Mustard powder for dishwashing. How to clean a pot of carbon deposits

Greetings, dear lovers of a healthy lifestyle!

Yesterday I set up a "scientific experiment" in my kitchen - I used mustard powder for washing dishes. I recently read in one article that it is ecologically clean method, which was used by our ancestors even before the invention of any current harmful detergents.

Carried away, giving attention proper nutrition and the body, I have long thought about the fact that harmful substances get inside not only with food or poisoned air. We constantly come into contact with detergents, shampoos, soaps, and the like.

I go to food. My husband, I hope, will soon stop poisoning himself and those around him. I try to be in traffic jams as rarely as possible. If I have to cook something, I definitely ventilate the kitchen. All in all, it's time to find a healthy alternative to industrial poisons for cleaning, washing, washing, freshening, and so on.

Today I will tell you about a successful, in my opinion, alternative to any “Galam”, “Fairy” and similar crap. Environmentally friendly, cheap and efficient. Tested in your own kitchen!

Mustard powder and a sponge prepared for washing dishes

thanks kind person placed in social network post about the use of dry mustard for washing dishes! After reading the article, I dug into the content kitchen cabinets and found a bag long forgotten. I bought it for a long time, but I remember that it cost mere pennies.

She poured some powder into a bowl, took a regular sponge and began to wash the dishes.

The article wrote that the only thing in which mustard powder loses to dishwashing detergents is work only in warm water. V cold water it will not dissolve fat. So I used warm water.

I want to clarify that the water was exactly warm, not hot. In order to save energy, our boiler is set to the very minimum. Nevertheless, mustard powder showed itself from the very better side!

Plate lightly grated with mustard powder

I alternately rubbed them lightly on plates, forks, spoons, knives, a saucepan, cutting board, a frying pan, a greasy pan from the baked shank (there were guests the day before), and then rinsed with water. Everything was washed, and without difficulty.

The sensation of touching hands to dishes rubbed with mustard powder was pleasant. It is so very finely dispersed, delicate. But at the same time it well wipes off stuck or burnt food pieces.

Plate washed with mustard powder

The result of the experiment:

  • perfectly washed dishes,
  • low powder consumption,
  • soft hands (and worked without gloves),
  • lack of contact with household chemicals.
  • Yes, and one more thing - a minimum of water was spent on the whole procedure. This is important for me, since we live in a private house and instead of a city sewer, we have - cesspool... It fills up quickly and it is expensive to call a flusher. In this case, when washing dishes, no foam appears, which would have to be washed off for a long time. And there is no fear before harmful substances, because of which it would be necessary to rinse several times. Rinsing is faster than washing modern means for dish washing.

As a result, the bottle with "Gala" migrated under the sink (into the store), and the bowl with mustard powder "registered" in its place.

Try it at home. I think you will like it.

Next I want to experiment with replacing toothpaste with herbal powder and / or gray clay. Or is there some other clay used? In short, it will be necessary to study. Somehow, our ancestors brushed their teeth ... 🙂

Anyone who has their own experience in such matters or some theoretical information - write in the comments, please!

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It is quite problematic to clean a burnt pan from carbon deposits without using any means - burnt pieces of food firmly adhere to the walls and bottom of the dishes, and even after soaking they hardly lag behind. However, it is quite possible to cope with the problem using folk remedies available in every home: soda, mustard, salt, vinegar and even Activated carbon... How to do it?

When choosing a suitable method, you should pay attention to the material from which the dishes are made. So, for example, those methods that will help cleanse aluminum pan, may damage the coating on the pots and pans.

This method is suitable for cleaning enamelled, aluminum and stainless steel pans. Enamel must first be allowed to cool so that the enamel does not crack due to the sharp temperature drop.

The burnt container is filled cold water and set aside for a while. Then the liquid is poured and a large amount of salt is poured in so that it covers all the carbon deposits. Leave to soak for a while. As a rule, three hours is enough - after that, the bottom and walls can be easily cleaned with an ordinary kitchen sponge.

The pharmacy product will help wash aluminum, enamel and stainless steel dishes. This method will do an excellent job with the effects of burning milk.

Take several charcoal tablets, crush them to a powder state, pour the resulting product onto the bottom of the saucepan. After half an hour, pour it with cold water, leave it again for 30 minutes. After this time, the dishes can be washed as usual.

Powdered mustard can be used for peeling enameled pans... It will gently remove carbon deposits from the enamel and whiten it. You can also use mustard to clean dishes made of other materials or for washing dishes.

A handful of powder is diluted with a little water so that a thick gruel comes out. The resulting paste is applied to spots or the bottom, left for a couple of hours. During this time, the burn will soften and subsequently easily come off when cleaning with a sponge.

Another way is to dissolve mustard in water directly in the affected container and boil for an hour or two. Two tablespoons of powder will be enough for a medium saucepan. After boiling, it will be enough to simply rinse the dishes - all greasy or burnt traces will disappear.

