Eat radish leaves what to do. How to save a radish from the "thunderstorm" of gardens - cruciferous flea? Photo gallery: varieties of cruciferous flea

Although there are not so many pests, and its ripening period is so short that they do not really have time to harm, nevertheless, sometimes the crop is spoiled. To prevent this from happening again, you need to know how to protect and how to spray radishes from pests. We'll talk about this.

How to deal with radish pests?

The main pest of radish is the cruciferous flea. This tiny, dark-colored beetle jumps deftly and, despite its miniature size, can cause significant negative results for radishes. Fleas eat the leaves of the plant, leaving holes in them. And when they reach a certain size, the radish stops growing.

Naturally, the root crop does not ripen and sometimes even dies. It is necessary to pay attention to this pest already at the germination stage, since young plants are not able to resist the pest invasion for a long time. Cruciferous fleas are especially active in dry and hot weather.

So, how to process radishes from these small pests:

  1. You can spray the radish leaves with a solution of wood ash (2 cups of fresh ash per bucket of water with the addition of 50 g of laundry soap).
  2. You can not dilute the ash in water, but simply sprinkle it on the garden bed so that it gets on the leaves. The same can be done with tobacco dust.
  3. For greater efficiency, young shoots can be treated with the Inta-Vir insecticide. Spraying neighboring cultivated plants will not interfere either. However, this should be done only as a last resort, since there is a risk of destruction of crops.

Advice: after processing the radish, it must be watered very carefully, best of all - by drip, so as not to wash off the applied control agents from the leaves.

Another enemy of the radish is the whitefish, or rather its larvae. It's best to fight her chemicals. For example, treat the beds with a solution mustard powder, table salt and ground pepper.

To prepare the solution, you need to take 2 tablespoons of mustard powder and salt and 1 teaspoon of red or black ground pepper. Dilute this mixture in 10 liters of water and water the radish bed.

In addition to the fight against radish pests, it is also necessary to carry out preventive work - remove weeds on time, observe the correct crop rotation, do not be late with sowing seeds, on early stages apply light covering material, water in a timely manner, loosen the plants to accelerate their growth.

Hello dear friends!

Radishes are one of the first crops to produce juicy roots at the beginning. holiday season, allowing you to fully enjoy the taste and benefits of spring vitamin salads. In order for plants to develop well and fruits form in the ground, plantings must be protected from the main pests of all cruciferous cropscruciferous flea and whites. So, the topic of the article is radish pest control on the site.

Cruciferous flea damage

Most often, young shoots of radishes suffer from the invasion of cruciferous fleas - small dark-colored bugs that jump from place to place. They feed above-ground part young shoots, damaging the leaf apparatus.

The main sign of the presence of a pest in plantings is the appearance of a large number of holes on the tops. When a critical mass of leaf damage is reached, the plant lags behind in growth, practically does not develop, and may even die. At the same time, the underground part of the seedlings does not grow, so you can not count on the harvest of radishes.

A particular distribution of pests is observed in dry weather and summer heat who are on the territory middle lane, as a rule, are installed from the end of May. Early sowing of the crop can give a full crop before the mass distribution of cruciferous flea beetles.

Biological solutions and formulations against radish pests

To avoid the accumulation of toxic substances in the fruits, worshipers organic farming crops are treated with natural means, completely decomposing in environment but toxic to insects.

Spraying on the leaves with infusion of ashes has proven itself well. To prepare a biological insecticide, 2 cups of vegetable ash (sifted) and 40 g of liquid or grated bar soap are diluted in a bucket of water to improve the adhesion of the composition.

The ash infusion should stand for a day in the barn, after which it is filtered, poured into a spray bottle and the plantings are irrigated (abundant). To enhance the effect of the solution, add a few drops to it. essential oil fir, the aroma of which fleas do not tolerate. Processing is repeated several times with an interval of 2-3 days.

Instead of ashes, tobacco dust can also be used. The solution is prepared in the same ratio. Tobacco has powerful insecticidal properties, repelling and destroying voracious insects.

