The best time to plant tomatoes for seedlings (lunar calendar, climate, manufacturer's recommendations). Planting seeds for seedlings in February. Seedlings of tomatoes Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings in March

Growing tomato seedlings at home is a process that requires a lot of time and attention. But later you will be rewarded with a generous harvest. Sowing tomatoes for seedlings begins in late winter or early spring, depending on the region.

Tomatoes are supposed to be sown for seedlings, because they are heat-loving southern plants, and it is the seedling method of growing that allows you to get a harvest in a short summer. Therefore, we plant tomatoes in the ground with seedlings, not seeds. How to plant tomato seedlings depends on their further development and the harvest itself. An experienced vegetable grower, who knows how to plant tomato seedlings correctly, first determines the sowing date, then skillfully chooses and prepares planting material as well as suitable utensils. After sowing, growing tomato seedlings at home must be strong and healthy, so that when the time comes, plant tomato seedlings in open ground or in a greenhouse.

When to plant

Planting tomato seedlings in open ground occurs after 45-60 days of growth, when it has grown by 20-30 cm, has 5-7 leaves and a flower lash. Knowing the weather conditions of the area, it can be assumed when in spring the soil warms up to + 12 ... + 15 ° C and the threat of return frosts will disappear. From this time you need to subtract about 65 days - this will be the date when growing tomato seedlings is allowed.

In the southern regions of Russia and in Ukraine, sowing is done even in winter. In Central Russia, summer residents sow tomatoes for seedlings after March 15, and gardeners in Siberia and the Urals - in the first half of April. If you plan to plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse protected ground, then tomato seedlings at home begin to grow 20 days earlier. Sowing is best done with a growing moon, choosing a suitable day in accordance with the lunar calendar.

Selection and preparation of seeds

The preparation of tomato seeds for sowing for seedlings begins a few days before a certain date by warming up the seeds and determining the degree of their germination. Wherever the seeds were stored before, they should be transferred to a warm room. Many summer residents prefer to hold a gauze bag with seeds near the battery for a couple of days.

To determine how many seeds are needed, it is advisable to know the percentage of their germination. To do this, take a certain amount of seeds (the more, the more accurate the forecast will be), soak it in warm water, spread it on cotton pads or a soft cloth moistened with water, keep it by the battery until sprouts appear. Then the percentage of germinated seeds is calculated and the required amount of seed is determined, if necessary, it is bought in addition.

Then the seeds are rejected by soaking them for a while: seeds that do not settle to the bottom can be thrown away. Usually, this selection is carried out simultaneously with preparation, since it still involves soaking the seed. Some gardeners simply soak the seeds in warm soft water for a day before sowing. This is enough for seeds purchased from good manufacturer, which has already disinfected them. If the seed was taken from its stocks or was purchased on the market (without certificates), then you should first hold it for 20-25 minutes in a saturated solution of potassium permanganate, and then dry it slightly. You can soak the seeds for a day with an aqueous solution of aloe juice (take an equal amount of water and juice), which will make future plants stronger, will have a positive effect on the quality of the crop. You can keep them in a solution of soda for a day (2 g of soda per 1 glass of water), which contributes to early fruiting.

Necessary conditions for growing

Not sure how to grow tomato seedlings? First of all, you need to prepare comfortable conditions for her: the balance of heat and moisture, the right amount of light, Fresh air without drafts, suitable dishes... How many days do tomatoes sprout? The best temperature for sprouting is from +26 to +30 ° C, sprouts will appear in 3-5 days. At a temperature of + 22 ... + 25 ° C tomatoes will sprout in 7-9 days, at a lower temperature - longer.

The light is not needed until the sprouts appear, which means that the dishes can be placed on top of each other and kept on the floor near the battery. But first, you need to prepare the soil in which you can plant the seeds. Tomato seedlings grow well in loose nutritious soil that can hold the right amount of moisture. Taken in equal parts, humus and sod land - a good option, you just need to add sand or sawdust for looseness. You can take black soil, sand and garden soil, sand and high moor peat, coconut substrate, peat tablets. The main requirement for the soil is that the pH should be 5.5-6.0.

It is advisable to sift the soil through a fine sieve so that its fractions correspond to the size of the seed, otherwise there will be air voids between the small roots and the ground. The soil must also be disinfected before use. To do this, it is spilled with a hot saturated solution of potassium permanganate, kept for 30 minutes in an oven heated to 200 ° C or in the microwave for a couple of minutes at maximum power. After that, the earth is moistened and left for 2 weeks at room temperature.


Seed tomatoes are planted in different containers. These can be cassettes, peat tablets or cups, individual pots or boxes. Peat tablets and cups are good because you can do without picking; pallet cassettes are convenient for bottom irrigation; most summer residents use wooden or plastic boxes to save space. It is enough to take boxes 10 cm high, fill them with prepared soil by 2/3, moisten it with warm, clean and soft water. In the ground, grooves are made with a depth of 1–1.5 cm at a distance of 3–4 cm from each other.

Prepared seeds are laid out in them, sprinkled with sand, earth or vermiculite. Cover the sowing from above with glass or transparent film, put at a heat source. How many days the seedlings germinate depends on the quality of the seed, temperature and humidity level, but immediately after that the glass is removed and the dishes are exposed to light.

Seedling care

How to grow tomato seedlings before planting tomatoes in open ground? It needs to be watered, provided with the right amount of light, sometimes loosened aisles, and the air temperature must be regulated. As soon as the seeds germinate, they lower the air temperature to + 16 ° C for a week so that they do not stretch too much. But they need to be provided with light around the clock for the first 3-4 days. Then they will need 12-hour daylight hours, so they will have to supplement the illumination with a phytolamp, placing it above the box. A week after the appearance of the first sprouts, a temperature regime is set with a daytime temperature of about +22 ° C, and at night - + 16 ... + 18 ° C. It is believed that before the appearance of the first true leaf, the seedlings can not be watered, but it is better to check the condition of the soil and water if necessary.

You can moisten the soil from above with a syringe (without a needle) or the narrow neck of a watering can so as not to wet the stems. How more mature than a plant, the more moisture they need. When 2-3 leaves appear, they are watered weekly, and when 5 leaves appear, every 3-4 days. The water should be clean, soft, warm (a couple of degrees warmer than the air).

After the appearance of the first true leaf, the seedlings are thinned out so that the distance between the plants is at least 5 cm. If there are not enough seedlings, they are carefully transplanted to empty places. If the seedlings look weak, they do not have enough nutrition, then you can feed them simultaneously with watering with Agricola Vegeta solution or another special preparation, but it is advisable to dilute them in a lower concentration than indicated on the package. After picking, you can water the plants with a solution. charcoal, calcium nitrate and urea, and strictly on the ground, so as not to burn the greens.