You can replace mustard with whey - this completely natural product is also able to rid dishes made of aluminum, stainless steel or enamel from soot. The acids contained in it will help the stuck food to move away from the inner surfaces.

Serum is poured into the bottom of the burnt container so that it covers the carbon deposits, and left to soak for a day. After this time, the pan is washed with ordinary dish gel and a sponge.

The method using soda powder can be used if you need to clean not only the inner walls or bottom, but also the outer surfaces. The method is suitable for dishes made of aluminum, enamel, stainless steel.

You will need another pan, with a diameter larger than the affected one. It is filled with water and soda is dissolved in it - for 5 liters of water you need to put a whole pack of powder. Put on fire.

Remove all plastic parts from soiled dishes so that they do not melt, and then place them in a large container. After the water boils, you need to keep the entire structure on fire for another couple of hours. After that, turn off the gas, leave the dirty pan to soak in soda solution... When the liquid has cooled, the dishes should be removed and washed.

To the bottom aluminum cookware pour vinegar, cover the pan with a lid, leave for a couple of hours. After this period, the softened carbon deposits quite easily come off during normal washing.

The method is also suitable for enamelled containers.

This method can be safely used for pots made of stainless steel, enamelled or aluminum. It will help clean up light dirt.

The burnt container is filled hot water, dissolve a little dish gel there, or liquid soap... Put on fire, boil for a quarter of an hour. Allow the liquid to cool, then scrub using a sponge.

You can use soda without dyes (Sprite, 7up). Any of these liquids are poured into a burnt pan, left for an hour. In case of heavy dirt, to remove carbon deposits, it is better to boil the soda for about half an hour.


Ground coffee can be used to remove burnt milk stains. To do this, the thick is applied to the contaminated areas, left for a quarter of an hour, then cleaned off with a sponge.


If you put a burnt container in the freezer for an hour, the dirt can be removed without using any cleaning agents.

The main thing is not to expose the pan to hot water, but to use cold water. Excessive temperature changes can damage the cookware.

These affordable and inexpensive remedies can help restore the appearance of burnt dishes.

Mustard instead of regular dishwashing detergent

How do you wash the dishes? I am mustard. And now I will tell you about the advantages of why washing dishes with mustard is much better than traditional dishwashing detergents. Not so long ago, in Russia, they used this method of washing dishes, forgotten in our time.

Mustard can be used to wash fat from dishes. It is absolutely safe for health, unlike detergents, the remains of which remain on the dishes. Chemical detergents are not harmless. They don't go anywhere, they merge into the ground and go into groundwater... And we are deprived of fresh drinking water ...

You can buy mustard powder at the market or in the store, sprinkle on a plate (on greasy places), sprinkle water (a few drops), spread the powder, rinse. At the same time, the resulting water not only does not harm the Earth and your health, but can also be used as fertilizer and as a remedy for plant pests.

Mustard powder is used as an excellent environmentally friendly means for washing and cleaning dishes, removing greasy stains, washing of wool and silk products.

It is also an excellent means of killing garden pests. Mustard powder has bactericidal properties, it acts as a disinfectant on pathogens of some plant diseases.

Previously, mustard powder was used for washing dishes in canteens. What prompted the adoption of chemical innovations? Fashion? Unshakable faith in scientific and technological progress?

Many "novelties of our time" can be replaced with natural substances that are more useful and safe for all living things.

So, let's begin.

1) First. Security.

Traditional remedies dishwashing - unnatural for human nature.

This is clear to everyone, I hope. Read the composition of any detergent, then read the specifics of each component parts, and you will be horrified how dangerous they are for human health.

That is why today there are so many allergic diseases in many people.

Mustard is a natural substance, harmless, in other words, it is natural remedy for dish washing. This means that the risk of allergic reactions in humans is negligible. If you have eaten mustard at least once in your life (with dumplings, with jellied meat or with other dishes), then you will not have any allergies.

And as for the children ...

If you have a child, you probably want him to be healthy so that he does not have allergies. And you start looking in stores suitable remedy for washing children's dishes.

But remember - no chemistry is good for a child. Only natural, natural substances will not cause painful conditions in him.

And mustard powder is a real alternative to any chemistry if you want to find a detergent for washing baby dishes.

2) Second. Saving water.

Traditional detergents must be rinsed off with copious amounts of water - at least 50 liters of cold water per plate. Only after such a rinse, according to experts, it is possible to achieve complete removal of traces of chemical detergent from the dishes. Now count the number of dishes you wash in the kitchen every day and find out how much you have to pay for water to be healthy.

The mustard rinses off quickly. And even if there are microscopic traces of it on the dishes, there will be no harm to the body (you eat it, so do not be afraid for its remains on the dishes).

3) Third, efficiency.

Some marketers claim that only in-store detergents can provide best cleanliness your dishes, and various household dishwashing detergents are ineffective.

For many decades, mustard was used in the Soviet public catering specifically for washing dishes, this is real folk remedy for dish washing. My grandmother worked as a dishwasher in a canteen in the 70s. And they had mustard powder in special jars, from where they poured it for washing dirty dishes.

