What to do if tomato seedlings do not grow well after picking. Tomatoes grow poorly seedlings are sickly what to do

In greenhouse conditions, it is possible to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes. Many of us prefer to grow vegetables on our own in our summer cottages or household plots, which allows you to be sure that in the end only the freshest and most natural products will get on the table, without the terrible GMOs and other additives. Greenhouse planting of tomato bushes is well suited for growing tomatoes on an industrial scale. But what if the tomatoes in the greenhouse do not grow well or practically do not produce tomatoes? The first step is to determine why this is happening, and only then develop a plan for rescuing your landings.

    • Reasons: when tomatoes do not grow in the greenhouse
    • Why is there not enough tomato in the greenhouse
    • Reasons: why tomatoes do not ripen in the greenhouse
    • How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse
    • Agronomist's answer: how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse (video)

Reasons: when tomatoes do not grow in the greenhouse

Almost every gardener wondered: "Why don't tomatoes grow in a greenhouse?" There may be completely different answers to this question, and each of them has the right to be. Let's consider what reasons can have an inhibitory effect on the growth of tomato bushes of different varieties.


  1. Poor quality seedlings. Remember, if you are not growing young plants yourself, but prefer to buy them from others, there is always a chance to run into a "pig in a poke". The seedlings may be sick.
  2. Violation of the temperature regime inside the greenhouse. As you know, each variety of tomatoes prefers its own temperature indicators, and if your tomato bushes must develop at a temperature of +20 ᵒС, then do not expect good growth from them if the temperature is lower or higher than necessary.
  3. Damage to the bush when tying branches or when picking a plant.
  4. Not enough essential plant nutrients and minerals. Such a disadvantage very quickly affects the development of the plant, the color and appearance of the leaves.

For tomatoes to grow well, they need to be watered without breaking the regime.

Violation of the irrigation regime - on varieties of tomatoes, not counting individual species, is greatly influenced by both a lack of watering and an excess of water in the soil. With an overabundance, the plant may begin to rot, and with a deficiency, the bush will significantly slow down its development or may dry out.

Insufficient ventilation of the greenhouse is destructive.

Like all plants, tomatoes also need oxygen, and a lack of it badly affects the development of the bushes, in addition, the lack of ventilation in a closed greenhouse space can lead to an increase in humidity, which is also detrimental to the tomato. Tomatoes are prone to various diseases and various pests and insects, among which there are those that completely destroy the bush without the possibility of saving it.

Why is there not enough tomato in the greenhouse

Such an attack may also happen, the tomato bushes themselves developed and grew quite actively, but at the same time very few ovaries and berries are formed on them. This misfortune also has its reasons and there are many of them. You should know the "enemy" by sight in order to give a worthy rebuff.

So, what leads to problems with the formation of the ovary and fruits:

  • Violation temperature regime;
  • Violations of the watering regime of plants;
  • Lack of ventilation;
  • Excess nitrogen - this leads to mutation of flowers and the inability to form an ovary;
  • Lack of potassium and phosphorus prevents the development of the entire plant in general and flowers in particular;
  • Diseases;
  • Lack of cutting or pinching in determinant plants - in this case, the forces of the bush go to growth, and not to the formation of the ovary and ripening of the fruit;
  • Chemical treatments also negatively affect pollen, making pollination impossible.

Violation of the temperature regime and lack of ventilation can lead to problems with the formation of the ovary and fruits

As is known, the best condition for pollination of plants, the temperature is equal to 21-26 ᵒС. At indicators below 16 ᵒС, the pollen of plants does not mature, which means that pollination will not occur, also, at temperatures above 36 С, pollen becomes completely sterile.

Lack of moisture in the soil can lead to drying out and dropping of flowers, and without them, the formation of the ovary cannot occur.

At the same time, with an excess of moisture in the air, the pollen begins to stick together and form large clumps that cannot be spread over the greenhouse plants. In tightly closed greenhouses, there are also problems with pollination, due to the fact that in the greenhouses of those insects that usually help pollinate the flowers of plants in open ground, as well as in closed rooms, there is no wind that carries pollen from plant to plant. Diseased tomato bushes by themselves drop flowers to the ground. Knowing what exactly you are doing wrong, you can try to correct mistakes and have time to get a good harvest.

