Preparations against aphids on currants. How to deal with aphids. Folk remedies and chemicals against the pest on currants

Many gardeners who grow red currants have noticed ugly, ugly swellings on the leaves of this plant in the spring. In appearance, the symptoms resemble a disease, however, this is the "work" of an insect pest, namely, a gall aphid. The swellings on the leaves are called galls, hence the name of the pest.

The insect prefers to infect young foliage, which cannot but affect the health of the shrub and the future harvest. In the article, we will consider the causes and signs of damage to red currants by gall aphids, find out how you can cope with this problem, and what kind of prevention will help prevent the attack.

Description and harm

The gall aphid is one of the representatives of the numerous family of these insects. Currently, gall aphids can be found all over the world - in places where there are berry bushes. This insect prefers red currants, less often white and black. Since this insect is covered with hairs under magnification, it is sometimes also called “hairy” aphids.

Gall aphid on red currant

Aphids do not live on currants all the time, but only until mid-July: during this period, insects grow wings, and they fly away. However, damage to the bush has time to be inflicted by that time already serious. Note that aphids do not fly far away - if there is a lot of weeds, weeds around the currants, then the insect will perfectly settle on these plants in order to fly back to the currant bushes in the fall for wintering.

On the video - how it looks gall aphid on red currants:

Aphids attract other insects to the site, for example, ants. The latter use aphids as a "cash cow", while they themselves, in the meantime, also feed on juice berry bushes... On top of all the dangers, gall aphids often act as a carrier of dangerous diseases.

Note in addition that currant shoots affected by aphids are unlikely to catch up with healthy ones in growth, since their development slows down significantly. But how is the processing of currants from aphids after flowering, and which means should be used, indicated

Signs of defeat

What symptoms can indicate that the red currant is infected with gall aphid.

Infection with this pest begins with the apical buds, which bloom in the spring. But before the leaves appear, the insect is usually not found. When the green mass has blossomed, you can notice the deformation of individual leaves.

Galls are formed on the surface of the leaves - characteristic swellings in the form of dense lumps of an orange-red hue, ugly and disfiguring the entire appearance of the plant.

In addition, young shoots are deformed, as their growth stops, the petioles become crooked. If you notice these signs, do not be too lazy to look under the lower part of the leaves - there it is quite possible to see the insects themselves. But how to deal with aphids on currant bushes, and what means should be used, is indicated in this

How to treat

Consider the most effective ways fight against gall aphids on red currants.

Mechanical method

If aphids have just begun their "work" of sucking currant juices, insects can be collected by hand. To do this, it is recommended to carefully examine the bush, and cut off all the leaves with the slightest hint of deformation. Pay attention to the lower part of the foliage - it is in these secluded places that aphids sit.

Those leaves that have been removed must be burned. And you certainly shouldn't throw them out on the territory of the site - in this case, re-infection is inevitable.

Traditional methods

Experienced gardeners often use various simple home methods to control pests and prevent diseases. By the way, many of them are very effective, and at the same time they are also natural and harmless. Consider several popular ways to combat gall aphids on currants. But how to use Coca Cola against aphids on currants, and whether this remedy can help, is stated

On the video - pest control:

Tobacco way

In this case, the currant bush is sprayed with a tobacco solution. To prepare the product, pour 300 grams of dried tobacco leaves with a liter of water, leave for 2-3 days. Then the infusion must be filtered, add a concentrated solution laundry soap in a volume of 100 grams (tar is also suitable).

The resulting concentrate must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 before use, and then spray the bushes with it.

Infusion of marigolds

Aphids do not like these beautiful garden flowers very much. To prepare a solution in the desired concentration, you need to pour half a bucket of carefully crushed flowers with 10 liters of water (hot).

