How to separate the summer kitchen inside. Summer kitchen: types and design (26 photos). Example of building open summer summer kitchen

You can build a summer kitchen in a private house with your own hands. It is important to make a project, consider the design and select the main material, for example, polycarbonate.

Summer kitchen - this is a great room, giving positive charge Energy, positive attitude and soulful rest. Here, on the lap of nature, you can have a perfect time, enjoying fresh dishes and fragrant tea. This house is an ideal place to meet guests, holidays, cooking home blanks, and food on fresh air - This is a real pleasure. Equipping the construction, it is important to rationally delimit the space, making it more functional and approximate to the benefits of civilization.

Important qualities of summer kitchens

Summer cuisine is erected near the residential building, which is convenient in economic relations. Well, if there is a breakdown for water nearby, and the house itself will be equipped with a stove. IN cold period This construction is used as a warehouse for gardening inventory, and in the summer, food is prepared here and is accepted. Slightly spending personal savings, a place to rest can be made independently. Understand how to build a summer kitchen by studying the main points of installation.

This design is attached to the house or is erected separately, which saves the area significantly. Its main purpose:

  • reduced load on the main kitchen;
  • billet dishes in a warm period;
  • storage of items and things;
  • recreation organization;
  • place for sleep.

Types of summer kitchens

Before you carry out the desired dream, it is important to decide on a variety of future buildings. They are the following types:

  • Opening the kitchen-platform with fireplace and several cabinets.
  • Closed rooms with roof.
  • Decorations from several walls, with a canopy and no floors.

Summer open-type kitchen does not allow you to leave products and utensils here, but it is the best option for cooking kebabs, fish, food. Closing the construction is most functional, they are installed:

  • in the garden, the campaign option (the absence of residential facilities located nearby increases construction costs);
  • a trolley to the house with a canopy (the proximity of the communications is eliminated from unnecessary spending).
  • in the veranda or on the terrace, this is the most comfortable option for arrangement, where you can relax and try fragrant kebabs.

Choosing a place

Summer kitchen can stand anywhere: at residential building, garden, in the forest area. Choosing the site you like, it is important to take into account some nuances:

  • Hilly or lowland;
  • The presence of fire facilities: coniferous trees, flammable buildings make the construction of an object for recreation impossible;
  • The choice of a well-lit zone, mainly Western or East side;
  • Away from the garbage heap;
  • Availability of communications in the form of water supply electrical networks, sewage is the most convenient option the buildings.

Answer the question "How to build a summer kitchen" can be understood by the next moment: the beginning of work is associated with the connection of the house to the necessary goods of civilization, after which the foundation is poured. It is advisable to install the kitchen so that through it you can go to the house.

Features of the layout of the house in the country

On the eve construction work A draft summer kitchen should be made. Design may have a view open veranda, decorating any interesting objects, curtains in the form of thin wooden bangles, pots with unusual plants. For convenience, a zone with a multitude of shelves is equipped, enough space is released for the working area. To ensure hygienicity, it is important to bring water or put a primitive washbasin, as well as ensure the drain. This branch is available in a private house, from where communications is stretched.

Dining room organization is allowed in the summer kitchen area: tables are put, the linen cord is stretched, the place for the drying of herbs is settled. Separating the entire ensemble of the hedge from living plants, the plot is landscapped and decorated. Potted sites, flooring the floor will add zone hygienic and convenience. Decorative ready design powerful lianams, you can not only hide from summer heatbut also transform the established object. The design of the summer kitchen involves the design of buildings of one color gamutharmoniously combined with a palette of a residential building.

When arranging roofs, it is advisable to exclude complex forms And overly high designs. Kitchen layout admits single roofs with a slight slope. Slate, galvanized iron or ondulin is taken as the coating material.

Kitchen layout suggests its deliberate understatement when the roof level is below the trees dropped. However, in this case it is important to take care of the drain for rainwater. If the barbecue is assumed on the territory of the house, it is important to allocate enough space for it. It is impossible to place a barbecue barbecue near kitchen stove. The layout of such a building involves the placement of the zone for breeding fire in the open area.

