Purslane methods of dealing with it. Purslane garden - how to remove the weed. The best way to fight is prevention

Garden purslane is a plant to which gardeners have a very controversial attitude. Some consider it a weed and are looking for ways to get rid of it. Others praise its taste and medicinal properties, specially grow it for themselves or for sale. This paradox deserves more detailed consideration.

The Latin name for garden purslane is Portulaca oleracea L. subsp. sativa. It is a vegetable annual plant and belongs to the purslane family. Purslane originally grew in Asia: in India, China, Mongolia and Japan. Today it is cultivated in Central and Southern Europe.

Once you see him in a photo in a botanical encyclopedia, purslane is easy to identify in your garden:

  1. The plant has a height of 10 to 35 cm.
  2. Its stem is thickened, branched at the base.
  3. The leaves are green, oval, dense. Their size reaches 3 cm.
  4. Purslane blooms from late spring to early autumn with small white or yellow flowers collected in inflorescences.
  5. The fruits of the plant, 0.5 cm in size, are egg-shaped or ball-shaped boxes filled with seeds.

Garden owners have different attitudes towards this plant:

  • taking for a weed, garden purslane is removed;
  • feed it to pets, such as rabbits;
  • use the plant in cooking;
  • use purslane for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

Useful properties of purslane

Before taking measures to combat garden purslane, it does not hurt to find out how it can be useful. The herb has a rich composition, which includes:

  • vitamins, in particular A, C, E and PP;
  • minerals (calcium salts, magnesium, manganese, etc.);
  • proteins;
  • saccharides.

As a medicine, grass is used to treat the organs of vision, digestion, urinary excretion, as well as for violations of the work. nervous system. Diabetics are advised to use the plant to lower blood sugar levels. It also helps to relax and cope with insomnia. Purslane in children and adults bring down the temperature.

And yet, they say, he is able to return male power.

For medicinal purposes, the leaves and seeds of the plant are used, decoctions and alcoholic infusions are prepared from them.

How to grow purslane, what dishes can be cooked with it

This herb is a very popular ingredient in Asian cuisines.

Makovei garden purslane is usually grown for food use. Less than a month passes from the moment of planting the seeds to the moment of harvesting. Each Makovei bush has 2-3 dozen leaves, the weight of one plant is about 100 g, it can be called portioned.

Makovey is very unpretentious. Its seeds are planted at a shallow depth, up to 2 cm. It is better to choose fertile soil for it. He loves the sun and moderate moisture.

For consumption or as an ingredient in folk medicines Plant varieties such as Firefly and Paradox are also used.

Various cooking recipes involve the use of purslane leaves, less often - its roots. Salads, soups and vegetable side dishes are prepared with it for meat and fish dishes, and are also used as a spice.

Many people like the taste that pickled purslane has. It is used to treat the liver and kidneys, as well as a snack for alcoholic beverages. Gather young grass. Marinade is prepared: salt, sugar, allspice are added to boiled water, Bay leaf, cloves and other spices, boil for 10 minutes. Cool and add vinegar. Arranged in jars of 0.5 l or 0.3 l, purslane is poured with marinade and hermetically sealed.

You can add purslane to others vegetable preparations, for example, zucchini, cucumbers or peppers.

Purslane as a garden weed: how to remove it

There are gardeners who are more interested not in how to grow purslane, but in how to deal with it. After all, the grass spontaneously grows on their plots. She is very tenacious, getting rid of her is not so easy.

One weeding is clearly not enough. If basal buds remain after the hoe, the shoots may sprout again. Therefore, the weed is removed from the root. This must be done before the grass blooms.

Another mechanically how to remove this weed is mulching. The garden plot with it is covered with a 3-4 cm layer of hay, straw or other organic material.

Digging the soil also helps. It must be deep. The fact is that the seeds of the plant will not sprout if they are in the ground at a depth of more than 2 cm.