So, the efficiency in washing even greasy dishes of mustard powder is exactly the same as that of synthetic detergents.

4) Fourth. Cold water.

And here our mustard loses slightly. Synthetic detergents are effective even in cold water - they simply chemically break down fat molecules, very aggressively acting on them chemical composition... Imagine now how they can also aggressively affect the wall of the stomach or intestines if a person eats the remains of the product from the dishes.

But, you see, if hot water is constantly flowing in your tap, and the effectiveness of mustard and detergent is the same in it, then why poison your body with chemistry?

5) Fifth. Convenience.

Again, marketers are pushing the human psyche with the convenience of using dishwashing detergents. I pressed the jar, poured out a drop, and washed the dishes.

But with mustard it’s just as simple: pour in mustard, add a little water and wash the dishes.

Here's how I store mustard powder. I poured mustard powder into a jar of baby powder, only I made a little more holes in the lid than in the case of using the powder - this is so that the mustard powder spills out better.

Many housewives often think about how our grandmothers coped with household chores without the modern benefits of civilization. After all, there were neither plates nor dishwashers nor even dishwashing detergents. And here is a weighty argument! In the past, they used environmentally friendly bleaching, decontamination and degreasing products such as salt, soda and mustard powder. Here we will talk about him.

Why Mustard Powder?

The first reason to use dry mustard is because it is natural and edible. Therefore, even if a little product remains on the washed dishes, it is completely safe.

The second reason why it is worth washing dishes with mustard is its ability to deal with fat very well! Moreover, mustard is an excellent disinfectant; therefore, the dishes washed with dry powder are perfectly disinfected, have no smell, as well as no fat residues.

The third reason is the environmental friendliness of this product. In the process of washing dishes, no chemical vapors are released, which is not unimportant for health, especially if you are allergic!

The fourth reason for using dry mustard is considered to be significant savings. hot water! To wash away the soap detergent, it is necessary to rinse the dishes very thoroughly and repeatedly. In the case of mustard, everything is simple, it is easily washed off the surface of plates, pots, pans, leaving only a pleasant squeak of cleanliness.

And one more, fifth, very important reason for using mustard powder is the environmental friendliness of the product. Getting into wastewater, this remedy does not harm in any way environment, as opposed to chemical detergents. This is an absolutely safe and natural remedy.

How to wash dishes with mustard powder?

In order to wash dishes with dry mustard was convenient, there are several simple ways its use.

To wash the plates in the first way, you just need to take a convenient container. small size(for example, a soap dish or a box from under ear sticks), pour mustard powder into it and dip a dishwashing sponge into it.

The method is very simple, but there is a nuance - sometimes more powder than necessary is placed on the sponge, it just sticks to the wet sponge in pieces and then just rinses off the plate.

Method number two is another matter! You can use an empty bottle of used dishwashing detergent, fill it about a third running water and cover with dry mustard. According to the consistency, the gruel should be like 15% cream, moderately thick, and moderately liquid. To make it convenient to pour the mustard into the bottle, use a watering can, inserting it into the neck of the bottle, so the mustard will not wake up by.

In the third method, you do not have to wet the mustard. You need to take a container for bulk substances (for example, a salt shaker or baby powder), fill it with dry mustard and tighten the lid tightly. Using this method, it is enough to shake out the required amount of powder on a sponge for washing or directly on dirty dishes... Now it remains to be careful and not "add" mustard to your food.

The fourth method is combined. We will combine mustard with soda. Baking soda is also great at washing away grease and dirt, and neutralizing odors. The process of preparing such a product is very similar to the second method, only 1-2 tablespoons of soda must be added to the bottle together with mustard powder. Accordingly, the amount of water must be increased to obtain the desired consistency. However, do not get too carried away with soda, as its granules can easily ruin the dishes by scratching it.

As in previous cases, there is also one nuance here - you should not prepare a large amount of the mixture, since the product quickly disappears and acquires bad smell.

A dishwashing detergent like mustard powder is safe and effective, although it has its drawbacks.

  • Consumption. For a family of three or four people, where the dishes are washed after breakfast, lunch and dinner, the consumption of dry mustard will be rather big - 3-4 packs per week. Therefore, it is worth buying mustard with a stock, especially since the costs will be minimal.
  • Foam. Mustard powder will never foam up to pleasant soapy bubbles such as in chemicals for dish washing. Therefore, there will be no pleasant slipping of fingers and transfusion of bubbles.

But such minuses and minuses are difficult to name, except if you really find fault. In general, mustard dishwashing mixture has whole line merits and pluses.

So, from the above, we can draw a conclusion regarding the use of mustard powder as alternative remedy for dish washing.

  1. Naturalness;
  2. Efficiency;
  3. Budgetary;
  4. Environmental friendliness;
  5. Ease of use.

There is no doubt that mustard powder is the number one alternative to destructive chemicals. He will also take care of you and the environment.