Reasons: why tomatoes do not ripen in the greenhouse

You can often find that the set fruits of tomatoes do not want to ripen in any way, remaining green for a long time. As it turned out, tomatoes ripen poorly for the same reasons that tomato bushes themselves grow and bear fruit poorly.


  1. Temperature.
  2. Planting density.
  3. Watering.

In order for the fruits of tomatoes to quickly and efficiently sing, you need a sufficient amount of a substance such as lycopene. It is he who determines the saturation of the red color of ripe tomatoes. As you know, a substance is well synthesized at a temperature of 16 to 34 ᵒС, therefore, with indicators lower or higher permissible norm, there is a violation of the synthesis and color of the fruit.

Tomatoes may not ripen well due to plant density

As a result, tomatoes acquire yellow, in addition, the appearance of greening around the stem of the fetus is noted.

If tomato bushes are planted close, then the sun's rays do not reach the fruits. In case of lack of sunlight, tomatoes ripen much more slowly. But do not forget that an excess of direct sunlight will not lead to anything good either. In this case, the tomatoes can bake and dry before they ripen.

How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse

If there is a problem, then it must be solved, which means that if tomatoes do not ripen well in greenhouse conditions, this process can be accelerated. But what should be done for this? In order to ripen faster, you can use some secrets.

To speed up the ripening of tomatoes in the greenhouse, the plants must be fed

Grazing - this procedure is the process of removing excess leaves from a plant. This procedure will allow the plant to give up all the nutrients for the ripening of the fruit, and not for the growth of the bush itself. Prevention of tomato diseases, for example, late blight - diseases take away all the strength of the plant, and diseases can also affect the fruits themselves, not just preventing them from ripening, but also destroying the tomato itself.

Feeding the plant with potassium and phosphorus-containing fertilizers is important. Indoor ripening is one of the favorite ways experienced gardeners and he is acquitted. It consists in the fact that the fruits of tomatoes are plucked in a green form and left in a warm room for the purpose of ripening.

Agronomist's answer: how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse (video)

In conclusion, it is worth remembering that often a couple of red fruits are added to green tomatoes. It is believed that in this case, ripening will take place faster.

Tomatoes are everyone's favorite and widespread culture. Most summer residents try to grow tomato seedlings with their own hands, but this is not always successful. To receive good result it is important to meet many conditions. Do you know all about what tomatoes need to grow well? Meanwhile, the further growth of the bushes and their fruiting depends on the quality of the seedlings.

  • When grown at home, tomatoes need a lot of heat, light and relatively dry air. First you need to decide on the choice of seed variety.
  • It is important where you grow tomatoes, in a greenhouse or outdoors.
  • Based on this, choose indeterminate varieties with unlimited growth (for greenhouses), or undersized determinant (for open ground).
  • Hybrids give maximum yield, but they need warmth. In cool climates, it is better to grow varietal tomatoes.

On a note! Early ripe tomatoes are suitable for all regions of the country. In the cold climatic zones only mid-season and late varieties.

  1. Temperature. When shoots appear, the shelter is removed and the boxes are placed in a cool, bright place with a temperature of 14-16 degrees. During this period, tomatoes are actively growing roots, and aerial part almost does not develop. As soon as the stems grow, the daytime temperature is raised to 20 degrees, and the nighttime temperature is kept at the same level (15 degrees). After germination, hybrids do not lower the temperature, otherwise the plants will wither. In warm weather, seedlings can be taken out on the balcony, this will do her good. Reducing night temperatures is achieved by opening the window.
  2. Lighting. Tomato seedlings need additional lighting, especially late varieties that are sown earlier. It is necessary that the daylight hours are 14 hours a day. V cloudy weather the additional illumination time is increased by another 1-2 hours. If the required light is not provided, the seedlings are stretched, the stems become thin and fragile. For illumination, you can use a regular fluorescent lamp or phytolamp.
  3. Watering. separated water room temperature... Watering should be moderate, it is done after the topsoil dries up. Small seedlings only need one teaspoon of water for each plant. It is most convenient to water them by drawing water into a syringe. As the seedlings grow, watering is increased. The soil should be completely saturated with moisture, and by the next watering it should dry out in top layer... On average, plants are watered once a week, but the approach should be individualized. If the seedlings have wilted, they should be watered without waiting for the end of the week.

