Green tea nestle nestea strawberry and raspberry - “and the sweet taste of raspberry on the lips, strawberry on the teeth and tea on the cheeks! all this is new from nestea with strawberry and raspberry flavor

Do you want to grow an unusual berry in your summer cottage and surprise your friends and loved ones? Plant a raspberry-strawberry hybrid. It is simply amazing, but it combines the tastes of these two berries, so beloved by us and familiar from childhood.

Many hybrids are known to gardeners, and it is difficult to surprise them with something. But in this situation, it seems incredible that scientists have obtained a hybrid herbaceous plant with bush. Many will not believe that this is possible. And rightly so. The breeders have nothing to do with it.

It turns out that we are talking about a new variety of raspberries, little known to Russian gardeners. It is called differently: Tibetan, zemmalina, rose-leaved, strawberry, Chinese, Himalayan, clubmaline, raspberry ...

This shrub was brought to our latitudes from East Asia, and in nature it is found on mountain slopes and in mixed forests. Unlike garden raspberries, which are about 1.5 meters high, it can reach 3 meters in height. But in conditions of temperate latitudes on our soils, its height ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 meters.

The shrub has thorny shoots and green leaves with yellow veins and denticles along the edges. One of its names is rose-leaved raspberry, the shrub received because of the similarity of its leaves with rose leaves. It blooms with white five-petal large flowers(up to 5cm). The bush pleases with flowering from July to late autumn, its flowers perfectly coexist with unusual large red berries, their aroma resembles strawberries.

The berries taste a little sour, similar to blackberries with pineapple. The plant is so unusual and decorative that it is perfect for decorating a garden or suburban area... This is lovely hedge: pleasing to the eye with beauty and guards with thorny branches.

The first harvest of strawberries and raspberries can be harvested at the end of summer and feast on this unusual berry until late autumn. At the same time, the harvest is quite decent: one branch is capable of producing up to 5 berries weighing 3 g each. Berries in shape and appearance resemble strawberries.


The shrub is planted in the usual way for garden raspberries. It grows from 50 cm to 1.5 meters. The unusual raspberry has large and very sharp thorns. Therefore, the planting of this thorny plant must be done with thick gloves.

In the temperate zone, planting Tibetan raspberries is preferable in the southern and sunny side plot. In areas with dry and hot climates, the plant feels good in partial shade. You can plant raspberries as separate bushes or in rows, observing the basic planting rules.

Raspberry-strawberry planting rules:

  • Before planting, it is necessary to dig small trenches (for planting in rows) or holes (for cluster planting).
  • When planting, strictly observe the distance: between the bushes - 0.8 m, between the rows - 1.5 m.
  • It is recommended to apply fertilizer in pits or trenches in the form of a mixture of 1 bucket of peat and 0.5 bucket of rotted manure.
  • After planting, water it abundantly.
  • To make raspberries easier to take root and not get sick, it is better to plant them in the fall, before frost (from September to October).
  • For transplanting or when propagating their bushes, they act like this: carefully dig up the shoot with an earthen lump and carefully transfer it to the right place.
  • When choosing a place for this plant, find one where there is abundant root growth will not harm other garden pets. And also keep in mind that the shrub does not like constantly wet places.
  • If necessary, it is possible to limit the growth of raspberries in some ways: for example, with slate sheets dug around the perimeter.
  • At the first serious frosts, young seedlings should be sprinkled, sprinkling their root system 30 cm with soil.


Strawberry-raspberry is unpretentious. But, despite this, it needs minimal maintenance.

Strawberry Raspberry Care Tips:

  1. In dry weather, it is advisable to water the shrub regularly. Keep in mind that the plant does not like waterlogging.
  2. To prevent the soil from drying out around the shrub, it is recommended to mulch it using peat, compost or humus (this is especially necessary for bush plantings).
  3. It is advisable to weed the soil around the shrub with your hands, so as not to damage the root system close to the surface.
  4. In the spring, it is necessary to feed the shrub with any mineral fertilizers for raspberries (5 tablespoons for each shrub) or liquid manure (1 part of manure for 20 parts of water).
  5. Chinese raspberries reproduce by root shoots, many of them are formed during the season.
  6. Before persistent frosts aerial part raspberries are cut to the ground, and the roots are sprinkled.
  7. Raspberry tolerates winter well. It is only required to cover the plant in extremely cold and little snowy winters.