Mustard infusion

When spraying currants with infusion of mustard, aphids in a hurry leave the bush. To prepare the solution, you need to pour 25 grams of dry mustard powder liter of boiling water, and then insist 48 hours. After infusion, the concentrate is diluted with 10 liters of water, 50 grams are added to it liquid soap, and is used for spraying currants. But how effective mustard is against aphids on currants, this will help to understand


Almost all folk recipes against currant aphids include soap. But this substance can also be used separately. To prepare a soapy solution, you need to stir 300 grams of laundry soap in a 10-liter bucket of water.


Take 200 grams of spruce needles, chop and boil for an hour in a liter of water. After boiling, the solution must be left for two days so that it is infused. After that, the solution is filtered, the thick is separated, and the remaining liquid concentrate is diluted with 10 liters of water. It is recommended to spray currant bushes with the resulting coniferous solution in order to get rid of aphids.

It is necessary to spray currant bushes in dry weather and in the evening, so that the sun's rays do not scorch wet leaves. You need to spray thoroughly so that each leaf on the bush is moistened.


To get rid of aphids on currants, a method such as fumigation is very often used. This method is good because puffs of smoke, unlike water, are able to penetrate into the farthest nooks of the bushes, and remove aphids more effectively.

You can fumigate the bushes with burnt rubber, tobacco or mushroom. Carry out the procedure before the buds of the plant open, since then fumigation can already negatively affect the harvest.

For fumigation with rubber, a piece of black rubber from the tire is melted in an old saucepan, and then this smoking container is placed under the currant bush. The bush is fumigated with tobacco and mushroom using a beekeeping smoker.

The fumigation procedure should last at least 3 hours. Only this duration guarantees efficiency.

Chemical and biological products

When aphids have already significantly multiplied, it is useless to collect them by hand and use sparing folk methods. It's time to use more aggressive purchased funds chemical or biological origin.

In order for the fight against aphids to be effective, make sure that the drug you choose in the store belongs to one of the following classes:

  • neonicotonoids;
  • pyrethroids;
  • organophosphorus.

But how to use laundry soap against aphids on currants, and how effective this tool is, is indicated in this

In order to have a long-term positive effect of protection against aphids on currant bushes, it is recommended to use such chemicalslike Aktelik, Maxi, Vofatox, Confidor or Calypso.

Important: if flowers have already set on the currants, it is better to use biological products that can cope with insects without harm to the future harvest.


What measures will help prevent the defeat of red currants by gall aphids.


Treatment in early spring currants with a solution of this drug will help protect bushes from aphid damage. Processing should be carried out before the buds bloom, and capture the bushes themselves, as well as the space around the near-stem zone.


Note that this drug poses a danger to the leaves, as it burns them, so it can be used only for a limited period of time. For spraying currants, a solution of 3% concentration is used. For one adult bush, it is necessary to use half a liter of the resulting solution. But how can you treat a berry from a kidney mite on a currant, and what are the best remedies, will help you understand this


In order for the aphid to ignore the currant bushes, it is recommended to plant nearby plants such as marigolds, chamomile or calendula. Any flowers with a pungent smell will do. Aphids also do not tolerate the smell of tobacco, garlic and onions.



Timely destruction of weeds will help prevent the spread of the pest throughout the site. Eliminate deaf stinging nettle especially carefully, as this plant is an intermediate link between aphids getting on currants and their hatching from an egg.


Red currant needs timely feeding, watering and other care procedures. In this case, the shrub will be strong and healthy, and will be able to successfully resist pest attacks.

Watering currants

Prune currants regularly. It is important to remove old, dried branches, excess growth in time, since it is in plant residues that aphids can winter.


Scalding the currant bush

So, we examined the features of the fight against gall aphids that infect red currants. As you can see, this insect poses a serious danger to berry bushes, and can also pose a danger to the entire garden by carrying germs and disease spores. Be sure to take preventive measures against this pest, and periodically inspect currant bushes for galls on the leaves.

Since early spring, summer residents have a lot of worries: watering, weeding and more pests are annoying. When the first leaves on the currant bloom, aphids immediately appear. The pest settles on young shoots, which are deformed and dry out. Currant yield is declining. What to do and how to deal with aphids on currants?