When 2-3 true leaves appear in separate containers with a volume of 1 liter. During transplantation, the seedlings are buried to the cotyledonous leaves, and if the seedlings have grown, to the first pair of true leaves. Plants must be held by the leaves and not by the stem during transplanting, otherwise they can be easily broken. After picking, the plants are watered abundantly and put in the shade for 1-2 days for adaptation.

One week after the dive. It is best to use a complex mineral fertilizer, in which, in addition to the main trace elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), others are also present. The second feeding is carried out after 2 weeks.

On a note! The need for fertilization is determined by the appearance of the seedlings. If the tomatoes look strong, vigorous and green, then you can skip top dressing. An excess of fertilizer for seedlings is just as harmful as a lack.

After picking, it is not recommended to keep the seedlings in cramped conditions, otherwise it will develop worse. Arrange the tomato pots loosely. At the last stage, tomato seedlings must be hardened. Quenching begins 2 weeks before planting in open ground... Plants are taken out on open air first for 20-30 minutes. Then the time spent on the street is increased daily.

On a note! V the last days you can keep the seedlings in the air all day, bringing them indoors only at night.

Compared to eggplants and peppers, tomatoes are considered a less picky crop. But problems can arise with them as well. Stunting can primarily be caused by poor quality seeds.

Experts recommend using seed that is stored for no longer than 5 years. Suspension of growth can also be triggered by inadequate nutrition, improper picking, disease of seedlings, the appearance of pests, and improper care.

The lack of fertilizers will be said appearance tomatoes:

  • Seedlings look frail, have thin stems and faded small leaves? The reason for this is the lack of nitrogen.
  • and plants lack potassium.
  • A reddish bloom on the underside of the leaf plates indicates a lack of phosphorus.
  • Magnesium deficiency is manifested by the appearance of a marble color on the leaves.
  • Lack of iron also causes stunted growth.

When diving, it is important to observe the correct timing. If the seedlings are dived too early, it is easy to damage their loose roots. In the future, such seedlings will recover for a long time and hurt and stand in the same pore. And if you overexpose the plants in a common container, their roots will intertwine, and the pick will also be quite traumatic. For beginners, it is better to initially plant tomatoes in separate pots to avoid picking.

Disadvantages in care include a lack of heat and light. For the normal growth of seedlings, a temperature of 24 degrees is required and additional lighting in the evenings, as well as on cloudy days. Tomatoes will also grow poorly in poor soil. It is better to initially acquire nutritious soil, or try to compensate for the lack of minerals by applying fertilizers.

For the good development of seedlings, proper watering is also important. Excessive drying of the soil or waterlogging will negatively affect the growth of tomatoes.

On a note! If a cat lives in the house, make sure that her urine does not fall into the box with tomato seedlings - this is another reason for the stunted growth and even death of tomatoes. It is better to keep the pet away from the plantings.

How to help seedlings at an early stage of development? If you have planted tomatoes in winter and they are sorely lacking in heat and light, build a miniature greenhouse above the seedling box and install two lamps nearby that will simultaneously heat and illuminate the sprouts.

Monitor watering carefully to avoid both overdrying and waterlogging. The use of rain or melt water will help revive the seedlings; tomatoes do not like hard water very much. To prevent diseases and pests, periodically carry out treatments.