Permissible materials

For the construction of summer kitchens, wood and brick are most often used, although there are exceptions. Given the fact that the structure is almost in a private house, the stylistics of the finish and the raw material used to build must be identical. So for building closed type It is allowed to use foam blocks, stone, plasterboard, lining, plywood.

Classic type wooden structure There will be a profiled bar. It has absolute naturalness and low price, however, to build a given design itself, without having experience in handling such a material, difficult. Any wooden surfaces Requires to cover their base with varnish.

The design of bricks or foam blocks will cost much more expensive, however, it will stand as long as possible. Outside, such houses are separated by siding, plastic eurryaging, block house, from the inside the walls are trimmed with sheets of GKL, tiles or artificial stone.

Important! Choosing facing materials For summer cuisines, it is important to pay attention to the high moisture resistance of the coatings, the resistance to the Sun and the temperature differences.

Summer kitchen from polycarbonate has special air and ease. The transparency of the material allows you to look through surrounding, And reliable coating protects against adverse weather effects. Such raw materials will organically complement any interior, without having driving it with its appearance and not creating shadows. From it you can build almost any construction, and the ease of design allows you to easily transfer it and clean it for the winter.

Construction of a leisure facility

Construction of summer cuisine with their own hands begins with the construction of the foundation. For construction of bricks, you need a ribbon support, wooden buildings withstands foundation columnal. After it is pouring, the walls of a bar are erected, parts of which are connected by metal corners and are attached with self-draws. Outside overlap is trimmed with boards, from the inside with clapboard or plasterboard.

The roof in the house is made flat, single-table or double, covered with metal tiles, slate or professional flooring. At the end of work in the design windows are inserted, and the house is equipped with a furnace.

Decoration of the room

The interior of the kitchen is determined by the materials used for finishing. So, the floor linoleum, blackboard or ceramic tile, the ceiling is lined with wood. The interior of the room is complemented by carved items or flower compositions. A modern and elegant style of High-tech is well suited here, Provence with the predominance of floral ornaments. Various kitchen interior oven with clay dishes and diverse kitchen utensils. Any decoration made by the hosts of the owners will display them independent state And give the features of individuality.

Eastern style lovers interior can be supplemented with relevant ornaments, mosaic compositions on the walls. The presence of a large cauldron, comfortable topchair, mirrors, exotic plants Mentally transferred to distant countries. The kitchen interior is preferably arranged in a bright colors palette, the pale colors are better combined with other shades. The room is decorated with any items from natural and artificial materials, floral compositions. The design of the house may be the most different, the main rule when finishing is the courage of solutions and a creative approach.

Today, summer cuisine has become the desired building in a private house or in the country. Let's discuss the topic of how to separate the summer kitchen. It all depends on the location of the construction, the functions you want to endure, except cooking.

Summer kitchens by type of location are:

  • Separately standing;
  • Attached to the house - This is usually canopies connected to the building.

By way of structure:

  • Closed typesmall building Kitchens made of stone, wood and other materials.
  • Open type - Playground under a single-sided canopy or made in the form of a gazebo. You can leave one wall open, and the rest lay, for example, brick and separate. To improve the interior, one of the walls can be made from glass blocks - an additional daylight source.

In addition, it should be noted that if the kitchen is intended only for cooking, it should not be far away from home. Otherwise, you will only "get out" kilometers, wearing products and ready to go to the house.

In case you provide a dining area in the summer kitchen, your family will be gather here for meals. In the summer I want to be more in the air, so it would be nice to attach to the kitchen to attach a terrace or canopy to dinner in nature.

In addition to these considerations, there is also a question to ensure the kitchen of energy resources - electricity, gas, water, sewage supply. Therefore, the distance from the house should be small.

If this is a cottage, then the gas may not be supplied, then use the cylinders if you have gas stove. The cylinder should be taken out of the kitchen area on the street, provide a special metal box - a wardrobe with ventilation holes and lock it on the lock.