How to spot aphids on currants

Most often, gall aphids, a small sucking insect, settle on currants. It feeds on aphids on young shoots and currant leaves. You can find a pest colony on the bottom of the currant leaf. On damaged leaves, red or yellow swellings form, tubercles - galls.

Around mid-July, when the currant leaves stop growing, the aphids develop wings. At this moment, the pest leaves the bush. If there are many weeds around the plantings, the gall aphid will move to them, where it will feed until autumn. During the season, more than one generation of pests is hatched, which in the fall, around September, migrate back to the currant bush. Females begin laying eggs.

Gall aphids on currant bushes are a big danger, especially for young plants. Fragile bushes, affected large quantity pests are unable to develop normally. The yield of adult bushes drops sharply, the berry becomes smaller.

How to deal with aphids on currant bushes

One of important factors in the fight against gall aphids on currants, prevention is. From early spring, you need to carry out the main preventive measures:

Be sure to remove all weeds under the bushes;

Carry out sanitary pruning of the bush, cutting out all diseased branches;

Attract beneficial insectsthat feed on gall aphids, such as ladybugs;

To carry out the spring scalding of the bush with boiling water.

Important! If ladybugs and lacewings have settled on the currant bushes, then insecticides must be applied carefully. Better to replace them with herbal infusions. Beneficial insects will help you get rid of aphids quickly.

By attracting beneficial insects to the garden, you can get rid of gall aphids without resorting to chemicals. To attract insects, experienced gardeners practice planting medicinal plants under currant bushes:




Many insects that are useful for the garden prefer to live in dill or buckwheat plantings.

How to get rid of aphids on currant bushes: fumigating the garden

Very often, one of the methods of controlling aphids is to fumigate the garden. Experienced gardeners practice fumigation with rubber, tobacco and mushroom.

Fumigation should be carried out before bud break, at the time of their opening.

Fumigation with rubber is carried out as follows: old saucepan put a bush of rubber and smolder under each currant bush.

Fumigation with tobacco and mushroom raincoat is carried out with the help of beekeepers smoker.

Fumigate the garden for at least three hours. You need to do this in evening time, in calm weather. Aphids die completely, there is no need to use chemicals.

The downside of this method is acrid smokewhich is bad for human health.

Fighting aphids on currants: treating bushes with chemicals

Chemicals that need to be applied in several stages will help to get rid of colonies of gall aphids on currants. It is necessary to use chemicals only in advanced cases and massive attacks of pests.

1. The first spraying of currants is carried out in the spring, at the time of budding.

2. The second time it is necessary to carry out the treatment when the shrub is flowering.

3. It is better to spray the currants for the third time immediately after flowering.

4. The last treatment should be carried out only after complete harvest.

How to treat currants from gall aphids?

For treatments, chemicals are used that are dissolved in water. The following drugs have proven themselves well:

Actellik (diluted with 15 ml per 10 liters of water);

Novaktion (diluted with 5 ml per 10 liters of water).

Folk remedies in the fight against aphids on currants

Using folk remedies in the fight against aphids, you can get rid of the pest without interfering with beneficial insects. For these purposes, use the following infusions:

Tobacco infusion;

Infusion of marigolds;

Infusion of red hot pepper;

Infusion of tomato tops;

Infusion of onions and garlic;

Ash infusion with wormwood;

Soda ash solution;

Infusion of celandine.

1. Tobacco infusion

An infusion is prepared from tobacco dust or makhorka, with the addition of laundry soap and water. To do this, 500 grams of tobacco dust is poured with 10 liters of water and the mixture is infused for several days. Filter the finished infusion, dilute with 10 liters of water and add 100 g of grated laundry soap as an adhesive.

Spraying is carried out in the evening, in clear weather. After rain, repeat the treatment.