When the third true leaf appears on the plants, they are dived into separate cups with a volume of at least 0.5 liters. The dishes are filled with the same soil as for sowing, moistened, a depression is made in the middle, and the plant is placed. Some growers shorten the central root at the same time, but others consider it unnecessary, since the root is still injured during transplantation.

So, how to plant correctly, everyone decides for himself. With a large number of seedlings, they are dived by 2 plants, folded together, tied tightly with synthetic thread. When they are taken in a new place, they will grow up to 15 cm tall, grow together with stalks, pinch off one tip. This is how a strong plant is formed with double root... Be that as it may, planting tomato seedlings in separate cups greatly weakens them, therefore, they increase the air temperature for several days for easier survival.

Timing of landing in the ground

When to plant tomatoes in open ground in seedlings depends on the region. The timing of planting seedlings in the ground varies from April in the south to early June in the north. For summer residents of the central regions of Russia, May is the best time to plant seedlings. It is better to coordinate the days for planting tomatoes in May with the lunar calendar, but you can plant tomatoes in the ground in May if the ground has warmed up and the threat of frost has passed. It is possible to plant tomato seedlings in the ground if it has reached 30 cm in height, has 6-7 leaves and a flower lash. 2 weeks before the expected planting of tomatoes, they begin to harden, taking them out into the street. Walks begin with a short time: they are first exposed in the shade, then the time is increased, accustomed to direct sunlight.

How to land correctly

Before planting tomatoes in the garden, it is loosened and moistened, although the main preparation took place in the fall. When planting tomatoes in the ground, holes are often fertilized by mixing mineral fertilizers with the ground. Tomatoes are planted on a warm, cloudy day. It is even desirable to shade them for the first two days.

Water the seedlings abundantly to make it easier to remove them from the dishes. Placed in prepared holes together with a lump of earth, deepen to cotyledon leaves. If the plants are too stretched out on the windowsill, you can plant even deeper by cutting off a couple of lower leaves and placing them at an angle in the ground. Then new roots will grow from the stem.

Between the bushes undersized varieties leave 30 cm, and between the rows - 70 cm.If the bushes grow high and wide, then leave a gap of at least 60 cm between them, and between the rows - at least 130 cm.The planted plants are squeezed with earth, watered, mulched with sawdust, sand and peat ...

Further care of the bushes

If the tomato planting was successful, it still takes several days for the planted seedlings to adapt in a new place.

Further, weeds must be removed, the soil is loosened after watering. Fertilize for the first time 10 days after planting, and then after 2 weeks, if the condition of the soil requires it. Tomatoes need uniform watering, but not excessive watering, so as not to provoke fungal diseases. It is necessary to pinch the plants in time, as well as form bushes.

Video "Planting tomatoes in open ground"

In this video, you will learn how to properly plant tomatoes in open ground.

The tomato is the most popular garden culture... Growing tomatoes on household plots using seedling method today many vegetable growers - our compatriots - practice.

Summer residents who do not have information: how to plant tomatoes for seedlings at home, often purchase seedlings from market traders. Purchased seedlings have a number of disadvantages. Young plants do not always correspond to the variety declared for sale. Due to the fact that a different soil was used to grow purchased seedlings, there is no guarantee that they will adapt to the soil conditions in the new garden. As a result, in order to obtain an excellent harvest of high-quality tomatoes, it will be preferable to plant tomato seedlings, carried out by a vegetable grower on his own.

Successful cultivation of tomato seedlings directly depends on an informed choice, successful preparatory processing of seed material. Initially, you need to decide on the optimal varieties of tomatoes.
To this end, you need to pay attention to the study of information about interested varieties, hybrids; determine the timing of their ripening, frost resistance, yield, germination percentage, etc. It is extremely important to give preference to seeds of varieties adapted to the climatic conditions of the area in which the suburban area is dampened.

It is imperative to find out the expiration dates of the seeds, the use of expired seed material is strictly prohibited.

Purchased seeds should be examined in order to reject unnecessarily small, broken specimens. By placing the seeds in salt water, you can get quality planting material. Good seeds will be at the bottom, and empty ones will float. Next, the selected tomato seeds should be rinsed under running clean water.

Gardeners with experience are advised to carry out the procedure for disinfecting seeds in a weak aqueous solution of manganese (the color of the liquid is pale pink) or hydrogen peroxide (for 1 liter of water - 2 teaspoons of the product). Recommended solution temperature: about + 40 ° C. The seeds are immersed in a disinfecting liquid for 15 minutes.

Germinating tomato seeds

Modern summer residents use aloe juice when germinating tomato seeds, which is an excellent natural growth biostimulator. Its use provides acceleration of germination, stimulation of metabolic processes, disinfection of seed. For this procedure, leaves of a plant aged from three years are suitable - they need to be crushed using a meat grinder. The resulting mass will need to be squeezed out to get juice, which must then be diluted with warm water in a 1: 1 ratio.

The prepared seed is placed in cheesecloth, dipped into the resulting solution. After 17 - 18 hours, the gauze is removed from the liquid, wrapped in plastic bag and is determined in a warm place before the seeds hatch.

Recommendations for the preparation of soil mixture and containers for seedlings

When deciding how to plant tomato seedlings correctly, you must definitely take care of preparing the soil in advance. Ideally, a similar procedure should be performed in the fall, mixing equal parts of garden soil, humus, clean river sand. Add to the resulting mixture (1 bucket): ground chalk or eggshell(100 gr.), Ash (150 gr.).

Many summer residents recommend another composition of the soil mixture for tomato seedlings: sod land (up to 70%), humus (up to 50%), additives in the form of ash, chalk, peat, urea, potassium sulfate, superphosphate (up to 15%).

Whichever of the two proposed methods is chosen, as a result, it is desirable to obtain an air-permeable, loose, moisture-absorbing, non-acidic soil rich in nutrients. The planting soil prepared in the fall should freeze well in winter period so that no harmful larvae and bacteria remain in it.

If it is impossible in advance, it is allowed to buy ready-made potting soil in a specialized store. Such a measure justifies itself if there is not very fertile soil on the site.

Studying recommendations on how to plant tomatoes for seedlings in an apartment for open ground, vegetable growers are often interested in the size and material of the required container. Summer residents actively use wooden boxes, plastic containers, polystyrene cassettes, cut washed cardboard bags from dairy products, peat pots.

Each gardener chooses the most convenient container for seedlings, and also determines the place of its installation (on the windowsill, on the floor, on the table near the window, etc.).