If there are electricity with gas, you can not deal with the electricity, but the electric stove must connect the electrician, as there are its tolerances, the calculation of the cable cross section and other points.

Considering all the above, the question arises - how to separate the summer kitchen so that in the end it is not very expensive, and at the same time the construction harmonized with the general ensemble of the house, cottages.

Consider as an example a closed summer kitchen. It is more practical, as all the furniture, kitchenware have permanent places. But an open summer kitchen is a hostile option, as it is necessary every time the kitchen utensils to carry into the house. In winter, just "preserve" the object until the next summer.

Summer kitchen finishing options

Let's start with an outdoor decoration

The interior of the main building is a private house, cottages must be consonant with the kitchen finish. Starting from the breakfast of buildings and ending roofing. If you want to have an impeccable interior, we take into account the design of the fence, landscaping of the site and other business buildings.

The most common facade finishing materials:

  • Brick masonry under the frame, facing the brick;
  • All sorts decorative plaster - Coroed, fur coat and others;
  • Just plaster with the subsequent painting surface with facade paints;
  • Wooden walls of walls;
  • Cladding tile (ceramic, porcelain stoneware);
  • Facing with artificial stone.

This is an incomplete list of how to separate the summer kitchen, I will not continue it, since you decide with yourself with finishing materials In its taste preference and the size of your wallet.

Summer kitchen on functionality is identical to any kitchen in the house, apartment. Therefore, when choosing materials for its design, it should be proceeded from this. Besides tasty foodpreparing on the stove, there is all the same fatty plates, smells are entrusted to the surface of the walls and the ceiling.

The most, probably, a big plus is that summer kitchen for a warm period of time unloads the main kitchen from these problems. And morning coffee can be served in country house And do not breathe couples of fried products.

Materials for interior decoration:

Ceiling Anyway is suitable - painted by wallpaper lined plastic panelsDecorated with polystyrene tiles, drywall and other materials.

Floors Preferably, perform from tiles. Lay out the pattern, use the tile different colors, just a color tile with a pattern, and your summer kitchen will not give up the kitchen in the apartment. It is good and porcelain stoneware - he is even superior to ceramic tiles in its characteristics for some parameters. We will not discharge the linoleum - the outdoor coverage for years.

Considered the main options for the closed summer summer kitchen finish. Depending on the location, sizes, constructive solution and the functionality of the kitchen you decide on the most acceptable finish.

I suggest viewing a very beautiful video with examples of interestingly designed open summer kitchens, their interior and arrangement.

Summer is a wonderful time of the year. Summer gives a gentle sun, a soft breeze and a feeling of freedom. Many of us do not want to spend this wonderful season in the apartments, so people go to the cottage to relax, breathe fresh air and experience the charm of nature. But even no one exempt women from cooking. Agree, to stand in the kitchen into an incredible heat is difficult. Therefore, many owners of country and private houses that allow the process of cooking food is not responsible, but in pleasure in the fresh air.

Summer cuisine must meet all your needs.

perfect solution For pastime and cooking. In such premises it is possible to install many attributes of the interior, which will perform not only their functional purpose, but also aesthetic. in modern interior, mangal wooden gazebo.Numerous color and textile compositions will help to turn the summer kitchen in a cozy terrace. How to choose correctly proper placement And what interior items harmoniously fit into the design of the summer kitchen will prompt the article.


Before starting the construction of "new" dining area It is determined by its location. Then the kitchen look is selected: open or closed. And only after that, the details of the interior are thought out, the area is calculated, measurements are removed.

For creating cozy atmosphere Experts are often involved in the fresh air: builders and designers. But you can plan everything yourself. If you wish to install the furnace, a schematic plan is drawn with a detailed placement and parameters of all interior items, including a dining group. But if you build a factory headset, it is not difficult, then build a furnace with your own hands will be much harder. The construction of the furnace assumes the presence of construction skills and skills. But with their absence, it can be done with your own hands. The main thing is not to rush and stick to the rules of construction. Initially drawings are drawings homemade. According to the drawings and the foundation and the framework of the future "creation" is laid out.