2. Infusion of marigolds

The infusion of marigolds, which is prepared from dried flowers, is very effective in the fight against gall aphids. For a 10 liter bucket, take ½ part of the crushed marigolds, which are filled with warm water. The mixture is infused for three days. The finished solution is decanted and 50 g of grated laundry soap is added.

3. Infusion of red hot pepper

You can prepare a concentrated infusion from red capsicum. To do this, 1 kg of fresh pepper must be cut and folded into a saucepan, pour 10 liters cold water... Boil the mixture and cook over low heat for 1 hour. The cooled solution is removed to a warm place for several days. The finished solution is filtered and stored in the cold.

For spraying, a working solution is prepared from the concentrate. For 10 liters of water use 1 glass of concentrate. You can add grated laundry soap to the solution as an adhesive.

Important! The ready-made working solution and red hot pepper are used not only in the fight against aphids. It works well against slugs.

4. Infusion of tomato tops

From tomato tops, a good infusion is obtained for combating gall aphids on currants. To do this, dry tops of tomatoes, about 2 kg, and fresh tops of 4 kg are crushed, pouring 10 liters of water. The mixture is boiled for 30 minutes. The resulting concentrate is cooled and stored in the cold. A working solution is prepared before spraying. To do this, the concentrate is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5 by adding grated laundry soap.

Important! The working solution of their tomato leaf concentrate can be used to control ticks, scoops, moths, cruciferous flea and a goose sawfly.

5. Infusion of onions and garlic

Experienced gardeners are advised to spray currants with infusion of green onion feathers. To do this, 1 kg of chopped green onions is poured with 10 liters of water, the mixture is infused for 6 hours. Strain the finished solution and spray.

You can use onion peel prepared in advance. For this 500 gr. the husks are infused in 10 liters of water for about 5 days.

Important! Infusions of onion and garlic not only fight pests on currants, but also increase plant immunity.

6. Ash infusion with wormwood

Affected currant bushes are treated from aphids with an ash solution with the addition of wormwood. To do this, pour 500 grams of crushed wormwood with water, about 5 liters, adding 1 glass of ash and 50 grams of laundry soap. The mixture is infused for about 5 hours. Spraying is carried out with a working solution, which is prepared from 1 part of the infusion and 2 parts of water.

7. Soda ash solution

You can process currants against aphids with a solution of soda. A working solution is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. soda ash and 1 liter of water.

Spraying with such a solution will help to get rid of not only aphids, but also drive the fungus from the bush.

8. Infusion of celandine

Summer residents are fighting aphids with celandine infusion. A solution is prepared from 4 kg of fresh celandine herb, which is crushed and poured with 10 liters of water. You need to insist the solution for a day. Ready solution spraying currant bushes.

Important! During the processing of plantings of currants with a solution of celandine, it is imperative to use individual protection, since celandine juice is very poisonous.

What you need to consider when processing currants from gall aphids

Young shoots of currants bend well, they can be dipped in any prescription product and washed well, without the risk of breaking the branch.

You need to spray and wash each branch, not missing a single section of the bush.

You need to spray not only the shrub, but also the soil under it.

The weather during processing should be calm. Watch out for bees when applying chemicals. It is important not to poison the beneficial insects that are very much needed in the garden. It is better to postpone spraying for the evening, when the bees no longer fly.

When spraying, it is imperative to moisten the lower part of the leaf; for this, the sprayer is directed into the bush.

Don't put high hopes on folk ways fight against aphids on currants, if time is lost and the pest has chosen roses, plums and gooseberries. In such a situation, one cannot do without the use of chemicals.

In the fight against aphids on currants, it is important to monitor the cleanliness of the site, to prevent a riot of weeds and the proximity of shrubs to anthills. Frequently carry out preventive spraying with herbal infusions, monitor the density of the bush and cut diseased branches in time.