As you can see, this unusual plant picky to care for, and takes no more time than regular raspberries.


Antonina, 65 years old, Ufa

Saplings are expensive, and the taste of the berries is not particularly encouraging. But I found a way out! I planted several bushes (multiplied my own) in front of the house. Now neighbors passing by admire the outlandish bush and are very surprised to learn what kind of plant it is.

Nikolay 43 years old, Kostroma

I gave my wife an outlandish raspberry, which I read about on the Internet. The wife is happy, now she has something to surprise her girlfriends and summer residents.

Anna 38 years old, Ulyanovsk

I got such a miracle raspberry 5 years ago. Raw berries smell like strawberries, taste sour, they make good jelly and compote, as well as unusual jam and preserves.

Maria 29 years old, Krasnodar

My 5-year-old daughter Lena really likes the taste and vivid view these berries. I am glad that they do not cause allergies in her. While treating her grandmother, she said: "Eat, this strawberry and raspberry have become friends!".

Victoria, 40 years old, Elektrostal

Sapling of this unusual bush took from a friend in the country, I liked him with his interesting view... He easily took root in my garden, and every summer he pleases my guests and loved ones.

As we found out, this amazing shrub with different names has many wonderful qualities. He fell in love with many summer residents and landscape designers. Perhaps it will take root on your site.


Strawberry raspberry- a challenge for gourmet gardeners. Most growers, even distributors and sellers, mistakenly believe that they are hybrids derived from crossing strawberries or raspberries. Strawberry raspberry (Rubus illecebrosus) is a type of raspberry.

Attractive when blooming

Raspberries are not picky about the soil. The raspberry bush grows up to 30-60 cm in height. They are thick, spherical in shape. Stems, branches of the petiole are covered with thorns. The flowers are large, beautiful white.
The first fruits appear in August. Then the harvest is the richest. Large, shiny, roundish, bright red berries ripen in first year stems. Ripe berries can be harvested until autumn, as these raspberries bear fruit until the very frost. Some varieties of berries are dark cherry, orange or even amber yellow. The fruit is complex. It consists of a thin layer of small fruits, each of which contains a seed. The berries "sit" on a large white receptacle.

Stop unlimited distribution

It is very easy to propagate strawberry raspberries. In early spring or fall, the bushes that have been dug should be divided and planted in a new location.
In order for the harvest of strawberry raspberries to be rich every year, they must be covered for the winter, because in severe frosts, part of it may simply freeze out.
Raspberry hedges look funny. They are not tall, dense, during flowering they are attractive with flowers, later with berries. Unfortunately, strawberry raspberries are not evergreen, so them, like others herbal plants ruined by frost. Therefore, in late spring, not a trace remains of the hedge. New plants will have to wait until spring.

Due to its large white or yellowish flowers, these raspberries can be grown in the garden as very attractive and ornamental plant... They are very suitable for reinforcing steep slopes.
Strawberry raspberry expansive. If you do not stop them, it will spread with its nimble roots and spread throughout the garden. Many gardeners plant bushes in large pots, barrels or beds, and separate them with old linoleum from all sides, burying it to a depth of half a meter. Do not use a film, even a thick one, because the roots will easily pierce it and will grow further.
Some gardeners joke that strawberry raspberries bring joy twice: the first - by buying it, planting and picking the first berry, and the second, when it suddenly grew at the other end of the garden, was eradicated, because the work was not at all easy.

In China, this raspberry is considered a vegetable.

Nevertheless, our gardeners love strawberry raspberries, because they grow berries at the beginning of summer, when the spring ends and there is still no autumn raspberry. The berries are not transportable, so they are rarely seen on store shelves or in the market.