Dates of sowing seeds for seedlings

Most vegetable growers are concerned about the question of when to plant tomatoes for seedlings, in what numbers, so as not to be mistaken with the sowing dates? It all depends on the selected variety of tomatoes, as well as the planned date of planting seedlings on permanent place in the garden or in the greenhouse. Summer residents, whose plots are located in the northern regions, practice sowing seeds 75 days before the planting date. Gardeners from more southern regions are engaged in sowing seed in 60 days.

As a rule, sowing for seedlings of early maturing varieties of tomatoes is carried out in 45 - 55 days. Mid-season varieties are sown in 55 - 60 days. Late-ripening varieties, tall hybrids need about 70 days to form seedlings. A later planting of seedlings does not justify itself, since the plants become too tall, their flowering occurs slowly, they do not adapt well to constant growing conditions.

Planting tomato seedlings

A gardener who is interested in how to properly plant tomatoes for seedlings at home, what number, you need to fill the prepared containers for crops with drainage holes with a wet soil mixture. When deciding at what depth to plant tomato seedlings, you should know that it will be optimal to perform grooves in the soil with a maximum depth of 1 cm. The interval between grooves is 3-4 cm. Seeds are laid out in them at a distance of 2 to 3 cm and sent by soil.

The container with the planted seeds is covered with glass or foil, located closer to the heat source in order to ensure the optimal (+ 25… + 30 º С).

Seedling tomato "in Moscow"

A vegetable grower who is worried about how best to plant tomato seedlings can adopt a very original ways sowing, invented and successfully practiced by many gardeners. It is quite possible to get good seedlings using toilet paper, as well as plastic bags. The grown seedlings of tomatoes on toilet paper are in no way inferior in quality to seedlings obtained by planting in traditional ways.

Gardeners claim that it is very easy to plant tomatoes for seedlings in toilet paper. Toilet paper (napkins) is moistened with water, laid on polyethylene (in 3 - 4 layers), seeds are laid on it with an indent equal to the length matchbox... The package is wrapped in a tube, fastened with an elastic band, placed in a jar of water. Knowing on what day the tomato seedlings grow (5-6 days), you can observe the germination of seedlings.

This method is justified if there are problems with the allocation of sufficient area for the installation of containers with seedlings. As true leaves appear in the seedlings, they are transplanted into large containers with soil.

Seedlings in "swaddling", "snail"

From experienced gardeners you can hear a lot of others interesting tips: how to plant tomato seedlings at home in unusual ways... In particular, grown tomato seedlings in diapers and snails are popular.

This method involves dipping the seeds into lumps of moistened soil, followed by wrapping them in cut pieces of oilcloth, called "swaddling". The resulting rolls, often called "snails", are installed in an upright position on the windowsill. The same way Tomato seedlings are grown in a snail, when the substrate under the laminate serves as a film.

Seedlings of tomatoes in a greenhouse

There are quite a few summer residents who know how to plant tomato seedlings at home, nevertheless, they prefer greenhouse planting of seed. Information on how to sow tomatoes for seedlings in a greenhouse in such cases will come in handy.

Having prepared the soil in a heated greenhouse, you need to make grooves 3 - 5 cm deep on the ridges, the distance between which will be 15 - 20 cm.A vegetable grower interested in how to plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse will need to put seeds in well-watered furrows with an interval of 1 - 2 cm , followed by backfilling with peat or wet sand.

The temperature regime in the greenhouse is maintained at a level of + 25 ... + 30 º C. Knowing how long it takes for tomatoes to grow on seedlings, after the massive appearance of sprouts, you need to gradually reduce the temperature in the greenhouse so that during the day its values ​​are + 20 ... + 22 º C, and at night they were within + 16 ... + 18 º C.

Picking tomato seedlings

Not all summer residents approve of the picking of seedlings, considering it stress for the seedlings.

At the same time, many growers practice this procedure in order to subsequently get strong bushes. The indisputable advantage of a pick is to ensure better conditions for the development of the roots of seedlings.

When planting seeds in spacious containers, the dive can be omitted. Otherwise, you will have to plant seedlings using cut cups plastic bottles, another prepared container. Studying the information on how to properly plant tomatoes in cups, you need to pay attention to the fact that the optimal time for picking is the presence of three true leaves in seedlings.

The seedling is carefully removed from the previously watered soil using a small garden trowel. The lower third of the spine is pinched off from him. Then the plant is lowered into a new container, sent by soil, slightly compacted. After making the pick, you will need to increase the air temperature in the home room or greenhouse by several degrees. In a room with matured sprouts, the previous temperature is restored.

Watering, feeding seedlings

It is very important to exercise correct watering seedlings, as waterlogging of the soil can cause rotting of plant roots. In the presence of soil that retains moisture well, it is allowed to water the seedlings after 5 - 7 days using settled or filtered water. If soil drying is noted, the plant root system is moistened by spraying water from a spray bottle. It will be necessary to exclude the ingress of drops on the seedlings when spraying.

The decision on implementation must be made with an eye on appearance seedlings. Seedlings with thick stems, bright green leaves do not need feeding - they have enough soil nutrients. In the presence of frail seedlings, we can conclude that she is not getting enough food. A purple shade of foliage indicates a lack of phosphorus, a yellowish one - nitrogen. A sharp wrinkling of the leaves is a signal of potassium starvation; the appearance of white spots on the leaves, yellow tops on the shoots - about a lack of iron.

A competent approach to growing seedlings will be the key to getting strong tomato bushes later, which will surely give wonderful harvest fruits of high commercial quality. The main thing is to correctly apply the knowledge gained in practice in order to delight the household. delicious tomatoes throughout the season, make excellent homemade preparations from grown tomatoes, with a profit to sell surplus fruits.

Tomatoes are from South America, so when growing tomato seedlings at home, you need relatively dry air, a lot of light and heat. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to properly plant and care for young seedlings.

The correct choice of variety

Before you start growing tomato seedlings, you need to decide on the choice of varieties. Before planting seeds, you need to decide which varieties and where will be grown. It is fundamentally important to know whether tomatoes will grow in open ground or in a greenhouse. According to the method of growth, all varieties are divided into indeterminate, semi-determinant and determinant. This characteristic is indicated on the seed bag and is decisive for growing plants in open or protected ground.