Experienced gardeners use self-prepared fertilizers to feed poorly growing plants:

  1. Crush 3-4 eggshells and place in plastic bottle, then fill it with warm water. The lid does not need to be tightened. The shell should be infused for about 5 days, during which time the solution will become cloudy. The finished product is poured under the seedlings, one teaspoon for each plant.
  2. You can prepare a yeast solution from 10 grams of fresh yeast and a teaspoon of sugar in 2 liters of water. The solution should be infused for a day, after which it is used for feeding. The procedure is carried out after watering, while the soil is still wet. Yeast improves the quality of the soil, making it looser. As a result, tomatoes can more easily absorb nutrients from the ground.
  3. Experienced summer residents praise the banana peel dressing. They are an excellent source of potassium and are easy to prepare. Peels of 3-4 bananas are placed in three-liter jar, pour in warm water and insist for 3 days. The ready-made infusion is used to fertilize the plants after watering.

2 weeks before planting in open ground, the seedlings can be watered with the "Athlete" preparation so that they do not stretch out. The agent inhibits the growth of the aerial part, but causes accelerated root growth.

Tomato seedlings grow poorly, what to do: video

The problem is always easier to prevent than to deal with, so pay attention to tomato seedlings at all stages of their growing, starting with the right choice seeds, ending with hardening before planting on permanent place... After all, growth retardation does not happen just like that - there is always a provoking factor. But, if this has already happened, we hope that our advice will help to rectify the situation.

Growing tomatoes is always associated with a lot of effort. To avoid failures on the way to getting the harvest, I would like to offer some recommendations. Here they are.

The appearance of symptoms of disturbance in plant development, we must notice in time and create favorable conditions for growing them. And then we will be able to answer the question - why tomatoes grow poorly, what to do with it. Based on experience, it has been established that tomatoes grow poorly when there is a nitrogen deficiency. In this case, the growth of the apical and lateral shoots is delayed, yellowness appears on young leaves. The lack of sulfur compounds during the development of tomatoes is akin to a lack of nitrogen. This is manifested in the fact that the stem becomes thinner and hardens. Nitrogen nutrition affects all stages of tomato development.

With an excess of nitrogen, the leaves grow intensively, flowering and fruiting occur with a delay. Nitrogen fertilizing sometimes needs to be excluded, since with an excess of nitrogen, fungal diseases occur.

When the level of nitrogen nutrition is normal, then the presence of manganese, calcium, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, zinc in plants is completely normalized.

When there is not enough fluoride in the soil where tomatoes grow, then there is a slowed down growth of shoots, their thinning. The leaf becomes dull in color.

In the case of a lack of potassium in the soil, the development of fruits is observed on which there are spots of green and yellow color. Their fall is characteristic.

If the soil is depleted in calcium, then the growth points die off in the plants. With a lack of magnesium supply in tomatoes, marbling occurs on young and old leaves. Iron deficiency manifests itself through yellowing of the leaves. Zinc deficiency is manifested in the fading of growth points and the appearance small leaves.

Absence the required amount boron is accompanied by damage to the core of the stem, and the fruits are prone to cracking. A simple, familiar to many, boric acid will help get rid of such phenomena. Dissolve it in hot water(1 g in 1 liter of water) and carry out the spraying procedure.

The picture is clear and now it is clear why tomatoes do not grow - what to do ?! To overcome the painful phenomena in green tomato plants, you should pay due attention to feeding.

Remember that experts recommend that primary feeding should be carried out 2 weeks after planting the seedlings with a mullein solution (1:10) or chicken droppings (1:20).

The following "feeding" is advisable to carry out every 10 days with mineral fertilizer in its entirety (60 g of nitrophoska per 10 l of water).

During the flowering period, it is enough for tomatoes to add 1 liter of such feeding to the diet. After flowering up to 5 liters.

Fermented herbs such as nettles are a suitable food.

With the benefit of plants up to 4 times per season, trace elements can be used (grind 5 tablets, dissolve in 10 liters). The rate for each bush is 1 liter. Practice confirms the effectiveness and foliar feeding mineral and organic fertilizers, as well as micronutrient fertilizers

The green mass of plants effectively absorbs nutrients, like the roots, as needed, which promotes plant growth.

Practice confirms the effectiveness of foliar feeding with mineral and organic fertilizers, as well as micronutrient fertilizers.

The green mass of plants effectively absorbs nutrients as needed.

