to poppy seeds. It got its name from the Latin “portula”, which means “gate”, it was these associations that evoked among botanists two valves with seeds that appear after the flower has faded.

Purslane is an unpretentious plant, it tends to grow quickly and give flowering.

For Russian gardeners, this plant is more associated with a rug that can cover the surface of the earth of the entire flower bed. At the same time, it is unpretentious and grows quite quickly, with proper care and favorable conditions.

A bit of history

Purslane - unusual plant, which can be found on the sites of experienced gardeners in Russia and in the fields of South and North America, as well as in the central regions of Europe. In those regions in the old days, the cultivation of this plant was especially popular, because it was used to quickly heal wounds or as a first aid for snake bites and even as a remedy for insomnia.

A plant species called "purslane" includes more than two hundred plants, some of which exist for no more than twelve months, while others are perennial. A plant called "Portulaca grandiflora" has become especially widespread in various gardens of the world. It was brought from South America and is distinguished by large flowers that delight amateur gardeners almost all the warm season.

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Plant features

Portulaca grandiflora is the most widespread and unpretentious of its kind.

The length of one stem is, as a rule, no more than twenty centimeters in length. The leaves are narrow, fleshy, dark green sometimes reddish. Flowers consist of fused five petals and are cup-shaped. Their shades vary within a rather extensive palette: from red to white, while there are also colors such as pink, cream, yellow and even orange.

Growing varieties such as "White-flowered", "Double Mix" and "Splendens" allows you to get especially beautiful flowers. In the first case, they are of a soft white shade, striking in their purity. In the second - terry ones appear. In the third, a green rug pleases with cups of a magnificent purple hue.

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landing sites

Purslane blooms as long as there is sunlight and the necessary humidity.

In gardens where there is a lot of stone, and also as a decoration for borders, the container plant purslane finds its use. Flowers, the cultivation of which is a very simple matter, please with their unique beauty almost all the time, as long as there is solar heat and the necessary humidity.

They are placed as open ground on a large piece of land called a flower bed, and in hanging pots, vases, baskets and balcony boxes.

Due to its special endurance, purslane is sown at the junctions of stone and concrete slabs, and where the soil is especially dry and does not allow for a green lawn, this plant grows beautifully, creating a full-fledged dark green carpet with bright spots of flowers.

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Care rules

Purslane perfectly withstands extreme heat and calmly endures a sharp drop in air temperature.

Purslane is a plant whose cultivation implies some features that any gardener must take into account. For example, if you plant it on a lawn where very little sunlight penetrates, then it will not bloom. It can also be grown in a flower pot, but the window sill for it must be chosen one that is located in the south direction of the world. It perfectly withstands extreme heat and calmly endures a sharp drop in air temperature. Therefore, worry about the plant during periods of abrupt change weather conditions not necessary.

And in order to grow a full-fledged plant that will delight with its beauty, you need to constantly water it, especially if the air temperature rises greatly. However, the soil should not be too wet and stagnant water should be avoided in the pots in which these flowers grow.

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Acquisition and sowing

Many gardening centers and nurseries offer purslane in seeds. Growing it may be more successful if you purchase ready-made seedlings, which are sold in many of the most common markets at the very beginning of spring. It is sown, as a rule, in March, while various fertilizers should not be introduced into the soil, which are aimed at additional nourishment of the plant, because it feels great even in depleted soil.

The temperature for rapid emergence should be high, within 25°C. Therefore, it is best to get a greenhouse or build your own from metal rods and a couple of meters. polyethylene film. Growing a full-fledged plant also implies a certain type of soil. Purslane loves rocky with sand. Then it grows into a magnificent green carpet that can cover a significant part of the land. organic fertilizers and peat can kill flowers or cause them fungal diseases which are quite difficult to eliminate.

Plant purslane (lat. Portulaca), or dandur- a species of the genus Purslane of the Purslane family, growing in the tropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere and, according to various sources, numbering from one hundred to two hundred varieties. The purslane flower prefers wet sandy places along the banks of rivers and reservoirs, it grows in gardens, fields and vegetable gardens near housing. The name of the plant comes from the Latin word "portula", which means "small gate, gate" - the seed box of the plant opens, as if small doors swing open. We call this plant "rugs". The popularity of purslane in Europe came in the Middle Ages, the British especially liked it, and at first not as a garden plant, but as a garden plant. In horticultural culture, only one species is grown - large-flowered purslane (Portulaca grandiflora).

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Read more about growing purslane below.

Purslane flowers - description

Purslane flowers are grown as annuals because they cannot stand our winters even under cover. Their height does not exceed 30 cm. The purslane has a branched spindle-shaped root, juicy, branched stems Brown color, hollow inside, fleshy leaves, cylindrical or resembling a flattened egg. The flowers are white, yellow, deep red, bloom from June to September, and although each flower lives only one day, withering by evening, purslane blooms so profusely that it seems to be continuous. The fruit of the purslane is a multi-seeded spherical box. except garden purslane, grown in flowerbeds, in pots, hanging baskets and containers, grows in our gardens the herb garden purslane, or vegetable purslane, which is a weed on the one hand, and a salad and medicinal plant on the other.