  1. Indeterminate tomatoes have unlimited growth and, if not pinched, can grow up to several meters. In the south, they can be grown in a greenhouse or outdoors on a trellis, or tied to high stakes. In the middle lane, Siberia, Far East these tomatoes are grown only in greenhouses, tied vertically. Their first brush is laid after 9-10 leaves, the next ones - after 3 leaves. The fruiting period is long, but comes later than other types.
  2. Semi-determinant varieties and hybrids... Tomatoes stop growing after 9-12 inflorescences are laid. They tend to set a large number of fruits to the detriment of roots and leaves, and, when overloaded with crops, tomatoes may stop growing long before the formation of the 9th cluster. Flower brushes are laid through 2 leaves. In the south, they are grown mainly in open ground, in the middle lane, they can be planted both in a greenhouse and on the street.
  3. Determinant tomatoes are undersized plants. They are intended for planting in open ground. Their growth is limited, they lay 3-6 brushes, the top of the shoot ends with a flower brush and the bush does not grow upwards anymore. The first brush in this type is laid after 6-7 leaves. These are early ripening tomatoes, but their yield is lower than that of the indeterminate type. However, significant differences in the yield of varieties are noticeable only in the south. In the middle lane and to the north, the difference is minimal, since the indents do not have time to reveal their full potential.

Should I choose a hybrid or a variety?

Variety are plants that are capable of retaining their characteristics for many generations when grown from seeds.

Hybrid are plants obtained by special pollination. They retain their traits only in one generation; when grown from seeds, their traits are lost. Any plant hybrids are designated F1.

Sign Varieties Hybrids
Heredity Varietal characteristics are passed on to subsequent generations Traits are not transmitted and are a feature of one generation per growing season
Germination 75-85% Excellent (95-100%)
Fruit size Fruits are larger than those of hybrids, but can vary significantly in weight Fruits are smaller, but aligned
Yield May fluctuate from year to year High yields with proper care. Usually higher than varieties
Disease resistance Susceptible to various diseases, some of which can be inherited More resistant, less affected by diseases
Weather Better tolerate temperature changes Temperature fluctuations tolerate much worse varieties. With sudden and strong changes in temperature, they may die
Conditions of detention Less demanding on soil fertility and temperature Require more fertile soils and higher temperatures for fruiting
Top dressing Needed regularly For good fruiting, the dose should be higher than for varieties
Watering Can tolerate short-term drought or waterlogging well Very poorly tolerate both lack and excess of moisture
Taste Each variety has its own flavor. Less pronounced. All hybrids taste inferior to varieties.

The cooler the summer in the region, the more difficult it is to grow hybrids. In these regions, varieties should be preferred. Also, if in the future there is a desire to grow a crop from own seeds, then they make a choice in favor of the variety.

If the goal is to get the maximum amount of products, and the weather conditions in the region allow it, then it is preferable to grow hybrids.

Dates of sowing seeds for seedlings

The timing of sowing seeds for seedlings depends on the early maturity. First of all, the timing of planting tomatoes in the ground is determined and the required number of days is counted from this date - the time for sowing seeds is obtained.

For mid-season varieties, the age of tomato seedlings before planting in the ground should be at least 65-75 days. You can plant them in a greenhouse at the end of May, and in open ground, when the threat of frost has passed, that is, in the first decade of June (for middle lane). If we also add the period from sowing to germination (7-10 days), then sowing must be 70-80 days before planting in the ground.

In the middle lane, the sowing period for mid-season varieties is the first decade of March. However, it is unprofitable to grow mid-season varieties in the northern and central regions: they will not have time to fully reveal their potential, and the harvest will be small. Mid-season and late tomatoes are suitable only for the southern regions of the country.

Seedlings of early ripe tomatoes are planted in the ground at the age of 60-65 days. Therefore, the seeds are sown after March 20. They are suitable for all regions of the country.

It is not necessary to sow tomatoes too early for seedlings. They are strongly stretched and weakened during early sowing in conditions of a lack of light. In poor light during the seedling period, flower clusters are laid later, and the yield is lower.

If the soil in the greenhouse has warmed up, then early-ripe tomatoes for greenhouses can be sown directly into the greenhouse in early May and grown without picking. When grown without seedlings, tomatoes begin to bear fruit 1-2 weeks earlier than seedlings.

Soil preparation

For growing tomato seedlings, it is better to prepare the soil yourself. The soil should be loose, nutritious, water and air permeable, should not be crusty and compacted after watering, be free of pathogens, pests and weed seeds.

For seedlings, a mixture of peat and sand is made up in a ratio of 1: 0.5. For each bucket of land obtained, it is advisable to add liter jar ash. Peat is acidic and tomatoes need a neutral environment to grow well. Ash just neutralizes excess acidity.

Another option for an earthen mixture is sod land, humus, sand in a ratio of 1: 2: 3; instead of sand, you can take high-moor peat.

In the garden soil, after special processing, you can also grow healthy tomato seedlings, the main thing is that it does not contain spores of diseases and hibernating pests. But, since it is too compacted in containers, sand or peat is added to loosen it. They take the land from under the plantings of legumes, melons, greens, siderates. You can not use the soil from greenhouses, after nightshades. If the earth is acidic in the country, then ash must be added (1 liter / bucket). Garden soil is best used for preparing soil mixtures.

Purchased soils contain a lot of fertilizers, which is not always good for seedlings. If there are no other options, then the store land is diluted with sand, garden or turf soil. Peat in purchased soil do not add, since it itself, most often, consists only of peat. It is better to prepare the soil mixture in the fall.

If the moment is missed, and there is already nowhere to take the soil, then you will have to buy several types of soil different manufacturers and mix them in equal proportions, or add soil from flower pots... But this is the most worst case when growing seedlings.

Soil treatment

After preparing the mixture, the land is compulsorily cultivated to destroy pests, diseases, and weed seeds. The soil can be processed using various methods:

  • freezing;
  • steaming;
  • by calcining;
  • disinfection.

Freezing... The finished soil is taken out into frost for several days, so that it freezes. Then they bring it into the house and let it thaw. The procedure is repeated several times. It is desirable that the outside frost be at least -8 -10 ° C at this time.

Steaming... The earth is heated for an hour in a boiling water bath. If the soil is purchased, then the sealed bag is placed in a bucket with hot water, cover with a lid and incubate until the water cools.

Calcination... The earth is calcined in an oven preheated to 100 ° C for 40-50 minutes.

Disinfection... The earth is watered with a strong solution of potassium permanganate dissolved in hot water. Then cover with foil and leave for 2-3 days.

Preparing tomato seeds for sowing

If the bag says that the seeds are processed, then they do not need additional processing. The rest of the seed must be processed.

First of all, calibration is carried out. The seeds are dipped in a glass of water and wait 3-5 minutes until they get wet. Then the floating seeds are thrown away, they are unsuitable for sowing, since the embryo died, therefore they became lighter than water. The rest are soaked for 2 hours in a solution of potassium permanganate.