The nutritional value of Strawberry Raspberries is low because they are not as sweet as our regular garden raspberries. In addition, it has a specific taste. In China, they are highly valued, loved and considered vegetables. There, their berries are added to some vegetable salads.

The salad is very simple. About a bucket of raspberry mayonnaise, two tomatoes, finely chop a small onion and mix everything. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste, a little greens and a little olive oil. Salad ready. Sometimes the mistress's strawberry raspberries are added to lecho.

Strawberry raspberries: planting, growing and care

Photo by: peterissupe from

The main thing that you should know about this plant is that everyone can master the cultivation of strawberry raspberries! There is no fundamental difference between this and regular raspberries: it is frost-resistant, unpretentious to soil and multiplies very quickly. What is also good - its fruits are very large, up to 4 cm in diameter, although not sugary.

General information

The strawberry raspberry bush reaches a height of 30 to 70 cm and is very dense. The whole plant is covered with thorns, so it should be handled with care. The homeland of the prickly beauty is Japan, but it is appreciated and eaten most of all in China and Western Europe... According to some sources, its winter hardiness is not high, but there is absolutely accurate information that this plant with winter shelter feels perfect in Estonia and St. Petersburg, while it multiplies wildly.

Planting, reproduction

Strawberry raspberries reproduce very actively by itself, so make sure in advance (this is important!) That its roots do not take up the space you need. Subsequently, it is very difficult to fight against the overgrowth of strawberry raspberries, and on a large scale it is almost impossible. Therefore, you should dig in the slate (to a depth of 50 cm!) Or plant where you have enough space for the whole plantation.

It is very simple to propagate strawberry raspberries yourself: in early spring or in late autumn, it is worth digging up the bushes and planting them in a new place. The planting pattern for strawberry raspberries is as follows: in a row - 15 cm, and between rows - 30 cm.

This plant can also be grafted in summer or sown directly with seeds. But the last way is better through seedlings, so it is more reliable.


During the season, the bushes do not need to be pruned, but before winter, dry branches should be cut off, and from spring to wait for fresh green shoots.

If you do not have particularly aggressive weeds on the site, then weeding can be neglected. In the sod, such raspberries grow well on their own with only one initial digging for planting.

In severe frosts, the bushes should be covered for the winter, so you will increase the next year's harvest.


Strawberry raspberries bear fruit from mid-summer until frost. Every year the bushes grow stronger, and the yield only increases in volume. In the first year, fruits appear in July or August, and the crop ripens on the shoots of the first year. The berries can be dark cherry, bright red, or even amber.

It is best to pick berries in Plastic container shallow so that it does not wrinkle. Strawberry raspberry jam is excellent. And be sure to try this simple recipe: pour peach or vanilla yogurt over the berry and eat with a spoon. Yummy!


Strawberry raspberries are used both in strengthening the slopes and in creating hedges - because of the powerful root system and thorns, respectively. As we already said, strawberry raspberries multiply rapidly, and soon the planting resembles a real impenetrable wall.

Raspberry Strawberry Duo (Tibetan)

The photo shows berries of perfect ripeness - it is at this moment that it is worth starting the harvest.

Mysterious zemmaline

Mysterious zemmaline Three years ago, in August, I was in Postavy and went to the market. Walking among the rows where agricultural products and seedlings are sold, I noticed plants resembling raspberries.

Their height was 40-60 cm. Some specimens have attractive, bright red fruits. Noticing my curiosity, the seller treated me to a few berries. They tasted like raspberries, but with a pronounced strawberry aroma. While I was deciding whether to buy seedlings or not, the woman said that the plant is strawberry raspberry. Her son brought her seedlings from St. Petersburg. Agricultural technology for growing zemalina is simple and accessible to any gardener. It grows on any soils with a neutral reaction, but still prefers light and fertile soils. It responds well to feeding with rotted manure and wood ash.