How to process radish crops from white caterpillars

The second most dangerous enemy of the radish is the leaf-eating caterpillars of the white butterfly. They feed on juicy young radish greens and are just as harmful as cruciferous flea beetles.

Against whitefish use a combined solution, ground red pepper and table salt. For a standard bucket of water, take 2 tablespoons of mustard and salt and 1 heaping teaspoon of chili pepper powder.

Spraying is carried out in dry weather in the early morning or evening, so that the sun's rays do not burn the leaf plates through liquid drops. If after processing it started to rain, then irrigation should be repeated after the end of precipitation.

Some plants planted along the perimeter or at the ends of the beds, as well as in the aisles of crops, help to scare away butterflies from white radish crops. We are talking about perennials: mint, lemon balm, tansy, wormwood.

The described compositions work against cruciferous fleas and whites not only on radish plantations. They process plantings of cabbage and its seedlings, as well as other crops belonging to the cruciferous family.

Watch a video about the cultivation and control of pests and diseases of radishes (Channel "At Tatiana's Info").

Effective radish pest control on the beds with folk recipes help you achieve good spring harvests! See you, friends!

It helps in the fight against diseases the observance of crop rotation on personal plot. Since radish is an early crop (harvest can be obtained in about 1 month), there is a temptation to return to the same bed with re-sowing after some time in the same season. Doing so is highly undesirable. Because it can lead to outbreaks various diseases. It is also highly undesirable to plant radishes after cabbage or other cruciferous plants. Good predecessors are onions, garlic, peas, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, zucchini.


The main scourge of radishes is cruciferous fleas - small bugs, usually dark in color, jump well from place to place. They damage radish leaves (make holes in them). And if the damage to the leaf apparatus of the plant reaches a critical size, then the plant abruptly stops growing and may die. At the same time, the root crop does not ripen and does not grow to the desired size. Radish seedlings should be especially protected from fleas. Otherwise, crops can be completely destroyed (eaten). mature plant can still tolerate fleas to some extent. Fleas are especially rampant in dry, hot weather. Early crops of radishes can generally produce a crop before the mass appearance of cruciferous fleas.

The fight against the flea should be carried out by biological methods.
The first method is spraying on the leaves with a solution of wood ash. The solution is prepared as follows: about 2 cups of preferably fresh ash and 50 grams of laundry soap are added to a 10-liter bucket of water. Everything is mixed up. Some make it easier. They collect ashes on a shovel and crush them over the garden. For a while, the flea restricts its malicious activity.

The second way is the same. Only instead of ash they take tobacco dust. It should be said right away that tobacco dust still needs to be looked for in stores, and it costs, although not expensive, but still worth it. And the ash is usually its own, free.

All these methods are still not effective enough. Most Efficient- treatment with an insecticide, for example Inta-Vir. But this should be done only as a last resort, only for medium-sized radishes (ripening time 25 days) and only for young seedlings, if the threat of destruction of crops is large enough.
Another exotic (mechanical) way to deal with the cruciferous flea is to cover the radish with white agrospan right on the seedlings. If the weather is not too hot, then the shoots under it do not stretch out and there are no fleas there. After the seedlings have grown stronger, we remove the non-woven covering material and fight further with ash.

Important note. It is desirable to transfer radishes to drip irrigation. Otherwise, all efforts to combat the flea with the help of infusion on the ashes will be in vain after the first watering on top of the leaves. The infusion is washed off the leaves, and the flea gets back to work.
Another note. If they grow next to radishes cultivated plants and weeds of the cruciferous family, then all the surroundings can be treated with chemistry.

Belyanka is another radish pest. Belyanka is white butterfly with dark wing edging. But the leaves of the radish are eaten by its caterpillars.
When dealing with whitefish, it is also desirable to do without the use of chemistry. The beds must be treated with a solution of mustard, salt and ground pepper. It is prepared like this: for a 10-liter bucket of water - 2 tablespoons of mustard, 2 tablespoons of salt and 1 teaspoon of red or black pepper.