In early spring, when the first leaves appear on the currant bushes, new insect pests appear en masse from the overwintered aphid egg-laying. Aphid colonies reproduce by parthenogenesis, that is, to produce the next generation, there is no need to fertilize females. Therefore, the reproduction process of harmful insects occurs very quickly. And already a month later, on the currant bushes, you can find an army of thousands of gluttonous aphids.

Taking into account the high rate of spread of aphids, the main task of every summer resident is to detect the problem in time and get rid of this harmful insect as quickly as possible. We study the most effective methods fight against aphids on currant bushes.

The first symptoms of the appearance of aphids on currant bushes signal that it is time to arm yourself and immediately start fighting insects:

  • Rolled leaves of black currant;
  • Lumpy growths and swellings of a red hue appear on the leaves of the white currant;
  • And a more obvious sign: the accumulation of small insects on back side leaf and shoots (most often aphids settle on young stems).

The most dangerous period for currants and other favorite aphids of plants like roses, cucumbers and raspberries occurs in June-July, when the weather is dry and hot. It is at this time that it is recommended to carry out preventive treatment of shrubs.

A small creature, reaching a size of no more than 5 mm, causes irreparable damage not only to the future harvest, but also to the health of the plant, and large clusters of insects often lead to the death of currant bushes. How aphids harm plants:

Thus, if the problem is not solved when the first symptoms are detected, then there is a high probability of not getting a currant crop at all and even losing perennials.

More than one thousand varieties of aphids have been recorded in Russia.

Leafy gall aphids and currant hairy prefer to settle on red and white currants, black currant bushes usually populate colonies of gooseberry shoot aphids. But there is no need to figure out which species of aphids settled on your site in order to pick up suitable remedy to destroy it.

Before choosing a remedy for aphids, it is important to understand the scale of the problem: from a large population of insects, it is more effective to immediately resort to the use of chemicals, and if small colonies are found, alternative methods can be applied.

Chemical preparations against aphids can destroy pests in shortest term... But do not forget about the observance of safety measures and pay attention to the hazard class of this or that insecticide.


A single treatment will not be enough, the effect of the drug based on thiamethoxam lasts no longer than a month when spraying on a leaf, and when the insecticide is applied to the soil, the effect will persist for eight weeks. The solution (at the rate of 2 g of powder per 10 liters of water) is enough to process 10 sq.m. planting currants.


Pyrethroid "Inta-Vir" provides negative impact on nervous system aphids. The active ingredient of the drug cypermethrin belongs to the 2nd class of hazard to humans. The result of the drug is noticeable two weeks after application. For processing, you will need a solution consisting of one insecticide tablet and 10 liters of water. Inta-Vir is applied a maximum of three times in one season.


A versatile agent for the control of harmful insects, including aphids, weevils and ticks. The work of the drug is based on contact and intestinal effects. The active ingredient primiphos-methyl paralyzes insects, which leads to their early death. The insecticide is available in ampoules (the volume of one ampoule is 2 ml). To spray the drug on currant bushes, I use a solution prepared from one ampoule and 2 liters of water. To kill large colonies, the concentration can be doubled.

Within an hour after the treatment of the bushes, the drug is completely absorbed and retains its protective effect for up to 3 weeks. Consumption rate: 1 ampoule of 2.5 ml per 10 liters of water. One currant bush will need only one and a half liters of working solution.

Choose a clear, windless day for processing plants. To achieve maximum effect, take into account the recommendations for the application rate, instructions for preparing the working solution and additional conditions.

Instructions for the use of Kinmix and reviews in this article.

If the aphid population is not particularly annoying to your plants, then you may be able to cope with the pest. biological methods, namely attraction natural enemies aphids:

To attract birds, it is necessary to arrange drinkers around the affected plant. Ladybug and lacewing can be purchased at farm stores.

The safest environmentally friendly means include folk recipes for aphids. Let's consider the most effective ones:

Capsicums are infused for several hours in water (100 g of pepper per 1 liter of water). Then the tincture is brought to a boil, and after two days it is squeezed out and diluted in 7 liters of water. Such a tool is intended for spraying currant bushes.