As previously noted, the summer kitchen can be open and closed. Consider these two concepts in detail.

Open option This is a temporary dining area model.


Open summer kitchen in a private house implies a pad without a roof or canopy. Such kitchens do not use much popular. No roof or canopy does not protect against wind or rain. It is not convenient to cook in such a kitchen, the wind gusts extinguish the fire, sand, leaves, etc. Plus the open area fall into food with the wind - Presentable appearance. But building the kitchen, it is worth remembering that first of all it should be practical and functional, not beautiful.


The closed platform involves the presence of a roof, a canopy, walls or other fences that protect the space from weather conditions.

Options for placing closed sites:

  1. . Accommodation on the territory reptiles with one wall to the house is very profitable. A person will not have any problems with communications and electricity.
  2. Garden. The playgrounds in the garden look original and fascinating. But minus is an additional construction of a canopy. Alternatively, arbors are installed in the courtyard of the private house with their own hands. Arbors are performed from wooden massif, look elegant and expensive.

Construction of the furnace

Oven - undoubted attribute comfort

You can decorate and originally transform the summer kitchen with the help of a Russian oven or barbecue. These attributes have such advantages:

  • Serve as a cooking surface.
  • Complement the interior stylistry.

In order to fold the Russian oven with their own hands, you need to hold the order of the following work:

  1. Initially, lay the foundation at the half-meter level. When the layer is put on the sand layer, which is then rambling. Next poured the fundamental base from concrete. We leave for frost for seven days.
  2. Stelim waterproofing layer: rubberoid or cellophane.
  3. Lay out the basis of the design. When laying out the angle. It must be equal to 90 degrees. For verification, we use a constructional bar.
  4. We lay out the stone into the dressing, fastening it with a cement solution.
  5. In order to build a furnace with their own hands for a long time, every four layers check the level and angle. When the angle asymmetrics have to disassemble the design and start again.

When laying the furnace not to use stones different types. It will provoke further cracking of the oven.

During the construction of a furnace over the design, carports are made in the courtyard of a private house with their own hands. It is necessary to protect the structure from possible rain. Under the influence of water, uncomfortable cement is deformed.

For construction oven use refractory brick. You can build and ordinary, but in this case, the service life will decrease. Before construction, ordinary bricks are soaked in water for 20 seconds. This reduces their moisture content.

Tell the construction of the furnace to the present specialist

It is worth remembering that construction is done only after the drawings of the brick furnaces for the house are drawn and agreed with the general parameters of space. Without preliminary drawing, start the furnace laying is prohibited. Otherwise, it will be misunderstood or it will not fit into the specified space. It is impossible to make the foundation. Therefore, all sizes are prepired and recorded.

For decoration, a tile is used for facing furnaces and fireplaces. The color of the tile is selected on the tone of the brick itself. This will give the oven "old" species and decorate the design of summer cuisine at the cottage.

Criteria for choosing a furnace

If you wish to build a furnace, it is worth considering the availability of communication. If the furnace is located in the garden, then the Russian oven is better for the house. It is token wood and does not require electricity. When placing an oven near the house, it is better to choose a bake barbecue running from gas or electricity. The oven - barbecue looks modern and will help organically add the interior. Barbecue oven is more functional. It accommodates a cooking and working surface.

Decoration site

Summer cuisine in the country with their own hands is made simply with funds and desires. An open or closed platform allows you to combine the working area with dining. Moreover, textile curtains are performed on the platform for additional convenience and is put up soft furniture.

In order for the summer kitchen to please the eye, you need to take care of the appropriate finish. Materials and tiles for facing furnaces is selected in a single style and color scheme.

Strive to show common style Kitchens in all its details

Open kitchen looks natural, if it is finished with a stone that is not terrible wind and precipitation. If desired, instead of a stone put paving tile on the floor. The combination of a stone floor, a wooden dining group and a Russian oven looks very exquisite, but unobtrusively.

