How to prepare nettle fertilizer for plants: the best recipes, methods of application. Nettle, weed, herb fertilizer

Many gardeners use nettle-based infusion for plant nutrition, because this herb is a real storehouse of useful substances and nutrients.

Although nettle is very useful, its appearance on the site is not always happy. Instead of just removing it, you can cook excellent fertilizer for garden trees And garden plants. To prepare an infusion of nettle, which will be used as a fertilizer, you need:

  1. Take a few nettle bushes (you can collect all that is).
  2. Pour the nettle stalks with water and insist until it ferments.
  3. You can throw a handful of mineral fertilizers into a container with prepared nettle grass, which will only increase its fermentation.
  4. The nettle infusion needs to be stirred periodically so that the gases formed during fermentation can freely exit what will soon look like fertilizer for your cucumbers and tomatoes.
  5. Best of all, fermentation takes place in the sun, where fertilizer is formed for the garden.
  6. It is necessary to insist nettle for watering and feeding plants from 5 to 10 days.
  7. The resulting infusion should be filtered through several layers of gauze, for watering plants (spraying, this fertilizer cannot be applied to the soil). Ready-made fertilizer for the garden is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10.

It is necessary to collect nettles in order to obtain an infusion for watering plants in ecologically clean areas, preferably in spring and early summer.

What are they used for?

Such a magical infusion of nettles is watered (sprayed) with everything that is possible. It is used for fertilizing the garden and watering vegetable beds with tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries. The infusion is well suited for watering (irrigation) of all garden and even domestic plants. It is especially good for cucumbers, which feed on this tool special love and affection.

This infusion from the nettle plant has many useful properties for garden plants growing in the garden. Nettle, when watering plants, is quickly and gently absorbed, besides, it contains such a huge supply of vitamins, which freely gives away a little after fermentation. During irrigation and watering plants, the infusion replenishes the reserves of potassium and nitrogen outside the roots of plants, serving as one of the best top dressing variations. You can treat your garden with nettle infusion every two weeks, for example, I use it to water plants such as tomatoes and cucumbers. This will only benefit them for any variety of cucumbers and tomatoes. By the way, take note that the aroma of this wonderful nettle infusion is not for the faint of heart. Don't let this come as a surprise to you. If you want to reduce it somewhat, throw a handful of ash or dust into the infusion, you can use valerian leaves for this purpose. And after that, calmly transgress to the procedure of watering (irrigation) and feeding your favorite garden plants.

Such a huge complex of vitamins, macro- and microelements, a lot of organic acids, besides - tannins and phytoncides were found in nettles. This nettle infusion fertilizer is distinguished by its availability, ease of preparation of top dressing and watering. In addition, the amazing effect granted by the infusion of this magical herb has a strong effect on tomatoes, cucumbers, and other plants. Transform your garden and vegetable garden with nettle infusion in a matter of time and with minimal effort!

Video "Fertilizer from ordinary nettle"

There is no gardener who has not been burned by nettles at least once on his hands and feet. But from worst enemy it is easy to turn into a true friend. Nettle infusion is an effective (and at the same time free) fertilizer for the garden. By the way, very revered by the Germans. And there is an explanation for this. Due to the significant content of nitrogen and carbon, it can be compared in efficiency with blood or bone meal. There is more nitrogen in fresh nettles than in bird, pig or bedding nettles. cow dung, cut grass, straw or peat.
In addition, unlike other weeds, it contains many different trace elements - potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, iodine, sodium, copper, chromium. There is also vitamin K, which is involved in photosynthesis and increases the immunity of plants. And all these elements are perfectly assimilated by most horticultural crops. Moreover, nettle is equally useful both for nutrition and for protecting plantings from pests and diseases.

Experienced gardeners always store infusion and nettle ash for future use. Why don't we try it too? Moreover, this weed can give as many as three mowings over the summer. Nettle as a fertilizer is most often used in the form of an infusion, the so-called green tea. It is an excellent tool that accelerates the growth and development of many horticultural and ornamental crops. In addition, with the help of nettle infusion, you can improve the soil on the site. Each gardener has his own recipe for making green tea. Today I will focus on the simplest, so-called classic version.