It will not be superfluous to prepare an organic infusion from nettle (replenishment with microelements), lupine (increased nitrogen), comfrey (a storehouse of potassium), apple extracts (champions in phosphorus and potassium).

We put all the components in a 2-bucket container, fill it with water, stir and keep the infusion for at least a week.

With a solution of the color of tea of ​​weak brewing, we process the leaves of our green friends in evening time.

Pay attention to the area of ​​the tomato feeding.

Tomatoes suspend their dynamics due to such unpleasant phenomena as root rot and "black leg".

I can stop the growth of tomato seedlings with pests: woodlice, earwigs, spider mite... To get rid of this invasion, you can use the following drugs: karbofos, fitoverm, actellik.

It has been found that tomatoes do not grow well or slow down their growth after transplanting them into unsuitable soil.

Tomatoes lose their growth dynamics if they are formed at temperatures below 28 °.
They also grow poorly when the irrigation regime is not maintained.

Abundant watering once a week has negative consequences in the form of fruit cracking. At the same time, the period after a long drought requires small doses of moisture.

And also ... Remember that tomato friends prefer wet bottom (roots) and dry top (leaves)!

Causes of wilting and poor growth seedlings of tomatoes. Reanimation methods. Preparations and recipes for feeding after a pick.

Beginners and experienced gardeners face a lot of nuances when growing seedlings at home. In addition to sowing, watering, caring for and feeding, each plant requires human attention and caring hands.

Tomatoes during the period of intensive growth in the open field are resistant to changes in day and night temperatures, and the intensity of sunlight. They are grateful for feeding and tying up the stems. However, from the moment of sowing tomato seeds to transplanting them into the open ground of the gardener, weeks of caring for young plants are expected.

It is not only about picking, but also about treating diseases, organizing correct watering, temperature regime, light intensity. The main tasks are to preserve seedlings, prevent their wilting, slowdown in growth and development. Let's talk more about this in the article.

Why tomato seedlings die, disappear, do not grow or grow poorly after a pick: reasons

a man transplants tomato seedlings into another container

There are several reasons for the death and poor growth of tomato seedlings:

  • Transplant errors, when the root is incorrectly located in the hole or damaged; the earth is not sufficiently densely covered. In the latter case, the presence of air bubbles prevents the development of the plant's root system.
  • Lighting. Direct sunlight often causes burns on the seedlings, which negatively affects their health and growth.
  • Diseases such as black leg. Develops due to watering the tomato cold water... Or a fungus in the soil, which penetrates the stem and forms blood clots. They impede the movement of sap with nutrients to the leaves.
  • Pests such as spider mites. Lesions are not noticeable at an early stage, but when the colony grows, it is difficult to save the plant.
  • Watering errors and drainage problems. Stagnant water causes rotting of the roots of seedlings, and watering with cold liquid - the development of a disease, the so-called black leg.
  • Poor quality soil with low mineral content. For example, iron deficiency causes yellowing and death of leaves, as well as a significant slowdown in seedling growth. Low nitrogen content is indicated by overly thin stems and sluggish leaves.
  • High indoor temperatures have an extremely negative effect on the overall well-being of tomatoes. If an excessive moisture indicator is added to it, the formation of putrefactive processes in the soil is expected. As a result, the root system and the entire plant will suffer.

What to do if tomato seedlings fall after a pick, wither, do not grow or grow poorly: a set of measures

young seedlings of tomatoes in a box on the windowsill
  • If the cause is soil fungus, treat it with a mild potassium permanganate solution. Then fertilize with potassium and phosphorus.
  • Pay attention to the temperature and humidity in the room where the seedlings are located. They should not exceed the permissible values.
  • An adult plant affected by a black leg will save the filling of soil under the root. This is how new roots are formed and the tomatoes will soon rise again and grow.
  • Compensate for the lack of lighting with red and blue flowers... The duration of their exposure is at least 10 hours a day. But leave the time even at night without lighting the tomatoes. So blue light affects the development of the plant, its ability to bloom, and red stimulates the formation of a strong trunk.
  • Feed your seedlings with a growth stimulant by preparing an aqueous solution. Sometimes the soil lacks nutrients, as evidenced by the wilting of the plant, the dropping of its leaves.