On my site, I allocated a sunny place for the zemmaline with well-fertilized soil. I planted her in rows. The distance in the row is 10-20 cm, and between the rows is 30 cm. With this planting scheme, the zemmaline can weed easily and conveniently. In July, the first ovaries appeared on the plants, and at the end of July we already tasted the first ripe berries. Low, about 60 cm, spreading bushes seemed to burn red from bright, rather large, juicy and sweet berries, similar to strawberries and raspberries at the same time. They are very firmly attached to young shoots. You should not rush to harvest the crop. The brightly colored berries, although beautiful, remain unripe for a long time, with a herbaceous flavor. Having tried these, many are disappointed in them. I noticed this feature and now I am trying to let the berries ripen on the bush for about 10 days. Then they become ruby, tasty, crumble at the slightest touch.

Zemmalina shows remontance. It bears fruit from July to September. If the weather is warm and sunny in September, the berries have time to ripen well and gain sugar content.

Jam, juices, compotes can be made from fruits, they are added to jam with high acidity... Zemmaline berries do not contain acid, therefore, a little lemon, apples are added to juices, compotes and jam from them, citric acid, any juice from berries and fruits containing acid. Those who made wine from strawberry raspberries note its delicate pleasant taste and aroma.

There is confusion about the name of this culture. Some article authors mistakenly combine information on two plants: strawberry raspberry and strawberry spinach. It is two various plants... Zemmaline is a species of raspberry (Rubus illecebrosus). Its leaves and shoots are very thorny. When weeding plants and picking berries, I always wear tight trousers so as not to prick myself. Zemaline leaves are similar in shape to raspberry leaves. Strawberry spinach is a vegetable crop. Its leaves, which resemble the leaves of quinoa, and the fruits located in the internodes of the leaves are used for food. The fruits of zemmaline and strawberry spinach are similar to each other. Therefore, they are often mistaken for the same plant.

Zemmalina is easy to propagate by root shoots. In early spring and autumn, I split the bushes and plant them in a new location. In order for the harvest of strawberry raspberries to be rich, it is advisable to cover it with straw and spruce legs for the winter.

Zemmaline hedges look spectacular. They are short, dense, very attractive during flowering, later delight with berries. Sometimes the aboveground part of the plants freezes, so in the spring it is necessary to remove all dried shoots. It should be noted that root system this plant is very aggressive, intertwined in the ground like a spider web. And if the zemmaline is not stopped, it will spread throughout the garden. Therefore, it can be used to reinforce steep slopes. Many gardeners plant shrubs in large pots or barrels. The beds are fenced with old slate, linoleum from all sides to a depth of 0.5 meters. There is a joke that strawberry raspberries bring joy twice: the first - when the berries are harvested, and the second - when the unexpectedly grown at the other end of the garden was finally eradicated, since this work is not easy.


Vladimir Krylovich

(Ural gardener No. 28, July 2013)

The unusual berry culture known as the Tibetan raspberry is rare in our gardens. But in the Baltic States, Poland, they love and grow it because of its taste and decorative properties. Outwardly, the semi-shrub plant resembles something in between raspberries and blackberries, while the berries have strawberry notes.

Exotic shrubs captivate first of all appearance

Seductive berry

This is not an epithet, but the biological name of the culture - seductive raspberry (Rubus Illecebrosus), in different countries it is also known as strawberry, rose-leaved, Tibetan,.

The first scientific description of the culture was made at the end of the 19th century, where Japan, Northern China, and the Himalayas are indicated as the ancestral home of the herbaceous shrub. The place of origin and the assignment of the plant to the Pink family formed the basis of the most common name for the Tibetan rose-leaved raspberry.

The berry forms spherical bushes up to 70 cm high, consisting of thin, flexible, entirely covered with thorns shoots. The leaves are light green, corrugated, jagged at the edge, rough and cling to clothing like a plaster. Large flowers, similar to strawberries, bloom at the top of the shoots, sometimes the plant expels peduncles from the axillary buds. The berry is large (up to ø5 cm), hollow inside, coral-red, unripe, fresh in taste. Ripe fruits are sweet and sour, easily separated from the receptacle. The rhizome, like that of raspberries, is creeping; from the third year of life, it begins to actively and randomly spread in different sides and give abundant growth.

Despite belonging to the same genus, the Tibetan raspberry is somewhat different from the usual forest relative.