For processing, the seeds can be soaked in water heated to 53 ° C for 20 minutes. This temperature kills disease spores, but does not affect the embryo. Then hot water drained, the seeds are slightly dried and sown immediately.

For early germination, the seed is soaked. It is wrapped in a cotton cloth or paper towel, moistened with water, placed in a plastic bag and placed on a battery. You also need to soak the processed seeds. As practice shows, they sprout faster than without soaking, and the protective effect from processing remains quite high.

Many process planting material with growth stimulants. But in this case, all seeds sprout together, including weak ones. In the future, a large percentage of rejection of weak plants is obtained. Therefore, it is better to treat bad seeds with stimulants (those with an expiring expiration date, overdried, etc.), just soak the rest in water.

Sowing seeds

When the seeds hatch, sowing is done. You should not wait for the sprout to be larger; when tightening with sowing, long sprouts break off.

Tomatoes are sown in shallow boxes, filling them with soil by 3/4. The ground is slightly crushed. Seeds are laid out at a distance of 2 cm from each other. Sprinkle with dry earth on top. If the soil is not crushed or the crops are covered with moist soil, the seeds will go deep into the soil and will not germinate.

You can sow 2 seeds in separate containers, if both sprout, then they are planted when diving.

Varietal tomatoes and hybrids are sown in different containers, since they have different germination conditions.

The boxes are covered with foil or glass and placed on the battery until germination.

Seed germination timing

The timing of the emergence of seedlings depends on the temperature.

  • Seeds of varieties germinate at a temperature of 24-26 ° С after 6-8 days
  • At 20-23 ° C - after 7-10 days
  • At 28-30 ° C - in 4-5 days.
  • They can rise even at 18 ° C in 8-12 days.
  • Optimum temperature germination for varietal tomatoes 22-25 ° C.

The germination rate of hybrids is much better, but often they do not germinate well at home. For good germination, they need a temperature of + 28-30 ° C. + 24 ° С - it is COLD for them, they will germinate for a long time and not all will ascend.

Weak seeds emerge later than others; they usually have a seed coat on them. Therefore, seedlings that appeared later than 5 days after the main group are removed, they will not have a good harvest.

Tomato seedling care

To grow good seedlings tomatoes, the following parameters must be monitored:

  • temperature;
  • light;
  • moisture.


As soon as shoots appear, the film is removed and the boxes are placed in a bright and cool place with a temperature of + 14-16 ° C. In the first 10-14 days, the seedlings grow roots, and aerial part practically does not develop. This is a peculiarity of tomatoes and you don't need to do anything here. After the allotted time, the seedlings will begin to grow. As soon as growth begins, the daytime temperature is increased to 20 ° С, and the nighttime temperature is maintained at the same level (15-17 ° С).

After germination, hybrids need a higher temperature (+ 18-19 °). If they are placed in the same conditions as varietal tomatoes, they will wither and not grow. After 2 weeks, they also need to increase the daytime temperature to 20-22 ° C. If this is not possible, the hybrids will develop more slowly, the first flower cluster will appear later and the yield will be lower.

In general, for growing hybrids, you need to take the warmest windowsill, take care of them better than the rest of the seedlings, only then they will give a full harvest.

On warm days, the seedlings are taken out onto the balcony, and at night the vents are opened to reduce the temperature. Whoever has the opportunity, on sunny days, tomatoes are put in a greenhouse if the temperature there is not lower than + 15-17 ° С. Such temperatures temper plants well, make them stronger, and, in the future, their yield is higher.


Tomato seedlings must be highlighted, especially late varieties who sow earlier. The lighting period should be at least 14 hours a day. With a lack of light, the seedlings are strongly stretched, becoming long and fragile. In cloudy weather, the supplementary illumination of plants is increased by 1-2 hours compared to sunny days, and the temperature is reduced to 13-14 ° C, otherwise the tomatoes are strongly stretched.


Water the tomatoes very sparingly. Watering is carried out as the soil dries up and only with settled water. Unsteady tap water forms a bacterial-calcareous coating on the soil, which tomatoes do not like very much. At the initial stage, each plant needs only 1 teaspoon of water, as it grows, watering is increased.

The soil in the seed box should be neither too wet nor too dry. You need to water abundantly so that the soil is sufficiently saturated with moisture, and the next watering is carried out only after the earthen coma dries up. Usually tomatoes are watered no more than 1 time a week, but here they are guided by individual growing conditions. If the plants have wilted, then they need to be watered without waiting for a week to pass.

Waterlogging, combined with high temperature and poor light, causes a strong pulling of tomatoes.

Seedling picking

When 2-3 true leaves appear in tomato seedlings, a pick is carried out.

For picking, prepare pots with a volume of at least 1 liter, fill them with 3/4 of earth, watered and compacted. They make a deepening, dig up the seedling with a teaspoon and plant it in a pot. When picking, tomatoes are planted a little deeper than they grew earlier, sprinkling the stem with earth until the cotyledonous leaves. Strongly elongated seedlings are covered up to the first true leaves. Seedlings are held by the leaves, if you hold it by a thin stalk, it will break.

Tomatoes tolerate picking well. If the sucking roots are damaged, they quickly recover and grow thicker. Do not allow the roots to bend upward, otherwise the seedlings will develop poorly.

After the pick, the ground is watered well, and the tomatoes themselves are shaded for 1-2 days so that the evaporation of water by the leaves is less intense.

How to feed tomato seedlings

Top dressing is carried out 5-7 days after the pick. Previously, top dressing was not recommended, since the soil was filled with ash, which contains all the necessary elements for seed growth. If the seedlings are grown on a purchased soil mixture, then feeding is all the more unnecessary.

After 14-16 days from germination, tomatoes begin to actively grow leaves, and at this time they need to be fed. Top dressing should contain not only nitrogen, but also phosphorus and trace elements, so it is advisable to use universal fertilizer... During this period, you can feed the tomatoes with fertilizer for indoor plants... It gives excellent results.

You cannot feed tomato seedlings with nitrogen alone. First, it is difficult to calculate the required dose for relatively small plants. Secondly, nitrogen causes increased growth, which, with a limited volume of land and in conditions of a lack of light, leads to a strong stretching and thinning of plants.

Subsequent feeding is carried out in 12-14 days. Seedlings of late and mid-season varieties are fed 3-4 times before planting in the ground. Early maturing varieties enough 1, maximum two dressings. For hybrids, the number of dressings is increased by 2 for each type of seedling.

If the land is purchased, then it is sufficiently filled with fertilizers and feeding when growing tomatoes on such soils is not carried out. The exception is hybrids. They consume nutrients more intensively and before planting it is necessary to carry out 1-2 additional fertilizing, in whatever soil they are grown.