Caring for tomatoes, tomatoes after picking: description, tips

tomato seedlings after picking on the windowsill

Care is based on 3 points:

  • lighting
  • air temperature
  • watering

When you made the first pick of tomatoes, place them in a cool room, for example, on a loggia or glazed balcony so that there is a shadow above them. The air temperature is optimal during the day + 16 ℃, at night + 13 ℃. Lack of contact with direct sunlight will keep the seedlings healthy.

  • Please note that when the temperature drops to + 10 ℃, your tomatoes will stop growing.
  • A week after picking, water the seedlings and tear off the bottom pair of leaves so that the trunk does not stretch too high.
  • When the plants are strong, arrange for them to have access to sunlight... The duration of the baths is 10-12 hours, they will be able to tolerate well.
  • remember, that good drainage- the guarantee of the health of the root system and the plant as a whole. Therefore, for excess moisture, be sure to organize an exit through the holes at the bottom of the container.
  • Avoid placing tomatoes on a windowsill over hot radiators. Better to put them on the table at least a meter away from the heat source. Seedlings should be hardened before planting in open ground.
  • Water abundantly and sparingly. Use water that has settled and acquired room temperature. The signal for watering is completely dry soil in pots.
  • Start hardening the tomatoes a couple of weeks before planting outdoors. Place them near an open window / window for a couple of hours a day.

How often to water and what to water tomatoes, tomatoes after picking?

watering young tomato seedlings at the root with a small watering can
  • The frequency of watering tomato seedlings varies depending on the age of the plants. When the seeds have sprouted in all the holes, gently water the soil around the shoot, avoiding getting water on it. A douching bag will help you.
  • Before the first pick, when 3 real leaves have grown, moisten the soil under the tomatoes for 3 days.
  • After the first pick, water it after 5-7 days, the second - 10.
  • Then follow the soil. When it becomes dry, pour the seedlings abundantly with water at room temperature, which has settled. Once every 7-10 days may be sufficient.
  • Plan to moisten the soil before picking a few days in advance. This will minimize the chance of root damage.
  • Use complex mineral fertilizers as an additive to water for watering tomato seedlings once a month.

What fertilizer, folk remedy to feed tomato seedlings after picking: recipes, tips

liquid complex fertilizers for feeding are added to the watering can for watering tomato seedlings

The process of feeding seedlings is mandatory for tomatoes. This will activate its powers for harmonious development and healthy growth.

From folk remedies suitable aqueous solutions:

  • chicken droppings
  • wood ash
  • urea
  • yeast
  • nettles
  • mullein

Let's add several recipes for fertilizers with folk remedies.

Nettle recipe 1

a bucket of green nettle fertilizer for feeding tomato seedlings
  • Fill an enamel bowl with finely chopped nettles and fill with water.
  • Stir the future fertilizer daily for 2 weeks so that excess oxygen evaporates until its color changes to light.
  • To neutralize bad smell add a few drops of valerian to a container with nettles.
  • Prepare a watering solution at the rate of 1 part to 20 parts of water. Spread the liquid around the trunk at the root.

Recipe 2 with ash

tied stalks of tomatoes and a glass of liquid fertilizer from ash for feeding them
  • Dissolve a glass of ash in 3 liters of water and bring the mixture to a boil.
  • Leave to infuse for half a day.
  • Top up pure water to a volume of 10 liters and rub a little laundry soap.
  • Use fertilizer to spray the grown seedlings.

Recipe 3 with mullein

a bucket of ready-made mullein fertilizer for feeding tomatoes
  • Fill the container halfway with a mullein and fill to the brim with warm water.
  • Cover and leave to infuse for 7 days.
  • Stir the fertilizer and dilute it with regular clean water in a ratio of 1:15.
  • Pour 0.5 liters of liquid under each bush.

Among the complex means of industrial production, gardeners give preference to:

  • nitrophoske
  • mineral mono drugs - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium
  • ammophosphate
  • "Ideal"
  • "Strong"

So, we examined the features of caring for tomato seedlings, identified the causes of its diseases, learned how to prepare fertilizers at home.