Downtime to prepare, but not less effective remedy from aphids: dilute 20 g of soda in a liter of warm water, pour in soapy water. Spray plants on leaves and stems.

An ash-based solution will not only relieve aphids from attack, but also fertilize the currants. It will take two glasses wood ash and 3 liters hot water... You can also add 20 ml of soap. Ready mix before spraying, it should be infused for 24 hours. Raspberry bushes can also be treated with an ash solution.

Many insects, including aphids, can be scared away with solutions with pungent odors. Tobacco broth is prepared from 100 g dried leaves... Pour the leaves with a liter of hot water, bring to a boil. The cooled broth is diluted with water (300 ml of tobacco broth per 10 liters of water). The composition is sprayed on the affected plants every two days.

You can use laundry soap, liquid soap, detergent for dishes or washing powder. The consistency of the soapy solution is very viscous and prevents insects from accessing oxygen. The solution will require a glass of water and a couple of tablespoons of soap. To get rid of aphids, you will have to spray the plants with a spray bottle daily.

When the colony of aphids has not yet managed to multiply on the currants, you can try to get rid of it mechanically... To do this, you need to daily arrange the currant "shower" with a high pressure of water, washing the aphids from each affected leaf.

Since currant bushes are found in almost every summer cottage, almost all gardeners have proven methods of pest control in practice.

“I didn't have to puzzle for a long time how to process the currants from aphids. Numerous tips from experienced summer residents... Among them was a tincture based on odorous herbs, a soap composition (this method seemed to me too laborious, I do not have much time to spray the currants every day). I chose the cheapest way, without extra costs - ash.

There is a lot of ash in the summer cottage, as there is a bathhouse. An obvious advantage of this method is the composition of the ash - after all, this is a storehouse of useful substances for all plants. In addition, this method was tested by neighbors.

I worked the plants three times before all the aphids disappeared from the bushes. I sprayed the currants every week. I am very pleased with the result! Cheap and cheerful, and most importantly effective! ".

“In winter, when we purchased country cottage area, we were very happy - half of the site was planted with several rows of currants. And in our family, currants are held in high esteem. But in the spring, our joy vanished instantly. It turned out that all the bushes, without exception, are affected by aphids. Traditional methods helped to get rid of pests for a short time and in part, so it was decided to switch to more effective means.

Among the many chemicals, we decided to use Aktara, as the manufacturer promises long-term protection. They acted on two fronts at once - they sprayed the plants and introduced the composition into the soil. The procedures were repeated two months later. So we got rid of the aphids by the next season. But until now, fearing new raids, every spring we carry out prevention of all plantings with the help of folk remedies. "

Aphids attack many trees and shrubs. They often choose their habitat: red and black. To effectively fight this pest, you can use chemistry, biological agents and methods, as well as folk recipes.

How to recognize aphids on currants. Why an insect is dangerous

This pest prepares for a new summer season since autumn: it lays the larvae that hibernate on plants. In the spring black, green, brown insects reproduce rapidly, feeding on the sap of young trees and bushes. Signs of aphids on currants:

  1. Reddish bumps appear on the leaves.
  2. On the branches, you can distinguish white scraps - pieces of skin that aphids have thrown off.
  3. The leaves dry up, curl, bend, the buds do not have time to open, and the fruits do not ripen.
  4. Many ants are running along the branches.
  5. The plant is covered with honeydew, a sticky liquid produced by aphids. Ants eat this secretions with pleasure.

Attention! Starting to fight aphids, destroy the anthill, which is probably somewhere near the currants. For example, pour boiling water over it or use insecticides.

The peak of aphid activity is in June. Several generations of insects are born over the summer. When there is little nutrition for all individuals on one bush or tree, winged forms of this pest appear. They fly to neighboring plants in search of a new place of residence and food. Due to aphids, currants are deprived of nutrients and do not develop, and they also begin to suffer from viral infections. Therefore, it is necessary to remove aphids from the site from early spring.