  • Every year, the aboveground part dies off completely, and in the spring it drives out young shoots, therefore, bears fruit on the shoots of the first growing season.
  • It does not form brushes, but blooms and bears fruit in single flowers (berries).
  • Outwardly and in size, the fruit is more like a strawberry, but the shape, attachment to the receptacle, is like a raspberry.
  • Has a longer fruiting period. The twigs begin to bloom and bear fruit as they grow back, practically throughout the entire growing season, the last berries are removed by freezing.

Simultaneous flowering and fruiting is a biological feature of the culture

Decorative properties

If you have never seen a Tibetan raspberry in your life, look at the photo and see how decorative it is. This property attracted the attention of landscape designers to the shrub, who began to actively use the plant in hedges, decorative compositions, when decorating rocky gardens, alpine hills.

The bush is easy to shape, maintains fresh greens throughout the season, blooms and bears fruit at the same time. Bright red berries, large white flowers on a green background look very impressive.

The ability to grow quickly and take up all the free space can be used purposefully. The plant is planted if it is necessary to strengthen the slopes, to hide the unsightly appearance of something with the help of picturesque thickets. A berry plant planted in a remote part of the garden will become a reliable barrier against the entry of unauthorized persons or animals into the site.

Cooking applications

Tibetan raspberry or strawberry raspberry is one of the few cultures that fully reveals the palette of taste not in fresh, and after processing. Many housewives note that the usual sweet and sour berry, after being ground with sugar, begins to exude an unusual strawberry-pineapple aroma. The berries make a very tasty, fragrant wine. Fresh, frozen, it is good for making pies, desserts, decorating fruit salads. If the fruits are added to compotes from sweet, slightly colored fruits (apples, pears, apricots, peaches), they will give them a richer taste, color and aroma.

It is interesting! The sour taste allows the use of berries in vegetable dishes... In China, they are added to tomato and onion salad, sweet pepper lecho.

To save healing composition, for the winter, it is better to dry the fruits. The tea brewed from dried Tibetan raspberries is not only delicious, but also possesses useful properties... He fights against colds, vitamin deficiency, normalizes metabolism.

A universal component of fruit and vegetable salad, compote, fruit drink, berry pie

Growing in the garden

The main requirement that should be observed when cultivating this variety of raspberries is to control reproduction, otherwise it will displace on its way not only annual crops, but also perennials. Which testifies to the extraordinary energy of growth and unpretentiousness of the shrub. He will feel good both in the sun and partial shade. From soils, it prefers moisture-absorbing loam with a neutral or alkaline reaction of the soil solution.

Landing features

Tibetan raspberries should be placed in a "tight box" immediately upon planting, which will greatly facilitate all subsequent care. To do this, the area allocated for the future berry field is edged to a depth of at least 50 cm with any restrictive material - iron sheets, old slate, rubberized tape. Plants are planted at a distance of 80–100 cm. In the first year, small compact bushes will grow, but after a couple of years the entire allotted area will turn into a dense massif capable of providing a good harvest.


In order not only to control the reproduction of the plant, but also to receive annually good harvest, need to know .

  1. Thin shrub regularly. In autumn, cut off the aerial part completely, in the middle of summer, remove branches that have not set fruit.
  2. Required element - spring feeding mullein nutrient solution (1:10) with the addition of complete fertilizers for fruit berry crops.
  3. In a dry summer, watering is needed, otherwise the berries will lose their juiciness, they will dry out and fall off. Watering is best in the evening, at the root, along the lower tier of leaves.
  4. The root system of Tibetan raspberries lies close to the surface, so it is better to pull out the weeds by hand, and also better fit to mulch.

The aboveground part dries up in the fall, so it is cut off before winter or early spring

Note! The shoots of the plant are covered with thin thorns, which painfully scratch the skin and break off like a bee sting. You can work with him only in thick rubberized gloves.


The most simple and effective ways reproduction of Tibetan rose-leaved raspberry - by dividing the bush (in autumn) and by root suckers (in spring).