Grind the branches and leaves of the nettle, which does not yet have seeds, and fill a plastic barrel with them two-thirds. An iron container is not suitable: nettles can react with metal, and then many useful elements will collapse. Pour the greens with warm water (boiling water is also possible), but not to the top: during fermentation, the volume of the infusion increases. Put some kind of oppression so that the plants are under water, cover tightly with a lid and let it brew for 10 - 14 days. The warmer it is outside and the longer the container is in the sun, the faster fermentation will go. Also, to speed up the reaction, you can add a little fresh yeast to the infusion. Stir the nettle potion daily with a wooden stick to speed up the process. The fermented nettle publishes bad smell. To get rid of it, add valerian root or wood ash to the solution. When the fermentation is over, the infusion will darken and stop foaming. The smell will be specific, but not caustic.

For root dressings, the fertilizer must be diluted with water 1:10, and for foliar dressings - 1:20. It is best used during active growth (spring and early summer), as it accelerates the growth of green mass. During fruiting, you should not get carried away with such dressings, otherwise the crops will grow violently and bear fruit very poorly. Root top dressing is carried out 1 - 2 times a week on cloudy days, after rain or during watering. Nettle infusion is poured over the soil around the plants at the rate of 0.5 - 1 l for each bush. Planting leaves are sprayed, as a rule, once a month.

So, what crops can be fertilized with nettles? Almost everything. First of all, tomatoes. Nitrogen, potassium and calcium, which are abundant in nettle infusion, will help them quickly increase the vegetative mass and form high-quality fruits. Also, to feed tomatoes on a bucket (10 l) of green fertilizer, you can add 1 cup of wood ash. Spraying a tomato with nettle infusion will protect them from many ailments, including late blight. It will help cucumbers to increase the number of ovaries and ripen the crop faster. Big fan of green organics and Bulgarian Bell pepper. Cabbage will not refuse natural fertilizer either. But there is one caveat here: green tea should be properly infused.

Green fertilizer works very well on berries - currants, blackberries, raspberries. You can water with nettle infusion and strawberries. After such feeding, the plants literally come to life: their growth accelerates and the fruits ripen faster.

When preparing top dressing for strawberries, you can add bread or fresh yeast to the nettle infusion. The potassium contained in the burner will make the berries sweeter, while the nitrogen and yeast will nourish the plants and help them form healthy shoots.

Nettle infusion is also useful for flowers. But it must be used together with ash: the effect will be much better.

In the ground, watered with nettle extract, a large number of earthworms appear. And nettle infusion perfectly repels the bear.

The soil where nettle grows is always fertile and healthy. And all because the weed enriches it with nitrogen, potassium, silicon and many other trace elements and amino acids. In addition, the roots of the plant secrete substances that activate the formation of humus. Dig up a nettle bush and pay attention to the soil underneath. It will be crumbly and dark brown, with a specific smell of mature compost. You can plant any plants in it without any fertilizers. And they will grow strong and strong.

Humus collected from the place where the nettle grew should not be used as a soil, but as a fertilizer: add in small doses to seedling holes, add to adult crops. But you can’t abuse it: the plants will begin to grow fat - to grow thick and lush greenery to the detriment of flowering and fruiting.

Where nettle is good, other crops are good too. Next to it or in the place freed from under it, plants acquire increased resistance to various diseases. Mint planted next to nettles doubles the amount essential oil. Tomatoes growing next to the bug practically do not suffer from phytophthora. Yes, and they taste much sweeter. Leaving nettles in the garden with cabbage, you will be spared from the invasion of caterpillars and slugs. Snails and slugs, by the way, leave even if plucked nettle stalks are simply laid out between cabbages.

It turns out that dry nettles, crushed and applied to the soil, improve the taste of vegetables. If you put a handful of dry leaves in the holes for seedlings of cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes, then they will grow noticeably better. Beets from such a dry top dressing are larger, darker and sweeter. Very useful for garden crops and nettle mulch. Decomposing quickly, it creates a nutrient mass for soil microorganisms, thereby improving the growth conditions for other plants. Even a small amount of nettle leaves significantly improves the quality of the compost.

Nettle ash can replace the best mineral fertilizers. It is light, flying, bluish in color. It contains more than 30 trace elements, including almost 40% pure potassium. For comparison: wood ash (depending on the species) contains only 3 to 14% potassium.