Growing purslane from seeds

sowing purslane

Many flower growers consider growing purslane seedlings the most convenient way reproduction, so we will tell you how to sow purslane for seedlings. Despite the fact that many flower growers, when discussing when it is better to plant purslane seeds, believe that this should be done at the end of February or early March, it seems to me that it is better to sow purslane for seedlings in April so that germinated seedlings grow and development, there was enough light day, while earlier crops have to be artificially illuminated. Before sowing purslane, you should prepare the soil mixture, because in any purchased soil contains peat, which slows down the germination of purslane seeds. To prepare the mixture, you can take garden soil, add about 20% sand to it, mix thoroughly and ignite the mixture in the oven. In a shallow container with drainage holes, lay a layer of fine gravel or expanded clay, place disinfected soil on top, pour it with settled, and best of all, melt water and spread the seeds a centimeter apart on the surface - the easiest way to do this is using a wet toothpick - then lightly press seeds into the soil and, having built a frame over the container, pull transparent polyethylene over it to make a greenhouse. It is necessary to keep a greenhouse with sowing in a bright, warm place where the temperature will not fall below 22 ºC, but it is better that it be approximately 30 ºC.

Purslane seedlings

Under favorable conditions, purslane seedlings will begin to appear in a week or two, and as soon as this happens, the film can be removed from the container. Now you should know how to grow purslane seedlings. Growing purslane seedlings involves periodically moistening the soil with settled water, using the bottom irrigation method, and, if necessary, organizing additional lighting. Under what circumstances might this need arise? If you see that the seedlings are too elongated, then they do not have enough light, therefore, they will have to be illuminated with fluorescent lamps or ordinary table lamp a couple of hours in the morning and a few hours in the evening, thus lengthening the daylight hours for seedlings. In cloudy weather, the lamps should burn all day. But if you sow purslane for seedlings in April and keep the seedlings on the southern windowsill, then all this trouble with artificial lighting won't be needed.

Purslane pick

When and how to dive purslane? As soon as the seedlings have a pair of true leaves, they should be planted three by three in cups with a diameter of 7-8 cm, trying not to shake off the earthen ball from the roots, and a week after picking, when they take root, the first top dressing should be applied with complex mineral fertilizer. Then top dressing should be carried out weekly or once a decade until the very landing in the ground.

Planting purslane in open ground

When to plant purslane

Planting purslane flowers is carried out no earlier than the beginning of June, because you must be sure that there will be no more frosts, otherwise, at temperatures below 10 ºC, the leaves fall off the purslane. Prepare a place for the plant in the sunniest and most elevated area, because even in partial shade it may not bloom, and if the purslane roots are close ground water or in a lowland where water stagnates, putrefactive processes of the plant's root system may occur. The soil for purslane is best poor, sandy, because on rich soil purslane only increases its green mass, but does not bloom.

How to plant purslane

It is desirable to plant purslane in open ground when the seedlings grow 10-15 leaves and several buds appear. Purslane is planted in this order: the bushes should be located no closer than 15-20 cm from each other. The first 2-3 days after planting, the purslane in the flower bed should be watered daily, especially if the weather is dry. Purslane blooms from seeds 6-7 weeks after germination.

Purslane Care

How to grow purslane

Caring for purslane flowers consists in periodic watering - despite the fact that its leaves retain moisture well, the plant needs water for normal flowering. The plant does not need fertilizing, pruning, weeding, or loosening the soil. All purslane care is infrequent, but regular watering.

Pests and diseases of purslane

As you can see, planting a purslane and caring for it is within the power of both an indefatigable and a lazy lover of flowers. Even growing terry purslane from seeds is not difficult, because it does not differ from the rules for growing large-flowered or garden purslane, which were described above. As for pests and diseases, the purslane is very resistant to them, and you are unlikely to have any difficulties with this. However, sometimes there is a massive raid on flower beds, gardens and aphids, then the purslane also gets it. It is best to fight aphids by spraying Actellik, and if you couldn’t fix the problem the first time, then after a week you can repeat the insecticide treatment. Sometimes purslane infects the fungus Albugo portulaceae, which is expressed in deformation of the shoots and the appearance of spots on the leaves. Damaged parts will have to be removed and the plants sprayed with a fungicide containing copper.

Purslane Properties

Purslane after flowering

How and when to collect purslane seeds

As soon as the flowers begin to wither, remove them without regret, while they are easily removed from the ovary, otherwise they will wither, and you will not see the fruit under them, which, when ripe, will open and spill the seeds to the ground. In dry weather, the seeds ripen two weeks after pollination; in cold summer and autumn, the ripening process can be delayed for a month. In addition, you should know that freshly harvested seeds become viable only next spring and retain it for three years.

Purslane in winter

In our climate, garden purslane does not hibernate, so in the fall you need to free the area from it and dig up the soil. Purslane propagates by self-sowing, so do not worry about how and when to plant it next spring.

Types and varieties of purslane

Large-flowered purslane (Portulaca grandiflora)

As already mentioned, large-flowered purslane, a native of South America, is grown in horticultural culture, a perennial cultivated in our climate as an annual plant. In height, the bushes of large-flowered purslane reach no more than 30 cm, since its stems are decumbent. The leaves are fleshy, small, cylindrical in shape. Single cup-shaped flowers with a diameter of 3-4 cm, simple or double, look like tea roses in white, cream, beige, yellow, red or purple, there are varieties that have a two-tone color. The original species has red flowers. Large-flowered purslane blooms from June to late October. The best varieties.