The bush intended for dividing is dug out, the rhizome is cut using the sector, leaving 2-3 stems and a good root system in each cut. They are planted like ordinary raspberries - in deep trenches with feeding for a long period. Old shoots are cut off, leaving small stumps (2-3 cm), covered with humus, peat, last year's foliage on top - that is.

In the spring, young shoots are dug up and transplanted to a new place using the same technology as when dividing the bush. In order for young plantings to immediately bear fruit abundantly, you need to choose offspring with a well-developed 4–5-year-old rhizome.

Raspberry seductive, or strawberry (Rubus illecebrosus), as this plant is correctly called, in English speaking countries better known as Strawberry-Raspberry. Apparently for this reason it is often touted as a strawberry / raspberry hybrid. Sellers are especially active in this false argument. planting material to increase customer interest. By the way, strawberries and raspberries belong to different genera of the pink family. (Rosaceae), and not close enough to get a hybrid between them. And she received the name strawberry-raspberry only for the amazing fruits, which in appearance really resemble both berries at the same time.

The seductive raspberry was first described by the German physician and botanist Wilhelm Olbers Focke in 1899 from a cultivated specimen. Then he suggested that she comes from Japan. At home, in the western part of Japan, it is widespread in light forests, in thickets of bushes and on mountain slopes at altitudes of 500-1500 m, is a pioneer in the development of wastelands and abandoned territories. In Europe, it was naturalized in places, and in North America(USA, Canada) has run wild and become an invasive weed. As a berry and ornamental crop, it is now the most popular in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland. V recent times it is offered by European nurseries as a novelty, although, as you can see, it has been known for a long time.

This is a rounded semi-shrub from 30 to 60 cm in height, with a creeping rhizome, giving new shoots at a distance of more than half a meter from the bush, forms thickets. It has several vertical herbaceous stems with green bark, woody only at the very base. Leaves are alternate, petiolate, pinnate, consist of 3-7 serrated along the edge of oblong-lanceolate leaves 3-8 cm long. Stems and leaf stalks are covered with curved, clinging thorns. The flowers are rather large, five-petalled, 2.5-4 cm in diameter, white, bisexual, in few-flowered inflorescences located at the tops of the stems, sometimes solitary.

Very decorative fruits - juicy polystyrene 3-4.5 cm in diameter, round or broadly elliptical in shape, glowing coral-red. In size and appearance, they really resemble strawberries, but they are easily separated from the receptacle, like raspberries. To taste, they are not like either one or the other berry, sweet and sour and slightly aromatic. Many describe them as tasteless, with sweetness and aroma only revealing when fully ripe. You can't eat a lot of them raw, but for homemade preparations and winemaking, where sourness is simply necessary, this is a valuable berry. It remains to understand how to get a decent harvest.

Growing and caring

Raspberry-strawberries are unpretentious, grows in the sun and partial shade, best of all on light loams with neutral acidity (6.6-7.5). It is most convenient to grow it on raised, edged ridges, which will ensure that unwanted growth is limited. Planting is carried out at a distance of 0.8-1.2 m, taking into account the growth.

In the first year after planting, the plant takes root, but from the second year, active spreading in breadth and fruiting begins. After another year, you can get a full harvest - it is small, but the berries are large.

The needs of strawberry raspberries are quite modest, they are moderately satisfied fertile soil... Can be used for dressing mineral fertilizers for berry crops: liquid organo-mineral for 2-3 fractional dressings, applied before flowering, or once, in early spring, feed with specialized granular fertilizer of prolonged action for berry farms.

But you can do without mineral fertilizing. Japanese plants love to be warmed by the sun, while the root system is in a cool soil. It is worth plentifully mulching the roots with compost (you can use half-rotted sawdust, well-decomposed manure), and the plant will be provided necessary conditions and nutrition. Taking into account the fact that compost and other organic matter have an acidic reaction, it is necessary to apply for mulch on our loams annually dolomite flour at the rate of 50 g per 1 sq. m. All that remains is to weed the plantings and water in a drought. Moisture requirements are also average, but the plant will be grateful for watering, especially for leaves (not flowers), which increases the humidity of the air.