At the first symptoms of aphids - process the currants

Folk wisdom on guarding the currant crop: recipes

  • Ash solution. Pour 2 tbsp. powder hot water (3 l); add 1 tbsp. l. soap - household or liquid; leave for 24 hours; spray the bushes with a spray bottle.
  • Tinctures of onion or garlic. First method: chop 1 kg of green onions; pour a bucket of water; let it brew for 6 hours; then strain and spray the bushes. The second way involves using onion peel... It is poured with water and insisted for 5 days. For 0.5 kg of husk, you need a bucket of liquid. To prepare a garlic tincture, 500 g of chopped heads must be poured with 5 liters of water and kept for about a day.
  • Soap solution. It is very simple to prepare: in 1 tbsp. water add 2 tbsp. l. liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. Stir and spray the bushes.

Attention! A couple of days after treatment with soap, you need to wash off the remaining solution with water from a hose to prevent clogging of the pores of the plant itself.

  • Remedy with ammonia. Dilute 2 tbsp. l. medical product in a bucket of water. Add some laundry powder and spray on the bushes. Repeat after 14 days.
  • Tobacco-based drug. Pour 100 g of dust or makhorka with 1 liter of water and boil for about 1 hour. Cool and use for spraying, after diluting 300 ml of tincture with a bucket of water. Repeat the procedure after 2 days.
  • Soda ash solution. Prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. powder per 1 liter of water.

Aphid colony

  • Tincture of marigolds. Pour half a bucket of crushed dried flowers with warm water and leave for 3 days. Then strain, add 50 g of soap and spray on the bushes.
  • Remedy with red pepper. Pour 1 kg of fresh hot pods with 10 liters of cold water. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for about 1 hour. Put in a warm place for several days, then strain and keep in the refrigerator. For processing, take 1 tbsp. solution and mix it with a bucket of water.
  • Tincture of celandine. Grind 4 kg of freshly cut grass and cover with a bucket of water. In a day, the natural insecticide is ready.

Attention! Celandine is poisonous, so protect your skin and eyes.

Chemicals for pest control. Prevention

If folk recipes do not save, and the degree of damage to the bushes has reached a large scale, it is worth considering the use of chemistry. Among the drugs there are different groups of insecticides. Contact act by falling directly on the insect itself. Intestines enter the pest's body with food treated with pesticides. Systemic make the plant poisonous for a long time, penetrating into all its parts.

The first treatment with any of these means must be carried out before the buds have blossomed. The second is planned about a month before the harvest. Effective drugs against aphids are considered:

  • Aktara;
  • Rovikurt;
  • Karbofos;
  • Vofatox;
  • Fufan;
  • Fury;
  • Confidor;

If folk remedies do not help, use chemicals

  • Bi-58 New;
  • Inta-Vir;
  • Kinimix;
  • Aktellik and others.

In order for the poison to work as effectively as possible, follow the instructions that come with each remedy.

Council. Do the chemistry treatment on a windless day. It is important that there is no rain or dampness. Wear gloves and a respirator before work.

Many summer residents postpone the use of chemicals until the last, relying on "grandmother's" methods or organics. However, in some cases, insecticides are really indispensable. If you do not want to bring currants and other crops on your site to a neglected state, start with prevention:

  • remove excess growth and weeds;
  • peel the bark that exfoliates - aphids like to winter in it;
  • destroy ants;
  • plant useful crops next to currant bushes: kosmeya, yarrow, mallow, tansy - they attract ladybirds and insects that eat aphids;
  • properly care for the plants: water, feed, mulch.

On healthy currant leaves, the aphid will be uncomfortable. But don't overdo it with nitrogen supplements. They provoke lush growth of greenery, and this attracts pests. In the fight against them, you need to be patient and act systemically. Although it is difficult to remove aphids from the garden, it is quite possible if you start on time.