Remember that hard work, attentiveness, and the care of human hands are often the keys to a bountiful tomato harvest in the future.

Video: Caring for tomato seedlings

Gardeners often think about growing a high-quality crop of tomatoes and why tomatoes grow poorly. It is known that tomatoes are different types... There are medium-sized, large, heart-shaped and small varieties. They are different in shape, there are round, elongated or oval. Breeders are wondering why tomatoes stop growing or stop growing completely. The ovary may fall off, or, conversely, despite its good appearance, the plant is not able to bear fruit. Breeders often ponder this question. In many ways, the yield depends on the variety of tomatoes. The cultivation of this culture is always accompanied by physical and material costs.

Gardeners often think about growing a high-quality crop of tomatoes and why tomatoes grow poorly.

There are a number of recommendations, following which the gardener will be able to collect a high-quality, rich harvest. First, you need to create favorable comfortable conditions promoting the growth of tomatoes. This very moment is the most important in the absence of a crop. The soil should be supplied with all the necessary trace elements, nutrients, fertilizers. The presence of nitrogen in the soil is necessary to grow a rich crop. The deficiency of this element leads to the fact that the varieties of the culture lag behind in growth, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Sulfur, like nitrogen, is an indispensable element in the development of tomato varieties. Its disadvantage is manifested in the fact that the stem becomes thinner and hardens, so gardeners should be aware of these substances. The presence of sulfur and nitrogen in the soil has a beneficial effect on all stages of tomato development.

The fruits of tomatoes go through many stages of development. First, the seedlings begin to bloom, buds appear, and later they begin to tie. After a while, a rich harvest will grow. Often you will notice that empty flowers appear in tomatoes.

Seedlings of tomatoes can slow down growth if not properly planted. The roots can bend, damage, intertwine, there is a possibility of air cavities around the roots. You need to follow correct placement tomato seedlings and pay due attention to it, feed the soil on time.

Seedlings of tomatoes can slow down the growth rate if not planted correctly

Violation of temperature conditions

Many people wonder why tomatoes produce barren flowers. Everything happens due to the incorrectly selected temperature. For tomatoes to set better, a temperature of at least + 28 ° C is required. Otherwise, the growth of tomatoes may stop completely. These are quite thermophilic plants. That is why, in order to avoid a lack of harvest, it is necessary to plant seedlings in greenhouses. Thanks to the vents and doors in the design of greenhouses, breeders have every chance to grow the long-awaited crop, provided the right temperature is needed.

Greenhouses, if necessary, can be ventilated or, conversely, completely closed. In order for pollination to take place correctly and healthy fruits to be tied, ventilation is necessary. At night, the temperature should not drop below + 19 ° C. The greenhouse can be assembled by yourself by covering the seedlings under it. For the correct growth and development of tomatoes, pollinators are needed, which fly into the greenhouses during airing. Tomatoes ripen only if all the rules and conditions are met.

Why seedling leaves wither (video)

Incorrect watering technique

Another reason for a poor harvest is excess moisture. The soil needs to be moistened in moderation during the growth of the fruit, when the tomatoes are set. During this period, the soil needs constant moisture. Tomatoes love extremely warm water. To heat water, you can use a barrel painted in dark color... During the day, the water will infuse, it will become favorable for the life of the plant. It must be remembered that in the heat, during the bright sun, watering the tomatoes is unacceptable, this can damage the root system.

In addition, tomatoes should not be watered once a week so that the seedlings do not burn. Long breaks can be detrimental to plant health. Tomato fruit may start to crack. You should try to water the plants after a long break in small portions so as not to damage root system... Tomatoes can be grown using a low-volume technology on mineral wool.

Watering tomatoes too abundantly will lead to a lack of oxygen in the root system and the plant will start to rot. Soil, which is lacking in beneficial nutrients, can be another reason for tomatoes to stop growing. To solve this problem, you need to transplant the bushes into a different soil.