Nettle is also able to protect against aphids. 1 - 2 kg of greens pour 10 liters cold water and insist for a day. Strain and treat the affected plants with undiluted infusion. Aphids will die from formic acid, which is very abundant in the stinging hairs of nettles.

Use a burning weed and as a stimulant for seed germination. 1 tsp brew dry nettle with a glass of boiling water and leave for at least 2 hours. Seeds wrap and hold in this infusion for a couple of hours.

In the country, nettle can become a “green first aid kit”. No wonder they say that she alone replaces seven doctors. Nettle infusion is an excellent remedy for bruises and for healing wounds, described in an 18th-century manuscript herbalist. Fill the jar tightly with leaves and stems to the neck and fill with vodka or alcohol. Put in a dark place for 3-5 days. Squeeze the raw materials, strain, pour into a container and store in dark place. If you insist on alcohol, then dilute it with water when using it so that there is no burn.

Tired and nervous? Brew nettle leaf tea. If your legs are buzzing in the evening after a hard day's work, take a hot weed bath. There will be a pleasant lightness not only in the legs, but throughout the body. In addition, such baths help get rid of spurs. With a mild diuretic effect, this weed is good prevention arthritis. And with rheumatism, periodically lash the diseased areas with nettles.

Nettle will help out and country kitchen. Young leaves and shoots are used to prepare green cabbage soup, salads, purees, side dishes, pies. For the winter, nettles are salted, fermented or powdered from dry leaves, honey. In England there is even a world championship in eating nettles. Moreover, the plant cannot be processed in any way.

Thanks to phytoncides, nettle helps to preserve long time fresh perishable foodstuffs. For example, gutted fish stuffed with nettles and fresh meat lined with nettles remain fresh for a long time even in hot weather. Nettle leaves, dipped in milk, protect it from sourness.

If not detergents, pick up the bugs and wash any dirty dishes: The result will please you.


There are plants that are not suitable for making green infusions. This is a field bindweed: it is poisonous and, when decomposed, releases toxic substances. Various cereal crops are also not suitable. During their fermentation, alcohol-containing compounds can be formed that are detrimental to plantings.

In principle, all plants can be fertilized with nettles, but there are crops that do not like such fertilizer - beans, beans, peas, onions and garlic. Nettle inhibits their growth.

It is impossible to feed cultures with fermented nettles alone: ​​they will begin to fatten. Therefore, it would be good to add other weeds to the nettle infusion. different plants complement each other well and create a multivitamin top dressing containing all the elements necessary for garden crops. Nettle infusion will be perfectly enriched with comfrey, burdock, dandelion (before the formation of seeds), wormwood, yarrow, couch grass with roots, coltsfoot, chamomile, stepchildren of tomatoes, shepherd's purse ... And if you add to the vegetable infusion wood ash, then it will be difficult to find a worthy replacement for such a universal and exclusively natural fertilizer.


The weather in May brought surprises. And as noted in the forecast (see issue for May 6), it was indeed "substantially cool" at times. During the days of weather cataclysms, even snow fell, which is a rare occurrence for May. In general, the temperature forecast came true by 71%. And this is an excellent indicator. Forecasters consider the weather forecast good for a day if it is 95% fulfilled, for 3 days - for 90%, for a week - for 70 - 75%. And here for a month. Precipitation, as noted, was close to the forecast dates. But in the second half of the month it was somewhat lower than forecasted, and on May 23-24 there were none at all.

According to the calculations of the head of the AstroGEO laboratory of the Avestan school of astrology, Galina Gaiduk, June will be hot and dry. The main weather contradictions will unfold between the planets Mars and Saturn. They stood up against each other and are very energetically activating the map of the new moon drawn up for Minsk. So, we need to prepare for the manifestation of extreme weather. Sudden fluctuations in daily temperatures are possible, severe thunderstorms, winds, squalls, hail, and on some days - excessive precipitation. On the days of weather "revolutions" (which are June 1 - 4, 8 - 9, 15 - 17 and 23 June), weather disasters are likely. With the exception of only a few days, there will be a lack of moisture, and winds will increase the risk of wildfires. Rain is most likely around June 1, 3, 4, 10, 13, 15 and 28.