Experienced gardeners know that aphids can cause a lot of problems for currants. This pest affects all types of currant bushes and manifests itself in different ways:

  • on red and white currants it appears in the form of red swellings on the leaves. This is a hairy and red-gall aphid.
  • on black currant leaves roll up into a tube. This is a shoot gooseberry aphid.

If you notice similar manifestations on your shrubs, this is a sure sign that you have aphids on currants, you will soon learn how to deal with it. Most favorable conditions for aphid breeding - dry air, high temperature. In such conditions, aphids reproduce in whole columns, and if not taken in time necessary measures, then the currants will great harm has been done which will affect the harvest.

In order to prevent the attack of aphids and reduce yields, it is necessary to fight the pest throughout the summer.

What are aphids?

Is a small insect less than three millimeters in size. Its color can vary from gray-yellow to light green. Aphids feed on the juice of currant bushes, piercing the leaves of their proboscis. As a rule, the pest settles on the lower shoots or at the bottom of the leaves. Greatest harm the plant brings aphids when it multiplies in large numbers:

  • currants lose nutrients;
  • leaves curl up and fall off;
  • the growth of new shoots stops, old ones are deformed;
  • begin to develop viral diseases plants.

Aphids have a short life cycle. Per summer season about ten generations of aphids change. Young individuals begin to appear in early spring, just at the time when the currant leaves are blooming. Further process reproduction of aphids occurs very quickly, as it occurs through parthenogenesis, without fertilization. Even male aphids are not needed for this.

After the female aphids have multiplied to such an extent that the plant is significantly weakened and no longer provides the pest with nutrients, the winged form of aphid appears. In this form, it easily moves to neighboring bushes. In early autumn, in addition to females, males appear. They are needed in order to lay eggs for the winter.

How to get rid of aphids on currants?

You can get rid of aphids on currant bushes using pesticides or folk methods... The second method is effective only at the initial stage of the defeat. If a large plantation of bushes is affected, you cannot do without chemicals.

Fight against aphids on currants

For maximum spraying efficiency, it is necessary to process aphids from currants in places of maximum concentration. The main methods of dealing with aphids include the following methods:

Fighting aphids on currants with folk remedies

  • when the first swollen or twisted leaves appear on the bushes, they must be immediately cut off and burned;
  • helps in the fight against the pest a mixture of tobacco with ash (400 grams per 10 liters of water);
  • soda ash solution with soap (1 tbsp.spoon per 1 liter of water);
  • To prepare a solution for five kilograms of celandine, 15 liters of water are taken, infused for a day, after which the tincture is ready for use. During application this method, you need to use funds individual protection, since this plant is poisonous;
  • onion solution with water (4 kg per 10 liters of water). To prepare the tincture, the onion is finely chopped and infused for up to five days;
  • tincture of wood ash (200 grams per 10 liters of water). For best efficiency, liquid soap is added to the solution.
  • ammonia from aphids on currants. ammonia must be diluted in a bucket of water in a proportion of 2 tablespoons of alcohol, a little washing powder... This solution must be sprayed with currant bushes. After 2 weeks, repeat the procedure.
  • mustard from aphids on currants. For 1 liter of hot water, take 10 grams of dry mustard, insist for two days. After filtering. This solution is used against aphids on currant bushes before planting in the ground.

The most effective remedy for aphids on currants

  • for large lesions, the effectiveness of the following pesticides has been proven: Vofatox, Aktara, Rovikurt. The bushes are processed two times: the first - even before bud break, the second - a month before the crop appears.

Prevention of the appearance of aphids on currant bushes

To prevent damage to currants, plants can be planted next to the bushes that repel the pest. Among these plants, the following are the most popular:

  • tomatoes;
  • greens (parsley, dill);
  • marigold.

In order to get rid of the aphid invasion in the garden, it is necessary to apply a set of preventive measures.

What does aphid look like on currants