Seedling care after picking

After picking, the seedlings are placed on the windowsills as freely as possible. If she is cramped, then she develops poorly. In densely spaced seedlings, the illumination decreases and it stretches.

  • 2 weeks before planting tomatoes, they are hardened
  • To do this, the seedlings, even on cold days (the temperature is not lower than 11-12 ° C), are taken out onto the balcony or open air
  • At night, the temperature is lowered to 13-15 ° C.
  • For hardening hybrids, the temperature should be 2-3 ° C higher, it is gradually lowered.

For tempering, pots with hybrids are first placed close to the glass itself, where the temperature is always lower. After a few days, if the batteries are regulated, they are covered for a few hours; if not regulated, then they open a balcony or a window. At the final stage of hardening, the seedlings of the hybrids are taken out to the balcony for the whole day.

If tomato seedlings cannot be taken out onto the balcony, then they are daily sprayed with cold water to harden them.

The main reasons for failure

  1. Seedlings of tomatoes are strongly stretched. There are several reasons: not enough light, early planting, excess nitrogen fertilization.
    1. Seedlings are always pulled out when there is a lack of light. It needs to be supplemented. If this is not possible, then a mirror or foil is placed behind the seedlings, then the illumination of the tomatoes greatly increases, and they stretch less.
    2. There is no need to feed the tomatoes with nitrogen, this causes the rapid growth of tops, and in conditions of insufficient illumination (and in the room there is always not enough light, no matter how you light up the seedlings), they are strongly stretched.
    3. Sowing seeds too early. Even normally developing seedlings are pulled out when sowing early. After 60-70 days, the plants become cramped in pots and containers, they need to develop further, and in conditions of limited nutritional space and cramped space on the windowsill, they have one way out - to grow up.
    4. All these factors, both individually and together, cause the seedlings to stretch. Tomatoes stretch even more if excessive watering and a high temperature of the seedlings are added.
  2. Seeds do not germinate. If the seed good quality, then there are no shoots due to the low temperature of the soil. This is especially important for hybrids. They germinate at a temperature of 28-30 ° C. Therefore, to accelerate the emergence of seedlings, containers with sown tomatoes are placed on a battery.
  3. Tomatoes do not grow well. They are too cold. For varietal tomatoes for normal growth, a temperature of 18-20 ° is required, for hybrids - 22-23 ° C. Hybrids can grow at 20 ° C, but more slowly, and, accordingly, later enter fruiting.
  4. Yellowing of the leaves.
    1. Usually the leaves of tomatoes grown in crowded areas turn yellow. When the seedlings are large, they do not have enough light on a cramped windowsill, and the plants shed excess leaves. In such conditions, all attention is paid to the top of the stem, the bushes are trying to outgrow their competitors in order to have more comfortable conditions... When the leaves turn yellow, the seedlings are arranged more freely and the air temperature is reduced.
    2. If the leaves are small, turn yellow, and the veins remain green or slightly reddish, this is a lack of nitrogen. Give a complete top dressing mineral fertilizer... You don't need to feed with nitrogen alone, otherwise the tomatoes will stretch out.
    3. Limiting the area of ​​food. Tomatoes are already cramped in the container, the roots have braided the entire earthen ball and further growth stops. Transplant the seedlings into a larger pot.
  5. Curly leaves... Sharp and significant changes in temperature. When growing tomatoes, a sharp increase in air temperature should be avoided. The seedling feeding area is limited and the roots cannot support all leaves in hot weather. The same thing happens with a sharp cold snap, but this is much less common at home.
  6. Blackleg. Frequent disease of tomato seedlings. It affects all types of plants. The disease is rapidly spreading in a short time can destroy all seedlings. The stalk at the soil level turns black, becomes thinner, dries up, the plant falls and dies. Infected plants are removed immediately. The soil is watered with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, Fitosporin, Alirin. After that, the tomatoes do not need to be watered for a week, the soil should dry out.

Growing seedlings at home is a troublesome business, but otherwise it will not be possible to harvest a good harvest, especially in northern regions and the middle lane.


The seeds are placed in a transparent container with impregnation and placed in a warm place for a day. After processing, it is enough to dry them thoroughly and proceed to the next stage.

Soaking the seeds

Before sprouting tomatoes from seeds, it is advisable to soak them. For this purpose, take glass jar or plastic box with warm water. At the same time, the seedlings are wrapped in cheesecloth and placed in a container. The water should not completely cover the grains (preferably halfway).

It is necessary to allocate 12 hours for the whole process. In this case, the water should be changed 3 times.

Gauze with seeds should also be periodically taken out of the water so that they breathe oxygen.

Soaking smoothly turns into germination of future tomatoes. This promotes plant growth and guarantees more early harvest... For this procedure, the seeds are laid out on a plate covered with moistened gauze or soft damp paper.

Important! The room should be warm during germination (about +20 degrees).

It is important to maintain balance and make sure that the fabric does not dry out or get too wet.

Before germinating tomatoes from seeds, it is advisable to harden them. Because tomatoes are a thermophilic crop, hardening will help them more easily adapt to unfavorable conditions. weather conditions... Seedlings from such prepared seeds cope better with temperature extremes, and tomatoes develop much faster. Bushes obtained from hardened seeds bloom earlier and yield 40-50% more yields.

The principle of this procedure is that the seedlings are affected by different temperatures... First, the sprouted seeds are placed in the refrigerator and kept there for 12 hours. The temperature is not higher than +2 degrees. After that, the grains are heated at +20 degrees for 12 hours.

Did you know? In some countries, the tomato is called an apple. The French called it "the apple of love", and the Germans called it "the apple of paradise."

It is enough to carry out the procedure 2-3 times for a tangible effect.

How to germinate tomato seeds for seedlings in toilet paper

The method of germinating tomatoes from seeds can be safely attributed to modern know-how. Positive points on the face:

  • the ability to avoid seeds;
  • minimum required space;
  • the ability to identify the strongest shoots.

There are several options for such germination with their positive and negative aspects.
1st method. WITH . This is the simplest and quick option... The bottle must be cut lengthwise and laid on the bottom with paper moistened with water. Distribute seedlings on it. Cover the bottle plastic bag by creating a semblance. And be sure to make holes in it for oxygen supply. The container is best placed in direct sunlight.

This method clearly demonstrates how you can sprout tomatoes from seeds in toilet paper quickly and easily. The method is very convenient in that it does not require watering, since a greenhouse effect is formed in an enclosed space. The sprouts should appear on the third day.