Herbicide is an option for effective weed control. The area is carefully weeded and treated chemical preparation"Tornado" type.

Grow purslane or fight it, the individual decision of the gardener. But still, before completely destroying the plant, it makes sense to evaluate it taste qualities and medicinal properties.

I also offer recipes: Pick a purslane and wash it well. Now we put on the bottom of cleanly washed and scalded jars - fresh dill (tied into knots!) Or umbrellas, 1-2 leaves of parsley per jar, a few peas of pepper.
Then we begin to lay purslane mixed with garlic (cut into 2-3 slices):
A photo

We fill it up to the very top, quite tightly, from time to time we even tamp it well, press it with our hand, because after pouring the marinade it “sits down” quite strongly!
A photo

Marinade prepared to your liking! Say, for 1 liter of water - 2 tsp. salt, 1-2 tsp. sugar, 4-6 tbsp. l. vinegar ... But, I repeat, it's better to your taste! Someone loves sweet marinades, someone is saltier, someone is sourer ... You can not put sugar at all. And vinegar in general can be very different ... Embarassed
So try the marinade to taste! If everything is in place - salinity, sweetness and acidity, PLEASANT FOR YOU, then it's great!
(By the way, vinegar is added to the marinade at the very end and the fire is turned off. You can’t boil the marinade with vinegar!)

Fill the purslane with hot marinade and close with plastic lids.
(The color of the marinade is pink because I took my own vinegar, homemade - WINE! ... Wink)
Let it cool down and then put it in the fridge!
A photo
And two more recipes:
Stewed purslane salad
A photo

Like any green, purslane greatly decreases in volume when stewed, keep this in mind.
Purslane is well washed in several waters.
A photo

To cut it, especially to tear off the leaves - you don’t need Wink (pure monkey work!), It’s already nice to eat it. No need to dry either! On the contrary, we put it out of the water (just so wet) into the pan.
A photo

It is also not necessary to add water, the one that is is enough. You can, of course, boil it in water, but then this water - with a mass of USEFUL substances - will have to be drained! Do we need it?! wacko1 Humidity of greenery is enough for stewing. Just keep an eye on it so that it doesn’t stick, salt and mix a couple of times from the bottom up, as the lower layers scald faster. It doesn't take long to cook! And then it will break! As soon as the whole purslane changes color, it is ready!
A photo

We spread the purslane in a bowl, let it cool.
A photo

Add salt, crushed garlic and vinegar to taste (optional - and grow oil).
A photo

We mix. Ready!
A photo

Let cool for a bit and serve well chilled!
A photo

raw purslane salad
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And this option - I did it for the first time (I saw the recipe here: http://forum.say7.info/topic45401.html) Thanks to David for new idea!!! I really liked it raw too! I made it as per the recipe - with mint..
Amazing FRESH taste!!! Purslane itself is slightly sour and plus a tart taste and aroma of mint ... Charm!

We cut the raw purslane - all together, with leaves and stems, there is no need to cut off the leaves (as in David's recipe)! wink
A photo

Add salt, crushed garlic, kefir (I have matsun) and mint to taste!!! The recipe also adds grows. oil, but I did not add it! And so good!
A photo

Stir and be sure to let it brew for a couple of hours!
A photo

I took it from the Internet, so the photo does not appear here.
Living in Belgorod, I bred it by buying seeds, because it did not grow in weeds with us and made salads and canned it. It doesn't grow here either, I haven't seen it here anyway.

Initially, wild purslane was used in culinary and medical purposes. In some countries, it is still used exclusively for these purposes. For cooking, the upper leaves or shoots are mainly used. They are added to meat dishes, and also boiled soup.

Leaves have enough spicy aroma. Culinary shoots marinate. The leaves contain carotene and vitamin C.

General information

In the southern parts of Europe, this representative of the flora grows wild in abundance. However, there is a wild and cultivated variety. The weed is able to fill the garden plots and bring a lot of trouble to gardeners. wild purslane differs from the cultivated fleshy and rounded leaves. In a cultivated species, the leaves are pointed.