The weather forecast above, compiled by the AstroGEO laboratory, is valid in the time interval plus 1 day, sometimes up to 2 days, taking into account the inertia of the process. But he cannot take into account such non-systemic processes as excessive solar Activity with strong magnetic storms, the impact of comets and so on.

For weather-dependent people, unfavorable days in June are 2 - 3, 8 - 9, 12, 14, 17, 23, 28, 30. Be careful and attentive in your actions and watch your health.

In the article we will describe in detail what is fed with nettle infusion and give best recipes, according to which you can easily prepare excellent top dressing for various crops on your own.

The use of green fertilizers in the garden not only increases the yield of grown crops, but also saves money. Indeed, for the preparation of most infusions, only nettle, water and some others are needed. natural ingredients(yeast, weeds), which increase the efficiency of top dressing.

Useful properties of nettle

The composition of this burning plant includes such chemical elements, like potassium (34%), calcium (37%), magnesium (6%), vitamins A, B, E, K, organic acids, tannins, phytoncides, etc. What exactly is nettle useful for garden crops?

Potassium, calcium and magnesium are necessary for all types of plants for their full development. Moreover, these elements coming from nettles are easily absorbed by green pets. Vitamin K, which is contained in nettle leaves, is involved in such an important process as photosynthesis, and also increases plant immunity.

The remaining elements perfectly nourish garden crops, accelerate their growth and fruit ripening. In addition, top dressing with nettle has a positive effect on the development ornamental plants and improve their flowering.

So, nettle green fertilizer is suitable for almost all garden crops. It is not recommended to feed only legumes, onions and garlic with it, as nettles inhibit the growth of these plants.

Nettle as a fertilizer is most often used in the form of infusions, more precisely fermented plant mass. In such a fertilizer, additional ingredients are often added that enhance the effect of top dressing.

nettle infusion recipe

There are many recipes for nettle infusion. And there are even more technologies for its preparation. Here we present the most popular, simple and time-tested classic option.

The branches and leaves of the nettle, on which the seeds have not yet appeared, are crushed and poured into Plastic container or an oak barrel so that the green mass fills more than half of the volume of the container. It is not recommended to use an iron container, since the nettle can react with the metal - and many useful elements will be destroyed.

Then warm water (or boiling water) is poured into the container, covered with a lid and allowed to brew for about 14 days. In this case, the infusion is stirred daily.

If the nettle is exposed to the sun for a long time, the fermentation process will take less time. Also, to speed up the reaction, you can add a little yeast or Baikal liquid fertilizer to the infusion.

The fermented nettle exudes an unpleasant smell. To get rid of it, you need to add the root of valerian officinalis to the infusion.

When fermentation is over (the infusion will darken and stop foaming), the fertilizer must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Can also be applied foliar top dressing. To do this, the concentrated infusion of nettle is filtered, diluted with water 1:20 and the plants are sprayed.

How to feed tomatoes with nettles

Many experienced gardeners note that tomatoes often fatten from top dressing with one fermented nettle. Therefore, other weeds are added to the nettle infusion. So, such a plant as comfrey has proven itself as a top dressing for tomatoes.

The infusion is prepared according to the above recipe and the resulting liquid is poured over the tomatoes under the root at the rate of 1 liter per mature plant(for newly planted seedlings, 0.5 l is enough).

To quickly ripen the crop, monthly tomato leaves are sprayed with nettle infusion. Thanks to this, tomatoes grow large and get sick less often.

And nettle tops are useful for tomatoes as mulch. It retains moisture in the soil and prevents slugs from entering the plants.

How to feed cucumbers with nettles

The use of nettle infusion helps to increase the number of ovaries on cucumbers and harvest faster. This culture is fed in the same way as tomatoes. It is recommended to infuse nettle together with comfrey: this weed plant contains a lot of potassium and phosphorus - elements that cucumbers urgently need.

Other vegetables can also be fed with green manure. Use the same nettle infusion recipe and your plants will respond to your care with a rich harvest.

How to feed strawberries with nettles

This delicious berry also not averse to tasting green manure. Especially beneficial for strawberries is the feeding of nettles and bread. The potassium contained in it increases the sweetness of the berries, nitrogen and yeast nourish the plants and help them form healthy shoots.