Lack of nutrients in the soil

If tomato seedlings do not grow, this may be due to lack of nutrition. The fruit becomes bitter. It is possible to determine how much microelements are enough for tomatoes by the following signs: if a plant has a sickly stunted look, withered leaves, a thin stem, then this indicates a lack of nitrogen. If the leaves of tomatoes have a purple hue, then this means that they lack phosphorus. With a lack of potassium, tomato leaves curl and turn yellow. White bloom on the leaves indicates a magnesium deficiency.

Do not overdo it with feeding. If the tomato seedlings receive an excess of nutrients, it can negatively affect the root system and lead to excessive vegetation. You can use a specially formulated top dressing sold in all specialty stores, or you can make it yourself. Tomato seedlings are very nutritionally demanding.

Excess nitrogen can be seen in the shape of the inflorescences. If the flowers are very large and bright, and the stamens are practically invisible, then this is a sure signal about the oversaturation of the soil with nitrogen. Its excess leads to accelerated growth leaves, delayed flowering, fruiting and fungal diseases. When nitrogen is in the right amount, the balance of other trace elements, such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc, etc., is normalized. Deficiency of fluoride leads to changes in the root system, which is why tomatoes do not grow. Lack of potassium contributes to the development of spots on their leaves. If the soil is insufficiently supplied with boron, then this leads to cracking of the fruit and damage to the core of the stem. Boric acid copes well with such ailment. She needs to regularly spray the seedlings. An infusion of nettle, lupine, comfrey and apple extract perfectly fertilizes the soil. The solution is used to wipe the leaves of the vegetable culture.

If tomato seedlings receive an excess of nutrients, this can negatively affect the root system and lead to excess vegetation.

Diseases of tomato seedlings

Tomatoes do not grow in case of diseases of the root system. Diseases lead to a complete cessation of growth, death of the plant. Tomatoes do not set well. The most common disease of tomato seedlings is root rot (in other words - black leg). The disease is infectious and develops under unfavorable climatic conditions.

Rot may appear due to improper transplantation and in connection with low temperatures... To eliminate the black leg, it is necessary to dilute a solution of manganese or phytosporin, thoroughly rinse the root system of the plants. After that, you need to transplant the seedlings into fresh soil. The black leg darkens the root collar. If it is not removed in time, then the death of the plant will become inevitable. Seedlings are spilled and placed less frequently. It is necessary to carefully monitor the seedlings, since the disease can be eliminated at the initial stage.

All diseases are divided into 2 groups:

  • non-infectious, local in nature;
  • infectious, spread locally to all seedlings.

Diseases can occur for the following reasons:

  • insufficient or abundant watering;
  • unbalanced feeding;
  • violation of the temperature regime;
  • insufficient or excessive moisture;
  • deficiency of trace elements, nutrients and other substances in the soil;
  • lack of lighting.

Tomatoes do not grow in case of diseases of the root system

Dangerous pests

Woodlice, earwigs, spider mites can affect the growth of a plant. To eliminate pests, the gardener will be helped by drugs sold in specialized suburban stores.

Streak is one of the most dangerous. It affects the stems and fruits of plants. This is why tomatoes have yellow streaky spots. Tomato leaves become curled and drooping. Fruits from the affected stems crumble. The disease develops due to insufficient illumination.

With verticillary wilting, the tops of the plants turn yellow, wither, the fruits fall off. Leaves curl in a spiral, the growth and development of seedlings stops. Timely care behind the beds, cleaning the area from plant residues will help to avoid the occurrence of this infectious disease.

Cracking of fruits can be a consequence of the action of pests in the root system of plants. The fruits start to rot. This disease young fruits are susceptible. In order to avoid the disease, you need to properly observe the watering regime.

In addition, there are pests such as bear, wireworms, cotton aphids, bedbugs, and rusty mites. Summer residents will be helped to cope with them chemicals, weeding the soil, removing weeds, worms. Medvedka is considered the most difficult to remove.

How to save tomato seedlings (video)

Degeneration of varieties

Some summer residents like to choose one variety of tomato. They plant it annually and grow it using the largest fruits and then use their seeds to further landing... This situation leads to a deterioration in the grade, tomatoes cease to bear fruit.