Purslane weed is also called dandur. Dandur blooms with yellow flowers from mid-summer. It spreads over the ground like a carpet. The carpet looks pretty impressive, but it's still better to get rid of it right away. If purslane spreads in the garden, it will sprout for another 10 years. Therefore, distribution should not be allowed, it is distinguished by its vitality.

It can reproduce both by seed and vegetatively. Frosts, as a rule, destroy the dandur. Also, the weed does not tolerate shade. Its shape depends on the soil on which it grows.

Many gardeners and gardeners are wondering: what kind of soil does dandur prefer? So, this weed grows mainly on soil with low nutritional value. But it can grow on any other soil, provided that the place is sunny. It is these places that garden purslane will love. A photo of the weed is shown below.

How to remove purslane garden

You can fight the dandur in the following ways:

  1. mechanical;
  2. Chemical.

The most basic rule in the fight against dandur is a quick response. As soon as the dandur is found in the garden, it is immediately necessary to fight it. It is strongly recommended not to allow flowering. It is necessary to carefully weed the beds if purslane appears. It comes up three or four times a season. especially when the weather is warm. Dandur is immune to some drugs.

TO mechanical methods fight against dandur include:

  • Regular weeding of the garden;
  • Mulching;
  • Deep digging.

From mid-spring, you should regularly weed your property. This work is difficult, but it is necessary in order to prevent the growth of purslane. In this case, you must adhere to the rule: in no case do not break or cut the weed, as the root will begin to grow with even greater force and instead of getting rid of the weed, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits growth will increase.

Removed plants needed take them away from the garden and wait for them to dry, but it is best to burn them. Thus, the risk of growth will be minimized.

Perhaps the most popular way to remove weeds from the beds is mulching. In order to get rid of such a weed as purslane, you need to use organic and inorganic substances for mulching.

Organic include:

  1. Leaves;
  2. mowed grass;
  3. Sawdust;
  4. Tree bark.

The inorganic ones are:

  1. Gravel;
  2. Film;
  3. Gravel.

The advantage of using inorganic mulch is that it does not attract slugs and other insects.

The soil must be sprinkled with about 5 cm. Mulching protects the soil both from weeds and from overheating of the soil, drying out and erosion. Under organic mulch bacteria can develop. They also have a negative effect on purslane. To get rid of purslane, it is best to use straw and hay.

Digging, in itself, is a very useful event for the site. These activities should be carried out in autumn or spring. Immediately after digging, it is recommended to cultivate the land.

You can also get rid of purslane with chemicals. However, the complete disposal of purslane in this way will only be possible if the treatment was carried out on early stages appearance of this weed. Herbicides are used to achieve this goal.. Nitrogen fertilizer can be added to them. Herbicides are recommended to treat the affected areas in spring period.

It must be borne in mind that each individual crop has its own herbicide to get rid of dandur. It is also possible to process autumn period when the crop is already harvested. The most popular tool for such processing is Hurricane.

Also, in the fight against this weed, many gardeners use the so-called emergency watering. What is it? A couple of weeks before the first shoots, it is necessary to dig up a bed and water it thoroughly. When the weeds sprout en masse, they will need to be removed.

Thus, in order to say goodbye forever to such a weed as garden purslane, you will have to be patient. It's hard enough to fight him. First you need to choose for yourself the most suitable way getting rid of the weed, and then follow it by all the rules. Only in this case it will be possible to get rid of the obsessive purslane.

On the Internet you can find a photo of this weed and chat with gardeners from all over the country on forums, consult with them and learn some secrets for breeding dandur.

Chemical means to get rid of purslane

Herbicides of continuous action include:

  • Octigen;
  • Roundup;
  • Pyramin;
  • Lapis lazuli.