2nd way. With oilcloth. Oilcloth should be cut into strips 10 cm wide, and soaked paper should be laid on them. Spread the grains on top at a distance of about 4 cm from each other. V next layer repeat paper and oilcloth. Roll up the entire "structure" and tie it with an elastic band. All packages should be placed in a container of water (about two fingers from the bottom) and, as in the first option, covered with a bag. 3rd way. Lined with laminate flooring. This option is similar to the previous one, only a more porous laminate lining is used. In the same way, "rolls" are knitted and placed in water. As soon as the tomatoes sprout, they are planted in the ground.

Term of germination of tomato seeds

The answer to the question of how many days tomato seeds will sprout on, worries many beginners. This is not surprising, because knowing this information, you can clearly establish the time when you need to sow seedlings.

Tomato seedlings have almost the same germination period. Dry grains, when planted in open ground, will sprout no earlier than after 10 days.

You can speed up this process if you subject the material to a special treatment with soaking, changing temperatures, and so on. In this case, the seeds will hatch for 5 ± 1 or 7 ± 1 days, depending on the variety and quality. But at the same time, the temperature must be maintained at a level not lower than +20 degrees. In cold air, the germination period will drag on for several days.

Important! Pay attention to planting depth. The deeper the seed is in the ground, the longer it will take to break through to the light.

Dates for planting tomato seeds

In order for tomato seedlings at home to give a bountiful harvest, it is important to choose the right period when it is favorable to sow seeds. It will come to the rescue in this matter. Suitable for growing vegetables for seedlings are the days when the young Moon is under the influence of signs favorable to fertility, namely: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces or Aries.

If these days, for some reason, it was not possible to plant tomatoes, there are still conditionally favorable days in the lunar calendar, on which you can also sow.


Before planting seeds in open ground, for a start, they are placed at home in a container with earth. Only one seed is dipped into each glass to a depth of about 1 centimeter and periodically watered.

Sowing tomatoes for seedlings is a guarantee of your harvest in the difficult climatic conditions of Siberia and the Moscow region. How to do it correctly and in what time frame in order to get a rich harvest of everyone's favorite vegetable, we will tell you in this article.

Seed preparation for sowing in Siberia and Moscow region

Tomato is a heat-loving vegetable. Nevertheless, it is grown everywhere, despite the peculiarities of climatic conditions. In regions with cold and long winters, this is done through seedlings.

To obtain high-quality seedlings, first of all, it is necessary to prepare tomato seeds for sowing by rejecting the seeds. Seeds can be sown dry or soaked. Soaking fresh seeds is optional.

🎧 The best time to plant tomatoes

An interesting interview from an expert summer resident Andrey Tumanov: “ The best time for planting tomatoes ". For 20 years, the author has hosted a number of programs on TV dedicated to amateur gardening and horticulture - "Fazenda", "Gryadka", "Our Garden", "Village Hour", "Field Work".

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Soil options for tomato seedlings for Siberia and the Moscow region

You can plant tomatoes for seedlings both in the ground and in different special mixtures for growing plants. The main soil component for tomato seedlings is humus and turf soils taken in equal proportions. Sawdust or peat is used for loosening. Coconut substrate is also good as a substrate. Coconut-grown seedlings are strong and healthy root system.

You can also grow quality seedlings with the help of peat tablets, moreover, without picking.

For tomatoes, tablets with a diameter of 33-36 mm are used. When planting, 2 or even 3-4 seeds are placed in a peat tablet. Later, weak sprouts can be removed by pinching. When the sprouts of tomatoes release the first leaf, they, together with peat tablet must be placed in a container with a volume of 0.5 liters. The process of growing seedlings in tablets is almost the same as when growing in cups (pots), with only one difference: in this case, a pick is not needed.

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in Siberia and the Moscow region

For tomatoes, the seedling period is usually 45-65 days. However, the timing of sowing seedlings also depends on some factors:

  1. Tomato variety and its growing season.
  2. The time it takes to develop from seed to plant ready for outdoor planting. This period ranges from 3 to 8 weeks and is usually indicated on the seed bag.
  3. Date of last recurrent frost in your area. For central Russia, with slight discrepancies, this period varies from mid-April to the first ten days of June.
  4. Growing conditions for seedlings. In a cool room, the seeds will take longer to germinate. Then the planting schedule is shifted a week earlier. If the seedlings are grown in a greenhouse or in a warm room on the windowsill, then the sowing is planned for a week later.

It turns out the following: if the number of weeks required for growing seedlings is subtracted from the date of the last frost, and an amendment is made for the conditions for keeping seedlings, then the approximate date of sowing seeds is obtained.

Taking these factors into account, you can calculate the time of sowing tomatoes for seedlings. If we take into account that it will take 7-10 days for the emergence of seedlings, the period from germination to flowering (early varieties) is 50-60 days, for recovery after picking tomatoes - 8-10 days, then for growing a crop in a film greenhouse (if planting date - early June) seed sowing time - approximately March 15-20.

Growing tomato seedlings in Siberia and the Moscow region

Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings is carried out in boxes 10 cm high to a depth of 0.5-1 cm and covered with glass or foil. Germination time depends on the quality of the seeds and the air temperature. The optimum temperature for growing should be +25 degrees. In this case, the seeds will germinate within a week.

When the first shoots appear for seedlings, you need to equip a backlight. Tomatoes are very demanding for light, especially in the first 2-4 days after sprouting, they need light around the clock. The rest of the time, the length of daylight hours should be 12-16 hours. It is advisable to move the boxes to a cool, well-lit room with an air temperature of + 14-16 degrees.

When the plants get stronger, after about a week, the daytime temperature should be raised to + 18-20 degrees, and the nighttime temperature should be kept at + 14-16. If the window is opened at night, then neither the wind nor the draft should threaten young plants.

Water the tomato seedlings sparingly, with water room temperature... Waterlogging should not be allowed. There is an opinion that the seedlings should not be watered until the first leaf, but it is necessary to monitor the soil, not to allow it to dry out. Further watering is carried out once a week. And when 5 leaves appear, increase it up to 1 time in 3-4 days.

Picking tomato seedlings in Siberia and the Moscow region

To make picking of tomato seedlings more successful, it is advisable to prepare individual containers for young plants. These can be plastic cups or peat pots with a capacity of 0.5 liters.

You can grow tomato seedlings in any container available to you.

When transplanting, it is advisable to pinch the main root, then the root system will be more lush.

There are two well-known ways to pick tomatoes:

  • With the planting of one plant. Then the seedlings will turn out to be strong, with a strong root system.
  • When planting two seedlings in one pot. The result is a plant with two roots. To carry out a pick, when the plant grows to 10-15 cm, the stems of the seedlings must be tightly tied with a strong thread. When the stems of the plants grow together, the thread is removed, and the tip of the weaker plant is pinched.