Radish diseases

Bacteriosis. Root crops become slimy, begin to emit a smell of rot. At the same time, the leaves of the radish turn yellow.
To combat this disease, plants are treated with 1% Bordeaux liquid.

Keela. Blisters and outgrowths appear on the surface of root crops, radish leaves begin to turn yellow and wither.
To combat this fungal disease, the soil around damaged plants is watered with milk of lime. Prepare it like this: in a 10-liter bucket of water, dissolve 2 cups of fluffy lime. One plant must be watered with 1 liter of solution.

Blackleg. Young radish plants can be affected by blackleg. The leaves curl and turn yellow, blackening appears at the base of the plant stem.
To combat the black leg, prepare the following solution: dissolve 1 tablespoon in a 10-liter bucket of water blue vitriol and 40-50 grams of laundry soap shavings. Then the diseased plants are sprayed.
It is also very good to spray seedlings with tincture of onion peel(approximately 20 g per liter, leave for 1 day).

When choosing varieties of radish for planting, preference should be given to resistant varieties to various diseases.
But once again we can repeat that it is better to take precautionary measures. And then the probability of diseases will decrease sharply.

Radish, like other delicious vegetable crops, often affected various pests- cruciferous flea, wireworm, etc.

It happens that tiny white worms overcome it, and then, having found out why the radish is wormy, gardeners take all measures to get rid of uninvited guests. Worms do not start up in radishes on their own: one of the main pests of cabbage, radish, turnips and other cruciferous plants, the cabbage fly, is to blame for this.

The cabbage fly looks like a house fly, but it is twice as small. During the breeding season, she lays eggs, from which larvae hatch - those who eat radishes in the ground, making many moves in root crops and making them unusable.

Eggs are laid in moist soil fertilized with manure or humus.

Worms feed on radish pulp for 3-5 weeks, after which they pupate and after 2-3 weeks turn into new cabbage flies.

If the pupae remain in the winter, the flies are born in the spring.

How to deal with the cabbage fly and its larvae

Finding out why wormy radish, we will learn how to scare away cabbage flies from planting, how to process the beds. The easiest way is to use chemical insecticides, but only light ones - heavy "chemistry" accumulates in fruits in the form of nitrates and does not have time to be removed.

Cabbage fly insecticides

If 5-10 eggs or larvae are seen on the radish, we process the plantings with any of the following means:

  • Karbofos. We breed 6 g of 50% "Karbofos" in a liter of water (enough for a hundred square meters) and spray the seedlings twice (the second time - in a week). The drug repels the fly, preventing it from laying eggs.
  • Zemlin. Contact-intestinal soil chemical that kills larvae. We mix 5 g of dry preparation with 50 g of sand (enough for processing square meter ridges) and bring into the ground before planting radishes to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The larvae die within a day.

Other chemical insecticides such as Iskra, Rovikurt, Thunder, Hexachlorana or Initiative will also help well against the cabbage fly.

Folk remedies for cabbage flies

Folk remedies, proven by more than one generation of gardeners, help to cope with eggs and larvae of cabbage flies:

  • Ammonia. We dissolve 5 ml of ammonia in 10 liters of water and water the soil as soon as we find wilting plants.
  • Ash. Noticing the flies circling over the plantings, we sprinkle the seedlings, after wetting them with water, dry wood ash every six days. To enhance the effect, you can mix it with the same amount of red pepper or shag.
  • burdock leaves. We insist for two days a mixture of 2.5 kg of chopped burdock greens and 8 liters of warm water. Filter and water the radishes.
  • Makhorka. We combine it with black pepper powder or slaked dry lime - 1 to 1. Sprinkle the soil around the plants with the composition.
  • blue vitriol. We dissolve a tablespoon of the product in a bucket of water with 1 tbsp. liquid tar soap, water the ridges and repeat watering after 3 weeks.
  • Naphthalene. We combine it with the same amount of sand and powder the soil 5 mm from the radish and pour 6 g under the root. We repeat the procedure every 8 days: it is performed immediately after the detection of clutches. After processing, those who eat radishes in the ground will not have time to hatch.
  • Valerian. We dissolve in 3 liters of warm water 40 ml of valerian and 2 tbsp. chopped laundry soap, pour out the bucket and add water to the top. After mixing the composition, we spray it with a young radish during the summer of a cabbage fly. Now you don’t have to puzzle over why radishes are wormy - there will be no worms.
  • table vinegar(70%). We dissolve 0.5 tbsp. vinegar essence in 10 liters of water and spray radish plantings.