It is known that Roundup is one of the most popular and effective means in the fight against purslane. However, to achieve a better result, it should be combined with other herbicides. For example, with such as Lazurite, Pyramin, Octigen.

Add Roundup to the water and then aid. In the instructions for use of the drug, you can find information about its dosage.

The effect will be if everything is done according to the instructions and there was no rain within ten hours after spraying. If it still rains, you need to repeat the treatment. Two weeks after treatment, the weed will begin to die.

Such tools are used when the crop has already been harvested from garden plot, that is, in autumn. They will help speed up getting rid of the dandur.

Purslane is another wonderful plant. This plant is an excellent healthy nutrient. The photo below shows this plant. On the territory of the Transcaucasus and Central Asia it is the culinary ingredient of most exquisite recipes. On the territory of our country, many gardeners want to grow purslane, and various dishes are made from this plant.


Purslane is an annual plant that belongs to the Purslane family. Like its closest relatives, this weed is a short plant that reaches a height of approximately 20 centimeters, the stem is fleshy. However, if in the purslane during the flowering period the leaves are somewhat similar to needles, elongated in shape, then the garden purslane has leaves very wide, spade-like and small. In food, just the stems and leaves are consumed. The photo below shows this plant, which often grows in the backyard.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You have, of course, seen perfect lawn in the cinema, in the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

This plant begins to bloom with yellow, small, rather inconspicuous flowers. This period lasts from June to September. When this "malicious" weed plant appears in the garden, there is no need to rush to remove it from the beds, most likely, you can find good use, for example, in cooking. If you do not like to use it for food, then you need to fight this weed.

Fight against purslane

Purslane garden is basically an intruder on the beds in the garden. It begins to grow in the garden area around July and grows in impressive areas. If you do not want to grow this weed in your summer cottage, then you can use numerous methods to combat this weed. Plucking purslane with garden beds is the most laborious and not very successful way. You can use a simpler method, however, this is no less effective. For example, it is necessary to cover the area “affected” by purslane with mulch. To do this, you can use any type of organic product: from hay to freshly cut grass. This layer, which is protective, is able to pacify the "raging" weeds and drive away harmful insects. If use this method constantly, the fertility of the soil increases several times, and chemical agents for weed control, if useful, then in small quantities.

This weed can be found in almost every garden. Some may even befriend him and craft delicious dishes with the addition of purslane. Most make salads from it, vegetable crops can be stewed and fried. There are even recipes for various ailments where this plant is used. But if you do not like culinary experiments, you can put a lot of effort into clearing your garden of such weeds. Purslane is pretty tenacious plant, which adapts perfectly and can let root system even after numerous weeds.

Natural Ways to Fight

To deal with constantly growing weeds or prevent their appearance, you need to "recognize the enemy by sight." Immediately you need to tune in that it will not be easy to fight. The fact is that purslane seedlings begin to ripen several times throughout the season and each time there are approximately 38,000 of them. It is easy to guess that a fairly large number of them need to be accumulated in the ground. And they can grow at a temperature of approximately 24 degrees after watering the plant. Most summer residents, without realizing it, can propagate the plant during the growing season. If you have decided to mechanically destroy the planting, then you need to pull it out only with the root system.

Natural Ways

Consider natural ways to deal with garden purslane.

First way

When you simply cut it with a hoe to the category of soil, then new shoots form from the basal buds. Thus, the first way to destroy garden purslane is to weed the beds all the time and not allow weeds to bloom. It is important to consider that many seeds are formed on each plant, and they can maintain their own germination capacity up to 30 years.

Second way

The second natural way to control weed garden purslane is to mulch the soil. It is necessary to fill the area with a layer of about a few centimeters of mulch. It can be straw, hay or other material. As soon as the conditions are very favorable, the spores of the harmful fungus will rise to the top. Mulch will be able to stop them, and they will affect weeds, which will allow you to abandon any chemical preparation.