In winter, the aerial part of the strawberry-raspberry dies off, so in late autumn it can be cut off. However, given that the plant belongs to the 5th zone of winter hardiness (up to -29 degrees), pruning is best done in the spring, before the new shoots start growing, and in the fall, just add mulch. This plant behaves like a typical heat-loving culture - the wilting leaves do not fall off for a long time and can remain on the stems in winter.

Any work with a plant, whether it be pruning, weeding or harvesting, must be done in tight gloves for roses - the numerous tenacious thorns of seductive raspberries are in no way inferior to them in barbs.


Dying for the winter, in the spring the stems grow out of the renewal buds, which are laid on the rhizomes at the base of the stems. Therefore, the easiest way to propagate a plant is by dividing the bush, which can be produced in autumn or early spring, before the shoots begin to grow back. The delen must have at least one renewal bud. You can divide from the second year of life, but it is better from the third.

Cutting time begins in July, when the shoots are ripe enough.

The yield of the plant is small, therefore, in order for the berries to be enough for jam, you will have to plant strawberry raspberries the whole garden. And you can get a large amount of planting material by sowing seeds. They are freed from the pulp, washed, dried and sown in the fall in a cold greenhouse. At spring sowing, which should be carried out as early as possible, requires monthly seed stratification at +3 degrees. Seeds germinate for a long time and are better in the light, germination does not exceed 70%. Seeds lose their germination quickly, so they should be sown as soon as possible. On permanent place seedlings are planted in the spring after a year.


This raspberry, of course, is capable of inducing doubt whether to plant it or not to plant it. An unambiguous decision will be made only by lovers of garden exoticism. It does not belong to the first echelon of berry crops and has its drawbacks: a relatively low yield (a rather large area is needed for cultivation), not such bright taste qualities as in raspberries and strawberries, non-simultaneous ripening of berries, a tendency to creep, prickly. However, in collecting berries from a unit area, it is able to compete with garden strawberries.

Raspberry seductive is interesting from a decorative point of view. It is practically not affected by diseases and pests traditional for raspberries, therefore it is already beautiful with its healthy, feathery, textured foliage. The small height of the plant allows you to admire the mosaic of leaves from above. The flowering of the plant lasts from July to September. While bright berries are already shining in the lower part of the bush (they cannot be missed among the greenery when picking), flowers are still hovering from above. They are honey-bearing and attract bees and butterflies.

Released for free growth, the plant creates an excellent groundcover effect. It can be used in mixborders, subject to growth restriction, create curbs of extraordinary beauty. True, the landings should be removed from the track so as not to get scratches. If the family has small children, it is better to plant the plant in a place inaccessible to them.

The initial delight of owning this culture, which was observed in Europe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, was replaced by decades of oblivion. The last serious work on strawberry raspberries was published in 1903. The properties of the berries therefore remain unexplored to this day, although there is no doubt about their benefits. They can be used in the same way as ordinary raspberries - mashed with sugar, for jam, syrup, compotes. Berries in blanks do not lose their shape, and their aroma is enhanced. Berry gives compote not only special shades of taste, but also color. By the way, the fruit can give a purple dye.

Shiny pearl berries will make any dessert deliciously beautiful. A pie stuffed with strawberries and raspberries can become the "highlight of the program" of a sweet feast.

The berry is very popular in China, which was also considered its homeland - hence, apparently, another (incorrect) name appeared - Tibetan raspberry. Surprisingly, there it is most often used as a vegetable crop, in salads. Here unusual recipe one of them:

Chop two medium tomatoes and a small onion. Add a glass of strawberry raspberries, salt to taste, ground black pepper and herbs, season with olive oil.

Try to grow this outlandish raspberry - it can seduce everyone ...

Many people prefer to plant only such, but there are those who do not welcome their cultivation on their own. What are the features of remontant plants and what are they like?

What is remontability: differences between remontant and ordinary varieties of strawberries, raspberries, strawberries

Repairability means the ability of a plant to bloom and, accordingly, bear fruit several times in one season... The term comes from the French word "remontant", which means "to rise again."