Growing tomato seedlings in several stems helps to increase yields.

Young plants need to be hardened 10-12 days before planting. For this, the temperature is gradually lowered from + 18-20 to + 14-16 degrees. And immediately before disembarkation, 4-6 days before, they should be taken out into the open air: on the first day for a couple of hours, on the last day for a day.

Under the influence of sunlight, wind, low temperatures in plants, all physiological processes change dramatically, they become more resistant to new growing conditions.

Signs of readiness of seedlings for planting in open ground:

  • thickened stem 30 cm high with 6-7 leaves;
  • short internodes;
  • flower brush: 1 for mid and late ripening varieties; 1-2 - for early adopters.

Where and when to plant. Soil for tomato seedlings in Siberia and the Moscow region

An ideal outdoor area for growing tomatoes is a well-lit, warm, wind-sheltered location on the south side.

The predecessors of tomatoes, if possible, should be: cabbage, legumes, pumpkin seeds, onions, root vegetables.

Compared to others vegetable crops, tomato is less picky about soil fertility. Any soil with a neutral and slightly acidic environment is suitable for growing it. However, it is desirable that the soil be light, highly fertile, sandy loam and loamy type.

Due to the increased "removal" of nutrients from the soil, the tomato is considered a crop that impoverishes it. Therefore, in the fall, humus or compost (4-6 kg / sq. M) must be added to the marginal soil.

Tomato seedlings may not withstand recurrent frosts, so they are usually planted in open ground when their threat has passed. Most often this happens in late May - early June. But it all depends on the climatic conditions of the region. Covering material can be used to protect plants.

Types of tomato planting schemes

You can transplant young plants into open ground according to several schemes. At the same time, agricultural technology is unchanged.

  • Private... The most primitive option. It is great for determinate and single-stemmed plants. determinant varieties tomatoes. Its essence consists in planting seedlings in rows at a certain distance. To facilitate the task, you can make markings on the site in advance. There are several optimal distances:
  • 60*25
  • 60*35
  • 50*70

This scheme will require a lot of free space on the site.

  1. Chess... Suitable for determinate tomato varieties that are formed into a maximum of 3 stems. You need to make 2 rows with a distance of 50-60 cm between them.If the bush is formed into 1 stem, you can reduce the distance to 35-40 cm.It must be remembered: if you plant tall tomato seedlings according to the checkerboard system, the distance between the plants should be 40-50 cm, and between the rows - 70 cm.
  2. Ribbon-nesting. This scheme is similar to the previous one. The difference lies in the arrangement of the bushes. Here it is parallel. The bushes are planted in two rows and a path is left between them. You will get a long double and even row. The distance between the bushes is 25-35 cm.

This scheme is very convenient to use when applying agricultural techniques and for harvesting. The width of the tracks should be 80 cm, the row spacing is 40 cm. This distance is convenient for determinant varieties. Seedlings of tomatoes of indeterminate varieties are planted with an interval of 45x50 and a path of 1 m.

  1. Square-nested. Summer residents have been successfully using this scheme for a long time, long years... The distance from nest to nest in the transverse direction should be 80 cm, in the longitudinal direction - 60 cm. Each nest can fit up to 3 bushes. This scheme is for small areas.

Tomato varieties adapted for the Moscow region

In the Moscow region, tomatoes for seedlings are sown, depending on the variety, from March to April: tall ones - in March, low-growing ones - in April. In open ground, seedlings are planted around mid-May.

The best varieties of tomatoes for the Moscow region

Variety name Characteristic
Pink honey Mid-season variety. Large pink fruits are heart-shaped. The mass reaches 0.5-1 kg. It is not resistant to diseases.
Shchelkovsky early The variety is early ripe, fruitful. Fruits are medium in size, juicy. Weight 50-60 g.
White filling Early ripe. It is considered one of the best. Ripens in 100 days. Fruiting until the very frost. The fruits are juicy. Weight is about 100 g.
De Barao The fruits of this tomato variety can be red, pink, black, yellow. Weight 80 g.
Gina Mid-season fruitful variety. Ripens in 120 days. The fruits are round, large, red, tasty. Weight 250-300 g.

Varieties for growing in Siberia

The best option for growing tomatoes in the harsh climate of Siberia is planting seedlings. Different varieties are used. To choose them correctly, you need to know the features of tomatoes - a very thermophilic culture. Not every variety can withstand the Siberian climate. However, breeders managed to develop such hybrids that are able to withstand autumn and spring frosts... Cultivars intended for cultivation in the open field differ in terms of ripening, taste and other parameters. Basically, they are all determinant.

Variety name Characteristic
Ultra-ripe Grown in the open field. The fruits ripen in 3 months. About 8 fruits grow on one inflorescence. Resistant to low temperatures.
Siberian heavyweight Ripening period - 96-106 days. The fruits are heart-shaped. Weight reaches 600 g. Tolerant to severe weather conditions.
Demidov The fruits ripen in 101-109 days. Fruits are medium-silvery, round. The variety is planted in open ground.
Abakan pink Fruits are slightly ribbed, flat-round. Weight up to 200 g. The variety is perfectly adapted to the Siberian climate.
Nastenka The variety is mid-season. The fruits are pink, juicy. Weight up to 200 g

Errors made when growing tomato seedlings

  • very early sowing of seeds;
  • sowing in low-quality soil;
  • violation temperature regime, humidity, light (while the seedlings are stretched);
  • rejection of pre-planting hardening of seedlings.


  1. Why don't tomato seeds sprout?

The seeds sown may have died:

  • if the wind “walked” on the windowsill, and at the same time you often and abundantly watered them;
  • high indoor temperature and dry soil - the seeds have dried up;
  • very dense and acidic soil.
  1. What size should the seedling pots be?

First, the tomatoes are sown in boxes or other separate containers 8-10 cm high.After the appearance of 2 true leaves, the seedlings can be sown in containers with a diameter of 10-12 cm.

  1. How to transport seedlings to the site correctly?

To prevent the plants from breaking off, the stems must be tied with twine from the bottom and top, cut off 2 bottom sheets... Then spread the newspaper, carefully wrap the plant with the pot in it; fold the newspaper under the bottom of the container and place the seedlings in a tall box. Top part such a newspaper tube must be open so that the plants can "breathe".

  1. How to protect already planted seedlings from frost?

For seedlings, you should make a cover from spunbond or film. Prepare newspapers to protect the soil from frost.

As soon as the forecasters report the coming cold weather, in the evening it is necessary to remove the shelter and water the seedlings with warm (+35 degrees) water by sprinkling. After the moisture has been absorbed, cover the ground with newspapers. Then again cover the beds in such a way that there are no cracks in them.