Third way

Another simple option with which you can get rid of the garden purslane weed is deep digging. Seedlings can only sprout from the surface of the soil or from a depth of approximately 1.3 centimeters. After a thorough weeding personal plot the soil must be dug up and cultivated. If the seedling is located at a shallow depth, it does not have the strength to germinate even with favorable conditions. It is because of this that it is necessary to carefully dig up the territory of the garden every spring and autumn.

Ways to deal with purslane with garden chemicals

And now let's look at how you can deal with garden purslane with the help of chemicals. If you have not been able to get rid of weeds by the natural method, you must use the products of the chemical industry. Today, more and more summer residents avoid the use of chemicals, however, in some cases this is the only way to deal with this pest.

Chemical methods

After the garden crops have been harvested, all weeds must be weeded quite thoroughly and the garden area completely cleared. Even the leaves should not remain. Then the area must be treated with herbicides. The collected weeds also need to be piled up and the purslane weeds should be sprayed with a preparation called "Tornado" or "Napalm". A similar method of controlling purslane weed is a radical and reliable method. However, the obvious disadvantage is the further ecological state of the soil.

After the weeding period has passed, it is imperative to remove everything from the territory suburban area. Even if your site is dug up, this weed plant can grow again on loose soil. Nutrients will be stored in its stems for a very long period of time. With their help, the landing can calmly wait for life-giving moisture and recover again. Thus, the last and at the same time the main advice on how to deal with garden purslane is to remove even excavated vegetation from the territory. You can use any of the above methods to control this weed. Thus, you can clear the area from garden purslane.

Its peculiarity is that it grows well even on the poorest soils, and on nutritious, lovingly prepared for crops, it multiplies many times faster. Therefore, as soon as the first sprout of the fat woman appears, remove it immediately and watch for new sprouts.

It would be useful to look behind the fence: if there is a purslane there, then in this place it must be destroyed. After all, it reproduces both by seeds (thousands of small seeds from one plant), and by processes of roots and stems - it simply crawls from behind the fence into the garden. And it forms such a useless carpet that does not give life to other plants.

How to get rid of purslane (fatty) without chemistry

Weeding and once again weeding is the best way. However, you need to remove the smallest pieces of the plant, because a new weed can grow from them. It is important to monitor new shoots of purslane every 7 days and remove them until the seeds are ripe. It is better to put the plants on a litter in the sun so that they dry completely. If the lashes come into contact with the ground, new shoots will come from them.

Important: do not use a chopper, flat cutter, secateurs and other similar devices to weed weeds. They divide the purslane into parts, from which new weeds will grow, and there will be even more of them. Only careful selection of pieces and roots will give the desired effect.

You can also apply mulching straw, sawdust, etc. Mulch is laid out in a layer of 3-5 cm, no less. If the fat woman has grown a lot, cover it with boards, cardboard or a piece of roofing material so that it does not receive light and moisture.

Will also help digging with a pitchfork : in this case, you can select the stems and roots, and the seeds will fall into the depth and will not be able to germinate, because they sprout at a depth of no more than 2 cm.

There is a way like emergency watering . The bed is dug up, watered a lot every day, and the seedlings of purslane are monitored. In about a week, pink sprouts will appear - this is purslane. They are removed, and the weed will not appear here again.

How to get rid of purslane (fatty) with the help of chemistry

If the clogging of the site with purslane has reached catastrophic proportions, herbicides of continuous action will help. They are used in the fall, when the crop is already harvested. Experienced fighters with purslane advise a double dose: the combination of Roundup with Lapis Lazuli, Pyramin or Octigen. Make the solution strictly according to the instructions.

Spraying is best done in clear weather. If there was no rain for 10 hours, one treatment is enough. If it was, spraying will have to be repeated.

After two weeks, the entire purslane will dry. This method of destroying a fat woman can be used if it grows along a fence or on paths.

The main thing when using herbicides is to close cultivated plants so they don't get hurt.