Tree, clapboard, tile or plasterboard sheets. But natural tree It is better not to use in open kitchens. Tree sensitive material for moisture and precipitation, under the influence natural factors Rights quickly. It looks profitable external cladding siding.

The trim tree on closed kitchens looks sophisticated and expensive. The tree is expensive material, so it is expensive to separate them the entire area of \u200b\u200bspace. Therefore, the floor is laid out of the tree, and the walls and the ceiling are performed from the lining.

A garden gazebo from a tree looks at home. It has a desire to relax, enjoy nature and nice to spend time. Do not paint a wooden frame. This will only spoil the appearance. It is enough to cover it with a varnish for durability.

It is not recommended to install brick stoves for the purpose of security. The thing is that the furnace implies a firewood firing, so there will be a fire in the furnace, which will damage. Bricks are better installed on open or adjacent sites.

Design of summer kitchen in the presence of a furnace should be not only beautiful. Special attention Safety is paid. So the apron in the furnace is restored ceramic tiles, and the furnace itself is performed from refractory bricks.

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Summer cuisine serves as an excellent place to relax and the pastime. Therefore, its design and decoration is paid to maximum attention. Options for placement and methods of finishing a lot. For creating unique design The playgrounds are only necessary to have a desire and fantasy. But as practice shows, closed areas lined with stone are popular. This finish is durable and attractive. But how to finish your own flight cuisine to solve only you.

In the fresh air, not only appetite is stronger, but the food is absorbed significantly better. In warm weather, I do not want to sit in the room. Conservation for the winter is also easier to do on the street. In the article, we will tell you how to build a summer kitchen with your own hands, demonstrate schemes, drawings, photos and video instructions.

Select type

All types of summer kitchens can be attributed to two categories:

  • open;
  • closed.

Closed kitchens resemble a small structure similar to the house, which often does not have much insulation. The advantage of such a solution will be insect protection, best defense From bad weather, as well as from the wind. Option open kitchen From one or more of the sides can be protected with a tissue, wooden or other wall. The advantage of such a solution will be greater unity with nature. Among open types Buildings allocate options:

  • With barbecue. In this case, you have an advantage to cook favorite dish Open fire. Skewers will be available in any weather. If you additionally mount the oven, then you can please my friends with pizza.
  • With a gazebo or pergola. It's nice to sit among the greens. This is exactly the solution in which the entire structure will eventually be shrouded with grapes, ivy or another curly plant.
  • Canopy, adjacent to the house. The easiest to build a way. Requires less attachments. But there is negative moment. When cooking, all couples and smoke will go to the side of the house. This can lead to a damage of walls or other finishing material.

Stages of preparation

After you chose one of possible optionsIt's time to create a small project.

  • Select location. Well, when it is possible to post a kitchen in a cozy garden, where a pleasant atmosphere of calm reigns. At this stage, it is necessary to take into account the proximity of the location of various communications. They will definitely need. For electrical devices Will will be required. When cooking, do not do without water and after it is necessary to go somewhere. Do not place the structure close to travel and roads. Then your meal will not be spoiled unpleasant smells. If there is a toilet on the street, then it is better to leave it as far as possible.
  • Stop on the material for construction. If a closed kitchen is planned, then you can approach it as a frame building, in this case we will need wood. Good option There will be a structure from foam blocks or bricks. Open, most likely, will be from wood or one or two of its walls will be from the material that has been listed earlier.
  • We are determined with the roof. In the open structure will be perfectly looked soft tileBut this is a fairly costly solution, although it cannot be excluded, because the roof area will be small. A good option will be metal tile or professional flooring. Perhaps, waiting for his turn, you have slate lips or ondulin - they will also fit.
  • The project also needs to be taken into account, what equipment is planned to be purchased for summer kitchen.


Summer kitchen usually thinks like a lightweight design. This means that the foundation can immediately act and the floor, and perhaps the fill will not be required at all.