It is easy to prepare such a fertilizer. The container is ¾ filled with fresh stems and leaves of young nettles, the remains of bread, rolls, crackers, as well as kvass and yeast (preferably fresh) are added there. All this is poured with warm water (also not to the very brim, so that the infusion does not “run away” during fermentation), cover with a lid and insist in a warm place for 3-5 days. Before use, the infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and watered with strawberry bushes under the root.

Other nettle infusion recipes

We have already said that green fertilizer can be made not only from nettles, but also with the addition of other weeds. Along with the previously mentioned comfrey, nettle infusion is perfectly enriched with burdock, dandelion (the plant is used before seeds are formed), wormwood, yarrow, couch grass, coltsfoot, chamomile, etc.

Different plants complement each other well and create a multivitamin top dressing containing all the elements necessary for garden crops. And if wood ash is added to the vegetable infusion, then it will be difficult to find a worthy replacement for such a universal and exclusively natural fertilizer.

For the preparation of green fertilizers, any plants are suitable, except for poisonous ones (in particular, field bindweed cannot be used). It is also not recommended to use cereals: when decomposed, they can form alcohol-containing compounds.

How often can you water plants with nettle infusion

Root top dressing of any crops is carried out 1-2 times a week, on cloudy days, after rain or during watering. Nettle infusion is poured over the soil around the plants at the rate of 0.5-1 l for each bush.

Foliar top dressing (spraying on the leaves) is carried out, as a rule, 1 time per month.

It should be noted that green fertilizers are best used during active growth (spring and early summer), since weed infusions contribute to the growth of green mass. And during fruiting, you should not get carried away with such dressings. Otherwise, the crops will grow wildly, but bear little fruit.

We hope we have convinced you that nettle is not just a weed in the garden, but a noble plant, thanks to which you can grow an unprecedented crop of vegetables and berries.

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Liquid vegetable fertilizers are among the best among those that gardeners and gardeners are able to prepare with their own hands. In terms of the amount of nutrients and trace elements, ordinary nettle is the leader, and below we will tell you how to use it.

To make an infusion of nettles, the herb is harvested in spring and early summer. At this time, she is the juiciest of all and is ready to give all her strength to the beds. In addition, the fertilization process itself is best done in early summer or late autumn, when the crop is already harvested. It is very good if it is possible to combine nettle solution with wood ash. How to determine that plants need to be fed? This is evidenced by faded, underdeveloped leaves, with a yellow or whitish border, covered with spots, too elongated shoots or other deviations from a healthy norm. Some especially demanding farmers completely exclude watering by constantly feeding the crops with a weakly diluted fertilizer. At the same time, it can be used to produce both root watering and spraying. There is an opinion that the latter method works a little more efficiently for certain types of vegetables. But if there is little fertilizer, or the site is large, it is possible to apply top dressing once every two weeks. If you notice that the liquid is very concentrated, you should first dilute it with water. Too saturated solution can burn the roots. Despite this, when used correctly, even house potted flowers love it. For the preparation of the infusion, it is also allowed to use dry, pre-harvested nettles, but it is more useful fresh. The weed is cut at the root and soaked in a container of water. It is desirable that the vessel be made of plastic or other durable material, as iron will corrode. The barrel should not be completely filled so that the substance does not overflow during fermentation. Once a day, the fertilizer must be mixed well. To remove the unpleasant odor that will appear after a few days, throw a handful of ordinary dust from the ground into the barrel or a couple of tablespoons of medicinal valerian infusion. Fermentation takes one and a half to two weeks, the process goes faster in the sun. After the vessel is closed with a loose lid or small holes are made in it. During the process itself, it is worth covering the container with an unnecessary rag or gauze to avoid getting midges and small animals into it. It is necessary to dilute “vegetable compost” for irrigation in proportions of 9: 1 (9 parts of water and 1 infusion). For spraying - 19:1. The same way you can ferment the tops of tomatoes, potatoes and any other plants, including uprooted and mowed weeds. For greater efficiency, such compounds are mixed with bird droppings, bone meal, organic kitchen waste, which quickly rot. Dried nettles are stored for 2-3 years and 200 g are placed for each bucket of water to obtain fertilizers.

Nettle fertilizer is the main pillar organic farming, do not contain harmful additives, unlike their store counterparts, do not harm crops, soil and microorganisms living in it.