In order not to worry about how to treat radishes from worms, you can do without chemical and organic methods of dealing with the cabbage fly. We buy mesh transparent covering material such as lutrasil and cover the ridges with radishes during the summer of flies.

We make sure that there are no gaps left, and the fly will not be able to get inside to lay eggs. In the rain, the canvas can be removed, but on fine days we leave it in place and, if you need to water the radish, water it directly through lutrasil.

To prevent the emergence of egg clutches of the cabbage fly, so that there are no questions why the wormy radish has become, several preventive agricultural measures can be taken.

  • Planting radishes every year in a different place.
  • Fertilizing the land with compost at least three years old.
  • Removal of plant residues from the site, whether it be tops or weeds.
  • Autumn digging of the future soil for planting to a depth of 1-1.5 bayonet spades.

You can also grow other garden and vegetable plants next to radishes. flower crops, scaring cabbage fly and protecting radish roots from being eaten by worms.

The best neighbors of radish, preventing the appearance of cabbage fly larvae

  • Marigold. Tagetes emits an unpleasant pungent odor that most insects do not like. We plant several plants directly on the ridge for radishes 2-3 weeks before sowing.
  • Sage, mint or rosemary. We plant fragrant herbs on radish beds a few weeks before sowing the vegetable, digging them right in the pots, cutting off the bottoms. This is to prevent the spread perennials all over the ridge.
  • Garlic. We plant garlic cloves in a ridge for radishes three weeks before sowing seeds every 15 cm with row spacing of 55-60 cm. Radish is sown in grooves cut in the middle of these row spacings.

Fragrant neighbors will play the role of repellents that scare away the cabbage fly and other harmful insects from radish ridges, and will contribute to obtaining good harvests.

Now it’s clear why the radish is wormy, what kind of white worms they destroy future harvest, and what insect is to blame for their appearance. If the worms have spoiled a lot of plants, be sure to remove and burn them without sending them to compost and without creating excellent conditions for the pupae of flies for wintering. It is better to take preventive measures right away than to experience grief after losing the lion's share of delicious vitamin vegetables.

The main pests of radishes are:

Fleas on radishes

Important! Chemicals it is advisable to apply only when more than 4 individuals settle on one plant.

You can decide what is better to spray a radish from a flea by studying the properties of these pesticides:

Note! When processing plants, be sure to wear protective equipment: goggles, gloves and a respirator.

Pests of radishes in the greenhouse

Insect pests can harm radish plantings not only in open ground but also in a greenhouse. Most often, in greenhouse conditions, radishes are attacked by cruciferous fleas. They gnaw on radish leaves, holes are formed in them. Sometimes beginner gardeners do not know what to do if through holes appear on the leaves of a radish with what to process. If there are black fleas on the radish, what to do to protect the plant.

You can fight fleas with pesticides, but it is better to use proven folk methods.

You can sprinkle tobacco dust, ground pepper or mustard between the beds. The same means of struggle are also used for preventive purposes.

tobacco dust

Folk remedies against pests

For example, if a cruciferous midge eats a radish, what to do in this case. Both in the open field and in the greenhouse, it can be fought with pepper, tobacco and ash.

Ash particles enter the respiratory tract, and the insects die. For prevention, plants are sprinkled with a mixture of lime and ash (1: 1) every 7 days.

If there are few pests, you can just crush the radish leaves with ashes a little.

Adding ashes

From the larvae of the garden scoop, tincture from potato tops helps well. Immediately before spraying, add 50 grams of laundry soap to the infusion. Processing is carried out in dry weather.

Thanks to such preventive measures, you can protect the radish from pests.