  • First you need to clear the selected territory from all debris and vegetation.
  • Removed small layer of top soil.
  • One of the corners of the future building is denoted by a wooden caviar or metal rod. Next are still three elements. To position them correctly, you need to measure the diagonal for identity. Between them stretches the fishing line or durable twine, which will serve as a reference.

If the structure consists of a canopy, then after these steps you can do as follows:

  • At a depth of 30 cm, the entire perimeter of the marked site is reaping.
  • The bottom is aligned and tamper.
  • Inside the sand falls asleep with a layer of 10-15 cm. It is also aligned and trambed well.
  • The remaining space is filled with screening and the final alignment is performed.
  • Further on our "pie", which was prepared, the pavement or other tile is stacked, which is designed for the street. This can be done on a dry cement solution, which after spilling water will well fix all the base.
  • On four angles, pits are digging, their depth should be at least 50 cm. The formwork is installed inside. The valve is made from the reinforcement, which will be the basis of the reinforced concrete structure. It stacked inside and poured with a solution. With the help of the vibrator, the whole mixture tram. While concrete has not yet frozen in the middle, two metal plates are inserted, to which we can fix the wooden poles that will be support for the walls and roofs.

This option will be relevant in the case when the soil is sufficiently dense. In cases where groundwater It can be very close to the surface or disinterested in the upper layer, it is necessary to provide a more durable base. Also, if you plan to hold a stove or barbeep on such a foundation, then for them you will need to lay separate concrete supports.

In order to make a foundation-slab, we will need to make the first three steps from the previous instructions. Next, we are as follows:

  • We prepare 8 pieces of reinforcement rods. Four of them should be 10 cm in short, one of the parties of the future structure, 4 others by 10 cm shorter than the other. If the construction is square, then they all turn out of one size.
  • We put four of them in the form of our future structure and fix among themselves. Further every 40 cm tie longitudinal and transverse jumpers. In the same way we prepare the second grid. We connect two lattices with jumpers in such a height so that the future plate towers above the surface at least 5 cm.
  • I lower the entire design in the middle of the pitted pit, we set the formwork and pour concrete. Trambling with a vibrator. Less Rakes and let out a few weeks.
  • In a fresh concrete around the perimeter in a meter increments, metal plates can be placed on the width of the future bar for the walls. Either this can only be done in the corners.

It is very important that the floor is above the ground surface. Due to this, the rainwater will not fall. Also, it is also good to make a small gender of the floor to the precipitate, which will drive, can freely drain or just through the door.

In the case when it is planned to build closed kitchen From brick or foam block, it may be enough for this option of the foundation. Also, for these needs, you can build a ribbon small-breeding or column foundation. In this case, such a large-scale ground excavation is produced.

  • At a depth of 50 cm, the trench is rotated throughout the perimeter of the future kitchen. Width will depend on the thickness of the walls. In any case, the foundation should be 10-15 cm wider.
  • A layer of sand is covered on the bottom, which is aligned and spillway with water.
  • Metal base-grille is manufactured according to the principle as in the previous instruction. It stacked in the trench.
  • A formwork is established with the calculation so that the future foundation is tumped by 20-30 cm above the ground surface.
  • Flip cement mortar, trambra and align it. Let's give out 2-3 weeks.

The supply of all communications should be done in parallel with the foundation laying so that later it did not have to hammer in it holes or dump it. So that the pipes are not clogged with a solution, they must be closed in advance with the help of tissue and polyethylene oil.

Open kitchen

This option can be raised the most quickly. We have already laid the base and fastening for supports. If you plan to have a kitchen with one or both sides to be closed with brick walls or other material, then the first thing you need to begin the construction of these partitions.

  • In the corners of future walls, they swing in the ground a metal square pipe or a profile of 50 × 50 mm. I exhibit it in terms of level. We do it so that the planks turn out to be close to the masonry. They will serve us as a guideline.
  • Between them stretch the line. Raise it to the height of the first row of the brick, which will be laid. I exhibit it in terms of level.
  • Preparing cement-sandy solution In a 1: 3 ratio. This will be quite enough for our purposes.
  • We produce masonry, focusing on the stretched fishing line, and also periodically recheck yourself.
  • As soon as the first row is completed, raise the fishing line for the next and so to the very end.
  • In order for the design is more stable, the reinforcing grid can be laid in the seams.