Not only the designated garden ones, but also their wild counterparts have such a feature. It is also typical for some other plant species. Distinctive feature such plants - most often the fruits are not inferior in size to non-repaired plants, and regardless of how many crops the plant gives per season.

However, it is often noted in the descriptions of the remontant that it has less pronounced taste characteristics. Another problem is that such plants do not live long - on average, two years.

Did you know? English-language literature operates with other terms regarding similar varieties: fall-bearing - fruiting in autumn, everbearing - continuously fruiting, autumn-fruiting - autumn-fruiting.

Popular varieties of remontant berries

There are a lot of similar types of berries. They have their own characteristics in cultivation and yield.


Garden berry This type produces a crop twice a year, but it pays for it with smaller ones, who do not have such a pronounced taste. The bush has weak foliage and is short-lived. However, there are a lot of similar species. The best remontant is obtained from the following:

  • "Mitsa Nova", which has sweet berries compared to other multi-yielding options;
  • "White Dream", the berries of which have a smack;
  • "Arapaho" - large-fruited and high-yielding species bred in the United States;
  • "Lyubasha" - comparatively the new kind universal use, ripens early, frost-resistant.
Also among popular varieties its useful to note Irm, Tristar, Fort Laremy, Red Rich, Ozark Beauty, Tribute, Superfection, Geneva.

Important! The yield ratio for such varieties is usually 30% on the first run and 70% on the second.

Be prepared for the fact that with remontant bushes they will periodically be exposed in different places... The fact is that after the first harvest, some of the bushes die. The process continues with each next harvest. The maximum that a remontant bush can live is three years.


Signs of repair are observed in both garden and forest. At the same time, it can produce fruits of medium and large sizes... She begins to bear fruit from mid-May and continues until the first frost. However, the most large harvest can be removed only in the first two years of the plant's life. Then, gradually, its strength abruptly fades away, and it is necessary to completely replace the plantation.

Many gardeners note that remontant varieties are noticeably inferior in taste ordinary. However, they willingly cultivate and multiply their various varieties. The most popular are "Monthly White" and "Monthly Gridneva", which reproduce only with a mustache. Among those that can be bred by dividing the bush, it is worth noting "Hummi Gento", "Ostara", "Mount Everest".


Usually these varieties are planted in order to get several harvests one after the other up to. But it is believed that autumn harvest much inferior in its taste characteristics, since for the first summer plant gives up most of its internal resources.

Today remontant has a wide variety of varieties. When choosing, one must be guided by the soil and climatic requirements of each. On average, they yield 1.7-3.7 kg of fruit per bush. Sorts such as "Elegant", "Ruby necklace", "Bryansk Divo", "Atlant" can yield more than 20 tons per bush.

Productivity depends on the average mass of berries, their number on one shoot, the number of such shoots on one bush. In addition, the climatic conditions, which allow or do not allow the entire crop to ripen on the bush, also affect the yield.

Therefore, in northern regions usually prefer to grow varieties such as "Eurasia", "", "Bryansk Divo", which in cool conditions have time to give about 1.3-1.6 kg per bush. Worst of all bear fruit in such conditions, "Diamond", "Indian Summer". Their productivity is on average 1 kg per bush.

Important! When purchasing seedlings, check with the seller what a remontant raspberry is. In relation to this berry, the term may have a different meaning - a variety that bears fruit on both annual and biennial shoots.

The difficulty of growing remontant lies in its reproduction. traditional ways... As a rule, such varieties give few replacement shoots, which creates a shortage of planting material. On the other hand, they are easier to care for.

Usually, these plants are planted on the south side in the sunniest and warmest parts of the garden in order to get a bountiful harvest. But if we are talking about the southern regions, then it is possible to plant in partial shade, even in the shade. It is desirable that the soil is fertile and loose. But all the same, after watering it is advisable to loosen it and remove weeds.

To smooth out possible disadvantages remontant varieties(low yield, loss of taste and appearance), some gardeners prefer to refuse the first harvest. All the same, it is not as significant as the second one. Therefore, they mercilessly cut off the first flower stalks.