If you do not plan the presence of the walls of this character, then the process will be much easier.

  • To the metal plates, which we laid during the manufacture of the foundation, screw the timber that will serve as a support. When the whole design is long, then it is necessary to provide in advance to be necessary to install 3-4 pillars on one side. Their length should be equal to the height of our construction, and the sizes of the parties are 15 × 15 cm or 15 × 10 cm.
  • I exhibit them in terms of the level so that they are strictly vertical. The bars of one wall should be longer so that we can organize the roofs.
  • Immediately strengthen our columns with the help of the upper strapping. It can be made of the same logs. Fixation we produce with the help metal corners.
  • To give greater stability of the entire design, you can set two drives near each column. To the support, they can be fixed using self-samples, and to the base - anchor bolt.
  • Mount the beams for our future roof. So that they are better to keep in the places of their adjustment to the strapping, it is better to join. Fix using metal corners.
  • Make a crate under the flooring, as the manufacturer recommends. We put roofing material.
  • To create more comfort, one side (or more) can be sewn with wooden lining or Haus block. On the other - make a wooden grid. You can equip support for curly green plants.

In the case when the enclosure is planned, after laying ceiling beams No need to do anything else. They can be covered with a mourn or varnish. Further, the plants themselves will make their own business, creating a shadow when completely grow out.

Closed kitchen

At the design stage, it might have been decided to build the walls of foam block or brick, then this can be done by the principle of installing vertical benchmarks mentioned above. The thickness of the walls may not be too big. In some cases, laying in Polkirpich is allowed. But always consider the weight of the future roof. In the future, the construction can be seen by siding or block house. For interior decoration, the Block House, lining or other material, which will be resistant to frosts, is unlikely that someone will hardly constantly constantly make the room.

The wall is laid on the walls, which will act as Mauerlat. Its size can be 10 × 15 cm. It is fixed using anchor bolts or studs that need to be closed along the construction of walls. For it, it is necessary to put waterproofing in the form of rubberoid or biket. The sling system is installed on the logs. It can be both for a duplex and for a single roof (for this option it will be enough to make one wall above another, then beams are simply installed between them). The lamp is mounted on the beams and the roofing flooring is stacked. FROM inner The ceiling is laid.

You can go easier and stay on the skeletal version. For him, we will need a bars of the same size as for vertical columns from the open kitchen instructions. Of these, we do the basis. We put them around the perimeter of our foundation on two layers of rubberoid or biket, which will serve as waterproofing. We make a dressing between them. To do this, on the edge of each log, the depression is half the depth and an width equal to the width of the log. Checking the diagonal. Fix them with each other with the help of self-tapping and internal metal corners. Further fasten to pre-prepared plates or anchors to the foundation.

Mount the angular reference pillars from the same bar. In increments of 60 cm, we set additional vertical supports from a 10 × 5 cm board. For greater stiffness, we screw the drives for each basic support. We perform the top strapping and install the soling system for the future roof. We do this by analogy with an open kitchen.

Finish straight

Even if the presence of a barbecue or stove is planned in our kitchen, this does not exclude the presence of gas or electric stovewhich enjoy much more convenient. It is necessary to take care of the installation of washing, a mixer, as well as the coasters for the dishes on which it will dry. Well, if there is a locker in which cutlery can be hidden, as well as pans. You need to take care of the dining table, as well as comfortable furniture on which you can relax. For more comfort, it is better to carry out the main and decorative backlight.

For the open kitchen project, it is best to take care that all the lighting devices are preferably preferably with IP68. In this case, you will not have to worry about the fact that any elements will be damaged by rainwater.

Do not approach the project of summer cuisine for everybody. Let it be in some sense designer decision. After all, it will serve not only the place of adoption, but also a playground with relatives and friends.